author Edouard Tisserant
Tue, 14 Dec 2021 08:48:05 +0100
changeset 1096 fad6e7a818e2
parent 1046 292b7dcf14f6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Variable forcing now uses limited list and buffer instead of systematical instance tree traversal and in-tree "fvalue" to keep track of forced value for pointed variables (external, located). Pointer swapping is performed when forcing externals and located, with backup being restored when forcing is reset. Match Beremiz commit 93ad018fb602.
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2003-2011  Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2011  Laurent Bessard and Edouard Tisserant
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

 * Definition of the Abstract Syntax data structure components

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>	/* required for exit() */
#include <string.h>

#include "absyntax.hh"
//#include "../stage1_2/iec.hh" /* required for BOGUS_TOKEN_ID, etc... */
#include "visitor.hh"
#include "../main.hh" // required for ERROR() and ERROR_MSG() macros.

/* The base class of all symbols */
                   int first_line, int first_column, const char *ffile, long int first_order,
                   int last_line,  int last_column,  const char *lfile, long int last_order ) {
  this->first_file   = ffile,
  this->first_line   = first_line;
  this->first_column = first_column;
  this->first_order  = first_order;
  this->last_file    = lfile,
  this->last_line    = last_line;
  this->last_column  = last_column;
  this->last_order   = last_order;
  this->parent       = NULL;
  this->token        = NULL;
  this->datatype     = NULL;
  this->scope        = NULL;

token_c::token_c(const char *value, 
                 int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,
                 int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)
  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {
  this->value = value;
  this->token = this; // every token is its own reference token.
//  printf("New token: %s\n", value);

# define LIST_CAP_INIT 8
# define LIST_CAP_INCR 8

               int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,
               int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)
  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder),c(LIST_CAP_INIT) {
  n = 0;
  elements = (element_entry_t*)malloc(LIST_CAP_INIT*sizeof(element_entry_t));
  if (NULL == elements) ERROR_MSG("out of memory");

list_c::list_c(symbol_c *elem, 
               int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,
               int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)
  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder),c(LIST_CAP_INIT) { 
  n = 0;
  elements = (element_entry_t*)malloc(LIST_CAP_INIT*sizeof(element_entry_t));
  if (NULL == elements) ERROR_MSG("out of memory");

/* get element in position pos of the list */
symbol_c *list_c::get_element(int pos) {return elements[pos].symbol;}

/* find element associated to token value */
symbol_c *list_c::find_element(symbol_c *token) {
  token_c *t = dynamic_cast<token_c *>(token);
  if (t == NULL) ERROR;
  return find_element((const char *)t->value);  

symbol_c *list_c::find_element(const char *token_value) {
  // We could use strcasecmp(), but it's best to always use the same 
  // method of string comparison throughout matiec
  nocasecmp_c ncc; 
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    if (!ncc(elements[i].token_value, token_value))
      return elements[i].symbol;

  return NULL; // not found

/* append a new element to the end of the list */
void list_c::add_element(symbol_c *elem) {add_element(elem, elem);}

void list_c::add_element(symbol_c *elem, symbol_c *token) {
  token_c *t =  (token == NULL)? NULL : token->token;
  add_element(elem, (t == NULL)? NULL : t->value);

void list_c::add_element(symbol_c *elem, const char *token_value) {
  if (c <= n)
    if (!(elements=(element_entry_t*)realloc(elements,(c+=LIST_CAP_INCR)*sizeof(element_entry_t))))
      ERROR_MSG("out of memory");
  //elements[n++] = {token_value, elem};  // only available from C++11 onwards, best not use it for now.
  elements[n].symbol      = elem;
  elements[n].token_value = token_value;
  if (NULL == elem) return;
  /* Sometimes add_element() is called in stage3 or stage4 to temporarily add an AST symbol to the list.
   * Since this symbol already belongs in some other place in the aST, it will have the 'parent' pointer set, 
   * and so we must not overwrite it. We only set the 'parent' pointer on new symbols that have the 'parent'
   * pointer still set to NULL.
  if (NULL == elem->parent) elem->parent = this;  

  /* adjust the location parameters, taking into account the new element. */
  if (NULL == first_file) {
    first_file = elem->first_file;
    first_line = elem->first_line;
    first_column = elem->first_column;
  if ((first_line == elem->first_line) && (first_column > elem->first_column)) {
    first_column = elem->first_column;
  if (first_line > elem->first_line) {
    first_line = elem->first_line;
    first_column = elem->first_column;
  if (NULL == last_file) {
    last_file = elem->last_file;
    last_line = elem->last_line;
    last_column = elem->last_column;
  if ((last_line == elem->last_line) &&
      (last_column < elem->last_column)) {
    last_column = elem->last_column;
  if (last_line < elem->last_line) {
    last_line = elem->last_line;
    last_column = elem->last_column;

