2007-10-01 etisserant Fixed some transmit type issues (for 254 255) with null event and/or inhibit time
2007-10-01 luis Solved a small bug in emcy.c (errRegMask was always '1' in EMCY_setError.
2007-09-30 etisserant DS401 Slave GUI : Added command line interface, cleaned up parts of code, added EDS.
2007-09-30 etisserant Update with latest generated code flavour (TestMasterSalve)
2007-09-30 etisserant Typo crashin on node remove in network editor
2007-09-30 etisserant Fixed forgoten removed objdictedit.sh in Makefine.in
2007-09-30 etisserant Some tricks in communication services status struct (states.c) and in sync.c to fit with Beremiz generated node code.
2007-09-30 etisserant Added debug message printing. Added socket option : CAN_RAW_LOOPBACK=1 and CAN_RAW_RECV_OWN_MSGS=0.
2007-09-30 etisserant Removed warning with lower boundary <= 0 in Valuerange test wuth unsigned types
2007-09-28 luis Modified codes in MSG_ERR and MSG_WAR in emcy.c
2007-09-27 lbessard Bug on gen_cfile.py valueRangeTest generation fixed
2007-09-27 lbessard Adding support for restricting user to only dynamically set 0 to index 0x1003 subindex 0x00 in gen_cfile.py
2007-09-27 etisserant Removed struct initializer with non-constant pointer, making TI compiler fail
2007-09-26 luis Implemented EMCY objects.
2007-09-25 baf Fixed typo in objdictgen.py preventing generation of examples' ODs
2007-09-25 greg Updated manual for msys/mingw build
2007-09-25 lbessard Obsolete example files in objdictgen/examples replaced by some new equivalents
2007-09-24 lbessard Bug on MessageDialog popup when unable to load a file fixed
2007-09-21 etisserant added config.py.in, filled by configure, so that python program using objdictedit can gat compilation params. Reomved old dead files.
2007-09-21 etisserant Typo in configure
2007-09-19 lbessard Bug on Drop Source fixed
2007-09-18 lbessard Corrections for wx version 2.8.4
2007-09-18 greg fix problem sh. Replace with bash in configure script. For msys, there is a bash version to download.
2007-09-13 lbessard Modifying node Print function for displaying more informations
2007-09-12 lbessard Some bugs fixed
2007-09-11 etisserant Added SetRoot in networkedit to change project root on the fly
2007-09-10 lbessard Adding support for using Networkedit with Beremiz
2007-09-10 etisserant Removed debug prints
2007-09-10 etisserant Changed BeginDrag to conform BusId
2007-09-10 lbessard Bug on Load Project fixed
2007-09-10 greg Add win32 target (--can=win32) to compile with msys and mingw32
2007-09-04 lbessard Code corrections
2007-09-04 lbessard Create "eds" folder if it doesn't exist in any case
2007-08-31 etisserant Updated .cvsignores
2007-08-31 etisserant Minor changes in SYNC. Splitted SendSync in SendSync and SendSyncMessage to allow manual SYNC message transmission and separate SYNC proceeding (synced TPDOs)
2007-08-30 etisserant Added exclusion mechanism to TestMasterSlave finish code
2007-08-30 etisserant Prevent potential problem with missing 0x1005 OD entry
2007-08-30 etisserant Better code readability
2007-08-28 lbessard Bugs fixed on objdictedit dialogs
2007-08-23 lbessard Some bugs fixed:
2007-08-08 leonid *** empty log message ***
2007-08-08 leonid *** empty log message ***
2007-08-08 leonid *** empty log message ***
2007-08-08 lbessard Cleaning code for using only wxPython 2.6 class naming
2007-08-08 lbessard Adding support for always installing last gnosis version
2007-08-07 leonid *** empty log message ***
2007-08-07 etisserant Some fixes for C++
2007-08-06 etisserant Attic problem. Removed old unused dirs.
2007-08-06 etisserant Some cleanup in latex manual
2007-08-02 etisserant Disabled compilation of DS401_xxx examples
2007-08-02 etisserant Disabled compilation of DS401_xxx examples
2007-08-01 etisserant Added contribution from Nicolas GRANDEMANGE. DS-401 slave GUI based on wxwidget.
