changeset 111 ee31ee39eaf6
child 115 3dd564ff94e4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stage4/generate_c/	Tue Feb 26 10:59:48 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+ * (c) 2007 Mario de Sousa and Laurent Bessard
+ *
+ * Offered to the public under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
+ * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
+ */
+ * An IEC 61131-3 IL and ST compiler.
+ *
+ * Based on the
+ * FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)
+ *
+ */
+ * This is one of the versions available for the 4th stage.
+ *
+ * This 4th stage generates a c++ source program equivalent
+ * to the IL and ST code.
+ */
+//#include <stdio.h>  /* required for NULL */
+//#include <string>
+//#include <iostream>
+//#include "../../util/symtable.hh"
+typedef struct
+  symbol_c *symbol;
+class generate_var_list_c: protected generate_c_typedecl_c {
+  private:
+    symbol_c *current_var_type_symbol;
+    unsigned int current_var_number;
+    unsigned int step_number;
+    unsigned int transition_number;
+    unsigned int action_number;
+    std::list<SYMBOL> current_symbol_list;
+    search_base_type_c search_base_type;
+    search_fb_typedecl_c *search_fb_typedecl;
+  public:
+    generate_var_list_c(stage4out_c *s4o_ptr, symbol_c *scope)
+    : generate_c_typedecl_c(s4o_ptr) {
+      search_fb_typedecl = new search_fb_typedecl_c(scope);
+      current_var_type_symbol = NULL;
+      current_var_number = 0;
+    }
+    ~generate_var_list_c(void) {
+      delete search_fb_typedecl;
+    }
+    void update_var_type_symbol(symbol_c *symbol, bool is_fb = false) {
+      this->current_var_type_symbol = spec_init_sperator_c::get_spec(symbol);
+      if (this->current_var_type_symbol == NULL)
+        ERROR;
+      if (is_fb)
+        this->current_var_type_symbol = search_fb_typedecl->get_decl(this->current_var_type_symbol);
+      else
+        this->current_var_type_symbol = (symbol_c *)(this->current_var_type_symbol->accept(search_base_type));
+      if (this->current_var_type_symbol == NULL)
+        ERROR;
+    }
+    void reset_var_type_symbol(void) {
+      this->current_var_type_symbol = NULL;
+    }
+    void declare_variables(symbol_c *symbol, bool is_fb = false) {
+      list_c *list = dynamic_cast<list_c *>(symbol);
+      /* should NEVER EVER occur!! */
+      if (list == NULL) ERROR;
+      for(int i = 0; i < list->n; i++) {
+        declare_variable(list->elements[i], is_fb);
+      }
+    }
+    void declare_variable(symbol_c *symbol, bool is_fb = false) {
+      if (is_fb) {
+        SYMBOL *current_name;
+        current_name = new SYMBOL;
+        current_name->symbol = symbol;
+        current_symbol_list.push_back(*current_name);
+        this->current_var_type_symbol->accept(*this);
+        current_symbol_list.pop_back();
+      }
+      else {
+        print_var_number();
+        s4o.print(";");
+        print_symbol_list();
+        symbol->accept(*this);
+        s4o.print(";");
+        print_symbol_list();
+        symbol->accept(*this);
+        s4o.print(";");
+        this->current_var_type_symbol->accept(*this);
+        s4o.print(";\n");
+      }
+    }
+    void print_var_number(void) {
+      char str[10];
+      sprintf(str, "%d", current_var_number);
+      s4o.print(str);
+      current_var_number++;
+    }
+    void print_step_number(void) {
+      char str[10];
+      sprintf(str, "%d", step_number);
+      s4o.print(str);
+    }
+    void print_transition_number(void) {
+      char str[10];
+      sprintf(str, "%d", transition_number);
+      s4o.print(str);
+    }
+    void print_action_number(void) {
+      char str[10];
+      sprintf(str, "%d", action_number);
+      s4o.print(str);
+    }
+    void print_symbol_list(void) {
+      std::list<SYMBOL>::iterator pt;
+      for(pt = current_symbol_list.begin(); pt != current_symbol_list.end(); pt++) {
+        pt->symbol->accept(*this);
+        s4o.print(".");
+      }
+    }
+    /********************************************/
+    /* B.1.4.3   Declaration and initilization  */
+    /********************************************/
+    /*  [variable_name] location ':' located_var_spec_init */
+    /* variable_name -> may be NULL ! */
+    //SYM_REF4(located_var_decl_c, variable_name, location, located_var_spec_init, unused)
+    void *visit(located_var_decl_c *symbol) {
+        /* Start off by setting the current_var_type_symbol and
+         * current_var_init_symbol private variables...
