author Edouard Tisserant
Tue, 14 Dec 2021 08:48:05 +0100
changeset 1096 fad6e7a818e2
parent 1075 c2779ecc2a0c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Variable forcing now uses limited list and buffer instead of systematical instance tree traversal and in-tree "fvalue" to keep track of forced value for pointed variables (external, located). Pointer swapping is performed when forcing externals and located, with backup being restored when forcing is reset. Match Beremiz commit 93ad018fb602.
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2012  Mario de Sousa (
 *  Copyright (C) 2012       Manuele Conti (
 *  Copyright (C) 2012       Matteo Facchinetti (
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

/* TODO - things yet not checked by this data type checker...
 * - check variable declarations
 * - check data type declarations
 * - check inside configurations (variable declarations)
 * - check SFC code
 * - must fix S and R IL functions (includes potientialy fixing stage4 code!) 

/* NOTE: The algorithm implemented here assumes that flow control analysis has already been completed!
 *       BEFORE running this visitor, be sure to CALL the flow_control_analysis_c visitor!

 *  Fill the candidate datatype list for all symbols that may legally 'have' a data type (e.g. variables, literals, function calls, expressions, etc.)
 *  The candidate datatype list will be filled with a list of all the data types that expression may legally take.
 *  For example, the very simple literal '0' (as in foo := 0), may represent a:
 *    BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD, USINT, SINT, UINT, INT, UDINT, DINT, ULINT, LINT (as well as the SAFE versions of these data tyes too!)
 * WARNING: This visitor class starts off by building a map of all enumeration constants that are defined in the source code (i.e. a library_c symbol),
 *          and this map is later used to determine the datatpe of each use of an enumeration constant. By implication, the fill_candidate_datatypes_c 
 *          visitor class will only work corretly if it is asked to visit a symbol of class library_c!!

#include <../main.hh>         /* required for UINT64_MAX, INT64_MAX, INT64_MIN, ... */
#include "fill_candidate_datatypes.hh"
#include "datatype_functions.hh"
#include <typeinfo>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>

#define GET_CVALUE(dtype, symbol)             ((symbol)->const_value._##dtype.get())
#define VALID_CVALUE(dtype, symbol)           ((symbol)->const_value._##dtype.is_valid())
#define IS_OVERFLOW(dtype, symbol)            ((symbol)->const_value._##dtype.is_overflow())

/* set to 1 to see debug info during execution */
static int debug = 0;

/*                                                   */
/*  A small helper class...                          */
/*                                                   */

/* Add to the global_enumerated_value_symtable the global enum value constants, i.e. the enum constants used in the enumerated
 * datatypes that are defined inside a TYPE ... END_TYPE declaration.
/* NOTE: we do not store any NULL values in this symbol table, so we can safely use NULL and the null value. */

typedef dsymtable_c<symbol_c *> enumerated_value_symtable_t;
static enumerated_value_symtable_t global_enumerated_value_symtable;
class populate_globalenumvalue_symtable_c: public iterator_visitor_c {
    symbol_c *current_enumerated_type;

     populate_globalenumvalue_symtable_c(void) {current_enumerated_type = NULL;};
    ~populate_globalenumvalue_symtable_c(void) {}

  /* B.1 - Common elements */
  /* B.1.3 - Data types */
  /* B 1.3.3 - Derived data types */
  /*  enumerated_type_name ':' enumerated_spec_init */
  void *visit(enumerated_type_declaration_c *symbol) {
  //current_enumerated_type = symbol->enumerated_type_name;
    current_enumerated_type = symbol;
    current_enumerated_type = NULL;
    return NULL;

  /* enumerated_specification ASSIGN enumerated_value */
  void *visit(enumerated_spec_init_c *symbol) {
    return symbol->enumerated_specification->accept(*this);

  /* [enumerated_type_name '#'] identifier */
  void *visit(enumerated_value_c *symbol) {
    if (current_enumerated_type == NULL) ERROR;
    if (symbol->type != NULL) ERROR;

    enumerated_value_symtable_t::iterator lower = global_enumerated_value_symtable.lower_bound(symbol->value);
    enumerated_value_symtable_t::iterator upper = global_enumerated_value_symtable.upper_bound(symbol->value);
    for (; lower != upper; lower++)
      if (lower->second == current_enumerated_type) {
        /*  The same identifier is used more than once as an enumerated value/constant inside the same enumerated datat type! */
        return NULL; /* No need to insert it! It is already in the table! */

    global_enumerated_value_symtable.insert(symbol->value, current_enumerated_type);
    return NULL;

  /* B.1.5 - Program organization units */
  /* B 1.5.1 - Functions */
  void *visit(function_declaration_c *symbol) {return NULL;}
  /* B 1.5.2 - Function Blocks */
  void *visit(function_block_declaration_c *symbol) {return NULL;}
  /* B 1.5.3 - Programs */
  void *visit(program_declaration_c *symbol) {return NULL;}
}; /* populate_globalenumvalue_symtable_c */

static populate_globalenumvalue_symtable_c populate_globalenumvalue_symtable;

/*                                                   */
/*  A small helper class...                          */
/*                                                   */

/* Add to the local_enumerated_value_symtable the local enum value constants */
/* Notes:
 * Some enumerations are 
 *   (A) declared anonymously inside a VAR ... END_VAR declaration
 *       (e.g. VAR enum_var : (enumvalue1, enumvalue2); END_VAR)
 *  while others are 
 *   (B) declared (with a name) inside a TYPE .. END_TYPE declaration.
 *  Values in (A) are added to the enumerated_value_symtable in
 *  Values in (B) are only in scope inside the POU with the VAR END_VAR declaration.
 * This class will add the enum values in (B) to the local_enumerated_value_symtable.
 * If a locally defined enum value is identical to another locally defined enum_value, a 
 *  duplicate entry is created.
 *  However, if a locally defined enum value is identical to another globally defined enum_value, the
 *  corresponding entry in local_enumerated_value_symtable is also set to the local datatype.
 *  This is because anonynous locally feined enum datatypes are anonymous, and its enum values cannot therefore
 *  be disambiguated using EnumType#enum_value (since the enum type does not have a name, it is anonymous!).
 *  For this reason we implement the semantics where locally defined enum values, when in scope, will 'cover'
 *  the globally defined enum value with the same name/identifier.
 *  For example:
 *  TYPE  GlobalEnumT: (xxx1, xxx2, xxx3) END_TYPE
 *       GlobalEnumVar: GlobalEnumT;
 *      LocalEnumVar : (xxx1, yyy2, yyy3);
 *     END_VAR
 *     LocalEnumVar  := xxx1;   <-- We consider it OK!!!     xxx1 will reference the anonymous type used for LocalEnumVar
 *     GlobalEnumVar := xxx1;   <-- We consider it an error. xxx1 will reference the anonymous type used for LocalEnumVar
 *     GlobalEnumVar := GlobalEnumT#xxx1;
static enumerated_value_symtable_t local_enumerated_value_symtable;

class populate_localenumvalue_symtable_c: public iterator_visitor_c {
    symbol_c *current_enumerated_type;

     populate_localenumvalue_symtable_c(void) {current_enumerated_type = NULL;};
    ~populate_localenumvalue_symtable_c(void) {}

  /* B.1 - Common elements */
  /* B.1.3 - Data types */
  /* B 1.3.3 - Derived data types */
  /*  TYPE type_declaration_list END_TYPE */
  void *visit(data_type_declaration_c *symbol) {return NULL;} // do not visit the type declarations!!
  /* enumerated_specification ASSIGN enumerated_value */
  void *visit(enumerated_spec_init_c *symbol) {
    current_enumerated_type = symbol;
    /* DO NOT visit the symbol->enumerated_value   !!! */
    current_enumerated_type = NULL;
    return NULL;

  /* [enumerated_type_name '#'] identifier */
  void *visit(enumerated_value_c *symbol) {
    /* if the enumerated_value_c is not inside a enumerated_spec_init_c (e.g. used as the inital value of a variable), we simply return */
    if (current_enumerated_type == NULL) return NULL;  
    /* this is really an ERROR! The initial value may use the syntax NUM_TYPE#enum_value, but in that case we should have return'd in the above statement !! */
    if (symbol->type != NULL) ERROR;  

    enumerated_value_symtable_t::iterator lower = local_enumerated_value_symtable.lower_bound(symbol->value);
    enumerated_value_symtable_t::iterator upper = local_enumerated_value_symtable.upper_bound(symbol->value);
    for (; lower != upper; lower++)
      if (lower->second == current_enumerated_type) {
        /*  The same identifier is used more than once as an enumerated value/constant inside the same enumerated datat type! */
        return NULL; /* No need to insert it! It is already in the table! */
    /* add it to the local symbol table. */
    local_enumerated_value_symtable.insert(symbol->value, current_enumerated_type);
    return NULL;
}; // class populate_enumvalue_symtable_c

static populate_localenumvalue_symtable_c populate_enumvalue_symtable;

/*                                                   */
/*  Main  FILL candidate datatypes algorithm...      */
/*                                                   */

fill_candidate_datatypes_c::fill_candidate_datatypes_c(symbol_c *ignore) {
	il_operand = NULL;
	prev_il_instruction = NULL;
	search_var_instance_decl = NULL;
	current_enumerated_spec_type = NULL;
	current_scope = NULL;

fill_candidate_datatypes_c::~fill_candidate_datatypes_c(void) {

symbol_c *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::widening_conversion(symbol_c *left_type, symbol_c *right_type, const struct widen_entry widen_table[]) {
	int k;
	/* find a widening table entry compatible */
	for (k = 0; NULL != widen_table[k].left;  k++)
		if ((typeid(*left_type) == typeid(*widen_table[k].left)) && (typeid(*right_type) == typeid(*widen_table[k].right)))
                      return widen_table[k].result;
	return NULL;

/* add a data type to a candidate data type list, while guaranteeing no duplicate entries! */
/* Returns true if it really did add the datatype to the list, or false if it was already present in the list! */
bool fill_candidate_datatypes_c::add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *datatype) {
  /* If it is an invalid data type, do not insert!
   * NOTE: it reduces overall code size to do this test here, instead of doing every time before calling the add_datatype_to_candidate_list() function. 
  if (!get_datatype_info_c::is_type_valid(datatype)) /* checks for NULL and invalid_type_name_c */
    return false;

  if (search_in_candidate_datatype_list(datatype, symbol->candidate_datatypes) >= 0) 
    /* already in the list, Just return! */
    return false;
  /* not yet in the candidate data type list, so we insert it now! */
  return true;
bool fill_candidate_datatypes_c::add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *datatype1, symbol_c *datatype2) {
  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, datatype1);
  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, datatype2);
  return true;

void fill_candidate_datatypes_c::remove_incompatible_datatypes(symbol_c *symbol) {
  #ifdef __REMOVE__
    #error __REMOVE__ macro already exists. Choose another name!
  #define __REMOVE__(datatype)\
      remove_from_candidate_datatype_list(&get_datatype_info_c::datatype,       symbol->candidate_datatypes);\
      remove_from_candidate_datatype_list(&get_datatype_info_c::safe##datatype, symbol->candidate_datatypes);
  {/* Remove unsigned data types */
    uint64_t value = 0;
    if (VALID_CVALUE( uint64, symbol)) value = GET_CVALUE(uint64, symbol);
    if (IS_OVERFLOW ( uint64, symbol)) value = (uint64_t)UINT32_MAX + (uint64_t)1;
    if (value > 1          )          {__REMOVE__(bool_type_name);}
    if (value > UINT8_MAX  )          {__REMOVE__(usint_type_name);  __REMOVE__( byte_type_name);}
    if (value > UINT16_MAX )          {__REMOVE__( uint_type_name);  __REMOVE__( word_type_name);}
    if (value > UINT32_MAX )          {__REMOVE__(udint_type_name);  __REMOVE__(dword_type_name);}
    if (IS_OVERFLOW( uint64, symbol)) {__REMOVE__(ulint_type_name);  __REMOVE__(lword_type_name);}

