changeset 0 fb772792efd1
child 1 5d893a68be6e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/absyntax/absyntax.def	Wed Jan 31 15:32:38 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+ * (c) 2003 Mario de Sousa
+ *
+ * Offered to the public under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
+ * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
+ */
+ * An IEC 61131-3 IL and ST compiler.
+ *
+ * Based on the
+ * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)
+ *
+ */
+ * Definition of the Abstract Syntax data structure components
+ */
+ *
+ * This generates the parse tree structure used to bind the components
+ * identified by Bison in the correct syntax order. At the end of the
+ * Bison analysis the tree is walked in a sequential fashion generating
+ * the relavent code.
+ */
+/* 2.1.6 - Pragmas */
+/* B 0 - Programming Model */
+/* B.1 - Common elements */
+/* B 1.1 - Letters, digits and identifiers */
+/* B 1.2 - Constants */
+/* B 1.2.1 - Numeric Literals */
+/* Note:
+ * We do not have signed_integer_c and signed_real_c classes.
+ * These are stored in the parse tree as a integer_c or real_c
+ * preceded by a unary minus operator.
+ */
+/* Not required:
+SYM_REF2(numeric_literal_c, type, value)
+SYM_REF2(integer_literal_c, type, value)
+SYM_REF2(real_literal_c, type, value)
+SYM_REF2(bit_string_literal_c, type, value)
+SYM_REF2(boolean_literal_c, type, value)
+/* helper class for boolean_literal_c */
+/* helper class for boolean_literal_c */
+/* B.1.2.2   Character Strings */
+/* B 1.2.3 - Time Literals */
+/* B - Duration */
+SYM_REF2(duration_c, neg, interval)
+SYM_REF2(days_c, days, hours)
+SYM_REF2(hours_c, hours, minutes)
+SYM_REF2(minutes_c, minutes, seconds)
+SYM_REF2(seconds_c, seconds, milliseconds)
+SYM_REF2(milliseconds_c, milliseconds, unused)
+/* B - Time of day and Date */
+SYM_REF2(time_of_day_c, daytime, unused)
+SYM_REF4(daytime_c, day_hour, day_minute, day_second, unused)
+SYM_REF2(date_c, date_literal, unused)
+SYM_REF4(date_literal_c, year, month, day, unused)
+SYM_REF2(date_and_time_c, date_literal, daytime)
+/* B.1.3 - Data types */
+/* B 1.3.1 - Elementary Data Types */
+/* B.1.3.2 - Generic data types */
+/* B 1.3.3 - Derived data types */
+/*  TYPE type_declaration_list END_TYPE */
+SYM_REF2(data_type_declaration_c, type_declaration_list, unused)
+/* helper symbol for data_type_declaration */
+/*  simple_type_name ':' simple_spec_init */
+SYM_REF2(simple_type_declaration_c, simple_type_name, simple_spec_init)
+/* simple_specification ASSIGN constant */
+SYM_REF2(simple_spec_init_c, simple_specification, constant)
+/*  subrange_type_name ':' subrange_spec_init */
+SYM_REF2(subrange_type_declaration_c, subrange_type_name, subrange_spec_init)
+/* subrange_specification ASSIGN signed_integer */
+SYM_REF2(subrange_spec_init_c, subrange_specification, signed_integer)
+/*  integer_type_name '(' subrange')' */
+SYM_REF2(subrange_specification_c, integer_type_name, subrange)
+/*  signed_integer DOTDOT signed_integer */
+SYM_REF2(subrange_c, lower_limit, upper_limit)
+/*  enumerated_type_name ':' enumerated_spec_init */
+SYM_REF2(enumerated_type_declaration_c, enumerated_type_name, enumerated_spec_init)
+/* enumerated_specification ASSIGN enumerated_value */
+SYM_REF2(enumerated_spec_init_c, enumerated_specification, enumerated_value)
+/* helper symbol for enumerated_specification->enumerated_spec_init */
+/* enumerated_value_list ',' enumerated_value */
+/* enumerated_type_name '#' identifier */
+SYM_REF2(enumerated_value_c, type, value)
+/*  identifier ':' array_spec_init */
+SYM_REF2(array_type_declaration_c, identifier, array_spec_init)
+/* array_specification [ASSIGN array_initialization} */
+/* array_initialization may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(array_spec_init_c, array_specification, array_initialization)
+/* ARRAY '[' array_subrange_list ']' OF non_generic_type_name */
