author Edouard Tisserant
Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:10:32 +0200
changeset 634 736b36a83548
parent 612 c062ff18d04f
child 654 7421cb63defa
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Added double curly braces for pragma (kept single curly braces for compatibility). Added macro def and undef surrounding pragma to simplify user code. Moved useless comment from generated code back to code generator.
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2003-2011  Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2011  Laurent Bessard and Edouard Tisserant
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

 * Declaration of the Abstract Syntax data structure components

 * This generates the parse tree structure used to bind the components
 * identified by Bison in the correct syntax order. At the end of the
 * Bison analysis the tree is walked in a sequential fashion generating
 * the relavent code.

#ifndef _ABSYNTAX_HH
#define _ABSYNTAX_HH

#include <stdio.h> // required for NULL
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>  // required for uint64_t, etc...
#include "../main.hh" // required for uint8_t, real_64_t, ..., and the macros INT8_MAX, REAL32_MAX, ... */

/* Forward declaration of the visitor interface
 * declared in the visitor.hh file
 * We cannot include the visitor.hh file, as it will
 * include this same file first, as it too requires references
 * to the abstract syntax classes defined here.
class visitor_c; // forward declaration

class symbol_c; // forward declaration

/* The base class of all symbols */
class symbol_c {

     * Line number for the purposes of error checking.
     * Annotated (inserted) by stage1_2
    int first_line;
    int first_column;
    const char *first_file;  /* filename referenced by first line/column */
    long int first_order;    /* relative order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
    int last_line;
    int last_column;
    const char *last_file;  /* filename referenced by last line/column */
    long int last_order;    /* relative order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */

     * Annotations produced during stage 3
    /*** Data type analysis ***/
    std::vector <symbol_c *> candidate_datatypes; /* All possible data types the expression/literal/etc. may take. Filled in stage3 by fill_candidate_datatypes_c class */
    /* Data type of the expression/literal/etc. Filled in stage3 by narrow_candidate_datatypes_c 
     * If set to NULL, it means it has not yet been evaluated.
     * If it points to an object of type invalid_type_name_c, it means it is invalid.
     * Otherwise, it points to an object of the apropriate data type (e.g. int_type_name_c, bool_type_name_c, ...)
    symbol_c *datatype;

    /*** constant folding ***/
    /* During stage 3 (semantic analysis/checking) we will be doing constant folding.
     * That algorithm will anotate the abstract syntax tree with the result of operations
     * on literals (i.e. 44 + 55 will store the result 99).
     * Since the same source code (e.g. 1 + 0) may actually be a BOOL or an ANY_INT,
     * or an ANY_BIT, we need to handle all possibilities, and determine the result of the
     * operation assuming each type.
     * For this reason, we have one entry for each possible type, with some expressions
     * having more than one entry filled in!
    typedef enum { cs_undefined,   /* not defined/not yet evaluated --> const_value is not valid! */
                   cs_non_const,   /* we have deternmined that expression is not a const value --> const_value is not valid! */
                   cs_const_value, /* const value is valid */
                   cs_overflow     /* result produced overflow or underflow --> const_value is not valid! */
                 } const_status_t;
    typedef struct {const_status_t status;  real64_t  value; } const_value_real64_t;
    typedef struct {const_status_t status;   int64_t  value; } const_value_int64_t;
    typedef struct {const_status_t status;  uint64_t  value; } const_value_uint64_t;
    typedef struct {const_status_t status;      bool  value; } const_value_bool_t;

    typedef struct {
      const_value_real64_t _real64; /* status is initialised to UNDEFINED */
      const_value_int64_t   _int64; /* status is initialised to UNDEFINED */
      const_value_uint64_t _uint64; /* status is initialised to UNDEFINED */
      const_value_bool_t     _bool; /* status is initialised to UNDEFINED */
    } const_value_t;
    const_value_t const_value;

    /* default constructor */
    symbol_c(int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
             int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0  /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */

    /* default destructor */
    /* must be virtual so compiler does not complain... */ 
    virtual ~symbol_c(void) {return;};

