changeset 0 b622defdfd98
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/minixsv/	Wed Jan 31 16:31:39 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+# minixsv, Release 0.3
+# file:
+# XML schema validator base class
+# history:
+# 2004-10-07 rl   created
+# Copyright (c) 2004 by Roland Leuthe.  All rights reserved.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# The minixsv XML schema validator is
+# Copyright (c) 2004 by Roland Leuthe
+# By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its
+# associated documentation, you agree that you have read, understood,
+# and will comply with the following terms and conditions:
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
+# its associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is
+# hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in
+# all copies, and that both that copyright notice and this permission
+# notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of
+# the author not be used in advertising or publicity
+# pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written
+# prior permission.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+from xsvalErrorHandler import *
+import xsvalSimpleTypes
+#  Validator class for validating one input file against one XML schema file
+class XsValBase:
+    def __init__(self, xmlIf, errorHandler):
+        self.xmlIf         = xmlIf
+        self.errorHandler  = errorHandler
+        self._raiseError   = self.errorHandler.raiseError
+        self._addError     = self.errorHandler.addError
+        self._addWarning   = self.errorHandler.addWarning
+        self.checkKeyrefList = []
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputTree against xsdTree
+    #
+    def validate (self, inputTree, xsdTree):
+        self.inputTree = inputTree
+        self.xsdTree   = xsdTree
+        self.xsdRoot     = self.xsdTree.getRootNode()
+        self.xsdNSAlias  = self.xmlIf.extractNamespaceAlias(self.xsdRoot.getTagName())
+        self.inputRoot    = self.inputTree.getRootNode()
+        self.inputNSAlias = self.xmlIf.extractNamespaceAlias(self.inputRoot.getTagName())
+        self.simpleTypeVal = xsvalSimpleTypes.XsSimpleTypeVal(self)
+        self._setupLookupTables()
+        inputRootTagName = self.inputRoot.getTagName()
+        inputRootLocalName = self.inputRoot.getLocalName()
+        if self.xsdElementDict.has_key(inputRootLocalName):
+            # start recursive schema validation
+            try:
+                self._checkElementTag (self.xsdElementDict[inputRootLocalName], inputRootTagName, (self.inputRoot,), 0)
+            except TagException, errInst:
+                self._addError (errInst.errstr, errInst.node, errInst.endTag)
+            # validate keyrefs
+            for inputElement, keyrefNode in self.checkKeyrefList:
+                self._checkKeyRefConstraint (keyrefNode, inputElement)
+        else:
+            self._raiseError ("Used root tag %s not found in schema file!" %(inputRootTagName), self.inputRoot)
+    ########################################
+    # setup lookup dictionaries used during validation
+    #
+    def _setupLookupTables (self):
+        # retrieve all elements
+        self.xsdElementDict = {}
+        for xsdTypeNode in self.xsdRoot.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "element"):
+            self.xsdElementDict[xsdTypeNode.getAttribute("name")] = xsdTypeNode
+        # retrieve all type definitions (complex and simple types)
+        self.xsdTypeDict = {}
+        for xsdTypeNode in self.xsdRoot.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "complexType"):
+            self.xsdTypeDict[xsdTypeNode.getAttribute("name")] = xsdTypeNode
+        for xsdTypeNode in self.xsdRoot.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "simpleType"):
+            self.xsdTypeDict[xsdTypeNode.getAttribute("name")] = xsdTypeNode
+        # retrieve all group definitions
+        self.xsdGroupDict = {}
+        for xsdTypeNode in self.xsdRoot.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "group"):
+            self.xsdGroupDict[xsdTypeNode.getAttribute("name")] = xsdTypeNode
+        # retrieve all attribute group definitions
+        self.xsdAttributeGroupDict = {}
+        for xsdTypeNode in self.xsdRoot.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "attributeGroup"):
+            self.xsdAttributeGroupDict[xsdTypeNode.getAttribute("name")] = xsdTypeNode
+        # retrieve all identity constraints
+        self.xsdIdentityConstrDict = {}
+        for identConstrTagName in ("unique", "key", "keyref"):
+            identConstrNodeList = self.xsdRoot.getElementsByTagNameNS (self.xsdNSAlias, identConstrTagName)
+            for identConstrNode in identConstrNodeList:
+                identConstrName = identConstrNode.getAttribute("name")
+                if not self.xsdIdentityConstrDict.has_key(identConstrName):
+                    self.xsdIdentityConstrDict[identConstrName] = {"Node": identConstrNode, "ValueDict":{}}
+                else:
+                    self._raiseError ("Duplicate identity constraint name '%s' found in schema definition!" %(identConstrName), identConstrNode)
