fp@2131: /*******************************************************************************
fp@2131:   Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver
fp@2131:   Copyright(c) 1999 - 2008 Intel Corporation.
fp@2131:   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
fp@2131:   under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
fp@2131:   version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
fp@2131:   This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
fp@2131:   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
fp@2131:   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
fp@2131:   more details.
fp@2131:   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
fp@2131:   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
fp@2131:   51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
fp@2131:   The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
fp@2131:   the file called "COPYING".
fp@2131:   Contact Information:
fp@2131:   Linux NICS <linux.nics@intel.com>
fp@2131:   e1000-devel Mailing List <e1000-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
fp@2131:   Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497
fp@2131: *******************************************************************************/
fp@2131: /* Linux PRO/1000 Ethernet Driver main header file */
fp@2131: #ifndef _E1000_H_
fp@2131: #define _E1000_H_
fp@2131: #include <linux/types.h>
fp@2131: #include <linux/timer.h>
fp@2131: #include <linux/workqueue.h>
fp@2131: #include <linux/io.h>
fp@2131: #include <linux/netdevice.h>
fp@2131: #include "hw.h"
fp@2131: struct e1000_info;
fp@2131: #define e_printk(level, adapter, format, arg...) \
fp@2131: 	printk(level "%s: %s: " format, pci_name(adapter->pdev), \
fp@2131: 	       adapter->netdev->name, ## arg)
fp@2131: #ifdef DEBUG
fp@2131: #define e_dbg(format, arg...) \
fp@2131: 	e_printk(KERN_DEBUG , adapter, format, ## arg)
fp@2131: #else
fp@2131: #define e_dbg(format, arg...) do { (void)(adapter); } while (0)
fp@2131: #endif
fp@2131: #define e_err(format, arg...) \
fp@2131: 	e_printk(KERN_ERR, adapter, format, ## arg)
fp@2131: #define e_info(format, arg...) \
fp@2131: 	e_printk(KERN_INFO, adapter, format, ## arg)
fp@2131: #define e_warn(format, arg...) \
fp@2131: 	e_printk(KERN_WARNING, adapter, format, ## arg)
fp@2131: #define e_notice(format, arg...) \
fp@2131: 	e_printk(KERN_NOTICE, adapter, format, ## arg)
fp@2131: /* Interrupt modes, as used by the IntMode parameter */
fp@2131: #define E1000E_INT_MODE_LEGACY		0
fp@2131: #define E1000E_INT_MODE_MSI		1
fp@2131: #define E1000E_INT_MODE_MSIX		2
fp@2131: /* Tx/Rx descriptor defines */
fp@2131: #define E1000_DEFAULT_TXD		256
fp@2131: #define E1000_MAX_TXD			4096
fp@2131: #define E1000_MIN_TXD			64
fp@2131: #define E1000_DEFAULT_RXD		256
fp@2131: #define E1000_MAX_RXD			4096
fp@2131: #define E1000_MIN_RXD			64
fp@2131: #define E1000_MIN_ITR_USECS		10 /* 100000 irq/sec */
fp@2131: #define E1000_MAX_ITR_USECS		10000 /* 100    irq/sec */
fp@2131: /* Early Receive defines */
fp@2131: #define E1000_ERT_2048			0x100
fp@2131: #define E1000_FC_PAUSE_TIME		0x0680 /* 858 usec */
fp@2131: /* How many Tx Descriptors do we need to call netif_wake_queue ? */
fp@2131: /* How many Rx Buffers do we bundle into one write to the hardware ? */
fp@2131: #define E1000_RX_BUFFER_WRITE		16 /* Must be power of 2 */
fp@2131: #define AUTO_ALL_MODES			0
fp@2131: #define E1000_EEPROM_APME		0x0400
fp@2131: #define E1000_MNG_VLAN_NONE		(-1)
fp@2131: /* Number of packet split data buffers (not including the header buffer) */
fp@2131: #define PS_PAGE_BUFFERS			(MAX_PS_BUFFERS - 1)
fp@2131: #define DEFAULT_JUMBO			9234
fp@2131: /* BM/HV Specific Registers */
fp@2131: #define BM_PORT_CTRL_PAGE                 769
fp@2131: #define PHY_UPPER_SHIFT                   21
fp@2131: #define BM_PHY_REG(page, reg) \
fp@2131: 	(((reg) & MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS) |\
fp@2131: 	 (((page) & 0xFFFF) << PHY_PAGE_SHIFT) |\
fp@2131: 	 (((reg) & ~MAX_PHY_REG_ADDRESS) << (PHY_UPPER_SHIFT - PHY_PAGE_SHIFT)))
fp@2131: /* PHY Wakeup Registers and defines */
fp@2131: #define BM_RCTL         PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 0)
fp@2131: #define BM_WUC          PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 1)
fp@2131: #define BM_WUFC         PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 2)
fp@2131: #define BM_WUS          PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 3)
fp@2131: #define BM_RAR_L(_i)    (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 16 + ((_i) << 2)))
fp@2131: #define BM_RAR_M(_i)    (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 17 + ((_i) << 2)))
fp@2131: #define BM_RAR_H(_i)    (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 18 + ((_i) << 2)))
fp@2131: #define BM_RAR_CTRL(_i) (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 19 + ((_i) << 2)))
fp@2131: #define BM_MTA(_i)      (BM_PHY_REG(BM_WUC_PAGE, 128 + ((_i) << 1)))