2007-07-25 lbessard Modifying gen_cfile.py for generating C file from a node as data rather than a manager
2007-07-25 greg nodemanager to work with masternode copy
2007-07-25 lbessard Some bugs fixed
2007-07-21 lbessard Changes in networkedit for integration with beremiz
2007-07-17 etisserant Fixed mutex typo in win32
2007-07-16 etisserant Udpated doxygen
2007-07-06 greg add auto-mapping tool (config_utils)
2007-07-06 greg add profile callback
2007-07-02 etisserant Added "Default value" to context menu on subindex grid in objdictedit.
2007-07-02 etisserant Full preliminary implementation of TPDO transmit type:
2007-06-29 etisserant Preliminary implementation of Event Timer and Inhibit Timer driven TPDO
2007-06-29 etisserant cleanup
2007-06-29 lbessard Permitting user to type decimal or hexadecimal for integer values
2007-06-29 lbessard Bug on file loading from shell command fixed
2007-06-28 etisserant Changed types declaration for unix using sys/types.h
2007-06-28 etisserant Fixed tipo
2007-06-28 etisserant Fixed unicode encoding in gen_cfile.py
2007-06-27 greg add datatypes translation (define)
2007-06-25 lbessard Bugs on cfile generation fixed
2007-06-22 lbessard Bug on EDS file parsing fixed
2007-06-22 etisserant Addecd decompo_dcf to .def
2007-06-21 lbessard Bug on header file writing in gen_cfile fixed
2007-06-21 lbessard Bug on Domain data writing in gen_cfile fixed
2007-06-21 lbessard Mistake on a RPDO CobID corrected
2007-06-14 lbessard Remove bug report that don't have to be on CVS
2007-06-13 lbessard Bug on NodeManager corrected :
2007-06-11 lbessard Obsolete code line removed in objdictedit.py
2007-06-08 etisserant File removed accidently
2007-06-08 etisserant Fixed compile error because of missed type casting in certain compiler (http://www.iar.se/). Thanks to Raphael Studer
2007-06-08 etisserant fix dox
2007-06-08 nico Manual and Documentation finish
2007-06-08 etisserant fix dox
2007-06-07 nico Manual and Documentation finish
2007-06-06 etisserant Some fixes in dox.
2007-06-06 nico Manual and Documentation finish
2007-06-05 nico Manual and Documentation finish
2007-06-05 lbessard Bug on RefreshStatusBar corrected
2007-06-05 nico Manual convertion -> latex -> pdf
2007-06-04 nico First doxygen implementation
2007-05-29 greg Bugs corrected on objdictedit and networkdict
2007-05-28 lbessard Adding program for network management
2007-05-25 etisserant Some fixes for visual studio C compiler compatiblity.
2007-05-25 etisserant fixed ref to old configure .bat file.
2007-05-18 greg big-endian with concise dcf fixed
2007-05-16 greg Boolean variable mapped in PDO
2007-05-14 etisserant Big Endian fixes.
2007-05-14 greg fix :
2007-05-14 greg DS-302 profile update
2007-05-13 etisserant Fixed "function LoadCanDriver() should return library handle instead of 0 if succeeded" bug
2007-05-13 etisserant Applied wolfgang changes, and re-indented socket_can.c file
2007-05-13 etisserant Added debug level opt in configure and re-enabled debug macros.
2007-05-12 etisserant Removed dummy sleep.
2007-05-12 etisserant Fixed problems in can_virtual, loop when closing pipes.
2007-05-12 etisserant Wolfgang enhancements for RT-socket-CAN support
2007-05-12 etisserant CleanUp and minor fixes
2007-05-11 etisserant Let user choose his own XENO_CONFIG.
2007-05-11 etisserant Fix can_socket again.
