- Ignore underscores when extracting value of integer. 2011-08-25, by Mario de Sousa
- Deleting unused code. 2011-08-23, by Mario de Sousa
- Removing Makefiles made redundant by autotools. 2011-08-23, by Mario de Sousa
- fix bug report email address. 2011-08-23, by Mario de Sousa
- Add print version command line option. 2011-08-23, by Mario de Sousa
- Remove debugging printf() added by mistake in previous commit. 2011-08-23, by Mario de Sousa
- Print error messages when data type errors in ST expressions are detected. 2011-08-23, by Mario de Sousa
- Include (again!) the declaration of standard functions (incorrectly removed -again- in previous commit) 2011-08-23, by Mario de Sousa
- Add support for '**' (power) operator in ST expressions 2011-08-22, by Mario de Sousa
- Some more comments on how to build, and correcting name of README.build file. 2011-08-19, by Mario de Sousa
- Include the declaration of standard functions (incorrectly removed in previous commit) 2011-08-19, by Mario de Sousa
- Merging with Laurent's repository. 2011-08-19, by Mario de Sousa
- Fixing automake configuration to work properly with flex and bison. 2011-08-19, by Mario de Sousa
- Building compiler with autoconf. Thanks go to Matteo of sirius-es.it 2011-07-29, by Mario de Sousa
- Support for semantic verification of calls to standard functions. 2011-07-29, by Mario de Sousa
- Support for semantic verification of calls to standard function calls. 2011-07-29, by Mario de Sousa
- Support for semantic verification of calls to standard functions. 2011-07-29, by Mario de Sousa
- Fixing exponentiation used with symbol ** 2011-09-07, by laurent
- Fix bugs in exponentiation 2011-09-02, by laurent
- Fix case statement in ST, adding support for enumerated types 2011-09-02, by laurent
- Adding BYTE operators visit functions in inlinefcall 2011-07-13, by laurent
- Fix bug with DIV and MOD operator in IL code generator 2011-07-13, by laurent
- Fix bug in suffix of inlinefcall call in ST and IL 2011-07-13, by laurent
- Remove inclusion of missing file in lib 2011-07-13, by laurent
- Commiting merge with Mario's repository 2011-07-13, by laurent
- commiting merge with Laurent's repository 2011-07-11, by Mario de Sousa
- changing 'make' to '$(MAKE)' so other make tools (e.g. gmake) may also be used. 2011-07-09, by Mario de Sousa
- Replacing extern declaration with #include of apropriate header file 2011-07-09, by Mario de Sousa
- Adding some comments, and removing a check for a semantic error in code being compiled. 2011-07-09, by Mario de Sousa
- Fix bug with inline function call in POU programmed in IL 2011-07-12, by laurent
- Fix bug in function calls with literal parameters 2011-07-08, by laurent
- Fix makefiles when not using make as make tool 2011-07-07, by laurent
- Fix bug on initialization of temp variables not using setter 2011-07-06, by laurent
- Fix bug when trying to find the type of a NULL symbol 2011-07-06, by laurent
- Fix bug in inline function calls when using function with undetermined type interface with literals as input 2011-07-04, by laurent
- Fix warnings when compiling matiec 2011-06-29, by laurent
- Fix warning on nop statement at the end of function_block and program generated code 2011-06-29, by laurent
- Adding double underscore in computed enumerated value to avoid conflict with other user defined identifiers 2011-06-29, by laurent
- Add support for finding type of a constant enumerated value and managing conflict between same identifiers defined in different enumerated data types 2011-06-28, by laurent
- Fix bug in declaring variable of enumerated type 2011-06-27, by laurent
- Fix what I think is a bug (has not yet manifested itself). 2011-06-16, by Mario de Sousa
- Merging with Lauren't recent change. 2011-06-16, by Mario de Sousa
- Merging two previous commits. 2011-06-16, by Mario de Sousa
- Clean up some code. 2011-06-10, by Mario de Sousa
- Fix bug with array attribute in structure declaration 2011-06-14, by laurent
- Add better comments, and change name of functions to clarify what they do. 2011-06-14, by Mario de Sousa
- Remove incorect debugging assertion. 2011-06-10, by Mario de Sousa
- Skip CONFIGURATION declarations in stage 3 for now, so semantic analysis does not stop when a configuration is encountered. 2011-06-10, by Mario de Sousa
