Some miscelanous static, extern and pointer status variable changes in C generated code for configuration and resources
* (c) 2007 Mario de Sousa
* Offered to the public under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Public License for more details.
* This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
* used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
* An IEC 61131-3 IL and ST compiler.
* Based on the
* FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)
* This file contains the code that calls the stage 1 (lexical anayser)
* and stage 2 (syntax parser) during the first pass.
/* file with declaration of absyntax classes... */
#include "../absyntax/absyntax.hh"
// #include "stage1_2.hh"
#include "iec.y.hh"
#include "stage1_2_priv.hh"
/* The name of the file being parsed. */
/* The name of the file currently being parsed...
* Note that flex accesses and updates this global variable
* apropriately whenever it comes across an (*#include <filename> *)
* directive...
* ... and bison will use it when producing error messages.
* Note that bison also sets this variable correctly to the first
* file being parsed.
const char *current_filename = NULL;
/* Controlling the entry to the body_state in flex. */
static int goto_body_state__ = 0;
void cmd_goto_body_state(void) {goto_body_state__ = 1;}
int get_goto_body_state(void) {return goto_body_state__;}
void rst_goto_body_state(void) {goto_body_state__ = 0;}
/* Controlling the entry to the sfc_qualifier_state in flex. */
static int goto_sfc_qualifier_state__ = 0;
void cmd_goto_sfc_qualifier_state(void) {goto_sfc_qualifier_state__ = 1;}
int get_goto_sfc_qualifier_state(void) {return goto_sfc_qualifier_state__;}
void rst_goto_sfc_qualifier_state(void) {goto_sfc_qualifier_state__ = 0;}
/* Controlling the entry to the sfc_priority_state in flex. */
static int goto_sfc_priority_state__ = 0;
void cmd_goto_sfc_priority_state(void) {goto_sfc_priority_state__ = 1;}
int get_goto_sfc_priority_state(void) {return goto_sfc_priority_state__;}
void rst_goto_sfc_priority_state(void) {goto_sfc_priority_state__ = 0;}
/* Controlling the entry to the sfc_qualifier_state in flex. */
static int goto_task_init_state__ = 0;
void cmd_goto_task_init_state(void) {goto_task_init_state__ = 1;}
int get_goto_task_init_state(void) {return goto_task_init_state__;}
void rst_goto_task_init_state(void) {goto_task_init_state__ = 0;}
/* Returning to state in flex previously pushed onto the stack. */
static int pop_state__ = 0;
void cmd_pop_state(void) {pop_state__ = 1;}
int get_pop_state(void) {return pop_state__;}
void rst_pop_state(void) {pop_state__ = 0;}
/* The global symbol tables... */
/* NOTE: only accessed indirectly by the lexical parser (flex)
* through the function get_identifier_token()
/* NOTE: BOGUS_TOKEN_ID is defined in the bison generated file iec.y.hh.
* We need this constant defined before we can declare the symbol tables.
* However, we cannot #include "iec.y.hh" in this file (stage1_2_priv.hh) directly
* because of the way bison ver. 3.2 is copying all declarations in the prologue
* of iec.y to the iec.y.hh file (including an #include stage1_2_priv.hh).
* So, if we were to include "iec.y.hh" here, we would get a circular include.
* All this means that whoever includes this file (stage1_2_priv.hh) will need
* to take care to first inlcude iec.y.hh !!
/* A symbol table to store all the library elements */
/* e.g.: <function_name , function_decl>
* <fb_name , fb_decl>
* <type_name , type_decl>
* <program_name , program_decl>
* <configuration_name , configuration_decl>
/* static */ symtable_c<int, BOGUS_TOKEN_ID> library_element_symtable;
/* A symbol table to store the declared variables of
* the function currently being parsed...
/* static */ symtable_c<int, BOGUS_TOKEN_ID> variable_name_symtable;
/* Function only called from within flex!
* search for a symbol in either of the two symbol tables
* declared above, and return the token id of the first
* symbol found.
* Searches first in the variables, and only if not found
* does it continue searching in the library elements
int get_identifier_token(const char *identifier_str) {
// std::cout << "get_identifier_token(" << identifier_str << "): \n";
int token_id;
if ((token_id = variable_name_symtable.find_value(identifier_str)) == variable_name_symtable.end_value())
if ((token_id = library_element_symtable.find_value(identifier_str)) == library_element_symtable.end_value())
return identifier_token;
return token_id;
/* Utility Functions... */
* Join two strings together. Allocate space with malloc(3).
char *strdup2(const char *a, const char *b) {
char *res = (char *)malloc(strlen(a) + strlen(b) + 1);
if (!res)
return NULL;
return strcat(strcpy(res, a), b); /* safe, actually */
* Join three strings together. Allocate space with malloc(3).
char *strdup3(const char *a, const char *b, const char *c) {
char *res = (char *)malloc(strlen(a) + strlen(b) + strlen(c) + 1);
if (!res)
return NULL;
return strcat(strcat(strcpy(res, a), b), c); /* safe, actually */
/* Tracking Functions... */
extern tracking_t* current_tracking;
* GetNextChar
* reads a character from input for flex
int GetNextChar(char *b, int maxBuffer) {
char *p;
if ( current_tracking->eof )
return 0;
while ( current_tracking->currentChar >= current_tracking->lineLength ) {
current_tracking->currentChar = 0;
current_tracking->currentTokenStart = 1;
current_tracking->eof = false;
p = fgets(current_tracking->buffer, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, current_tracking->in_file);
if ( p == NULL ) {
if ( ferror(current_tracking->in_file) )
return 0;
current_tracking->eof = true;
return 0;
current_tracking->lineLength = strlen(current_tracking->buffer);
b[0] = current_tracking->buffer[current_tracking->currentChar];
if (b[0] == ' ' || b[0] == '\t')
return b[0]==0?0:1;
tracking_t* GetNewTracking(FILE* in_file) {
tracking_t* new_env = new tracking_t;
new_env->eof = 0;
new_env->lineNumber = 0;
new_env->currentChar = 0;
new_env->lineLength = 0;
new_env->currentTokenStart = 0;
new_env->buffer = (char*)malloc(MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH);
new_env->in_file = in_file;
return new_env;
int stage1_2__(const char *filename, const char *includedir, symbol_c **tree_root_ref, bool full);
int stage1_2(const char *filename, const char *includedir, symbol_c **tree_root_ref, bool full) {
return stage1_2__(filename, includedir, tree_root_ref, full);