fp@369: %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
fp@369: %%Title: interrupt.fig
fp@369: %%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 4
fp@369: %%CreationDate: Mon Aug  7 13:51:08 2006
fp@369: %%For: fp@jupiter (Florian Pose)
fp@369: %%BoundingBox: 0 0 538 278
fp@369: %%Magnification: 1.0000
fp@369: %%EndComments
fp@369: /MyAppDict 100 dict dup begin def
fp@369: /$F2psDict 200 dict def
fp@369: $F2psDict begin
fp@369: $F2psDict /mtrx matrix put
fp@369: /col-1 {0 setgray} bind def
fp@369: /col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col20 {0.820 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col21 {0.560 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col22 {0.690 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col23 {0.820 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col24 {0.500 0.190 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col25 {0.630 0.250 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col26 {0.750 0.380 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col27 {1.000 0.500 0.500 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col28 {1.000 0.630 0.630 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col29 {1.000 0.750 0.750 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col30 {1.000 0.880 0.880 srgb} bind def
fp@369: /col31 {1.000 0.840 0.000 srgb} bind def
fp@369: end
fp@369: save
fp@369: newpath 0 278 moveto 0 0 lineto 538 0 lineto 538 278 lineto closepath clip newpath
fp@369: -12.2 386.3 translate
fp@369: 1 -1 scale
fp@369: % This junk string is used by the show operators
fp@369: /PATsstr 1 string def
fp@369: /PATawidthshow { 	% cx cy cchar rx ry string
fp@369:   % Loop over each character in the string
fp@369:   {  % cx cy cchar rx ry char
fp@369:     % Show the character
fp@369:     dup				% cx cy cchar rx ry char char
fp@369:     PATsstr dup 0 4 -1 roll put	% cx cy cchar rx ry char (char)
fp@369:     false charpath		% cx cy cchar rx ry char
fp@369:     /clip load PATdraw
fp@369:     % Move past the character (charpath modified the
fp@369:     % current point)
fp@369:     currentpoint			% cx cy cchar rx ry char x y
fp@369:     newpath
fp@369:     moveto			% cx cy cchar rx ry char
fp@369:     % Reposition by cx,cy if the character in the string is cchar
fp@369:     3 index eq {			% cx cy cchar rx ry
fp@369:       4 index 4 index rmoveto
fp@369:     } if
fp@369:     % Reposition all characters by rx ry
fp@369:     2 copy rmoveto		% cx cy cchar rx ry
fp@369:   } forall
fp@369:   pop pop pop pop pop		% -
fp@369:   currentpoint
fp@369:   newpath
fp@369:   moveto
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: /PATcg {
fp@369:   7 dict dup begin
fp@369:     /lw currentlinewidth def
fp@369:     /lc currentlinecap def
fp@369:     /lj currentlinejoin def
fp@369:     /ml currentmiterlimit def
fp@369:     /ds [ currentdash ] def
fp@369:     /cc [ currentrgbcolor ] def
fp@369:     /cm matrix currentmatrix def
fp@369:   end
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: % PATdraw - calculates the boundaries of the object and
fp@369: % fills it with the current pattern
fp@369: /PATdraw {			% proc
fp@369:   save exch
fp@369:     PATpcalc			% proc nw nh px py
fp@369:     5 -1 roll exec		% nw nh px py
fp@369:     newpath
fp@369:     PATfill			% -
fp@369:   restore
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: % PATfill - performs the tiling for the shape
fp@369: /PATfill { % nw nh px py PATfill -
fp@369:   PATDict /CurrentPattern get dup begin
fp@369:     setfont
fp@369:     % Set the coordinate system to Pattern Space
fp@369:     PatternGState PATsg
fp@369:     % Set the color for uncolored pattezns
fp@369:     PaintType 2 eq { PATDict /PColor get PATsc } if
fp@369:     % Create the string for showing
fp@369:     3 index string		% nw nh px py str
fp@369:     % Loop for each of the pattern sources
fp@369:     0 1 Multi 1 sub {		% nw nh px py str source
fp@369: 	% Move to the starting location
fp@369: 	3 index 3 index		% nw nh px py str source px py
fp@369: 	moveto			% nw nh px py str source
fp@369: 	% For multiple sources, set the appropriate color