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputElement against complexType node
+    #
+    def _checkComplexTypeTag (self, xsdParentElementNode, xsdElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType=None):
+        baseTypeAttributes = {"__SPECIAL_ATTRS__":{}}
+        if xsdParentElementNode.getAttribute ("nillable") == "true":
+            baseTypeAttributes["__SPECIAL_ATTRS__"]["nil"] = "xsd:boolean"
+        complexContentElement = xsdElement.getFirstChildNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "complexContent")
+        if complexContentElement != None:
+            inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes = self._checkComplexContentTag (xsdParentElementNode, complexContentElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes)
+        else:
+            inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes = self._checkComplexTypeContent (xsdElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes)
+        return inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes
+    def _checkComplexContentTag (self, xsdParentElementNode, xsdElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes):
+        extensionElement = xsdElement.getFirstChildNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "extension")
+        if extensionElement != None:
+            inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes = self._checkExtensionComplexContent (xsdParentElementNode, extensionElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes)
+        else:
+            restrictionElement = xsdElement.getFirstChildNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "restriction")
+            if restrictionElement != None:
+                inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes = self._checkRestrictionComplexContent (xsdParentElementNode, restrictionElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes)
+        return inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes
+    def _checkExtensionComplexContent (self, xsdParentElementNode, xsdElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes):
+        baseType = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(xsdElement.getAttribute("base"))
+        inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes = self._checkComplexTypeTag (xsdParentElementNode, self.xsdTypeDict[baseType], inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, "extension")
+        inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes = self._checkComplexTypeContent (xsdElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes)
+        return inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes
+    def _checkRestrictionComplexContent (self, xsdParentElementNode, xsdElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes):
+        # first check against base type (retrieve only the base type attributes)
+        baseType = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(xsdElement.getAttribute("base"))
+        inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes = self._checkComplexTypeTag (xsdParentElementNode, self.xsdTypeDict[baseType], inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, "restriction")
+        # then check input against derived complex type
+        inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes = self._checkComplexTypeContent (xsdElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes)
+        return inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes
+    def _checkComplexTypeContent (self, xsdElement, inputElement, inputElementChildIndex, usedAsBaseType, baseTypeAttributes):
+        inputTagName = inputElement.getTagName()
+        childTags = inputElement.getChildren()
+        if usedAsBaseType in (None, "extension"):
+            validChildTags = xsdElement.getChildren()
+            for validChildTag in validChildTags:
+                if validChildTag.getLocalName() not in ("attribute", "attributeGroup", "anyAttribute"):
+                    inputElementChildIndex = self._checkParticle (validChildTag, inputElement, childTags, inputElementChildIndex)
+            if usedAsBaseType == None and inputElementChildIndex < len (childTags):
+                self._addError ("Unexpected child tag '%s' in tag '%s' found!" %(childTags[inputElementChildIndex].getTagName(), inputTagName), childTags[inputElementChildIndex])
+        if usedAsBaseType in (None,):
+            self._checkAttributeTags (xsdElement, inputElement, baseTypeAttributes)
+        if usedAsBaseType in ("restriction", "extension"):
+            validAttributes = xsdElement.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "attribute")
+            for validAttrGroup in xsdElement.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "attributeGroup"):
+                attributeGroupRef = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(validAttrGroup.getAttribute("ref"))
+                validAttributes.extend (self.xsdAttributeGroupDict[attributeGroupRef].getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "attribute"))
+            for validAttribute in validAttributes:
