changeset 389 6a72016d721a
parent 370 23af12b5a9fb
child 391 07447ee3538e
--- a/	Fri Jul 24 11:55:46 2009 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Jul 24 12:29:48 2009 +0200
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@
                 max_value = basetype_content["value"].range.getupper()
                 datatype_def += [(basetype_name, (tagname, "base")),
                                  (" (", ()),
-                                 ("%d"%min_value, (tagname, "lower")),
+                                 ("%s"%min_value, (tagname, "lower")),
                                  ("..", ()),
-                                 ("%d"%max_value, (tagname, "upper")),
+                                 ("%s"%max_value, (tagname, "upper")),
             # Data type is an enumerated type
             elif basetype_content["name"] == "enum":
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@
                 # Array derived directly from an elementary type 
                     basetype_name = base_type["name"]
-                dimensions = [[("%d"%dimension.getlower(), (tagname, "range", i, "lower")),
+                dimensions = [[("%s"%dimension.getlower(), (tagname, "range", i, "lower")),
                                ("..", ()),
-                               ("%d"%dimension.getupper(), (tagname, "range", i, "upper"))] 
+                               ("%s"%dimension.getupper(), (tagname, "range", i, "upper"))] 
                               for i, dimension in enumerate(basetype_content["value"].getdimension())]
                 datatype_def += [("ARRAY [", ())]
                 datatype_def += JoinList([(",", ())], dimensions)
@@ -356,16 +356,19 @@
             # Interval argument if exists
             interval = task.getinterval()
             if interval:
-                resrce += [("INTERVAL := t#", ())]
-                if interval.hour != 0:
-                    resrce += [("%dh"%interval.hour, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "hour"))]
-                if interval.minute != 0:
-                    resrce += [("%dm"%interval.minute, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "minute"))]
-                if interval.second != 0:
-                    resrce += [("%ds"%interval.second, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "second"))]
-                if interval.microsecond != 0:
-                    resrce += [("%dms"%(interval.microsecond / 1000), (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "millisecond"))]
-                resrce += [(",", ())]
+                resrce += [("INTERVAL := ", ()),
+                           (interval, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval")),
+                           (",", ())]
+##                resrce += [("INTERVAL := t#", ())]
+##                if interval.hour != 0:
+##                    resrce += [("%dh"%interval.hour, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "hour"))]
+##                if interval.minute != 0:
+##                    resrce += [("%dm"%interval.minute, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "minute"))]
+##                if interval.second != 0:
+##                    resrce += [("%ds"%interval.second, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "second"))]
+##                if interval.microsecond != 0:
+##                    resrce += [("%dms"%(interval.microsecond / 1000), (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "millisecond"))]
+##                resrce += [(",", ())]
             # Priority argument
             resrce += [("PRIORITY := ", ()), 
                        ("%d"%task.getpriority(), (tagname, "task", task_number, "priority")),
@@ -380,7 +383,7 @@
                            (" WITH ", ()),
                            (task.getname(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "task")),
                            (" : ", ()),
-                           (instance.gettype(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "type")),
+                           (instance.gettypeName(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "type")),
                            (";\n", ())]
                 instance_number += 1
         # Generate any program assign to no task
@@ -388,7 +391,7 @@
             resrce += [("    PROGRAM ", ()),
                            (instance.getname(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "name")),
                            (" : ", ()),
-                           (instance.gettype(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "type")),
+                           (instance.gettypeName(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "type")),
                            (";\n", ())]
             instance_number += 1
         resrce += [("  END_RESOURCE\n", ())]
@@ -532,6 +535,8 @@
         interface = pou.getinterface()
         if interface is not None:
             body = pou.getbody()
+            if isinstance(body, ListType):
+                body = body[0]
             body_content = body.getcontent()
             if self.Type == "FUNCTION":
                 returntype_content = interface.getreturnType().getcontent()
@@ -596,6 +601,8 @@
     def ComputeConnectionTypes(self, pou):
         body = pou.getbody()
+        if isinstance(body, ListType):
+            body = body[0]
         body_content = body.getcontent()
         body_type = body_content["name"]
         if body_type in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
@@ -684,56 +691,61 @@
                         raise PLCGenException, "No connector found corresponding to \"%s\" continuation in \"%s\" POU"%(name, self.Name)
                 elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.fbdObjects_block):
                     block_infos = self.GetBlockType(instance.gettypeName())
-                    undefined = {}
-                    for variable in instance.outputVariables.getvariable():
-                        output_name = variable.getformalParameter()
-                        if output_name == "ENO":
-                            for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointOut):
-                                self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
-                        else:
-                            for oname, otype, oqualifier in block_infos["outputs"]:
-                                if output_name == oname:
-                                    if otype.startswith("ANY"):
-                                        if not undefined.has_key(otype):
-                                            undefined[otype] = []
-                                        undefined[otype].append(variable.connectionPointOut)
-                                    elif not self.ConnectionTypes.has_key(variable.connectionPointOut):
-                                        for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointOut):
-                                            self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = otype
-                    for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable():
-                        input_name = variable.getformalParameter()
-                        if input_name == "EN":
-                            for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointIn):
-                                self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
-                        for iname, itype, iqualifier in block_infos["inputs"]:
-                            if input_name == iname:
-                                connected = self.GetConnectedConnector(variable.connectionPointIn, body)
-                                if itype.startswith("ANY"):
-                                    if not undefined.has_key(itype):
-                                        undefined[itype] = []
-                                    undefined[itype].append(variable.connectionPointIn)
-                                    if connected:
-                                        undefined[itype].append(connected)
+                    if block_infos is not None:
+                        undefined = {}
+                        for variable in instance.outputVariables.getvariable():
+                            output_name = variable.getformalParameter()
+                            if output_name == "ENO":
+                                for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointOut):
+                                    self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
+                            else:
+                                for oname, otype, oqualifier in block_infos["outputs"]:
+                                    if output_name == oname:
+                                        if otype.startswith("ANY"):
