fp@365: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1363: # fp@1363: # $Id$ fp@1363: # fp@2348: # Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Florian Pose, Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH fp@1363: # fp@1363: # This file is part of the IgH EtherCAT Master. fp@1363: # fp@1363: # The IgH EtherCAT Master is free software; you can redistribute it and/or fp@1363: # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as fp@1363: # published by the Free Software Foundation. fp@1363: # fp@1363: # The IgH EtherCAT Master is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, fp@1363: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of fp@1363: # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General fp@1363: # Public License for more details. fp@1363: # fp@1363: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along fp@1363: # with the IgH EtherCAT Master; if not, write to the Free Software fp@1363: # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA fp@1363: # fp@1363: # --- fp@2384: # fp@1363: # The license mentioned above concerns the source code only. Using the fp@1363: # EtherCAT technology and brand is only permitted in compliance with the fp@1363: # industrial property and similar rights of Beckhoff Automation GmbH. fp@1363: # fp@365: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@365: fp@392: AC_PREREQ(2.59) fp@2514: fp@2514: # fp@2514: # Release procedure fp@2526: # - Update Ethernet drivers up to release kernel version fp@2514: # - Write NEWS entry with changes since last release fp@2514: # - Check for complete Doxygen comments fp@2514: # - Update version number in documentation fp@2526: # - Update the ChangeLog -> hg log -bstable-1.5 --style=changelog > ChangeLog fp@2526: # - Update version number below fp@2526: # - make dist-bzip2 fp@2526: # fp@2526: AC_INIT([ethercat],[1.5.2],[fp@igh-essen.com]) fp@387: AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([autoconf]) fp@479: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror dist-bzip2]) fp@387: AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT([/opt/etherlab]) fp@392: AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) fp@392: AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([config.h.in]) fp@1432: AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) fp@365: fp@365: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@444: # Global fp@444: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@444: fp@2489: AM_PROG_CC_C_O fp@2489: m4_ifdef([AM_PROG_AR], [AM_PROG_AR]) fp@922: AC_PROG_CXX fp@1242: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL fp@922: fp@444: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2540: # Kernel modules fp@2540: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2540: fp@2540: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build kernel modules]) fp@2540: fp@2540: AC_ARG_ENABLE([kernel], fp@2540: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-kernel], fp@2540: [Enable building kernel modules]), fp@2540: [ fp@2540: case "${enableval}" in fp@2540: yes) enablekernel=1 fp@2540: ;; fp@2540: no) enablekernel=0 fp@2540: ;; fp@2540: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-generic]) fp@2540: ;; fp@2540: esac fp@2540: ], fp@2540: [enablekernel=1] fp@2540: ) fp@2540: fp@2540: if test "x$enablekernel" = "x1"; then fp@2540: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2540: else fp@2540: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2540: fi fp@2540: fp@2540: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_KERNEL, test "x$enablekernel" = "x1") fp@2540: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_KERNEL,[$enablekernel]) fp@2540: fp@2540: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@365: # Linux sources fp@365: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@365: fp@2540: if test "x$enablekernel" = "x1"; then fp@2540: fp@440: AC_ARG_WITH([linux-dir], fp@365: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@440: [--with-linux-dir=], fp@440: [Linux kernel sources @<:@running kernel@:>@] fp@367: ), fp@440: [ fp@440: sourcedir=[$withval] fp@440: ], fp@440: [ fp@440: version=[`uname -r`] fp@440: modulesdir=/lib/modules/${version} fp@440: if test \! -d ${modulesdir} || test \! -d ${modulesdir}/build; then fp@440: echo fp@477: AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find Linux sources. Use --with-linux-dir!]) fp@440: fi fp@440: sourcedir=`cd ${modulesdir}/build && pwd -P` fp@440: ] fp@367: ) fp@365: fp@440: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Linux kernel sources]) fp@440: fp@440: if test \! -r ${sourcedir}/.config; then fp@477: echo fp@477: AC_MSG_ERROR([No configured Linux kernel sources in $sourcedir]) fp@365: fi fp@365: fp@477: # Try to get kernel release string fp@537: if test -r ${sourcedir}/include/config/kernel.release; then fp@537: kernelrelease=`cat $sourcedir/include/config/kernel.release` fp@537: elif test -r ${sourcedir}/.kernelrelease; then fp@477: kernelrelease=`cat $sourcedir/.kernelrelease` fp@507: elif test -r ${sourcedir}/include/linux/utsrelease.h; then fp@507: hdr=${sourcedir}/include/linux/utsrelease.h fp@507: kernelrelease=`grep UTS_RELEASE $hdr | cut -d " " -f 3- | tr -d \"` fp@477: elif test -r ${sourcedir}/include/linux/version.h; then fp@507: hdr=${sourcedir}/include/linux/version.h fp@477: kernelrelease=`grep UTS_RELEASE $hdr | cut -d " " -f 3- | tr -d \"` fp@477: fi fp@477: fp@477: if test -z "$kernelrelease"; then fp@477: echo fp@477: AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to extract Linux kernel version!]) fp@477: fi fp@477: fp@2376: if test ${kernelrelease%%.*} -gt 2; then fp@2376: regex="^[[0-9]]+\.[[0-9]]+" fp@2376: else fp@2376: regex="^[[0-9]]+\.[[0-9]]+\.[[0-9]]+" fp@2376: fi fp@2376: fp@2376: # Extract numbers from kernel release fp@2376: linuxversion=`echo $kernelrelease | grep -oE "$regex"` fp@477: fp@367: AC_SUBST(LINUX_SOURCE_DIR,[$sourcedir]) fp@1825: AC_MSG_RESULT([$LINUX_SOURCE_DIR (Kernel $linuxversion)]) fp@1824: fp@2540: fi fp@2540: fp@1824: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1824: # Linux module installation subdirectory fp@1824: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1824: fp@1824: AC_ARG_WITH([module-dir], fp@1824: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@1824: [--with-module-dir=], fp@1824: [Linux module installation dir. Default: ethercat] fp@1824: ), fp@1824: [moddir=[$withval]], fp@1824: [moddir="ethercat"] fp@1824: ) fp@1824: AC_SUBST(INSTALL_MOD_DIR,[$moddir]) fp@1824: fp@1825: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Linux modules installation directory]) fp@1824: AC_MSG_RESULT([$INSTALL_MOD_DIR]) fp@367: fp@367: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1540: # Generic Ethernet driver fp@1540: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1540: fp@1540: AC_ARG_ENABLE([generic], fp@1540: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-generic], fp@1540: [Enable generic Ethernet driver]), fp@1540: [ fp@1540: case "${enableval}" in fp@1540: yes) enablegeneric=1 fp@1540: ;; fp@1540: no) enablegeneric=0 fp@1540: ;; fp@1540: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-generic]) fp@1540: ;; fp@1540: esac fp@1540: ], fp@2540: [enablegeneric=$enablekernel] fp@1540: ) fp@1540: fp@1540: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GENERIC, test "x$enablegeneric" = "x1") fp@1540: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_GENERIC,[$enablegeneric]) fp@1540: fp@1540: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@582: # 8139too driver fp@582: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@582: fp@582: AC_ARG_ENABLE([8139too], fp@582: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-8139too], fp@582: [Enable 8139too driver]), fp@582: [ fp@582: case "${enableval}" in fp@582: yes) enable8139too=1 fp@582: ;; fp@582: no) enable8139too=0 fp@582: ;; fp@582: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-8139too]) fp@582: ;; fp@582: esac fp@582: ], fp@2540: [enable8139too=$enablekernel] fp@582: ) fp@582: fp@582: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_8139TOO, test "x$enable8139too" = "x1") fp@732: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_8139TOO,[$enable8139too]) fp@485: fp@485: AC_ARG_WITH([8139too-kernel], fp@485: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@485: [--with-8139too-kernel=], fp@485: [8139too kernel (only if differing)] fp@485: ), fp@485: [ fp@485: kernel8139too=[$withval] fp@485: ], fp@485: [ fp@485: kernel8139too=$linuxversion fp@485: ] fp@485: ) fp@485: fp@582: if test "x${enable8139too}" = "x1"; then fp@582: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for kernel for 8139too driver]) fp@582: fp@945: kernels=`ls -1 ${srcdir}/devices/ | grep -oE "^8139too-.