fp@369: 	Multi 1 ne { dup PC exch get PATsc } if
fp@369: 	% Set the appropriate string for the source
fp@369: 	0 1 7 index 1 sub { 2 index exch 2 index put } for pop
fp@369: 	% Loop over the number of vertical cells
fp@369: 	3 index 		% nw nh px py str nh
fp@369: 	{			% nw nh px py str
fp@369: 	  currentpoint		% nw nh px py str cx cy
fp@369: 	  2 index oldshow	% nw nh px py str cx cy
fp@369: 	  YStep add moveto	% nw nh px py str
fp@369: 	} repeat		% nw nh px py str
fp@369:     } for
fp@369:     5 { pop } repeat
fp@369:   end
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: % PATkshow - kshow with the current pattezn
fp@369: /PATkshow {			% proc string
fp@369:   exch bind			% string proc
fp@369:   1 index 0 get			% string proc char
fp@369:   % Loop over all but the last character in the string
fp@369:   0 1 4 index length 2 sub {
fp@369: 				% string proc char idx
fp@369:     % Find the n+1th character in the string
fp@369:     3 index exch 1 add get	% string proc char char+1
fp@369:     exch 2 copy			% strinq proc char+1 char char+1 char
fp@369:     % Now show the nth character
fp@369:     PATsstr dup 0 4 -1 roll put	% string proc chr+1 chr chr+1 (chr)
fp@369:     false charpath		% string proc char+1 char char+1
fp@369:     /clip load PATdraw
fp@369:     % Move past the character (charpath modified the current point)
fp@369:     currentpoint newpath moveto
fp@369:     % Execute the user proc (should consume char and char+1)
fp@369:     mark 3 1 roll		% string proc char+1 mark char char+1
fp@369:     4 index exec		% string proc char+1 mark...
fp@369:     cleartomark			% string proc char+1
fp@369:   } for
fp@369:   % Now display the last character
fp@369:   PATsstr dup 0 4 -1 roll put	% string proc (char+1)
fp@369:   false charpath		% string proc
fp@369:   /clip load PATdraw
fp@369:   neewath
fp@369:   pop pop			% -
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: % PATmp - the makepattern equivalent
fp@369: /PATmp {			% patdict patmtx PATmp patinstance
fp@369:   exch dup length 7 add		% We will add 6 new entries plus 1 FID
fp@369:   dict copy			% Create a new dictionary
fp@369:   begin
fp@369:     % Matrix to install when painting the pattern
fp@369:     TilingType PATtcalc
fp@369:     /PatternGState PATcg def
fp@369:     PatternGState /cm 3 -1 roll put
fp@369:     % Check for multi pattern sources (Level 1 fast color patterns)
fp@369:     currentdict /Multi known not { /Multi 1 def } if
fp@369:     % Font dictionary definitions
fp@369:     /FontType 3 def
fp@369:     % Create a dummy encoding vector
fp@369:     /Encoding 256 array def
fp@369:     3 string 0 1 255 {
fp@369:       Encoding exch dup 3 index cvs cvn put } for pop
fp@369:     /FontMatrix matrix def
fp@369:     /FontBBox BBox def
fp@369:     /BuildChar {
fp@369: 	mark 3 1 roll		% mark dict char
fp@369: 	exch begin
fp@369: 	Multi 1 ne {PaintData exch get}{pop} ifelse  % mark [paintdata]
fp@369: 	  PaintType 2 eq Multi 1 ne or
fp@369: 	  { XStep 0 FontBBox aload pop setcachedevice }
fp@369: 	  { XStep 0 setcharwidth } ifelse
fp@369: 	  currentdict		% mark [paintdata] dict
fp@369: 	  /PaintProc load	% mark [paintdata] dict paintproc
fp@369: 	end
fp@369: 	gsave
fp@369: 	  false PATredef exec true PATredef
fp@369: 	grestore
fp@369: 	cleartomark		% -
fp@369:     } bind def
fp@369:     currentdict
fp@369:   end				% newdict
fp@369:   /foo exch			% /foo newlict
fp@369:   definefont			% newfont
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: % PATpcalc - calculates the starting point and width/height
fp@369: % of the tile fill for the shape
fp@369: /PATpcalc {	% - PATpcalc nw nh px py
fp@369:   PATDict /CurrentPattern get begin
fp@369:     gsave
fp@369: 	% Set up the coordinate system to Pattern Space
fp@369: 	% and lock down pattern
fp@369: 	PatternGState /cm get setmatrix
fp@369: 	BBox aload pop pop pop translate
fp@369: 	% Determine the bounding box of the shape
fp@369: 	pathbbox			% llx lly urx ury
fp@369:     grestore
fp@369:     % Determine (nw, nh) the # of cells to paint width and height
fp@369:     PatHeight div ceiling		% llx lly urx qh
