2014-11-16 mjsousa Make the relaxed datatype model a runtime option (off by default)
2014-09-28 mjsousa Turn support of derefencing operator '^' an option (default is not supported).
2014-08-09 mjsousa Make support for REF_TO ANY a command line option.
2014-03-02 mjsousa Add limited support for the REF() operator (defined in v3 of IEC 61131-3)
2014-02-16 mjsousa Add option to control support for nested comments (default is off, as defined in IEC 61131-3 v2)
2012-11-16 Manuele Conti Add conversion functions option.
2011-04-05 Edouard Tisserant Re-generated std lib related code, with updated headers, updated all forgotten headers
2011-04-01 Mario de Sousa Updating License info (with Edoaurd's permission for relevant files).
2009-05-25 mario Adding support for SAFEBOOL. Some code generation yet to do...