  {/* Remove signed data types */
    int64_t value = 0;
    if (VALID_CVALUE(  int64, symbol)) value = GET_CVALUE(int64, symbol);
    if (IS_OVERFLOW (  int64, symbol)) value = (int64_t)INT32_MAX + (int64_t)1;
    if ((value <  INT8_MIN) || (value >  INT8_MAX)) {__REMOVE__(sint_type_name);}
    if ((value < INT16_MIN) || (value > INT16_MAX)) {__REMOVE__( int_type_name);}
    if ((value < INT32_MIN) || (value > INT32_MAX)) {__REMOVE__(dint_type_name);}
    if (IS_OVERFLOW( int64, symbol))                {__REMOVE__(lint_type_name);}
  {/* Remove floating point data types */
    real64_t value = 0;
    if (VALID_CVALUE( real64, symbol)) value = GET_CVALUE(real64, symbol);
    if (IS_OVERFLOW ( real64, symbol)) value = (real64_t)REAL32_MAX + (real64_t)1;
    if (value >  REAL32_MAX )         {__REMOVE__( real_type_name);}
    if (value < -REAL32_MAX )         {__REMOVE__( real_type_name);}
    if (IS_OVERFLOW( real64, symbol)) {__REMOVE__(lreal_type_name);}
  #undef __REMOVE__

/* returns true if compatible function/FB invocation, otherwise returns false */
/* Assumes that the candidate_datatype lists of all the parameters being passed haved already been filled in */
 * All parameters being passed to the called function MUST be in the parameter list to which f_call points to!
 * This means that, for non formal function calls in IL, de current (default value) must be artificially added to the
 * beginning of the parameter list BEFORE calling handle_function_call().
bool fill_candidate_datatypes_c::match_nonformal_call(symbol_c *f_call, symbol_c *f_decl) {
	symbol_c *call_param_value,  *param_datatype;
	identifier_c *param_name;
	function_param_iterator_c       fp_iterator(f_decl);
	function_call_param_iterator_c fcp_iterator(f_call);
	int extensible_parameter_highest_index = -1;
	unsigned int i;

	/* Iterating through the non-formal parameters of the function call */
	while((call_param_value = fcp_iterator.next_nf()) != NULL) {
		/* Iterate to the next parameter of the function being called.
		 * Get the name of that parameter, and ignore if EN or ENO.
		do {
			param_name =;
			/* If there is no other parameter declared, then we are passing too many parameters... */
			if(param_name == NULL) return false;
		} while ((strcmp(param_name->value, "EN") == 0) || (strcmp(param_name->value, "ENO") == 0));

		/* Get the parameter type */
		param_datatype = base_type(fp_iterator.param_type());
		/* check whether one of the candidate_data_types of the value being passed is the same as the param_type */
		if (search_in_candidate_datatype_list(param_datatype, call_param_value->candidate_datatypes) < 0)
			return false; /* return false if param_type not in the list! */
	/* call is compatible! */
	return true;

/* returns true if compatible function/FB invocation, otherwise returns false */
/* Assumes that the candidate_datatype lists of all the parameters being passed haved already been filled in */
bool fill_candidate_datatypes_c::match_formal_call(symbol_c *f_call, symbol_c *f_decl, symbol_c **first_param_datatype) {
	symbol_c *call_param_value, *call_param_name, *param_datatype;
	symbol_c *verify_duplicate_param;
	identifier_c *param_name;
	function_param_iterator_c       fp_iterator(f_decl);
	function_call_param_iterator_c fcp_iterator(f_call);
	int extensible_parameter_highest_index = -1;
	identifier_c *extensible_parameter_name;
	unsigned int i;
	bool is_first_param = true;

	/* Iterating through the formal parameters of the function call */
	while((call_param_name = fcp_iterator.next_f()) != NULL) {
		/* Obtaining the value being passed in the function call */
		call_param_value = fcp_iterator.get_current_value();
		/* the following should never occur. If it does, then we have a bug in our code... */
		if (NULL == call_param_value) ERROR;

		/* Obtaining the assignment direction:  := (assign_in) or => (assign_out) */
		function_call_param_iterator_c::assign_direction_t call_param_dir = fcp_iterator.get_assign_direction();

		/* Checking if there are duplicated parameter values */
		verify_duplicate_param = fcp_iterator.search_f(call_param_name);
		if(verify_duplicate_param != call_param_value)
			return false;

		/* Obtaining the type of the value being passed in the function call */
		std::vector <symbol_c *>&call_param_types = call_param_value->candidate_datatypes;

		/* Find the corresponding parameter in function declaration */
		param_name =;
		if(param_name == NULL) return false;
		/* Get the parameter data type */
		param_datatype = base_type(fp_iterator.param_type());
		/* Get the parameter direction: IN, OUT, IN_OUT */
		function_param_iterator_c::param_direction_t param_dir = fp_iterator.param_direction();

		/* check whether direction (IN, OUT, IN_OUT) and assignment types (:= , =>) are compatible !!! */
		if          (function_call_param_iterator_c::assign_in  == call_param_dir) {
			if ((function_param_iterator_c::direction_in    != param_dir) &&
			    (function_param_iterator_c::direction_inout != param_dir))
				return false;
		} else if   (function_call_param_iterator_c::assign_out == call_param_dir) {
			if ((function_param_iterator_c::direction_out   != param_dir))
				return false;
		} else ERROR;
		/* check whether one of the candidate_data_types of the value being passed is the same as the param_type */
		if (search_in_candidate_datatype_list(param_datatype, call_param_types) < 0)
			return false; /* return false if param_type not in the list! */
		/* If this is the first parameter, then copy the datatype to *first_param_datatype */
		if (is_first_param)
			if (NULL != first_param_datatype)
				*first_param_datatype = param_datatype;
		is_first_param = false;
	/* call is compatible! */
	return true;

/* Handle a generic function call!
 * Assumes that the parameter_list containing the values being passed in this function invocation
 * has already had all the candidate_datatype lists filled in!
 * All parameters being passed to the called function MUST be in the parameter list to which f_call points to!
 * This means that, for non formal function calls in IL, de current (default value) must be artificially added to the
 * beginning of the parameter list BEFORE calling handle_function_call().
typedef struct {
  symbol_c *function_name,
  symbol_c *nonformal_operand_list,
  symbol_c *   formal_operand_list,

  std::vector <symbol_c *> &candidate_functions,  
  symbol_c &*called_function_declaration,
  int      &extensible_param_count
} generic_function_call_t;
void narrow_candidate_datatypes_c::narrow_function_invocation(symbol_c *fcall, generic_function_call_t fcall_data) {
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_function_call(symbol_c *f_call, symbol_c *function_name, invocation_type_t invocation_type,
                                                       std::vector <symbol_c *> *candidate_datatypes,
                                                       std::vector <symbol_c *> *candidate_functions) {
void fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_function_call(symbol_c *fcall, generic_function_call_t fcall_data) {
	function_declaration_c *f_decl;
	list_c *parameter_list;
	list_c *parameter_candidate_datatypes;
	symbol_c *returned_parameter_type;

	if (debug) std::cout << "function()\n";

	function_symtable_t::iterator lower = function_symtable.lower_bound(fcall_data.function_name);
	function_symtable_t::iterator upper = function_symtable.upper_bound(fcall_data.function_name);
	/* If the name of the function being called is not found in the function symbol table, then this is an invalid call */
	/* Since the lexical parser already checks for this, then if this occurs then we have an internal compiler error. */
	if (lower == function_symtable.end()) ERROR;
	/* Look for all compatible function declarations, and add their return datatypes 
	 * to the candidate_datatype list of this function invocation. 
	 * If only one function exists, we add its return datatype to the candidate_datatype list,
	 * even if the parameters passed to it are invalid.
	 * This guarantees that the remainder of the expression in which the function call is inserted
	 * is treated as if the function call returns correctly, and therefore does not generate
	 * spurious error messages.
	 * Even if the parameters to the function call are invalid, doing this is still safe, as the 
	 * expressions inside the function call will themselves have erros and will  guarantee that 
	 * compilation is aborted in stage3 (in print_datatypes_error_c).
	if (function_symtable.count(fcall_data.function_name) == 1) {
		f_decl = function_symtable.get_value(lower);
		returned_parameter_type = base_type(f_decl->type_name);
		if (add_datatype_to_candidate_list(fcall, returned_parameter_type))
			/* we only add it to the function declaration list if this entry was not already present in the candidate datatype list! */
	for(; lower != upper; lower++) {
		bool compatible = false;
		f_decl = function_symtable.get_value(lower);
		/* Check if function declaration in symbol_table is compatible with parameters */
		if (NULL != fcall_data.nonformal_operand_list) compatible=match_nonformal_call(fcall, f_decl);
		if (NULL != fcall_data.   formal_operand_list) compatible=   match_formal_call(fcall, f_decl);
		if (compatible) {
			/* Add the data type returned by the called functions. 
			 * However, only do this if this data type is not already present in the candidate_datatypes list_c
			returned_parameter_type = base_type(f_decl->type_name);		
			if (add_datatype_to_candidate_list(fcall, returned_parameter_type))
				/* we only add it to the function declaration list if this entry was not already present in the candidate datatype list! */
	if (debug) std::cout << "end_function() [" << fcall->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] result.\n";

/* handle implicit FB call in IL.
 * e.g.  CLK ton_var
 *        CU counter_var
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol_c *il_instruction, const char *param_name, symbol_c *&called_fb_declaration) {
	symbol_c *fb_decl = (NULL == il_operand)? NULL : search_var_instance_decl->get_basetype_decl(il_operand);
	if (! get_datatype_info_c::is_function_block(fb_decl)) fb_decl = NULL;

	/* Although a call to a non-declared FB is a semantic error, this is currently caught by stage 2! */
	/* However, when calling using the 'S' and 'R' operators, this error is not caught by stage 2, as these operators have two possible semantics */
	// if (NULL == fb_type_id) ERROR;

	/* The narrow_candidate_datatypes_c does not rely on this called_fb_declaration pointer being == NULL to conclude that
	 * we have a datatype incompatibility error, so we set it to fb_decl to allow the print_datatype_error_c to print out
	 * more informative error messages!
	called_fb_declaration = fb_decl;

	/* This implicit FB call does not change the value stored in the current/default IL variable */
	/* It does, however, require that the datatype be compatible with the input parameter of the FB being called. 
	 * If we were to follow the filling & narrowing algorithm correctly (implemented in fill_candidate_datatypes_c
	 * & narrow_candidate_datatypes_c respectively), we should be restricting the candidate_datatpes to the datatypes
	 * that are compatible to the FB call. 
	 * However, doing the above will often result in some very confusing error messages for the user, especially in the case
	 * in which the FB call is wrong, so the resulting cadidate datatypes is an empty list. In this case, the user would see
	 * many error messages related to the IL instructions that follow the FB call, even though those IL instructions may be perfectly
	 * correct.
	 * For now, we will simply let the narrow_candidate_datatypes_c verify if the datatypes are compatible (something that should be done
	 * here).
	if (NULL != prev_il_instruction)
		il_instruction->candidate_datatypes = prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes; 

	if (debug) std::cout << "handle_implicit_il_fb_call() [" << prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> " << il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