+                baseTypeAttributes[validAttribute.getAttribute("name")] = validAttribute
+        return inputElementChildIndex, baseTypeAttributes
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputNodeList against xsdNode
+    #
+    def _checkList (self, elementMethod, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex):
+        if not xsdNode.hasAttribute("minOccurs"):
+            xsdNode.setAttribute("minOccurs", "1") # default
+        if not xsdNode.hasAttribute("maxOccurs"):
+            xsdNode.setAttribute("maxOccurs", "1") # default
+        minOccurs = string.atoi(xsdNode.getAttribute("minOccurs"))
+        maxOccurs = -1
+        if xsdNode.getAttribute("maxOccurs") != "unbounded":
+            maxOccurs = string.atoi(xsdNode.getAttribute("maxOccurs"))
+        occurs = 0
+        while maxOccurs == -1 or occurs < maxOccurs:
+            try:
+                newIndex = elementMethod (xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+                occurs += 1
+                if newIndex > currIndex:
+                    currIndex = newIndex
+                else:
+                    break # no suitable element found
+            except TagException, errInst:
+                break
+        if occurs == 0 and minOccurs > 0:
+            raise errInst
+        elif occurs < minOccurs:
+            expInputTagName = xsdNode.getAttribute("name")
+            if expInputTagName == None:
+                expInputTagName = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(xsdNode.getAttribute("ref"))
+            errInst.errstr = "Minimum number (%d) of child tags '%s' in tag '%s' not available (only %d)!" %(minOccurs, expInputTagName, inputParentNode.getTagName(), occurs)
+            raise errInst
+        return currIndex
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputNode against element node
+    #
+    def _checkElementTag (self, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex):
+        if xsdNode.hasAttribute("ref"):
+            refAttr = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(xsdNode.getAttribute("ref"))
+            currIndex = self._checkElementTag (self.xsdElementDict[refAttr], inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        else:
+            nameAttr = xsdNode.getAttribute ("name")
+            if currIndex >= len (inputNodeList):
+                raise TagException ("Missing child tag '%s' in tag '%s'!" %(nameAttr, inputParentNode.getTagName()), inputParentNode, 1)
+            inputNode = inputNodeList[currIndex]
+            if nameAttr != inputNode.getLocalName():
+                raise TagException ("Missing child tag '%s' in tag '%s'!" %(nameAttr, inputParentNode.getTagName()), inputNode, 0)
+            simpleType = None
+            complexTypeNode = xsdNode.getFirstChildNS (self.xsdNSAlias, "complexType")
+            simpleTypeNode  = xsdNode.getFirstChildNS (self.xsdNSAlias, "simpleType")
+            if xsdNode.hasAttribute("type"):
+                typeAttr = xsdNode.getAttribute ("type")
+                localTypeAttr = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(typeAttr)
+                if self.xsdTypeDict.has_key (localTypeAttr) and self.xsdTypeDict[localTypeAttr].getLocalName() == "complexType":
+                    complexTypeNode = self.xsdTypeDict[localTypeAttr]
+                else:
+                    simpleType = typeAttr
+            if complexTypeNode != None:
+                try:
+                    self._checkComplexTypeTag (xsdNode, complexTypeNode, inputNode, 0)
+                except TagException, errInst:
+                    self._addError (errInst.errstr, errInst.node, errInst.endTag)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    simpleTypeReturnDict = {}
+                    if simpleTypeNode != None:
+                        self.simpleTypeVal.checkSimpleTypeDef (simpleTypeNode, inputNode.getTagName(), inputNode.getElementValue(), simpleTypeReturnDict)
+                    elif simpleType != None:
+                        self.simpleTypeVal.checkSimpleType (inputNode.getTagName(), simpleType, inputNode.getElementValue(), simpleTypeReturnDict)
+                    # TODO: What to check if np type is specified for the element?
+                    if simpleTypeReturnDict.has_key("adaptedAttrValue"):
+                        inputNode.setElementValue(simpleTypeReturnDict["adaptedAttrValue"])
+                except xsvalSimpleTypes.SimpleTypeError, errstr:
+                    self._addError (str(errstr), inputNode)
+            currIndex += 1
+            # check unique attributes and keys
+            childUniqueDefList = xsdNode.getChildrenNS (self.xsdNSAlias, "unique")
+            for childUniqueDef in childUniqueDefList:
+                self._checkIdentityConstraint (childUniqueDef, inputNode, "unique")
+            childKeyDefList = xsdNode.getChildrenNS (self.xsdNSAlias, "key")
+            for childKeyDef in childKeyDefList:
+                self._checkIdentityConstraint (childKeyDef, inputNode, "key")
+            childKeyrefDefList = xsdNode.getChildrenNS (self.xsdNSAlias, "keyref")
+            for childKeyrefDef in childKeyrefDefList:
+                self.checkKeyrefList.append ((inputNode, childKeyrefDef))
