fp@563: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fp@563: #
fp@573: #  EtherCAT master sysconfig file
fp@563: #
fp@563: #  $Id$
fp@563: #
fp@563: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fp@563: #
fp@573: # Master device and backup-device settings.
fp@563: #
fp@573: # The MASTERX_DEVICE variable specifies the ethernet device for master 'X',
fp@573: # while the MASTERX_BACKUP variable specifies the backup ethernet device for
fp@573: # redundancy purposes.
fp@563: #
fp@573: # There are three formats for specifying ethernet devices:
fp@573: # 1) MAC address (example: "00:00:08:44:55:66"). Specify the MAC address of
fp@573: #    the ethernet card to use.
fp@573: # 2) PCI bus address (example: "01:1c.0"). Specify the PCU bis address of the
fp@573: #    ethernet card to use.
fp@573: # 3) Driver and device index (example: "8139too:0"). Currently there are two
fp@573: #    drivers available: "8139too" and "e100". The device index is the index
fp@573: #    into driver-supported PCI cards.
fp@563: #
fp@573: # The MASTERX_DEVICE variables also determine, how many masters will be
fp@573: # created: A non-empty variable MASTER0_DEVICE will create one master, adding
fp@573: # a non-empty variable MASTER1_DEVICE will create a second master, and so on.
fp@563: #
fp@563: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------