- Adding support for flags on Function Block variables for marking which variable must be debugged, retained or is forced 2009-12-02, by laurent
- Bug with ULINT correction fixed 2009-12-01, by laurent
- Adding support for declare, init, get and set macros 2009-11-30, by laurent
- added files to ignore in hgignore 2009-11-29, by Edouard TISSERANT
- Adding support for declare, init, get and set macros 2009-11-29, by laurent
- Bug with using non explicit literals as standard library functions input parameters fixed 2009-11-18, by laurent
- Wiped out references to Lolitech 2009-11-02, by edouard
- Replace \"lolitech\" contact by \"edouard\" contact 2009-11-02, by greg
- Fix some bug in debian packages 2009-10-28, by greg
- Fix some warnings on compilation 2009-10-22, by greg
- Remove warnings when compiling IL generated C code 2009-10-19, by laurent
- Adding support for forcing tick count to return to zero as the same time than all tasks firing are synchronized 2009-09-21, by laurent
- Remove -pedantic flag to CFLAGS to allow unsigned long long to be compiled 2009-09-21, by laurent
- Modify code generated to fit latest modifications in matiec and useless symbol definitions 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Bug in eno_param_declaration error handle fixed 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Bug with EN/ENO in generate_var_list that breaks parsing of variables.csv fixed 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Mario changes merged 2009-09-02, by 'Laurent Bessard
- Adding missing Stage3 files. 2009-08-27, by Catarina Boucinha
- Merged changes 2009-08-27, by Catarina Boucinha
- Initial (very rough) version of semantic checker (stage3) 2009-08-27, by Catarina Boucinha
- Introducing the search_il_operand_type files in the absyntax_utils folder. 2009-07-02, by Catarina Boucinha
- Applying patch from Iztok for old gcc versions 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Bug with type conversion EN/ENO not evaluated fixed 2009-09-01, by laurent
- prevent eclipse to push .project with .hgignore 2009-07-10, by 'Grégory Trélat
- removed dead hidden files 2009-07-10, by 'Grégory Trélat
- Fix problems with direct variables in expression while compiling resulting expression type 2009-06-19, by lbessard
- Fix segmentation fault when define global with location but no name (reported by brendan) 2009-06-19, by lbessard
- Removing un-necessary symbol direct_variable_type_name_c from abstract syntax tree 2009-06-18, by mario
- Fixing indentification 2009-06-18, by mario
- Adding inclusion of function blocks defined in AnnexF into library blocks 2009-06-10, by lbessard
- Adding support for parsing standard function in standard function blocks code generation 2009-06-10, by lbessard
- Adding inclusion of function blocks defined in AnnexF into library blocks 2009-06-10, by lbessard
- Bug on function without input parameters fixed 2009-06-09, by lbessard
- Removing failing error finding rule 2009-06-09, by lbessard
- Warning when compiling abs functions for unsigned integer fixed 2009-06-05, by lbessard
- bug when compiling for windows (missing getopt.h) fixed 2009-06-05, by greg
- Newer versions of g++ require access controls to be correct! 2009-06-04, by mario
- Adding support for single resource scheduling 2009-06-04, by lbessard
- Bug with bison versions earlier than 2.3 fixed 2009-06-04, by lbessard
- Moving absyntax utility functions out from stage4/generate_c 2009-06-01, by mario
- Moving absyntax utility files out from stage4/generate_c 2009-06-01, by mario
- Bug on "abs" not working with float fixed 2009-05-30, by greg
- Target Directory not parsed in command line fixed 2009-05-28, by lbessard
- Starting move of search utils to their own top level directory. 2009-05-26, by mario
- Adding support for SAFEBOOL. Some code generation yet to do... 2009-05-25, by mario
- Bug with non-working counters fixed 2009-05-19, by lbessard