fp@2131: #define BM_RCTL_UPE           0x0001          /* Unicast Promiscuous Mode */
fp@2131: #define BM_RCTL_MPE           0x0002          /* Multicast Promiscuous Mode */
fp@2131: #define BM_RCTL_MO_SHIFT      3               /* Multicast Offset Shift */
fp@2131: #define BM_RCTL_MO_MASK       (3 << 3)        /* Multicast Offset Mask */
fp@2131: #define BM_RCTL_BAM           0x0020          /* Broadcast Accept Mode */
fp@2131: #define BM_RCTL_PMCF          0x0040          /* Pass MAC Control Frames */
fp@2131: #define BM_RCTL_RFCE          0x0080          /* Rx Flow Control Enable */
fp@2131: #define HV_SCC_UPPER		PHY_REG(778, 16) /* Single Collision Count */
fp@2131: #define HV_SCC_LOWER		PHY_REG(778, 17)
fp@2131: #define HV_ECOL_UPPER		PHY_REG(778, 18) /* Excessive Collision Count */
fp@2131: #define HV_ECOL_LOWER		PHY_REG(778, 19)
fp@2131: #define HV_MCC_UPPER		PHY_REG(778, 20) /* Multiple Collision Count */
fp@2131: #define HV_MCC_LOWER		PHY_REG(778, 21)
fp@2131: #define HV_LATECOL_UPPER	PHY_REG(778, 23) /* Late Collision Count */
fp@2131: #define HV_LATECOL_LOWER	PHY_REG(778, 24)
fp@2131: #define HV_COLC_UPPER		PHY_REG(778, 25) /* Collision Count */
fp@2131: #define HV_COLC_LOWER		PHY_REG(778, 26)
fp@2131: #define HV_DC_UPPER		PHY_REG(778, 27) /* Defer Count */
fp@2131: #define HV_DC_LOWER		PHY_REG(778, 28)
fp@2131: #define HV_TNCRS_UPPER		PHY_REG(778, 29) /* Transmit with no CRS */
fp@2131: #define HV_TNCRS_LOWER		PHY_REG(778, 30)
fp@2131: #define E1000_FCRTV_PCH     0x05F40 /* PCH Flow Control Refresh Timer Value */
fp@2131: /* BM PHY Copper Specific Status */
fp@2131: #define BM_CS_STATUS                      17
fp@2131: #define BM_CS_STATUS_LINK_UP              0x0400
fp@2131: #define BM_CS_STATUS_RESOLVED             0x0800
fp@2131: #define BM_CS_STATUS_SPEED_MASK           0xC000
fp@2131: #define BM_CS_STATUS_SPEED_1000           0x8000
fp@2131: /* 82577 Mobile Phy Status Register */
fp@2131: #define HV_M_STATUS                       26
fp@2131: #define HV_M_STATUS_AUTONEG_COMPLETE      0x1000
fp@2131: #define HV_M_STATUS_SPEED_MASK            0x0300
fp@2131: #define HV_M_STATUS_SPEED_1000            0x0200
fp@2131: #define HV_M_STATUS_LINK_UP               0x0040
fp@2131: enum e1000_boards {
fp@2131: 	board_82571,
fp@2131: 	board_82572,
fp@2131: 	board_82573,
fp@2131: 	board_82574,
fp@2131: 	board_82583,
fp@2131: 	board_80003es2lan,
fp@2131: 	board_ich8lan,
fp@2131: 	board_ich9lan,
fp@2131: 	board_ich10lan,
fp@2131: 	board_pchlan,
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: struct e1000_queue_stats {
fp@2131: 	u64 packets;
fp@2131: 	u64 bytes;
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: struct e1000_ps_page {
fp@2131: 	struct page *page;
fp@2131: 	u64 dma; /* must be u64 - written to hw */
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: /*
fp@2131:  * wrappers around a pointer to a socket buffer,
fp@2131:  * so a DMA handle can be stored along with the buffer
fp@2131:  */
fp@2131: struct e1000_buffer {
fp@2131: 	dma_addr_t dma;
fp@2131: 	struct sk_buff *skb;
fp@2131: 	union {
fp@2131: 		/* Tx */
fp@2131: 		struct {
fp@2131: 			unsigned long time_stamp;
fp@2131: 			u16 length;
fp@2131: 			u16 next_to_watch;
fp@2131: 		};
fp@2131: 		/* Rx */
fp@2131: 		/* arrays of page information for packet split */
fp@2131: 		struct e1000_ps_page *ps_pages;
fp@2131: 	};
fp@2131: 	struct page *page;
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: struct e1000_ring {
fp@2131: 	void *desc;			/* pointer to ring memory  */
fp@2131: 	dma_addr_t dma;			/* phys address of ring    */
fp@2131: 	unsigned int size;		/* length of ring in bytes */
fp@2131: 	unsigned int count;		/* number of desc. in ring */
fp@2131: 	u16 next_to_use;
fp@2131: 	u16 next_to_clean;
fp@2131: 	u16 head;
fp@2131: 	u16 tail;
fp@2131: 	/* array of buffer information structs */
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_buffer *buffer_info;
fp@2131: 	char name[IFNAMSIZ + 5];
fp@2131: 	u32 ims_val;
fp@2131: 	u32 itr_val;
fp@2131: 	u16 itr_register;
fp@2131: 	int set_itr;
fp@2131: 	struct sk_buff *rx_skb_top;
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_queue_stats stats;
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: /* PHY register snapshot values */
fp@2131: struct e1000_phy_regs {
fp@2131: 	u16 bmcr;		/* basic mode control register    */
fp@2131: 	u16 bmsr;		/* basic mode status register     */
fp@2131: 	u16 advertise;		/* auto-negotiation advertisement */
fp@2131: 	u16 lpa;		/* link partner ability register  */
fp@2131: 	u16 expansion;		/* auto-negotiation expansion reg */
fp@2131: 	u16 ctrl1000;		/* 1000BASE-T control register    */
fp@2131: 	u16 stat1000;		/* 1000BASE-T status register     */
fp@2131: 	u16 estatus;		/* extended status register       */
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: /* board specific private data structure */
fp@2131: struct e1000_adapter {
fp@2131: 	struct timer_list watchdog_timer;
fp@2131: 	struct timer_list phy_info_timer;
fp@2131: 	struct timer_list blink_timer;
fp@2131: 	struct work_struct reset_task;
