--- a/readme Thu Feb 16 10:27:52 2012 +0000
+++ b/readme Thu Feb 16 12:59:02 2012 +0000
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FINAL DRAFT - IEC 61131-3, 2nd Ed. (2001-12-10)
- Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
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+ This project has the goal of producing an open source compiler for the programming languages defined
+in the IEC 61131-3 standard. These programming languages are mostly used in the industrial automation
+domain, to program PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers).
+ This standard defines 5 programming languages:
+ - IL : Instructtion List
+ A textual programming language, somewhat similar to assembly.
+ - ST : Structured Text
+ A textual programming language, somewhat similar to Pascal.
+ - FBD: Function Block Diagram
+ A graphical programming language, somewhat similar to an electrical circuit diagram based on small
+ scale integration ICs (Integrated Circuits) (counters, AND/OR/XOR/... logic gates, timers, ...).
+ - LD : Ladder Diagram
+ A graphical programming language, somewhat similar to an electrical circuit diagram based on
+ relays (used for basic cabled logic controllers).
+ - SFC: Sequential Function Chart
+ A graphical programming language, that defines a state machine, based largely on Grafcet.
+ (may also be expressed in textual format).
+ Of the above 5 languages, the standard defines textual representations for IL, ST and SFC.
+It is these 3 languages that we target, and we currently support all three, as long as they are
+expressed in the textual format as defined in the standard.
+ Currently the matiec project generates two compilers (more correctly, code translaters, but we like
+to call them compilers :-O ): iec2c, and iec2iec
+ Both compilers accept the same input: a text file with ST, IL and/or SFC code.
+ The iec2c compiler generates ANSI C code which is equivalent to the IEC 61131-3 code expressed in the input file.
+ The iec2iec compiler generates IEC61131-3 code which is equivalent to the IEC 61131-3 code expressed in the input file.
+This last compiler should generate and output file which should be almost identical to the input file (some formating
+may change, as well as the case of letters, etc.). This 'compiler' is mostly used by the matiec project contributors
+to help debug the lexical and syntax portions of the compilers.
+ To compile/build these compilers, just
+$./configure; make
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The compiler works in 4(+1) stages:
- Stage 1 - Lexical analyser - implemented with flex (iec.flex)
- Stage 2 - Syntax parser - implemented with bison (iec.y)
- Stage 3 - Semantics analyser - currently in its early stages
- Stage 4 - Code generator - implemented in C++
- Stage 4+1 - Binary code generator - gcc, javac, etc...
+ ==================================
+ Stage 1 - Lexical analyser - implemented with flex (stage1_2/iec_flex.ll)
+ Stage 2 - Syntax parser - implemented with bison (stage1_2/iec_bison.yy)
+ Stage pre3 - Populate symbol tables - Symbol tables that will ease searching for symbols in the abstract symbol tree.
+ Stage 3 - Semantics analyser - currently does type checking only
+ Stage 4 - Code generator - generates ANSI C code
+ Stage 5 - Binary code generator - gcc, javac, etc... (Not integrated into matiec compiler. Must be called explicitly by the user.)
Data structures passed between stages, in global variables:
- 1->2 : tokens (int), and token values (char *)
- 2->1 : symbol tables (defined in symtable.hh)
- 2->3 : abstract syntax tree (tree of C++ classes, in absyntax.hh file)
- 3->4 : Same as 2->3
- 4->4+1 : file with program in c, java, etc...
+ ==========================================================
+ 1->2 : tokens (int), and token values (char *) (defined in stage1_2/stage1_2_priv.hh)
+ 2->1 : symbol tables (implemented in util/symtable.[hh|cc], and defined in stage1_2/stage1_2_priv.hh)
+ 2->3 : abstract syntax tree (tree of C++ objects, whose classes are defined in absyntax/absyntax.hh)
+pre3->3,4 : global symbol tables (defined in util/[d]symtable.[hh|cc] and declared in absyntax_utils/absyntax_utils.hh)
+ 3->4 : abstract syntax tree (same as 2->3), but now annotated (i.e. some extra data inserted into the absyntax tree)
+ 4->5 : file with program in c, java, etc...
The compiler works in several passes:
- Pass 1: executes stages 1 and 2 simultaneously
- Pass 2: executes stage 3
- Pass 3: executes stage 4
- Pass 4: executes stage 4+1
+ ====================================
+Stage 1 and Stage 2
+ Executed in one single pass. This pass will:
+ - Do lexical analysis
+ - Do syntax analysis
+ - Execute the absyntax_utils/add_en_eno_param_decl_c visitor class
+ This class will add the EN and ENO parameter declarations to all
+ functions that do not have them already explicitly declared by the user.
+ This will let us handle these parameters in the remaining compiler just as if
+ they were standard input/output parameters.
+Stage Pre3
+ Executed in one single pass. This pass will populate the following symbol tables:
+ - function_symtable; /* A symbol table with all globally declared functions POUs. */
+ - function_block_type_symtable; /* A symbol table with all globally declared functions block POUs. */
+ - program_type_symtable; /* A symbol table with all globally declared program POUs. */
+ - type_symtable; /* A symbol table with all user declared (non elementary) datat type definitions. */
+ - enumerated_value_symtable; /* A symbol table with all identifiers (values) declared for enumerated types. */
+Stage 3
+ Executes two algorithms (flow control analysis, and data type analysis) in several passes.
+ Flow control:
+ Pass 1: Does flow control analysis (for now only of IL code)
+ Implemented in -> stage3/flow_control_analysis_c
+ This will anotate the abstract syntax tree
+ (Every object of the class il_instruction_c that is in the abstract syntax tree will have the variable 'prev_il_instruction' correctly filled in.)
+ Data Type Analysis
+ Pass 1: Analyses the possible data types each expression/literal/IL instruction/etc. may take
+ Implemented in -> stage3/fill_candidate_datatypes_c
+ This will anotate the abstract syntax tree
+ (Every object of in the abstract syntax tree that may have a data type, will have the variable 'candidate_datatypes' correctly filled in.)
+ Pass 2: Narrows all the possible data types each expression/literal/IL instruction/etc. may take down to a single data type
+ Implemented in -> stage3/narrow_candidate_datatypes_c
+ This will anotate the abstract syntax tree
+ (Every object of in the abstract syntax tree that may have a data type, will have the variable 'datatype' correctly filled in.
+ Additionally, objects in the abstract syntax tree that represen function invocations will have the variables
+ 'called_function_declaration', 'extensible_param_count' and 'candidate_functions' correctly filled in.
+ Additionally, objects in the abstract syntax tree that represen function block (FB) invocations will have the variable
+ 'called_fb_declaration' correctly filled in.)
+ Pass 2: Prints error messages in the event of the IEC 61131-3 source code being analysed contains semantic data type incompatibility errors.
+ Implemented in -> stage3/print_datatype_errors_c
+Stage 4
+ Has 2 possible implementations.
+ iec2c : Generates C source code in a single pass (stage4/generate_c).
+ iec2iec: Generates IEC61131 source code in a single pass (stage4/generate_iec).
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- Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
+ Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)