author Edouard Tisserant
Tue, 14 Dec 2021 08:48:05 +0100
changeset 1096 fad6e7a818e2
parent 613 65a2e5ac2576
permissions -rw-r--r--
Variable forcing now uses limited list and buffer instead of systematical instance tree traversal and in-tree "fvalue" to keep track of forced value for pointed variables (external, located). Pointer swapping is performed when forcing externals and located, with backup being restored when forcing is reset. Match Beremiz commit 93ad018fb602.
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2011  Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2011  Laurent Bessard and Edouard Tisserant
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

/* Determine the size, in bits, of the data type.
 * NOTE: Currently, only elementary data types with well defined sizes (in the standard) are supported.
 *       - derived data types are not supported, and these will return 0
 *       - TIME, DATE, TIME_OF_DAY, and DATE_AND_TIME are not supported, and will return 0
 *       - STRING and WSTRING are not supported, and the standard merely defines bit per character,
 *              and not the maximum number of characters, so these will return 0
 *       We also support the 'Numeric Literals' Data types.
 *       i.e., numeric literals are considerd basic data types
 *       as their data type is undefined (e.g. the datat type of '30'
 *       could be 'INT' or 'SINT' or 'LINT' or 'USINT' or ...
 *       NOTE: for base 10 numeric literals, any number taking up more than 64 bits
 *             will only return a bitsize of 1024!
 *       NOTE: The code that does the following has been commented out, since we no longer need it!
 *             It has been superceded by the constant_folding.cc class.
 *       // For numeric literals, we return the minimum number of bits
 *       // required to store the value.
 * E.g. TYPE new_int_t : INT; END_TYPE;
 *      TYPE new_int2_t : INT = 2; END_TYPE;
 *      TYPE new_subr_t : INT (4..5); END_TYPE;
 *    sizeof(SINT) ->  8
 *    sizeof(INT)  -> 16
 *    sizeof(DINT) -> 32
 *    sizeof(LINT) -> 64
 *       NOTE: The code that does the following has been commented out, since we no longer need it!
 *             It has been superceded by the constant_folding.cc class.
 *    // sizeof('1')       ->  1
 *    // sizeof('015')     ->  4    # Leading zeros are ignored!
 *    // sizeof('0')       ->  1    # This is a special case! Even the value 0 needs at least 1 bit to store!
 *    // sizeof('16')      ->  5
 *    // sizeof('2#00101') ->  3
 *    // sizeof('8#334')   ->  9
 *    // sizeof('16#2A')   ->  8
 *    // sizeof('7.4')     ->  32   # all real literals return 32 bits, the size of a 'REAL'
 *    //                            # TODO: study IEC 60559 for the range of values that may be
 *    //                            #       stored in a REAL (basic single width floating point format)
 *    //                            #       and in a LREAL (basic double width floating point format)
 *    //                            #       and see if some real literals need to return 64 instead!

#include "get_sizeof_datatype.hh"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>  // get definition of ULLONG_MAX
#include <errno.h>

#include "../main.hh" // required for ERROR() and ERROR_MSG() macros, and uint64_t and UINT64_MAX

/* This class is a singleton.
 * So we need a pointer to the singe instance...
get_sizeof_datatype_c *get_sizeof_datatype_c::singleton = NULL;

#define _encode_int(value)   ((void *)(((char *)NULL) + value))
#define _decode_int(ptr)     (((char *)ptr) - ((char *)NULL))

#if 0   /* We no longer need the code for handling numeric literals. But keep it around for a little while longer... */
/* divide a base 10 literal in a string by 2 */
/* returns remainder of division (0 or 1)    */
static int strdivby2(char **strptr) {
  char *str = *strptr;
  int carry = 0;

  while (*str != '\0') {
    /* Assumes ASCII */
    int newcarry;
//     newcarry = ((*str-'0') mod 2);
    newcarry = ((*str-'0') - ((*str-'0')/2)*2);
    *str = (((*str-'0') + 10*carry)/2) + '0';
    carry = newcarry;