*-" | cut -d "-" -f 2 | uniq` fp@582: found=0 fp@582: for k in $kernels; do fp@582: if test "$kernel8139too" = "$k"; then fp@582: found=1 fp@582: fi fp@582: done fp@582: if test $found -ne 1; then fp@582: AC_MSG_ERROR([kernel $kernel8139too not available for 8139too driver!]) fp@582: fi fp@582: fp@582: AC_MSG_RESULT([$kernel8139too]) fp@582: fi fp@582: fp@732: AC_SUBST(KERNEL_8139TOO,[$kernel8139too]) fp@732: fp@582: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@582: # e100 driver fp@569: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@569: fp@569: AC_ARG_ENABLE([e100], fp@569: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-e100], fp@569: [Enable e100 driver]), fp@569: [ fp@569: case "${enableval}" in fp@569: yes) enablee100=1 fp@569: ;; fp@569: no) enablee100=0 fp@569: ;; fp@569: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-e100]) fp@569: ;; fp@569: esac fp@569: ], fp@582: [enablee100=0] # disabled by default fp@582: ) fp@582: fp@582: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_E100, test "x$enablee100" = "x1") fp@732: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_E100,[$enablee100]) fp@568: fp@568: AC_ARG_WITH([e100-kernel], fp@568: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@568: [--with-e100-kernel=], fp@568: [e100 kernel (only if differing)] fp@568: ), fp@568: [ fp@568: kernele100=[$withval] fp@568: ], fp@568: [ fp@568: kernele100=$linuxversion fp@568: ] fp@568: ) fp@568: fp@582: if test "x${enablee100}" = "x1"; then fp@569: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for kernel for e100 driver]) fp@569: fp@945: kernels=`ls -1 ${srcdir}/devices/ | grep -oE "^e100-.*-" | cut -d "-" -f 2 | uniq` fp@569: found=0 fp@569: for k in $kernels; do fp@569: if test "$kernele100" = "$k"; then fp@569: found=1 fp@569: fi fp@569: done fp@569: if test $found -ne 1; then fp@569: AC_MSG_ERROR([kernel $kernele100 not available for e100 driver!]) fp@569: fi fp@569: fp@569: AC_MSG_RESULT([$kernele100]) fp@569: fi fp@568: fp@732: AC_SUBST(KERNEL_E100,[$kernele100]) fp@732: fp@568: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@667: # e1000 driver fp@667: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@667: fp@667: AC_ARG_ENABLE([e1000], fp@667: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-e1000], fp@667: [Enable e1000 driver]), fp@667: [ fp@667: case "${enableval}" in fp@667: yes) enablee1000=1 fp@667: ;; fp@667: no) enablee1000=0 fp@667: ;; fp@667: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-e1000]) fp@667: ;; fp@667: esac fp@667: ], fp@667: [enablee1000=0] # disabled by default fp@667: ) fp@667: fp@667: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_E1000, test "x$enablee1000" = "x1") fp@732: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_E1000,[$enablee1000]) fp@667: fp@667: AC_ARG_WITH([e1000-kernel], fp@667: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@667: [--with-e1000-kernel=], fp@667: [e1000 kernel (only if differing)] fp@667: ), fp@667: [ fp@667: kernele1000=[$withval] fp@667: ], fp@667: [ fp@667: kernele1000=$linuxversion fp@667: ] fp@667: ) fp@667: fp@667: if test "x${enablee1000}" = "x1"; then fp@667: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for kernel for e1000 driver]) fp@667: fp@945: kernels=`ls -1 ${srcdir}/devices/e1000/ | grep -oE "^e1000_main-.*" | cut -d "-" -f 2 | uniq` fp@667: found=0 fp@667: for k in $kernels; do fp@667: if test "$kernele1000" = "$k"; then fp@667: found=1 fp@667: fi fp@667: done fp@667: if test $found -ne 1; then fp@667: AC_MSG_ERROR([kernel $kernele1000 not available for e1000 driver!]) fp@667: fi fp@667: fp@667: AC_MSG_RESULT([$kernele1000]) fp@667: fi fp@667: fp@732: AC_SUBST(KERNEL_E1000,[$kernele1000]) fp@732: fp@667: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2133: # e1000e driver fp@2133: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2133: fp@2133: AC_ARG_ENABLE([e1000e], fp@2133: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-e1000e], fp@2133: [Enable e1000e driver]), fp@2133: [ fp@2133: case "${enableval}" in fp@2133: yes) enablee1000e=1 fp@2133: ;; fp@2133: no) enablee1000e=0 fp@2133: ;; fp@2133: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-e1000e]) fp@2133: ;; fp@2133: esac fp@2133: ], fp@2133: [enablee1000e=0] # disabled by default fp@2133: ) fp@2133: fp@2133: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_E1000E, test "x$enablee1000e" = "x1") fp@2133: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_E1000E,[$enablee1000e]) fp@2133: fp@2133: AC_ARG_WITH([e1000e-kernel], fp@2133: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@2133: [--with-e1000e-kernel=], fp@2133: [e1000e kernel (only if differing)] fp@2133: ), fp@2133: [ fp@2133: kernele1000e=[$withval] fp@2133: ], fp@2133: [ fp@2133: kernele1000e=$linuxversion fp@2133: ] fp@2133: ) fp@2133: fp@2491: e1000elayout34=0 fp@2491: fp@2133: if test "x${enablee1000e}" = "x1"; then fp@2133: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for kernel for e1000e driver]) fp@2133: fp@2133: kernels=`ls -1 ${srcdir}/devices/e1000e/ | grep -oE "^netdev-.