fp@369:     4 1 roll				% qh llx lly urx
fp@369:     PatWidth div ceiling		% qh llx lly qw
fp@369:     4 1 roll				% qw qh llx lly
fp@369:     PatHeight div floor			% qw qh llx ph
fp@369:     4 1 roll				% ph qw qh llx
fp@369:     PatWidth div floor			% ph qw qh pw
fp@369:     4 1 roll				% pw ph qw qh
fp@369:     2 index sub cvi abs			% pw ph qs qh-ph
fp@369:     exch 3 index sub cvi abs exch	% pw ph nw=qw-pw nh=qh-ph
fp@369:     % Determine the starting point of the pattern fill
fp@369:     %(px, py)
fp@369:     4 2 roll				% nw nh pw ph
fp@369:     PatHeight mul			% nw nh pw py
fp@369:     exch				% nw nh py pw
fp@369:     PatWidth mul exch			% nw nh px py
fp@369:   end
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: % Save the original routines so that we can use them later on
fp@369: /oldfill	/fill load def
fp@369: /oldeofill	/eofill load def
fp@369: /oldstroke	/stroke load def
fp@369: /oldshow	/show load def
fp@369: /oldashow	/ashow load def
fp@369: /oldwidthshow	/widthshow load def
fp@369: /oldawidthshow	/awidthshow load def
fp@369: /oldkshow	/kshow load def
fp@369: % These defs are necessary so that subsequent procs don't bind in
fp@369: % the originals
fp@369: /fill	   { oldfill } bind def
fp@369: /eofill	   { oldeofill } bind def
fp@369: /stroke	   { oldstroke } bind def
fp@369: /show	   { oldshow } bind def
fp@369: /ashow	   { oldashow } bind def
fp@369: /widthshow { oldwidthshow } bind def
fp@369: /awidthshow { oldawidthshow } bind def
fp@369: /kshow 	   { oldkshow } bind def
fp@369: /PATredef {
fp@369:   MyAppDict begin
fp@369:     {
fp@369:     /fill { /clip load PATdraw newpath } bind def
fp@369:     /eofill { /eoclip load PATdraw newpath } bind def
fp@369:     /stroke { PATstroke } bind def
fp@369:     /show { 0 0 null 0 0 6 -1 roll PATawidthshow } bind def
fp@369:     /ashow { 0 0 null 6 3 roll PATawidthshow }
fp@369:     bind def
fp@369:     /widthshow { 0 0 3 -1 roll PATawidthshow }
fp@369:     bind def
fp@369:     /awidthshow { PATawidthshow } bind def
fp@369:     /kshow { PATkshow } bind def
fp@369:   } {
fp@369:     /fill   { oldfill } bind def
fp@369:     /eofill { oldeofill } bind def
fp@369:     /stroke { oldstroke } bind def
fp@369:     /show   { oldshow } bind def
fp@369:     /ashow  { oldashow } bind def
fp@369:     /widthshow { oldwidthshow } bind def
fp@369:     /awidthshow { oldawidthshow } bind def
fp@369:     /kshow  { oldkshow } bind def
fp@369:     } ifelse
fp@369:   end
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: false PATredef
fp@369: % Conditionally define setcmykcolor if not available
fp@369: /setcmykcolor where { pop } {
fp@369:   /setcmykcolor {
fp@369:     1 sub 4 1 roll
fp@369:     3 {
fp@369: 	3 index add neg dup 0 lt { pop 0 } if 3 1 roll
fp@369:     } repeat
fp@369:     setrgbcolor - pop
fp@369:   } bind def
fp@369: } ifelse
fp@369: /PATsc {		% colorarray
fp@369:   aload length		% c1 ... cn length
fp@369:     dup 1 eq { pop setgray } { 3 eq { setrgbcolor } { setcmykcolor
fp@369:   } ifelse } ifelse
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: /PATsg {		% dict
fp@369:   begin
fp@369:     lw setlinewidth
fp@369:     lc setlinecap
fp@369:     lj setlinejoin
fp@369:     ml setmiterlimit
fp@369:     ds aload pop setdash
fp@369:     cc aload pop setrgbcolor
fp@369:     cm setmatrix
fp@369:   end
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: /PATDict 3 dict def
fp@369: /PATsp {
fp@369:   true PATredef
fp@369:   PATDict begin
fp@369:     /CurrentPattern exch def
fp@369:     % If it's an uncolored pattern, save the color
fp@369:     CurrentPattern /PaintType get 2 eq {
fp@369:       /PColor exch def
fp@369:     } if
fp@369:     /CColor [ currentrgbcolor ] def
fp@369:   end
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: % PATstroke - stroke with the current pattern
fp@369: /PATstroke {
fp@369:   countdictstack
fp@369:   save
fp@369:   mark
fp@369:   {
fp@369:     currentpoint strokepath moveto
fp@369:     PATpcalc				% proc nw nh px py
fp@369:     clip newpath PATfill
fp@369:     } stopped {
fp@369: 	(*** PATstroke Warning: Path is too complex, stroking
fp@369: 	  with gray) =