+SYM_REF2(array_specification_c, array_subrange_list, non_generic_type_name)
+/* helper symbol for array_specification */
+/* array_subrange_list ',' subrange */
+/* array_initialization:  '[' array_initial_elements_list ']' */
+/* helper symbol for array_initialization */
+/* array_initial_elements_list ',' array_initial_elements */
+/* integer '(' [array_initial_element] ')' */
+/* array_initial_element may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(array_initial_elements_c, integer, array_initial_element)
+/*  structure_type_name ':' structure_specification */
+SYM_REF2(structure_type_declaration_c, structure_type_name, structure_specification)
+/* structure_type_name ASSIGN structure_initialization */
+/* structure_initialization may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(initialized_structure_c, structure_type_name, structure_initialization)
+/* helper symbol for structure_declaration */
+/* structure_declaration:  STRUCT structure_element_declaration_list END_STRUCT */
+/* structure_element_declaration_list structure_element_declaration ';' */
+/*  structure_element_name ':' *_spec_init */
+SYM_REF2(structure_element_declaration_c, structure_element_name, spec_init)
+/* helper symbol for structure_initialization */
+/* structure_initialization: '(' structure_element_initialization_list ')' */
+/* structure_element_initialization_list ',' structure_element_initialization */
+/*  structure_element_name ASSIGN value */
+SYM_REF2(structure_element_initialization_c, structure_element_name, value)
+/*  string_type_name ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init */
+ * NOTE:
+ * (Summary: Contrary to what is expected, the
+ *           string_type_declaration_c is not used to store
+ *           simple string type declarations that do not include
+ *           size limits.
+ *           For e.g.:
+ *             str1_type: STRING := "hello!"
+ *           will be stored in a simple_type_declaration_c
+ *           instead of a string_type_declaration_c.
+ *           The following:
+ *             str2_type: STRING [64] := "hello!"
+ *           will be stored in a sring_type_declaration_c
+ *
+ *           Read on for why this is done...
+ * End Summary)
+ *
+ * According to the spec, the valid construct
+ * TYPE new_str_type : STRING := "hello!"; END_TYPE
+ * has two possible routes to type_declaration...
+ *
+ * Route 1:
+ * type_declaration: single_element_type_declaration
+ * single_element_type_declaration: simple_type_declaration
+ * simple_type_declaration: identifier ':' simple_spec_init
+ * simple_spec_init: simple_specification ASSIGN constant
+ * (shift:  identifier <- 'new_str_type')
+ * simple_specification: elementary_type_name
+ * elementary_type_name: STRING
+ * (shift: elementary_type_name <- STRING)
+ * (reduce: simple_specification <- elementary_type_name)
+ * (shift: constant <- "hello!")
+ * (reduce: simple_spec_init: simple_specification ASSIGN constant)
+ * (reduce: ...)
+ *
+ *
+ * Route 2:
+ * type_declaration: string_type_declaration
+ * string_type_declaration: identifier ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init
+ * (shift:  identifier <- 'new_str_type')
+ * elementary_string_type_name: STRING
+ * (shift: elementary_string_type_name <- STRING)
+ * (shift: string_type_declaration_size <-  empty )
+ * string_type_declaration_init: ASSIGN character_string
+ * (shift: character_string <- "hello!")
+ * (reduce: string_type_declaration_init <- ASSIGN character_string)
+ * (reduce: string_type_declaration <- identifier ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init )
+ * (reduce: type_declaration <- string_type_declaration)
+ *
+ *
+ * At first glance it seems that removing route 1 would make
+ * the most sense. Unfortunately the construct 'simple_spec_init'
+ * shows up multiple times in other rules, so changing this construct
+ * would also mean changing all the rules in which it appears.
