author Edouard Tisserant
Tue, 14 Dec 2021 08:48:05 +0100
changeset 1096 fad6e7a818e2
parent 1041 56ebe2a31b5b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Variable forcing now uses limited list and buffer instead of systematical instance tree traversal and in-tree "fvalue" to keep track of forced value for pointed variables (external, located). Pointer swapping is performed when forcing externals and located, with backup being restored when forcing is reset. Match Beremiz commit 93ad018fb602.
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2014  Mario de Sousa (
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

 * Re-oder the POUs in te library so that no forward references occur.
 * Since stage1_2 now suppport POUs that contain references to POUS that are only declared later,
 * (e.g. a variable of FB1_t is declared, before the FB1_T function block is itself declared!)
 * we may need to re-order all the POUs in the library so that these forward references do not occur.
 * This utility function will do just that. However, it does not destroy the original abstract syntax 
 * tree (AST). It instead creates a new re-ordered AST, by instantiating a new library_c object.
 * This new library_c object will however point to the *same* objects of the original AST, just in 
 * a new order. 
 * This means that the new and original AST share all the object instances, and only use a distinct
 * library_c object!

#include "remove_forward_dependencies.hh"
#include "../main.hh" // required for ERROR() and ERROR_MSG() macros.
#include "../absyntax_utils/absyntax_utils.hh"

#define FIRST_(symbol1, symbol2) (((symbol1)->first_order < (symbol2)->first_order)   ? (symbol1) : (symbol2))
#define  LAST_(symbol1, symbol2) (((symbol1)->last_order  > (symbol2)->last_order)    ? (symbol1) : (symbol2))

#define FIRST_(symbol1, symbol2) (((symbol1)->first_order < (symbol2)->first_order)   ? (symbol1) : (symbol2))
#define  LAST_(symbol1, symbol2) (((symbol1)->last_order  > (symbol2)->last_order)    ? (symbol1) : (symbol2))

#define STAGE3_ERROR(error_level, symbol1, symbol2, ...) {                                                                  \
  if (current_display_error_level >= error_level) {                                                                         \
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d-%d..%d-%d: error: ",                                                                             \
            FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_file, FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_line, FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_column,\
                                                 LAST_(symbol1,symbol2) ->last_line,  LAST_(symbol1,symbol2) ->last_column);\
    fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);                                                                                           \
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");                                                                                                  \
    error_count++;                                                                                                     \
  }                                                                                                                         \

#define STAGE3_WARNING(symbol1, symbol2, ...) {                                                                             \
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d-%d..%d-%d: warning: ",                                                                           \
            FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_file, FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_line, FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_column,\
                                                 LAST_(symbol1,symbol2) ->last_line,  LAST_(symbol1,symbol2) ->last_column);\
    fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);                                                                                           \
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");                                                                                                  \
    warning_found = true;                                                                                                   \

/* NOTE: We create an independent visitor for this task instead of having this done by the remove_forward_dependencies_c
 *       because we do not want to handle the ***_pragma_c classes while doing this search.
 *      (remove_forward_dependencies_c needs to visit those classes when handling all the possible entries in
 *       library_c, and must have those visitors)
 * NOTE:
 *      This class could have been written by visiting all the AST objects that could _reference_ a
 *          - FB type
 *          - Program type
 *          - Function type
 *      and by checking whether those references are in the declared_identifiers list.
 *      However, one of those objects, the ref_spec_c, may reference an FB type, or any other datatype, so we must have a way
 *      of knowing what is being referenced in this case. I have opted to introduce a new object type in the AST, the
 *      poutype_identifier_c, that will be used anywhere in the AST that references either a PROGRAM name or a FB type name
 *      or a FUNCTION name (previously a simple identifier_c was used!).
 *      This means that we merely need to visit the new poutype_identifier_c object in this visitor.
class find_forward_dependencies_c: public search_visitor_c {
    identifiers_symbtable_t *declared_identifiers; // list of identifiers already declared by the symbols in the new tree
    find_forward_dependencies_c(identifiers_symbtable_t *declared_identifiers_) {declared_identifiers = declared_identifiers_;}
  /* B 1.1 - Letters, digits and identifiers */
  // return NULL if the symbol is already in the declared_identifiers symbol table, otherwise return the missing symbol!
  void *visit(            poutype_identifier_c *symbol)
    {if (declared_identifiers->find(symbol) != declared_identifiers->end()) return NULL; else return symbol;}
};   /* class find_forward_dependencies_c */