fp@2131: 	struct work_struct watchdog_task;
fp@2131: 	const struct e1000_info *ei;
fp@2131: 	struct vlan_group *vlgrp;
fp@2131: 	u32 bd_number;
fp@2131: 	u32 rx_buffer_len;
fp@2131: 	u16 mng_vlan_id;
fp@2131: 	u16 link_speed;
fp@2131: 	u16 link_duplex;
fp@2131: 	u16 eeprom_vers;
fp@2131: 	/* track device up/down/testing state */
fp@2131: 	unsigned long state;
fp@2131: 	/* Interrupt Throttle Rate */
fp@2131: 	u32 itr;
fp@2131: 	u32 itr_setting;
fp@2131: 	u16 tx_itr;
fp@2131: 	u16 rx_itr;
fp@2131: 	/*
fp@2131: 	 * Tx
fp@2131: 	 */
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_ring *tx_ring /* One per active queue */
fp@2131: 						____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
fp@2131: 	struct napi_struct napi;
fp@2131: 	unsigned long tx_queue_len;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int restart_queue;
fp@2131: 	u32 txd_cmd;
fp@2131: 	bool detect_tx_hung;
fp@2131: 	u8 tx_timeout_factor;
fp@2131: 	u32 tx_int_delay;
fp@2131: 	u32 tx_abs_int_delay;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int total_tx_bytes;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int total_tx_packets;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int total_rx_bytes;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int total_rx_packets;
fp@2131: 	/* Tx stats */
fp@2131: 	u64 tpt_old;
fp@2131: 	u64 colc_old;
fp@2131: 	u32 gotc;
fp@2131: 	u64 gotc_old;
fp@2131: 	u32 tx_timeout_count;
fp@2131: 	u32 tx_fifo_head;
fp@2131: 	u32 tx_head_addr;
fp@2131: 	u32 tx_fifo_size;
fp@2131: 	u32 tx_dma_failed;
fp@2131: 	/*
fp@2131: 	 * Rx
fp@2131: 	 */
fp@2131: 	bool (*clean_rx) (struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
fp@2131: 			  int *work_done, int work_to_do)
fp@2131: 						____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
fp@2131: 	void (*alloc_rx_buf) (struct e1000_adapter *adapter,
fp@2131: 			      int cleaned_count);
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_ring *rx_ring;
fp@2131: 	u32 rx_int_delay;
fp@2131: 	u32 rx_abs_int_delay;
fp@2131: 	/* Rx stats */
fp@2131: 	u64 hw_csum_err;
fp@2131: 	u64 hw_csum_good;
fp@2131: 	u64 rx_hdr_split;
fp@2131: 	u32 gorc;
fp@2131: 	u64 gorc_old;
fp@2131: 	u32 alloc_rx_buff_failed;
fp@2131: 	u32 rx_dma_failed;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int rx_ps_pages;
fp@2131: 	u16 rx_ps_bsize0;
fp@2131: 	u32 max_frame_size;
fp@2131: 	u32 min_frame_size;
fp@2131: 	/* OS defined structs */
fp@2131: 	struct net_device *netdev;
fp@2131: 	struct pci_dev *pdev;
fp@2131: 	struct net_device_stats net_stats;
fp@2131: 	/* structs defined in e1000_hw.h */
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_hw hw;
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_hw_stats stats;
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_phy_info phy_info;
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_phy_stats phy_stats;
fp@2131: 	/* Snapshot of PHY registers */
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_phy_regs phy_regs;
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_ring test_tx_ring;
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_ring test_rx_ring;
fp@2131: 	u32 test_icr;
fp@2131: 	u32 msg_enable;
fp@2131: 	struct msix_entry *msix_entries;
fp@2131: 	int int_mode;
fp@2131: 	u32 eiac_mask;
fp@2131: 	u32 eeprom_wol;
fp@2131: 	u32 wol;
fp@2131: 	u32 pba;
fp@2131: 	u32 max_hw_frame_size;
fp@2131: 	bool fc_autoneg;
fp@2131: 	unsigned long led_status;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int flags;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int flags2;
fp@2131: 	struct work_struct downshift_task;
fp@2131: 	struct work_struct update_phy_task;
fp@2131: 	struct work_struct led_blink_task;
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: struct e1000_info {
fp@2131: 	enum e1000_mac_type	mac;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int		flags;
fp@2131: 	unsigned int            flags2;
fp@2131: 	u32			pba;
fp@2131: 	u32			max_hw_frame_size;
fp@2131: 	s32			(*get_variants)(struct e1000_adapter *);
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_mac_operations *mac_ops;
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_phy_operations *phy_ops;
fp@2131: 	struct e1000_nvm_operations *nvm_ops;
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: /* hardware capability, feature, and workaround flags */
