author mjsousa
Sat, 07 May 2016 21:17:49 +0100
changeset 1010 242907849850
parent 990 4c235d65afdd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Correctly identify errors when parsing erroneous code (make sure flex goes back to INITIAL state when code contains errors that do not allow determining whether ST or IL is being parsed)
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2012  Mario de Sousa (
 *  Copyright (C) 2012       Manuele Conti (
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

/* Determine the value of an constant expression.
 * A reference to the relevant type definition is returned.
 * For example:
 *       2 + 3       -> returns reference 
 *       22.2 - 5    -> returns reference
 *       etc...

#include <vector>
#include "../absyntax_utils/absyntax_utils.hh"
#include "../util/symtable.hh"

/* For the moment we disable constant propagation algorithm as it is not yet complete, 
 * and due to this is currently brocken and producing incorrect results!

class constant_folding_c : public iterator_visitor_c {
    int error_count;
    bool warning_found;
    int current_display_error_level;
    /* Pointer to the previous IL instruction, which contains the current cvalue of the data stored in the IL stack, i.e. the default variable, a.k.a. accumulator */
    symbol_c *prev_il_instruction;
    /* the current IL operand being analyzed */
    symbol_c *il_operand;

    constant_folding_c(symbol_c *symbol = NULL);
    virtual ~constant_folding_c(void);
    int get_error_count();
    /* B 1.2 - Constants */
    /* B 1.2.1 - Numeric Literals */
    void *visit(real_c *symbol);
    void *visit(integer_c *symbol);
    void *visit(neg_real_c *symbol);
    void *visit(neg_integer_c *symbol);
    void *visit(binary_integer_c *symbol);
    void *visit(octal_integer_c *symbol);
    void *visit(hex_integer_c *symbol);
    void *visit(integer_literal_c *symbol);
    void *visit(real_literal_c *symbol);
    void *visit(bit_string_literal_c *symbol);
    void *visit(boolean_literal_c *symbol);
    void *visit(boolean_true_c *symbol);
    void *visit(boolean_false_c *symbol);

    /* B - Duration */
    /********* **************/
    void *visit(fixed_point_c *symbol);

    /* B.2 - Language IL (Instruction List) */
    /* B 2.1 Instructions and Operands */
    // void *visit(instruction_list_c *symbol); /* Not needed, since we inherit from iterator_visitor_c */
    void *visit(il_instruction_c *symbol);
    void *visit(il_simple_operation_c *symbol);
    //void *visit(il_function_call_c *symbol);  /* TODO */
    void *visit(il_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(il_jump_operation_c *symbol);
    void *visit(il_fb_call_c *symbol);
    //void *visit(il_formal_funct_call_c *symbol);   /* TODO */
    //void *visit(il_operand_list_c *symbol);  /* Not needed, since we inherit from iterator_visitor_c */
    void *visit(simple_instr_list_c *symbol);
    void *visit(il_simple_instruction_c *symbol);

    /* B 2.2 Operators */
    void *visit(   LD_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  LDN_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   ST_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  STN_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  NOT_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(    S_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(    R_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   S1_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   R1_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  CLK_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   CU_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   CD_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   PV_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   IN_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   PT_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  AND_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   OR_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  XOR_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit( ANDN_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  ORN_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit( XORN_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  ADD_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  SUB_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  MUL_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  DIV_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  MOD_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   GT_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   GE_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   EQ_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   LT_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   LE_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   NE_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  CAL_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit( CALC_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(CALCN_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  RET_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit( RETC_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(RETCN_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  JMP_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit( JMPC_operator_c *symbol);
    void *visit(JMPCN_operator_c *symbol);
    /* Symbol class handled together with function call checks */
    // void *visit(il_assign_operator_c *symbol, variable_name);
    /* Symbol class handled together with function call checks */
    // void *visit(il_assign_operator_c *symbol, option, variable_name);

    /* B.3 - Language ST (Structured Text) */
    /* B 3.1 - Expressions */
    void *visit(    or_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   xor_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   and_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   equ_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(notequ_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(    lt_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(    gt_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(    le_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(    ge_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   add_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   sub_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   mul_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   div_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   mod_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit( power_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   neg_expression_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   not_expression_c *symbol);
    //void *visit(function_invocation_c *symbol); /* TODO */