- Adding support for checking direct variable declared before using 2009-05-18, by lbessard
- Bug with array datatype definition fixed 2009-05-15, by lbessard
- Bug generated when IL code starts whitout LD operand fixed 2009-03-20, by lbessard
- Fixed (again) some Makefile quirks. 2009-03-19, by etisserant
- updated : debian package scripts 2009-03-02, by greg
- Disable compiling warnings on Windows 2009-01-20, by lbessard
- Bug when function with unconnected input fixed 2009-01-19, by lbessard
- Canged default string length to 127, keeping strlen_t to int8_t 2009-01-19, by etisserant
- Fixed parameter count error on variadic functions with EN/ENO 2009-01-19, by etisserant
- Bug with external variable declaration fixed 2009-01-14, by lbessard
- Bug on standard function not defined with EN/ENO fixed 2009-01-14, by lbessard
- Bug with structure of structure fixed 2009-01-09, by lbessard
- Fixed errors in string_to_int. 2009-01-04, by etisserant
- Fixed typo in EN/ENO parameters handling for std library functions 2009-01-04, by etisserant
- STRING max size and length type can now be overloaded (define STR_MAX_LEN and STR_LEN_TYPE before including iec_types.h) 2008-12-23, by etisserant
- Adding support for compiling struct data types 2008-12-19, by lbessard
- Try to clean Makefile. Not a real success. 2008-12-15, by etisserant
- fixed typo in generated VARIABLES.CSV 2008-12-15, by etisserant
- Adding Function Blocks in VARIABLES.csv 2008-12-12, by lbessard
- Warning conditions on win32 fixed 2008-12-05, by greg
- set and reset action fixed 2008-12-04, by greg
- Bug with standard functions nb_params count on Windows fixed 2008-12-01, by lbessard
- Modifying MOVE interface 2008-11-26, by greg
- Adding support for direct variable type search 2008-11-26, by greg
- Bug on language selection in SFC Action fixed 2008-11-21, by lbessard
- Bug with DEBUG mode in SFC fixed 2008-10-24, by lbessard
- Adding support for EN/ENO in standard functions 2008-10-24, by lbessard
- add Makefile for the mingw toolchain on win32 2008-10-15, by greg
- fixed typo eno_param_declaration 2008-10-07, by lbessard
- Adding support for EN/ENO params in function and function blocks (standard function not supported yet) 2008-09-26, by lbessard
- Adding support for ouput variables in functions 2008-09-25, by lbessard
- Bug with enumerated_value fixed 2008-09-25, by lbessard
- Adding support for EN/ENO parameters in bison rules 2008-09-15, by lbessard
- Bug while wearching errors in transition with priority fixed 2008-09-08, by lbessard
- Adding support for transition debugging 2008-09-08, by lbessard
- Added __DEBUG global var to eventually change PLC code execution 2008-09-07, by etisserant
- added missing includes on some platform (gentoo/gcc-4.3.1) 2008-08-21, by etisserant
- Some miscelanous static, extern and pointer status variable changes in C generated code for configuration and resources 2008-08-19, by etisserant
- Re-organized types headers, to ease debug code generation 2008-08-19, by etisserant
- Adding some improvements: 2008-08-12, by lbessard
- Fixed generation of VARIABLES.csv, some variables appeared in program section 2008-08-04, by etisserant
- Fixed some uncatched errors and error bounds in error messages 2008-07-23, by lbessard
- Some bugs on syntax checking tests fixed 2008-07-18, by lbessard
- Updated tests so that they compile again :-) 2008-07-17, by etisserant
- Adding some human-readable error messages 2008-07-17, by lbessard
- Fixed missing return in XOR operator code gen. 2008-07-17, by etisserant
- removed __print statements. Not supposed to be in std lib. 2008-07-17, by etisserant
- Changed located global variable declaration and init to reflec recent change on located vars (pointers) 2008-07-17, by etisserant
- added some type handling tools in iec_std_lib. To be tested 2008-07-17, by etisserant
- *** empty log message *** 2008-06-28, by etisserant