  /* ignore leading zeros in result... */
  while (**strptr == '0') 

  return carry;

/* Constructor for the singleton class */
int get_sizeof_datatype_c::getsize(symbol_c *data_type_symbol) {
      if (NULL == singleton) {
        singleton = new get_sizeof_datatype_c;
        if (NULL == singleton)
      return _decode_int(data_type_symbol->accept(*singleton));

/* Destructor for the singleton class */
get_sizeof_datatype_c::~get_sizeof_datatype_c(void) {
      if (NULL != singleton) delete singleton;
      singleton = NULL;

#if 0   /* We no longer need the code for handling numeric literals. But keep it around for a little while longer... */
/* B 1.2 - Constants */

/* B 1.2.1 - Numeric Literals */
 /* Numeric literals without any explicit type cast have unknown data type, 
  * so we continue considering them as their own basic data types until
  * they can be resolved (for example, when using '30+x' where 'x' is a LINT variable, the
  * numeric literal '30' must then be considered a LINT so the ADD function may be called
  * with all inputs of the same data type.
  * If 'x' were a SINT, then the '30' would have to be a SINT too!

/* NOTE: all integer_c and real_c tokens will always be positive (i.e. no leading '-')
 * due to the way the source code is parsed by iec.flex.

 * IEC6113-3 and C++ use IEC 60559 to rappresent floating point data types
 * REAL  => float       => single precision 	32 bit
 * LREAL => double      => double precision 	64 bit
 * ????? => long double => quadruple precision 128 bit
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(real_c *symbol) {
  char *endp;
  long double ld_test;
  double d_test;
  float  f_test;

  /* copy the original string, but leave out any underscores... */
  char *sval, *oval;
  const char *pval;
  oval = sval = (char *)malloc(strlen(symbol->value)+1);
  if (NULL ==  sval) ERROR;
  for (pval = symbol->value, sval = oval; *pval != '\0'; pval++) {
    if ('_' != *pval) {*sval = *pval; sval++;}
  *sval = '\0';  
  sval = oval;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;

  /* now do the conversion using the new string... */
  f_test = strtof(sval, &endp);
  if (*endp != '\0') ERROR;
  if (ERANGE != errno) {
    /* No overflow/underflow! => It fits in a float! */
    return _encode_int(32);
  d_test = strtod(sval, &endp);
  if (*endp != '\0') ERROR;
  if (ERANGE != errno) {
    /* No overflow/underflow! => It fits in a double! */
    return _encode_int(64);
  ld_test = strtold(sval, &endp);
  if (*endp != '\0') ERROR;
  if (ERANGE != errno) {
    /* No overflow/underflow! => It fits in a long double! */
    return _encode_int(128);

  return _encode_int(65535); /* a very large number!!! */

void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(neg_real_c *symbol) {
  return symbol->exp->accept(*this);

/* NOTE: all integer_c and real_c literal tokens will always be positive (i.e. no leading '-')
 * due to the way the source code is parsed by iec.flex.
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(integer_c *symbol) {
  int bitsize = 0;

  if (NULL ==   symbol->value ) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *(symbol->value)) ERROR;

#if 0
  char *endptr;
  /* Convert the string to an unsigned 64 bit integer */
  /* We can use strtoull(), but we are not guaranteed that an unsigned long long int
   * is 64 bits wide. First make sure that it is...
   * We could also use the strtouq() instead, which converts
   * to a quad word (64 bits). However, this requires either GCC or BSD extensions.
  #ifdef strtoull // this ifdef does not work!!
    /* we have long long int, use it... */
    #define ival_MAX ULLONG_MAX
    unsigned long long int ival = 0;
    ival = strtoull (symbol->value, &endptr, 10 /* base */);
    /* use long int ... */
    #define ival_MAX ULONG_MAX
    unsigned long int ival = 0;
    ival = strtoul (symbol->value, &endptr, 10 /* base */);

  #if (ival_MAX < UINT64_MAX)
  #error Largest strtoint() conversion function converts to an int less than 64 bits wide!

  if (NULL ==  endptr) ERROR;
  if ('\0' != *endptr) ERROR;
  // TODO: return _encode_int(1024) if value takes up more than 64 bits! 