/* A class to count the number of POUs (Function, FBs Programs and Configurations) in a library.
 * This will be used to make sure whether we have copied all the POUs from the original AST (abstract
 * syntax tree) to the new AST.
 * Note that we can't simply use the number of 'elements' in the AST, as it may contain unknown/unsupported pragmas.
class pou_count_c: public search_visitor_c {
    static pou_count_c *singleton;
    long long int count;

    static long long int get_count(library_c *library) {
      if (NULL == singleton) singleton = new pou_count_c;
      if (NULL == singleton) ERROR;
      singleton->count = 0;
      return singleton->count;
    /* B.1.5 - Program organization units */
    void *visit(      function_declaration_c *symbol) {count++; return NULL;}
    void *visit(function_block_declaration_c *symbol) {count++; return NULL;} 
    void *visit(       program_declaration_c *symbol) {count++; return NULL;} 
    void *visit( configuration_declaration_c *symbol) {count++; return NULL;} 
};   /* class pou_count_c */

pou_count_c *pou_count_c::singleton = NULL;
symbol_c remove_forward_dependencies_c_null_symbol;

/******   The main class: Remove Forward Depencies    *******/

// constructor & destructor
remove_forward_dependencies_c:: remove_forward_dependencies_c(void) {
  find_forward_dependencies      = new find_forward_dependencies_c(&declared_identifiers);
  current_display_error_level = error_level_default;
  error_count = 0;

remove_forward_dependencies_c::~remove_forward_dependencies_c(void) {
  delete find_forward_dependencies;

int remove_forward_dependencies_c::get_error_count(void) {
  return error_count;

library_c *remove_forward_dependencies_c::create_new_tree(symbol_c *tree) {
  library_c *old_tree = dynamic_cast<library_c *>(tree);
  if (NULL == old_tree) ERROR;
  new_tree = new library_c;
  *((symbol_c *)new_tree) = *((symbol_c *)tree); // copy any annotations from tree to new_tree;
  new_tree->clear(); // remove all elements from list.
  return new_tree;

void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::handle_library_symbol(symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *name, symbol_c *search1, symbol_c *search2, symbol_c *search3) {
  if (inserted_symbols.find(symbol) != inserted_symbols.end())                 return NULL; // already previously inserted into new_tree and declared_identifiers. Do not handle again!
  if ((search1 != NULL) && (search1->accept(*find_forward_dependencies) != NULL)) return NULL; // A forward depency has not yet been satisfied. Wait for a later iteration to try again! 
  if ((search2 != NULL) && (search2->accept(*find_forward_dependencies) != NULL)) return NULL; // A forward depency has not yet been satisfied. Wait for a later iteration to try again!
  if ((search3 != NULL) && (search3->accept(*find_forward_dependencies) != NULL)) return NULL; // A forward depency has not yet been satisfied. Wait for a later iteration to try again!
  /* no forward dependencies found => insert into new AST, and add to the 'defined identifiers' and 'inserted symbol' lists */
  if (declared_identifiers.find(name) == declared_identifiers.end())
      declared_identifiers.insert(name, NULL);  // only add if not yet in the symbol table (an overloaded version of this same POU could have been inderted previously!)
  return NULL;

/* Tell the user that the source code contains a circular dependency */
void remove_forward_dependencies_c::print_circ_error(library_c *symbol) {
  /* Note that we only print Functions and FBs, as Programs and Configurations cannot contain circular references due to syntax rules */
  /* Note too that circular references in derived datatypes is also not possible due to sytax!                                        */
  int initial_error_count = error_count;
  for (int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++) 
    if (   (inserted_symbols.find(symbol->get_element(i)) == inserted_symbols.end())            // if not copied to new AST
        &&(  (NULL != dynamic_cast <function_block_declaration_c *>(symbol->get_element(i)))    // and (is a FB  
           ||(NULL != dynamic_cast <      function_declaration_c *>(symbol->get_element(i)))))  //      or a Function)
      STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol->get_element(i), symbol->get_element(i), "POU (%s) contains a self-reference and/or belongs in a circular referencing loop", get_datatype_info_c::get_id_str(symbol->get_element(i)));
  if (error_count == initial_error_count) ERROR; // We were unable to determine which POUs contain the circular references!!