fp@369:     cleartomark
fp@369:     restore
fp@369:     countdictstack exch sub dup 0 gt
fp@369: 	{ { end } repeat } { pop } ifelse
fp@369:     gsave 0.5 setgray oldstroke grestore
fp@369:   } { pop restore pop } ifelse
fp@369:   newpath
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: /PATtcalc {		% modmtx tilingtype PATtcalc tilematrix
fp@369:   % Note: tiling types 2 and 3 are not supported
fp@369:   gsave
fp@369:     exch concat					% tilingtype
fp@369:     matrix currentmatrix exch			% cmtx tilingtype
fp@369:     % Tiling type 1 and 3: constant spacing
fp@369:     2 ne {
fp@369: 	% Distort the pattern so that it occupies
fp@369: 	% an integral number of device pixels
fp@369: 	dup 4 get exch dup 5 get exch		% tx ty cmtx
fp@369: 	XStep 0 dtransform
fp@369: 	round exch round exch			% tx ty cmtx dx.x dx.y
fp@369: 	XStep div exch XStep div exch		% tx ty cmtx a b
fp@369: 	0 YStep dtransform
fp@369: 	round exch round exch			% tx ty cmtx a b dy.x dy.y
fp@369: 	YStep div exch YStep div exch		% tx ty cmtx a b c d
fp@369: 	7 -3 roll astore			% { a b c d tx ty }
fp@369:     } if
fp@369:   grestore
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: /PATusp {
fp@369:   false PATredef
fp@369:   PATDict begin
fp@369:     CColor PATsc
fp@369:   end
fp@369: } bind def
fp@369: % right45
fp@369: 11 dict begin
fp@369: /PaintType 1 def
fp@369: /PatternType 1 def
fp@369: /TilingType 1 def
fp@369: /BBox [0 0 1 1] def
fp@369: /XStep 1 def
fp@369: /YStep 1 def
fp@369: /PatWidth 1 def
fp@369: /PatHeight 1 def
fp@369: /Multi 2 def
fp@369: /PaintData [
fp@369:   { clippath } bind
fp@369:   { 20 20 true [ 20 0 0 -20 0 20 ]
fp@369: 	{<0040100080200100400200800401000802001004
fp@369: 	0020080040100080200000401000802001004002
fp@369: 	0080040100080200100400200800401000802000>}
fp@369:      imagemask } bind
fp@369: ] def
fp@369: /PaintProc {
fp@369: 	pop
fp@369: 	exec fill
fp@369: } def
fp@369: currentdict
fp@369: end
fp@369: /P5 exch def
fp@369: /cp {closepath} bind def
fp@369: /ef {eofill} bind def
fp@369: /gr {grestore} bind def
fp@369: /gs {gsave} bind def
fp@369: /sa {save} bind def
fp@369: /rs {restore} bind def
fp@369: /l {lineto} bind def
fp@369: /m {moveto} bind def
fp@369: /rm {rmoveto} bind def
fp@369: /n {newpath} bind def
fp@369: /s {stroke} bind def
fp@369: /sh {show} bind def
fp@369: /slc {setlinecap} bind def
fp@369: /slj {setlinejoin} bind def
fp@369: /slw {setlinewidth} bind def
fp@369: /srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def
fp@369: /rot {rotate} bind def
fp@369: /sc {scale} bind def
fp@369: /sd {setdash} bind def
fp@369: /ff {findfont} bind def
fp@369: /sf {setfont} bind def
fp@369: /scf {scalefont} bind def
fp@369: /sw {stringwidth} bind def
fp@369: /tr {translate} bind def
fp@369: /tnt {dup dup currentrgbcolor
fp@369:   4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add
fp@369:   4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add
fp@369:   4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb}
fp@369:   bind def
fp@369: /shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul
fp@369:   4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def
fp@369: /reencdict 12 dict def /ReEncode { reencdict begin
fp@369: /newcodesandnames exch def /newfontname exch def /basefontname exch def
fp@369: /basefontdict basefontname findfont def /newfont basefontdict maxlength dict def
fp@369: basefontdict { exch dup /FID ne { dup /Encoding eq
fp@369: { exch dup length array copy newfont 3 1 roll put }
fp@369: { exch newfont 3 1 roll put } ifelse } { pop pop } ifelse } forall
fp@369: newfont /FontName newfontname put newcodesandnames aload pop
fp@369: 128 1 255 { newfont /Encoding get exch /.notdef put } for
fp@369: newcodesandnames length 2 idiv { newfont /Encoding get 3 1 roll put } repeat
fp@369: newfontname newfont definefont pop end } def
fp@369: /isovec [
fp@369: 8#055 /minus 8#200 /grave 8#201 /acute 8#202 /circumflex 8#203 /tilde
fp@369: 8#204 /macron 8#205 /breve 8#206 /dotaccent 8#207 /dieresis
fp@369: 8#210 /ring 8#211 /cedilla 8#212 /hungarumlaut 8#213 /ogonek 8#214 /caron
fp@369: 8#220 /dotlessi 8#230 /oe 8#231 /OE
