# include the system specific Makefile
include ../Makefile.$(shell uname)

default:	all

all: iec.flex.o iec.y.o stage1_2.o

	echo > Makefile.depend
	-rm -f iec.flex.c iec.y.cc iec.y.hh iec.y.output
	-rm -f iec.noerrorcheck.y
	-rm -f test_flex
	-rm -f stage1_2.o
	-rm -f iec.y.o
	-rm -f iec.flex.o

CFLAGS += -I. -I../* -I../../absyntax

iec.flex.c: iec.flex
	flex -oiec.flex.c iec.flex

stage1_2.cc: iec.y.hh

iec.flex.o: iec.y.hh iec.flex.c
	$(CXX) -c iec.flex.c -D DEFAULT_LIBDIR='"$(IECLIBDIR)"' $(CFLAGS)

iec.y.hh iec.y.cc: iec.y
	bison -d -v -o iec.y.cc iec.y

iec.y.o: iec.y.cc iec.y.hh
	$(CXX) -c iec.y.cc $(CFLAGS)

noerrorcheck: iec.y
	sed '/ERROR_CHECK_BEGIN/,/ERROR_CHECK_END/ d' iec.y > iec.noerrorcheck.y
	flex -oiec.flex.c iec.flex
	$(CXX) -c iec.flex.c -D DEFAULT_LIBDIR='"$(IECLIBDIR)"' $(CFLAGS)
	bison -d -v -o iec.y.cc iec.noerrorcheck.y
	$(CXX) -c iec.y.cc $(CFLAGS)

#how to make things from other directories if they are missing
../% /%:
	$(MAKE) -C $(@D) $(@F)

Makefile.depend depend:
	$(CXX) -MM -MG -I. *.cc \
	  | sed 's/:/ Makefile.depend:/' > Makefile.depend

include Makefile.depend