author Edouard Tisserant
Wed, 28 May 2014 10:39:31 +0200
changeset 893 14d21bfa896b
parent 881 e05d69c1ccb3
child 909 8b2a31dea131
permissions -rw-r--r--
closed temporary fix branch
 *  matiec - a compiler for the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3
 *  Copyright (C) 2003-2011  Mario de Sousa (
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of thest_whitespaceLicense, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
 * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.

 * An IEC 61131-3 compiler.
 * Based on the
 * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)

 * Stage 1
 * =======
 * This file contains the lexical tokens definitions, from which
 * the flex utility will generate a lexical parser function.

/* Lexical Parser Options... */

/* The lexical analyser will never work in interactive mode,
 * i.e., it will only process programs saved to files, and never
 * programs being written inter-actively by the user.
 * This option saves the resulting parser from calling the
 * isatty() function, that seems to be generating some compile
 * errors under some (older?) versions of flex.
%option never-interactive

/* Have the lexical analyser use a 'char *yytext' instead of an
 * array of char 'char yytext[??]' to store the lexical token.

/* Have the lexical analyser ignore the case of letters.
 * This will occur for all the tokens and keywords, but
 * the resulting text handed up to the syntax parser
 * will not be changed, and keep the original case
 * of the letters in the input file.
%option case-insensitive

/* Have the generated lexical analyser keep track of the
 * line number it is currently analysing.
 * This is used to pass up to the syntax parser
 * the number of the line on which the current
 * token was found. It will enable the syntax parser
 * to generate more informatve error messages...
%option yylineno

/* required for the use of the yy_pop_state() and
 * yy_push_state() functions
%option stack

/* The '%option stack' also requests the inclusion of 
 * the yy_top_state(), however this function is not
 * currently being used. This means that the compiler
 * is complaining about the existance of this function.
 * The following option removes the yy_top_state()
 * function from the resulting c code, so the compiler 
 * no longer complains.
%option noyy_top_state

/* We will be using unput() in our flex code, so we cannot set the following option!... */
%option nounput

/* External Variable and Function declarations... */

/* Define TEST_MAIN to include a main() function.
 * Useful for testing the parser generated by flex.
#define TEST_MAIN
/* If lexical parser is compiled by itself, we need to define the following
 * constant to some string. Under normal circumstances LIBDIRECTORY is set
 * in the syntax parser header file...
#ifdef TEST_MAIN
#define DEFAULT_LIBDIR "just_testing"

/* Required for strdup() */
#include <string.h>

/* Required only for the declaration of abstract syntax classes
 * (class symbol_c; class token_c; class list_c;)
 * These will not be used in flex, but the token type union defined
 * in iec_bison.hh contains pointers to these classes, so we must include
 * it here.
#include "../absyntax/absyntax.hh"

/* iec_bison.hh is generated by bison.
 * Contains the definition of the token constants, and the
 * token value type YYSTYPE (in our case, a 'const char *')
#include "iec_bison.hh"
#include "stage1_2_priv.hh"

/* Variable defined by the bison parser,
 * where the value of the tokens will be stored
extern YYSTYPE yylval;

/* The name of the file currently being parsed...
 * Note that flex accesses and updates this global variable
 * apropriately whenever it comes across an (*#include <filename> *) directive...
const char *current_filename = NULL;

/* We will not be using unput() in our flex code... */
/* NOTE: it seems that this #define is no longer needed, It has been 
 * replaced by %option nounput.
 * Should we simply delete it?
 * For now leave it in, in case someone is using an old version of flex.
 * In any case, the most harm that can result in a warning message
 * when compiling iec.flex.c:
 * warning: ‘void yyunput(int, char*)’ defined but not used
#define YY_NO_UNPUT

/* Variable defined by the bison parser.
 * It must be initialised with the location
 * of the token being parsed.
 * This is only needed if we want to keep
 * track of the locations, in order to give
 * more meaningful error messages!
 *extern YYLTYPE yylloc;
#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size)  {\
    result = GetNextChar(buf, max_size);\
    if (  result <= 0  )\
      result = YY_NULL;\

/* Macro that is executed for every action.
 * We use it to pass the location of the token
 * back to the bison parser...
#define YY_USER_ACTION {\
	yylloc.first_line = current_tracking->lineNumber;			\
	yylloc.first_column = current_tracking->currentTokenStart;		\
	yylloc.first_file = current_filename;					\
	yylloc.first_order = current_order;					\
	yylloc.last_line = current_tracking->lineNumber;			\
	yylloc.last_column = current_tracking->currentChar - 1;			\
	yylloc.last_file = current_filename;					\
	yylloc.last_order = current_order;					\
	current_tracking->currentTokenStart = current_tracking->currentChar;	\
	current_order++;							\

/* Since this lexical parser we defined only works in ASCII based
 * systems, we might as well make sure it is being compiled on
 * one...
 * Lets check a few random characters...
#if (('a' != 0x61) || ('A' != 0x41) || ('z' != 0x7A) || ('Z' != 0x5A) || \
     ('0' != 0x30) || ('9' != 0x39) || ('(' != 0x28) || ('[' != 0x5B))
#error This lexical analyser is not portable to a non ASCII based system.

/* Function only called from within flex, but defined
 * in iec.y!
 * We declare it here...
 * Search for a symbol in either of the two symbol tables
 * and return the token id of the first symbol found.
 * Searches first in the variables, and only if not found
 * does it continue searching in the library elements
//token_id_t get_identifier_token(const char *identifier_str);
int get_identifier_token(const char *identifier_str);

/* Forward Declaration of functions defined later. */

/* return all the text in the current token back to the input stream. */
void unput_text(unsigned int n);
/* return all the text in the current token back to the input stream, 
 * but first return to the stream an additional character to mark the end of the token. 
void unput_and_mark(const char c);

void include_file(const char *include_filename);

int GetNextChar(char *b, int maxBuffer);

