Do not repeat narrow algorithm for ST code, and better comments.
authorMario de Sousa <>
Thu, 18 Oct 2012 10:57:13 +0100 (2012-10-18)
changeset 681 e837adad2437
parent 680 df783da3ebe2
child 682 966f32af570d
Do not repeat narrow algorithm for ST code, and better comments.
--- a/stage3/	Tue Oct 16 18:56:03 2012 +0100
+++ b/stage3/	Thu Oct 18 10:57:13 2012 +0100
@@ -55,48 +55,48 @@
  * --- --> NULL (undefined datatype)
  * *** --> invalid_type_name_c (invalid datatype)
- * (0)       (1)   (2)
+ * (0)   PASS1   (1)    PASS2   (2)
- * ---       ***   ***       CAL tonv (                          
- *                                  PT := T#1s                   
- *                               )                               
- * ---       ***   ***       JMP l4                              
- *
- * ---       sint  sint  l0: LD  1                               
- * ---       sint  sint      ADD 2                               
- * --- (c)   sint  sint      CAL tonv (                          
- *                               PT := T#1s                      
- *                               )                               
- *                                                               
- * ---       sint  sint      LD  45                              
- * --- (c)   sint  sint      ADD 45                              
- *
- *
- * ---       sint  sint      LD  3                               
- * ---       sint  sint  l1:                                     
- * --- (c)   sint  sint  l2: ADD 4                               
- * int       int   int       LD  5                               
- * int       int   int       ST  n                               
- * int       int   int       JMP l3                              
- *                                                               
- * --- (d)   ---   sint      LD  5                               
- * --- (d)   ---   sint      SUB 6                               
- * --- (d)   sint  sint      JMP l1                              
- *
- * ---       bool  bool      LD  FALSE                           
- * ---       bool  bool      NOT                                 
- * --- (b)   bool  bool      RET                                 
- *
- * int       int   int   l3:                                     
- * int       int   int       ST  n                               
- * --- (b)   int   int       RET                                 
- *
- * ---       ***   ***   l4:                                     
- * ---       ***   ***       CAL tonv (                          
- *                                  PT := T#1s                   
- *                               )                               
- * --- (a)   ***   ***       JMP l0                              
- * --- (b)   byte  byte      LD  88                              
+ * ---     (e)   ***            ***       CAL tonv (                          
+ *                                               PT := T#1s                   
+ *                                            )                               
+ * ---     (e)   ***            ***       JMP l4                              
+ *
+ * ---     (e)   sint           sint  l0: LD  1                               
+ * ---     (e)   sint           sint      ADD 2                               
+ * ---  (c)      sint           sint      CAL tonv (                          
+ *                                            PT := T#1s                      
+ *                                            )                               
+ *                                                                            
+ * ---     (e)   sint           sint      LD  45                              
+ * ---  (c)      sint           sint      ADD 45                              
+ *
+ *
+ * ---     (e)   sint           sint      LD  3                               
+ * ---     (e)   sint           sint  l1:                                     
+ * ---  (c)      sint           sint  l2: ADD 4                               
+ * int           int            int       LD  5                               
+ * int           int            int       ST  n                               
+ * int           int            int       JMP l3                              
+ *                                                                            
+ * ---  (d)      ---      (e)   sint      LD  5                               
+ * ---  (d)      ---      (e)   sint      SUB 6                               
+ * ---  (d)(e)   sint           sint      JMP l1                              
+ *
+ * ---     (e)   bool           bool      LD  FALSE                           
+ * ---     (e)   bool           bool      NOT                                 
+ * ---  (b)      bool           bool      RET                                 
+ *
+ * int           int            int   l3:                                     
+ * int           int            int       ST  n                               
+ * ---  (b)      int            int       RET                                 
+ *
+ * ---     (e)   ***            ***   l4:                                     
+ * ---     (e)   ***            ***       CAL tonv (                          
+ *                                               PT := T#1s                   
+ *                                            )                               
+ * ---  (a)      ***            ***       JMP l0                              
+ * ---  (b)      byte           byte      LD  88                              
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
 /* B.2 - Language IL (Instruction List) */
@@ -168,14 +169,10 @@
           if (NULL != symbol->next_il_instruction[i]->datatype)
             next_datatype = symbol->next_il_instruction[i]->datatype;
         if (get_datatype_info_c::is_type_valid(next_datatype)) {
-          /* This will occur in the following situations from the above example	   
-           *    (d)   during the second pass of this algorithm (remember, we execute this algorithm twice, because of backward JMPs!)
-           */
+          //  This will occur in the situations (c) in the above example
           symbol->datatype = symbol->candidate_datatypes[0]; 
         } else {
-          /* This will occur in the following situations from the above example	   
-           *    (d)   during the first pass of this algorithm (remember, we execute this algorithm twice, because of backward JMPs!)
-           */
+          //  This will occur in the situations (d) in the above example
           // it is not possible to determine the exact situation in the current pass, so we can't do anything just yet. Leave it for the next time around!
@@ -183,7 +180,7 @@
   /* return control to the visit() method of the base class! */
-  narrow_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(symbol);
+  narrow_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(symbol);  //  This handle the situations (e) in the above example
   return NULL;
@@ -236,3 +233,15 @@
     void *visit(il_param_out_assignment_c *symbol);
+/* B.3 - Language ST (Structured Text) */
+// SYM_LIST(statement_list_c)
+/* The normal narrow_candidate_datatypes_c algorithm does not leave any symbol, in an ST code, with an undefined datatype.
+ * There is therefore no need to re-run the narrow algorithm here, so we overide the narrow_candidate_datatypes_c visitor,
+ * and simply bug out!
+ */
+void *forced_narrow_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(statement_list_c *symbol) {return NULL;}
--- a/stage3/forced_narrow_candidate_datatypes.hh	Tue Oct 16 18:56:03 2012 +0100
+++ b/stage3/forced_narrow_candidate_datatypes.hh	Thu Oct 18 10:57:13 2012 +0100
@@ -75,7 +75,11 @@
 //  void *visit(il_param_out_assignment_c *symbol);
 //  void *visit(il_assign_operator_c *symbol);
 //  void *visit(il_assign_operator_c *symbol);
+    /***************************************/
+    /* B.3 - Language ST (Structured Text) */
+    /***************************************/
+    void *visit(statement_list_c *symbol);
 }; // forced_narrow_candidate_datatypes_c
@@ -85,3 +89,4 @@