author Edouard Tisserant
Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:10:32 +0200
changeset 634 736b36a83548
parent 625 c0bda77b37a0
child 667 bd1360f29f15
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added double curly braces for pragma (kept single curly braces for compatibility). Added macro def and undef surrounding pragma to simplify user code. Moved useless comment from generated code back to code generator.
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2012  Mario de Sousa (
 *  Copyright (C) 2012       Manuele Conti  (
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

 * Array Range Checking:
 *   - Check whether array subscript values fall within the allowed range.
 *     Note that for the checking of subscript values to work correctly, we need to have constant folding working too:
 *     array_var[8 + 99] can not be checked without constant folding.

#include "array_range_check.hh"
#include <limits>  // required for std::numeric_limits<XXX>

#define FIRST_(symbol1, symbol2) (((symbol1)->first_order < (symbol2)->first_order)   ? (symbol1) : (symbol2))
#define  LAST_(symbol1, symbol2) (((symbol1)->last_order  > (symbol2)->last_order)    ? (symbol1) : (symbol2))

#define STAGE3_ERROR(error_level, symbol1, symbol2, ...) {                                                                  \
  if (current_display_error_level >= error_level) {                                                                         \
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d-%d..%d-%d: error: ",                                                                             \
            FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_file, FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_line, FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_column,\
                                                 LAST_(symbol1,symbol2) ->last_line,  LAST_(symbol1,symbol2) ->last_column);\
    fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);                                                                                           \
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");                                                                                                  \
    error_count++;                                                                                                     \
  }                                                                                                                         \

#define STAGE3_WARNING(symbol1, symbol2, ...) {                                                                             \
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d-%d..%d-%d: warning: ",                                                                           \
            FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_file, FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_line, FIRST_(symbol1,symbol2)->first_column,\
                                                 LAST_(symbol1,symbol2) ->last_line,  LAST_(symbol1,symbol2) ->last_column);\
    fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);                                                                                           \
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");                                                                                                  \
    warning_found = true;                                                                                                   \

#define GET_CVALUE(dtype, symbol)             ((symbol)->const_value._##dtype.value)
#define VALID_CVALUE(dtype, symbol)           (symbol_c::cs_const_value == (symbol)->const_value._##dtype.status)

/*  The cmp_unsigned_signed function compares two numbers u and s.
 *  It returns an integer indicating the relationship between the numbers:
 *  - A zero value indicates that both numbers are equal.
 *  - A value greater than zero indicates that numbers does not match and
 *    first has a greater value.
 *  - A value less than zero indicates that numbers does not match and
 *    first has a lesser value.
static inline int cmp_unsigned_signed(const uint64_t u, const int64_t s) {
  const uint64_t INT64_MAX_uvar = INT64_MAX;
  if (u <= INT64_MAX_uvar)
    return ((int64_t)u - s);
  return -1;

array_range_check_c::array_range_check_c(symbol_c *ignore) {
	error_count = 0;
	current_display_error_level = 0;

array_range_check_c::~array_range_check_c(void) {

int array_range_check_c::get_error_count() {
	return error_count;

void array_range_check_c::check_dimension_count(array_variable_c *symbol) {
	int dimension_count;
	symbol_c *var_decl;

	var_decl = search_varfb_instance_type->get_basetype_decl(symbol->subscripted_variable);
	array_dimension_iterator_c array_dimension_iterator(var_decl);
	for (dimension_count = 0; NULL !=; dimension_count++);
	if (dimension_count != ((list_c *)symbol->subscript_list)->n)
		STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Number of subscripts/indexes does not match the number of subscripts/indexes in the array's declaration (array has %d indexes)", dimension_count);

void array_range_check_c::check_bounds(array_variable_c *symbol) {
  list_c *l; /* the subscript_list */
  symbol_c *var_decl;

  l = (list_c *)symbol->subscript_list;
  var_decl = search_varfb_instance_type->get_basetype_decl(symbol->subscripted_variable);
  array_dimension_iterator_c array_dimension_iterator(var_decl);
  for (int i =  0; i < l->n; i++) {
    subrange_c *dimension =;
    /* mismatch between number of indexes/subscripts. This error will be caught in check_dimension_count() so we ignore it. */
    if (NULL == dimension) 

