2011-05-16 laurent Merged with Edouard's modifications
2011-05-16 laurent Fix bug when debugging located variables of type memory (%M)
2011-04-21 Edouard Tisserant Removed dead code
2011-04-14 Mario de Sousa Fixing implementation of CU, CD, and CUD in standard library.
2011-04-14 Mario de Sousa Deleting dead code.
2011-04-14 Mario de Sousa Merging changes.
2011-04-14 Mario de Sousa Added tracking of order by which tokens are processed by lexical analyser.
2011-04-14 Mario de Sousa Adding tracking of filename in which token is located.
2011-04-07 Edouard Tisserant Reverted semantic error message so that Beremiz can parse them and that user can double-click on error message to open related POU and select the faulty line.
2011-04-05 Mario de Sousa Fixing error message incorrectly changed in previous merge.
2011-04-05 Mario de Sousa fixing C code generation of return_statement_c and exit_statement_c
2011-04-05 Mario de Sousa merging the Edouard's version.
2011-04-05 Mario de Sousa fixing exit_statement_c: produce 'break' instead of 'exit(0); (Thanks to Manuele)
2011-04-05 Mario de Sousa Fixing code generation of standard conversion functions.
2011-04-05 Edouard Tisserant Re-generated std lib related code, with updated headers, updated all forgotten headers
2011-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Merged matiec library headers update from Mario to LGPL
2011-04-04 Mario de Sousa Changing to LGPL for library functions.
2011-04-04 Mario de Sousa Updating origin and license info of library fuctions.
2011-04-04 Mario de Sousa Leave standard function names hardcoded, as these are considered keywords even though
2011-04-04 Mario de Sousa New version of bistable.txt - due to license issues.
2011-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Make semantic error message compatible with beremiz
2011-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Merge
2011-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Fixes to make handling of standard functions in Semantic analyser compatible with code generation of standard functions
2011-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Merge with changes from Mario
2011-04-04 Mario de Sousa Fixing stupid bug (that was disabling code generation).
2011-04-04 Mario de Sousa Adding Makefile for Darwin (thanks go to Manuele)
2011-04-04 Mario de Sousa starting to add proper header file with declaration of standard functions
2011-04-01 Mario de Sousa Fixing error messages for IL semantic errors (brocken in a previous changeset/commit).
2011-04-01 Mario de Sousa Updating license info (with Edouard's permission for relevant files).
2011-04-01 Mario de Sousa Updating License info (with Edoaurd's permission for relevant files).
2011-04-01 Mario de Sousa Adding some debug info
2011-03-31 Mario de Sousa Do not crash when checking semantics of undeclared symbolic_variable.
2011-03-31 Mario de Sousa Updating licensing information.
2011-03-31 Mario de Sousa Error messages (stage3) now better identify the location of the error.
2011-03-31 Mario de Sousa Adding debug conditional printf()s in stage 3.
2011-03-31 Mario de Sousa Merging my Huge change with Edouards/Laurents version
2011-03-30 Mario de Sousa Huge change.
2011-04-01 Edouard Tisserant Changed packing declaration in iec_types
2011-04-01 laurent Modify code generated for avoiding warning while compiling when configuration or resource don't have any global variable
2011-03-31 Edouard Tisserant Initial TIME support in debugger
2011-03-27 laurent Merged with Edouard's modifications
2011-03-27 laurent Bug with getter for pointed variables in accessors fixed
2011-03-26 Edouqrd Tisserant Added dumb SEMA?implementation
2011-03-16 laurent Adding missing support for accessors and retain in configuration files (Bug and fix reported by Manuele Conti)
2011-03-12 laurent Merged with modifications from Edouard
2011-03-12 laurent Task single parameter code generation broken after addition of accessors fixed.
2011-03-12 laurent Bug when function call result is a parameter of another function call fixed.
2011-02-22 edouard A forgotten case in type size getter switch prevented debugging outputs.
2010-06-16 laurent merge
2010-06-02 laurent Adding support for generating code for variable in step action association instead of action
2010-06-03 Lolitech Updated makefiles for cygwin build with no perl
2010-05-20 laurent Bug with global located variables accessors fixed
2010-05-19 laurent Bug with code generation of global located variables in resource fixed thanks to Mario
2010-04-22 laurent Bugs fixed:
2010-04-21 laurent Bug when parsing standard function block call in IL
2009-12-15 laurent Bug when trying to get type of elements in a big complex structure fixed
2009-12-15 laurent Adding support for using arrays in POU interface
2009-12-15 laurent Using InOut variables in functions fixed
2009-12-15 laurent Bug on generate_c_inlinefcall fixed
2009-12-13 laurent Using function_call_iterator in generate_c_inlinefcall instead of creating a new visitor