/* handle the S and R IL operators... */
/* operator_str should be set to either "S" or "R" */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_S_and_R_operator(symbol_c *symbol, const char *operator_str, symbol_c *&called_fb_declaration) {
	/* NOTE: this operator has two possible semantic meanings:
	 *          - Set/Reset the BOOL operand variable to true
	 *          - call the FB specified by the operand.
	 *       Which of the two semantics will have to be determined by the datatype of the operand!
	symbol_c *prev_instruction_type, *operand_type;

	if (NULL == prev_il_instruction) return NULL;
	if (NULL == il_operand)          return NULL;

	/* Try the Set/Reset semantics */
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size(); j++) {
			prev_instruction_type = prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes[i];
			operand_type = il_operand->candidate_datatypes[j];
			/* IEC61131-3, Table 52, Note (e) states that the datatype of the operand must be BOOL!
			 * IEC61131-3, Table 52, line 3 states that this operator should "Set operand to 1 if current result is Boolean 1"
			 *     which implies that the prev_instruction_type MUST also be BOOL compatible.
			if (get_datatype_info_c::is_BOOL_compatible(prev_instruction_type) && get_datatype_info_c::is_BOOL_compatible(operand_type))
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, prev_instruction_type);

	/* if the appropriate semantics is not a Set/Reset of a boolean variable, the we try for the FB invocation! */
	if (symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() == 0) {
		handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol,  operator_str, called_fb_declaration);
		/* If it is also not a valid FB call, make sure the candidate_datatypes is empty (handle_implicit_il_fb_call may leave it non-empty!!) */
		/* From here on out, all later code will consider the symbol->called_fb_declaration being NULL as an indication that this operator must use the
		 * Set/Reset semantics, so we must also guarantee that the remainder of the state of this symbol is compatible with that assumption!
		if (NULL == called_fb_declaration)

	if (debug) std::cout << operator_str << " [" << prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size() << "," << il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

/* handle a binary IL operator, like ADD, SUB, etc... */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_binary_operator(const struct widen_entry widen_table[], symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *l_expr, symbol_c *r_expr) {
	if (NULL == l_expr) return NULL; /* if no prev_il_instruction */
	if (NULL == r_expr) return NULL; /* if no IL operand!! */

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < l_expr->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++)
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < r_expr->candidate_datatypes.size(); j++)
			/* NOTE: add_datatype_to_candidate_list() will only really add the datatype if it is != NULL !!! */
			add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, widening_conversion(l_expr->candidate_datatypes[i], r_expr->candidate_datatypes[j], widen_table));
	if (debug) std::cout <<  "[" << l_expr->candidate_datatypes.size() << "," << r_expr->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

/* handle a binary ST expression, like '+', '-', etc... */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_binary_expression(const struct widen_entry widen_table[], symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *l_expr, symbol_c *r_expr) {
	return handle_binary_operator(widen_table, symbol, l_expr, r_expr);

/* handle the two equality comparison operations, i.e. = (euqal) and != (not equal) */
/* This function is special, as it will also allow enumeration data types to be compared, with the result being a BOOL data type!
 * It will also allow to REF_TO datatypes to be compared.
 * These possibilities are not expressed in the 'widening' tables, so we need to hard code it here
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_equality_comparison(const struct widen_entry widen_table[], symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *l_expr, symbol_c *r_expr) {
	handle_binary_expression(widen_table, symbol, l_expr, r_expr);
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < l_expr->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++)
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < r_expr->candidate_datatypes.size(); j++) {
			if (   (get_datatype_info_c::is_enumerated(l_expr->candidate_datatypes[i]) && (l_expr->candidate_datatypes[i] == r_expr->candidate_datatypes[j]))
			    || (get_datatype_info_c::is_ref_to    (l_expr->candidate_datatypes[i]) && get_datatype_info_c::is_type_equal(l_expr->candidate_datatypes[i], r_expr->candidate_datatypes[j])))   
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::bool_type_name);
	return NULL;

/* a helper function... */
symbol_c *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::base_type(symbol_c *symbol) {
	/* NOTE: symbol == NULL is valid. It will occur when, for e.g., an undefined/undeclared symbolic_variable is used in the code. */
	if (symbol == NULL) return NULL;
	return search_base_type_c::get_basetype_decl(symbol);

/* B 0 - Programming Model */
/* main entry function! */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(library_c *symbol) {
	/* Now let the base class iterator_visitor_c iterate through all the library elements */
	return iterator_visitor_c::visit(symbol);  

/* B.1 - Common elements */
/* B 1.1 - Letters, digits and identifiers */

/* Before the existance of this derived_datatype_identifier_c class, all identifiers were stored in the generic identifier_c class.
 * Since not all identifiers are used to identify a datatype, the fill/narrow algorithms could not do fill/narrow on all identifiers, and relied
 * on the parent class to do the fill/narrow when apropriate (i.e. when the identifier was known to reference a datatype
 * for example, in a variable declaration -->  var1: some_user_defined_type;)
 * However, at least one location where an identifier may reference a datatype has not yet been covered:
 *     array1: ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
 *     array2: ARRAY [1..2] OF array1;  (* array1 here is stored as a derived_datatype_identifier_c)
 * Instead of doing it like the old way, I have opted to do a generic fill/narrow for all derived_datatype_identifier_c
 * This means that we can now delete the code of all parents of derived_datatype_identifier_c that are still doing the fill/narrow
 * explicitly (assuming we do also implement the visitor for poutype_identifier_c). However, I will leave this code cleanup for some later oportunity.
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(derived_datatype_identifier_c *symbol) {
  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, base_type(                type_symtable[symbol->value])); // will only add if datatype is not NULL!
  return NULL;

/* The datatype of a poutype_identifier_c is currently always being set by the parent object, so we leave this code commented out for now. */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(         poutype_identifier_c *symbol) {
  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, base_type( function_block_type_symtable[symbol->value])); // will only add if datatype is not NULL!
  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, base_type(        program_type_symtable[symbol->value])); // will only add if datatype is not NULL!
//add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, base_type(            function_symtable[symbol->value])); // will only add if datatype is not NULL!
  // NOTE: Although poutype_identifier_c is also used to identify functions, these symbols are not used as a datatype, 
  //       so we do NOT add it as a candidate datatype!
  return NULL;
/* B 1.2 - Constants */
/* B 1.2.XX - Reference Literals */
/* defined in IEC 61131-3 v3 - Basically the 'NULL' keyword! */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(ref_value_null_literal_c *symbol) {
	/* 'NULL' does not have any specific datatype. It is compatible with any reference, i.e. REF_TO <anything>
	 * The fill_candidate_datatypes / narrow_candidate_datatypes algorithm would require us to add
	 * as possible datatypes all the REF_TO <datatype>. To do this we would need to go through the list of all 
	 * user declared datatypes, as well as all the elementary datatypes. This is easily done by using the
	 * type_symtable symbol table declared in absyntax_utils.hh.
	 *  for(int i=0; i<type_symtable.n; i++)  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, new ref_spec_c(type_symtable[i]));
	 *  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, new ref_spec_c( ... SINT ...));
	 *  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, new ref_spec_c( ...  INT ...));
	 *  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, new ref_spec_c( ... LINT ...));
	 *     ...
	 * However, doing this for all NULL constants that may show up is probably a little too crazy, just for 
	 * the 'pleasure' of following the standard fill/narrow algorithm.
	 * I have therefore opted to handle this as a special case:
	 *     We use the ref_spec_c, pointing to a generic_type_any_c, as a pointer to ANY (basically, a void *)
	add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, new ref_spec_c(new generic_type_any_c()));
	return NULL;

/* B 1.2.1 - Numeric Literals */
#define sizeoftype(symbol) get_sizeof_datatype_c::getsize(symbol)

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_any_integer(symbol_c *symbol) {
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::bool_type_name,  &get_datatype_info_c::safebool_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::byte_type_name,  &get_datatype_info_c::safebyte_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::word_type_name,  &get_datatype_info_c::safeword_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::dword_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safedword_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::lword_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safelword_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::sint_type_name,  &get_datatype_info_c::safesint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::int_type_name,   &get_datatype_info_c::safeint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::dint_type_name,  &get_datatype_info_c::safedint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::lint_type_name,  &get_datatype_info_c::safelint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::usint_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safeusint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::uint_type_name,  &get_datatype_info_c::safeuint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::udint_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safeudint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::ulint_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safeulint_type_name);
	if (debug) std::cout << "ANY_INT [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size()<< "]" << std::endl;
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_any_real(symbol_c *symbol) {
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::real_type_name,  &get_datatype_info_c::safereal_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::lreal_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safelreal_type_name);
	if (debug) std::cout << "ANY_REAL [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "]" << std::endl;
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_any_literal(symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *symbol_value, symbol_c *symbol_type) {
	if (search_in_candidate_datatype_list(symbol_type, symbol_value->candidate_datatypes) >= 0)
		add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol_type);
	if (debug) std::cout << "ANY_LITERAL [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "]\n";
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(    real_c *symbol) {return handle_any_real(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(neg_real_c *symbol) {return handle_any_real(symbol);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(neg_integer_c *symbol) {
	/* Please read the comment in neg_expression_c method, as it also applies here */
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::int_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safeint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::sint_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safesint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::dint_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safedint_type_name);
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::lint_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safelint_type_name);
	if (debug) std::cout << "neg ANY_INT [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "]" << std::endl;
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(integer_c        *symbol) {return handle_any_integer(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(binary_integer_c *symbol) {return handle_any_integer(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(octal_integer_c  *symbol) {return handle_any_integer(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(hex_integer_c    *symbol) {return handle_any_integer(symbol);}

// SYM_REF2(integer_literal_c, type, value)
 * integer_literal:
 *   integer_type_name '#' signed_integer
 * | integer_type_name '#' binary_integer
 * | integer_type_name '#' octal_integer
 * | integer_type_name '#' hex_integer
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   integer_literal_c *symbol) {return handle_any_literal(symbol, symbol->value, symbol->type);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(      real_literal_c *symbol) {return handle_any_literal(symbol, symbol->value, symbol->type);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(bit_string_literal_c *symbol) {return handle_any_literal(symbol, symbol->value, symbol->type);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   boolean_literal_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL != symbol->type) return handle_any_literal(symbol, symbol->value, symbol->type);

	symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->value->candidate_datatypes;
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(boolean_true_c *symbol) {
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::bool_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safebool_type_name);
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(boolean_false_c *symbol) {
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::bool_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safebool_type_name);
	return NULL;

/* B.1.2.2   Character Strings */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(double_byte_character_string_c *symbol) {
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::wstring_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safewstring_type_name);
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(single_byte_character_string_c *symbol) {
	add_2datatypes_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::string_type_name, &get_datatype_info_c::safestring_type_name);
	return NULL;

/* B 1.2.3 - Time Literals */
/* B - Duration */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(duration_c *symbol) {
	add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol->type_name);
	if (debug) std::cout << "TIME_LITERAL [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "]\n";
	return NULL;

/* B - Time of day and Date */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(time_of_day_c   *symbol) {add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol->type_name); return NULL;}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(date_c          *symbol) {add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol->type_name); return NULL;}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(date_and_time_c *symbol) {add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol->type_name); return NULL;}