/* Lexical Parser States... */

/* NOTE: Our psrser can parse st or il code, intermixed
 *       within the same file.
 *       With IL we come across the issue of the EOL (end of line) token.
 *       ST, and the declaration parts of IL do not use this token!
 *       If the lexical analyser were to issue this token during ST
 *       language parsing, or during the declaration of data types,
 *       function headers, etc. in IL, the syntax parser would crash.
 *       We can solve this issue using one of three methods:
 *        (1) Augment all the syntax that does not accept the EOL
 *            token to simply ignore it. This makes the syntax
 *            definition (in iec.y) very cluttered!
 *        (2) Let the lexical parser figure out which language
 *            it is parsing, and decide whether or not to issue
 *            the EOL token. This requires the lexical parser
 *            to have knowledge of the syntax!, making for a poor
 *            overall organisation of the code. It would also make it
 *            very difficult to understand the lexical parser as it
 *            would use several states, and a state machine to transition
 *            between the states. The state transitions would be
 *            intermingled with the lexical parser defintion!
 *        (3) Use a mixture of (1) and (2). The lexical analyser
 *            merely distinguishes between function headers and function
 *            bodies, but no longer makes a distinction between il and
 *            st language bodies. When parsing a body, it will return
 *            the EOL token. In other states '\n' will be ignored as
 *            whitespace.
 *            The ST language syntax has been augmented in the syntax
 *            parser configuration to ignore any EOL tokens that it may
 *            come across!
 *            This option has both drawbacks of option (1) and (2), but
 *            much less intensely.
 *            The syntax that gets cluttered is limited to the ST statements
 *            (which is rather limited, compared to the function headers and
 *            data type declarations, etc...), while the state machine in
 *            the lexical parser becomes very simple. All state transitions
 *            can be handled within the lexical parser by itself, and can be
 *            easily identified. Thus knowledge of the syntax required by
 *            the lexical parser is very limited!
 * Amazingly enough, I (Mario) got to implement option (3)
 * at first, requiring two basic states, decl and body.
 * The lexical parser will enter the body state when
 * it is parsing the body of a function/program/function block. The
 * state transition is done when we find a VAR_END that is not followed
 * by a VAR! This is the syntax knowledge that gets included in the
 * lexical analyser with this option!
 * Unfortunately, getting the st syntax parser to ignore EOL anywhere
 * where they might appear leads to conflicts. This is due to the fact
 * that the syntax parser uses the single look-ahead token to remove
 * possible conflicts. When we insert a possible EOL, the single
 * look ahead token becomes the EOL, which means the potential conflicts
 * could no longer be resolved.
 * Removing these conflicts would make the st syntax parser very convoluted,
 * and adding the extraneous EOL would make it very cluttered.
 * This option was therefore dropped in favour of another!
 * I ended up implementing (2). Unfortunately the lexical analyser can
 * not easily distinguish between il and st code, since function
 * calls in il are very similar to function block calls in st.
 * We therefore use an extra 'body' state. When the lexical parser
 * finds that last END_VAR, it enters the body state. This state
 * must figure out what language is being parsed from the first few
 * tokens, and switch to the correct state (st, il or sfc) according to the
 * language. This means that we insert quite a bit of knowledge of the
 * syntax of the languages into the lexical parser. This is ugly, but it
 * works, and at least it is possible to keep all the state changes together
 * to make it easier to remove them later on if need be.
 * Once the language being parsed has been identified, 
 * the body state returns any matched text back to the buffer with unput(),
 * to be later matched correctly by the apropriate language parser (st, il or sfc).
 * Aditionally, in sfc state it may further recursively enter the body state
 * once again. This is because an sfc body may contain ACTIONS, which are then
 * written in one of the three languages (ST, IL or SFC), so once again we need
 * to figure out which language the ACTION in the SFC was written in. We already
 * ahve all that done in the body state, so we recursively transition to the body 
 * state once again.
 * Note that in this case, when coming out of the st/il state (whichever language
 * the action was written in) the sfc state will become active again. This is done by
 * pushing and poping the previously active state!
 * The sfc_qualifier_state is required because when parsing actions within an
 * sfc, we will be expecting action qualifiers (N, P, R, S, DS, SD, ...). In order
 * to bison to work correctly, these qualifiers must be returned as tokens. However,
 * these tokens are not reserved keywords, which means it should be possible to
 * define variables/functions/FBs with any of these names (including 
 * S and R which are special because they are also IL operators). So, when we are not
 * expecting any action qualifiers, flex does not return these tokens, and is free
 * to interpret them as previously defined variables/functions/... as the case may be.
 * The time_literal_state is required because TIME# literals are decomposed into 
 * portions, and wewant to send these portions one by one to bison. Each poertion will 
 * represent the value in days/hours/minutes/seconds/ms.
 * Unfortunately, some of these portions may also be lexically analysed as an identifier. So,
 * we need to disable lexical identification of identifiers while parsing TIME# literals!
 * e.g.:  TIME#55d_4h_56m
 *       We would like to return to bison the tokens 'TIME' '#' '55d' '_' '4h' '_' '56m'
 *       Unfortunately, flex will join '_' and '4h' to create a legal {identifier} '_4h',
 *       and return that identifier instead! So, we added this state!
 * There is a main state machine...
 *       +---> INITIAL <-------> config
 *       |        \
 *       |        V
 *       |   header_state
 *       |        |
 *       |        V
 *     vardecl_list_state <------> var_decl
 *       ^        | 
 *       |        | [using push()]
 *       |        |
 *       |        V
 *       |       body, 
 *       |        |
 *       |        | 
 *       |   -------------------
 *       |   |       |         |
 *       |   v       v         v
 *       |  st      il        sfc
 *       |   |       |         |  [using pop() when leaving st/il/sfc => goes to vardecl_list_state]
 *       |   |       |         |
 *       -----------------------
 * NOTE:- When inside sfc, and an action or transition in ST/IL is found, then 
 *        we also push() to the body state. This means that sometimes, when pop()ing
 *        from st and il, the state machine may return to the sfc state!
 *      - The transitions form sfc to body will be decided by bison, which will
 *        tell flex to do the transition by calling cmd_goto_body_state().
 * Possible state changes are:
 *   INITIAL -> goto(config_state)
 *                (when a CONFIGURATION is found)
 *   INITIAL -> goto(header_state)
 *               (when a FUNCTION, FUNCTION_BLOCK, or PROGRAM is found)
 *   header_state -> goto(vardecl_list_state)
 *               (When the first VAR token is found, i.e. at begining of first VAR .. END_VAR declaration)
 *  vardecl_list_state -> push current state (vardecl_list_state), and goto(vardecl_state) 
 *                (when a VAR token is found)
 *   vardecl_state -> pop() to (vardecl_list_state) 
 *                (when a END_VAR token is found)
 *   vardecl_list_state -> push current state (vardecl_list_state), and goto(body_state) 
 *                (when the last END_VAR is found!)
 *   body_state    -> goto(sfc_state)
 *                     (when it figures out it is parsing sfc language)
 *   body_state    -> goto(st_state)
 *                     (when it figures out it is parsing st language)
 *   body_state    -> goto(il_state)
 *                     (when it figures out it is parsing il language)
 *   st_state      -> pop() to vardecl_list_state
 *                     (when a END_FUNCTION, END_FUNCTION_BLOCK, END_PROGRAM,
 *                      END_ACTION or END_TRANSITION is found)
 *   il_state      -> pop() to vardecl_list_state
 *                     (when a END_FUNCTION, END_FUNCTION_BLOCK, END_PROGRAM,
 *                      END_ACTION or END_TRANSITION is found)
 *   sfc_state     -> pop() to vardecl_list_state
 *                     (when a END_FUNCTION, END_FUNCTION_BLOCK, or END_PROGRAM is found)
 *   vardecl_list_state -> goto(INITIAL)
 *                     (when a END_FUNCTION, END_FUNCTION_BLOCK, or END_PROGRAM is found)
 *   config_state  -> goto(INITIAL)
 *                     (when a END_CONFIGURATION is found)
 *   sfc_state     -> push current state(sfc_state); goto(body_state)
 *                     (when parsing an action. This transition is requested by bison)
 *   sfc_state     -> push current state(sfc_state); goto(sfc_qualifier_state)
 *                     (when expecting an action qualifier. This transition is requested by bison)
 *   sfc_qualifier_state -> pop() to sfc_state
 *                     (when no longer expecting an action qualifier. This transition is requested by bison)
 *   config_state  -> push(config_state); goto(task_init_state)
 *                     (when parsing a task initialisation. This transition is requested by bison)
 *   task_init_state -> pop()
 *                     (when no longer parsing task initialisation parameters. This transition is requested by bison)
 * There is another secondary state machine for parsing comments, another for file_includes, 
 * and yet another for time literals.

/* we are parsing a configuration. */
%s config_state

/* Inside a configuration, we are parsing a task initialisation parameters */
/* This means that PRIORITY, SINGLE and INTERVAL must be handled as
 * tokens, and not as possible identifiers. Note that the above words
 * are not keywords.
%s task_init_state

/* we are looking for the first VAR inside a function's, program's or function block's declaration */
/* This is not exclusive (%x) as we must be able to parse the identifier and data types of a function/FB */
%s header_state

/* we are parsing a function, program or function block sequence of VAR..END_VAR delcarations */
%x vardecl_list_state 
/* a substate of the vardecl_list_state: we are inside a specific VAR .. END_VAR */
%s vardecl_state

/* we will be parsing a function body/action/transition. Whether il/st/sfc remains to be determined */
%x body_state

/* we are parsing il code -> flex must return the EOL tokens!       */
%s il_state

/* we are parsing st code -> flex must not return the EOL tokens!   */
%s st_state

/* we are parsing sfc code -> flex must not return the EOL tokens!  */
%s sfc_state

/* we are parsing sfc code, and expecting an action qualifier.      */
%s sfc_qualifier_state

/* we are parsing sfc code, and expecting the priority token.       */
%s sfc_priority_state

/* we are parsing a TIME# literal. We must not return any {identifier} tokens. */
%x time_literal_state

/* we are parsing a comment. */
%x comment_state

/* File #include's */

/* We extend the IEC 61131-3 standard syntax to allow inclusion
 * of other files, using the IEC 61131-3 pragma directive...
 * The accepted syntax is:
 *  {#include "<filename>"}

/* the "include" states are used for picking up the name of an include file */
%x include_beg
%x include_filename
%x include_end

file_include_pragma_filename	[^\"]*
file_include_pragma_beg		"{#include"{st_whitespace}\"
file_include_pragma_end		\"{st_whitespace}"}"
file_include_pragma			{file_include_pragma_beg}{file_include_pragma_filename}{file_include_pragma_end}


