# HG changeset patch
# User mjsousa
# Date 1407491154 -3600
# Node ID 1ba7a814098d7d4ff6c992e75a4b2cf02bbaa099
# Parent  d228aaa4d616c081a98bf75dfca9d125a75df5b8
Update some comments. (No changes to code)

diff -r d228aaa4d616 -r 1ba7a814098d absyntax_utils/get_datatype_info.cc
--- a/absyntax_utils/get_datatype_info.cc	Fri Aug 08 10:26:52 2014 +0100
+++ b/absyntax_utils/get_datatype_info.cc	Fri Aug 08 10:45:54 2014 +0100
@@ -238,11 +238,15 @@
-/* Returns true if both datatypes are identicial.
- * WARING: When handling REF_TO datatypes, it may return 'true' even though
- *         the datatypes are not identicial. This occurs when at least one of the
- *         datatypes if a ref_to_any_c, which os equivalent to a (void *), and the
- *         other datatype is any REF_TO datatype (including a ref_to_any_c).
+/* Returns true if both datatypes are equivalent (not necessarily equal!).
+ * WARNING: May return true even though the datatypes are not the same/identicial!!!
+ *          This occurs when at least one of the datatypes is of a generic
+ *          datatype (or a REF_TO a generic datatype). 
+ *          (Generic dataypes: ANY, ANY_INT, ANY_NUM, ...)
+ * NOTE: Currently only the ANY generic datatype is implemented!
+ * NOTE: Currently stage1_2 only allows the use of the ANY keyword when in conjuntion with
+ *       the REF_TO keyword (i.e. REF_TO ANY), so when handling non REF_TO datatypes,
+ *       this function will currently only return true if the dataypes are identicial.
 bool get_datatype_info_c::is_type_equal(symbol_c *first_type, symbol_c *second_type) {
   if (!is_type_valid( first_type))                                   {return false;}
diff -r d228aaa4d616 -r 1ba7a814098d absyntax_utils/get_datatype_info.hh
--- a/absyntax_utils/get_datatype_info.hh	Fri Aug 08 10:26:52 2014 +0100
+++ b/absyntax_utils/get_datatype_info.hh	Fri Aug 08 10:45:54 2014 +0100
@@ -62,11 +62,15 @@
     static symbol_c *get_ref_to                    (symbol_c *type_symbol);    // Defined in IEC 61131-3 v3 (returns the type that is being referenced/pointed to)        
-    /* Returns true if both datatypes are identicial.
-     * WARING: When handling REF_TO datatypes, it may return 'true' even though
-     *         the datatypes are not identicial. This occurs when at least one of the
-     *         datatypes if a ref_to_any_c, which os equivalent to a (void *), and the
-     *         other datatype is any REF_TO datatype (including a ref_to_any_c).
+    /* Returns true if both datatypes are equivalent (not necessarily equal!).
+     * WARNING: May return true even though the datatypes are not the same/identicial!!!
+     *          This occurs when at least one of the datatypes is of a generic
+     *          datatype (or a REF_TO a generic datatype). 
+     *          (Generic dataypes: ANY, ANY_INT, ANY_NUM, ...)
+     * NOTE: Currently only the ANY generic datatype is implemented!
+     * NOTE: Currently stage1_2 only allows the use of the ANY keyword when in conjuntion with
+     *       the REF_TO keyword (i.e. REF_TO ANY), so when handling non REF_TO datatypes,
+     *       this function will currently only return true if the dataypes are identicial.
     static bool is_type_equal(symbol_c *first_type, symbol_c *second_type);
     static bool is_type_valid(symbol_c *type);