# HG changeset patch
# User mjsousa
# Date 1416684647 0
# Node ID 27063736913fe64553f6540aab85b1f30e616bbf
# Parent  aca1ab9fcb6d69954af2de0bc57d3fbc7880ff14
Allow variables to be used when declaring the dimension of an array.

diff -r aca1ab9fcb6d -r 27063736913f stage1_2/iec_bison.yy
--- a/stage1_2/iec_bison.yy	Sun Nov 16 15:37:12 2014 +0000
+++ b/stage1_2/iec_bison.yy	Sat Nov 22 19:30:47 2014 +0000
@@ -736,6 +736,8 @@
 %type  <leaf>	subrange_spec_init
 %type  <leaf>	subrange_specification
 %type  <leaf>	subrange
+/* A non standard construct, used to support the use of variables in array subranges. e.g.: ARRAY [12..max] OF INT */
+%type  <leaf>	subrange_with_var
 %type  <leaf>	enumerated_type_declaration
 %type  <leaf>	enumerated_spec_init
@@ -2728,9 +2730,16 @@
+/* a non standard construct, used to allow the declaration of array subranges using a variable */
   signed_integer DOTDOT signed_integer
 	{$$ = new subrange_c($1, $3, locloc(@$));}
+| any_identifier DOTDOT signed_integer
+	{$$ = new subrange_c($1, $3, locloc(@$));}
+| signed_integer DOTDOT any_identifier
+	{$$ = new subrange_c($1, $3, locloc(@$));}
+| any_identifier DOTDOT any_identifier
+	{$$ = new subrange_c($1, $3, locloc(@$));}
 | signed_integer signed_integer
 	{$$ = NULL; print_err_msg(locl(@1), locf(@2), "'..' missing between bounds in subrange definition."); yynerrs++;}
@@ -2743,6 +2752,23 @@
+  signed_integer DOTDOT signed_integer
+	{$$ = new subrange_c($1, $3, locloc(@$));}
+| signed_integer signed_integer
+	{$$ = NULL; print_err_msg(locl(@1), locf(@2), "'..' missing between bounds in subrange definition."); yynerrs++;}
+| signed_integer DOTDOT error
+	{$$ = NULL;
+	 if (is_current_syntax_token()) {print_err_msg(locl(@2), locf(@3), "no value defined for upper bound in subrange definition.");}
+	 else {print_err_msg(locf(@3), locl(@3), "invalid value for upper bound in subrange definition."); yyclearin;}
+	 yyerrok;
+	}
 /*  enumerated_type_name ':' enumerated_spec_init */
 /* NOTE: The 'identifier' used for the name of the new enumerated type is inserted early into the library_element_symtable so it may be used
@@ -2924,9 +2950,10 @@
 /* helper symbol for array_specification */
-  subrange
+/* the construct 'subrange' has been replaced with 'subrange_with_var' in order to support the declaration of array ranges using a varable: e.g. ARRAY [2..max] OF INT */
+  subrange_with_var
 	{$$ = new array_subrange_list_c(locloc(@$)); $$->add_element($1);}
-| array_subrange_list ',' subrange
+| array_subrange_list ',' subrange_with_var
 	{$$ = $1; $$->add_element($3);}
 | array_subrange_list subrange