fp@369: 8#240 /space 8#241 /exclamdown 8#242 /cent 8#243 /sterling
fp@369: 8#244 /currency 8#245 /yen 8#246 /brokenbar 8#247 /section 8#250 /dieresis
fp@369: 8#251 /copyright 8#252 /ordfeminine 8#253 /guillemotleft 8#254 /logicalnot
fp@369: 8#255 /hyphen 8#256 /registered 8#257 /macron 8#260 /degree 8#261 /plusminus
fp@369: 8#262 /twosuperior 8#263 /threesuperior 8#264 /acute 8#265 /mu 8#266 /paragraph
fp@369: 8#267 /periodcentered 8#270 /cedilla 8#271 /onesuperior 8#272 /ordmasculine
fp@369: 8#273 /guillemotright 8#274 /onequarter 8#275 /onehalf
fp@369: 8#276 /threequarters 8#277 /questiondown 8#300 /Agrave 8#301 /Aacute
fp@369: 8#302 /Acircumflex 8#303 /Atilde 8#304 /Adieresis 8#305 /Aring
fp@369: 8#306 /AE 8#307 /Ccedilla 8#310 /Egrave 8#311 /Eacute
fp@369: 8#312 /Ecircumflex 8#313 /Edieresis 8#314 /Igrave 8#315 /Iacute
fp@369: 8#316 /Icircumflex 8#317 /Idieresis 8#320 /Eth 8#321 /Ntilde 8#322 /Ograve
fp@369: 8#323 /Oacute 8#324 /Ocircumflex 8#325 /Otilde 8#326 /Odieresis 8#327 /multiply
fp@369: 8#330 /Oslash 8#331 /Ugrave 8#332 /Uacute 8#333 /Ucircumflex
fp@369: 8#334 /Udieresis 8#335 /Yacute 8#336 /Thorn 8#337 /germandbls 8#340 /agrave
fp@369: 8#341 /aacute 8#342 /acircumflex 8#343 /atilde 8#344 /adieresis 8#345 /aring
fp@369: 8#346 /ae 8#347 /ccedilla 8#350 /egrave 8#351 /eacute
fp@369: 8#352 /ecircumflex 8#353 /edieresis 8#354 /igrave 8#355 /iacute
fp@369: 8#356 /icircumflex 8#357 /idieresis 8#360 /eth 8#361 /ntilde 8#362 /ograve
fp@369: 8#363 /oacute 8#364 /ocircumflex 8#365 /otilde 8#366 /odieresis 8#367 /divide
fp@369: 8#370 /oslash 8#371 /ugrave 8#372 /uacute 8#373 /ucircumflex
fp@369: 8#374 /udieresis 8#375 /yacute 8#376 /thorn 8#377 /ydieresis] def
fp@369: /Helvetica /Helvetica-iso isovec ReEncode
fp@369: /$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def
fp@369: /$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def
fp@369: $F2psBegin
fp@369: 10 setmiterlimit
fp@369: 0 slj 0 slc
fp@369:  0.06299 0.06299 sc
fp@369: %
fp@369: % Fig objects follow
fp@369: %
fp@369: % 
fp@369: % here starts figure with depth 50
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: 7.500 slw
fp@369: gs  clippath
fp@369: 3450 4020 m 3450 4080 l 3602 4080 l 3482 4050 l 3602 4020 l cp
fp@369: eoclip
fp@369: n 4230 3915 m 3825 3915 l 3960 4050 l
fp@369:  3465 4050 l gs col0 s gr gr
fp@369: % arrowhead
fp@369: n 3602 4020 m 3482 4050 l 3602 4080 l  col0 s
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: gs  clippath
fp@369: 330 5910 m 390 5910 l 390 5759 l 360 5879 l 330 5759 l cp
fp@369: eoclip
fp@369: n 360 2295 m
fp@369:  360 5895 l gs col0 s gr gr
fp@369: % arrowhead
fp@369: n 330 5759 m 360 5879 l 390 5759 l 330 5759 l  cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr  col0 s
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 3465 2160 m
fp@369:  3465 6120 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 2160 m
fp@369:  1215 6120 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 3375 m
fp@369:  3465 3375 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 4050 m
fp@369:  3465 4050 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 4770 m
fp@369:  3465 4770 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 3375 m 3465 3375 l 3465 4050 l 1215 4050 l
fp@369:  cp gs /PC [[1.00 1.00 1.00] [0.00 0.00 0.00]] def
fp@369: 15.00 15.00 sc P5 [16 0 0 -16 81.00 225.00] PATmp PATsp ef gr PATusp gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 4410 m
fp@369:  3465 4410 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 3015 m
fp@369:  3465 3015 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 855 2295 m
fp@369:  3465 2295 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 2655 m
fp@369:  3465 2655 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 4770 m 3465 4770 l 3465 5445 l 1215 5445 l
fp@369:  cp gs /PC [[1.00 1.00 1.00] [0.00 0.00 0.00]] def
fp@369: 15.00 15.00 sc P5 [16 0 0 -16 81.00 318.00] PATmp PATsp ef gr PATusp gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 855 5445 m
fp@369:  3465 5445 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 1215 5805 m
