2011-09-08 laurent Merge with 01068ccb73b202b2872d4117ad01984bac956cbb
2011-08-23 Mario de Sousa Include (again!) the declaration of standard functions (incorrectly removed -again- in previous commit)
2011-08-19 Mario de Sousa Some more comments on how to build, and correcting name of file.
2011-08-19 Mario de Sousa Include the declaration of standard functions (incorrectly removed in previous commit)
2011-08-19 Mario de Sousa Merging with Laurent's repository.
2011-07-29 Mario de Sousa Support for semantic verification of calls to standard functions.
2011-07-13 laurent Remove inclusion of missing file in lib
2011-07-09 Mario de Sousa changing 'make' to '$(MAKE)' so other make tools (e.g. gmake) may also be used.
2011-04-05 Edouard Tisserant Re-generated std lib related code, with updated headers, updated all forgotten headers
2011-04-04 Edouard Tisserant Fixes to make handling of standard functions in Semantic analyser compatible with code generation of standard functions
2011-04-04 Mario de Sousa starting to add proper header file with declaration of standard functions
2011-03-26 Edouqrd Tisserant Added dumb SEMA?implementation
2009-06-10 lbessard Adding inclusion of function blocks defined in AnnexF into library blocks
2009-06-10 lbessard Adding inclusion of function blocks defined in AnnexF into library blocks
2007-07-12 etisserant Fixed -I library include path behavior + removed old lib implementation + added generated lib func names to stage 1_2 + added Makefile.Linux
2007-06-14 lbessard Adding support for standard function block parsing
2007-01-31 etisserant Initial commit. Last MatPLC CVS with some makefile inclusion removed in order to compile fine out of MatPLC.