changeset 284 6cf858411d3a
parent 167 893ff98ab3be
child 291 e580c945c62a
--- a/	Fri Oct 17 16:22:15 2008 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Oct 24 16:39:32 2008 +0200
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
 # Get definitions
 from plcopen.structures import *
+if len(sys.argv) != 2 :
+    print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " path_name\n -> create files in path_name"
+    sys.exit(0)
 #import pprint
 #pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@
     symbol_c *%(input_name)s_type_symbol = search_expression_type->get_type(%(input_name)s_param_value);
     last_type_symbol = last_type_symbol && search_expression_type->is_same_type(%(input_name)s_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) ? search_expression_type->common_type(%(input_name)s_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) : %(input_name)s_type_symbol ;
             for ParamType,NextParamDecl in ParamTypes.iteritems():
                 res += """    
@@ -167,6 +171,7 @@
     "if_good_type_code":recurse_and_indent(NextParamDecl,indent,do_type_search_only).replace('\n','\n    ')}
             res += """    
@@ -176,6 +181,46 @@
         res = "\n"
+        if not do_type_search_only:
+            code_gen = eval(fdecl["python_eval_c_code_format"])
+            if code_gen[1] is not None:
+                res += "function_name = (symbol_c*)(new pragma_c(\"%s\"));\n"%code_gen[1]
+            if fdecl["extensible"]:
+                res += """
+char nb_param_str[10];
+sprintf(nb_param_str, "%d", nb_param);
+ADD_PARAM_LIST((symbol_c*)(new integer_c(nb_param_str)), (symbol_c*)(new int_type_name_c()), function_param_iterator_c::direction_in)
+            for paramname,paramtype,unused in fdecl["inputs"]:
+                res += "ADD_PARAM_LIST(%(input_name)s_param_value, %(input_name)s_type_symbol, function_param_iterator_c::direction_in)\n"%{"input_name" : paramname}
+            if fdecl["extensible"]:
+                res += """
+int base_num = %d;
+symbol_c *param_value = NULL;
+    char my_name[10];
+    sprintf(my_name, "IN%%d", base_num++);
+    identifier_c param_name(my_name);
+    /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
+    param_value =;
+    /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
+    if (param_value == NULL)
+      param_value =;
+    if (param_value != NULL){
+        symbol_c *current_type_symbol = search_expression_type->get_type(param_value);
+        last_type_symbol = last_type_symbol && search_expression_type->is_same_type(current_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) ? search_expression_type->common_type(current_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) : current_type_symbol ;
+        /*Function specific CODE */
+        ADD_PARAM_LIST(param_value, current_type_symbol, function_param_iterator_c::direction_in)
+    }
+}while(param_value != NULL);
+"""%(fdecl["baseinputnumber"] + 2)
         result_type_rule = fdecl["return_type_rule"]
         res += {
             "copy_input" : "symbol_c * return_type_symbol = last_type_symbol;\n",
@@ -183,64 +228,14 @@
             }.get(result_type_rule, "symbol_c * return_type_symbol = %s;\n"%result_type_rule)
         if not do_type_search_only:
-            code_gen = eval(fdecl["python_eval_c_code_format"])
-            code_gen_dic_decl = {}
-            for paramname,paramtype,unused in fdecl["inputs"]:
-                code_gen_dic_decl[paramname+"_value"] = '");\n%s_param_value->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'%(paramname)
-                code_gen_dic_decl[paramname+"_type"] = '");\n%s_type_symbol->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'%(paramname)
-            code_gen_dic_decl["return_type"] = '");\nreturn_type_symbol->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'
-            code_gen_dic_decl["param_count"] = '");\ns4o.print_integer(nb_param);\ns4o.print("'
-            code_gen_dic_decl["common_type"] = '");\nlast_type_symbol->accept(*this);\ns4o.print("'
-            code_gen_dic_decl["start_bool_filter"] = '");\nif (search_expression_type->is_bool_type(last_type_symbol))\n  s4o.print("('
