2009-08-27Merged changes
Catarina Boucinha <ccb@fe.up.pt> [Thu, 27 Aug 2009 16:18:56 +0100] rev 203
Merged changes

2009-08-27Initial (very rough) version of semantic checker (stage3)
Catarina Boucinha <ccb@fe.up.pt> [Thu, 27 Aug 2009 16:06:46 +0100] rev 202
Initial (very rough) version of semantic checker (stage3)

2009-07-02Introducing the search_il_operand_type files in the absyntax_utils folder.
Catarina Boucinha <ccb@fe.up.pt> [Thu, 02 Jul 2009 11:26:25 +0100] rev 201
Introducing the search_il_operand_type files in the absyntax_utils folder.
The Makefile from absyntax_utils folder and the generate_c_il.cc from the stage4/generate_c
folder was also modified to work with the new search_il_operand_type file.

2009-09-02Applying patch from Iztok for old gcc versions
laurent [Wed, 02 Sep 2009 13:39:05 +0200] rev 200
Applying patch from Iztok for old gcc versions

2009-09-01Bug with type conversion EN/ENO not evaluated fixed
laurent [Tue, 01 Sep 2009 17:01:08 +0200] rev 199
Bug with type conversion EN/ENO not evaluated fixed
Removing some warnings in iec_std_lib.h

2009-07-10prevent eclipse to push .project with .hgignore
'Gr?gory Tr?lat <gregory.trelat@lolitech.fr>' [Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:41:29 +0200] rev 198
prevent eclipse to push .project with .hgignore

2009-07-10removed dead hidden files
'Gr?gory Tr?lat <gregory.trelat@lolitech.fr>' [Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:08:33 +0200] rev 197
removed dead hidden files

2009-06-19Fix problems with direct variables in expression while compiling resulting expression type
lbessard [Fri, 19 Jun 2009 13:27:26 +0200] rev 196
Fix problems with direct variables in expression while compiling resulting expression type

2009-06-19Fix segmentation fault when define global with location but no name (reported by brendan)
lbessard [Fri, 19 Jun 2009 13:26:31 +0200] rev 195
Fix segmentation fault when define global with location but no name (reported by brendan)

2009-06-18Removing un-necessary symbol direct_variable_type_name_c from abstract syntax tree
mario [Thu, 18 Jun 2009 19:18:54 +0200] rev 194
Removing un-necessary symbol direct_variable_type_name_c from abstract syntax tree