Editing of error message to make it more clear.
* matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
* Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Laurent Bessard and Edouard Tisserant
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
* used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
* An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
* Based on the
* FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)
* Declaration of the Abstract Syntax data structure components
* This generates the parse tree structure used to bind the components
* identified by Bison in the correct syntax order. At the end of the
* Bison analysis the tree is walked in a sequential fashion generating
* the relavent code.
#ifndef _ABSYNTAX_HH
#define _ABSYNTAX_HH
#include <stdio.h> // required for NULL
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h> // required for uint64_t, etc...
#include "../main.hh" // required for uint8_t, real_64_t, ..., and the macros INT8_MAX, REAL32_MAX, ... */
/* Forward declaration of the visitor interface
* declared in the visitor.hh file
* We cannot include the visitor.hh file, as it will
* include this same file first, as it too requires references
* to the abstract syntax classes defined here.
class visitor_c; // forward declaration
class symbol_c; // forward declaration
/* Case insensitive string compare */
/* Case insensitive string compare copied from
* "The C++ Programming Language" - 3rd Edition
* by Bjarne Stroustrup, ISBN 0201889544.
class nocasecmp_c {
bool operator() (const std::string& x, const std::string& y) const {
std::string::const_iterator ix = x.begin();
std::string::const_iterator iy = y.begin();
for(; (ix != x.end()) && (iy != y.end()) && (toupper(*ix) == toupper(*iy)); ++ix, ++iy);
if (ix == x.end()) return (iy != y.end());
if (iy == y.end()) return false;
return (toupper(*ix) < toupper(*iy));
/* The base class of all symbols */
class symbol_c {
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return "symbol_c";};
* Annotations produced during stage 1_2
/* Points to the parent symbol in the AST, i.e. the symbol in the AST that will contain the current symbol */
symbol_c *parent;
/* Line number for the purposes of error checking. */
int first_line;
int first_column;
const char *first_file; /* filename referenced by first line/column */
long int first_order; /* relative order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
int last_line;
int last_column;
const char *last_file; /* filename referenced by last line/column */
long int last_order; /* relative order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
* Annotations produced during stage 3
/*** Data type analysis ***/
std::vector <symbol_c *> candidate_datatypes; /* All possible data types the expression/literal/etc. may take. Filled in stage3 by fill_candidate_datatypes_c class */
/* Data type of the expression/literal/etc. Filled in stage3 by narrow_candidate_datatypes_c
* If set to NULL, it means it has not yet been evaluated.
* If it points to an object of type invalid_type_name_c, it means it is invalid.
* Otherwise, it points to an object of the apropriate data type (e.g. int_type_name_c, bool_type_name_c, ...)
symbol_c *datatype;
/* The POU in which the symbolic variable (or structured variable, or array variable, or located variable, - any more?)
* was declared. This will point to a Configuration, Resource, Program, FB, or Function.
* This is set in stage 3 by the datatype analyser algorithm (fill/narrow) for the symbols:
* symbolic_variable_c, array_variable_c, structured_variable_c
symbol_c *scope;
/*** constant folding ***/
/* During stage 3 (semantic analysis/checking) we will be doing constant folding.
* That algorithm will anotate the abstract syntax tree with the result of operations
* on literals (i.e. 44 + 55 will store the result 99).
* Since the same source code (e.g. 1 + 0) may actually be a BOOL or an ANY_INT,
* or an ANY_BIT, we need to handle all possibilities, and determine the result of the
* operation assuming each type.
* For this reason, we have one entry for each possible type, with some expressions
* having more than one entry filled in!
typedef enum { cs_undefined, /* not defined/not yet evaluated --> const_value is not valid! */
cs_non_const, /* we have determined that expression is not a const value --> const_value is not valid! */
cs_const_value, /* const value is valid */
cs_overflow /* result produced overflow or underflow --> const_value is not valid! */
} const_status_t;
typedef struct const_value_real64_s {const_status_t status; real64_t value; const_value_real64_s (): status(cs_undefined), value(0.0) {} } const_value_real64_t;
typedef struct const_value_int64_s {const_status_t status; int64_t value; const_value_int64_s (): status(cs_undefined), value(0) {} } const_value_int64_t;
typedef struct const_value_uint64_s {const_status_t status; uint64_t value; const_value_uint64_s (): status(cs_undefined), value(0) {} } const_value_uint64_t;
typedef struct const_value_bool_s {const_status_t status; bool value; const_value_bool_s (): status(cs_undefined), value(false) {} } const_value_bool_t;
typedef struct {
const_value_real64_t _real64; /* status is initialised to UNDEFINED */
const_value_int64_t _int64; /* status is initialised to UNDEFINED */
const_value_uint64_t _uint64; /* status is initialised to UNDEFINED */
const_value_bool_t _bool; /* status is initialised to UNDEFINED */
} const_value_t;
const_value_t const_value;
/*** Enumeration datatype checking ***/
/* Not all symbols will contain the following anotations, which is why they are not declared here in symbol_c
* They will be declared only inside the symbols that require them (have a look at absyntax.def)
typedef std::multimap<std::string, symbol_c *, nocasecmp_c> enumvalue_symtable_t;
* Annotations produced during stage 4
/* Since we support several distinct stage_4 implementations, having explicit entries for each
* possible use would quickly get out of hand.