+        return currIndex
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputNode against sequence node
+    #
+    def _checkSequenceTag (self, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex):
+        for xsdChildNode in xsdNode.getChildren():
+            currIndex = self._checkParticle (xsdChildNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        return currIndex
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputNode against choice node
+    #
+    def _checkChoiceTag (self, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex):
+        for xsdChildNode in xsdNode.getChildren():
+            try:
+                currIndex = self._checkParticle (xsdChildNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+                break
+            except TagException, errInst:
+                pass
+        else:
+            if currIndex < len(inputNodeList):
+                currNode = inputNodeList[currIndex]
+                endTag = 0
+            else:
+                currNode = inputParentNode
+                endTag = 1
+            raise TagException ("No suitable child tag for choice found!", currNode, endTag)
+        return currIndex
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputNode against group node
+    #
+    def _checkGroupTag (self, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex):
+        if xsdNode.hasAttribute("ref"):
+            refAttr = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(xsdNode.getAttribute("ref"))
+            currIndex = self._checkGroupTag (self.xsdGroupDict[refAttr], inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        else:
+            for xsdChildNode in xsdNode.getChildren():
+                currIndex = self._checkParticle (xsdChildNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        return currIndex
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputNode against all node
+    #
+    def _checkAllTag (self, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex):
+        oldIndex = currIndex
+        xsdChildDict = {}
+        for xsdChildNode in xsdNode.getChildren():
+            xsdChildDict[xsdChildNode] = 0
+        while currIndex < len(inputNodeList):
+            currNode = inputNodeList[currIndex]
+            for xsdChildNode in xsdChildDict.keys():
+                try:
+                    newIndex = self._checkParticle (xsdChildNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+                except TagException, errInst:
+                    continue
+                if xsdChildDict[xsdChildNode] == 0:
+                    xsdChildDict[xsdChildNode] = 1
+                    currIndex = newIndex
+                    break
+                else:
+                    raise TagException ("Ambiguous child tag '%s' found in all-group!" %(currNode.getTagName()), currNode)
+            else:
+                raise TagException ("Unexpected child tag '%s' for all-group found!" %(currNode.getTagName()), currNode)
+        for xsdChildNode, occurs in xsdChildDict.items():
+           if xsdChildNode.getAttribute("minOccurs") != "0" and occurs == 0:
+               raise TagException ("Child tag '%s' missing in all-group (%s)" %(xsdChildNode.getAttribute("name"), inputParentNode.getTagName()), inputNodeList[oldIndex])
+        return currIndex
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputNode against any node
+    #
+    def _checkAnyTag (self, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex):
+        processContents = xsdNode.getAttribute("processContents")
+        if processContents == "skip":
+            pass
+        elif processContents == "lax":
+            # TODO: Was muss hier gecheckt werden?
+            pass
+        elif processContents == "strict":
+            # TODO: Was muss hier gecheckt werden?
+            pass
+        if currIndex < len(inputNodeList):
+            currIndex = currIndex + 1
+        return currIndex
+    ########################################
+    # validate inputNode against particle
+    #
+    def _checkParticle (self, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex):
+        xsdTagName = xsdNode.getTagName()
+        if xsdTagName == self.xsdNSAlias + "element":
+            currIndex = self._checkList (self._checkElementTag, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        elif xsdTagName == self.xsdNSAlias + "choice":
+            currIndex = self._checkList (self._checkChoiceTag, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        elif xsdTagName == self.xsdNSAlias + "sequence":
+            currIndex = self._checkList (self._checkSequenceTag, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        elif xsdTagName == self.xsdNSAlias + "group":
+            currIndex = self._checkList (self._checkGroupTag, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        elif xsdTagName == self.xsdNSAlias + "all":
+            currIndex = self._checkList (self._checkAllTag, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        elif xsdTagName == self.xsdNSAlias + "any":
+            currIndex = self._checkList (self._checkAnyTag, xsdNode, inputParentNode, inputNodeList, currIndex)