- Fix bug when generating initial value for function return type when it is a complex type 2011-06-09, by laurent
- Fix bug in debugging variable list compilation with structure and array disabling 2011-06-09, by laurent
- Fix bug with TRUNC function and with type conversion functions called with constant as parameter 2011-06-08, by laurent
- Allow use of ENO keyword in structured variable field selector. 2011-06-08, by Mario de Sousa
- Fixing REAL_TO_INT conversion (behaved like a trunc and not like a round) 2011-06-06, by laurent
- fixing INSERT function: was inserting into incorrect position. (submitted by Manuele) 2011-06-06, by Mario de Sousa
- Fix bug when generating integer with leading zero (octal value for C compiler) 2011-06-06, by laurent
- Allow [EOL] after a label in IL. 2011-06-03, by Mario de Sousa
- Fix bug when using an enumerated or subrange type to define a structure element 2011-06-01, by laurent
- Fix bug when declaring data type directly derived from array type 2011-05-31, by laurent
- Fix conversion of binary digits to hex, when generating code. 2011-05-30, by Mario de Sousa
- Fix missing '(' when declaring new simple derived data type. 2011-05-30, by Mario de Sousa
- Ignore underscores in decimal integer constants when determining size in bits... 2011-05-30, by Mario de Sousa
- When checking semantics of expressions, skip semantic checking of data type definitions 2011-05-30, by Mario de Sousa
- Fixing algorithm that determines bit size of constants containing underscores. 2011-05-30, by Mario de Sousa
- Merging with Edouard's version 2011-05-27, by Mario de Sousa
- Fixing bug related to setting array variables with values coming from other variables 2011-05-27, by Mario de Sousa
- Added __IEC_OUTPUT_FLAG, to mark variable whose forcing implies refresh on eache cycle. 2011-05-18, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fix bug when debugging located variables of type memory (%M) for all variable classes 2011-05-18, by laurent
- Merging with Edouard's changes 2011-05-17, by Mario de Sousa
- Fixing code generation of array indexes in Function Blocks. 2011-05-17, by Mario de Sousa
- Commiting merge with Laurent's recent dead code removal change. 2011-05-15, by Mario de Sousa
- Adding fflush capabilities. It is sometimes usefull when debuging the compiler... 2011-04-19, by Mario de Sousa
- Adding missing semicolons. 2011-04-15, by Mario de Sousa
- fixed build error with gcc 4.5.2 2011-05-16, by Edouard Tisserant
- Merged with Edouard's modifications 2011-05-16, by laurent
- Fix bug when debugging located variables of type memory (%M) 2011-05-16, by laurent
- Removed dead code 2011-04-21, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixing implementation of CU, CD, and CUD in standard library. 2011-04-14, by Mario de Sousa
- Deleting dead code. 2011-04-14, by Mario de Sousa
- Merging changes. 2011-04-14, by Mario de Sousa
- Added tracking of order by which tokens are processed by lexical analyser. 2011-04-14, by Mario de Sousa
- Adding tracking of filename in which token is located. 2011-04-14, by Mario de Sousa
- Reverted semantic error message so that Beremiz can parse them and that user can double-click on error message to open related POU and select the faulty line. 2011-04-07, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixing error message incorrectly changed in previous merge. 2011-04-05, by Mario de Sousa
- fixing C code generation of return_statement_c and exit_statement_c 2011-04-05, by Mario de Sousa
- merging the Edouard's version. 2011-04-05, by Mario de Sousa
- fixing exit_statement_c: produce 'break' instead of 'exit(0); (Thanks to Manuele) 2011-04-05, by Mario de Sousa
- Fixing code generation of standard conversion functions. 2011-04-05, by Mario de Sousa
- Re-generated std lib related code, with updated headers, updated all forgotten headers 2011-04-05, by Edouard Tisserant
- Merged matiec library headers update from Mario to LGPL 2011-04-04, by Edouard Tisserant
- Changing to LGPL for library functions. 2011-04-04, by Mario de Sousa
- Updating origin and license info of library fuctions. 2011-04-04, by Mario de Sousa