*" | cut -d "-" -f 2 | uniq` fp@2133: found=0 fp@2133: for k in $kernels; do fp@2133: if test "$kernele1000e" = "$k"; then fp@2133: found=1 fp@2133: fi fp@2133: done fp@2133: if test $found -ne 1; then fp@2133: AC_MSG_ERROR([kernel $kernele1000e not available for e1000e driver!]) fp@2133: fi fp@2133: fp@2133: AC_MSG_RESULT([$kernele1000e]) fp@2491: fp@2491: # check for e1000e file layout (changed in kernel 3.4) fp@2491: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for e1000e source layout]) fp@2491: fp@2491: file34="${srcdir}/devices/e1000e/80003es2lan-$kernele1000e-ethercat.c" fp@2491: fp@2491: if test -r "$file34"; then fp@2491: AC_MSG_RESULT([>= 3.4]) fp@2491: e1000elayout34=1 fp@2491: else fp@2491: AC_MSG_RESULT([before 3.4]) fp@2491: fi fp@2491: fp@2133: fi fp@2133: fp@2133: AC_SUBST(KERNEL_E1000E,[$kernele1000e]) fp@2491: AC_SUBST(E1000E_LAYOUT_3_4, [$e1000elayout34]) fp@2133: fp@2133: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1353: # r8169 driver fp@1353: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1353: fp@1353: AC_ARG_ENABLE([r8169], fp@1353: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-r8169], fp@1353: [Enable r8169 driver]), fp@1353: [ fp@1353: case "${enableval}" in fp@1353: yes) enable_r8169=1 fp@1353: ;; fp@1353: no) enable_r8169=0 fp@1353: ;; fp@1353: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-r8169]) fp@1353: ;; fp@1353: esac fp@1353: ], fp@1353: [enable_r8169=0] # disabled by default fp@1353: ) fp@1353: fp@1353: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_R8169, test "x$enable_r8169" = "x1") fp@1353: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_R8169,[$enable_r8169]) fp@1353: fp@1353: AC_ARG_WITH([r8169-kernel], fp@1353: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@1353: [--with-r8169-kernel=], fp@1353: [r8169 kernel (only if differing)] fp@1353: ), fp@1353: [ fp@1353: kernel_r8169=[$withval] fp@1353: ], fp@1353: [ fp@1353: kernel_r8169=$linuxversion fp@1353: ] fp@1353: ) fp@1353: fp@1353: if test "x${enable_r8169}" = "x1"; then fp@1353: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for kernel for r8169 driver]) fp@1353: fp@1353: kernels=`ls -1 ${srcdir}/devices/ | grep -oE "^r8169-.*-" | cut -d "-" -f 2 | uniq` fp@1353: found=0 fp@1353: for k in $kernels; do fp@1353: if test "$kernel_r8169" = "$k"; then fp@1353: found=1 fp@1353: fi fp@1353: done fp@1353: if test $found -ne 1; then fp@1353: AC_MSG_ERROR([kernel $kernel_r8169 not available for r8169 driver!]) fp@1353: fi fp@1353: fp@1353: AC_MSG_RESULT([$kernel_r8169]) fp@1353: fi fp@1353: fp@1353: AC_SUBST(KERNEL_R8169,[$kernel_r8169]) fp@1353: fp@1353: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2563: # CCAT driver fp@2563: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2563: fp@2563: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the CCAT driver]) fp@2563: fp@2563: AC_ARG_ENABLE([ccat], fp@2563: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-ccat], fp@2563: [Enable CCAT driver]), fp@2563: [ fp@2563: case "${enableval}" in fp@2563: yes) enableccat=1 fp@2563: ;; fp@2563: no) enableccat=0 fp@2563: ;; fp@2563: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-ccat]) fp@2563: ;; fp@2563: esac fp@2563: ], fp@2563: [enableccat=0] # disabled by default fp@2563: ) fp@2563: fp@2563: if test "x${enableccat}" = "x1"; then fp@2563: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2563: else fp@2563: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2563: fi fp@2563: fp@2563: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_CCAT, test "x$enableccat" = "x1") fp@2563: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_CCAT,[$enableccat]) fp@2563: fp@2563: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@485: # RTAI path (optional) fp@485: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@485: fp@485: AC_ARG_WITH([rtai-dir], fp@485: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@485: [--with-rtai-dir=], fp@2433: [RTAI path, for RTDM interface and RTAI examples] fp@485: ), fp@485: [ fp@485: rtaidir=[$withval] fp@2433: rtai=1 fp@485: ], fp@485: [ fp@485: rtaidir="" fp@2433: rtai=0 fp@485: ] fp@485: ) fp@485: fp@485: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for RTAI path]) fp@485: fp@485: if test -z "${rtaidir}"; then fp@485: AC_MSG_RESULT([not specified.]) fp@485: else fp@485: if test \! -r ${rtaidir}/include/rtai.h; then fp@485: AC_MSG_ERROR([no RTAI installation found in ${rtaidir}!]) fp@485: fi fp@485: AC_MSG_RESULT([$rtaidir]) fp@2433: fp@2433: rtai_lxrt_cflags=`$rtaidir/bin/rtai-config --lxrt-cflags` fp@2433: rtai_lxrt_ldflags=`$rtaidir/bin/rtai-config --lxrt-ldflags` fp@732: fi fp@732: fp@732: AC_SUBST(RTAI_DIR,[$rtaidir]) fp@2433: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_RTAI, test "x$rtai" = "x1") fp@2433: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_RTAI,[$rtai]) fp@2433: fp@2433: AC_SUBST(RTAI_LXRT_CFLAGS,[$rtai_lxrt_cflags]) fp@2433: AC_SUBST(RTAI_LXRT_LDFLAGS,[$rtai_lxrt_ldflags]) fp@2433: fp@2433: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2433: # Xenomai path (optional) fp@2433: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2433: fp@2433: AC_ARG_WITH([xenomai-dir], fp@2433: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@2433: [--with-xenomai-dir=], fp@2433: [Xenomai path, for RTDM interface and Xenomai examples] fp@2433: ), fp@2433: [ fp@2433: xenomaidir=[$withval] fp@2433: xeno=1 fp@2433: ], fp@2433: [ fp@2433: xenomaidir="" fp@2433: xeno=0 fp@2433: ] fp@2433: ) fp@2433: fp@2433: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Xenomai path]) fp@2433: fp@2433: if test -z "${xenomaidir}"; then fp@2433: AC_MSG_RESULT([not specified.]) fp@2433: else fp@2433: if test \! -r ${xenomaidir}/include/xeno_config.h; then fp@2433: AC_MSG_ERROR([no Xenomai installation found in ${xenomaidir}!]) fp@2433: fi fp@2433: AC_MSG_RESULT([$xenomaidir]) fp@2433: fp@2433: xeno_native_cflags=`$xenomaidir/bin/xeno-config --skin native --cflags` fp@2433: xeno_native_ldflags=`$xenomaidir/bin/xeno-config --skin native --ldflags` fp@2433: xeno_posix_cflags=`$xenomaidir/bin/xeno-config --skin posix --cflags` fp@2433: xeno_posix_ldflags=`$xenomaidir/bin/xeno-config --skin posix --ldflags` fp@2433: xeno_rtdm_cflags=`$xenomaidir/bin/xeno-config --skin rtdm --cflags` fp@2433: xeno_rtdm_ldflags=`$xenomaidir/bin/xeno-config --skin rtdm --ldflags` fp@2433: fi fp@2433: fp@2433: AC_SUBST(XENOMAI_DIR,[$xenomaidir]) fp@2433: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_XENOMAI, test "x$xeno" = "x1") fp@2433: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_XENOMAI,[$xeno]) fp@2433: fp@2433: AC_SUBST(XENOMAI_NATIVE_CFLAGS,[$xeno_native_cflags]) fp@2433: AC_SUBST(XENOMAI_NATIVE_LDFLAGS,[$xeno_native_ldflags]) fp@2433: AC_SUBST(XENOMAI_POSIX_CFLAGS,[$xeno_posix_cflags]) fp@2433: AC_SUBST(XENOMAI_POSIX_LDFLAGS,[$xeno_posix_ldflags]) fp@2433: AC_SUBST(XENOMAI_RTDM_CFLAGS,[$xeno_rtdm_cflags]) fp@2433: AC_SUBST(XENOMAI_RTDM_LDFLAGS,[$xeno_rtdm_ldflags]) fp@2433: fp@2433: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2433: # RTDM interface (optional) fp@2433: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2433: fp@2433: AC_ARG_ENABLE([rtdm], fp@2433: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@2433: [--enable-rtdm], fp@2433: [Enable RTDM interface, depends on RTAI or Xenomai] fp@2433: ), fp@2433: [ fp@2433: case "${enableval}" in fp@2433: yes) rtdm=1 fp@2433: ;; fp@2433: no) rtdm=0 fp@2433: ;; fp@2433: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-rtdm]) fp@2433: ;; fp@2433: esac fp@2433: ], fp@2433: [rtdm=0] fp@2433: ) fp@2433: fp@2433: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build RTDM interface]) fp@2433: fp@2433: if test "x${rtdm}" = "x1"; then fp@2433: AC_DEFINE([EC_RTDM], [1], [RTDM interface enabled]) fp@2433: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2433: else fp@2433: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2433: fi fp@2433: fp@2433: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_RTDM, test "x$rtdm" = "x1") fp@2433: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_RTDM,[$rtdm]) fp@485: fp@485: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@392: # Debug interface