    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor) {return NULL;};

class token_c: public symbol_c {
    /* the value of the symbol. */
    const char *value;

    token_c(const char *value, 
            int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
            int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0  /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */

 /* a list of symbols... */
class list_c: public symbol_c {
    int n;
    symbol_c **elements;

    list_c(int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
           int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0  /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */

    list_c(symbol_c *elem, 
           int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0, /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
           int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0  /* order in which it is read by lexcial analyser */
     /* append a new element to the end of the list */
    virtual void add_element(symbol_c *elem);
     /* insert a new element before position pos. */
     /* To insert into the begining of list, call with pos=0  */
     /* To insert into the end of list, call with pos=list->n */
    virtual void insert_element(symbol_c *elem, int pos = 0);
     /* remove element at position pos. */
    virtual void remove_element(int pos = 0);

#define SYM_LIST(class_name_c, ...)											\
class class_name_c:	public list_c {											\
  public:														\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(													\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    class_name_c(symbol_c *elem, 											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#define SYM_TOKEN(class_name_c, ...)											\
class class_name_c: 	public token_c {										\
  public:														\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(const char *value, 											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#define SYM_REF0(class_name_c, ...)											\
class class_name_c: public symbol_c {											\
  public:														\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(		 											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#define SYM_REF1(class_name_c, ref1, ...)										\
class class_name_c: public symbol_c {											\
  public:														\
    symbol_c *ref1;													\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#define SYM_REF2(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ...)										\
class class_name_c: public symbol_c {											\
  public:														\
    symbol_c *ref1;													\
    symbol_c *ref2;													\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,											\
		 symbol_c *ref2 = NULL,											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#define SYM_REF3(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ...)									\
class class_name_c: public symbol_c {											\
  public:														\
    symbol_c *ref1;													\
    symbol_c *ref2;													\
    symbol_c *ref3;													\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,											\
		 symbol_c *ref2,											\
		 symbol_c *ref3,											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#define SYM_REF4(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ...)								\
class class_name_c: public symbol_c {											\
  public:														\
    symbol_c *ref1;													\
    symbol_c *ref2;													\
    symbol_c *ref3;													\
    symbol_c *ref4;													\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,											\
		 symbol_c *ref2,											\
		 symbol_c *ref3,											\
		 symbol_c *ref4 = NULL,											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#define SYM_REF5(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ...)							\
class class_name_c: public symbol_c {											\
  public:														\
    symbol_c *ref1;													\
    symbol_c *ref2;													\
    symbol_c *ref3;													\
    symbol_c *ref4;													\
    symbol_c *ref5;													\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,											\
		 symbol_c *ref2,											\
		 symbol_c *ref3,											\
		 symbol_c *ref4,											\
		 symbol_c *ref5,											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#define SYM_REF6(class_name_c, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ...)							\
class class_name_c: public symbol_c {											\
  public:														\
    symbol_c *ref1;													\
    symbol_c *ref2;													\
    symbol_c *ref3;													\
    symbol_c *ref4;													\
    symbol_c *ref5;													\
    symbol_c *ref6;													\
    __VA_ARGS__														\
  public:														\
    class_name_c(symbol_c *ref1,											\
		 symbol_c *ref2,											\
		 symbol_c *ref3,											\
		 symbol_c *ref4,											\
		 symbol_c *ref5,											\
		 symbol_c *ref6 = NULL,											\
                 int fl = 0, int fc = 0, const char *ffile = NULL /* filename */, long int forder=0,			\
                 int ll = 0, int lc = 0, const char *lfile = NULL /* filename */, long int lorder=0);			\
    virtual void *accept(visitor_c &visitor);										\

#include "absyntax.def"

#undef SYM_LIST
#undef SYM_TOKEN
#undef SYM_REF0
#undef SYM_REF1
#undef SYM_REF2
#undef SYM_REF3
#undef SYM_REF4
#undef SYM_REF5
#undef SYM_REF6

#endif /*  _ABSYNTAX_HH */