- Leave standard function names hardcoded, as these are considered keywords even though 2011-04-04, by Mario de Sousa
- New version of bistable.txt - due to license issues. 2011-04-04, by Mario de Sousa
- Make semantic error message compatible with beremiz 2011-04-04, by Edouard Tisserant
- Merge 2011-04-04, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixes to make handling of standard functions in Semantic analyser compatible with code generation of standard functions 2011-04-04, by Edouard Tisserant
- Merge with changes from Mario 2011-04-04, by Edouard Tisserant
- Fixing stupid bug (that was disabling code generation). 2011-04-04, by Mario de Sousa
- Adding Makefile for Darwin (thanks go to Manuele) 2011-04-04, by Mario de Sousa
- starting to add proper header file with declaration of standard functions 2011-04-04, by Mario de Sousa
- Fixing error messages for IL semantic errors (brocken in a previous changeset/commit). 2011-04-01, by Mario de Sousa
- Updating license info (with Edouard's permission for relevant files). 2011-04-01, by Mario de Sousa
- Updating License info (with Edoaurd's permission for relevant files). 2011-04-01, by Mario de Sousa
- Adding some debug info 2011-04-01, by Mario de Sousa
- Do not crash when checking semantics of undeclared symbolic_variable. 2011-03-31, by Mario de Sousa
- Updating licensing information. 2011-03-31, by Mario de Sousa
- Error messages (stage3) now better identify the location of the error. 2011-03-31, by Mario de Sousa
- Adding debug conditional printf()s in stage 3. 2011-03-31, by Mario de Sousa
- Merging my Huge change with Edouards/Laurents version 2011-03-31, by Mario de Sousa
- Huge change. 2011-03-30, by Mario de Sousa
- Changed packing declaration in iec_types 2011-04-01, by Edouard Tisserant
- Modify code generated for avoiding warning while compiling when configuration or resource don't have any global variable 2011-04-01, by laurent
- Initial TIME support in debugger 2011-03-31, by Edouard Tisserant
- Merged with Edouard's modifications 2011-03-27, by laurent
- Bug with getter for pointed variables in accessors fixed 2011-03-27, by laurent
- Added dumb SEMA implementation 2011-03-26, by Edouqrd Tisserant
- Adding missing support for accessors and retain in configuration files (Bug and fix reported by Manuele Conti) 2011-03-16, by laurent
- Merged with modifications from Edouard 2011-03-12, by laurent
- Task single parameter code generation broken after addition of accessors fixed. 2011-03-12, by laurent
- Bug when function call result is a parameter of another function call fixed. 2011-03-12, by laurent
- A forgotten case in type size getter switch prevented debugging outputs. 2011-02-22, by edouard
- merge 2010-06-16, by laurent
- Adding support for generating code for variable in step action association instead of action 2010-06-02, by laurent
- Updated makefiles for cygwin build with no perl 2010-06-03, by Lolitech
- Bug with global located variables accessors fixed 2010-05-20, by laurent
- Bug with code generation of global located variables in resource fixed thanks to Mario 2010-05-19, by laurent
- Bugs fixed: 2010-04-22, by laurent
- Bug when parsing standard function block call in IL 2010-04-22, by laurent
- Bug when trying to get type of elements in a big complex structure fixed 2009-12-15, by laurent
- Adding support for using arrays in POU interface 2009-12-15, by laurent
- Using InOut variables in functions fixed 2009-12-15, by laurent
- Bug on generate_c_inlinefcall fixed 2009-12-15, by laurent
- Using function_call_iterator in generate_c_inlinefcall instead of creating a new visitor 2009-12-13, by laurent
- Bug on standard functions called with literals fixed 2009-12-12, by laurent
- Adding support for making distinction between external variables and located variables for forcing 2009-12-11, by laurent
- Adding support for forcing global without perturbation from setting external 2009-12-11, by laurent
- Bug in located variable initialization code fixed 2009-12-09, by laurent
- Bug on SFC debugging fixed 2009-12-08, by laurent
- Adding support for setter and getter on complex datatype in IL 2009-12-07, by berem
- Changes merged 2009-12-05, by laurent
- Adding support for setter and getter on complex datatype in ST 2009-12-05, by laurent