/* A counter to track the order by which each token is processed.
 * NOTE: This counter is not exactly linear (i.e., it does not get incremented by 1 for each token).
 *       i.e.. it may get incremented by more than one between two consecutive tokens.
 *       This is due to the fact that the counter gets incremented every 'user action' in flex,
 *       however not every user action will result in a token being passed to bison.
 *       Nevertheless this is still OK, as we are only interested in the relative
 *       ordering of tokens...
static long int current_order = 0;
typedef struct {
    int eof;
    int lineNumber;
    int currentChar;
    int lineLength;
    int currentTokenStart;
    char *buffer;
    FILE *in_file;
  } tracking_t;

/* A forward declaration of a function defined at the end of this file. */
void FreeTracking(tracking_t *tracking);


typedef struct {
	  YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer_state;
	  tracking_t *env;
	  const char *filename;
	} include_stack_t;

tracking_t *current_tracking = NULL;
include_stack_t include_stack[MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH];
int include_stack_ptr = 0;

const char *INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES[] = {
	NULL /* must end with NULL!! */

/* Prelimenary constructs... */

/* ======= */
/* In order to allow the declaration of POU prototypes (Function, FB, Program, ...),
 * especially the prototypes of Functions and FBs defined in the standard
 * (i.e. standard functions and FBs), we extend the IEC 61131-3 standard syntax 
 * with two pragmas to indicate that the code is to be parsed (going through the 
 * lexical, syntactical, and semantic analysers), but no code is to be generated.
 * The accepted syntax is:
 *  {no_code_generation begin}
 *    ... prototypes ...
 *  {no_code_generation end}
 * When parsing these prototypes the abstract syntax tree will be populated as usual,
 * allowing the semantic analyser to correctly analyse the semantics of calls to these
 * functions/FBs. However, stage4 will simply ignore all IEC61131-3 code
 * between the above two pragmas.

disable_code_generation_pragma	"{disable code generation}"
enable_code_generation_pragma	"{enable code generation}"

/* Any other pragma... */
pragma ("{"[^}]*"}")|("{{"([^}]|"}"[^}])*"}}")

/* ======== */

/* In order to allow nested comments, comments are handled by a specific comment_state state */
/* Whenever a "(*" is found, we push the current state onto the stack, and enter a new instance of the comment_state state.
 * Whenever a "*)" is found, we pop a state off the stack

/* comments... */
comment_beg  "(*"
comment_end  "*)"

/* However, bison has a shift/reduce conflict in bison, when parsing formal function/FB
 * invocations with the 'NOT <variable_name> =>' syntax (which needs two look ahead 
 * tokens to be parsed correctly - and bison being LALR(1) only supports one).
 * The current work around requires flex to completely parse the '<variable_name> =>'
 * sequence. This sequence includes whitespace and/or comments between the 
 * <variable_name> and the "=>" token.
 * This flex rule (sendto_identifier_token) uses the whitespace/comment as trailing context,
 * which means we can not use the comment_state method of specifying/finding and ignoring 
 * comments.
 * For this reason only, we must also define what a complete comment looks like, so
 * it may be used in this rule. Since the rule uses the whitespace_or_comment
 * construct as trailing context, this definition of comment must not use any
 * trailing context either.
 * Aditionally, it is not possible to define nested comments in flex without the use of
 * states, so for this particular location, we do NOT support nested comments.
/* NOTE: this seemingly unnecessary complex definition is required
 *       to be able to eat up comments such as:
 *          '(* Testing... ! ***** ******)'
 *       without using the trailing context command in flex (/{context})
 *       since {comment} itself will later be used with
 *       trailing context ({comment}/{context})
not_asterisk				[^*]
not_close_parenthesis_nor_asterisk	[^*)]
asterisk				"*"
comment_text	({not_asterisk})|(({asterisk}+){not_close_parenthesis_nor_asterisk})
comment		"(*"({comment_text}*)({asterisk}+)")"

/* 3.1 Whitespace */
/* ============== */
 * Whitespace is clearly defined (see IEC 61131-3 v2, section 2.1.4)
 * Whitespace definition includes the newline character.
 * However, the standard is inconsistent in that in IL the newline character 
 * is considered a token (EOL - end of line). 
 * In our implementation we therefore have two definitions of whitespace
 *   - one for ST, that includes the newline character
 *   - one for IL without the newline character.
 * Additionally, when parsing IL, the newline character is treated as the EOL token.
 * This requires the use of a state machine in the lexical parser that needs at least 
 * some knowledge of the syntax itself.
 * NOTE: Our definition of whitespace will only work in ASCII!
 * NOTE: we cannot use
 *         st_whitespace	[:space:]*
 *       since we use {st_whitespace} as trailing context. In our case
 *       this would not constitute "dangerous trailing context", but the
 *       lexical generator (i.e. flex) does not know this (since it does
 *       not know which characters belong to the set [:space:]), and will
 *       generate a "dangerous trailing context" warning!
 *       We use this alternative just to stop the flex utility from
 *       generating the invalid (in this case) warning...

st_whitespace			[ \f\n\r\t\v]*
il_whitespace			[ \f\r\t\v]*

st_whitespace_or_pragma_or_commentX	({st_whitespace})|({pragma})|({comment})
il_whitespace_or_pragma_or_commentX	({il_whitespace})|({pragma})|({comment})

st_whitespace_or_pragma_or_comment	{st_whitespace_or_pragma_or_commentX}*
il_whitespace_or_pragma_or_comment	{il_whitespace_or_pragma_or_commentX}*

qualified_identifier	{identifier}(\.{identifier})+

/* B.1.1 Letters, digits and identifiers */
/* NOTE: The following definitions only work if the host computer
 *       is using the ASCII maping. For e.g., with EBCDIC [A-Z]
 *       contains non-alphabetic characters!
 *       The correct way of doing it would be to use
 *       the [:upper:] etc... definitions.
 *       Unfortunately, further on we need all printable
 *       characters (i.e. [:print:]), but excluding '$'.
 *       Flex does not allow sets to be composed by excluding
 *       elements. Sets may only be constructed by adding new
 *       elements, which means that we have to revert to
 *       [\x20\x21\x23\x25\x26\x28-x7E] for the definition
 *       of the printable characters with the required exceptions.
 *       The above also implies the use of ASCII, but now we have
 *       no way to work around it|
 *       The conclusion is that our parser is limited to ASCII
 *       based host computers!!
letter		[A-Za-z]
digit		[0-9]
octal_digit	[0-7]
hex_digit	{digit}|[A-F]
identifier	({letter}|(_({letter}|{digit})))((_?({letter}|{digit}))*)

/* B.1.2 Constants */

/* B.1.2.1   Numeric literals */
integer         {digit}((_?{digit})*)

/* Some helper symbols for parsing TIME literals... */
integer_0_59    (0(_?))*([0-5](_?))?{digit}
integer_0_19    (0(_?))*([0-1](_?))?{digit}
integer_20_23   (0(_?))*2(_?)[0-3]
integer_0_23    {integer_0_19}|{integer_20_23}
integer_0_999   {digit}((_?{digit})?)((_?{digit})?)

binary_integer  2#{bit}((_?{bit})*)
bit		[0-1]
octal_integer   8#{octal_digit}((_?{octal_digit})*)
hex_integer     16#{hex_digit}((_?{hex_digit})*)
exponent        [Ee]([+-]?){integer}
/* The correct definition for real would be:
 * real		{integer}\.{integer}({exponent}?)
 * Unfortunately, the spec also defines fixed_point (B as:
 * fixed_point		{integer}\.{integer}
 * This means that {integer}\.{integer} could be interpreted
 * as either a fixed_point or a real.
 * I have opted to interpret {integer}\.{integer} as a fixed_point.
 * In order to do this, the definition of real has been changed to:
 * real		{integer}\.{integer}{exponent}
 * This means that the syntax parser now needs to define a real to be
 * either a real_token or a fixed_point_token!
real		{integer}\.{integer}{exponent}

/* B.1.2.2   Character Strings */
common_character_representation :=
<any printable character except '$', '"' or "'">

