2014-02-08 mjsousa Fix get_datatype_info_c::is_subrange(), which did not work when using base type! (we now use get_equivtype() instead of get_base_type() )
2014-02-08 mjsousa fix a couple of typos.
2014-02-08 mjsousa Fix bug - correctly declare struct members whose type is a directly defined array (e.g.: STRUCT x: ARRAY of XXX; END_STRUCT)
2014-02-05 mjsousa Start using the called_fb_declaration annotation when generating C code from FB calls in ST.
2013-12-22 Mario de Sousa Code cleanup: move datatype analysis to get_datatype_info_c
2013-12-20 Mario de Sousa Fix bug-fix of previous commit.
2013-12-19 Mario de Sousa Fix bug: allow use, as lvalues, structures/arrays inside FBs (e.g. fb1.struct1.r := 33.3).
2013-12-18 Mario de Sousa Fix bug/issue #33 (correctly access struct/array variables declared inside a FB -> r:=FB1.FB2.struct1.array1[3] )
2013-09-07 Mario de Sousa Add assertion suggested by Manuele.
2013-08-23 mjsousa merge
2013-08-23 mjsousa Use get_datatype_info_c::is_type_valid() to determine datatype validity
2013-08-23 mjsousa Recursively check the datatype compatibility of values/expressions passed in function/FB invocations.
2013-08-23 mjs Change error message text so as to become more suitable to where they might occur in the source code.
2013-08-22 mjsousa Add code to check if an IN_OUT variable is being passed an IL list in formal IL FB/function invocations.
2013-08-22 mjsousa Generate correct error message when encountering IL lists embedded in IL formal invocations.
2013-08-22 mjsousa Fill in the 'datatype' anotation in the identifiers of symbolic variables.
2013-08-22 mjsousa Fix C code generation of FB invocation in IL.
2013-08-22 mjsousa Fix detection of datatype errors on IL conditional flow control operators (JMPC, RETC, ...)
2013-08-21 mjsousa Allow array_dimension_iterator to accept an array_spec_init_c.
2013-08-21 mjsousa Small code cleanup (move common code to a function)
2013-08-21 mjsousa Fix datatype analysis of conditional IL operators (CALC, CALCN, RETC, RETCN, JMPC, JMPCN, S and R)
2013-08-21 mjsousa Fix datatype analyses of S and R IL operators.
2013-08-21 mjsousa make sure all IL operands are narrowed (datatype checking algorithm)
2013-08-21 mjsousa cosmetic change only - fix code alignment.
2013-08-20 mjsousa Add support for FB call semantics of 'S' and 'R' IL operators!
2013-08-20 mjsousa Stop lvalue check from segfaulting when coming across buggy IL code (IL operator with no operand!)
2013-08-20 mjsousa Allow get_datatype_info_c to be called with NULL parameters.
2013-08-15 mjsousa Do lvalue check of function output parameters (since they may contain expressions inside array subscripts!)
2013-08-10 mjsousa Handle buggy source code gracefully (do not bork when non-array variable is used as an array. e.g: int_var[42]:= 33)
2013-08-07 mjsousa Delete debugging messages left in by mistake.
2013-08-07 mjsousa Fix segfault when doing lvalue check of buggy IEC 61131-3 source code
2013-08-07 mjsousa Fix datatype analysis of structured variables that contain arrays in their fields (e.g. var.x1[var2 + 42].y1).
2013-08-05 mjsousa Add capability of returning array subscript list while decomposing a struct/array variable.
2013-08-05 mjsousa Code cleanup: Remove unused option = Delete dead code.
2013-08-20 mjsousa merge
2013-07-19 Mario de Sousa Declare that YYLSTYPE is not the default trivial datatype used by bison. (was causing compile errors in bison ver >= 2.7)
2014-02-19 Edouard Tisserant Fix build on Ubuntu 13.10
2013-10-11 Laurent Bessard Fixed warning when compiling generated program containing external variable assignments
2013-06-07 Edouard Tisserant Enlarged flex buffer size in order to accept larger C pragmas
2013-05-18 edouard Missing braces arround extern declarartions in __SET_EXTERNAL define was making problem with GCC in switch case statements
2013-05-16 Edouard Tisserant Moved __INIT_* defines within type definition headers files
2013-05-02 Laurent Bessard Fixed warning in accessor __SET_EXTERNAL
2013-04-18 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug when defining task with single_data_source instead of interval_data_source
2013-04-05 Edouard Tisserant Merged Mario's changes
2013-04-04 Mario de Sousa Fix bug related to FB invocation of FB instances declared as VAR_EXTERN.
2013-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Merged Mario's changes
2013-04-03 Mario de Sousa Partial fix to VAR_EXTERN vs VAR_GLOBAL check. Now considers globals declared in resources too. TODO: recursively check FB declared in the program.
2013-02-22 Mario de Sousa Allow variables declared inside resources to be referenced by res_name.var_name
2013-02-13 Mario de Sousa Add a new node to the abstract symtax tree, which will let us do datatype checking of FB variable declarations using the standard algorithm, and no special cases.
2013-02-05 Mario de Sousa Print filename when debugging abstract symbol table.
2013-01-23 Mario de Sousa Consider fb_name_decl_c a non base data type class!
2013-01-23 Mario de Sousa Fill symbol->datatype anotation for FB declarations.
2013-01-23 Mario de Sousa Fill in the symbol.datatype annotation in symbol classes used in derived data type declarations.
2013-01-22 Mario de Sousa Use simple_spec_init_c inside en_param_declaration_c (will reduce need to handle it as a special case in the future).
2013-03-11 Laurent Bessard Merged
2013-03-11 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in string format when translating TIME and DATETIME to STRING
2013-03-11 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug with SFC transition datatype checking
2013-03-08 Edouard Tisserant Stripped generated files again. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3290908/which-files-generated-by-autotools-should-i-keep-in-version-control-repository
2013-03-08 Laurent Bessard Fixed bug in case statement with enumerated type variable as case expression
2013-03-08 Laurent Bessard Merged