/* B 1.3 - Data types */
/* B 1.3.3 - Derived data types */

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::fill_type_decl(symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *type_name, symbol_c *spec_init) {
  /* NOTE: Unlike the rest of the 'fill' algorithm that works using a bottom->up approach, when handling 
   *       data type declarations (section B.1.3.3 - Derived data types) we use a top->bottom approach. 
   *       This is intentional, and not a bug! Explanation follows...
   *       Here we are essentially determining the base type of each defined data type. In many cases (especially structs,
   *       enumerations, arrays, etc...), the datatype is its own base type. However, the derived datatype is stored in
   *       multiple symbol_c classes (e.g. an enumeration uses enumerated_type_declaration_c, enumerated_spec_init_c,
   *       enumerated_value_list_c, enumerated_value_c, ...). Several of these could be chosen to work as the canonical base datatype
   *       symbol. Which symbol is used is really up to the search_base_type_c, and not this fill_candidate_datatypes_c.
   *       Here we must right the code to handle whatever the search_base_type_c chooses to use as the canonical symbol to represent
   *       the base datatype.
   *       Since the base datatype may be (and sometimes/often/always(?) actually is) the top level symbol_c (an enumerated_type_declaration_c
   *       in the case of the enumerations), it only makes sense to ask search_base_type_c for a basetype when we pass it the 
   *       symbol in the highest level of the type declaration (the enumerated_type_declaration_c in the case of the enumerations).
   *       For this reason, we determine the basetype at the top level, and send that info down to the bottom level of the data type 
   *       declaration. In summary, a top->down algorithm!
  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, base_type(symbol));
  type_name->candidate_datatypes = symbol->candidate_datatypes;  // use top->down algorithm!!
  spec_init->candidate_datatypes = symbol->candidate_datatypes;  // use top->down algorithm!!
  return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::fill_spec_init(symbol_c *symbol, symbol_c *type_spec, symbol_c *init_value) {
	/* NOTE: The note in the fill_type_decl() function is also partially valid here, 
	 *       i.e. here too we work using a top->down algorithm for the type_spec part, but a bottom->up algorithm
	 *       for the init_value part!!
	/* NOTE: When a variable is declared inside a POU as, for example
	 *         VAR
	 *            a : ARRAY[9] OF REAL;
	 *            e : ENUM (black, white, gray);
	 *            s : STRUCT x, y: REAL; END_STRUCT
	 *         END_VAR
	 *      the anonymous datatype will be defined directly by the ***_spec_init_c, and will not have an
	 *      ****_type_declaration_c. In these cases, the anonymous data type is its own basetype, and the
	 *      ***_spec_init_c class will act as the canonical symbol that represents the (anonymous) basetype.
	 *      This method must handle the above case, as well as the case in which the ***_spec_init_c is called
	 *      from an ****_type_declaration_c.
	if (symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() == 0) // i.e., if this is an anonymous datatype!
		add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, base_type(symbol)); 
	// use top->down algorithm!!
	type_spec->candidate_datatypes = symbol->candidate_datatypes;   
	// use bottom->up algorithm!!
	/* NOTE: In special cases we will run a modified bottom->up algorithm, i.e. with a top->down indication of 
	 *       tentative candidate_datatypes... 
	 *       (e.g. structure_element_initialization_list_c). The tentative candidate_datatypes (a list of
	 *       candidate_datatypes to consider while running the bottom->up algorithm) will actually be the
	 *       datatypes in symbol->parent->candidate_datatpes
	 *       This implies that we can only run this bottom->up algorithm on the initial values _after_
	 *       having set the symbol->candidate_datatpes of the type specification (i.e. the symbol parameter)
	if (NULL != init_value)  init_value->accept(*this);
	/* NOTE: Even if the constant and the type are of incompatible data types, we let the
	 *       ***_spec_init_c object inherit the data type of the type declaration (simple_specification)
	 *       This will let us produce more informative error messages when checking data type compatibility
	 *       with located variables (AT %QW3.4 : WORD).
	// if (NULL != init_value) intersect_candidate_datatype_list(symbol /*origin, dest.*/, init_value /*with*/);
	return NULL;

/*  TYPE type_declaration_list END_TYPE */
// SYM_REF1(data_type_declaration_c, type_declaration_list)
/* NOTE: Not required. already handled by iterator_visitor_c base class */

/* helper symbol for data_type_declaration */
// SYM_LIST(type_declaration_list_c)
/* NOTE: Not required. already handled by iterator_visitor_c base class */

/*  simple_type_name ':' simple_spec_init */
// SYM_REF2(simple_type_declaration_c, simple_type_name, simple_spec_init)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(simple_type_declaration_c *symbol) {return fill_type_decl(symbol, symbol->simple_type_name, symbol->simple_spec_init);}

/* simple_specification ASSIGN constant */
// SYM_REF2(simple_spec_init_c, simple_specification, constant)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(simple_spec_init_c *symbol) {return fill_spec_init(symbol, symbol->simple_specification, symbol->constant);}

/*  subrange_type_name ':' subrange_spec_init */
// SYM_REF2(subrange_type_declaration_c, subrange_type_name, subrange_spec_init)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(subrange_type_declaration_c *symbol) {return fill_type_decl(symbol, symbol->subrange_type_name, symbol->subrange_spec_init);}

/* subrange_specification ASSIGN signed_integer */
// SYM_REF2(subrange_spec_init_c, subrange_specification, signed_integer)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(subrange_spec_init_c *symbol) {return fill_spec_init(symbol, symbol->subrange_specification, symbol->signed_integer);}

/*  integer_type_name '(' subrange')' */
// SYM_REF2(subrange_specification_c, integer_type_name, subrange)
// NOTE: not needed! Iterator visitor already handles this!

/*  signed_integer DOTDOT signed_integer */
/* dimension will be filled in during stage 3 (array_range_check_c) with the number of elements in this subrange */
// SYM_REF2(subrange_c, lower_limit, upper_limit, unsigned long long int dimension;)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(subrange_c *symbol) {
	for (unsigned int u = 0; u < symbol->upper_limit->candidate_datatypes.size(); u++) {
		for(unsigned int l = 0; l < symbol->lower_limit->candidate_datatypes.size(); l++) {
			if (get_datatype_info_c::is_type_equal(symbol->upper_limit->candidate_datatypes[u], symbol->lower_limit->candidate_datatypes[l]))
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol->lower_limit->candidate_datatypes[l]);
	return NULL;

/*  enumerated_type_name ':' enumerated_spec_init */
// SYM_REF2(enumerated_type_declaration_c, enumerated_type_name, enumerated_spec_init)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(enumerated_type_declaration_c *symbol) {return fill_type_decl(symbol, symbol->enumerated_type_name, symbol->enumerated_spec_init);}

/* enumerated_specification ASSIGN enumerated_value */
// SYM_REF2(enumerated_spec_init_c, enumerated_specification, enumerated_value)
// NOTE: enumerated_specification is either an enumerated_value_list_c or derived_datatype_identifier_c.
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(enumerated_spec_init_c *symbol) {return fill_spec_init(symbol, symbol->enumerated_specification, symbol->enumerated_value);}

/* helper symbol for enumerated_specification->enumerated_spec_init */
/* enumerated_value_list ',' enumerated_value */
// SYM_LIST(enumerated_value_list_c)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(enumerated_value_list_c *symbol) {
  if (symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() != 1) ERROR;
  symbol_c *current_enumerated_spec_type = symbol->candidate_datatypes[0];
  /* We already know the datatype of the enumerated_value(s) in the list, so we set them directly instead of recursively calling the enumerated_value_c visit method! */
  for(int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++)
    add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol->get_element(i), current_enumerated_spec_type); // top->down algorithm!!

  return NULL;  

/* enumerated_type_name '#' identifier */
// SYM_REF2(enumerated_value_c, type, value)
/* WARNING: The enumerated_value_c is used when delcaring an enumerated datatype
 *          (e.g.   TYPE enumT: (xxx1, xxx2); END_TYPE ---> xxx1 and xxx2 will be enumerated_value_c)
 *          as well as in the source code of POU bodies
 *          (e.g.    enumVar := xxx1    ---> xxx1 will be enumerated_value_c)
 *          The following method will only be used to visit enumerated_value_c that show up inside the 
 *          source code of POU bodies (or the initial values of an enumerated type). When used inside an 
 *          enumerated type declaration to list the possible enum values (whether inside
 *          a TYPE ... END_TYPE, or inside a VAR .. END_VAR), the visitor method for enumerated_value_list_c
 *          will NOT recursively call the following enumerated_value_c visitor method!
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(enumerated_value_c *symbol) {
	symbol_c *global_enumerated_type;
	symbol_c *local_enumerated_type;
	symbol_c *enumerated_type = NULL;

	if (NULL != symbol->type) {
		/* NOTE: This code must take into account the following situation:
		 *        TYPE  
		 *           base_enum_t: (x1, x2, x3);
		 *           enum_t1 : base_enum_t := x1;
		 *           enum_t2 : base_enum_t := x2;
		 *           enum_t12: enum_t1     := x2;
		 *        END_TYPE
		 *     considering the above, ALL of the following are correct!
		 *         base_enum_t#x1
		 *             enum_t1#x1
		 *             enum_t2#x1
		 *            enum_t12#x1
		/* check whether the value really belongs to that datatype!! */
		/* All local enum values are declared inside anonymous enumeration datatypes (i.e. inside a VAR ... END_VAR declaration, with
		 * the enum type having no type name), so thay cannot possibly be referenced using a datatype_t#enumvalue syntax.
		 * Because of this, we only look for the datatype identifier in the global enum value symbol table!
		enumerated_type = NULL;  // assume error...
		enumerated_value_symtable_t::iterator lower = global_enumerated_value_symtable.lower_bound(symbol->value);
		enumerated_value_symtable_t::iterator upper = global_enumerated_value_symtable.upper_bound(symbol->value);
		for (; lower != upper; lower++)
			if (get_datatype_info_c::is_type_equal(base_type(lower->second), base_type(symbol->type)))
				enumerated_type = symbol->type; 
	else {
		symbol_c *global_enumerated_type = global_enumerated_value_symtable.find (symbol->value)->second;
		symbol_c * local_enumerated_type =  local_enumerated_value_symtable.find (symbol->value)->second;
		int       global_multiplicity    = global_enumerated_value_symtable.count(symbol->value);
		int        local_multiplicity    =  local_enumerated_value_symtable.count(symbol->value);

		if      (( local_multiplicity == 0) && (global_multiplicity == 0))
		  enumerated_type = NULL; // not found!
		else if (  local_multiplicity  > 1)
			enumerated_type = NULL; // Local duplicate, so it is ambiguous!
		else if (  local_multiplicity == 1)
			enumerated_type = local_enumerated_type;
		else if ( global_multiplicity  > 1)
			enumerated_type = NULL; // Global duplicate, so it is ambiguous!
		else if ( global_multiplicity == 1)
			enumerated_type = global_enumerated_type;
		else ERROR;
	enumerated_type = base_type(enumerated_type);
	if (NULL != enumerated_type)
		add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, enumerated_type);

	if (debug) std::cout << "ENUMERATE [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "]\n";
	return NULL;

/*  identifier ':' array_spec_init */
// SYM_REF2(array_type_declaration_c, identifier, array_spec_init)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(array_type_declaration_c *symbol) {return fill_type_decl(symbol, symbol->identifier, symbol->array_spec_init);}

