author Knud Baastrup <>
Tue, 14 Apr 2015 13:12:24 -0400
changeset 2629 a2701af27fde
parent 2589 2b9c78543663
permissions -rw-r--r--
Internal SDO requests now synchronized with external requests.
Internal SDO requests are managed by master FSM and can conflict with
external requests managed by slave FSM. The internal SDO requests
includes SDO requests created by an application and external request are
typical created by EtherCAT Tool for SDO upload/download or a directory
fetch initiated with ethercat sdos command. The conflict will cause a
FPWR from an external request to be overwritten by a FPWR from an
internal SDO request (or oppersite) in the same "train" of datagrams.
 *  $Id$
 *  Copyright (C) 2006-2009  Florian Pose, Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
 *  This file is part of the IgH EtherCAT Master.
 *  The IgH EtherCAT Master is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  The IgH EtherCAT Master is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with the IgH EtherCAT Master; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 *  ---
 *  The license mentioned above concerns the source code only. Using the
 *  EtherCAT technology and brand is only permitted in compliance with the
 *  industrial property and similar rights of Beckhoff Automation GmbH.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <list>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

#include "CommandSlaves.h"
#include "MasterDevice.h"


    Command("slaves", "Display slaves on the bus.")


string CommandSlaves::helpString(const string &binaryBaseName) const
    stringstream str;

    str << binaryBaseName << " " << getName() << " [OPTIONS]" << endl
        << endl
        << getBriefDescription() << endl
        << endl
        << "If the --verbose option is not given, the slaves are" << endl
        << "displayed one-per-line. Example:" << endl
        << endl
        << "1  5555:0  PREOP  +  EL3162 2C. Ana. Input 0-10V" << endl
        << "|  |    |  |      |  |" << endl
        << "|  |    |  |      |  \\- Name from the SII if avaliable," << endl
        << "|  |    |  |      |     otherwise vendor ID and product" << endl
        << "|  |    |  |      |     code (both hexadecimal)." << endl
        << "|  |    |  |      \\- Error flag. '+' means no error," << endl
        << "|  |    |  |         'E' means that scan or" << endl
        << "|  |    |  |         configuration failed." << endl
        << "|  |    |  \\- Current application-layer state." << endl
        << "|  |    \\- Decimal relative position to the last" << endl
        << "|  |       slave with an alias address set." << endl
        << "|  \\- Decimal alias address of this slave (if set)," << endl
        << "|     otherwise of the last slave with an alias set," << endl
        << "|     or zero, if no alias was encountered up to this" << endl
        << "|     position." << endl
        << "\\- Absolute ring position in the bus." << endl
        << endl
        << "If the --verbose option is given, a detailed (multi-line)" << endl
        << "description is output for each slave." << endl
        << endl
        << "Slave selection:" << endl
        << "  Slaves for this and other commands can be selected with" << endl
        << "  the --alias and --position parameters as follows:" << endl
        << endl
        << "  1) If neither the --alias nor the --position option" << endl
        << "     is given, all slaves are selected." << endl
        << "  2) If only the --position option is given, it is" << endl
        << "     interpreted as an absolute ring position and" << endl
        << "     a slave with this position is matched." << endl
        << "  3) If only the --alias option is given, all slaves" << endl
        << "     with the given alias address and subsequent" << endl
        << "     slaves before a slave with a different alias" << endl
        << "     address match (use -p0 if only the slaves" << endl
        << "     with the given alias are desired, see 4))." << endl
        << "  4) If both the --alias and the --position option are" << endl
        << "     given, the latter is interpreted as relative" << endl
        << "     position behind any slave with the given alias." << endl
        << endl
        << "Command-specific options:" << endl
        << "  --alias    -a <alias>  Slave alias (see above)." << endl
        << "  --position -p <pos>    Slave position (see above)." << endl
        << "  --verbose  -v          Show detailed slave information." << endl
        << endl
        << numericInfo();

    return str.str();


void CommandSlaves::execute(const StringVector &args)
	MasterIndexList masterIndices;
    SlaveList slaves;
    bool doIndent;

    if (args.size()) {
        stringstream err;
        err << "'" << getName() << "' takes no arguments!";

	masterIndices = getMasterIndices();
    doIndent = masterIndices.size() > 1;
    MasterIndexList::const_iterator mi;
    for (mi = masterIndices.begin();
            mi != masterIndices.end(); mi++) {
        MasterDevice m(*mi);;
        slaves = selectedSlaves(m);

        if (getVerbosity() == Verbose) {
            showSlaves(m, slaves);
        } else {
            listSlaves(m, slaves, doIndent);