/* insert a new element before position pos. */
/* To insert into the begining of list, call with pos=0  */
/* To insert into the end of list, call with pos=list->n */

void list_c::insert_element(symbol_c *elem, int pos) {insert_element(elem, elem, pos);}

void list_c::insert_element(symbol_c *elem, symbol_c *token, int pos) {
  token_c *t    =  (token == NULL)? NULL : token->token;
  insert_element(elem, (t == NULL)? NULL : t->value, pos);

void list_c::insert_element(symbol_c *elem, const char *token_value, int pos) {
  if((pos<0) || (n<pos)) ERROR;
  /* add new element to end of list. Basically alocate required memory... */
  /* will also increment n by 1 ! */
  /* if not inserting into end position, shift all elements up one position, to open up a slot in pos for new element */
  if(pos < (n-1)){ 
    for(int i=n-2 ; i>=pos ; --i) elements[i+1] = elements[i];
    elements[pos].symbol      = elem;
    elements[pos].token_value = token_value;

/* remove element at position pos. */
void list_c::remove_element(int pos) {
  if((pos<0) || (n<=pos)) ERROR;
  /* Shift all elements down one position, starting at the entry to delete. */
  for (int i = pos; i < n-1; i++) elements[i] = elements[i+1];
  /* corrent the new size */
  /* elements = (symbol_c **)realloc(elements, n * sizeof(element_entry_t)); */
  /* TODO: adjust the location parameters, taking into account the removed element. */

/* Remove all elements from list. */
void list_c::clear(void) {
  n = 0;
  /* TODO: adjust the location parameters, taking into account the removed element. */

#define SYM_LIST(class_name_c, ...)								\
class_name_c::class_name_c(									\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
                        :list_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {}		\
class_name_c::class_name_c(symbol_c *elem, 							\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			:list_c(elem, fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {}		\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#define SYM_TOKEN(class_name_c, ...)								\
class_name_c::class_name_c(const char *value, 							\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			:token_c(value, fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {}	\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#define SYM_REF0(class_name_c, ...)								\
class_name_c::class_name_c(									\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {}		\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#define SYM_REF1(class_name_c, ref1, ...)							\
class_name_c::class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,							\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {		\
  this->ref1 = ref1;										\
  if  (NULL != ref1)   ref1->parent = this;							\
}												\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#define SYM_REF2(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ...)							\
class_name_c::class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,							\
			   symbol_c *ref2,							\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {		\
  this->ref1 = ref1;										\
  this->ref2 = ref2;										\
  if  (NULL != ref1)   ref1->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref2)   ref2->parent = this;										\
}												\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#define SYM_REF3(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ...)						\
class_name_c::class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,							\
			   symbol_c *ref2,							\
			   symbol_c *ref3,							\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {		\
  this->ref1 = ref1;										\
  this->ref2 = ref2;										\
  this->ref3 = ref3;										\
  if  (NULL != ref1)   ref1->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref2)   ref2->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref3)   ref3->parent = this;							\
}												\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#define SYM_REF4(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ...)					\
class_name_c::class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,							\
			   symbol_c *ref2,							\
			   symbol_c *ref3,							\
			   symbol_c *ref4,							\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {		\
  this->ref1 = ref1;										\
  this->ref2 = ref2;										\
  this->ref3 = ref3;										\
  this->ref4 = ref4;										\
  if  (NULL != ref1)   ref1->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref2)   ref2->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref3)   ref3->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref4)   ref4->parent = this;							\
}												\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#define SYM_REF5(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ...)				\
class_name_c::class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,							\
			   symbol_c *ref2,							\
			   symbol_c *ref3,							\
			   symbol_c *ref4,							\
			   symbol_c *ref5,							\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {		\
  this->ref1 = ref1;										\
  this->ref2 = ref2;										\
  this->ref3 = ref3;										\
  this->ref4 = ref4;										\
  this->ref5 = ref5;										\
  if  (NULL != ref1)   ref1->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref2)   ref2->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref3)   ref3->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref4)   ref4->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref5)   ref5->parent = this;							\
}												\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#define SYM_REF6(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ...)				\
class_name_c::class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,							\
			   symbol_c *ref2,							\
			   symbol_c *ref3,							\
			   symbol_c *ref4,							\
			   symbol_c *ref5,							\
			   symbol_c *ref6,							\
                           int fl, int fc, const char *ffile, long int forder,			\
                           int ll, int lc, const char *lfile, long int lorder)			\
			  :symbol_c(fl, fc, ffile, forder, ll, lc, lfile, lorder) {		\
  this->ref1 = ref1;										\
  this->ref2 = ref2;										\
  this->ref3 = ref3;										\
  this->ref4 = ref4;										\
  this->ref5 = ref5;										\
  this->ref6 = ref6;										\
  if  (NULL != ref1)   ref1->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref2)   ref2->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref3)   ref3->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref4)   ref4->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref5)   ref5->parent = this;							\
  if  (NULL != ref6)   ref6->parent = this;							\
}												\
void *class_name_c::accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return visitor.visit(this);}

#include "absyntax.def"

#undef SYM_LIST
#undef SYM_TOKEN
#undef SYM_TOKEN
#undef SYM_REF0
#undef SYM_REF1
#undef SYM_REF2
#undef SYM_REF3
#undef SYM_REF4
#undef SYM_REF5
#undef SYM_REF6