/* array_specification [ASSIGN array_initialization} */
/* array_initialization may be NULL ! */
// SYM_REF2(array_spec_init_c, array_specification, array_initialization)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(array_spec_init_c *symbol) {return fill_spec_init(symbol, symbol->array_specification, symbol->array_initialization);}

/* ARRAY '[' array_subrange_list ']' OF non_generic_type_name */
// SYM_REF2(array_specification_c, array_subrange_list, non_generic_type_name)
// void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(array_specification_c *symbol)
//  NOTE: This visitor does not need to be implemented as fill_candidate_datatypes_c inherits from iterator_visitor_c

/* helper symbol for array_specification */
/* array_subrange_list ',' subrange */
// SYM_LIST(array_subrange_list_c)

/* array_initialization:  '[' array_initial_elements_list ']' */
/* helper symbol for array_initialization */
/* array_initial_elements_list ',' array_initial_elements */
// SYM_LIST(array_initial_elements_list_c)

/* integer '(' [array_initial_element] ')' */
/* array_initial_element may be NULL ! */
// SYM_REF2(array_initial_elements_c, integer, array_initial_element)

/*  structure_type_name ':' structure_specification */
// SYM_REF2(structure_type_declaration_c, structure_type_name, structure_specification)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(structure_type_declaration_c *symbol) {return fill_type_decl(symbol, symbol->structure_type_name, symbol->structure_specification);}

/* structure_type_name ASSIGN structure_initialization */
/* structure_initialization may be NULL ! */
// SYM_REF2(initialized_structure_c, structure_type_name, structure_initialization)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(initialized_structure_c *symbol) {return fill_spec_init(symbol, symbol->structure_type_name, symbol->structure_initialization);}

/* helper symbol for structure_declaration */
/* structure_declaration:  STRUCT structure_element_declaration_list END_STRUCT */
/* structure_element_declaration_list structure_element_declaration ';' */
// SYM_LIST(structure_element_declaration_list_c)

/*  structure_element_name ':' *_spec_init */
// SYM_REF2(structure_element_declaration_c, structure_element_name, spec_init)

/* helper symbol for structure_initialization */
/* structure_initialization: '(' structure_element_initialization_list ')' */
/* structure_element_initialization_list ',' structure_element_initialization */
// SYM_LIST(structure_element_initialization_list_c)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(structure_element_initialization_list_c *symbol) {
	// use bottom->up algorithm -> first let all elements determine their candidate_datatypes
	iterator_visitor_c::visit(symbol); // call visit(structure_element_initialization_c *) on all elements

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->parent->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) { // size() should always be 1 here -> a single structure or FB type!
		// assume symbol->parent->candidate_datatypes[i] is a FB type
		search_varfb_instance_type_c search_varfb_instance_type(symbol->parent->candidate_datatypes[i]);
		// assume symbol->parent->candidate_datatypes[i] is a STRUCT data type
		structure_element_declaration_list_c *struct_decl = dynamic_cast<structure_element_declaration_list_c *>(symbol->parent->candidate_datatypes[i]);
		// flag indicating all struct_elem->structure_element_name are structure elements found in the symbol->parent->candidate_datatypes[i] datatype
		int flag_all_elem_ok = 1; // assume all found
		for (int k = 0; k < symbol->n; k++) {
			structure_element_initialization_c *struct_elem = dynamic_cast<structure_element_initialization_c *>(symbol->get_element(k));
			if (struct_elem == NULL) ERROR;
			// assume symbol->parent is a FB type...
			symbol_c *type = NULL;
			if (struct_decl != NULL) {
				// search in the struct!!
				type = search_base_type_c::get_basetype_decl(struct_decl->find_element(struct_elem->structure_element_name));
			} else {
				// parent is a FB type. Lets search there!!
				type = search_varfb_instance_type.get_basetype_decl(struct_elem->structure_element_name);
			if (!get_datatype_info_c::is_ANY_ELEMENTARY(type) && get_datatype_info_c::is_type_valid(type)) {
				// for non-elementary datatypes, we must use a top->down algorithm!!
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(struct_elem, type); 
			if (search_in_candidate_datatype_list(type, struct_elem->candidate_datatypes) < 0) {
				flag_all_elem_ok = 0; // the necessary datatype for structure init element is not a candidate_datatype of that element
		if (flag_all_elem_ok) {
			add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol->parent->candidate_datatypes[i]);
	return NULL;

/*  structure_element_name ASSIGN value */
// SYM_REF2(structure_element_initialization_c, structure_element_name, value)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(structure_element_initialization_c *symbol) {
	symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->value->candidate_datatypes;
	// Note that candidate_datatypes of symbol->structure_element_name are left empty!
	return NULL;

/*  string_type_name ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init */
// SYM_REF4(string_type_declaration_c, string_type_name, elementary_string_type_name, string_type_declaration_size, string_type_declaration_init/* may be == NULL! */) 

/*  function_block_type_name ASSIGN structure_initialization */
/* structure_initialization -> may be NULL ! */
// SYM_REF2(fb_spec_init_c, function_block_type_name, structure_initialization)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(fb_spec_init_c *symbol) {return fill_spec_init(symbol, symbol->function_block_type_name, symbol->structure_initialization);}

/* REF_TO (non_generic_type_name | function_block_type_name) */
// SYM_REF1(ref_spec_c, type_name)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(ref_spec_c *symbol) {
	// when parsing datatype declarations, fill_candidate_datatypes_c follows a top->down algorithm (see the comment in fill_type_decl() for an explanation)
	add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol->type_name, base_type(symbol->type_name)); 
	symbol->type_name->accept(*this);  /* The referenced/pointed to datatype! */

	if (symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() == 0) // i.e., if this is an anonymous datatype!
		add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, base_type(symbol)); 

	return NULL;

/* For the moment, we do not support initialising reference data types */
/* ref_spec [ ASSIGN ref_initialization ] */ 
/* NOTE: ref_initialization may be NULL!! */
// SYM_REF2(ref_spec_init_c, ref_spec, ref_initialization)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(ref_spec_init_c *symbol) {return fill_spec_init(symbol, symbol->ref_spec, symbol->ref_initialization);}

/* identifier ':' ref_spec_init */
// SYM_REF2(ref_type_decl_c, ref_type_name, ref_spec_init)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(ref_type_decl_c *symbol) {return fill_type_decl(symbol, symbol->ref_type_name, symbol->ref_spec_init);}

/* B 1.4 - Variables */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(symbolic_variable_c *symbol) {
	symbol->scope = current_scope;  // the scope in which this variable was declared!
	add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, search_var_instance_decl->get_basetype_decl(symbol)); /* will only add if non NULL */
	if (debug) std::cout << "VAR [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "]\n";
	return NULL;

/* B 1.4.1 - Directly Represented Variables */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(direct_variable_c *symbol) {
	/* Comment added by mario:
	 * The following code is safe, actually, as the lexical parser guarantees the correct IEC61131-3 syntax was used.
	/* However, we should probably add an assertion in case we later change the lexical parser! */
	/* if (symbol->value == NULL) ERROR;
	 * if (symbol->value[0] == '\0') ERROR;
	 * if (symbol->value[1] == '\0') ERROR;
	switch (symbol->value[2]) {
		case 'x': case 'X': /* bit   -  1 bit  */ add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::bool_type_name);  break;
		case 'b': case 'B': /* byte  -  8 bits */ add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::byte_type_name);  break;
		case 'w': case 'W': /* word  - 16 bits */ add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::word_type_name);  break;
		case 'd': case 'D': /* dword - 32 bits */ add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::dword_type_name); break;
		case 'l': case 'L': /* lword - 64 bits */ add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::lword_type_name); break;
        	          /* if none of the above, then the empty string was used <=> boolean */
		default:                        add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::bool_type_name);  break;
	return NULL;

/* B 1.4.2 - Multi-element variables */
/*  subscripted_variable '[' subscript_list ']' */
// SYM_REF2(array_variable_c, subscripted_variable, subscript_list)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(array_variable_c *symbol) {
	/* recursively call the subscripted_variable. We need to do this since the array variable may be stored inside a structured
	 * variable (i.e. if it is an element inside a struct), in which case we want to recursively visit every element of the struct,
	 * as it may contain more arrays whose subscripts must also be visited!
	 * e.g.   structvar.a1[v1+2].b1.c1[v2+3].d1
	 *        TYPE
	 *           d_s: STRUCT d1: int; d2: int;
	 *           d_a: ARRAY [1..3] OF d_s;  
	 *           c_s: STRUCT c1: d_a; c2: d_a;
	 *           b_s: STRUCT b1: c_s; b2: c_s;
	 *           b_a: ARRAY [1..3] OF b_s;  
	 *           a_s: STRUCT a1: b_a; a2: b_a;
	 *        END_TYPE 
	 *        VAR
	 *          structvar: a_s;
	 *        END_VAR
	// the scope in which this variable was declared! It will be the same as the subscripted variable (a symbolic_variable_ !)
	symbol->scope = symbol->subscripted_variable->scope;
	if (NULL == symbol->scope) ERROR;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->subscripted_variable->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
	  /* get the declaration of the data type __stored__ in the array... */
	  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, search_base_type_c::get_basetype_decl(get_datatype_info_c::get_array_storedtype_id(symbol->subscripted_variable->candidate_datatypes[i])));   /* will only add if non NULL */

	/* recursively call the subscript list, so we can check the data types of the expressions used for the subscripts */

	if (debug) std::cout << "ARRAY_VAR [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "]\n";	
	return NULL;

/* subscript_list ',' subscript */
// SYM_LIST(subscript_list_c)
/* NOTE: we inherit from iterator visitor, so we do not need to implement this method... */
// void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(subscript_list_c *symbol)

/*  record_variable '.' field_selector */
/*  WARNING: input and/or output variables of function blocks
 *           may be accessed as fields of a structured variable!
 *           Code handling a structured_variable_c must take
 *           this into account!
// SYM_REF2(structured_variable_c, record_variable, field_selector)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(structured_variable_c *symbol) {
	/* Remember that a structured variable may be stored inside an array (e.g. arrayvar[33].elem1)
	 * The array subscripts may contain a complex expression (e.g. arrayvar[ varx + 33].elem1) whose datatype must be correctly determined!
	 * The expression, may even contain a function call to an overloaded function!
	 *      (e.g.  arrayvar[ varx + TRUNC(realvar)].elem1)

	if (symbol->record_variable->candidate_datatypes.size() == 1) {
	  // set the scope in which this variable is declared (will be a struct datatype declaration!)
	  // We rely on the fact that if only one candidate datatype exists, then it will be the scope in which the field_variable is declared!
	  symbol->scope = symbol->record_variable->candidate_datatypes[0];  // the scope in which this variable was declared! Will be used in stage4
	  // Determine candidate datatypes...
	  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, search_base_type_c::get_basetype_decl(get_datatype_info_c::get_struct_field_type_id(symbol->scope, symbol->field_selector)));  /* will only add if non NULL */

	  return NULL;

