# HG changeset patch
# User Florian Pose <fp@igh-essen.com>
# Date 1224066774 0
# Node ID 11f4b6e10d743c4e48c2a9c408328511746a3607
# Parent  fe4688f2c9e75be91081c739072498b62b728500
Version 1.5.0; VoE documentation.

diff -r fe4688f2c9e7 -r 11f4b6e10d74 documentation/ethercat_doc.tex
--- a/documentation/ethercat_doc.tex	Wed Oct 15 10:31:31 2008 +0000
+++ b/documentation/ethercat_doc.tex	Wed Oct 15 10:32:54 2008 +0000
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 \SVN $Date$
 \SVN $Revision$
 \newcommand{\linenum}[1]{\normalfont\textcircled{\tiny #1}}
@@ -568,6 +568,7 @@
 %   Pdo entry registration
 %   Sdo configuration
 %   Sdo access
+%   VoE handlers
 %   Cyclic operation
 The application interface provides functions and data structures for
@@ -1871,6 +1872,32 @@
+\section{Vendor-specific-over-EtherCAT (VoE)}
+The VoE protocol opens the possibility to implement a vendor-specific mailbox
+communication protocol. VoE mailbox messages are prepended by a VoE header
+containing a 32-bit vendor ID and a 16-bit vendor-type. There are no more
+constraints regarding this protocol.
+The EtherCAT master allows to create multiple VoE handlers per slave
+configuration via the application interface (see chap.~\ref{sec:ecrt}). These
+handlers contain the state machine necessary for the communication via VoE.
+One read or write operation may be issued at a time. After the operation is
+initiated, the handler must be executed cyclically until it is finished. After
+that, the results of the operation can be retrieved.
+A VoE handler has an own datagram structure, that is marked for exchange after
+each execution step. So the application can decide, how many handlers to
+execute before sending the corresponding EtherCAT frame(s).
+For more information about using VoE handlers, see the application interface
+documentation (chap.~\ref{sec:ecrt}) or the example applications provided in
+the \textit{examples/} subdirectory.
 \chapter{User Space}
 \index{User space}