fp@392: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@392: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the debug interface]) fp@2509: fp@679: AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug-if], fp@679: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug-if], fp@440: [Create a debug interface for each master @<:@NO@:>@]), fp@440: [ fp@440: case "${enableval}" in fp@440: yes) dbg=1 fp@440: ;; fp@440: no) dbg=0 fp@440: ;; fp@679: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-debug-if]) fp@440: ;; fp@440: esac fp@440: ], fp@440: [dbg=0] fp@392: ) fp@440: fp@679: if test "x${dbg}" = "x1"; then fp@679: AC_DEFINE([EC_DEBUG_IF], [1], [Debug interfaces enabled]) fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2509: fi fp@2509: fp@679: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_DEBUG_IF, test "x$dbg" = "x1") fp@732: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_DEBUG_IF,[$dbg]) fp@679: fp@679: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@692: # Debug ring fp@692: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@692: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the debug ring]) fp@2509: fp@692: AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug-ring], fp@692: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug-ring], fp@692: [Create a debug ring to record frames @<:@NO@:>@]), fp@692: [ fp@692: case "${enableval}" in fp@692: yes) debugring=1 fp@692: ;; fp@692: no) debugring=0 fp@692: ;; fp@692: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-debug-ring]) fp@692: ;; fp@692: esac fp@692: ], fp@692: [debugring=0] fp@692: ) fp@692: fp@692: if test "x${debugring}" = "x1"; then fp@692: AC_DEFINE([EC_DEBUG_RING], [1], [Debug ring enabled]) fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@692: fi fp@692: fp@692: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1327: # Ethernet over EtherCAT support fp@715: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@715: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build with EoE support]) fp@2509: fp@715: AC_ARG_ENABLE([eoe], fp@715: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-eoe], fp@715: [Enable EoE support (default: yes)]), fp@715: [ fp@715: case "${enableval}" in fp@715: yes) eoe=1 fp@715: ;; fp@715: no) eoe=0 fp@715: ;; fp@715: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-eoe]) fp@715: ;; fp@715: esac fp@715: ], fp@715: [eoe=1] fp@715: ) fp@715: fp@715: if test "x${eoe}" = "x1"; then fp@715: AC_DEFINE([EC_EOE], [1], [EoE support enabled]) fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2509: fi fp@2509: fp@715: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_EOE, test "x$eoe" = "x1") fp@732: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_EOE,[$eoe]) fp@485: fp@485: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1040: # CPU timestamp counter support fp@1040: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1040: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use the CPU timestamp counter]) fp@2509: fp@1040: AC_ARG_ENABLE([cycles], fp@1040: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-cycles], fp@1040: [Use CPU timestamp counter (default: no)]), fp@1040: [ fp@1040: case "${enableval}" in fp@1040: yes) cycles=1 fp@1040: ;; fp@1040: no) cycles=0 fp@1040: ;; fp@1040: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-cycles]) fp@1040: ;; fp@1040: esac fp@1040: ], fp@1040: [cycles=0] fp@1040: ) fp@1040: fp@1040: if test "x${cycles}" = "x1"; then fp@1040: AC_DEFINE([EC_HAVE_CYCLES], [1], [Use CPU timestamp counter]) fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@1040: fi fp@1040: fp@1040: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1773: # High-resolution timer support fp@1773: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1773: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use high-resolution timers for scheduling]) fp@2509: fp@1773: AC_ARG_ENABLE([hrtimer], fp@1773: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-hrtimer], fp@1773: [Use high-resolution timer for scheduling (default: no)]), fp@1773: [ fp@1773: case "${enableval}" in fp@1773: yes) hrtimer=1 fp@1773: ;; fp@1773: no) hrtimer=0 fp@1773: ;; fp@1773: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-hrtimer]) fp@1773: ;; fp@1773: esac fp@1773: ], fp@1773: [hrtimer=0] fp@1773: ) fp@1773: fp@1773: if test "x${hrtimer}" = "x1"; then fp@1773: AC_DEFINE([EC_USE_HRTIMER], [1], [Use hrtimer for