Merge changes from
authorEdouard Tisserant
Sat, 12 Oct 2013 09:09:04 +0900 (2013-10-12)
changeset 788 6121ebff4da6
parent 786 8dbe0aec4f36 (current diff)
parent 787 e13fa74d169c (diff)
child 789 a82d867e7850
Merge changes from
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drivers/can_ixxat_win32/can_ixxat_win.c	Sat Oct 12 09:09:04 2013 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
+Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+	Wrapper Layer for CANFestival to interact with IXXAT VCI V3.X.X Drivers (vcisdk.lib)
+	Provides external references for win32 library see win32.c (CanFestival-3)
+	Currently the VCI CAN driver for Windows supports the following IXXAT interfaces:
+	PC-I 04/PCI
+	iPC-I 320/PCI II
+	iPC-I 165/PCI
+	iPC-I XC16/PCI
+	iPC-I XC16/PMC
+	iPC-I XC16/PCIe
+	USB-to-CAN compact
+	CAN-IB100/PCIe
+	CAN-IB200/PCIe
+	CAN-IB120/PCIe Mini
+	CAN-IB130/PCIe 104
+	CAN-IB230/PCIe 104
+	CAN@net II/VCI
+	CANblue II
+	FR-IB100/PCIe (only in combination with VCI V2.20)
+	tinCAN 161
+**    File: can_ixxat_win32.c
+**    Summary: Wrapper to encapsulate handling of VCI3
+**	  Include vcisdk.lib	
+**  Functions:  canOpen_driver
+**              canReceive_driver
+**              TimerProc1
+**              canClose_driver
+**				canSend_drive
+#include <stdio.h> 
+#include "can_driver.h"
+#include "def.h"
+#include "winuser.h"
+//  Include a path to the following header files provided with VCI V3.X.X
+//      ...sdk/Microsoft_VisualC/inc
+#include "vcinpl.h" 
+#include "VCI3.h"  
+#include "vcitype.h"
+#include "vciguid.h"
+#include "vcierr.h" 
+**   bus status polling cycle  milliseconds
+**   function prototypes
+void CALLBACK TimerProc1(void* lpParametar, BOOL TimerOrWaitFired );
+void Display_Error(HRESULT hResult);
+**   static variables 
+static HANDLE hDevice;       // device handle
+static LONG   lCtrlNo;       // controller number
+static HANDLE hCanCtl;       // controller handle 
+static HANDLE hCanChn;       // channel handle
+static LONG   lMustQuit = 0; // quit flag for the receive thread
+static HANDLE hTimerHandle;  // timer handle 
+**    datatypes
+struct sLook_up_table
+	char baud_rate[20];
+	UINT8 bt0;
+	UINT8 bt1; 
+struct sInterface_lookup_table
+	char board_num[10];
+	UINT8 num;
+**    Function      : canOpen_driver
+**    Description   : Initializes the Control and Message Channels
+**    Parameters    : s_BOARD *board		- pointer to board information
+**    Returnvalue   : (CAN_HANDLE)board		- handle for CAN controller 
+CAN_HANDLE __stdcall canOpen_driver(s_BOARD *board)
+    HANDLE        hEnumerator;     // enumerator handle
+    VCIDEVICEINFO VCIDeviceInfo;   // device info
+	HRESULT hResult;
+	int index,  boardNum; 
+	BOOL bResult; 
+	struct sLook_up_table sBitRate_lookup[9] = {
+		{"10K",0x31,0x1C},
+		{"20K",0x18,0x1C},
+		{"50K",0x09,0x1C},
+        {"100K",0x04,0x1C},
+        {"125K",0x03,0x1C},
+        {"250K",0x01,0x1C},
+        {"500K",0x00,0x1C},
+        {"800K",0x00,0x16},
+        {"1M",0x00,0x14}};
+	struct sInterface_lookup_table sInterfaceList[4]={
+		{"vcan0",0},
+		{"vcan1",1},
+		{"vcan2",2},
+		{"vcan3",3}};
+	for (boardNum =0 ; boardNum<4;boardNum++)   // determine canline selected 
+	{
+		if (strcmp(sInterfaceList[boardNum].board_num,board->busname )==0)
+			break;
+	}
+	for (index = 0; index < 10; ++index)       // determine baudrate 
+	{
+		if (strcmp(sBitRate_lookup[index].baud_rate,board->baudrate)==0)
+          break;
+	}
+	if (index == 9)
+	{
+		MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT::open: The given baudrate %S is invalid.", baud_rate);
+		return NULL ;
+	}
+	/*
+	**	The following can be used when the client has multiple CAN interfaces to slect from, and does not wish to use the 
+	**  selection dialog box
+	/*
+    /*		 
+	hResult= vciEnumDeviceOpen(&hEnumerator);
+	 // This loop will increment the index of the device list and returns the decription of the CAN line chose by user
+	if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+	{
+		for (index1=0; index1 <= sInterfaceList[boardNum].num; index1++){
+			hResult=vciEnumDeviceNext(hEnumerator, &VCIDeviceInfo);
+		}
+	}
+	printf("Device Selected: %s %s\n",VCIDeviceInfo.Manufacturer, VCIDeviceInfo.Description); 