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_AMT                      (1 << 0)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_FLASH                    (1 << 1)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_HW_VLAN_FILTER           (1 << 2)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_WOL                      (1 << 3)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_ERT                      (1 << 4)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_CTRLEXT_ON_LOAD          (1 << 5)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_SWSM_ON_LOAD             (1 << 6)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_JUMBO_FRAMES             (1 << 7)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_READ_ONLY_NVM                (1 << 8)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_IS_ICH                       (1 << 9)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_MSIX                     (1 << 10)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_HAS_SMART_POWER_DOWN         (1 << 11)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_IS_QUAD_PORT_A               (1 << 12)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_IS_QUAD_PORT                 (1 << 13)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_TIPG_MEDIUM_FOR_80003ESLAN   (1 << 14)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_APME_IN_WUC                  (1 << 15)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_APME_IN_CTRL3                (1 << 16)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_APME_CHECK_PORT_B            (1 << 17)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_DISABLE_FC_PAUSE_TIME        (1 << 18)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_NO_WAKE_UCAST                (1 << 19)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_MNG_PT_ENABLED               (1 << 20)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_RESET_OVERWRITES_LAA         (1 << 21)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_TARC_SPEED_MODE_BIT          (1 << 22)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_TARC_SET_BIT_ZERO            (1 << 23)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_RX_NEEDS_RESTART             (1 << 24)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_LSC_GIG_SPEED_DROP           (1 << 25)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_SMART_POWER_DOWN             (1 << 26)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_MSI_ENABLED                  (1 << 27)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_RX_CSUM_ENABLED              (1 << 28)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_TSO_FORCE                    (1 << 29)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_RX_RESTART_NOW               (1 << 30)
fp@2131: #define FLAG_MSI_TEST_FAILED              (1 << 31)
fp@2131: /* CRC Stripping defines */
fp@2131: #define FLAG2_CRC_STRIPPING               (1 << 0)
fp@2131: #define FLAG2_HAS_PHY_WAKEUP              (1 << 1)
fp@2131: #define FLAG2_IS_DISCARDING               (1 << 2)
fp@2131: #define E1000_RX_DESC_PS(R, i)	    \
fp@2131: 	(&(((union e1000_rx_desc_packet_split *)((R).desc))[i]))
fp@2131: #define E1000_GET_DESC(R, i, type)	(&(((struct type *)((R).desc))[i]))
fp@2131: #define E1000_RX_DESC(R, i)		E1000_GET_DESC(R, i, e1000_rx_desc)
fp@2131: #define E1000_TX_DESC(R, i)		E1000_GET_DESC(R, i, e1000_tx_desc)
fp@2131: #define E1000_CONTEXT_DESC(R, i)	E1000_GET_DESC(R, i, e1000_context_desc)
fp@2131: enum e1000_state_t {
fp@2131: 	__E1000_TESTING,
fp@2131: 	__E1000_RESETTING,
fp@2131: 	__E1000_DOWN
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: enum latency_range {
fp@2131: 	lowest_latency = 0,
fp@2131: 	low_latency = 1,
fp@2131: 	bulk_latency = 2,
fp@2131: 	latency_invalid = 255
fp@2131: };
fp@2131: extern char e1000e_driver_name[];
fp@2131: extern const char e1000e_driver_version[];
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_check_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev);
fp@2131: extern int e1000e_up(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_reinit_locked(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_power_up_phy(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern int e1000e_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern int e1000e_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_free_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern bool e1000_has_link(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_set_interrupt_capability(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_reset_interrupt_capability(struct e1000_adapter *adapter);
fp@2131: extern unsigned int copybreak;
fp@2131: extern char *e1000e_get_hw_dev_name(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_82571_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_82572_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_82573_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_82574_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_82583_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_ich8_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_ich9_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_ich10_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_pch_info;
fp@2131: extern struct e1000_info e1000_es2_info;
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_pba_num(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 *pba_num);