scheduling]) fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@1773: fi fp@1773: fp@1773: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1934: # Read alias address from register fp@1934: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1934: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to read alias addresses from registers]) fp@2509: fp@1934: AC_ARG_ENABLE([regalias], fp@1934: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-regalias], fp@1934: [Read alias adresses from register (default: no)]), fp@1934: [ fp@1934: case "${enableval}" in fp@1934: yes) regalias=1 fp@1934: ;; fp@1934: no) regalias=0 fp@1934: ;; fp@1934: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-regalias]) fp@1934: ;; fp@1934: esac fp@1934: ], fp@1934: [regalias=0] fp@1934: ) fp@1934: fp@1934: if test "x${regalias}" = "x1"; then fp@1934: AC_DEFINE([EC_REGALIAS], [1], [Read alias adresses from register]) fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@1934: fi fp@1934: fp@1934: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1253: # Command-line tool fp@1253: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fp@1253: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the command-line tool]) fp@2509: fp@1253: AC_ARG_ENABLE([tool], fp@1253: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-tool], fp@1253: [Build command-line tool (default: yes)]), fp@1253: [ fp@1253: case "${enableval}" in fp@1253: yes) tool=1 fp@1253: ;; fp@1253: no) tool=0 fp@1253: ;; fp@1253: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-tool]) fp@1253: ;; fp@1253: esac fp@1253: ], fp@1253: [tool=1] fp@1253: ) fp@1253: fp@2509: if test "x${tool}" = "x1"; then fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2509: fi fp@2509: fp@1253: AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_TOOL, test "x$tool" = "x1") fp@1253: fp@1253: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1242: # Userspace library generation fp@1242: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1242: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the userspace library]) fp@2509: fp@1242: AC_ARG_ENABLE([userlib], fp@1242: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-userlib], fp@1242: [Generation of the userspace library (default: yes)]), fp@1242: [ fp@1242: case "${enableval}" in fp@1242: yes) userlib=1 fp@1242: ;; fp@1242: no) userlib=0 fp@1242: ;; fp@1242: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-userlib]) fp@1242: ;; fp@1242: esac fp@1242: ], fp@1242: [userlib=1] fp@1242: ) fp@1242: fp@2509: if test "x${userlib}" = "x1"; then fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2509: fi fp@2509: fp@1242: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_USERLIB, test "x$userlib" = "x1") fp@1242: fp@1242: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1565: # TTY driver fp@1565: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@1565: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the tty driver]) fp@2509: fp@1565: AC_ARG_ENABLE([tty], fp@1565: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-tty], fp@1565: [Generation of the ec_tty module (default: no)]), fp@1565: [ fp@1565: case "${enableval}" in fp@1565: yes) tty=1 fp@1565: ;; fp@1565: no) tty=0 fp@1565: ;; fp@1565: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-tty]) fp@1565: ;; fp@1565: esac fp@1565: ], fp@1565: [tty=0] fp@1565: ) fp@1565: fp@2509: if test "x${tty}" = "x1"; then fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2509: fi fp@2509: fp@1565: AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_TTY, test "x$tty" = "x1") fp@1565: AC_SUBST(ENABLE_TTY,[$tty]) fp@1565: fp@1565: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2295: # Slave identification wildcards fp@2295: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2295: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to allow identification wildcards]) fp@2509: fp@2295: AC_ARG_ENABLE([wildcards], fp@2295: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-wildcards], fp@2295: [Enable vendor ID / product code wildcards (default: no)]), fp@2295: [ fp@2295: case "${enableval}" in fp@2295: yes) wildcards=1 fp@2295: ;; fp@2295: no) wildcards=0 fp@2295: ;; fp@2295: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-wildcards]) fp@2295: ;; fp@2295: esac fp@2295: ], fp@2295: [wildcards=0] fp@2295: ) fp@2295: fp@2295: if test "x${wildcards}" = "x1"; then fp@2295: AC_DEFINE([EC_IDENT_WILDCARDS], [1], fp@2295: [Use vendor id / product code wildcards]) fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2295: fi fp@2295: fp@2295: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2453: # Redundancy (number of devices) fp@2453: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2453: fp@2453: AC_ARG_WITH([devices], fp@2453: AC_HELP_STRING( fp@2453: [--with-devices=], fp@2453: [Number of Ethernet devices per master. Default: 1] fp@2453: ), fp@2453: [ fp@2453: devices=[$withval] fp@2453: ], fp@2453: [ fp@2453: devices=1 fp@2453: ] fp@2453: ) fp@2453: fp@2453: AC_MSG_CHECKING([for number of Ethernet devices]) fp@2453: fp@2453: if test "${devices}" -lt 1; then fp@2453: AC_MSG_ERROR([Number must be greater zero!]) fp@2453: else fp@2453: if test "${devices}" -gt 1; then fp@2453: AC_MSG_RESULT([$devices (Redundancy enabled)]) fp@2453: else fp@2453: AC_MSG_RESULT([$devices (Redundancy disabled)]) fp@2453: fi fp@2453: fi fp@2453: fp@2453: AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([EC_MAX_NUM_DEVICES], $devices, fp@2453: [Max. number of Ethernet devices per master]) fp@2453: fp@2453: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2508: # SII assignment fp@2508: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2508: fp@2509: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to assign the SII to PDI]) fp@2509: fp@2508: AC_ARG_ENABLE([sii-assign], fp@2508: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-sii-assign], fp@2508: [Enable SII assignment to PDI (default: no)]), fp@2508: [ fp@2508: case "${enableval}" in fp@2508: yes) siiassign=1 fp@2508: ;; fp@2508: no) siiassign=0 fp@2508: ;; fp@2508: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-sii-assign]) fp@2508: ;; fp@2508: esac fp@2508: ], fp@2508: [siiassign=0] fp@2508: ) fp@2508: fp@2508: if test "x${siiassign}" = "x1"; then fp@2508: AC_DEFINE([EC_SII_ASSIGN], [1], [Assign SII to PDI]) fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2509: else fp@2509: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2508: fi fp@2508: fp@2508: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2532: # syslog output in realtime context fp@2532: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@2532: fp@2532: AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to syslog in realtime context]) fp@2532: fp@2532: AC_ARG_ENABLE([rt-syslog], fp@2532: AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-rt-syslog], fp@2532: [Enable RT syslog (default: yes)]), fp@2532: [ fp@2532: case "${enableval}" in fp@2532: yes) rtsyslog=1 fp@2532: ;; fp@2532: no) rtsyslog=0 fp@2532: ;; fp@2532: *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid value for --enable-rt-syslog]) fp@2532: ;; fp@2532: esac fp@2532: ], fp@2532: [rtsyslog=1] fp@2532: ) fp@2532: fp@2532: if test "x${rtsyslog}" = "x1"; then fp@2532: AC_DEFINE([EC_RT_SYSLOG], [1], [Output to syslog in RT context]) fp@2532: AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) fp@2532: else fp@2532: AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fp@2532: fi fp@2532: fp@2532: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fp@485: ha@385: AC_CONFIG_FILES([ fp@757: Doxyfile fp@732: Kbuild fp@392: Makefile fp@882: devices/Kbuild fp@882: devices/Makefile p@2549: devices/ccat/Kbuild p@2549: devices/ccat/Makefile fp@882: devices/e1000/Kbuild fp@882: devices/e1000/Makefile fp@2133: devices/e1000e/Kbuild fp@2133: devices/e1000e/Makefile fp@1810: ethercat.spec fp@1286: examples/Kbuild fp@882: examples/Makefile fp@1414: examples/dc_rtai/Kbuild fp@1414: examples/dc_rtai/Makefile fp@1414: examples/dc_user/Makefile fp@882: examples/mini/Kbuild fp@882: examples/mini/Makefile fp@882: examples/rtai/Kbuild fp@882: examples/rtai/Makefile fp@2433: examples/rtai_rtdm/Makefile fp@2447: examples/rtai_rtdm_dc/Makefile fp@1810: examples/tty/Kbuild fp@1567: examples/tty/Makefile fp@1242: examples/user/Makefile fp@2433: examples/xenomai/Makefile fp@2433: examples/xenomai_posix/Makefile fp@882: include/Makefile fp@1242: lib/Makefile fp@1440: m4/Makefile fp@732: master/Kbuild fp@392: master/Makefile ha@385: script/Makefile fp@2309: script/ethercat.service fp@2309: script/ethercatctl fp@563: script/init.d/Makefile fp@1185: script/init.d/ethercat fp@563: script/sysconfig/Makefile fp@1120: tool/Makefile fp@1810: tty/Kbuild fp@1565: tty/Makefile ha@385: ]) fp@365: AC_OUTPUT fp@365: fp@365: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------