Fix warning on nop statement at the end of function_block and program generated code
* matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
* Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Mario de Sousa (
* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Laurent Bessard and Edouard Tisserant
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
* used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
* An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
* Based on the
* FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)
/* Determine the data type of an ST expression.
* A reference to the relevant type definition is returned.
* For example:
* 2 + 3 -> returns reference to a int_type_name_c object.
* 22.2 - 5 -> returns reference to a real_type_name_c object.
* etc...
class search_expression_type_c: public search_constant_type_c {
search_varfb_instance_type_c *search_varfb_instance_type;
search_base_type_c search_base_type;
search_expression_type_c(symbol_c *search_scope);
virtual ~search_expression_type_c(void);
/* A helper function... */
bool is_bool_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_time_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_string_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_literal_integer_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_integer_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_literal_real_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_real_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_num_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_nbinary_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_binary_type(symbol_c *type_symbol);
bool is_same_type(symbol_c *first_type, symbol_c *second_type);
symbol_c* common_type(symbol_c *first_type, symbol_c *second_type);
#include "search_type_code.c"
void *compute_standard_function_default(function_invocation_c *st_symbol, il_formal_funct_call_c *il_symbol);
void *compute_standard_function_il(il_function_call_c *symbol, symbol_c *param_data_type);
/*static bool_type_name_c bool_type_name;*/
/* A helper function... */
void *compute_boolean_expression(symbol_c *left_type, symbol_c *right_type);
/* A helper function... */
void *compute_numeric_expression(symbol_c *left_type, symbol_c *right_type);
/* a helper function... */
symbol_c *base_type(symbol_c *symbol);
/* B 1.4 - Variables */
void *visit(symbolic_variable_c *symbol);
/* B 1.4.1 - Directly Represented Variables */
void *visit(direct_variable_c *symbol);
/* B 1.4.2 - Multi-element variables */
void *visit(array_variable_c *symbol);
void *visit(structured_variable_c *symbol);
/* B.3 - Language ST (Structured Text) */
/* B 3.1 - Expressions */
void *visit(or_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(xor_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(and_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(equ_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(notequ_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(lt_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(gt_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(le_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(ge_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(add_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(sub_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(mul_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(div_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(mod_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(power_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(neg_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(not_expression_c *symbol);
void *visit(function_invocation_c *symbol);
static integer_c integer;
}; // search_expression_type_c