  /* determine the number of bits used... */
  for (bitsize = 0; ival > 0; ival /= 2, bitsize++);

  /* special case... if (value == 0) <=> (bitsize == 0), return bit size of 1 ! */
  if (0 == bitsize) bitsize = 1;

  return _encode_int(bitsize);
  /* We could first convert from string to some kind of integer, and then
   * determine the the bitsize using integer aritmetic.
   * However, we are then limited to the bit size of the widest available integer
   * (usually 64 bits), which is not good at all!
  /* Let's try to determine bitsize by converting directly from the string!! */
  char *sval, *oval;
  const char *pval;
  oval = sval = (char *)malloc(strlen(symbol->value)+1);
  if (NULL ==  sval) ERROR;

  /* copy the original string, but leave out any underscores... */
  for (pval = symbol->value, sval = oval; *pval != '\0'; pval++) {
    if ('_' != *pval) {*sval = *pval; sval++;}
  *sval = '\0';  
  sval = oval;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;

  for (bitsize = 0; *sval != '\0'; strdivby2(&sval), bitsize ++);

  char *sval = strdup(symbol->value);
  char *oval = sval;
  if (NULL ==  sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;
  for (bitsize = 0; *sval != '\0'; strdivby2(&sval), bitsize ++);

  /* Even for (value == 0), the above loop will return bitsize == 1!, 
   * so we don't need to handle the special case...
  /* special case... if (value == 0) <=> (bitsize == 0), return bit size of 1 ! */
  // if (0 == bitsize) bitsize = 1;

  return _encode_int(bitsize);

void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(neg_integer_c *symbol) {
  return symbol->exp->accept(*this);

/* NOTE: all binary_integer_c tokens will always be positive (i.e. no leading '-')
 * due to the syntax definition of IEC 61131-3.
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(binary_integer_c *symbol) {
  const char *sval = symbol->value;
  int bitsize = 0;

  /* first 2 characters had better be "2#" ! */
  if (NULL ==  sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;
  if ( '2' != *sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;
  if ( '#' != *sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;

  /* determine the number of bits used... */
  for (bitsize = 0; '\0' != *sval; sval++) {
    /* consistency check: make sure we only have binary digits! */
    if (('0' != *sval) && ('1' != *sval) && ('_' != *sval))

    if ('_' != *sval) bitsize++; /* 1 bits per binary digit */

  /* special case... if (value == 0) <=> (bitsize == 0), return bit size of 1 ! */
  if (0 == bitsize) bitsize = 1;

  return _encode_int(bitsize);

/* NOTE: all octal_integer_c tokens will always be positive (i.e. no leading '-')
 * due to the syntax definition of IEC 61131-3.
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(octal_integer_c *symbol) {
  const char *sval = symbol->value;
  int bitsize = 0;

  /* first 2 characters had better be "8#" ! */
  if (NULL ==  sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;
  if ( '8' != *sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;
  if ( '#' != *sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;

  /* determine the number of bits used... */
  for (bitsize = 0; '\0' != *sval; sval++) {
    /* consistency check: make sure we only have octal digits! */
    /* Assumes ASCII */
    if ((('0' > *sval) || ('7' < *sval)) && ('_' != *sval))

    if ('_' != *sval) bitsize += 3; /* 3 bits per octal digit */

  /* special case... if (value == 0) <=> (bitsize == 0), return bit size of 1 ! */
  if (0 == bitsize) bitsize = 1;

  return _encode_int(bitsize);

/* NOTE: all hex_integer_c tokens will always be positive (i.e. no leading '-')
 * due to the syntax definition of IEC 61131-3.
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(hex_integer_c *symbol) {
  const char *sval = symbol->value;
  int bitsize = 0;