/* B 1.4.3 - Declaration & Initialisation */

/* When handling the declaration of variables the fill/narrow algorithm will simply visit the objects
 * in the abstract syntax tree defining the desired datatype for the variables. Tis is to set the 
 * symbol->datatype to the basetype of that datatype.
 * Note that we do not currently set the symbol->datatype annotation for the identifier_c objects naming the 
 * variables inside the variable declaration. However, this is liable to change in the future, so do not write
 * any code that depends on this!
 * example:
 *    VAR  var1, var2, var3  :  my_type;  END_VAR
 *   (*    ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^                -> will NOT have the symbol->datatype set (for now, may change in the future!) *)
 *   (*                         ^^^^^^^    -> WILL     have the symbol->datatype set *)
 * (remeber too that the identifier_c objects identifying variables inside ST/IL/SFC code *will* have their 
 *  symbol->datatype annotation filled by the fill/narrow algorithm)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::fill_var_declaration(symbol_c *var_list, symbol_c *type) {
  /* The type may be either a datatype object (e.g. array_spec_init_c, ...), or a derived_datatype_identifier_c
   * naming a previously declared datatype.
   * If it is a derived_datatype_identifier_c, we will search the list of all declared datatypes to determine 
   * the requested datatype. This is done automatically by the search_base_type_c::get_basetype_decl() method, 
   * so we do not need to do anything special here!
  add_datatype_to_candidate_list(type, search_base_type_c::get_basetype_decl(type));  /* will only add if non NULL */
  // handle the extensible_input_parameter_c, etc...
  /* The extensible_input_parameter_c will be visited since this class inherits from the iterator_visitor_c.
   * It needs to be visited in order to handle the datatype of the first_index parameter of that class.
  return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(var1_init_decl_c             *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->var1_list,       symbol->spec_init);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(array_var_init_decl_c        *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->var1_list,       symbol->array_spec_init);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(structured_var_init_decl_c   *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->var1_list,       symbol->initialized_structure);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(fb_name_decl_c               *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->fb_name_list,    symbol->fb_spec_init);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(array_var_declaration_c      *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->var1_list,       symbol->array_specification);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(structured_var_declaration_c *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->var1_list,       symbol->structure_type_name);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(external_declaration_c       *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->global_var_name, symbol->specification);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(global_var_decl_c            *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->global_var_spec, symbol->type_specification);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(incompl_located_var_decl_c   *symbol) {return fill_var_declaration(symbol->variable_name,   symbol->var_spec);}
//void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(single_byte_string_var_declaration_c *symbol) {return handle_var_declaration(symbol->single_byte_string_spec);}
//void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(double_byte_string_var_declaration_c *symbol) {return handle_var_declaration(symbol->double_byte_string_spec);}

// NOTE: this method is not required since fill_candidate_datatypes_c inherits from iterator_visitor_c. TODO: delete this method!
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(var1_list_c *symbol) {
  for(int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++) {symbol->get_element(i)->accept(*this);}
  return NULL;

/*  AT direct_variable */
// SYM_REF1(location_c, direct_variable)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(location_c *symbol) {
 /* This is a special situation. 
  * The reason is that a located variable may be declared to be of any data type, as long as the size
  * matches the location (lines 1 3 and 4 of table 17). For example:
  *   var1 AT %MB42.0 : BYTE;
  *   var1 AT %MB42.1 : SINT;
  *   var1 AT %MB42.2 : USINT;
  *   var1 AT %MW64   : INT;
  *   var1 AT %MD56   : DINT;
  *   var1 AT %MD57   : REAL;
  *  are all valid!!
  *  However, when used inside an expression, the direct variable (uses the same syntax as the location
  *  of a located variable) is limited to the following (ANY_BIT) data types:
  *    %MX --> BOOL
  *    %MB --> BYTE
  *    %MW --> WORD
  *    %MD --> DWORD
  *    %ML --> LWORD
  *  So, in order to be able to analyse expressions with direct variables
  *   e.g:  var1 := 66 OR %MW34
  *  where the direct variable may only take the ANY_BIT data types, the fill_candidate_datatypes_c
  *  considers that only the ANY_BIT data types are allowed for a direct variable.
  *  However, it appears from the examples in the standard (lines 1 3 and 4 of table 17)
  *  a location may have any data type (presumably as long as the size in bits match).
  *  For this reason, a location_c may have more allowable data types than a direct_variable_c

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->direct_variable->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
        	switch (get_sizeof_datatype_c::getsize(symbol->direct_variable->candidate_datatypes[i])) {
			case  1: /* bit   -  1 bit  */
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::bool_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safebool_type_name);
			case  8: /* byte  -  8 bits */
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::byte_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safebyte_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::sint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safesint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::usint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safeusint_type_name);
			case 16: /* word  - 16 bits */
	 				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::word_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safeword_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::int_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safeint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::uint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safeuint_type_name);
			case 32: /* dword - 32 bits */
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::dword_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safedword_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::dint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safedint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::udint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safeudint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::real_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safereal_type_name);
			case 64: /* lword - 64 bits */
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::lword_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safelword_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::lint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safelint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::ulint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safeulint_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::lreal_type_name);
					add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, &get_datatype_info_c::safelreal_type_name);
			default: /* if none of the above, then no valid datatype allowed... */
		} /* switch() */
	} /* for */

	return NULL;

/*  [variable_name] location ':' located_var_spec_init */
/* variable_name -> may be NULL ! */
// SYM_REF3(located_var_decl_c, variable_name, location, located_var_spec_init)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(located_var_decl_c *symbol) {
  if (NULL != symbol->variable_name) {
    symbol->variable_name->candidate_datatypes = symbol->location->candidate_datatypes;
    intersect_candidate_datatype_list(symbol->variable_name /*origin, dest.*/, symbol->located_var_spec_init /*with*/);
  return NULL;

/* B 1.5 Program organization units */
/* B 1.5.1 Functions */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(function_declaration_c *symbol) {
	if (debug) printf("Filling candidate data types list of function %s\n", ((token_c *)(symbol->derived_function_name))->value);
	current_scope = symbol;	

	search_var_instance_decl = new search_var_instance_decl_c(symbol);
	delete search_var_instance_decl;
	search_var_instance_decl = NULL;

	current_scope = NULL;	
	return NULL;

/* B 1.5.2 Function blocks */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(function_block_declaration_c *symbol) {
	if (debug) printf("Filling candidate data types list of FB %s\n", ((token_c *)(symbol->fblock_name))->value);
	current_scope = symbol;	

	search_var_instance_decl = new search_var_instance_decl_c(symbol);
	delete search_var_instance_decl;
	search_var_instance_decl = NULL;

	current_scope = NULL;	
	/* The FB declaration itself may be used as a dataype! We now do the fill algorithm considering 
	 * function_block_declaration_c a data type declaration...
	// The next line is essentially equivalent to doing-->  symbol->candidate_datatypes.push_back(symbol);
	add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, base_type(symbol));
	return NULL;

/* B 1.5.3 - Programs */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(program_declaration_c *symbol) {
	if (debug) printf("Filling candidate data types list in program %s\n", ((token_c *)(symbol->program_type_name))->value);
	current_scope = symbol;	
	search_var_instance_decl = new search_var_instance_decl_c(symbol);
	delete search_var_instance_decl;
	search_var_instance_decl = NULL;

	current_scope = NULL;	
	return NULL;

/* B 1.6 Sequential function chart elements */

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(transition_condition_c *symbol) {
	symbol_c *condition_type;

	if (symbol->transition_condition_il != NULL) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->transition_condition_il->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
			condition_type = symbol->transition_condition_il->candidate_datatypes[i];
			if (get_datatype_info_c::is_BOOL_compatible(condition_type))
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, condition_type);
	if (symbol->transition_condition_st != NULL) {
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->transition_condition_st->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
			condition_type = symbol->transition_condition_st->candidate_datatypes[i];
			if (get_datatype_info_c::is_BOOL_compatible(condition_type))
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, condition_type);
	return NULL;

/* B 1.7 Configuration elements */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(configuration_declaration_c *symbol) {
	if (debug) printf("Filling candidate data types list in configuration %s\n", ((token_c *)(symbol->configuration_name))->value);
	current_scope = symbol;
//	local_enumerated_value_symtable.reset();  // TODO
//	symbol->global_var_declarations->accept(populate_enumvalue_symtable);  // TODO
	search_var_instance_decl = new search_var_instance_decl_c(symbol);
	symbol->global_var_declarations          ->accept(*this);
	symbol->resource_declarations            ->accept(*this); // points to a single_resource_declaration_c or a resource_declaration_list_c
//	symbol->access_declarations              ->accept(*this); // TODO
//	symbol->instance_specific_initializations->accept(*this); // TODO

	delete search_var_instance_decl;
	search_var_instance_decl = NULL;

	current_scope = NULL;	
//	local_enumerated_value_symtable.reset();  // TODO
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(resource_declaration_c *symbol) {
	if (debug) printf("Filling candidate data types list in resource %s\n", ((token_c *)(symbol->resource_name))->value);
//	local_enumerated_value_symtable.reset();  // TODO-> this must be replaced with local_enumerated_value_symtable.push(), which is not yet implemented for the dsyntable_c!
	symbol_c *prev_scope = current_scope;
	current_scope = symbol;
	/* TODO Enumeration constants may be defined inside a VAR_GLOBAL .. END_VAR variable declaration list. 
	 * We currently do not yet consider enumeration values defined in the var declarations inside a resource!
//	symbol->global_var_declarations->accept(populate_enumvalue_symtable);  // TODO!
	search_var_instance_decl_c *prev_search_var_instance_decl = search_var_instance_decl;
	search_var_instance_decl  = new  search_var_instance_decl_c(symbol);
	symbol->resource_declaration   ->accept(*this);  // points to a single_resource_declaration_c!

	delete search_var_instance_decl;
	search_var_instance_decl = prev_search_var_instance_decl;

	current_scope = prev_scope;	
//	local_enumerated_value_symtable.reset();  // TODO-> this must be replaced with local_enumerated_value_symtable.pop(), which is not yet implemented for the dsyntable_c!
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(single_resource_declaration_c *symbol) {
//	symbol->task_configuration_list    ->accept(*this);  // TODO
//	symbol->program_configuration_list ->accept(*this);  // TODO
	return NULL;

/* B.2 - Language IL (Instruction List) */
/* B 2.1 Instructions and Operands */

/*| instruction_list il_instruction */
// SYM_LIST(instruction_list_c)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(instruction_list_c *symbol) {
	/* In order to fill the data type candidates correctly
	 * in IL instruction lists containing JMPs to labels that come before the JMP instruction
	 * itself, we need to run the fill candidate datatypes algorithm twice on the Instruction List.
	 * e.g.:  ...
	 *          ld 23
	 *   label1:st byte_var
	 *          ld 34
	 *          JMP label1     
	 * Note that the second time we run the algorithm, most of the candidate datatypes are already filled
	 * in, so it will be able to produce tha correct candidate datatypes for the IL instruction referenced
	 * by the label, as in the 2nd pass we already know the candidate datatypes of the JMP instruction!
	for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
		for(int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++) {
	return NULL;

/* | label ':' [il_incomplete_instruction] eol_list */
// SYM_REF2(il_instruction_c, label, il_instruction)
// void *visit(instruction_list_c *symbol);
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(il_instruction_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL == symbol->il_instruction) {
		/* This empty/null il_instruction does not change the value of the current/default IL variable.
		 * So it inherits the candidate_datatypes from it's previous IL instructions!
	} else {
		il_instruction_c fake_prev_il_instruction = *symbol;

		if (symbol->prev_il_instruction.size() == 0)  prev_il_instruction = NULL;
		else                                          prev_il_instruction = &fake_prev_il_instruction;
		prev_il_instruction = NULL;

		/* This object has (inherits) the same candidate datatypes as the il_instruction */
		symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->il_instruction->candidate_datatypes;