fp@2131: extern s32  e1000e_commit_phy(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern bool e1000e_enable_mng_pass_thru(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern bool e1000e_get_laa_state_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_set_laa_state_82571(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool state);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_write_protect_nvm_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_set_kmrn_lock_loss_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw,
fp@2131: 						 bool state);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_igp3_phy_powerdown_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_gig_downshift_workaround_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_disable_gig_wol_ich8lan(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_check_for_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_check_for_fiber_link(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_check_for_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_setup_led_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_cleanup_led_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_led_on_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_led_off_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_bus_info_pcie(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_copper(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_speed_and_duplex_fiber_serdes(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_disable_pcie_master(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_auto_rd_done(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_clear_hw_cntrs_base(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_copper_link_setup_m88(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_copper_link_setup_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_clear_vfta(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 rar_count);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_update_mc_addr_list_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw,
fp@2131: 					       u8 *mc_addr_list,
fp@2131: 					       u32 mc_addr_count,
fp@2131: 					       u32 rar_used_count,
fp@2131: 					       u32 rar_count);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_rar_set(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *addr, u32 index);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_set_fc_watermarks(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_set_pcie_no_snoop(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 no_snoop);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_hw_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_valid_led_default(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_config_collision_dist(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_force_mac_fc(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_blink_led(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_write_vfta(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u32 value);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_reset_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_update_adaptive(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_setup_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_phy_id(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_put_hw_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_check_reset_block_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_cable_length_igp_2(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_phy_info_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_igp_locked(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset,
fp@2131:                                           u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_phy_hw_reset_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool active);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_igp(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_igp_locked(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset,
fp@2131:                                            u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_phy_sw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_m88(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_cfg_done(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_cable_length_m88(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_get_phy_info_m88(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_m88(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_m88(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_phy_init_script_igp3(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern enum e1000_phy_type e1000e_get_phy_type_from_id(u32 phy_id);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_determine_phy_address(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_bm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_bm2(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_bm2(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_phy_force_speed_duplex_setup(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 *phy_ctrl);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_kmrn_reg_locked(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset,