+         */
+        update_var_type_symbol(symbol->located_var_spec_init);
+        if (symbol->variable_name != NULL)
+          declare_variable(symbol->variable_name);
+        current_var_type_symbol = NULL;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /*  var1_list ':' array_spec_init */
+    // SYM_REF2(array_var_init_decl_c, var1_list, array_spec_init)
+    void *visit(array_var_init_decl_c *symbol) {
+      TRACE("array_var_init_decl_c");
+      /* Start off by setting the current_var_type_symbol and
+       * current_var_init_symbol private variables...
+       */
+      update_var_type_symbol(symbol->array_spec_init);
+      declare_variables(symbol->var1_list);
+      /* Values no longer in scope, and therefore no longer used.
+       * Make an effort to keep them set to NULL when not in use
+       * in order to catch bugs as soon as possible...
+       */
+      reset_var_type_symbol();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /*  var1_list ':' initialized_structure */
+    // SYM_REF2(structured_var_init_decl_c, var1_list, initialized_structure)
+    void *visit(structured_var_init_decl_c *symbol) {
+      TRACE("structured_var_init_decl_c");
+      /* Please read the comments inside the var1_init_decl_c
+       * visitor, as they apply here too.
+       */
+      /* Start off by setting the current_var_type_symbol and
+       * current_var_init_symbol private variables...
+       */
+      update_var_type_symbol(symbol->initialized_structure);
+      /* now to produce the c equivalent... */
+      declare_variables(symbol->var1_list);
+      /* Values no longer in scope, and therefore no longer used.
+       * Make an effort to keep them set to NULL when not in use
+       * in order to catch bugs as soon as possible...
+       */
+      reset_var_type_symbol();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* fb_name_list ':' function_block_type_name ASSIGN structure_initialization */
+    /* structure_initialization -> may be NULL ! */
+    void *visit(fb_name_decl_c *symbol) {
+      TRACE("fb_name_decl_c");
+      /* Please read the comments inside the var1_init_decl_c
+       * visitor, as they apply here too.
+       */
+      /* Start off by setting the current_var_type_symbol and
+       * current_var_init_symbol private variables...
+       */
+      update_var_type_symbol(symbol, true);
+      /* now to produce the c equivalent... */
+      declare_variables(symbol->fb_name_list, true);
+      /* Values no longer in scope, and therefore no longer used.
+       * Make an effort to keep them set to NULL when not in use
+       * in order to catch bugs as soon as possible...
+       */
+      reset_var_type_symbol();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /*  global_var_name ':' (simple_specification|subrange_specification|enumerated_specification|array_specification|prev_declared_structure_type_name|function_block_type_name */
+    //SYM_REF2(external_declaration_c, global_var_name, specification)
+    void *visit(external_declaration_c *symbol) {
+      TRACE("external_declaration_c");
+      /* Please read the comments inside the var1_init_decl_c
+       * visitor, as they apply here too.
+       */
+      /* Start off by setting the current_var_type_symbol and
+       * current_var_init_symbol private variables...
+       */
+      this->current_var_type_symbol = (symbol_c *)(symbol->specification->accept(*search_fb_typedecl));
+      if (this->current_var_type_symbol == NULL) {
+        this->current_var_type_symbol = symbol->specification;
+        declare_variable(symbol->global_var_name);
+      }
+      else
+        declare_variable(symbol->global_var_name, true);
+      /* Values no longer in scope, and therefore no longer used.
+       * Make an effort to keep them set to NULL when not in use
+       * in order to catch bugs as soon as possible...