#include <deque>

class constant_propagation_c : public constant_folding_c {
    constant_propagation_c(symbol_c *symbol = NULL);
    virtual ~constant_propagation_c(void);
    typedef symtable_c<const_value_c> map_values_t;
    symbol_c *current_resource;
    symbol_c *current_configuration;
    map_values_t *values;
    map_values_t var_global_values;
    /* A stack of all the FB declarations currently being recursively constant propagated */
    std::deque<function_block_declaration_c *> fbs_currently_being_visited; // We use a deque instead of stack, so we can search in the stack using direct access to its elements!

    void *handle_var_list_decl(symbol_c *var_list, symbol_c *type_decl, bool is_global_var = false);
    void *handle_var_decl     (symbol_c *var_list, bool fixed_init_value);
    // Flag to indicate whether the variables in the variable declaration list will always have a fixed value when the POU is executed!
    // VAR CONSTANT ... END_VAR will always be true
    // VAR          ... END_VAR will always be true for functions (who initialise local variables every time they are called), but false for FBs and PROGRAMS
    bool fixed_init_value_; 
    bool function_pou_;
    bool is_constant(symbol_c *option);
    bool is_retain  (symbol_c *option);
    static map_values_t inner_left_join_values(map_values_t m1, map_values_t m2);

    /* B 0 - Programming Model */
    void *visit(library_c *symbol);

    /* B 1.4 - Variables */
    void *visit(symbolic_variable_c *symbol);
    void *visit(symbolic_constant_c *symbol);
    /* B 1.4.3 - Declaration & Initialisation */
    void *visit(        input_declarations_c *symbol);
    void *visit(       output_declarations_c *symbol);
    void *visit( input_output_declarations_c *symbol);
    void *visit(          var_declarations_c *symbol);
    void *visit(retentive_var_declarations_c *symbol);
    void *visit( external_var_declarations_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   global_var_declarations_c *symbol);
    void *visit(  external_declaration_c     *symbol);
    void *visit(global_var_decl_c            *symbol);
    void *visit( var1_init_decl_c            *symbol);
    void *visit(   fb_name_decl_c            *symbol);

    /* B.1.5 - Program organization units */
    /* B 1.5.1 - Functions */
    void *visit(function_declaration_c *symbol);
    void *visit(function_var_decls_c   *symbol);

    /* B 1.5.2 - Function Blocks */
    void *visit(function_block_declaration_c *symbol);
    void *visit(            temp_var_decls_c *symbol);
    void *visit(   non_retentive_var_decls_c *symbol);

    /* B 1.5.3 - Programs */
    void *visit(       program_declaration_c *symbol);

    /* B 1.7 Configuration elements */
    void *visit( configuration_declaration_c *symbol);
    void *visit(      resource_declaration_c *symbol);
    void *visit(     program_configuration_c *symbol);
    void *visit(                   fb_task_c *symbol);

    /* B.2 - Language IL (Instruction List) */
    /* B 2.1 Instructions and Operands */
    //void *visit(il_function_call_c *symbol);  /* TODO */
    // void *visit(il_fb_call_c *symbol);       /* TODO: move from constant_folding_c */
    //void *visit(il_formal_funct_call_c *symbol);   /* TODO */
    //void *visit(il_operand_list_c *symbol);  /* Not needed, since we inherit from iterator_visitor_c */

    /* B 2.2 Operators */
    /* Symbol class handled together with function call checks */
    // void *visit(il_assign_operator_c *symbol, variable_name);
    /* Symbol class handled together with function call checks */
    // void *visit(il_assign_operator_c *symbol, option, variable_name);

    /* B.3 - Language ST (Structured Text) */
    /* B 3.1 - Expressions */
    //void *visit(function_invocation_c *symbol); /* TODO */

    /* B 3.2.1 Assignment Statements */
    void *visit(assignment_statement_c *symbol);

    /* B 3.2.3 Selection Statements */
    void *visit(if_statement_c *symbol);

    /* B 3.2.4 Iteration Statements */
    void *visit(for_statement_c *symbol);
    void *visit(while_statement_c *symbol);
    void *visit(repeat_statement_c *symbol);