NOTE: 	$ = 0x24
	" = 0x22
	' = 0x27

	printable chars in ASCII: 0x20-0x7E

esc_char_u		$L|$N|$P|$R|$T
esc_char_l		$l|$n|$p|$r|$t
esc_char		$$|{esc_char_u}|{esc_char_l}
double_byte_char	(${hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit}{hex_digit})
single_byte_char	(${hex_digit}{hex_digit})

 * This definition is only valid in ASCII...
 * Flex includes the function print_char() that defines
 * all printable characters portably (i.e. whatever character
 * encoding is currently being used , ASCII, EBCDIC, etc...)
 * Unfortunately, we cannot generate the definition of
 * common_character_representation portably, since flex
 * does not allow definition of sets by subtracting
 * elements in one set from another set.
 * This means we must build up the defintion of
 * common_character_representation using only set addition,
 * which leaves us with the only choice of defining the
 * characters non-portably...
common_character_representation		[\x20\x21\x23\x25\x26\x28-\x7E]|{esc_char}
double_byte_character_representation 	$\"|'|{double_byte_char}|{common_character_representation}
single_byte_character_representation 	$'|\"|{single_byte_char}|{common_character_representation}

double_byte_character_string	\"({double_byte_character_representation}*)\"
single_byte_character_string	'({single_byte_character_representation}*)'

/* B - Duration */
fixed_point		{integer}\.{integer}

/* NOTE: The IEC 61131-3 v2 standard has an incorrect formal syntax definition of duration,
 *       as its definition does not match the standard's text.
 *       IEC 61131-3 v3 (committee draft) seems to have this fixed, so we use that
 *       definition instead!
 *       duration::= ('T' | 'TIME') '#' ['+'|'-'] interval
 *       interval::= days | hours | minutes | seconds | milliseconds
 *       fixed_point  ::= integer [ '.' integer]
 *       days         ::= fixed_point 'd' | integer 'd' ['_'] [ hours ]
 *       hours        ::= fixed_point 'h' | integer 'h' ['_'] [ minutes ]
 *       minutes      ::= fixed_point 'm' | integer 'm' ['_'] [ seconds ]
 *       seconds      ::= fixed_point 's' | integer 's' ['_'] [ milliseconds ]
 *       milliseconds ::= fixed_point 'ms'
 *  The original IEC 61131-3 v2 definition is:
 *       duration ::= ('T' | 'TIME') '#' ['-'] interval
 *       interval ::= days | hours | minutes | seconds | milliseconds
 *       fixed_point  ::= integer [ '.' integer]
 *       days         ::= fixed_point 'd' | integer 'd' ['_'] hours
 *       hours        ::= fixed_point 'h' | integer 'h' ['_'] minutes
 *       minutes      ::= fixed_point 'm' | integer 'm' ['_'] seconds
 *       seconds      ::= fixed_point 's' | integer 's' ['_'] milliseconds
 *       milliseconds ::= fixed_point 'ms'

interval_ms_X		({integer_0_999}(\.{integer})?)ms
interval_s_X		{integer_0_59}s(_?{interval_ms_X})?|({integer_0_59}(\.{integer})?s)
interval_m_X		{integer_0_59}m(_?{interval_s_X})?|({integer_0_59}(\.{integer})?m)
interval_h_X		{integer_0_23}h(_?{interval_m_X})?|({integer_0_23}(\.{integer})?h)

interval_ms		{integer}ms|({fixed_point}ms)
interval_s		{integer}s(_?{interval_ms_X})?|({fixed_point}s)
interval_m		{integer}m(_?{interval_s_X})?|({fixed_point}m)
interval_h		{integer}h(_?{interval_m_X})?|({fixed_point}h)
interval_d		{integer}d(_?{interval_h_X})?|({fixed_point}d)

interval		{interval_ms}|{interval_s}|{interval_m}|{interval_h}|{interval_d}

/* to help provide nice error messages, we also parse an incorrect but plausible interval... */
/* NOTE that this erroneous interval will be parsed outside the time_literal_state, so must not 
 *      be able to parse any other legal lexcial construct (besides a legal interval, but that
 *      is OK as this rule will appear _after_ the rule to parse legal intervals!).
fixed_point_or_integer  {fixed_point}|{integer}
erroneous_interval	({fixed_point_or_integer}d_?)?({fixed_point_or_integer}h_?)?({fixed_point_or_integer}m_?)?({fixed_point_or_integer}s_?)?({fixed_point_or_integer}ms)?

/* B.1.4.1   Directly Represented Variables */
/* The correct definition, if the standard were to be followed... */

location_prefix			[IQM]
size_prefix			[XBWDL]
direct_variable_standard	%{location_prefix}({size_prefix}?){integer}((.{integer})*)

/* For the MatPLC, we will accept %<identifier>
 * as a direct variable, this being mapped onto the MatPLC point
 * named <identifier>
/* TODO: we should not restrict it to only the accepted syntax
 * of <identifier> as specified by the standard. MatPLC point names
 * have a more permissive syntax.
 * e.g. "P__234"
 *    Is a valid MatPLC point name, but not a valid <identifier> !!
 *    The same happens with names such as "333", "349+23", etc...
 *    How can we handle these more expressive names in our case?
 *    Remember that some direct variable may remain anonymous, with
 *    declarations such as:
 *    VAR
 *       AT %I3 : BYTE := 255;
 *    END_VAR
 *    in which case we are currently using "%I3" as the variable
 *    name.
/* direct_variable_matplc		%{identifier} */
/* direct_variable			{direct_variable_standard}|{direct_variable_matplc} */
direct_variable			{direct_variable_standard}

/* B 1.4.3 - Declaration & Initialisation */
incompl_location	%[IQM]\*

	/* fprintf(stderr, "flex: state %d\n", YY_START); */

	/*****                                           *****/
	/*****                                           *****/
	/*****   F I R S T    T H I N G S    F I R S T   *****/
	/*****                                           *****/
	/*****                                           *****/

	/* Handle requests sent by bison for flex to change state. */
	if (get_goto_body_state()) {

	if (get_goto_sfc_qualifier_state()) {

	if (get_goto_sfc_priority_state()) {

	if (get_goto_task_init_state()) {

	if (get_pop_state()) {

	/* Handle the pragmas!     */

	/* We start off by searching for the pragmas we handle in the lexical parser. */
<INITIAL>{file_include_pragma}	unput_text(0); yy_push_state(include_beg);

	/* Pragmas sent to syntax analyser (bison) */
{disable_code_generation_pragma}               return disable_code_generation_pragma_token;
{enable_code_generation_pragma}                return enable_code_generation_pragma_token;
<body_state,vardecl_list_state>{disable_code_generation_pragma}   return disable_code_generation_pragma_token;
<body_state,vardecl_list_state>{enable_code_generation_pragma}    return enable_code_generation_pragma_token;

	/* Any other pragma we find, we just pass it up to the syntax parser...   */
	/* Note that the <body_state> state is exclusive, so we have to include it here too. */
{pragma}	{/* return the pragmma without the enclosing '{' and '}' */
		 int cut = yytext[1]=='{'?2:1;
		 yytext[strlen(yytext)-cut] = '\0';
		 return pragma_token;
<body_state,vardecl_list_state>{pragma} {/* return the pragmma without the enclosing '{' and '}' */
		 int cut = yytext[1]=='{'?2:1;
		 yytext[strlen(yytext)-cut] = '\0';
		 return pragma_token;

	/* Handle the file includes!     */
<include_beg>{file_include_pragma_beg}	BEGIN(include_filename);

<include_filename>{file_include_pragma_filename}	{
			  /* set the internal state variables of lexical analyser to process a new include file */
			  /* switch to whatever state was active before the include file */
			  /* now process the new file... */