+ * I (Mario) therefore chose to remove route 2 instead. This means
+ * that the above declaration gets stored in a
+ * simple_type_declaration_c, and not in a string_type_declaration_c
+ * as would be expected!
+ */
+/*  string_type_name ':' elementary_string_type_name string_type_declaration_size string_type_declaration_init */
+SYM_REF4(string_type_declaration_c,	string_type_name,
+					elementary_string_type_name,
+					string_type_declaration_size,
+					string_type_declaration_init) /* may be == NULL! */
+/* B 1.4 - Variables */
+SYM_REF2(symbolic_variable_c, var_name, unused)
+/* B.1.4.1   Directly Represented Variables */
+/* B.1.4.2   Multi-element Variables */
+/*  subscripted_variable '[' subscript_list ']' */
+SYM_REF2(array_variable_c, subscripted_variable, subscript_list)
+/* subscript_list ',' subscript */
+/*  record_variable '.' field_selector */
+/*  WARNING: input and/or output variables of function blocks
+ *           may be accessed as fields of a tructured variable!
+ *           Code handling a structured_variable_c must take
+ *           this into account!
+ */
+SYM_REF2(structured_variable_c, record_variable, field_selector)
+/* B 1.4.3 - Declaration & Initialisation */
+/* option -> the RETAIN/NON_RETAIN/<NULL> directive... */
+SYM_REF2(input_declarations_c, option, input_declaration_list)
+/* helper symbol for input_declarations */
+/* edge -> The F_EDGE or R_EDGE directive */
+SYM_REF2(edge_declaration_c, edge, var1_list)
+/* spec_init is one of the following...
+ *    simple_spec_init_c *
+ *    subrange_spec_init_c *
+ *    enumerated_spec_init_c *
+ */
+SYM_REF2(var1_init_decl_c, var1_list, spec_init)
+/* | var1_list ',' variable_name */
+/* var1_list ':' array_spec_init */
+SYM_REF2(array_var_init_decl_c, var1_list, array_spec_init)
+/*  var1_list ':' initialized_structure */
+SYM_REF2(structured_var_init_decl_c, var1_list, initialized_structure)
+/* fb_name_list ':' function_block_type_name ASSIGN structure_initialization */
+/* structure_initialization -> may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF4(fb_name_decl_c, fb_name_list, function_block_type_name, structure_initialization, unused)
+/* fb_name_list ',' fb_name */
+/* VAR_OUTPUT [RETAIN | NON_RETAIN] var_init_decl_list END_VAR */
+/* option -> may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(output_declarations_c, option, var_init_decl_list)
+/*  VAR_IN_OUT var_declaration_list END_VAR */
+SYM_REF2(input_output_declarations_c, var_declaration_list, unused)
+/* helper symbol for input_output_declarations */
+/* var_declaration_list var_declaration ';' */
+/*  var1_list ':' array_specification */
+SYM_REF2(array_var_declaration_c, var1_list, array_specification)
+/*  var1_list ':' structure_type_name */
+SYM_REF2(structured_var_declaration_c, var1_list, structure_type_name)
+/* VAR [CONSTANT] var_init_decl_list END_VAR */
+/* option -> may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(var_declarations_c, option, var_init_decl_list)
+/*  VAR RETAIN var_init_decl_list END_VAR */
+SYM_REF2(retentive_var_declarations_c, var_init_decl_list, unused)
+/*  VAR [CONSTANT|RETAIN|NON_RETAIN] located_var_decl_list END_VAR */
+/* option -> may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(located_var_declarations_c, option, located_var_decl_list)
+/* helper symbol for located_var_declarations */
+/* located_var_decl_list located_var_decl ';' */
+/*  [variable_name] location ':' located_var_spec_init */
+/* variable_name -> may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF4(located_var_decl_c, variable_name, location, located_var_spec_init, unused)
+/*| VAR_EXTERNAL [CONSTANT] external_declaration_list END_VAR */
+/* option -> may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(external_var_declarations_c, option, external_declaration_list)
+/* helper symbol for external_var_declarations */