fp@369:  3465 5805 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 7560 2160 m
fp@369:  7560 6120 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 5310 2160 m
fp@369:  5310 6120 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 5310 3375 m
fp@369:  7560 3375 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 5310 4770 m
fp@369:  7560 4770 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 5310 3015 m
fp@369:  7560 3015 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 4950 2295 m
fp@369:  7560 2295 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 5310 2655 m
fp@369:  7560 2655 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 5310 5805 m
fp@369:  7560 5805 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 5310 3735 m
fp@369:  7560 3735 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 5310 4095 m 7560 4095 l 7560 5445 l 5310 5445 l
fp@369:  cp gs /PC [[1.00 1.00 1.00] [0.00 0.00 0.00]] def
fp@369: 15.00 15.00 sc P5 [16 0 0 -16 354.00 273.00] PATmp PATsp ef gr PATusp gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: % Polyline
fp@369: n 4950 5445 m
fp@369:  7560 5445 l gs col0 s gr 
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 3555 3870 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Interrupt) col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 315 4320 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc  90.0 rot (Time) col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 2340 2880 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Frame Assembly) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 2340 3240 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Frame Sending) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 2340 4275 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (ISR) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 2340 4635 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Frame Dissection) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 2340 2520 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Data Processing) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 2340 5670 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Data Processing) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 2340 6030 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (...) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 2340 2160 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (...) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 1215 1845 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Interrupt Operation) col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 6435 5670 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (ISR) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 6435 6030 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (...) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 6435 2160 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (...) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 6435 3240 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Data Processing) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 6435 2520 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (ISR) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 6435 2880 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Frame Dissection) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 6435 3600 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Frame Assembly) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 6435 3960 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Frame Sending) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 5130 3870 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc  90.0 rot (Realtime Cycle) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 5310 1845 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc (Interrupt-less Operation) col0 sh gr
fp@369: /Helvetica-iso ff 180.00 scf sf
fp@369: 1035 3870 m
fp@369: gs 1 -1 sc  90.0 rot (Realtime Cycle) dup sw pop 2 div neg 0 rm  col0 sh gr
fp@369: % here ends figure;
fp@369: $F2psEnd
fp@369: rs
fp@369: end
fp@369: showpage