  /* first 3 characters had better be "16#" ! */
  if (NULL ==  sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;
  if ( '1' != *sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;
  if ( '6' != *sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;
  if ( '#' != *sval) ERROR;
  if ('\0' == *sval) ERROR;

  /* determine the number of bits used... */
  for (bitsize = 0; '\0' != *sval; sval++) {
    /* consistency check: make sure we only have hex digits or underscores! */
    /* Assumes ASCII */
    if (!(('0' <= *sval) && ('9' >= *sval)) && 
        !(('A' <= *sval) && ('F' >= *sval)) &&
        !(('a' <= *sval) && ('f' >= *sval)) &&
        ! ('_' == *sval))

    if ('_' != *sval) bitsize += 4; /* 4 bits per hex digit */

  /* special case... if (value == 0) <=> (bitsize == 0), return bit size of 1 ! */
  if (0 == bitsize) bitsize = 1;

  return _encode_int(bitsize);

/* B 1.3.1 - Elementary Data Types */
// void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(time_type_name_c *symbol) {return _encode_int(0); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(bool_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(1); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(sint_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(8); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(int_type_name_c *symbol)     {return _encode_int(16);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(dint_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(32);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(lint_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(64);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(usint_type_name_c *symbol)   {return _encode_int(8); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(uint_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(16);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(udint_type_name_c *symbol)   {return _encode_int(32);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(ulint_type_name_c *symbol)   {return _encode_int(64);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(real_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(32);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(lreal_type_name_c *symbol)   {return _encode_int(64);}
// void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(date_type_name_c *symbol) {return _encode_int(0); }
// void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(tod_type_name_c *symbol)  {return _encode_int(0); }
// void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(dt_type_name_c *symbol)   {return _encode_int(0); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(byte_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(8); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(word_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(16);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(dword_type_name_c *symbol)   {return _encode_int(32);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(lword_type_name_c *symbol)   {return _encode_int(64);}
// void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(string_type_name_c *symbol)    {return _encode_int(0); }
// void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(wstring_type_name_c *symbol)   {return _encode_int(0); }
/* Extensions to the base standard as defined in      */
/* "Safety Software Technical Specification,          */
/*  Part 1: Concepts and Function Blocks,             */
/*  Version 1.0 – Official Release"                   */
/* by PLCopen - Technical Committee 5 - 2006-01-31    */
//     void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safetime_type_name_c *symbol); {return _encode_int(0); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safebool_type_name_c *symbol)         {return _encode_int(1); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safesint_type_name_c *symbol)         {return _encode_int(8); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safeint_type_name_c *symbol)          {return _encode_int(16);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safedint_type_name_c *symbol)         {return _encode_int(32);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safelint_type_name_c *symbol)         {return _encode_int(64);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safeusint_type_name_c *symbol)        {return _encode_int(8); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safeuint_type_name_c *symbol)         {return _encode_int(16);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safeudint_type_name_c *symbol)        {return _encode_int(32);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safeulint_type_name_c *symbol)        {return _encode_int(64);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safereal_type_name_c *symbol)         {return _encode_int(32);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safelreal_type_name_c *symbol)        {return _encode_int(64);}
//     void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safedate_type_name_c *symbol); {return _encode_int(0); }
//     void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safetod_type_name_c *symbol);  {return _encode_int(0); }
//     void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safedt_type_name_c *symbol);   {return _encode_int(0); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safebyte_type_name_c *symbol)         {return _encode_int(8); }
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safeword_type_name_c *symbol)         {return _encode_int(16);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safedword_type_name_c *symbol)        {return _encode_int(32);}
void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safelword_type_name_c *symbol)        {return _encode_int(64);}
//     void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safestring_type_name_c *symbol);  {return _encode_int(0); }
//     void *get_sizeof_datatype_c::visit(safewstring_type_name_c *symbol); {return _encode_int(0); }

/* B 1.3.3 - Derived data types */
// Not yet supported...