+/*| external_declaration_list external_declaration';' */
+/*  global_var_name ':' (simple_specification|subrange_specification|enumerated_specification|array_specification|prev_declared_structure_type_name|function_block_type_name */
+SYM_REF2(external_declaration_c, global_var_name, specification)
+/*| VAR_GLOBAL [CONSTANT|RETAIN] global_var_decl_list END_VAR */
+/* option -> may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(global_var_declarations_c, option, global_var_decl_list)
+/* helper symbol for global_var_declarations */
+/*| global_var_decl_list global_var_decl ';' */
+/*| global_var_spec ':' [located_var_spec_init|function_block_type_name] */
+/* type_specification ->may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(global_var_decl_c, global_var_spec, type_specification)
+/*| global_var_name location */
+SYM_REF2(global_var_spec_c, global_var_name, location)
+/*  AT direct_variable */
+SYM_REF2(location_c, direct_variable, unused)
+/*| global_var_list ',' global_var_name */
+/*  var1_list ':' single_byte_string_spec */
+SYM_REF2(single_byte_string_var_declaration_c, var1_list, single_byte_string_spec)
+/*  STRING ['[' integer ']'] [ASSIGN single_byte_character_string] */
+/* integer ->may be NULL ! */
+/* single_byte_character_string ->may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(single_byte_string_spec_c, integer, single_byte_character_string)
+/*  var1_list ':' double_byte_string_spec */
+SYM_REF2(double_byte_string_var_declaration_c, var1_list, double_byte_string_spec)
+/*  WSTRING ['[' integer ']'] [ASSIGN double_byte_character_string] */
+/* integer ->may be NULL ! */
+/* double_byte_character_string ->may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(double_byte_string_spec_c, integer, double_byte_character_string)
+/*| VAR [RETAIN|NON_RETAIN] incompl_located_var_decl_list END_VAR */
+/* option ->may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(incompl_located_var_declarations_c, option, incompl_located_var_decl_list)
+/* helper symbol for incompl_located_var_declarations */
+/*| incompl_located_var_decl_list incompl_located_var_decl ';' */
+/*  variable_name incompl_location ':' var_spec */
+SYM_REF4(incompl_located_var_decl_c, variable_name, incompl_location, var_spec, unused)
+/*  AT incompl_location_token */
+/* intermediate helper symbol for:
+ *  - non_retentive_var_decls
+ *  - output_declarations
+ */
+/* B.1.5 - Program organization units */
+/* B 1.5.1 - Functions */
+SYM_REF4(function_declaration_c, derived_function_name, type_name, var_declarations_list, function_body)
+/* intermediate helper symbol for
+ * - function_declaration
+ * - function_block_declaration
+ * - program_declaration
+ */
+/* option -> storage method, CONSTANT or <null> */
+SYM_REF2(function_var_decls_c, option, decl_list)
+/* intermediate helper symbol for function_var_decls */
+/* B 1.5.2 - Function Blocks */
+/*  FUNCTION_BLOCK derived_function_block_name io_OR_other_var_declarations function_block_body END_FUNCTION_BLOCK */
+SYM_REF4(function_block_declaration_c, fblock_name, var_declarations, fblock_body, unused)
+/* intermediate helper symbol for function_declaration */
+/*  { io_var_declarations | other_var_declarations }   */
+ * NOTE: we re-use the var_declarations_list_c
+ */
+/*  VAR_TEMP temp_var_decl_list END_VAR */
+SYM_REF2(temp_var_decls_c, var_decl_list, unused)
+/* intermediate helper symbol for temp_var_decls */
+/*  VAR NON_RETAIN var_init_decl_list END_VAR */
+SYM_REF2(non_retentive_var_decls_c, var_decl_list, unused)
+/* B 1.5.3 - Programs */
+/*  PROGRAM program_type_name program_var_declarations_list function_block_body END_PROGRAM */
+SYM_REF4(program_declaration_c, program_type_name, var_declarations, function_block_body, unused)
+/* intermediate helper symbol for program_declaration_c */
+/*  { io_var_declarations | other_var_declarations }   */
+ * NOTE: we re-use the var_declarations_list_c
+ */
