fp@2189: # fp@2589: # EtherCAT master kernel modules fp@2189: # fp@2189: fp@2189: [Unit] fp@2189: Description=EtherCAT Master Kernel Modules fp@2189: fp@2589: # fp@2589: # Uncomment this, if the generic Ethernet driver is used. It assures, that the fp@2589: # network interfaces are configured, before the master starts. fp@2589: # fp@2589: #Requires=network.service # Stop master, if network is stopped fp@2589: #After=network.service # Start master, after network is ready fp@2589: fp@2589: # fp@2589: # Uncomment this, if a native Ethernet driver is used. It assures, that the fp@2589: # network interfaces are configured, after the Ethernet drivers have been fp@2589: # replaced. Otherwise, the networking configuration tools could be confused. fp@2589: # fp@2589: #Before=network.service fp@2589: fp@2189: [Service] fp@2189: Type=oneshot fp@2189: RemainAfterExit=yes fp@2189: ExecStart=@prefix@/sbin/ethercatctl start fp@2189: ExecStop=@prefix@/sbin/ethercatctl stop fp@2390: fp@2390: [Install] fp@2390: WantedBy=multi-user.target