    /* Check lower limit */
    if ( VALID_CVALUE( int64, l->elements[i]) && VALID_CVALUE( int64, dimension->lower_limit))
      if ( GET_CVALUE( int64, l->elements[i]) < GET_CVALUE( int64, dimension->lower_limit) )
      {STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Array access out of bounds."); continue;}

    if ( VALID_CVALUE( int64, l->elements[i]) && VALID_CVALUE(uint64, dimension->lower_limit))
      if ( cmp_unsigned_signed( GET_CVALUE(uint64, dimension->lower_limit), GET_CVALUE( int64, l->elements[i])) > 0 )
      {STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Array access out of bounds."); continue;}

    if ( VALID_CVALUE(uint64, l->elements[i]) && VALID_CVALUE(uint64, dimension->lower_limit))
      if ( GET_CVALUE(uint64, l->elements[i])   <  GET_CVALUE(uint64, dimension->lower_limit))
      {STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Array access out of bounds."); continue;}

    if ( VALID_CVALUE(uint64, l->elements[i]) && VALID_CVALUE( int64, dimension->lower_limit))
      if ( cmp_unsigned_signed(GET_CVALUE(uint64, l->elements[i]), GET_CVALUE( int64, dimension->lower_limit)) < 0 )
      {STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Array access out of bounds."); continue;}

    /* Repeat the same check, now for upper limit */
    if ( VALID_CVALUE( int64, l->elements[i]) && VALID_CVALUE( int64, dimension->upper_limit))
      if ( GET_CVALUE( int64, l->elements[i])   >  GET_CVALUE( int64, dimension->upper_limit))
      {STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Array access out of bounds."); continue;}

    if ( VALID_CVALUE( int64, l->elements[i]) && VALID_CVALUE(uint64, dimension->upper_limit))
      if ( cmp_unsigned_signed( GET_CVALUE(uint64, dimension->upper_limit), GET_CVALUE( int64, l->elements[i])) < 0 )
      {STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Array access out of bounds."); continue;}

    if ( VALID_CVALUE(uint64, l->elements[i]) && VALID_CVALUE(uint64, dimension->upper_limit))
      if ( GET_CVALUE(uint64, l->elements[i])   >  GET_CVALUE(uint64, dimension->upper_limit))
      {STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Array access out of bounds."); continue;}
    if ( VALID_CVALUE(uint64, l->elements[i]) && VALID_CVALUE( int64, dimension->upper_limit))
      if ( cmp_unsigned_signed(GET_CVALUE(uint64, l->elements[i]), GET_CVALUE( int64, dimension->upper_limit)) > 0 )
      {STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Array access out of bounds."); continue;}

/* B.1 - Common elements */
/* B.1.3 - Data types */
/* B 1.3.3 - Derived data types */

/*  signed_integer DOTDOT signed_integer */
/* dimension will be filled in during stage 3 (array_range_check_c) with the number of elements in this subrange */
// SYM_REF2(subrange_c, lower_limit, upper_limit, unsigned long long int dimension)
void *array_range_check_c::visit(subrange_c *symbol) {
	unsigned long long int dimension = 0; // we use unsigned long long instead of uint64_t since it might just happen to be larger than uint64_t in the platform used for compiling this code!!