+/* B.1.6  Sequential function chart elements */
+/* B 1.7 Configuration elements */
+CONFIGURATION configuration_name
+   optional_global_var_declarations
+   (resource_declaration_list | single_resource_declaration)
+   optional_access_declarations
+   optional_instance_specific_initializations
+SYM_REF6(configuration_declaration_c, configuration_name, global_var_declarations, resource_declarations, access_declarations, instance_specific_initializations, unused)
+/* helper symbol for configuration_declaration */
+RESOURCE resource_name ON resource_type_name
+   optional_global_var_declarations
+   single_resource_declaration
+SYM_REF4(resource_declaration_c, resource_name, resource_type_name, global_var_declarations, resource_declaration)
+/* task_configuration_list program_configuration_list */
+SYM_REF2(single_resource_declaration_c, task_configuration_list, program_configuration_list)
+/* helper symbol for single_resource_declaration */
+/* helper symbol for single_resource_declaration */
+/* helper symbol for
+ *  - access_path
+ *  - instance_specific_init
+ */
+/*  [resource_name '.'] global_var_name ['.' structure_element_name] */
+SYM_REF4(global_var_reference_c, resource_name, global_var_name, structure_element_name, unused)
+/*  prev_declared_program_name '.' symbolic_variable */
+SYM_REF2(program_output_reference_c, program_name, symbolic_variable)
+/*  TASK task_name task_initialization */
+SYM_REF2(task_configuration_c, task_name, task_initialization)
+/*  '(' [SINGLE ASSIGN data_source ','] [INTERVAL ASSIGN data_source ','] PRIORITY ASSIGN integer ')' */
+SYM_REF4(task_initialization_c, single_data_source, interval_data_source, priority_data_source, unused)
+/*  PROGRAM [RETAIN | NON_RETAIN] program_name [WITH task_name] ':' program_type_name ['(' prog_conf_elements ')'] */
+SYM_REF6(program_configuration_c, retain_option, program_name, task_name, program_type_name, prog_conf_elements, unused)
+/* prog_conf_elements ',' prog_conf_element */
+/*  fb_name WITH task_name */
+SYM_REF2(fb_task_c, fb_name, task_name)
+/*  any_symbolic_variable ASSIGN prog_data_source */
+SYM_REF2(prog_cnxn_assign_c, symbolic_variable, prog_data_source)
+/* any_symbolic_variable SENDTO data_sink */
+SYM_REF2(prog_cnxn_sendto_c, symbolic_variable, prog_data_source)
+/* VAR_CONFIG instance_specific_init_list END_VAR */
+SYM_REF2(instance_specific_initializations_c, instance_specific_init_list, unused)
+/* helper symbol for instance_specific_initializations */
+/* resource_name '.' program_name '.' {fb_name '.'}
+    ((variable_name [location] ':' located_var_spec_init) | (fb_name ':' fb_initialization))
+SYM_REF6(instance_specific_init_c, resource_name, program_name, any_fb_name_list, variable_name, location, initialization)
+/* helper symbol for instance_specific_init */
+/* function_block_type_name ':=' structure_initialization */
+SYM_REF2(fb_initialization_c, function_block_type_name, structure_initialization)
+/* B.2 - Language IL (Instruction List) */
+/* B 2.1 Instructions and Operands */
+/*| instruction_list il_instruction */
+/* | label ':' [il_incomplete_instruction] eol_list */
+SYM_REF2(il_instruction_c, label, il_instruction)
+/* | il_simple_operator [il_operand] */
+SYM_REF2(il_simple_operation_c, il_simple_operator, il_operand)
+/* | function_name [il_operand_list] */
+SYM_REF2(il_function_call_c, function_name, il_operand_list)
+/* | il_expr_operator '(' [il_operand] eol_list [simple_instr_list] ')' */
+SYM_REF4(il_expression_c, il_expr_operator, il_operand, simple_instr_list, unused)
+/*  il_jump_operator label */
+SYM_REF2(il_jump_operation_c, il_jump_operator, label)
+/*   il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name
+ * | il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name '(' ')'
+ * | il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name '(' eol_list ')'