+                                            if not undefined.has_key(otype):
+                                                undefined[otype] = []
+                                            undefined[otype].append(variable.connectionPointOut)
+                                        elif not self.ConnectionTypes.has_key(variable.connectionPointOut):
+                                            for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointOut):
+                                                self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = otype
+                        for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable():
+                            input_name = variable.getformalParameter()
+                            if input_name == "EN":
+                                for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointIn):
+                                    self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
+                            for iname, itype, iqualifier in block_infos["inputs"]:
+                                if input_name == iname:
+                                    connected = self.GetConnectedConnector(variable.connectionPointIn, body)
+                                    if itype.startswith("ANY"):
+                                        if not undefined.has_key(itype):
+                                            undefined[itype] = []
+                                        undefined[itype].append(variable.connectionPointIn)
+                                        if connected:
+                                            undefined[itype].append(connected)
+                                    else:
+                                        self.ConnectionTypes[variable.connectionPointIn] = itype
+                                        if connected and not self.ConnectionTypes.has_key(connected):
+                                            for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
+                                                self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = itype
+                        for var_type, connections in undefined.items():
+                            related = []
+                            for connection in connections:
+                                if self.ConnectionTypes.has_key(connection):
+                                    var_type = self.ConnectionTypes[connection]
-                                    self.ConnectionTypes[variable.connectionPointIn] = itype
-                                    if connected and not self.ConnectionTypes.has_key(connected):
-                                        for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
-                                            self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = itype
-                    for var_type, connections in undefined.items():
-                        related = []
-                        for connection in connections:
-                            if self.ConnectionTypes.has_key(connection):
-                                var_type = self.ConnectionTypes[connection]
+                                    related.extend(self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connection))
+                            if var_type.startswith("ANY") and len(related) > 0:
+                                self.RelatedConnections.append(related)
-                                related.extend(self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connection))
-                        if var_type.startswith("ANY") and len(related) > 0:
-                            self.RelatedConnections.append(related)
-                        else:
-                            for connection in related:
-                                self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = var_type
+                                for connection in related:
+                                    self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = var_type
+                    else:
+                        raise PLCGenException, _("No informations found for \"%s\" block")%(instance.gettypeName())
     def ComputeProgram(self, pou):
         body = pou.getbody()
+        if isinstance(body, ListType):
+            body = body[0]
         body_content = body.getcontent()
         body_type = body_content["name"]
         if body_type in ["IL","ST"]:
@@ -958,7 +970,10 @@
             connections = connectionPointIn.getconnections()
             if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
                 instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
-                return pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
+                body = pou.getbody()
+                if isinstance(body, ListType):
+                    body = body[0]
+                return body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
         return None
     def ExtractConvergenceInputs(self, convergence, pou):
@@ -967,7 +982,10 @@
             connections = connectionPointIn.getconnections()
             if len(connections) == 1:
                 instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
-                instances.append(pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId))
+                body = pou.getbody()
+                if isinstance(body, ListType):
+                    body = body[0]
+                instances.append(body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId))
         return instances
     def GenerateSFCStep(self, step, pou):
@@ -984,7 +1002,10 @@
                 connections = step.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
                 if len(connections) == 1:
                     instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
-                    instance = pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
+                    body = pou.getbody()
+                    if isinstance(body, ListType):
+                        body = body[0]
+                    instance = body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
                     if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
                     elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence):
@@ -1010,7 +1031,10 @@
             connections = jump.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
             if len(connections) == 1:
                 instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
-                instance = pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
+                body = pou.getbody()
+                if isinstance(body, ListType):
+                    body = body[0]
+                instance = body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
                 if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_transition):
                 elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionConvergence):
@@ -1032,7 +1056,10 @@
         connections = actionBlock.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
         if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
             stepLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
-            step = pou.body.getcontentInstance(stepLocalId)
+            body = pou.getbody()
+            if isinstance(body, ListType):
+                body = body[0]
+            step = body.getcontentInstance(stepLocalId)
             self.GenerateSFCStep(step, pou)
             step_name = step.getname()
             if step_name in self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].keys():
@@ -1073,7 +1100,10 @@
             connections = transition.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
             if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
                 instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
-                instance = pou.body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
+                body = pou.getbody()
+                if isinstance(body, ListType):
+                    body = body[0]
+                instance = body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
                 if isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_step):
                 elif isinstance(instance, plcopen.sfcObjects_selectionDivergence):
@@ -1119,6 +1149,8 @@
                 self.TagName = previous_tagname
             elif transitionValues["type"] == "connection":
                 body = pou.getbody()
+                if isinstance(body, ListType):
+                    body = body[0]
                 connections = transition.getconnections()
                 if connections is not None:
                     expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, connections)