+        elif xsdTagName == self.xsdNSAlias + "annotation":
+            pass # nothing to check
+        else:
+            self._addError ("Internal error: Invalid tag %s found!" %(xsdTagName))
+        return currIndex
+    ########################################
+    # validate attributes of inputNode against complexType node
+    #
+    def _checkAttributeTags (self, xsdNode, inputNode, validAttrDict):
+        validAttributes = xsdNode.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "attribute")
+        for validAttrGroup in xsdNode.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "attributeGroup"):
+            attributeGroupRef = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(validAttrGroup.getAttribute("ref"))
+            validAttributes.extend (self.xsdAttributeGroupDict[attributeGroupRef].getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "attribute"))
+        for validAttribute in validAttributes:
+            if validAttribute.hasAttribute("name"):
+                keyAttr = validAttribute.getAttribute("name")
+            else:
+                keyAttr = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(validAttribute.getAttribute("ref"))
+            validAttrDict[keyAttr] = validAttribute
+        inputAttrDict = {}
+        for iAttrName, iAttrValue in inputNode.getAttributeDict().items():
+            if self.xmlIf.extractNamespaceAlias (iAttrName) != "xmlns:" and iAttrName != "xmlns":
+                inputAttrDict[self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(iAttrName)] = iAttrValue
+        for attrKey, validAttribute in validAttrDict.items():
+            # handle special attributes, e.g. xsi:nil
+            if attrKey == "__SPECIAL_ATTRS__":
+                for specialAttrName, specialAttrType in validAttribute.items():
+                    if inputAttrDict.has_key(specialAttrName):
+                        simpleTypeReturnDict = {}
+                        try:
+                            self.simpleTypeVal.checkSimpleType (specialAttrName, specialAttrType, inputAttrDict[specialAttrName], simpleTypeReturnDict)
+                        except xsvalSimpleTypes.SimpleTypeError, errstr:
+                            self._addError (str(errstr), inputNode)
+                        del inputAttrDict[specialAttrName]
+                continue
+            attrDict = validAttribute.getAttributeDict()
+            if attrDict.has_key("ref"):
+                # TODO: What to do here??
+                attrRef = self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(attrDict["ref"])
+                if inputAttrDict.has_key(attrRef):
+                    del inputAttrDict[attrRef]
+            else:
+                attrName = attrDict["name"]
+                if not attrDict.has_key("use"):
+                    attrDict["use"] = "optional"
+                if inputAttrDict.has_key(attrName):
+                    del inputAttrDict[attrName]
+                else:
+                    if attrDict["use"] == "required":
+                        self._addError ("Attribute '%s' is missing for tag %s!" %(attrName, inputNode.getTagName()), inputNode)
+                    elif attrDict["use"] == "optional":
+                        if attrDict.has_key("default"):
+                            inputNode.setAttribute(attrName, attrDict["default"])
+                if attrDict.has_key("fixed"):
+                    if inputNode.getAttribute(attrName) != attrDict["fixed"]:
+                        self._addError ("Attribute '%s' must have fixed value '%s'!" %(attrName, attrDict["fixed"]), inputNode)
+                if inputNode.hasAttribute(attrName):
+                    if attrDict["use"] == "prohibited":
+                        self._addError ("Attribute '%s' is prohibited in this context!" %(attrName), inputNode)
+                    else:
+                        attributeValue = inputNode.getAttribute(attrName)
+                        try:
+                            simpleTypeReturnDict = {}
+                            if attrDict.has_key("type"):
+                                self.simpleTypeVal.checkSimpleType (attrName, attrDict["type"], attributeValue, simpleTypeReturnDict)
+                            else:
+                                typedefNode = validAttribute.getFirstChildNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "simpleType")
+                                if typedefNode != None:
+                                    self.simpleTypeVal.checkSimpleTypeDef (typedefNode, attrName, attributeValue, simpleTypeReturnDict)
+                                else:
+                                    pass    # default if no type attribute is specified
+                            if simpleTypeReturnDict.has_key("adaptedAttrValue"):
+                                inputNode.setAttribute(attrName, simpleTypeReturnDict["adaptedAttrValue"])
+                        except xsvalSimpleTypes.SimpleTypeError, errstr:
+                            self._addError (str(errstr), inputNode)
+        for inputAttribute in inputAttrDict.keys():
+            # TODO: adapt for using namespaces!!