fp@2131:                                         u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_kmrn_reg_locked(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset,
fp@2131:                                        u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_phy_has_link_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 iterations,
fp@2131: 			       u32 usec_interval, bool *success);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_phy_reset_dsp(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_phy_reg_mdic(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_phy_reg_mdic(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_check_downshift(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_read_phy_reg_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_read_phy_reg_hv_locked(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset,
fp@2131:                                         u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_write_phy_reg_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_write_phy_reg_hv_locked(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset,
fp@2131:                                          u16 data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_set_mdio_slow_mode_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw, bool slow);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_link_stall_workaround_hv(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_copper_link_setup_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_check_polarity_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_get_phy_info_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000_get_cable_length_82577(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->phy.ops.reset_phy(hw);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000_check_reset_block(struct e1000_hw *hw)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->phy.ops.check_reset_block(hw);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1e_rphy(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 *data)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->phy.ops.read_phy_reg(hw, offset, data);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1e_wphy(struct e1000_hw *hw, u32 offset, u16 data)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->phy.ops.write_phy_reg(hw, offset, data);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000_get_cable_length(struct e1000_hw *hw)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->phy.ops.get_cable_length(hw);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_acquire_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_write_nvm_spi(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_update_nvm_checksum_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct e1000_hw *hw, int ee_reg);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_nvm_eerd(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_validate_nvm_checksum_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_release_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern void e1000e_reload_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_read_mac_addr(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000_validate_nvm_checksum(struct e1000_hw *hw)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->nvm.ops.validate_nvm(hw);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000e_update_nvm_checksum(struct e1000_hw *hw)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->nvm.ops.update_nvm(hw);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000_read_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->nvm.ops.read_nvm(hw, offset, words, data);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000_write_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw, u16 offset, u16 words, u16 *data)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->nvm.ops.write_nvm(hw, offset, words, data);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000_get_phy_info(struct e1000_hw *hw)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->phy.ops.get_phy_info(hw);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline s32 e1000e_check_mng_mode(struct e1000_hw *hw)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return hw->mac.ops.check_mng_mode(hw);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: extern bool e1000e_check_mng_mode_generic(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern bool e1000e_enable_tx_pkt_filtering(struct e1000_hw *hw);
fp@2131: extern s32 e1000e_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, u8 *buffer, u16 length);
fp@2131: static inline u32 __er32(struct e1000_hw *hw, unsigned long reg)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	return readl(hw->hw_addr + reg);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: static inline void __ew32(struct e1000_hw *hw, unsigned long reg, u32 val)
fp@2131: {
fp@2131: 	writel(val, hw->hw_addr + reg);
fp@2131: }
fp@2131: #endif /* _E1000_H_ */