+	if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+		hResult=vciEnumDeviceClose(hEnumerator);
+	if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+   		hResult= vciDeviceOpen(&VCIDeviceInfo.VciObjectId, &hDevice);
+	*/
+	/* 
+	**  Display Interface Selection Dialog Box 
+	*/
+	hResult= vciDeviceOpenDlg(0, &hDevice);
+	/*
+	**  Establish and activate the message Channel 
+	*/
+	if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+		hResult= canChannelOpen(hDevice, 0, TRUE, &hCanChn);
+	//  Select Rx fifo size, Rx threshold, Tx fifo size, Tx threshold
+    if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+		hResult=canChannelInitialize( hCanChn, 1024, 1,128,1);  
+    if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+	    hResult=canChannelActivate(hCanChn, TRUE);
+	/* 
+	** Establish and Activate the Contol Channel 
+	*/
+    if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+		 hResult=canControlOpen(hDevice, 0, &hCanCtl);
+	//  Select 11 or 29 bit IDs, Select operating mode 
+    if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+		hResult=canControlInitialize( hCanCtl, CAN_OPMODE_STANDARD | CAN_OPMODE_ERRFRAME, sBitRate_lookup[index].bt0, sBitRate_lookup[index].bt1 );
+	//  With VCI it is possible to filter IDs, See VCI V3 manual. The following will accept all IDs
+	if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+	     hResult= canControlSetAccFilter( hCanCtl, FALSE, CAN_ACC_CODE_ALL, CAN_ACC_MASK_ALL);
+	if (hResult== VCI_OK)
+	    hResult=canControlStart(hCanCtl, TRUE);
+	if (hResult!=VCI_OK)
+	{
+		Display_Error(hResult);
+		return NULL; 
+	}
+	/*
+	**   Create timer to poll bus status 
+	*/  
+	bResult= CreateTimerQueueTimer(
+			& hTimerHandle,
+			NULL,
+			TimerProc1,    // Callback function
+			NULL,
+		    0,
+		    );
+	return (CAN_HANDLE)board;
+**    Function      : canReceive_driver 
+**    Description   : Transfers RX messages to Festival application
+**    Parameters    : CAN_HANDLE inst		- handle for CAN controller 
+					  Message *m			- pointer to Message struct
+**    Returnvalue   : hResult				-   VCI_OK if success
+UNS8 __stdcall canReceive_driver(CAN_HANDLE inst, Message *m)
+    HRESULT hResult;
+	CANMSG rCanMsg;
+	//Read message from the receive buffer 
+	hResult=canChannelReadMessage( hCanChn, INFINITE, &rCanMsg );
+	if (hResult !=VCI_OK )
+		return 1; 		
+	m->cob_id =  rCanMsg.dwMsgId;   
+	m->len = rCanMsg.uMsgInfo.Bits.dlc;
+	m->rtr = rCanMsg.uMsgInfo.Bits.rtr;
+	   if (m->rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST)
+	    	memcpy(m->data, rCanMsg.abData , m->len);
+	return (UNS8)hResult; 
+**    Function      : canSend_driver 
+**    Description   : Transfers RX messages to Interface 
+**    Parameters    : CAN_HANDLE inst		- handle for CAN controller 
+**					  Message *m			- pointer to Message struct
+**    Returnvalue   : hResult				-   VCI_OK if success
+UNS8 __stdcall canSend_driver(CAN_HANDLE inst, Message const *m)
+   	HRESULT hResult;
+	CANMSG sCanMsg; 
+	sCanMsg.uMsgInfo.Bytes.bType  = CAN_MSGTYPE_DATA;                
+	sCanMsg.uMsgInfo.Bytes.bFlags = CAN_MAKE_MSGFLAGS(8,0,0,0,0);
+	sCanMsg.uMsgInfo.Bits.srr     = 0;
+	sCanMsg.dwTime   = 0;
+	sCanMsg.dwMsgId  = m->cob_id ;                         
+	memcpy(sCanMsg.abData,m->data, m->len);	                     
+	sCanMsg.uMsgInfo.Bits.dlc = m->len;     
+	sCanMsg.uMsgInfo.Bits.rtr=m->rtr; 
+	// write the CAN message into the transmit FIFO without waiting for transmission
+	 hResult = canChannelPostMessage(hCanChn, &sCanMsg);
+	 return (UNS8)hResult; 
+**    Function      : canClose_driver 
+**    Description   : Close the message and control channel
+**    Parameters    : CAN_HANDLE inst		- handle for CAN controller 
+**    Returnvalue   : 
+ int __stdcall canClose_driver(CAN_HANDLE inst)
+   {
+	printf("CAN close \n");
+	canControlReset(hCanCtl);
+	canChannelClose(hCanChn);
+	canControlClose(hCanCtl);
+	vciDeviceClose(hDevice);
+	DeleteTimerQueueTimer(NULL,hTimerHandle,NULL); 
+   return 1;
+   }
+**    Function      : canChangeBaudRate_driver 
+**    Description   : Changes the Baudrate of the interface (not supported) 
+**    Parameters    : 