- Fix accessor code 2009-12-05, by laurent
- type definition to match accessor and new debug 2009-12-04, by edouard
- fixed cygwin build - still slooooooooow 2009-12-04, by edouard
- Adding Flags bit symbols 2009-12-02, by laurent
- Adding support for flags on Function Block variables for marking which variable must be debugged, retained or is forced 2009-12-02, by laurent
- Bug with ULINT correction fixed 2009-12-01, by laurent
- Adding support for declare, init, get and set macros 2009-11-30, by laurent
- added files to ignore in hgignore 2009-11-29, by Edouard TISSERANT
- Adding support for declare, init, get and set macros 2009-11-29, by laurent
- Bug with using non explicit literals as standard library functions input parameters fixed 2009-11-18, by laurent
- Wiped out references to Lolitech 2009-11-02, by edouard
- Replace \"lolitech\" contact by \"edouard\" contact 2009-11-02, by greg
- Fix some bug in debian packages 2009-10-28, by greg
- Fix some warnings on compilation 2009-10-22, by greg
- Remove warnings when compiling IL generated C code 2009-10-19, by laurent
- Adding support for forcing tick count to return to zero as the same time than all tasks firing are synchronized 2009-09-21, by laurent
- Remove -pedantic flag to CFLAGS to allow unsigned long long to be compiled 2009-09-21, by laurent
- Modify code generated to fit latest modifications in matiec and useless symbol definitions 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Bug in eno_param_declaration error handle fixed 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Bug with EN/ENO in generate_var_list that breaks parsing of variables.csv fixed 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Mario changes merged 2009-09-02, by 'Laurent Bessard
- Adding missing Stage3 files. 2009-08-27, by Catarina Boucinha
- Merged changes 2009-08-27, by Catarina Boucinha
- Initial (very rough) version of semantic checker (stage3) 2009-08-27, by Catarina Boucinha
- Introducing the search_il_operand_type files in the absyntax_utils folder. 2009-07-02, by Catarina Boucinha
- Applying patch from Iztok for old gcc versions 2009-09-02, by laurent
- Bug with type conversion EN/ENO not evaluated fixed 2009-09-01, by laurent
- prevent eclipse to push .project with .hgignore 2009-07-10, by 'Grégory Trélat
- removed dead hidden files 2009-07-10, by 'Grégory Trélat
- Fix problems with direct variables in expression while compiling resulting expression type 2009-06-19, by lbessard
- Fix segmentation fault when define global with location but no name (reported by brendan) 2009-06-19, by lbessard
- Removing un-necessary symbol direct_variable_type_name_c from abstract syntax tree 2009-06-18, by mario
- Fixing indentification 2009-06-18, by mario
- Adding inclusion of function blocks defined in AnnexF into library blocks 2009-06-10, by lbessard
- Adding support for parsing standard function in standard function blocks code generation 2009-06-10, by lbessard
- Adding inclusion of function blocks defined in AnnexF into library blocks 2009-06-10, by lbessard
- Bug on function without input parameters fixed 2009-06-09, by lbessard
- Removing failing error finding rule 2009-06-09, by lbessard
- Warning when compiling abs functions for unsigned integer fixed 2009-06-05, by lbessard
- bug when compiling for windows (missing getopt.h) fixed 2009-06-05, by greg
- Newer versions of g++ require access controls to be correct! 2009-06-04, by mario
- Adding support for single resource scheduling 2009-06-04, by lbessard
- Bug with bison versions earlier than 2.3 fixed 2009-06-04, by lbessard
- Moving absyntax utility functions out from stage4/generate_c 2009-06-01, by mario
- Moving absyntax utility files out from stage4/generate_c 2009-06-01, by mario
- Bug on "abs" not working with float fixed 2009-05-30, by greg
- Target Directory not parsed in command line fixed 2009-05-28, by lbessard
- Starting move of search utils to their own top level directory. 2009-05-26, by mario
- Adding support for SAFEBOOL. Some code generation yet to do... 2009-05-25, by mario
- Bug with non-working counters fixed 2009-05-19, by lbessard
- Adding support for checking direct variable declared before using 2009-05-18, by lbessard