author Laurent Bessard
Tue, 11 Sep 2012 01:05:24 +0200
changeset 628 fe0d516fe291
parent 433 1355adcdad58
child 762 a3d917474ae4
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Fix bug in SFC generated code. Action state was declared in the list of variables to debug, but wasn't stored using structure with flags. This error had side effects that makes Beremiz debug crash.
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2003-2011  Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2011  Laurent Bessard and Edouard Tisserant
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

 * Determine the default initial value of a type declaration.
 * This is part of the 4th stage that generates
 * a c++ source program equivalent to the IL and ST
 * code.

/* Given a type definition declration, determine its default
 * initial value. Note that types based on other types
 * may have to iterate through each type it is based on
 * to determine the initial value.
 * E.g.
 *  TYPE
 *    A_t : INT := 10;
 *    B_t : A_t := 20;
 *    C_t : B_t;
 *    D_t : C_t := 40;
 * Where the default initial value for C_t is 20!
/* NOTE: The main program only needs one instance of
 *       this class of object. This class
 *       is therefore a singleton.

class type_initial_value_c : public null_visitor_c {

    static type_initial_value_c *_instance;
    /* constants for the default values of elementary data types... */
    static real_c		*real_0;
    static integer_c		*integer_0, *integer_1;
    static boolean_literal_c	*bool_0;
    static date_literal_c	*date_literal_0;
    static daytime_c		*daytime_literal_0;
    static duration_c		*time_0;
    static date_c		*date_0;
    static time_of_day_c	*tod_0;
    static date_and_time_c	*dt_0;
    static single_byte_character_string_c *string_0;
    static double_byte_character_string_c *wstring_0;

    static type_initial_value_c *instance(void);


    symbol_c *get(identifier_c *type_name);

    void *handle_type_spec(symbol_c *base_type_name, symbol_c *type_spec_init);

    void *visit(identifier_c *type_name);

    /* B 1.3.1 - Elementary Data Types */
    void *visit(time_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(bool_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(sint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(int_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(dint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(lint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(usint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(uint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(udint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(ulint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(real_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(lreal_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(date_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(tod_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(dt_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(byte_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(word_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(dword_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(lword_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(string_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(wstring_type_name_c *symbol);

    void *visit(safetime_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safebool_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safesint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safeint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safedint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safelint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safeusint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safeuint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safeudint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safeulint_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safereal_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safelreal_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safedate_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safetod_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safedt_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safebyte_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safeword_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safedword_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safelword_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safestring_type_name_c *symbol);
    void *visit(safewstring_type_name_c *symbol);

    /* B 1.3.3 - Derived data types */
    /*  simple_type_name ':' simple_spec_init */
    void *visit(simple_type_declaration_c *symbol);

    /* simple_specification ASSIGN constant */
    void *visit(simple_spec_init_c *symbol);

    /*  subrange_type_name ':' subrange_spec_init */
    void *visit(subrange_type_declaration_c *symbol);

    /* subrange_specification ASSIGN signed_integer */
    void *visit(subrange_spec_init_c *symbol);

    /*  integer_type_name '(' subrange')' */
    void *visit(subrange_specification_c *symbol);

    /*  signed_integer DOTDOT signed_integer */
    void *visit(subrange_c *symbol);

    /*  enumerated_type_name ':' enumerated_spec_init */
    void *visit(enumerated_type_declaration_c *symbol);

    /* enumerated_specification ASSIGN enumerated_value */
    void *visit(enumerated_spec_init_c *symbol);

    /* helper symbol for enumerated_specification->enumerated_spec_init */
    /* enumerated_value_list ',' enumerated_value */
    void *visit(enumerated_value_list_c *symbol);

    /* enumerated_type_name '#' identifier */
    // SYM_REF2(enumerated_value_c, type, value)
    void *visit(enumerated_value_c *symbol);

    /*  identifier ':' array_spec_init */
    void *visit(array_type_declaration_c *symbol);

    /* array_specification [ASSIGN array_initialization} */
    /* array_initialization may be NULL ! */
    void *visit(array_spec_init_c *symbol);

    /* ARRAY '[' array_subrange_list ']' OF non_generic_type_name */
    void *visit(array_specification_c *symbol);