2007-05-11 lbessard Bugs on C File generating corrected
2007-05-11 etisserant Fixed can_socket compilation bugs
2007-05-11 etisserant CleanUp
2007-05-11 greg correction of lifegrd compilation warning
2007-05-11 lbessard Bug on objectdictgen corrected
2007-05-10 greg Test if index 1F22 exists for Master OD (Concise DCF)
2007-05-04 lbessard Adding support for importing and exporting EDS files
2007-05-04 greg updated manual
2007-05-04 greg Update help text.
2007-05-04 greg Master configure slave's heartbeat producer time by concise DCF.
2007-05-04 greg Add concise DCF support
2007-05-04 greg Add default callback for index entry 0x1017
2007-04-30 greg Support for DCF (DS-302)
2007-04-24 etisserant Added writeLocalDict and readLocalDict, that have to be called from application instead of getODEntry and setODEntry. Fix potential endianization problem.
2007-04-24 etisserant Added _writenetworkdictionary option to avoir endianiation
2007-04-24 etisserant Set PDO transmit time according to ESA perceptionof CanOpen
2007-04-24 etisserant Removed SDOTimeout application callback.Please use SDO callbacks instead.
2007-04-19 etisserant EDS import
2007-04-18 etisserant Fixed segfault with Xenomai timer_xeno.c
2007-04-18 etisserant Removed compilation warnings with some GCC. + Fixed test for baudrate = none
2007-04-18 etisserant Added install target for MicroMod
2007-04-18 etisserant Removed compilation warnings with some GCC.
2007-04-17 etisserant Added a MicroMod Master sample in examples/TestMasterMicroMod. Fixed some SDO abort code and callback problem in sdo.c.
2007-04-17 etisserant Removed binry flag on vcproj files
2007-04-17 etisserant *** empty log message ***
2007-04-17 etisserant Added SDO network dictionnary access callback when aborded.
2007-04-17 etisserant Better error handling for unix and peak_linux.
2007-04-14 etisserant SetODEntry now call CO_data->storeODSubEntry(Index,SubIndex) for variables to be Stored (when column Save==True in GUI)
2007-04-14 etisserant Removed genrated dead prototypes for depricated callbacks.
2007-04-13 etisserant Updated doc.
2007-04-13 etisserant Moved DS-301 PDF into objdictgen. Fixed installation on linux. Now TestMasterSlave is also installed in $PREFIX/bin.
2007-04-12 etisserant Added cosmetics with Can_Virtual
2007-04-12 etisserant Removed dead code.
2007-04-12 etisserant Removed Mutex liberation on CanSend. Too much race condition to avoid. Cannot be deeply tested.
2007-04-12 etisserant Implemented writeNetworkDictCallBack test in TestMasterSlave example. Fixed callback assignement race condition in sdo.c.
2007-04-12 etisserant Post_sync have to be called even if in pre-op state. Fixed.
2007-04-12 etisserant Now, setNodeId does change TPDO and RPDO CobId without testing previous CobId in order to avoid confusion. Standard does not says when 'default value' should be applied. See DS301 - Object 1400h - 15FFh: Receive PDO Communication Parameter page 108.
2007-04-11 etisserant Updated doc. Cleaned some code.
2007-04-07 etisserant Some win32 fixes following yesterday's API changes.
2007-04-06 etisserant Changes in the API:
2007-04-05 lbessard Bug on CanOpen help popup corrected
2007-04-05 lbessard Bug on CanOpen help popup corrected
2007-04-04 etisserant Win32 Native support and dynamicaly loaded CAN drivers for Linux, Cygwin and Win32.
2007-04-04 etisserant Win32 Native support and dynamicaly loaded CAN drivers for Linux, Cygwin and Win32.