	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(il_simple_operation_c *symbol) {
	/* determine the data type of the operand */
	if (NULL != symbol->il_operand) {
	/* recursive call to fill the candidate data types list */
	il_operand = symbol->il_operand;
	il_operand = NULL;
	/* This object has (inherits) the same candidate datatypes as the il_simple_operator */
	symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->il_simple_operator->candidate_datatypes;
	return NULL;

/* | function_name [il_operand_list] */
/* NOTE: The parameters 'called_function_declaration' and 'extensible_param_count' are used to pass data between the stage 3 and stage 4. */
// SYM_REF2(il_function_call_c, function_name, il_operand_list, symbol_c *called_function_declaration; int extensible_param_count;)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(il_function_call_c *symbol) {
	/* The first parameter of a non formal function call in IL will be the 'current value' (i.e. the prev_il_instruction)
	 * In order to be able to handle this without coding special cases, we will simply prepend that symbol
	 * to the il_operand_list, and remove it after calling handle_function_call().
	 * However, if no further paramters are given, then il_operand_list will be NULL, and we will
	 * need to create a new object to hold the pointer to prev_il_instruction.
	if (NULL == symbol->il_operand_list)  symbol->il_operand_list = new il_operand_list_c;
	if (NULL == symbol->il_operand_list)  ERROR;


	if (NULL != prev_il_instruction) {
		((list_c *)symbol->il_operand_list)->insert_element(prev_il_instruction, 0);	

		generic_function_call_t fcall_param = {
			/* fcall_param.function_name               = */ symbol->function_name,
			/* fcall_param.nonformal_operand_list      = */ symbol->il_operand_list,
			/* fcall_param.formal_operand_list         = */ NULL,
			/* enum {POU_FB, POU_function} POU_type    = */ generic_function_call_t::POU_function,
			/* fcall_param.candidate_functions         = */ symbol->candidate_functions,
			/* fcall_param.called_function_declaration = */ symbol->called_function_declaration,
			/* fcall_param.extensible_param_count      = */ symbol->extensible_param_count
		handle_function_call(symbol, fcall_param);

		/* Undo the changes to the abstract syntax tree we made above... */
		((list_c *)symbol->il_operand_list)->remove_element(0);

	/* Undo the changes to the abstract syntax tree we made above... */
	if (((list_c *)symbol->il_operand_list)->n == 0) {
		/* if the list becomes empty, then that means that it did not exist before we made these changes, so we delete it! */
		delete 	symbol->il_operand_list;
		symbol->il_operand_list = NULL;
	if (debug) std::cout << "il_function_call_c [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] result.\n";
	return NULL;

/* | il_expr_operator '(' [il_operand] eol_list [simple_instr_list] ')' */
// SYM_REF3(il_expression_c, il_expr_operator, il_operand, simple_instr_list);
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(il_expression_c *symbol) {
  symbol_c *prev_il_instruction_backup = prev_il_instruction;
  /* Stage2 will insert an artificial (and equivalent) LD <il_operand> to the simple_instr_list if necessary. We can therefore ignore the 'il_operand' entry! */
  // if (NULL != symbol->il_operand)
  //   symbol->il_operand->accept(*this);

  if(symbol->simple_instr_list != NULL)

  /* Since stage2 will insert an artificial (and equivalent) LD <il_operand> to the simple_instr_list when an 'il_operand' exists, we know
   * that if (symbol->il_operand != NULL), then the first IL instruction in the simple_instr_list will be the equivalent and artificial
   * 'LD <il_operand>' IL instruction.
   * Just to be cosistent, we will copy the datatype info back into the il_operand, even though this should not be necessary!
  if ((NULL != symbol->il_operand) && ((NULL == symbol->simple_instr_list) || (0 == ((list_c *)symbol->simple_instr_list)->n))) ERROR; // stage2 is not behaving as we expect it to!
  if  (NULL != symbol->il_operand)
    symbol->il_operand->candidate_datatypes = ((list_c *)symbol->simple_instr_list)->get_element(0)->candidate_datatypes;
  /* Now check the if the data type semantics of operation are correct,  */
  il_operand = symbol->simple_instr_list;
  prev_il_instruction = prev_il_instruction_backup;
  il_operand = NULL;
  /* This object has the same candidate datatypes as the il_expr_operator. */
  symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->il_expr_operator->candidate_datatypes;
  return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(il_jump_operation_c *symbol) {
  /* recursive call to fill the candidate data types list */
  il_operand = NULL;
  il_operand = NULL;
  /* This object has the same candidate datatypes as the il_jump_operator. */
  symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->il_jump_operator->candidate_datatypes;
  return NULL;

/*   il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name
 * | il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name '(' ')'
 * | il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name '(' eol_list ')'
 * | il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name '(' il_operand_list ')'
 * | il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name '(' eol_list il_param_list ')'
/* NOTE: The parameter 'called_fb_declaration'is used to pass data between stage 3 and stage4 */
// SYM_REF4(il_fb_call_c, il_call_operator, fb_name, il_operand_list, il_param_list, symbol_c *called_fb_declaration)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(il_fb_call_c *symbol) {
	symbol_c *fb_decl = search_var_instance_decl->get_basetype_decl(symbol->fb_name);
	if (! get_datatype_info_c::is_function_block(fb_decl)) fb_decl = NULL;

	/* Although a call to a non-declared FB is a semantic error, this is currently caught by stage 2! */
	if (NULL == fb_decl) ERROR;

	if (symbol->  il_param_list != NULL) symbol->il_param_list->accept(*this);
	if (symbol->il_operand_list != NULL) symbol->il_operand_list->accept(*this);

	/* The print_datatypes_error_c does not rely on this called_fb_declaration pointer being != NULL to conclude that
	 * we have a datat type incompatibility error, so setting it to the correct fb_decl is actually safe,
	 * as the compiler will never reach the compilation stage!
	symbol->called_fb_declaration = fb_decl;

	/* Let the il_call_operator (CAL, CALC, or CALCN) determine the candidate datatypes of the il_fb_call_c... */
	/* NOTE: We ignore whether the call is 'compatible' or not when filling in the candidate datatypes list.
	 *       Even if it is not compatible, we fill in the candidate datatypes list correctly so that the following
	 *       IL instructions may be handled correctly and debuged.
	 *       Doing this is actually safe, as the parameter_list will still contain errors that will be found by
	 *       print_datatypes_error_c, so the code will never reach stage 4!
	symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->il_call_operator->candidate_datatypes;

	if (debug) std::cout << "FB [] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

/* | function_name '(' eol_list [il_param_list] ')' */
/* NOTE: The parameter 'called_function_declaration' is used to pass data between the stage 3 and stage 4. */
// SYM_REF2(il_formal_funct_call_c, function_name, il_param_list, symbol_c *called_function_declaration; int extensible_param_count;)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(il_formal_funct_call_c *symbol) {
	/* non-standard extension allowing functions with no input parameters => il_param_list may be NULL !!! */
	if (NULL != symbol->il_param_list) symbol->il_param_list->accept(*this); 

	generic_function_call_t fcall_param = {
		/* fcall_param.function_name               = */ symbol->function_name,
		/* fcall_param.nonformal_operand_list      = */ NULL,
		/* fcall_param.formal_operand_list         = */ symbol->il_param_list,
		/* enum {POU_FB, POU_function} POU_type    = */ generic_function_call_t::POU_function,
		/* fcall_param.candidate_functions         = */ symbol->candidate_functions,
		/* fcall_param.called_function_declaration = */ symbol->called_function_declaration,
		/* fcall_param.extensible_param_count      = */ symbol->extensible_param_count
	handle_function_call(symbol, fcall_param);

	if (debug) std::cout << "il_formal_funct_call_c [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] result.\n";
	return NULL;

//     void *visit(il_operand_list_c *symbol);

/* | simple_instr_list il_simple_instruction */
/* This object is referenced by il_expression_c objects */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(simple_instr_list_c *symbol) {
  if (symbol->n <= 0)
    return NULL;  /* List is empty! Nothing to do. */
  for(int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++)

  /* This object has (inherits) the same candidate datatypes as the last il_instruction */
  symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->get_element(symbol->n-1)->candidate_datatypes;
  if (debug) std::cout << "simple_instr_list_c [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] result.\n";
  return NULL;

// SYM_REF1(il_simple_instruction_c, il_simple_instruction, symbol_c *prev_il_instruction;)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(il_simple_instruction_c *symbol) {
  if (symbol->prev_il_instruction.size() > 1) ERROR; /* There should be no labeled insructions inside an IL expression! */
  if (symbol->prev_il_instruction.size() == 0)  prev_il_instruction = NULL;
  else                                          prev_il_instruction = symbol->prev_il_instruction[0];
  prev_il_instruction = NULL;

  /* This object has (inherits) the same candidate datatypes as the il_simple_instruction it points to */
  symbol->candidate_datatypes = symbol->il_simple_instruction->candidate_datatypes;
  return NULL;

    void *visit(il_param_list_c *symbol);
    void *visit(il_param_assignment_c *symbol);
    void *visit(il_param_out_assignment_c *symbol);

/* B 2.2 Operators */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(LD_operator_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL == il_operand)          return NULL;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, il_operand->candidate_datatypes[i]);
	if (debug) std::cout << "LD [" <<  il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(LDN_operator_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL == il_operand)          return NULL;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		if      (get_datatype_info_c::is_ANY_BIT_compatible(il_operand->candidate_datatypes[i]))
			add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, il_operand->candidate_datatypes[i]);
	if (debug) std::cout << "LDN [" << il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(ST_operator_c *symbol) {
	symbol_c *prev_instruction_type, *operand_type;

	if (NULL == prev_il_instruction) return NULL;
	if (NULL == il_operand)          return NULL;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size(); j++) {
			prev_instruction_type = prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes[i];
			operand_type = il_operand->candidate_datatypes[j];
			if (get_datatype_info_c::is_type_equal(prev_instruction_type, operand_type))
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, prev_instruction_type);
	if (debug) std::cout << "ST [" << prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size() << "," << il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(STN_operator_c *symbol) {
	symbol_c *prev_instruction_type, *operand_type;