+ * | il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name '(' il_operand_list ')'
+ * | il_call_operator prev_declared_fb_name '(' eol_list il_param_list ')'
+ */
+SYM_REF4(il_fb_call_c, il_call_operator, fb_name, il_operand_list, il_param_list)
+/* | function_name '(' eol_list [il_param_list] ')' */
+SYM_REF2(il_formal_funct_call_c, function_name, il_param_list)
+/* | il_operand_list ',' il_operand */
+/* | simple_instr_list il_simple_instruction */
+/* | il_initial_param_list il_param_instruction */
+/*  il_assign_operator il_operand
+ * | il_assign_operator '(' eol_list simple_instr_list ')'
+ */
+SYM_REF4(il_param_assignment_c, il_assign_operator, il_operand, simple_instr_list, unused)
+/*  il_assign_out_operator variable */
+SYM_REF2(il_param_out_assignment_c, il_assign_out_operator, variable)
+/* B 2.2 Operators */
+/*| [NOT] any_identifier SENDTO */
+SYM_REF2(il_assign_out_operator_c, option, variable_name)
+/* B.3 - Language ST (Structured Text) */
+/* B 3.1 - Expressions */
+SYM_REF2(or_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(xor_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(and_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(equ_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(notequ_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(lt_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(gt_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(le_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(ge_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(add_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(sub_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(mul_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(div_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(mod_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(power_expression_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+SYM_REF2(neg_expression_c, exp, unused)
+SYM_REF2(not_expression_c, exp, unused)
+SYM_REF2(function_invocation_c, function_name, parameter_assignment_list)
+/* B 3.2 Statements */
+/* B 3.2.1 Assignment Statements */
+SYM_REF2(assignment_statement_c, l_exp, r_exp)
+/* B 3.2.2 Subprogram Control Statements */
+/*  RETURN */
+/* fb_name '(' [param_assignment_list] ')' */
+/* param_assignment_list -> may be NULL ! */
+SYM_REF2(fb_invocation_c, fb_name, param_assignment_list)
+/* helper symbol for fb_invocation */
+/* param_assignment_list ',' param_assignment */
+/*  variable_name ASSIGN expression */
+SYM_REF2(input_variable_param_assignment_c, variable_name, expression)
+/* [NOT] variable_name '=>' variable */
+SYM_REF4(output_variable_param_assignment_c, not_param, variable_name, variable, unused)
+/* helper CLASS for output_variable_param_assignment */
+/* B 3.2.3 Selection Statements */
+/* IF expression THEN statement_list elseif_statement_list ELSE statement_list END_IF */
+SYM_REF4(if_statement_c, expression, statement_list, elseif_statement_list, else_statement_list)
+/* helper symbol for if_statement */
+/* helper symbol for elseif_statement_list */
+/* ELSIF expression THEN statement_list    */
+SYM_REF2(elseif_statement_c, expression, statement_list)
+/* CASE expression OF case_element_list ELSE statement_list END_CASE */
+SYM_REF4(case_statement_c, expression, case_element_list, statement_list, unused)
+/* helper symbol for case_statement */
+/*  case_list ':' statement_list */
+SYM_REF2(case_element_c, case_list, statement_list)
+/* B 3.2.4 Iteration Statements */
+/*  FOR control_variable ASSIGN expression TO expression [BY expression] DO statement_list END_FOR */
+SYM_REF6(for_statement_c, control_variable, beg_expression, end_expression, by_expression, statement_list, unused)
+/*  WHILE expression DO statement_list END_WHILE */
+SYM_REF2(while_statement_c, expression, statement_list)
+/*  REPEAT statement_list UNTIL expression END_REPEAT */
+SYM_REF2(repeat_statement_c, statement_list, expression)
+/*  EXIT */