	/* Determine the size of the array... */
	if        (VALID_CVALUE( int64, symbol->upper_limit) && VALID_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit)) {  
		// do the sums in such a way that no overflow is possible... even during intermediate steps used by compiler!
		// remember that the result (dimension) is unsigned, while the operands are signed!!
		// dimension = GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->upper_limit) - VALID_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit);
		if (GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit) >= 0) {
			dimension = GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->upper_limit) - GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit);
		} else {
			dimension  = -GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit);
			dimension +=  GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->upper_limit);     
	} else if (VALID_CVALUE(uint64, symbol->upper_limit) && VALID_CVALUE(uint64, symbol->lower_limit)) {
		dimension = GET_CVALUE(uint64, symbol->upper_limit) - GET_CVALUE(uint64, symbol->lower_limit); 
	} else if (VALID_CVALUE(uint64, symbol->upper_limit) && VALID_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit)) {
		if (GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit) >= 0) {
			dimension = GET_CVALUE(uint64, symbol->upper_limit) - GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit);
		} else {
			unsigned long long int lower_ull;
			lower_ull  = -GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->lower_limit);
			dimension  =  GET_CVALUE(uint64, symbol->upper_limit) + lower_ull;     
			if (dimension < lower_ull)
				STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Number of elements in array subrange exceeds maximum number of elements (%llu).", std::numeric_limits< unsigned long long int >::max());
	} else ERROR;

	/* correct value for dimension is actually ---> dimension = upper_limit - lower_limit + 1
	 * Up to now, we have only determined dimension = upper_limit - lower_limit
	 * We must first check whether this last increment will cause an overflow!
	if (dimension == std::numeric_limits< unsigned long long int >::max())
		STAGE3_ERROR(0, symbol, symbol, "Number of elements in array subrange exceeds maximum number of elements (%llu).", std::numeric_limits< unsigned long long int >::max());
	/* correct value for dimension is actually ---> dimension = upper_limit - lower_limit + 1 */
	symbol->dimension = dimension;
	return NULL;

/* integer '(' [array_initial_element] ')' */
/* array_initial_element may be NULL ! */
// SYM_REF2(array_initial_elements_c, integer, array_initial_element)
void *array_range_check_c::visit(array_initial_elements_c *symbol) {
	if (VALID_CVALUE( int64, symbol->integer) && (GET_CVALUE( int64, symbol->integer) < 0)) 
		ERROR; /* the IEC 61131-3 syntax guarantees that this value will never be negative! */

	/* TODO: check that the total number of 'initial values' does not exceed the size of the array! */

	return NULL;

/* B 1.4 - Variables */
/* B 1.4.2 - Multi-element variables */
void *array_range_check_c::visit(array_variable_c *symbol) {
	return NULL;

/* B 1.5 - Program organisation units */
/* B 1.5.1 - Functions */
// SYM_REF4(function_declaration_c, derived_function_name, type_name, var_declarations_list, function_body)
void *array_range_check_c::visit(function_declaration_c *symbol) {
	symbol->var_declarations_list->accept(*this); // required for visiting subrange_c
	search_varfb_instance_type = new search_varfb_instance_type_c(symbol);
	// search_var_instance_decl = new search_var_instance_decl_c(symbol);
	delete search_varfb_instance_type;
	// delete search_var_instance_decl;
	search_varfb_instance_type = NULL;
	// search_var_instance_decl = NULL;
	return NULL;

/* B 1.5.2 - Function blocks */
// SYM_REF3(function_block_declaration_c, fblock_name, var_declarations, fblock_body)
void *array_range_check_c::visit(function_block_declaration_c *symbol) {
	symbol->var_declarations->accept(*this); // required for visiting subrange_c
	search_varfb_instance_type = new search_varfb_instance_type_c(symbol);
	// search_var_instance_decl = new search_var_instance_decl_c(symbol);
	delete search_varfb_instance_type;
	// delete search_var_instance_decl;
	search_varfb_instance_type = NULL;
	// search_var_instance_decl = NULL;
	return NULL;

/* B 1.5.3 - Programs */
// SYM_REF3(program_declaration_c, program_type_name, var_declarations, function_block_body)
void *array_range_check_c::visit(program_declaration_c *symbol) {
	symbol->var_declarations->accept(*this); // required for visiting subrange_c
	search_varfb_instance_type = new search_varfb_instance_type_c(symbol);
	// search_var_instance_decl = new search_var_instance_decl_c(symbol);
	delete search_varfb_instance_type;
	// delete search_var_instance_decl;
	search_varfb_instance_type = NULL;
	// search_var_instance_decl = NULL;
	return NULL;