2007-04-03 etisserant file TestMasterSalve.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-03 etisserant file getopt.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-03 etisserant file getopt.c was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-03 etisserant file config.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-03 etisserant file canfestival.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-03 etisserant file build_cygwin.sh was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-03 etisserant file CanFestival-3.vc8.sln was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-03 etisserant file .cvsignore was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-02 etisserant file lincan.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-02 etisserant file canmsg.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-02 etisserant file cancfg.h.tail was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-02 etisserant file cancfg.h.head was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-04-02 etisserant file .cvsignore was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-30 etisserant file unix.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-30 etisserant file libcanfestival_can_virtual.so was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-30 etisserant file libcanfestival_can_peak_linux.so was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-30 etisserant file unix.c was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file can_uvccm_win32.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file can_uvccm_win32.def was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file can_uvccm_win32.cpp was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file can_peak_win32.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file can_peak_win32.def was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file can_peak_win32.cpp was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file can_peak_linux.c was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file can_peak_cygwin.c was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file Makefile.in was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-03-26 etisserant file .cvsignore was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-16 leonid file win32test.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-16 leonid file win32test.od was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-16 leonid file win32test.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-16 leonid file win32test.c was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-16 leonid file main.c was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-15 leonid file CanFestival-3.vc8.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file timerscfg.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file timers_win32.cpp was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file resource.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file readme.win32.txt was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file lss_driver.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file drivers_win32.cpp was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file configure.win32.bat was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file config.h.win32 was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file applicfg.h.win32 was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file applicfg.h was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file CanFestival-3.wince.vc8.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file CanFestival-3.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file CanFestival-3.rc was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file CanFestival-3.def was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file CAN-uVCCM.vcproj was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file CAN-uVCCM.def was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-14 leonid file CAN-uVCCM.cpp was initially added on branch BRANCH_WIN32PORT.
2007-02-13 etisserant Removed all non-supported and uncontrolled source code. Please refer to CVS version "Before_..." to see old code.
2007-02-13 etisserant Removed all non-supported and uncontrolled source code. Please refer to CVS version "Before_..." to see old code.
2007-02-13 etisserant - Some fixes in Makefile.in Before_NVRAM_LED_LSS_cleanup
2007-02-13 etisserant - Better array initialization in data.h CANOPEN_NODE_DATA_INITIALIZER macro. Use a little hack with configure and config.h to create the "pure Ansi C" initializer.
2007-02-09 frdupin copy/paste error
2007-02-07 frdupin pointer bogue for *(d->iam_a_slave)
2007-02-07 frdupin pointer bogue for *(d->iam_a_slave)
2007-02-05 frdupin little/big endian and nodeId
2007-01-30 frdupin big endian bogue : nodeIdServer in now in 32 bits
2007-01-30 frdupin unused variables
2007-01-30 frdupin forgot some comments ...
2007-01-30 frdupin BIG endian def is moved to config.h
2007-01-30 frdupin 16 bits arch compatibility and unused variables
2007-01-29 frdupin hcs12 is big_endian
2007-01-29 frdupin compilers compatibility
2007-01-29 frdupin compilers compatibility
2007-01-29 frdupin compilers compatibility
2007-01-29 frdupin Add comment in config.h
2007-01-29 frdupin compilers compatibility
2007-01-29 frdupin compiler compatibility : accessDictionaryError contains nothing out of debogue mode
2007-01-29 frdupin compiler compatibility : comments
2007-01-26 lbessard LGPL copyright on generated files removed
2007-01-26 lbessard Code for avoiding possible problem on Window while importing html module
2007-01-25 frdupin compilator compatitibility
2007-01-25 lbessard Bug corrected on gen_cfile
2007-01-22 lbessard DS-401 and DS-418 updated
2007-01-20 lbessard Adding the possibility for users to choose between Dynamic Mapping and Static Mapping
2007-01-18 lbessard TIME_OF_DAY and TIME_DIFFERENCE disabled
2007-01-18 lbessard gen_cfile.py modified for avoiding possible conflict in mapped variable names
2007-01-11 frdupin PDO mapping parameters : number of mapped app must be in RW access
2007-01-10 lbessard Bug reported by Dean corrected
2007-01-03 lbessard Bug on map variable type changing and on comments with special characters corrected
2007-01-02 frdupin index 0x1004 is a visible_string
2006-12-19 frdupin some improvements
2006-12-19 frdupin prototypes in c-ansi style
2006-12-13 lbessard Some bugs reported by Francis Dupin corrected.