<<EOF>>			{     /* NOTE: Currently bison is incorrectly using END_OF_INPUT in many rules
			       *       when checking for syntax errors in the input source code.
			       *       This means that in reality flex will be asked to carry on reading the input
			       *       even after it has reached the end of all (including the main) input files.
			       *       In other owrds, we will be called to return more tokens, even after we have
			       *       already returned an END_OF_INPUT token. In this case, we must carry on returning
			       *       more END_OF_INPUT tokens.
			       *       However, in the above case we will be asked to carry on reading more tokens 
			       *       from the main input file, after we have reached the end. For this to work
			       *       correctly, we cannot close the main input file!
			       *       This is why we WILL be called with include_stack_ptr == 0 multiple times,
			       *       and why we must handle it as a special case
			       *       that leaves the include_stack_ptr unchanged, and returns END_OF_INPUT once again.
			       *       As a corollory, flex can never safely close the main input file, and we must ask
			       *       bison to close it!
			  if (include_stack_ptr == 0) {
			      // fclose(yyin);           // Must not do this!!
			      // FreeTracking(current_tracking); // Must not do this!!
			      /* yyterminate() terminates the scanner and returns a 0 to the 
			       * scanner's  caller, indicating "all done".
			       * Our syntax parser (written with bison) has the token	
			       * END_OF_INPUT associated to the value 0, so even though
			       * we don't explicitly return the token END_OF_INPUT
			       * calling yyterminate() is equivalent to doing that. 
			  } else {
			    current_tracking = include_stack[include_stack_ptr].env;
			      /* removing constness of char *. This is safe actually,
			       * since the only real const char * that is stored on the stack is
			       * the first one (i.e. the one that gets stored in include_stack[0],
			       * which is never free'd!
			    /* NOTE: We do __NOT__ free the malloc()'d memory since 
			     *       pointers to this filename will be kept by many objects
			     *       in the abstract syntax tree.
			     *       This will later be used to provide correct error
			     *       messages during semantic analysis (stage 3)
			    /* free((char *)current_filename); */
			    current_filename = include_stack[include_stack_ptr].filename;

<include_end>{file_include_pragma_end}	yy_pop_state();
	/* handle the artificial file includes created by include_string(), which do not end with a '}' */
<include_end>.				unput_text(0); yy_pop_state(); 

	/* Handle all the state changes! */

	/* INITIAL -> header_state */
	/* NOTE: how about functions that do not declare variables, and go directly to the body_state???
	 *      - According to Section (Function Declaration), item 2 in the list, a FUNCTION
	 *        must have at least one input argument, so a correct declaration will have at least
	 *        one VAR_INPUT ... VAR_END construct!
	 *      - According to Section (Function Block Declaration), a FUNCTION_BLOCK
	 *        must have at least one input argument, so a correct declaration will have at least
	 *        one VAR_INPUT ... VAR_END construct!
	 *      - According to Section 2.5.3 (Programs), a PROGRAM must have at least one input
	 *        argument, so a correct declaration will have at least one VAR_INPUT ... VAR_END
	 *        construct!
	 *       All the above means that we needn't worry about PROGRAMs, FUNCTIONs or
	 *       FUNCTION_BLOCKs that do not have at least one VAR_END before the body_state.
	 *       If the code has an error, and no VAR_END before the body, we will simply
	 *       continue in the <vardecl_state> state, untill the end of the FUNCTION, FUNCTION_BLOCK
	 *       or PROGAM.
FUNCTION				yy_push_state(header_state); return FUNCTION;
FUNCTION_BLOCK				yy_push_state(header_state); return FUNCTION_BLOCK;
PROGRAM					yy_push_state(header_state); return PROGRAM;

	/* INITIAL -> body_state */
	/* required if the function, program, etc.. has no VAR block! */
	/* We comment it out since the standard does not allow this.  */
	/* NOTE: Even if we were to include the following code, it    */
	/*       would have no effect whatsoever since the above      */
	/*       rules will take precendence!                         */
FUNCTION	BEGIN(body_state); return FUNCTION;
PROGRAM		BEGIN(body_state); return PROGRAM;

	/* header_state -> (vardecl_list_state) */
VAR				| /* execute the next rule's action, i.e. fall-through! */
VAR_ACCESS			unput_text(0); BEGIN(vardecl_list_state);

	/* vardecl_list_state -> (vardecl_state | body_state | INITIAL) */
VAR_INPUT			| /* execute the next rule's action, i.e. fall-through! */
VAR				unput_text(0); yy_push_state(vardecl_state);

END_FUNCTION			unput_text(0); BEGIN(INITIAL); 
END_PROGRAM			unput_text(0); BEGIN(INITIAL); 

.				unput_text(0); yy_push_state(body_state); /* anything else, just change to body_state! */

	/* vardecl_list_state -> pop to $previous_state (vardecl_list_state) */
END_VAR				yy_pop_state(); return END_VAR; /* pop back to header_state */

	/* body_state -> (il_state | st_state | sfc_state) */
INITIAL_STEP			unput_text(0); BEGIN(sfc_state); 

{qualified_identifier}		unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state); /* will always be followed by '[' for an array access, or ':=' as the left hand of an assignment statement */
{direct_variable_standard}	unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state); /* will always be followed by ':=' as the left hand of an assignment statement */

RETURN				unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);
IF				unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);
CASE				unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);
FOR				unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);
WHILE				unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);
EXIT				unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);
REPEAT				unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);

	/* ':=' occurs only in transitions, and not Function or FB bodies! */
:=				unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);

{identifier}	{int token = get_identifier_token(yytext);
		 if ((token == prev_declared_fb_name_token) || (token == prev_declared_variable_name_token)) {
		   /* the code has a call to a function block OR has an assingment with a variable as the lvalue */
		   unput_text(0); BEGIN(st_state);
		 } else
 		 if (token == prev_declared_derived_function_name_token) {
		   /* the code has a call to a function - must be IL */
		   unput_text(0); BEGIN(il_state);
		 } else {
		   /* Might be a lable in IL, or a bug in ST/IL code. We jump to IL */
		   unput_text(0); BEGIN(il_state);

.		unput_text(0); BEGIN(il_state); /* Don't know what it could be. This is most likely a bug. Let's just to a random state... */
}	/* end of body_state lexical parser */

	/* (il_state | st_state) -> pop to $previous_state (vardecl_list_state or sfc_state) */
END_FUNCTION		yy_pop_state(); unput_text(0);
END_FUNCTION_BLOCK	yy_pop_state(); unput_text(0);
END_PROGRAM		yy_pop_state(); unput_text(0);
END_TRANSITION		yy_pop_state(); unput_text(0);
END_ACTION		yy_pop_state(); unput_text(0);

	/* sfc_state -> pop to $previous_state (vardecl_list_state or sfc_state) */
END_FUNCTION		yy_pop_state(); unput_text(0);
END_FUNCTION_BLOCK	yy_pop_state(); unput_text(0);
END_PROGRAM		yy_pop_state(); unput_text(0);

	/* config -> INITIAL */

	/* Next is to to remove all whitespace */
	/* NOTE: pragmas are handled right at the beginning... */

	/* The whitespace */
<INITIAL,header_state,config_state,body_state,vardecl_list_state,vardecl_state,st_state,sfc_state,task_init_state,sfc_qualifier_state>{st_whitespace}	/* Eat any whitespace */
<il_state>{il_whitespace}		/* Eat any whitespace */

	/* The comments */
<body_state,vardecl_list_state>{comment_beg}		yy_push_state(comment_state);
{comment_beg}						yy_push_state(comment_state);
{comment_beg}						{if (get_opt_nested_comments()) yy_push_state(comment_state);}
{comment_end}						yy_pop_state();
.							/* Ignore text inside comment! */
\n							/* Ignore text inside comment! */