	if (NULL == prev_il_instruction) return NULL;
	if (NULL == il_operand)          return NULL;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size(); j++) {
			prev_instruction_type = prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes[i];
			operand_type = il_operand->candidate_datatypes[j];
			if (get_datatype_info_c::is_type_equal(prev_instruction_type,operand_type) && get_datatype_info_c::is_ANY_BIT_compatible(operand_type))
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, prev_instruction_type);
	if (debug) std::cout << "STN [" << prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size() << "," << il_operand->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(NOT_operator_c *symbol) {
	/* NOTE: the standard allows syntax in which the NOT operator is followed by an optional <il_operand>
	 *              NOT [<il_operand>]
	 *       However, it does not define the semantic of the NOT operation when the <il_operand> is specified.
	 *       We therefore consider it an error if an il_operand is specified!
	 *       We do not need to generate an error message. This error will be caught somewhere else!
	if (NULL == prev_il_instruction) return NULL;
	if (NULL != il_operand)          return NULL;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		if (get_datatype_info_c::is_ANY_BIT_compatible(prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes[i]))
			add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes[i]);
	if (debug) std::cout <<  "NOT_operator [" << prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   S_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_S_and_R_operator   (symbol,   "S", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   R_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_S_and_R_operator   (symbol,   "R", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  S1_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol,  "S1", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  R1_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol,  "R1", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( CLK_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol, "CLK", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  CU_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol,  "CU", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  CD_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol,  "CD", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  PV_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol,  "PV", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  IN_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol,  "IN", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  PT_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_implicit_il_fb_call(symbol,  "PT", symbol->called_fb_declaration);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( AND_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_AND_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  OR_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator( widen_OR_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( XOR_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_XOR_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(ANDN_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_AND_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( ORN_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator( widen_OR_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(XORN_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_XOR_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( ADD_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_ADD_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( SUB_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_SUB_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( MUL_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_MUL_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( DIV_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_DIV_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( MOD_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_MOD_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  GT_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_CMP_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  GE_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_CMP_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  EQ_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_CMP_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  LT_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_CMP_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  LE_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_CMP_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  NE_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_operator(widen_CMP_table, symbol, prev_il_instruction, il_operand);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::handle_conditional_il_flow_control_operator(symbol_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL == prev_il_instruction) return NULL;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		if (get_datatype_info_c::is_BOOL_compatible(prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes[i]))
			add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes[i]);
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  CAL_operator_c *symbol) {if (NULL != prev_il_instruction) symbol->candidate_datatypes = prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes; return NULL;}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  RET_operator_c *symbol) {if (NULL != prev_il_instruction) symbol->candidate_datatypes = prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes; return NULL;}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  JMP_operator_c *symbol) {if (NULL != prev_il_instruction) symbol->candidate_datatypes = prev_il_instruction->candidate_datatypes; return NULL;}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( CALC_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_conditional_il_flow_control_operator(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(CALCN_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_conditional_il_flow_control_operator(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( RETC_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_conditional_il_flow_control_operator(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(RETCN_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_conditional_il_flow_control_operator(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( JMPC_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_conditional_il_flow_control_operator(symbol);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(JMPCN_operator_c *symbol) {return handle_conditional_il_flow_control_operator(symbol);}

/* Symbol class handled together with function call checks */
// void *visit(il_assign_operator_c *symbol, variable_name);
/* Symbol class handled together with function call checks */
// void *visit(il_assign_operator_c *symbol, option, variable_name);

/* B.3 - Language ST (Structured Text) */
/* B 3.1 - Expressions */
/* SYM_REF1(deref_expression_c, exp)  --> an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard - based on the IEC 61131-3 v3 standard. Returns address of the varible! */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(deref_expression_c  *symbol) {

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
    /* Determine whether the datatype is a ref_spec_c, as this is the class used as the    */
    /* canonical/base datatype of REF_TO types (see search_base_type_c ...)                */ 
    ref_spec_c *ref_spec = dynamic_cast<ref_spec_c *>(symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes[i]);
    if (NULL != ref_spec)
      add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, search_base_type_c::get_basetype_decl(ref_spec->type_name));
  return NULL;

/* SYM_REF1(deref_operator_c, exp)  --> an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard - based on the IEC 61131-3 v3 standard. Returns address of the varible! */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(deref_operator_c  *symbol) {

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
    /* Determine whether the datatype is a ref_spec_c, as this is the class used as the    */
    /* canonical/base datatype of REF_TO types (see search_base_type_c ...)                */ 
    ref_spec_c *ref_spec = dynamic_cast<ref_spec_c *>(symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes[i]);
    if (NULL != ref_spec)
      add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, search_base_type_c::get_basetype_decl(ref_spec->type_name));

  /* Since the deref_operator_c may be used inside structures, we must handle set the 'scope' annotation here too! */
  symbol->scope = symbol->exp->scope;
  return NULL;

/* SYM_REF1(ref_expression_c, exp)  --> an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard - based on the IEC 61131-3 v3 standard. Returns address of the varible! */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(  ref_expression_c  *symbol) {
   * Note that symbol->exp may be an array variable, and these may containg complex
   * expressions that include function calls in their indexes. These complex expressions must also be
   * analysed using the standard fill/narrow algorithm...

  /* Currently the IEC 61131-3 symtax requires that the REF() operator have as a parameter a lvalue (a variable), that will have
   * at most one candidate_datatype. This means that we do not really need the for() loop here, but we use it
   * anyway as it is the correct way of implementing the fill/narrow algorithm! 
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
    /* Create a new object of ref_spec_c, as this is the class used as the  */
    /* canonical/base datatype of REF_TO types (see search_base_type_c ...) */ 
    ref_spec_c *ref_spec = new ref_spec_c(symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes[i]);
    add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, ref_spec);
  return NULL;
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   or_expression_c  *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_OR_table,  symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   xor_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_XOR_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   and_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_AND_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   equ_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_equality_comparison(widen_CMP_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(notequ_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_equality_comparison(widen_CMP_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(    lt_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_CMP_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(    gt_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_CMP_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(    le_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_CMP_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(    ge_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_CMP_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   add_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_ADD_table,  symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   sub_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_SUB_table,  symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   mul_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_MUL_table,  symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   div_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_DIV_table,  symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(   mod_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_MOD_table,  symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit( power_expression_c *symbol) {return handle_binary_expression  (widen_EXPT_table, symbol, symbol->l_exp, symbol->r_exp);}

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(neg_expression_c *symbol) {
  /* NOTE: The standard defines the syntax for this 'negation' operation, but
   *       does not define the its semantics.
   *       We could be tempted to consider that the semantics of the
   *       'negation' operation are similar/identical to the semantics of the 
   *       SUB expression/operation. This would include assuming that the
   *       possible datatypes for the 'negation' operation is also
   *       the same as those for the SUB expression/operation, namely ANY_MAGNITUDE.
   *       However, this would then mean that the following ST code would be 
   *       syntactically and semantically correct:
   *       VAR uint_var : UINT END_VAR;
   *       uint_var := - (uint_var);
   *       Assuming uint_var is not 0, the standard states that the above code should result in a 
   *       runtime error since the operation will result in an overflow. Since the above operation
   *       is only valid when uint_var=0, it would probably make more sense for the programmer to
   *       use if (uint_var=0) ..., so we will simply assume that the above statement simply
   *       does not make sense in any situation (whether or not uint_var is 0), and therefore
   *       we will not allow it.
   *       (Notice that doing so does not ago against the standard, as the standard does not
   *       explicitly define the semantics of the NEG operator, nor the data types it may accept
   *       as input. We are simply assuming that the NEG operator may not be applied to unsigned
   *       ANY_NUM data types!).
   *       It is much easier for the compiler to detect this at compile time,
   *       and it is probably safer to the resulting code too.
   *       To detect these tyes of errors at compile time, the easisest solution
   *       is to only allow ANY_NUM datatytpes that are signed.
   *        So, that is what we do here!
   * NOTE: The above argument also applies to the neg_integer_c method!
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		if (get_datatype_info_c::is_ANY_signed_MAGNITUDE_compatible(symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes[i]))
			add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes[i]);
	if (debug) std::cout << "neg [" << symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(not_expression_c *symbol) {
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		if      (get_datatype_info_c::is_ANY_BIT_compatible(symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes[i]))
			add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes[i]);
	if (debug) std::cout << "not [" << symbol->exp->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(function_invocation_c *symbol) {
	if      (NULL != symbol->formal_param_list)        symbol->   formal_param_list->accept(*this);
	else if (NULL != symbol->nonformal_param_list)     symbol->nonformal_param_list->accept(*this);
	// else ERROR;  NOTE-> We support the non-standard feature of POUS with no in, out and inout parameters, so this is no longer an internal error!

	generic_function_call_t fcall_param = {
			  function_name:                symbol->function_name,
			  nonformal_operand_list:       symbol->nonformal_param_list,
			  formal_operand_list:          symbol->formal_param_list,
			  POU_type:                     generic_function_call_t::POU_function,
			  candidate_functions:          symbol->candidate_functions,
			  called_function_declaration:  symbol->called_function_declaration,
			  extensible_param_count:       symbol->extensible_param_count

	handle_function_call(symbol, fcall_param);

	if (debug) std::cout << "function_invocation_c [" << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] result.\n";
	return NULL;

/* B 3.2 Statements */
// SYM_LIST(statement_list_c)
/* The visitor of the base class search_visitor_c will handle calling each instruction in the list.
 * We do not need to do anything here...
// void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(statement_list_c *symbol)

/* B 3.2.1 Assignment Statements */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(assignment_statement_c *symbol) {
	symbol_c *left_type, *right_type;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < symbol->l_exp->candidate_datatypes.size(); i++) {
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < symbol->r_exp->candidate_datatypes.size(); j++) {
			left_type = symbol->l_exp->candidate_datatypes[i];
			right_type = symbol->r_exp->candidate_datatypes[j];
			if (get_datatype_info_c::is_type_equal(left_type, right_type))
				add_datatype_to_candidate_list(symbol, left_type);  // NOTE: Must use left_type, as the right_type may be the 'NULL' reference! (see comment in visit(ref_value_null_literal_c)) */
	if (debug) std::cout << ":= [" << symbol->l_exp->candidate_datatypes.size() << "," << symbol->r_exp->candidate_datatypes.size() << "] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

/* B 3.2.2 Subprogram Control Statements */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(fb_invocation_c *symbol) {
	symbol_c *fb_decl = search_var_instance_decl->get_basetype_decl(symbol->fb_name);
	if (! get_datatype_info_c::is_function_block(fb_decl )) fb_decl = NULL;
	if (NULL == fb_decl) ERROR; /* Although a call to a non-declared FB is a semantic error, this is currently caught by stage 2! */
	if (symbol->   formal_param_list != NULL) symbol->formal_param_list->accept(*this);
	if (symbol->nonformal_param_list != NULL) symbol->nonformal_param_list->accept(*this);

	/* The print_datatypes_error_c does not rely on this called_fb_declaration pointer being != NULL to conclude that
	 * we have a datat type incompatibility error, so setting it to the correct fb_decl is actually safe,
	 * as the compiler will never reach the compilation stage!
	symbol->called_fb_declaration = fb_decl;

	if (debug) std::cout << "FB [] ==> "  << symbol->candidate_datatypes.size() << " result.\n";
	return NULL;

/* B 3.2.3 Selection Statements */
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(if_statement_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL != symbol->statement_list)
	if (NULL != symbol->elseif_statement_list)
	if (NULL != symbol->else_statement_list)
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(elseif_statement_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL != symbol->statement_list)
	return NULL;

/* CASE expression OF case_element_list ELSE statement_list END_CASE */
// SYM_REF3(case_statement_c, expression, case_element_list, statement_list)
void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(case_statement_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL != symbol->case_element_list)
	if (NULL != symbol->statement_list)
	return NULL;

/* helper symbol for case_statement */
// SYM_LIST(case_element_list_c)
/* NOTE: visitor method for case_element_list_c is not required since we inherit from iterator_visitor_c */

/*  case_list ':' statement_list */
// SYM_REF2(case_element_c, case_list, statement_list)
/* NOTE: visitor method for case_element_c is not required since we inherit from iterator_visitor_c */

// SYM_LIST(case_list_c)
/* NOTE: visitor method for case_list_c is not required since we inherit from iterator_visitor_c */

/* B 3.2.4 Iteration Statements */

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(for_statement_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL != symbol->by_expression)
	if (NULL != symbol->statement_list)
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(while_statement_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL != symbol->statement_list)
	return NULL;

void *fill_candidate_datatypes_c::visit(repeat_statement_c *symbol) {
	if (NULL != symbol->statement_list)
	return NULL;