+**    Returnvalue   : 
+   UNS8 __stdcall canChangeBaudRate_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd, char* baud)
+	{
+	//printf("canChangeBaudRate not yet supported by this driver\n");
+	return 0;
+	}
+ /*************************************************************************
+**    Function      : TimerProc1 
+**    Description   :  Basic Polling of the  the canline status,
+**					   print debug message for buffer overflow, and BUSOFF condition
+**    Parameters    :  void* lpParametar, BOOL TimerOrWaitFired
+**    Returnvalue   :  none 
+   void CALLBACK TimerProc1(void* lpParametar, BOOL TimerOrWaitFired )
+   {
+	   HRESULT hResult;
+	   CANLINESTATUS canStatus;
+	   /* Establish CAN controller status */
+	   hResult = canControlGetStatus ( hCanCtl, &canStatus);
+	   if (hResult!=VCI_OK)
+		   printf("Error did not read CAN STATUS\n"); 
+	   switch ( canStatus.dwStatus)
+	   {
+			   printf("Overrun of the recieve buffer\n");
+			   break;
+				printf("Overrun of the CAN controller error counter \n");
+			   break;
+				printf("CAN status: BUSOFF");
+			   break; 
+		   case CAN_STATUS_ININIT:				
+			   break; 
+			   printf("CAN status: BUSOFF\n");
+	/* 
+	** Bus off recovery should come after a software reset, and 128*11 recessive bits.  
+	** This can only happen when an Error-Active node sends an active error flag,
+	** and other nodes respond with Error Echo Flag
+	*/
+			   break;
+		   default: 
+			   break; 
+	   }
+   };
+ /*************************************************************************
+**    Function      : Display_Error
+**    Description   :  Display the CANline Error
+**    Parameters    :  HANDLE hResult
+**    Returnvalue   :  none 
+	void Display_Error(HRESULT hResult )
+   {
+	char szError[VCI_MAX_ERRSTRLEN];
+	if (hResult != NO_ERROR)
+	{
+		if (hResult == -1)
+			hResult = GetLastError();
+		szError[0] = 0;
+		vciFormatError(hResult, szError, sizeof(szError));
+		printf("Error Establishing CAN channel, Error Code: %s\n",szError); 
+	}
+   }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drivers/can_ixxat_win32/can_ixxat_win32.def	Sat Oct 12 09:09:04 2013 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+; This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
+; CanFestival Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+; CanFestival Win32 port Copyright (C) 2007 Leonid Tochinski, ChattenAssociates, Inc.
+; See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+LIBRARY can_ixxat_win32
+   canReceive_driver
+   canSend_driver
+   canOpen_driver
+   canClose_driver
+   canChangeBaudRate_driver
--- a/drivers/can_ixxat_win32/can_ixxat_win32.vc10.vcxproj	Mon Sep 23 00:27:39 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
Binary file drivers/can_ixxat_win32/can_ixxat_win32.vc12.v11.suo has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/drivers/can_ixxat_win32/can_ixxat_win32.vc12.vcxproj	Sat Oct 12 09:09:04 2013 +0900
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--- a/drivers/can_ixxat_win32/ixxat.cpp	Mon Sep 23 00:27:39 2013 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack.
-CanFestival Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
-CanFestival Win32 port Copyright (C) 2007 Leonid Tochinski, ChattenAssociates, Inc.
-See COPYING file for copyrights details.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-// pragma based message
-#define __STR2__(x) #x
-#define __STR1__(x) __STR2__(x)
-#define __LOC2__ __FILE__ "("__STR1__(__LINE__)") : "
-#pragma message("*********************************************************************************")
-#pragma message("  NOTE: IXXAT Win32 drivers and API should be installed in order to build this project!")
-#pragma message(__LOC2__ "See IXXAT.Cpp header for details.")
-#pragma message("*********************************************************************************")
-// IXXAT adapter driver for CanFestival-3 Win32 port
-// Notes
-// For building of this project you will need 
-// the following IXXAT API files
-// Vci2.h
-// Vci11un6.lib
-// IXXAT Win32 drivers and API can be downloaded from
-// Copy Vci2.h & Vci11un6.lib files to can_ixxat_win32 folder of add path to them in Project settings.