	/* B.1.1 Letters, digits and identifiers */
	/* NOTE: 'R1', 'IN', etc... are IL operators, and therefore tokens
	 *       On the other hand, the spec does not define them as keywords,
	 *       which means they may be re-used for variable names, etc...!
	 *       The syntax parser already caters for the possibility of these
	 *       tokens being used for variable names in their declarations.
	 *       When they are declared, they will be added to the variable symbol table!
	 *       Further appearances of these tokens must no longer be parsed
	 *       as R1_tokens etc..., but rather as variable_name_tokens!
	 *       That is why the first thing we do with identifiers, even before
	 *       checking whether they may be a 'keyword', is to check whether
	 *       they have been previously declared as a variable name,
	 *       However, we have a dilema! Should we here also check for
	 *       prev_declared_derived_function_name_token?
	 *       If we do, then the 'MOD' default library function (defined in
	 *       the standard) will always be returned as a function name, and
	 *       it will therefore not be possible to use it as an operator as 
	 *       in the following ST expression 'X := Y MOD Z;' !
	 *       If we don't, then even it will not be possible to use 'MOD'
	 *       as a funtion as in 'X := MOD(Y, Z);'
	 *       We solve this by NOT testing for function names here, and
	 *       handling this function and keyword clash in bison!
{identifier} 	{int token = get_identifier_token(yytext);
		 // fprintf(stderr, "flex: analysing identifier '%s'...", yytext); 
		 if ((token == prev_declared_variable_name_token) ||
//		     (token == prev_declared_derived_function_name_token) || // DO NOT add this condition!
		     (token == prev_declared_fb_name_token)) {
		 // if (token != identifier_token)
		 // * NOTE: if we replace the above uncommented conditions with
                  *       the simple test of (token != identifier_token), then 
                  *       'MOD' et al must be removed from the 
                  *       library_symbol_table as a default function name!
		  * //
		   // fprintf(stderr, "returning token %d\n", token); 
		   return token;
		 // otherwise, leave it for the other lexical parser rules... 
		 // fprintf(stderr, "rejecting\n"); 

	/*****                                            *****/
	/*****                                            *****/
	/*****   N O W    D O   T H E   K E Y W O R D S   *****/
	/*****                                            *****/
	/*****                                            *****/

REF	{if (get_opt_ref_operator()) return REF;    else unput(0);}		/* Keyword in IEC 61131-3 v3 */
REF_TO	{/*if (get_opt_ref_operator()) return REF_TO; else */unput(0);}		/* Keyword in IEC 61131-3 v3 */

EN	return EN;			/* Keyword */
ENO	return ENO;			/* Keyword */

	/* B 1.2.1 - Numeric Literals */
TRUE		return TRUE;		/* Keyword */
BOOL#1  	return boolean_true_literal_token;
BOOL#TRUE	return boolean_true_literal_token;
SAFEBOOL#1	{if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return safeboolean_true_literal_token;} else{REJECT;}} /* Keyword (Data Type) */ 
SAFEBOOL#TRUE	{if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return safeboolean_true_literal_token;} else{REJECT;}} /* Keyword (Data Type) */

FALSE		return FALSE;		/* Keyword */
BOOL#0  	return boolean_false_literal_token;
BOOL#FALSE  	return boolean_false_literal_token;
SAFEBOOL#0	{if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return safeboolean_false_literal_token;} else{REJECT;}} /* Keyword (Data Type) */ 
SAFEBOOL#FALSE	{if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return safeboolean_false_literal_token;} else{REJECT;}} /* Keyword (Data Type) */

	/* B - Duration */
t#		return T_SHARP;		/* Delimiter */
T#		return T_SHARP;		/* Delimiter */
TIME		return TIME;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */

	/* B - Time of day and Date */
TIME_OF_DAY	return TIME_OF_DAY;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
TOD		return TIME_OF_DAY;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
DATE		return DATE;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
d#		return D_SHARP;		/* Delimiter */
D#		return D_SHARP;		/* Delimiter */
DATE_AND_TIME	return DATE_AND_TIME;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
DT		return DATE_AND_TIME;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */

	/* B 1.3.1 - Elementary Data Types */
BOOL		return BOOL;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */

BYTE		return BYTE;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
WORD		return WORD;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
DWORD		return DWORD;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
LWORD		return LWORD;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */

SINT		return SINT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
INT		return INT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
DINT		return DINT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
LINT		return LINT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */

USINT		return USINT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
UINT		return UINT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
UDINT		return UDINT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ULINT		return ULINT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */

REAL		return REAL;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
LREAL		return LREAL;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */

WSTRING		return WSTRING;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
STRING		return STRING;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */

TIME		return TIME;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
DATE		return DATE;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
DT		return DT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
TOD		return TOD;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
DATE_AND_TIME	return DATE_AND_TIME;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
TIME_OF_DAY	return TIME_OF_DAY;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */

	/* Keywords defined in "Safety Software Technical Specification" */
         * NOTE: The following keywords are define in 
         *       "Safety Software Technical Specification,
         *        Part 1: Concepts and Function Blocks,  
         *        Version 1.0 – Official Release"
         *        written by PLCopen - Technical Committee 5
         *        We only support these extensions and keywords
         *        if the apropriate command line option is given.
SAFEBOOL	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEBOOL;}          else {REJECT;}} 

SAFEBYTE	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEBYTE;}          else {REJECT;}} 
SAFEWORD	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEWORD;}          else {REJECT;}} 
SAFEDWORD	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEDWORD;}         else{REJECT;}}
SAFELWORD	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFELWORD;}         else{REJECT;}}
SAFEREAL	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFESINT;}          else{REJECT;}}
SAFELREAL    	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFELREAL;}         else{REJECT;}}
SAFESINT	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFESINT;}          else{REJECT;}}
SAFEINT	             {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEINT;}           else{REJECT;}}
SAFEDINT	     {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEDINT;}          else{REJECT;}}
SAFELINT             {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFELINT;}          else{REJECT;}}

SAFEUSINT            {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEUSINT;}         else{REJECT;}}
SAFEUINT             {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEUINT;}          else{REJECT;}}
SAFEUDINT            {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEUDINT;}         else{REJECT;}}
SAFEULINT            {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEULINT;}         else{REJECT;}}

 /* SAFESTRING and SAFEWSTRING are not yet supported, i.e. checked correctly, in the semantic analyser (stage 3) */
 /*  so it is best not to support them at all... */
SAFEWSTRING          {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEWSTRING;}       else{REJECT;}}
SAFESTRING           {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFESTRING;}        else{REJECT;}}

SAFETIME             {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFETIME;}          else{REJECT;}}
SAFEDATE             {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEDATE;}          else{REJECT;}}
SAFEDT               {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEDT;}            else{REJECT;}}
SAFETOD              {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFETOD;}           else{REJECT;}}
SAFEDATE_AND_TIME    {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFEDATE_AND_TIME;} else{REJECT;}}
SAFETIME_OF_DAY      {if (get_opt_safe_extensions()) {return SAFETIME_OF_DAY;}   else{REJECT;}}

	/* B 1.3.2 - Generic data types */
	/* Strangely, the following symbols do not seem to be required! */
	/* But we include them so they become reserved words, and do not
	 * get passed up to bison as an identifier...
ANY		return ANY;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_DERIVED	return ANY_DERIVED;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_ELEMENTARY	return ANY_ELEMENTARY;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_MAGNITUDE	return ANY_MAGNITUDE;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_NUM		return ANY_NUM;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_REAL	return ANY_REAL;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_INT		return ANY_INT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_BIT		return ANY_BIT;		/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_STRING	return ANY_STRING;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */
ANY_DATE	return ANY_DATE;	/* Keyword (Data Type) */

	/* B 1.3.3 - Derived data types */
":="		return ASSIGN;		/* Delimiter */
".."		return DOTDOT;		/* Delimiter */
TYPE		return TYPE;		/* Keyword */
END_TYPE	return END_TYPE;	/* Keyword */
ARRAY		return ARRAY;		/* Keyword */
OF		return OF;		/* Keyword */
STRUCT		return STRUCT;		/* Keyword */
END_STRUCT	return END_STRUCT;	/* Keyword */

	/* B 1.4 - Variables */

	/* B 1.4.3 - Declaration & Initialisation */
VAR_INPUT	return VAR_INPUT;	/* Keyword */
VAR_OUTPUT	return VAR_OUTPUT;	/* Keyword */
VAR_IN_OUT	return VAR_IN_OUT;	/* Keyword */
VAR_EXTERNAL	return VAR_EXTERNAL;	/* Keyword */
VAR_GLOBAL	return VAR_GLOBAL;	/* Keyword */
END_VAR		return END_VAR;		/* Keyword */
RETAIN		return RETAIN;		/* Keyword */
NON_RETAIN	return NON_RETAIN;	/* Keyword */
R_EDGE		return R_EDGE;		/* Keyword */
F_EDGE		return F_EDGE;		/* Keyword */
AT		return AT;		/* Keyword */