    /* helper symbol for array_specification */
    /* array_subrange_list ',' subrange */
    void *visit(array_subrange_list_c *symbol);

    /* array_initialization:  '[' array_initial_elements_list ']' */
    /* helper symbol for array_initialization */
    /* array_initial_elements_list ',' array_initial_elements */
    void *visit(array_initial_elements_list_c *symbol);

    /* integer '(' [array_initial_element] ')' */
    /* array_initial_element may be NULL ! */
    void *visit(array_initial_elements_c *symbol);
    /*  structure_type_name ':' structure_specification */
    void *visit(structure_type_declaration_c *symbol);

    /* structure_type_name ASSIGN structure_initialization */
    /* structure_initialization may be NULL ! */
    void *visit(initialized_structure_c *symbol);
    /* helper symbol for structure_declaration */
    /* structure_declaration:  STRUCT structure_element_declaration_list END_STRUCT */
    /* structure_element_declaration_list structure_element_declaration ';' */
    void *visit(structure_element_declaration_list_c *symbol);
    /*  structure_element_name ':' *_spec_init */
    void *visit(structure_element_declaration_c *symbol);
    /* helper symbol for structure_initialization */
    /* structure_initialization: '(' structure_element_initialization_list ')' */
    /* structure_element_initialization_list ',' structure_element_initialization */
    void *visit(structure_element_initialization_list_c *symbol);
    /*  structure_element_name ASSIGN value */
    void *visit(structure_element_initialization_c *symbol);
    /*  string_type_name ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init */
     * NOTE:
     * (Summary: Contrary to what is expected, the
     *           string_type_declaration_c is not used to store
     *           simple string type declarations that do not include
     *           size limits.
     *           For e.g.:
     *             str1_type: STRING := "hello!"
     *           will be stored in a simple_type_declaration_c
     *           instead of a string_type_declaration_c.
     *           The following:
     *             str2_type: STRING [64] := "hello!"
     *           will be stored in a sring_type_declaration_c
     *           Read on for why this is done...
     * End Summary)
     * According to the spec, the valid construct
     * TYPE new_str_type : STRING := "hello!"; END_TYPE
     * has two possible routes to type_declaration...
     * Route 1:
     * type_declaration: single_element_type_declaration
     * single_element_type_declaration: simple_type_declaration
     * simple_type_declaration: identifier ':' simple_spec_init
     * simple_spec_init: simple_specification ASSIGN constant
     * (shift:  identifier <- 'new_str_type')
     * simple_specification: elementary_type_name
     * elementary_type_name: STRING
     * (shift: elementary_type_name <- STRING)
     * (reduce: simple_specification <- elementary_type_name)
     * (shift: constant <- "hello!")
     * (reduce: simple_spec_init: simple_specification ASSIGN constant)
     * (reduce: ...)
     * Route 2:
     * type_declaration: string_type_declaration
     * string_type_declaration: identifier ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init
     * (shift:  identifier <- 'new_str_type')
     * elementary_string_type_name: STRING
     * (shift: elementary_string_type_name <- STRING)
     * (shift: string_type_declaration_size <-  empty )
     * string_type_declaration_init: ASSIGN character_string
     * (shift: character_string <- "hello!")
     * (reduce: string_type_declaration_init <- ASSIGN character_string)
     * (reduce: string_type_declaration <- identifier ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init )
     * (reduce: type_declaration <- string_type_declaration)
     * At first glance it seems that removing route 1 would make
     * the most sense. Unfortunately the construct 'simple_spec_init'
     * shows up multiple times in other rules, so changing this construct
     * would also mean changing all the rules in which it appears.
     * I (Mario) therefore chose to remove route 2 instead. This means
     * that the above declaration gets stored in a
     * simple_type_declaration_c, and not in a string_type_declaration_c
     * as would be expected!
    /*  string_type_name ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init */
     // SYM_REF4(string_type_declaration_c,	string_type_name,
     //					elementary_string_type_name,
     //					string_type_declaration_size,
     // 				string_type_declaration_init) /* may be == NULL! */
    void *visit(string_type_declaration_c *symbol);
}; // type_initial_value_c