+       */
+      reset_var_type_symbol();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /*| global_var_spec ':' [located_var_spec_init|function_block_type_name] */
+    /* type_specification ->may be NULL ! */
+    // SYM_REF2(global_var_decl_c, global_var_spec, type_specification)
+    void *visit(global_var_decl_c *symbol) {
+      TRACE("global_var_decl_c");
+      /* Please read the comments inside the var1_init_decl_c
+       * visitor, as they apply here too.
+       */
+      /* Start off by setting the current_var_type_symbol and
+       * current_var_init_symbol private variables...
+       */
+      update_var_type_symbol(symbol->type_specification);
+      /* now to produce the c equivalent... */
+      symbol->global_var_spec->accept(*this);
+      /* Values no longer in scope, and therefore no longer used.
+       * Make an effort to keep them set to NULL when not in use
+       * in order to catch bugs as soon as possible...
+       */
+      reset_var_type_symbol();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    void *visit(global_var_list_c *symbol) {
+      declare_variables(symbol);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /*| global_var_name location */
+    // SYM_REF2(global_var_spec_c, global_var_name, location)
+    void *visit(global_var_spec_c *symbol) {
+      if (symbol->global_var_name != NULL)
+        declare_variable(symbol->global_var_name);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    void *visit(var1_init_decl_c *symbol) {
+      TRACE("var1_init_decl_c");
+      /* Start off by setting the current_var_type_symbol and
+       * current_var_init_symbol private variables...
+       */
+      update_var_type_symbol(symbol->spec_init);
+      /* now to produce the c equivalent... */
+      declare_variables(symbol->var1_list);
+      /* Values no longer in scope, and therefore no longer used.
+       * Make an effort to keep them set to NULL when not in use
+       * in order to catch bugs as soon as possible...
+       */
+      reset_var_type_symbol();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+/* B.1.5 - Program organization units */
+/* B 1.5.2 - Function Blocks */
+    void *visit(function_block_declaration_c *symbol) {
+      symbol->var_declarations->accept(*this);
+      symbol->fblock_body->accept(*this);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+/* B 1.5.3 - Programs */
+    void *visit(program_declaration_c *symbol) {
+      symbol->var_declarations->accept(*this);
+      symbol->function_block_body->accept(*this);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+/* B 1.6 - Sequential function chart elements */
+    /* | sequential_function_chart sfc_network */
+    //SYM_LIST(sequential_function_chart_c)
+    void *visit(sequential_function_chart_c *symbol) {
+      step_number = 0;
+      transition_number = 0;
+      action_number = 0;
+      for(int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++) {
+        symbol->elements[i]->accept(*this);
+      }
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* INITIAL_STEP step_name ':' action_association_list END_STEP */
+    //SYM_REF2(initial_step_c, step_name, action_association_list)
+    void *visit(initial_step_c *symbol) {
+      print_var_number();
+      s4o.print(";");
+      print_symbol_list();
+      symbol->step_name->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print(".X;");
+      print_symbol_list();
+      s4o.print("step_list[");
+      print_step_number();
+      s4o.print("].state;STEP;\n");
+      step_number++;
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* STEP step_name ':' action_association_list END_STEP */
+    //SYM_REF2(step_c, step_name, action_association_list)
+    void *visit(step_c *symbol) {
+      print_var_number();
+      s4o.print(";");
+      print_symbol_list();
+      symbol->step_name->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print(".X;");
+      print_symbol_list();
+      s4o.print("step_list[");
+      print_step_number();
+      s4o.print("].state;STEP;\n");
+      step_number++;
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* TRANSITION [transition_name] ['(' PRIORITY ASSIGN integer ')'] 
+     *   FROM steps TO steps 
+     *   transition_condition 
+     */
+    /* transition_name -> may be NULL ! */
+    /* integer -> may be NULL ! */
+    //SYM_REF5(transition_c, transition_name, integer, from_steps, to_steps, transition_condition)
+    void *visit(transition_c *symbol) {
+      print_var_number();
+      s4o.print(";");
+      print_symbol_list();