	/* B 1.5.1 - Functions */
FUNCTION	return FUNCTION;	/* Keyword */
END_FUNCTION	return END_FUNCTION;	/* Keyword */
VAR		return VAR;		/* Keyword */
CONSTANT	return CONSTANT;	/* Keyword */

	/* B 1.5.2 - Function Blocks */
VAR_TEMP		return VAR_TEMP;		/* Keyword */
VAR			return VAR;			/* Keyword */
NON_RETAIN		return NON_RETAIN;		/* Keyword */
END_VAR			return END_VAR;			/* Keyword */

	/* B 1.5.3 - Programs */
PROGRAM		return PROGRAM;			/* Keyword */
END_PROGRAM	return END_PROGRAM;		/* Keyword */

	/* B 1.6 Sequential Function Chart elements */
	/* NOTE: the following identifiers/tokens clash with the R and S IL operators, as well
	.* as other identifiers that may be used as variable names inside IL and ST programs.
	 * They will have to be handled when we include parsing of SFC... For now, simply
	 * ignore them!
ACTION		return ACTION;			/* Keyword */
END_ACTION	return END_ACTION;		/* Keyword */

TRANSITION	return TRANSITION;		/* Keyword */
FROM		return FROM;			/* Keyword */
TO		return TO;			/* Keyword */

INITIAL_STEP	return INITIAL_STEP;		/* Keyword */
STEP		return STEP;			/* Keyword */
END_STEP	return END_STEP;		/* Keyword */

	/* PRIORITY is not a keyword, so we only return it when 
	 * it is explicitly required and we are not expecting any identifiers
	 * that could also use the same letter sequence (i.e. an identifier: piority)
<sfc_priority_state>PRIORITY	return PRIORITY;

L		return L;
D		return D;
SD		return SD;
DS		return DS;
SL		return SL;
N		return N;
P		return P;
P0		return P0;
P1		return P1;
R		return R;
S		return S;

	/* B 1.7 Configuration elements */
TASK			return TASK;			/* Keyword */
RESOURCE		return RESOURCE;		/* Keyword */
ON			return ON;			/* Keyword */
END_RESOURCE		return END_RESOURCE;		/* Keyword */
VAR_CONFIG		return VAR_CONFIG;		/* Keyword */
VAR_ACCESS		return VAR_ACCESS;		/* Keyword */
END_VAR			return END_VAR;			/* Keyword */
WITH			return WITH;			/* Keyword */
PROGRAM			return PROGRAM;			/* Keyword */
RETAIN			return RETAIN;			/* Keyword */
NON_RETAIN		return NON_RETAIN;		/* Keyword */
READ_WRITE		return READ_WRITE;		/* Keyword */
READ_ONLY		return READ_ONLY;		/* Keyword */

	/* PRIORITY, SINGLE and INTERVAL are not a keywords, so we only return them when 
	 * it is explicitly required and we are not expecting any identifiers
	 * that could also use the same letter sequence (i.e. an identifier: piority, ...)

	/* B 2.1 Instructions and Operands */
<il_state>\n		return EOL;

	/* B 2.2 Operators */
	/* NOTE: we can't have flex return the same token for
	 *       ANDN and &N, neither for AND and &, since
	 *       AND and ANDN are considered valid variable
	 *       function or functionblock type names!
	 *       This means that the parser may decide that the
	 *       AND or ANDN strings found in the source code
	 *       are being used as variable names
	 *       and not as operators, and will therefore transform
	 *       these tokens into indentifier tokens!
	 *       We can't have the parser thinking that the source
	 *       code contained the string AND (which may be interpreted
	 *       as a vairable name) when in reality the source code
	 *       merely contained the character &, so we use two
	 *       different tokens for & and AND (and similarly
	 *       ANDN and &N)!
 /* The following tokens clash with ST expression operators and Standard Functions */
 /* They are also keywords! */
AND		return AND;		/* Keyword */
MOD		return MOD;		/* Keyword */
OR		return OR;		/* Keyword */
XOR		return XOR;		/* Keyword */
NOT		return NOT;		/* Keyword */

 /* The following tokens clash with Standard Functions */
 /* They are keywords because they are a function name */
ADD		return ADD;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
DIV		return DIV;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
EQ		return EQ;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
GE		return GE;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
GT		return GT;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
LE		return LE;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
LT		return LT;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
MUL		return MUL;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
NE		return NE;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */
SUB		return SUB;		/* Keyword (Standard Function) */

 /* The following tokens clash with SFC action qualifiers */
 /* They are not keywords! */
S		return S;
R		return R;

 /* The following tokens clash with ST expression operators */
&		return AND2;		/* NOT a Delimiter! */

 /* The following tokens have no clashes */
 /* They are not keywords! */
LD		return LD;
LDN		return LDN;
ST		return ST;
STN		return STN;
S1		return S1;
R1		return R1;
CLK		return CLK;
CU		return CU;
CD		return CD;
PV		return PV;
IN		return IN;
PT		return PT;
ANDN		return ANDN;
&N		return ANDN2;
ORN		return ORN;
XORN		return XORN;
CAL		return CAL;
CALC		return CALC;
CALCN		return CALCN;
RET		return RET;
RETC		return RETC;
RETCN		return RETCN;
JMP		return JMP;
JMPC		return JMPC;
JMPCN		return JMPCN;

	/* B 3.1 - Expressions */
"**"		return OPER_EXP;	/* NOT a Delimiter! */
"<>"		return OPER_NE;		/* NOT a Delimiter! */
">="		return OPER_GE;		/* NOT a Delimiter! */
"<="		return OPER_LE;		/* NOT a Delimiter! */
&		return AND2;		/* NOT a Delimiter! */
AND		return AND;		/* Keyword */
XOR		return XOR;		/* Keyword */
OR		return OR;		/* Keyword */
NOT		return NOT;		/* Keyword */
MOD		return MOD;		/* Keyword */

	/* B 3.2.2 Subprogram Control Statements */
:=		return ASSIGN;		/* Delimiter */
=>		return SENDTO;		/* Delimiter */
RETURN		return RETURN;		/* Keyword */

	/* B 3.2.3 Selection Statements */
IF		return IF;		/* Keyword */
THEN		return THEN;		/* Keyword */
ELSIF		return ELSIF;		/* Keyword */
ELSE		return ELSE;		/* Keyword */
END_IF		return END_IF;		/* Keyword */

CASE		return CASE;		/* Keyword */
OF		return OF;		/* Keyword */
ELSE		return ELSE;		/* Keyword */
END_CASE	return END_CASE;	/* Keyword */

	/* B 3.2.4 Iteration Statements */
FOR		return FOR;		/* Keyword */
TO		return TO;		/* Keyword */
BY		return BY;		/* Keyword */
DO		return DO;		/* Keyword */
END_FOR		return END_FOR;		/* Keyword */

WHILE		return WHILE;		/* Keyword */
DO		return DO;		/* Keyword */
END_WHILE	return END_WHILE;	/* Keyword */

REPEAT		return REPEAT;		/* Keyword */
UNTIL		return UNTIL;		/* Keyword */
END_REPEAT	return END_REPEAT;	/* Keyword */

EXIT		return EXIT;		/* Keyword */

	/*****                                              *****/
	/*****                                              *****/
	/*****  N O W    W O R K    W I T H    V A L U E S  *****/
	/*****                                              *****/
	/*****                                              *****/

	/* B.1.4.1   Directly Represented Variables */
{direct_variable}   {yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return get_direct_variable_token(yytext);}

	/* B 1.4.3 - Declaration & Initialisation */
{incompl_location}	{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return incompl_location_token;}

	/* B - Duration */
{fixed_point}		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return fixed_point_token;}
{interval}		{/*fprintf(stderr, "entering time_literal_state ##%s##\n", yytext);*/ unput_and_mark('#'); yy_push_state(time_literal_state);}
{erroneous_interval}	{return erroneous_interval_token;}

{integer}d		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-1] = '\0'; return integer_d_token;}
{integer}h		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-1] = '\0'; return integer_h_token;}
{integer}m		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-1] = '\0'; return integer_m_token;}
{integer}s		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-1] = '\0'; return integer_s_token;}
{integer}ms		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-2] = '\0'; return integer_ms_token;}
{fixed_point}d		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-1] = '\0'; return fixed_point_d_token;}
{fixed_point}h		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-1] = '\0'; return fixed_point_h_token;}
{fixed_point}m		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-1] = '\0'; return fixed_point_m_token;}
{fixed_point}s		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-1] = '\0'; return fixed_point_s_token;}
{fixed_point}ms		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); yylval.ID[yyleng-2] = '\0'; return fixed_point_ms_token;}

