author Laurent Bessard
Tue, 11 Sep 2012 01:05:24 +0200
changeset 628 fe0d516fe291
parent 279 c0453b7f99df
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Fix bug in SFC generated code. Action state was declared in the list of variables to debug, but wasn't stored using structure with flags. This error had side effects that makes Beremiz debug crash.
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2011  Laurent Bessard and Edouard Tisserant
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
 * Simple PLC run cycle test implementation - prints every located at each cycle

#include "iec_std_lib.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#define __print_BOOL(name) printf("  %s = (BOOL) %s\n",#name, name?"TRUE":"FALSE");
#define __print_SINT(name) printf("  %s = (SINT) %d\n",#name, name);
#define __print_INT(name) printf("  %s = (INT) %d\n",#name, name);
#define __print_DINT(name) printf("  %s = (DINT) %d\n",#name, name);
#define __print_LINT(name) printf("  %s = (LINT) %d\n",#name, name);
#define __print_USINT(name) printf("  %s = (USINT) %u\n",#name, name);
#define __print_UINT(name) printf("  %s = (UINT) %u\n",#name, name);
#define __print_UDINT(name) printf("  %s = (UDINT) %u\n",#name, name);
#define __print_ULINT(name) printf("  %s = (ULINT) %lu\n",#name, name);
#define __print_REAL(name) printf("  %s = (REAL) %f\n",#name, (double)name);
#define __print_LREAL(name) printf("  %s = (LREAL) %f\n",#name, (double)name);
#define __print_TIME(name) {STRING __tmp = __time_to_string(name);__tmp.body[__tmp.len] = 0; printf("  %s = (TIME) %*s\n",#name, __tmp.len, &__tmp.body);}
#define __print_DATE(name) {STRING __tmp = __date_to_string(name);__tmp.body[__tmp.len] = 0; printf("  %s = (DATE) %*s\n",#name, __tmp.len, &__tmp.body);}
#define __print_TOD(name) {STRING __tmp = __tod_to_string(name);__tmp.body[__tmp.len] = 0; printf("  %s = (TOD) %*s\n",#name, __tmp.len, &__tmp.body);}
#define __print_DT(name) {STRING __tmp = __dt_to_string(name);__tmp.body[__tmp.len] = 0; printf("  %s = (DT) %*s\n",#name, __tmp.len, &__tmp.body);}
#define __print_STRING(name) printf("  %s = (STRING) {%d, \"%*s\"}\n",#name, name->len, name->len, &name->body);
#define __print_BYTE(name) printf("  %s = (BYTE) 0x%2.2x\n",#name, name);
#define __print_WORD(name) printf("  %s = (WORD) 0x%4.4x\n",#name, name);
#define __print_DWORD(name) printf("  %s = (DWORD) 0x%8.8x\n",#name, name);
#define __print_LWORD(name) printf("  %s = (LWORD) 0x%16.16lx\n",#name, name);
 * Functions and variables provied by generated C softPLC
void config_run__(int tick);
void config_init__(void);

 *  Functions and variables to export to generated C softPLC

#define __LOCATED_VAR(type, name, ...) type __##name;
#undef __LOCATED_VAR
#define __LOCATED_VAR(type, name, ...) type* name = &__##name;
#undef __LOCATED_VAR

static int tick = 0;

void run()
    printf("Tick %d\n",tick);
    printf("  Located variables : \n");
#define __LOCATED_VAR(type, name,...) __print_##type(name);
#undef __LOCATED_VAR