* We therefore simply add a map, that each stage 4 may use for all its needs.
typedef std::map<std::string, symbol_c *> anotations_map_t;
anotations_map_t anotations_map;
/* default constructor */
symbol_c(int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0 /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
/* default destructor */
/* must be virtual so compiler does not complain... */
virtual ~symbol_c(void) {return;};
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return NULL;};
class token_c: public symbol_c {
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return "token_c";};
/* the value of the symbol. */
const char *value;
token_c(const char *value,
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0 /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
/* a list of symbols... */
class list_c: public symbol_c {
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return "list_c";};
int c,n; /* c: current capacity of list (malloc'd memory); n: current number of elements in list */
symbol_c **elements;
list_c(int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0 /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
list_c(symbol_c *elem,
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0 /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
/* append a new element to the end of the list */
virtual void add_element(symbol_c *elem);
/* insert a new element before position pos. */
/* To insert into the begining of list, call with pos=0 */
/* To insert into the end of list, call with pos=list->n */
virtual void insert_element(symbol_c *elem, int pos = 0);
/* remove element at position pos. */
virtual void remove_element(int pos = 0);
#define SYM_LIST(class_name_c, ...) \
class class_name_c: public list_c { \
public: \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c( \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
class_name_c(symbol_c *elem, \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#define SYM_TOKEN(class_name_c, ...) \
class class_name_c: public token_c { \
public: \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c(const char *value, \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#define SYM_REF0(class_name_c, ...) \
class class_name_c: public symbol_c { \
public: \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c( \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#define SYM_REF1(class_name_c, ref1, ...) \
class class_name_c: public symbol_c { \
public: \
symbol_c *ref1; \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1, \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#define SYM_REF2(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ...) \
class class_name_c: public symbol_c { \
public: \
symbol_c *ref1; \
symbol_c *ref2; \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1, \
symbol_c *ref2 = NULL, \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#define SYM_REF3(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ...) \
class class_name_c: public symbol_c { \
public: \
symbol_c *ref1; \
symbol_c *ref2; \
symbol_c *ref3; \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1, \
symbol_c *ref2, \
symbol_c *ref3, \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#define SYM_REF4(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ...) \
class class_name_c: public symbol_c { \
public: \
symbol_c *ref1; \
symbol_c *ref2; \
symbol_c *ref3; \
symbol_c *ref4; \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1, \
symbol_c *ref2, \
symbol_c *ref3, \
symbol_c *ref4 = NULL, \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#define SYM_REF5(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ...) \
class class_name_c: public symbol_c { \
public: \
symbol_c *ref1; \
symbol_c *ref2; \
symbol_c *ref3; \
symbol_c *ref4; \
symbol_c *ref5; \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1, \
symbol_c *ref2, \
symbol_c *ref3, \
symbol_c *ref4, \
symbol_c *ref5, \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#define SYM_REF6(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ...) \
class class_name_c: public symbol_c { \
public: \
symbol_c *ref1; \
symbol_c *ref2; \
symbol_c *ref3; \
symbol_c *ref4; \
symbol_c *ref5; \
symbol_c *ref6; \
__VA_ARGS__ \
public: \
class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1, \
symbol_c *ref2, \
symbol_c *ref3, \
symbol_c *ref4, \
symbol_c *ref5, \
symbol_c *ref6 = NULL, \
int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, \
int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0); \
virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor); \
/* WARNING: only use this method for debugging purposes!! */ \
virtual const char *absyntax_cname(void) {return #class_name_c;}; \
#include "absyntax.def"
#undef SYM_LIST
#undef SYM_TOKEN
#undef SYM_REF0
#undef SYM_REF1
#undef SYM_REF2
#undef SYM_REF3
#undef SYM_REF4
#undef SYM_REF5
#undef SYM_REF6
#endif /* _ABSYNTAX_HH */