void CommandSlaves::listSlaves(
        MasterDevice &m,
        const SlaveList &slaves,
        bool doIndent
    ec_ioctl_master_t master;
    unsigned int i, lastDevice;
    ec_ioctl_slave_t slave;
    uint16_t lastAlias, aliasIndex;
    Info info;
    typedef list<Info> InfoList;
    InfoList infoList;
    InfoList::const_iterator iter;
    stringstream str;
    unsigned int maxPosWidth = 0, maxAliasWidth = 0,
                 maxRelPosWidth = 0, maxStateWidth = 0;
    string indent(doIndent ? "  " : "");


    lastAlias = 0;
    aliasIndex = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < master.slave_count; i++) {
        m.getSlave(&slave, i);

        if (slave.alias) {
            lastAlias = slave.alias;
            aliasIndex = 0;

        if (slaveInList(slave, slaves)) {
            str << dec << i;
            info.pos = str.str();

            str << lastAlias;
            info.alias = str.str();

            str << aliasIndex;
            info.relPos = str.str();

            info.state = alStateString(slave.al_state);
            info.flag = (slave.error_flag ? 'E' : '+');
            info.device = slave.device_index;

            if (strlen( {
            } else {
                str << "0x" << hex << setfill('0')
                    << setw(8) << slave.vendor_id << ":0x"
                    << setw(8) << slave.product_code;
       = str.str();


            if (info.pos.length() > maxPosWidth)
                maxPosWidth = info.pos.length();
            if (info.alias.length() > maxAliasWidth)
                maxAliasWidth = info.alias.length();
            if (info.relPos.length() > maxRelPosWidth)
                maxRelPosWidth = info.relPos.length();
            if (info.state.length() > maxStateWidth)
                maxStateWidth = info.state.length();


    if (infoList.size() && doIndent) {
        cout << "Master" << dec << m.getIndex() << endl;

    lastDevice = EC_DEVICE_MAIN;
    for (iter = infoList.begin(); iter != infoList.end(); iter++) {
        if (iter->device != lastDevice) {
            lastDevice = iter->device;
            cout << "xxx LINK FAILURE xxx" << endl;
        cout << indent << setfill(' ') << right
            << setw(maxPosWidth) << iter->pos << "  "
            << setw(maxAliasWidth) << iter->alias
            << ":" << left
            << setw(maxRelPosWidth) << iter->relPos << "  "
            << setw(maxStateWidth) << iter->state << "  "
            << iter->flag << "  "
            << iter->name << endl;


void CommandSlaves::showSlaves(
        MasterDevice &m,
        const SlaveList &slaves
    SlaveList::const_iterator si;
    int i;

    for (si = slaves.begin(); si != slaves.end(); si++) {
        cout << "=== Master " << dec << m.getIndex()
            << ", Slave " << dec << si->position << " ===" << endl;

        if (si->alias)
            cout << "Alias: " << si->alias << endl;

            << "Device: " << (si->device_index ? "Backup" : "Main") << endl
            << "State: " << alStateString(si->al_state) << endl
            << "Flag: " << (si->error_flag ? 'E' : '+') << endl
            << "Identity:" << endl
            << "  Vendor Id:       0x"
            << hex << setfill('0')
            << setw(8) << si->vendor_id << endl
            << "  Product code:    0x"
            << setw(8) << si->product_code << endl
            << "  Revision number: 0x"
            << setw(8) << si->revision_number << endl
            << "  Serial number:   0x"
            << setw(8) << si->serial_number << endl;

        cout << "DL information:" << endl
            << "  FMMU bit operation: "
            << (si->fmmu_bit ? "yes" : "no") << endl
            << "  Distributed clocks: ";
        if (si->dc_supported) {
            if (si->has_dc_system_time) {
                cout << "yes, ";
                switch (si->dc_range) {
                    case EC_DC_32:
                        cout << "32 bit";
                    case EC_DC_64:
                        cout << "64 bit";
                        cout << "???";
                cout << endl;
            } else {
                cout << "yes, delay measurement only" << endl;
            cout << "  DC system time transmission delay: "
                << dec << si->transmission_delay << " ns" << endl;
        } else {
            cout << "no" << endl;

        cout << "Port  Type  Link  Loop    Signal  NextSlave";
        if (si->dc_supported)
            cout << "  RxTime [ns]  Diff [ns]   NextDc [ns]";
        cout << endl;