_			/* do nothing - eat it up!*/
\#			{/*fprintf(stderr, "popping from time_literal_state (###)\n");*/ yy_pop_state(); return end_interval_token;}
.			{/*fprintf(stderr, "time_literal_state: found invalid character '%s'. Aborting!\n", yytext);*/ ERROR;}
\n			{ERROR;}
	/* B.1.2.2   Character Strings */
{double_byte_character_string} {yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return double_byte_character_string_token;}
{single_byte_character_string} {yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return single_byte_character_string_token;}

	/* B.1.2.1   Numeric literals */
{integer}		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return integer_token;}
{real}			{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return real_token;}
{binary_integer}	{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return binary_integer_token;}
{octal_integer} 	{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return octal_integer_token;}
{hex_integer} 		{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return hex_integer_token;}

	/* B.1.1 Letters, digits and identifiers */
<st_state>{identifier}/({st_whitespace_or_pragma_or_comment})"=>"	{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return sendto_identifier_token;}
<il_state>{identifier}/({il_whitespace_or_pragma_or_comment})"=>"	{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext); return sendto_identifier_token;}
{identifier} 				{yylval.ID=strdup(yytext);
					 // printf("returning identifier...: %s, %d\n", yytext, get_identifier_token(yytext));
					 return get_identifier_token(yytext);}

	/*****                                      *****/
	/*****                                      *****/
	/*****   T H E    L E F T O V E R S . . .   *****/
	/*****                                      *****/
	/*****                                      *****/

	/* do the single character tokens...
	 *  e.g.:  ':'  '('  ')'  '+'  '*'  ...
.	{return yytext[0];}


/* Tracking Functions... */

#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 1024

tracking_t *GetNewTracking(FILE* in_file) {
  tracking_t* new_env = new tracking_t;
  new_env->eof = 0;
  new_env->lineNumber = 0;
  new_env->currentChar = 0;
  new_env->lineLength = 0;
  new_env->currentTokenStart = 0;
  new_env->buffer = (char*)malloc(MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
  new_env->in_file = in_file;
  return new_env;

void FreeTracking(tracking_t *tracking) {
  delete tracking;

/* GetNextChar: reads a character from input */
int GetNextChar(char *b, int maxBuffer) {
  char *p;
  if (  current_tracking->eof  )
    return 0;
  while (  current_tracking->currentChar >= current_tracking->lineLength  ) {
    current_tracking->currentChar = 0;
    current_tracking->currentTokenStart = 1;
    current_tracking->eof = false;
    p = fgets(current_tracking->buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, current_tracking->in_file);
    if (  p == NULL  ) {
      if (  ferror(current_tracking->in_file)  )
        return 0;
      current_tracking->eof = true;
      return 0;
    current_tracking->lineLength = strlen(current_tracking->buffer);
    /* only increment line number if the buffer was big enough to read the whole line! */
    char last_char = current_tracking->buffer[current_tracking->lineLength - 1];
    if (('\n' == last_char) || ('\r' == last_char))  // '\r' ---> CR, '\n'  ---> LF
  b[0] = current_tracking->buffer[current_tracking->currentChar];
  if (b[0] == ' ' || b[0] == '\t')

  return b[0]==0?0:1;

/* Utility function definitions... */

/* print the include file stack to stderr... */
void print_include_stack(void) {
  int i;

  if ((include_stack_ptr - 1) >= 0)
    fprintf (stderr, "in file "); 
  for (i = include_stack_ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    fprintf (stderr, "included from file %s:%d\n", include_stack[i].filename, include_stack[i].env->lineNumber);

/* set the internal state variables of lexical analyser to process a new include file */
void handle_include_file_(FILE *filehandle, const char *filename) {
  if (include_stack_ptr >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Includes nested too deeply\n");
    exit( 1 );
  yyin = filehandle;
  include_stack[include_stack_ptr].buffer_state = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
  include_stack[include_stack_ptr].env = current_tracking;
  include_stack[include_stack_ptr].filename = current_filename;
  current_filename = strdup(filename);
  current_tracking = GetNewTracking(yyin);

  /* switch input buffer to new file... */
  yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE));

/* insert the code (in <source_code>) into the source code we are parsing.
 * This is done by creating an artificial file with that new source code, and then 'including' the file
void include_string_(const char *source_code) {
  FILE *tmp_file = tmpfile();
  if(tmp_file == NULL) {
    perror("Error creating temp file.");

  fwrite((void *)source_code, 1, strlen(source_code), tmp_file);

  /* now parse the tmp file, by asking flex to handle it as if it had been included with the (*#include ... *) pragma... */
  handle_include_file_(tmp_file, "");
//fclose(tmp_file);  /* do NOT close file. It must only be closed when we finish reading from it! */

/* Open an include file, and set the internal state variables of lexical analyser to process a new include file */
void include_file(const char *filename) {
  FILE *filehandle = NULL;
  for (int i = 0; (INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES[i] != NULL) && (filehandle == NULL); i++) {
    char *full_name;
    full_name = strdup3(INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES[i], "/", filename);
    if (full_name == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
      exit( 1 );
    filehandle = fopen(full_name, "r");

  if (NULL == filehandle) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error opening included file %s\n", filename);
    exit( 1 );

  /* now process the new file... */
  handle_include_file_(filehandle, filename);

/* return all the text in the current token back to the input stream, except the first n chars. */
void unput_text(unsigned int n) {
  /* it seems that flex has a bug in that it will not correctly count the line numbers
   * if we return newlines back to the input stream. These newlines will be re-counted
   * a second time when they are processed again by flex.
   * We therefore determine how many newlines are in the text we are returning,
   * and decrement the line counter acordingly...
  unsigned int i;
  for (i = n; i < strlen(yytext); i++)
    if (yytext[i] == '\n')
  /* now return all the text back to the input stream... */

/* return all the text in the current token back to the input stream, 
 * but first return to the stream an additional character to mark the end of the token. 
void unput_and_mark(const char c) {
  char *yycopy = strdup( yytext ); /* unput() destroys yytext, so we copy it first */
  for (int i = yyleng-1; i >= 0; i--)


/* Called by flex when it reaches the end-of-file */
int yywrap(void)
  /* We reached the end of the input file... */

  /* Should we continue with another file? */
  /* If so:
   *   open the new file...
   *   return 0;

  /* to stop processing...
   *   return 1;

  return 1;  /* Stop scanning at end of input file. */

/* Public Interface for Bison. */

/* The following functions will be called from inside bison code! */

void include_string(const char *source_code) {include_string_(source_code);}

/* Tell flex which file to parse. This function will not imediately start parsing the file.
 * To parse the file, you then need to call yyparse()
 * Returns NULL on error opening the file (and a valid errno), or 0 on success.
 * Caller must close the file!
FILE *parse_file(const char *filename) {
  FILE *filehandle = NULL;

  if((filehandle = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL) {
    yyin = filehandle;
    current_filename = strdup(filename);
    current_tracking = GetNewTracking(yyin);
  return filehandle;

/* Include a main() function to test */
/* the token parsing by flex....     */
#ifdef TEST_MAIN

#include "../util/symtable.hh"

yystype yylval;
YYLTYPE yylloc;

int get_identifier_token(const char *identifier_str) {return 0;}
int get_direct_variable_token(const char *direct_variable_str) {return 0;}

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  FILE *in_file;
  int res;
  if (argc == 1) {
    /* Work as an interactive (command line) parser... */
      fprintf(stderr, "(line %d)token: %d\n", yylineno, res);
  } else {
    /* Work as non-interactive (file) parser... */
    if((in_file = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
      char *errmsg = strdup2("Error opening main file ", argv[1]);
      return -1;

    /* parse the file... */
    yyin = in_file;
    current_filename = argv[1];
    while(1) {
      fprintf(stderr, "(line %d)token: %d (%s)\n", yylineno, res, yylval.ID);
	return 0;