/* B 0 - Programming Model */
/* enumvalue_symtable is filled in by enum_declaration_check_c, during stage3 semantic verification, with a list of all enumerated constants declared inside this POU */
// SYM_LIST(library_c, enumvalue_symtable_t enumvalue_symtable;)
void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::visit(library_c *symbol) {
  /* this method is the expected entry point for this visitor, and implements the main algorithm of the visitor */
  /* first insert all the derived datatype declarations, in the same order by which they are delcared in the original AST */
  /* Since IEC 61131-3 does not allow FBs in arrays or structures, it is actually safe to place all the datatypes before all the POUs! */
  for (int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++) 
    if (NULL != dynamic_cast <data_type_declaration_c *>(symbol->get_element(i)))

  /* now do the POUs, in whatever order is necessary to guarantee no forward references. */    
  long long int old_tree_pou_count = pou_count_c::get_count(symbol);
    // if no code generation pragma exists before the first entry in the library, the default is to enable code generation.
  enable_code_generation_pragma_c *default_code_generation_pragma = new enable_code_generation_pragma_c; 
  int prev_n;
  cycle_count = 0;
  do {
    prev_n = new_tree->n;
    current_code_generation_pragma = default_code_generation_pragma;
    for (int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++)  symbol->get_element(i)->accept(*this);
  } while (prev_n != new_tree->n); // repeat while new elementns are still being added to the new AST
  if (old_tree_pou_count != pou_count_c::get_count(new_tree)) 

  return NULL;

/* B.1.5 - Program organization units */
/* B 1.5.1 - Functions */
// SYM_REF4(function_declaration_c, derived_function_name, type_name, var_declarations_list, function_body, enumvalue_symtable_t enumvalue_symtable;)
void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::visit(function_declaration_c *symbol) 
  {return handle_library_symbol(symbol, symbol->derived_function_name, symbol->type_name, symbol->var_declarations_list, symbol->function_body);}
/* B 1.5.2 - Function Blocks */
/*  FUNCTION_BLOCK derived_function_block_name io_OR_other_var_declarations function_block_body END_FUNCTION_BLOCK */
// SYM_REF3(function_block_declaration_c, fblock_name, var_declarations, fblock_body, enumvalue_symtable_t enumvalue_symtable;)
void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::visit(function_block_declaration_c *symbol) 
  {return handle_library_symbol(symbol, symbol->fblock_name, symbol->var_declarations, symbol->fblock_body);}
/* B 1.5.3 - Programs */
/*  PROGRAM program_type_name program_var_declarations_list function_block_body END_PROGRAM */
// SYM_REF3(program_declaration_c, program_type_name, var_declarations, function_block_body, enumvalue_symtable_t enumvalue_symtable;)
void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::visit(program_declaration_c *symbol) 
  {return handle_library_symbol(symbol, symbol->program_type_name, symbol->var_declarations, symbol->function_block_body);}
/* B 1.7 Configuration elements */
/* CONFIGURATION configuration_name (...) END_CONFIGURATION */
// SYM_REF5(configuration_declaration_c, configuration_name, global_var_declarations, resource_declarations, access_declarations, instance_specific_initializations, enumvalue_symtable_t enumvalue_symtable;)
void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::visit(configuration_declaration_c *symbol) 
  {return handle_library_symbol(symbol, symbol->configuration_name, symbol->global_var_declarations, symbol->resource_declarations, symbol->access_declarations);}
/* 2.1.6 - Pragmas  */
void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::visit(disable_code_generation_pragma_c *symbol) {current_code_generation_pragma = symbol; return NULL;}
void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::visit( enable_code_generation_pragma_c *symbol) {current_code_generation_pragma = symbol; return NULL;}
/* I have no ideia what this pragma is. Where should we place it in the re-ordered tree? 
 * Without knowing the semantics of the pragma, it is not possible to hande it correctly.
 * We therefore print out an error message, and abort!
// TODO: print error message!
void *remove_forward_dependencies_c::visit(pragma_c *symbol) {
  if (1 != cycle_count) return NULL; // only handle unknown pragmas in the first cycle!
  STAGE3_WARNING(symbol, symbol, "Unrecognized pragma. Including the pragma when using the '-p' command line option for 'allow use of forward references' may result in unwanted behaviour.");
  return NULL;