        for (i = 0; i < EC_MAX_PORTS; i++) {
            cout << "   " << i << "  " << setfill(' ') << left << setw(4);
            switch (si->ports[i].desc) {
                case EC_PORT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED:
                    cout << "N/A";
                case EC_PORT_NOT_CONFIGURED:
                    cout << "N/C";
                case EC_PORT_EBUS:
                    cout << "EBUS";
                case EC_PORT_MII:
                    cout << "MII";
                    cout << "???";

            cout << "  " << setw(4)
                << (si->ports[i].link.link_up ? "up" : "down")
                << "  " << setw(6)
                << (si->ports[i].link.loop_closed ? "closed" : "open")
                << "  " << setw(6)
                << (si->ports[i].link.signal_detected ? "yes" : "no")
                << "  " << setw(9) << right;

            if (si->ports[i].next_slave != 0xffff) {
                cout << dec << si->ports[i].next_slave;
            } else {
                cout << "-";

            if (si->dc_supported) {
                cout << "  " << setw(11) << right;
                if (!si->ports[i].link.loop_closed) {
                    cout << dec << si->ports[i].receive_time;
                } else {
                    cout << "-";
                cout << "  " << setw(10);
                if (!si->ports[i].link.loop_closed) {
                    cout << si->ports[i].receive_time -
                } else {
                    cout << "-";
                cout << "  " << setw(10);
                if (!si->ports[i].link.loop_closed) {
                    cout << si->ports[i].delay_to_next_dc;
                } else {
                    cout << "-";

            cout << endl;

        if (si->mailbox_protocols) {
            list<string> protoList;
            list<string>::const_iterator protoIter;

            cout << "Mailboxes:" << endl
                << "  Bootstrap RX: 0x" << setfill('0')
                << hex << setw(4) << si->boot_rx_mailbox_offset << "/"
                << dec << si->boot_rx_mailbox_size
                << ", TX: 0x"
                << hex << setw(4) << si->boot_tx_mailbox_offset << "/"
                << dec << si->boot_tx_mailbox_size << endl
                << "  Standard  RX: 0x"
                << hex << setw(4) << si->std_rx_mailbox_offset << "/"
                << dec << si->std_rx_mailbox_size
                << ", TX: 0x"
                << hex << setw(4) << si->std_tx_mailbox_offset << "/"
                << dec << si->std_tx_mailbox_size << endl
                << "  Supported protocols: ";

            if (si->mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_AOE) {
            if (si->mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_EOE) {
            if (si->mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_COE) {
            if (si->mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_FOE) {
            if (si->mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_SOE) {
            if (si->mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_VOE) {

            for (protoIter = protoList.begin(); protoIter != protoList.end();
                    protoIter++) {
                if (protoIter != protoList.begin())
                    cout << ", ";
                cout << *protoIter;
            cout << endl;

        if (si->has_general_category) {
            cout << "General:" << endl
                << "  Group: " << si->group << endl
                << "  Image name: " << si->image << endl
                << "  Order number: " << si->order << endl
                << "  Device name: " << si->name << endl;

            if (si->mailbox_protocols & EC_MBOX_COE) {
                cout << "  CoE details:" << endl
                    << "    Enable SDO: "
                    << (si->coe_details.enable_sdo ? "yes" : "no") << endl
                    << "    Enable SDO Info: "
                    << (si->coe_details.enable_sdo_info ? "yes" : "no")
                    << endl
                    << "    Enable PDO Assign: "
                    << (si->coe_details.enable_pdo_assign
                            ? "yes" : "no") << endl
                    << "    Enable PDO Configuration: "
                    << (si->coe_details.enable_pdo_configuration
                            ? "yes" : "no") << endl
                    << "    Enable Upload at startup: "
                    << (si->coe_details.enable_upload_at_startup
                            ? "yes" : "no") << endl
                    << "    Enable SDO complete access: "
                    << (si->coe_details.enable_sdo_complete_access
                            ? "yes" : "no") << endl;

            cout << "  Flags:" << endl
                << "    Enable SafeOp: "
                << (si->general_flags.enable_safeop ? "yes" : "no") << endl
                << "    Enable notLRW: "
                << (si->general_flags.enable_not_lrw ? "yes" : "no") << endl
                << "  Current consumption: "
                << dec << si->current_on_ebus << " mA" << endl;


bool CommandSlaves::slaveInList(
        const ec_ioctl_slave_t &slave,
        const SlaveList &slaves
    SlaveList::const_iterator si;

    for (si = slaves.begin(); si != slaves.end(); si++) {
        if (si->position == slave.position) {
            return true;

    return false;