+            if self.xmlIf.extractLocalName(inputAttribute) in ("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "schemaLocation"):
+                del inputAttrDict[inputAttribute]
+        for inputAttribute in inputAttrDict.keys():
+            if inputAttribute == "nil":
+                self._addError ("Tag '%s' hasn't been defined as nillable!" %(inputNode.getTagName()), inputNode)
+            else:
+                self._addError ("Unexpected attribute '%s' in Tag '%s'!" %(inputAttribute, inputNode.getTagName()), inputNode)
+    ########################################
+    # validate unique and key definition
+    #
+    def _checkIdentityConstraint (self, identityConstrNode, inputElement, isKey):
+        identConstrName = identityConstrNode.getAttribute ("name")
+        selectorXPathNode = identityConstrNode.getFirstChildNS (self.xsdNSAlias, "selector")
+        selectorNodeList, dummy = self._getXPath (inputElement, selectorXPathNode.getAttribute("xpath"), self.inputNSAlias)
+        valueDict = {}
+        for selectorNode in selectorNodeList:
+            fieldXPathNodeList = identityConstrNode.getChildrenNS (self.xsdNSAlias, "field")
+            keyValue = []
+            for fieldXPathNode in fieldXPathNodeList:
+                fieldXPath = fieldXPathNode.getAttribute("xpath")
+                fieldNodeList, fieldAttributeList = self._getXPath (selectorNode, fieldXPath, self.inputNSAlias, isKey)
+                if len(fieldNodeList) > 1 or len(fieldAttributeList) > 1:
+                    self._addError ("The field xPath of identity constraint '%s' must evaluate to exactly 0 or 1 node!" %(identConstrName), fieldXPathNode)
+                    return
+                # TODO: unique and key check currently only on string base
+                for fieldNode in fieldNodeList:
+                    keyValue.append (fieldNode.getElementValue ())
+                for attrValue in fieldAttributeList:
+                    keyValue.append (attrValue)
+            if keyValue != []:
+                keyValue = tuple(keyValue)
+                if not valueDict.has_key (keyValue):
+                    valueDict[keyValue] = 1
+                    self.xsdIdentityConstrDict[identConstrName]["ValueDict"][keyValue] = 1
+                else:
+                    self._addError ("Duplicate identity constraint values '%s' found for identity contraint '%s'!" %(keyValue, identConstrName), selectorNode)
+    ########################################
+    # validate unique and key definition
+    #
+    def _checkKeyRefConstraint (self, keyrefNode, inputElement):
+        keyRefName = keyrefNode.getAttribute ("name")
+        keyReference = keyrefNode.getAttribute ("refer")
+        if not self.xsdIdentityConstrDict.has_key (keyReference):
+            self._addError ("keyref refers unknown key '%s'!" %(keyReference), keyrefNode)
+            return
+        selectorXPathNode = keyrefNode.getFirstChildNS (self.xsdNSAlias, "selector")
+        selectorNodeList, dummy = self._getXPath (inputElement, selectorXPathNode.getAttribute("xpath"), self.inputNSAlias)
+        for selectorNode in selectorNodeList:
+            fieldXPathNodeList = keyrefNode.getChildrenNS(self.xsdNSAlias, "field")
+            keyValue = []
+            for fieldXPathNode in fieldXPathNodeList:
+                fieldXPath = fieldXPathNode.getAttribute("xpath")
+                fieldNodeList, fieldAttributeList = self._getXPath (selectorNode, fieldXPath, self.inputNSAlias, "keyref")
+                if len(fieldNodeList) > 1 or len(fieldAttributeList) > 1:
+                    self._addError ("The field xPath of keyref '%s' must evaluate to exactly 0 or 1 node!" %(keyRefName), fieldXPathNode)
+                    return
+                # TODO: unique and key check currently only on string base
+                for fieldNode in fieldNodeList:
+                    keyValue.append(fieldNode.getElementValue())
+                for attrValue in fieldAttributeList:
+                    keyValue.append(attrValue)
+            keyValue = tuple(keyValue)
+            if not self.xsdIdentityConstrDict[keyReference]["ValueDict"].has_key (keyValue):
+                self._addError ("Element value '%s' does not match key type '%s'!" %(keyValue, keyReference), selectorNode)
+    ########################################
+    # retrieve nodes/attributes specified by given xPath
+    #
+    def _getXPath (self, node, xPath, defaultNamespace, identityConstraint=None):
+        try:
+            nodeList, attributeList = node.getXPathList (xPath, defaultNamespace)
+        except IOError, errstr:
+            self._addError (errstr, node)
+            nodeList = attributeList = []
+        if nodeList == [] and attributeList == []:
+            if identityConstraint == "key":
+                self.errorHandler.addError ("Key is missing! XPath = '%s'!" %(xPath), node)
+            elif identityConstraint in ("unique", "keyref"):
+                self.errorHandler.addWarning ("Identity constraint is missing! XPath = '%s'!" %(xPath), node)
+        return nodeList, attributeList
+# define own exception for XML schema validation errors
+class TagException (StandardError):
+    def __init__ (self, errstr="", node=None, endTag=0):
+        self.node   = node
+        self.errstr = errstr
+        self.endTag = endTag
+        StandardError.__init__(self)