Changed order of slave conf FSM in graph.
--- a/documentation/graphs/ Tue Mar 06 14:48:50 2007 +0000
+++ b/documentation/graphs/ Tue Mar 06 15:07:13 2007 +0000
@@ -3,48 +3,50 @@
- enter_sync [shape=point,label=""]
+ enter_mbox_sync [shape=point,label=""]
enter_fmmu [shape=point,label=""]
enter_sdoconf [shape=point,label=""]
enter_mapconf [shape=point,label=""]
+ enter_pdo_sync [shape=point,label=""]
start -> init [weight=10]
init -> init
init -> error
- init -> enter_sync
+ init -> enter_mbox_sync
init -> clear_fmmus [label="has FMMUs", weight=10]
clear_fmmus -> clear_fmmus
clear_fmmus -> error
- clear_fmmus -> enter_sync [weight=10]
- enter_sync -> end [label="INIT req."]
- enter_sync -> preop
- enter_sync -> sync [label="SMs to configure", weight=10]
- sync -> sync
- sync -> error
- sync -> preop [weight=10]
+ clear_fmmus -> enter_mbox_sync [weight=10]
+ enter_mbox_sync -> end [label="INIT req."]
+ enter_mbox_sync -> preop
+ enter_mbox_sync -> mbox_sync [label="mailbox SMs", weight=10]
+ mbox_sync -> mbox_sync
+ mbox_sync -> error
+ mbox_sync -> preop [weight=10]
preop -> preop
preop -> error
preop -> end [label="PREOP req."]
- preop -> enter_fmmu
- preop -> sync2 [label="more SMs", weight=10]
- sync2 -> sync2
- sync2 -> error
- sync2 -> enter_fmmu [weight=10]
- enter_fmmu -> enter_sdoconf
- enter_fmmu -> fmmu [label="FMMUs to configure", weight=10]
- fmmu -> fmmu
- fmmu -> error
- fmmu -> enter_sdoconf [weight=10]
+ preop -> enter_sdoconf [weight=10]
enter_sdoconf -> enter_mapconf
enter_sdoconf -> sdoconf [label="SDOs to configure", weight=10]
sdoconf -> sdoconf
sdoconf -> error
sdoconf -> enter_mapconf [weight=10]
- enter_mapconf -> mapconf [label="alternative PDO mapping", weight=10]
- enter_mapconf -> saveop
+ enter_mapconf -> mapconf [label="CoE supported", weight=10]
+ enter_mapconf -> enter_pdo_sync
mapconf -> mapconf
mapconf -> error
- mapconf -> saveop [weight=10]
+ mapconf -> enter_pdo_sync [weight=10]
+ enter_pdo_sync -> pdo_sync [label="PDO SMs", weight=10]
+ enter_pdo_sync -> enter_fmmu
+ pdo_sync -> pdo_sync
+ pdo_sync -> error
+ pdo_sync -> enter_fmmu [weight=10]
+ enter_fmmu -> saveop
+ enter_fmmu -> fmmu [label="FMMUs to configure", weight=10]
+ fmmu -> fmmu
+ fmmu -> error
+ fmmu -> saveop [weight=10]
saveop -> saveop
saveop -> error
saveop -> end [label="SAVEOP req."]