+      symbol->from_steps->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print("->");
+      symbol->to_steps->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print(";");
+      print_symbol_list();
+      s4o.print("transition_list[");
+      print_transition_number();
+      s4o.print("];TRANSITION;\n");
+      transition_number++;
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* step_name | '(' step_name_list ')' */
+    /* step_name      -> may be NULL ! */
+    /* step_name_list -> may be NULL ! */
+    //SYM_REF2(steps_c, step_name, step_name_list)
+    void *visit(steps_c *symbol) {
+      if (symbol->step_name != NULL)
+        symbol->step_name->accept(*this);
+      if (symbol->step_name_list != NULL)
+        symbol->step_name_list->accept(*this);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* | step_name_list ',' step_name */
+    //SYM_LIST(step_name_list_c)
+    void *visit(step_name_list_c *symbol) {
+      for(int i = 0; i < symbol->n; i++) {
+        symbol->elements[i]->accept(*this);
+        if (i < symbol->n - 1)
+          s4o.print(",");
+      }
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* ACTION action_name ':' function_block_body END_ACTION */
+    //SYM_REF2(action_c, action_name, function_block_body)
+    void *visit(action_c *symbol) {
+      print_var_number();
+      s4o.print(";");
+      print_symbol_list();
+      symbol->action_name->accept(*this);
+      s4o.print(".Q;");
+      print_symbol_list();
+      s4o.print("action_list[");
+      print_action_number();
+      s4o.print("].state;ACTION;\n");
+      action_number++;
+      return NULL;
+    }
+/* B.1.7 - Configuration elements     */
+    /*  PROGRAM [RETAIN | NON_RETAIN] program_name [WITH task_name] ':' program_type_name ['(' prog_conf_elements ')'] */
+    //SYM_REF6(program_configuration_c, retain_option, program_name, task_name, program_type_name, prog_conf_elements, unused)
+    void *visit(program_configuration_c *symbol) {
+      /* Start off by setting the current_var_type_symbol and
+       * current_var_init_symbol private variables...
+       */
+      update_var_type_symbol(symbol->program_type_name, true);
+      declare_variable(symbol->program_name, true);
+      /* Values no longer in scope, and therefore no longer used.
+       * Make an effort to keep them set to NULL when not in use
+       * in order to catch bugs as soon as possible...
+       */
+      reset_var_type_symbol();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* CONFIGURATION configuration_name
+     *   optional_global_var_declarations
+     *   (resource_declaration_list | single_resource_declaration)
+     *   optional_access_declarations
+     *   optional_instance_specific_initializations
+     */
+    //SYM_REF5(configuration_declaration_c, configuration_name, global_var_declarations, resource_declarations, access_declarations, instance_specific_initializations)
+    void *visit(configuration_declaration_c *symbol) {
+      SYMBOL *current_name;
+      current_name = new SYMBOL;
+      current_name->symbol = symbol->configuration_name;
+      current_symbol_list.push_back(*current_name);
+      symbol->resource_declarations->accept(*this);
+      current_symbol_list.pop_back();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* RESOURCE resource_name ON resource_type_name
+     *   optional_global_var_declarations
+     *   single_resource_declaration
+     */
+    //SYM_REF4(resource_declaration_c, resource_name, resource_type_name, global_var_declarations, resource_declaration)
+    void *visit(resource_declaration_c *symbol) {
+      SYMBOL *current_name;
+      current_name = new SYMBOL;
+      current_name->symbol = symbol->resource_name;
+      current_symbol_list.push_back(*current_name);
+      if (symbol->global_var_declarations != NULL)
+        symbol->global_var_declarations->accept(*this);
+      symbol->resource_declaration->accept(*this);
+      current_symbol_list.pop_back();
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    /* task_configuration_list program_configuration_list */
+    //SYM_REF2(single_resource_declaration_c, task_configuration_list, program_configuration_list)
+    void *visit(single_resource_declaration_c *symbol) {
+      symbol->program_configuration_list->accept(*this);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+/* B 2.1 - Instructions and operands */
+    void *visit(instruction_list_c *symbol) {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+/* B 3.2 - Statements   */
+    void *visit(statement_list_c *symbol) {
+      return NULL;
+    }