2006-12-13 frdupin obsolet
2006-12-13 frdupin *** empty log message ***
2006-12-13 frdupin lock interrupt before candispatch
2006-12-13 frdupin unused variable deleted
2006-12-13 frdupin Tested. OK on Canfestival 3 rc2
2006-12-13 frdupin Add prototypes
2006-12-12 frdupin Je n'ai pas termin?
2006-12-12 frdupin yes, I prefer in pdf
2006-12-12 frdupin Moved from ..
2006-12-12 frdupin moved in CANOpen_memento
2006-11-29 etisserant minval/maxval macro operators precedence fix. Thanks Luis Jim?nez.
2006-08-31 etisserant SOCKET-CAN support added. Many thanks to Jan Kiszka !
2006-08-10 etisserant Updated doc
2006-08-10 etisserant Updated doc
2006-08-10 lbessard Bug on NoteBook in Windows corrected
2006-08-10 lbessard Bug on NoteBook in Windows corrected
2006-08-10 etisserant cygwin/pcan_light commit. Changes in configure for dual port handling.
2006-08-08 etisserant First working cygwin/pcan_light commit. can_peak_win32.c is obfuscated.
2006-06-23 etisserant Updated configure and fixes in Makefiles.in for cygwin compiling. Root_BRANCH_3_0_RC2
2006-06-21 lbessard Add incremented index in Add Map Variable
2006-06-20 etisserant Cygwin port. Still untested. Compiles and link.
2006-06-20 etisserant Some fixes for GUI running Windows
2006-06-20 etisserant Added bauderate/disable option to TestMasterSlave Master and Slave nodes.
2006-06-20 lbessard Bug on receiveLoopTask termination corrected
2006-06-19 etisserant Fixed Xeno crash when no more alarm are set...
2006-06-19 etisserant Fixed some bugs with Xenomai and CAN/peak
2006-06-16 etisserant SDO callbacks.
2006-06-16 lbessard Code clean-up and fixed xenomai compile problem
2006-06-13 lbessard Some bugs found corrected
2006-06-13 lbessard Bugs on gen_cfile.py reported by Errin Bechtel corrected
2006-06-06 lbessard *** empty log message ***
2006-05-30 ppavel The LinCAN option is listed as accepted one by configure --can option.
2006-05-30 ppavel Included interfacing code for LinCAN driver.
2006-05-29 anonymous Test
2006-05-26 etisserant Linux and BSD now use "unix" target. Generic is for driverless compilation.
2006-05-22 oremeq Modification of the dictionnary to support NVRAM.
2006-05-22 etisserant NVRAM is not related ro CAN !!
2006-05-19 oremeq Some documentation correction
2006-05-19 oremeq Add some file for the CANfestival Absolute Rotary Encoder
2006-05-19 oremeq Add some files of the CANopen graphic terminal project.
2006-05-19 oremeq First version of NVRAM implemented on the file system for can_virtual
2006-05-18 etisserant Re-orginized led and nvram related code, for generic target.
2006-05-18 etisserant Re-orginized led and nvram related code, for generic target.
2006-05-18 etisserant Re-orginized led and nvram related code, for generic target.
2006-05-18 dejoigny d?placement de l'envoi du bootup
2006-05-17 dejoigny Modifs mineures.
2006-05-17 dejoigny CANOPEN_BIG_ENDIAN :
2006-05-17 dejoigny Bogue:big endian
2006-05-17 dejoigny provisoire
2006-05-16 dejoigny data.h manquant
2006-05-16 dejoigny correction bogue pour BIG_ENDIAN
2006-05-16 dejoigny ajout filtrage msgs
2006-05-16 dejoigny pas de debogue
2006-05-15 lbessard Bug on number in hexa computed by gen_cfile corrected
2006-05-15 etisserant Updated manual
2006-05-12 oremeq ADDED LED to TESTMASTERSLAVE. It looks nice!
2006-05-11 etisserant Fixed Endianisation/ValueRange order in SetODentry
2006-05-10 etisserant Commit some Fix from Francis on sdo.c and abjacces.c. Fix endianisation problems while accessing OD. Also fix SDO abord handling bug.
2006-05-10 etisserant Commit a new cvs repo.