-            code_gen_dic_decl["end_bool_filter"] = '");\nif (search_expression_type->is_bool_type(last_type_symbol)) {\n  s4o.print("&1");\n  s4o.print(")");\n}\ns4o.print("'
-            if type(code_gen) == type(tuple()):
-                res += 's4o.indent_right();\n'
-                res += 's4o.print("%s\\n" + s4o.indent_spaces);\n'%(code_gen[0]%code_gen_dic_decl)
-                static_param_accept_list = []
-                for paramname,paramtype,unused in fdecl["inputs"]:
-                    static_param_accept_list.append("%s_param_value->accept(*this);\n"%(paramname))
-                res += ('s4o.print("%s\\n" + s4o.indent_spaces);\n'%(code_gen[1])).join(static_param_accept_list)
-                code = 's4o.print("%s\\n" + s4o.indent_spaces);\nparam_value->accept(*this);\n'%(code_gen[1])
-                end_code = 's4o.print("%s");\ns4o.indent_left();\nreturn NULL;\n'%(code_gen[2]%code_gen_dic_decl)
-            else:
-                code = ''
-                end_code = ('s4o.print("' + code_gen%code_gen_dic_decl + '");\nreturn NULL;\n').replace('s4o.print("");\n','')
-            if fdecl["extensible"]:
-                res += ("""
-int base_num = %d;
-symbol_c *param_value = NULL;
-    char my_name[10];
-    sprintf(my_name, "IN%%d", base_num++);
-    identifier_c param_name(my_name);
-    /* Get the value from a foo(<param_name> = <param_value>) style call */
-    param_value =;
-    /* Get the value from a foo(<param_value>) style call */
-    if (param_value == NULL)
-      param_value =;
-    if (param_value != NULL){
-        symbol_c *current_type_symbol = search_expression_type->get_type(param_value);
-        last_type_symbol = last_type_symbol && search_expression_type->is_same_type(current_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) ? search_expression_type->common_type(current_type_symbol, last_type_symbol) : current_type_symbol ;
-        /*Function specific CODE */
-        %s
-    }
-}while(param_value != NULL);
-"""%(fdecl["baseinputnumber"]+2, code.replace('\n','\n        '), end_code))
-            else:
-                #res += code + end_code
-                res += end_code
+            if code_gen[0] is not None:
+                res += "function_type_prefix = %s;\n"%{"return_type" : "return_type_symbol"}.get(code_gen[0], "(symbol_c*)(new pragma_c(\"%s\"))"%code_gen[0])
+            if code_gen[2] is not None:
+                res += "function_type_suffix = %s_symbol;\n"%{"common_type" : "last_type"}.get(code_gen[2], code_gen[2])
+            res += "break;\n"
             res += "return return_type_symbol;\n"
         return res.replace('\n','\n'+indent)
@@ -336,7 +331,6 @@
     case function_none :
-return NULL;
@@ -369,7 +363,6 @@
     case function_none :
-return NULL;
@@ -379,10 +372,20 @@
 search_type_code = matiec_header + """
-void *compute_standard_function_st(function_invocation_c *symbol) {
-  function_type_t current_function_type = get_function_type((identifier_c *)symbol->function_name);
-  function_call_param_iterator_c function_call_param_iterator(symbol);
+void *compute_standard_function_default(function_invocation_c *st_symbol = NULL, il_formal_funct_call_c *il_symbol = NULL) {
+  function_type_t current_function_type;
+  function_call_param_iterator_c *tmp_function_call_param_iterator;
+  if (st_symbol != NULL && il_symbol == NULL) {
+    current_function_type = get_function_type((identifier_c *)st_symbol->function_name);
+    tmp_function_call_param_iterator = new function_call_param_iterator_c(st_symbol);
+  }
+  else if (st_symbol == NULL && il_symbol != NULL) {
+    current_function_type = get_function_type((identifier_c *)il_symbol->function_name);
+    tmp_function_call_param_iterator = new function_call_param_iterator_c(il_symbol);
+  }
+  else
+    ERROR;
+  function_call_param_iterator_c function_call_param_iterator(*tmp_function_call_param_iterator);
   search_expression_type_c* search_expression_type = this;
@@ -487,10 +490,6 @@
-if len(sys.argv) != 2 :
-    print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + "path_name\n -> create files in path_name"
-    sys.exit(0)
 # Now, print that out, or write to files from sys.argv
 for path, name, ext in [