2011-11-08 Christian Taedcke Win32 IXXAT driver:
2011-11-08 Christian Taedcke Win32 applconfig:
2011-11-08 Christian Taedcke Win32 IXXAT driver:
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke SDO transfer:
2011-08-08 ct Win32-Dll:
2011-05-12 ct Win32-Timer:
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - The AVR example now compiles in linux.
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - adapted paths for current vscom driver
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - the macro SUB_PROG_CFLAGS was overwritten for 64bit machines using gcc. Because of this the xenomai compilation failed.
2012-01-21 Edouard Tisserant Merged some canfestival-3-ica Fixes.
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - The AVR example now compiles in linux.
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - adapted paths for current vscom driver
2011-12-22 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - the macro SUB_PROG_CFLAGS was overwritten for 64bit machines using gcc. Because of this the xenomai compilation failed.
2011-12-15 Mongo bug correction in sdo.c, in writeNetworkDictCallBackAI a call to _writeNetworkDict had endianize forced to 1
2011-12-13 Mongo bug correction in dcf.c, an entry of only one byte was not checked
2011-11-02 Mongo New feature : event timers allowed for RxPDOs (subidx 5 in RxPDO com paramaters)
2011-10-13 Mongo Configuration manager with DCF in object 0x1F22 rewritten almost from scratch.
2011-09-12 Mongo Added some fixes from Jaroslav Fojtik submitted on sourceforge bug tracker:
2011-08-30 fbeaulier Added include stdlib.h for malloc functions in sdo.c
2011-08-29 fbeaulier patch from Stefan Kratochwil <entwicklung@inovel.de> : canfestival-3-fm3_698.patch
2011-08-29 fbeaulier patch from Christian Taedcke <hacking@taedcke.com> : fix-wrong-resetSDOline-for-sdo-timeout.patch
2011-08-29 fbeaulier CHANGE: SDO block mode added, without CRC support
2011-08-16 fbeaulier timers_unix.c : remove sigint and sigterm catch
2011-06-23 Edouard Tisserant fixed bug with cross wmingw build
2011-06-20 Stefan Removed unneccessary overhead introduced with the last fix.
2011-06-20 skratochwil Fixed incorrect struct access in sendPDO() and inserted a missing variable in sendOnePDOEvent(). These errors occured at compile-time when configuring the project with './configure --debug=PDO' or './configure --debug=WAR'.
2011-04-13 Edouard Tisserant Fix some side effects of EDS import, while editing afterward
2011-01-28 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - changed make targets from "%o: %c" to "%.o: %.c" (Patch from irc <oleg_osov>)
2011-01-28 Christian Taedcke FIX: - if a sdo transfer timeout occurres, reset the sdo line even if the callback function does not.
2011-01-27 Christian Taedcke FIXED: - Sdo lines with the internal state SDO_ABORTED_ITERNAL are now closed.