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern "C" {
-#include "applicfg.h"
-#include "can_driver.h"
-#include "def.h"
-#include "VCI2.h"
-#include "async_access_que.h"
-#define CAN_NUM 0
-class IXXAT
-   {
-   public:
-      class error
-        {
-        };
-      IXXAT(s_BOARD *board);
-      ~IXXAT();
-      bool send(const Message *m);
-      bool receive(Message *m);
-	  static bool isDriverClosed() {return m_driverClosed;}
-   private:
-      bool open(int board_number, const char* baud_rate);
-      bool close();
-      void receive_queuedata(UINT16 que_hdl, UINT16 count, VCI_CAN_OBJ* p_obj);
-      // VCI2 handler      
-      static void VCI_CALLBACKATTR message_handler(char *msg_str);
-      static void VCI_CALLBACKATTR receive_queuedata_handler(UINT16 que_hdl, UINT16 count, VCI_CAN_OBJ* p_obj);
-      static void VCI_CALLBACKATTR exception_handler(VCI_FUNC_NUM func_num, INT32 err_code, UINT16 ext_err, char* err_str);
-      static void CALLBACK canBusWatchdog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime);
-      void watchdog();
-   private:
-      UINT16 m_BoardHdl;
-      UINT16 m_TxQueHdl;
-      UINT16 m_RxQueHdl;
-      async_access_que<VCI_CAN_OBJ> m_RX_Que;
-      static IXXAT* m_callbackPtr;
-	  static bool m_driverClosed;
-      static UINT_PTR m_watchdogTimerId;
-      static const unsigned int CAN_BUS_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL_MSEC = 10000;
-      /** Bitmask inside sts from VCI_ReadCanStatus() that defines the can bus off state.*/
-      static const unsigned char STS_CAN_BUS_OFF = 0x80;
-      /** Bitmask inside sts from VCI_ReadCanStatus() that defines the can data overrun state.*/
-      static const unsigned char STS_CAN_DATA_OVERRUN = 0x20;
-      /** Bitmask inside sts from VCI_ReadCanStatus() that defines the remote queue overrun state.*/
-      static const unsigned char STS_REMOTE_QUEUE_OVERRUN = 0x04;
-   };
-IXXAT *IXXAT::m_callbackPtr = NULL;
-UINT_PTR IXXAT::m_watchdogTimerId = 0;
-bool IXXAT::m_driverClosed = false;
-IXXAT::IXXAT(s_BOARD *board) : m_BoardHdl(0xFFFF),
-                               m_TxQueHdl(0xFFFF),
-                               m_RxQueHdl(0xFFFF)
-   {
-   if (!board)
-      {
-      close();
-      throw error();
-      }
-   long board_number = 0;
-   if (board->busname)
-      {
-      board_number = atol(board->busname);
-      }
-   if (!open(board_number, board->baudrate))
-      {
-      close();
-      throw error();
-      }
-   m_callbackPtr = this;
-   }
-   {
-   close();
-   m_callbackPtr = 0;
-   }
-bool IXXAT::send(const Message *m)
-   {
-   if (m_BoardHdl == 0xFFFF)
-      return true; // true -> NOT OK
-   long res = VCI_ERR;
-   if (m->rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST)
-      res = VCI_TransmitObj(m_BoardHdl, m_TxQueHdl, m->cob_id, m->len, const_cast<unsigned char*>(m->data));
-   else
-      res = VCI_RequestObj(m_BoardHdl, m_TxQueHdl, m->cob_id, m->len);
-   return (res == VCI_OK);
-   }
-bool IXXAT::receive(Message *m)
-   {
-   if (m_BoardHdl == 0xFFFF)
-      return false;
-   VCI_CAN_OBJ obj;
-   if (m_RX_Que.extract_top(obj))
-      {
-      m->cob_id = static_cast<UNS16>(; //valid for 11Bit ids
-      m->len = obj.len;
-      m->rtr = (obj.rtr == VCI_RX_BUF) ? NOT_A_REQUEST : REQUEST;
-      if (m->rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST)
-         ::memcpy(m->data, obj.a_data, m->len);
-      return true;
-      }
-   return false;
-   }
-bool IXXAT::open(int board_number, const char* baud_rate)
-   {
-   // check, if baudrate is supported
-   struct IXXAT_baud_rate_param 
-     { 
-     UINT8  bt0; 
-     UINT8  bt1;
-     };
-   struct IXXAT_look_up_table
-     {
-     char baud_rate[20];
-     IXXAT_baud_rate_param bt;
-     };
-   static const IXXAT_look_up_table br_lut[] = {
-               {"10K",{VCI_10KB}},
-               {"20K",{VCI_20KB}},
-               {"50K",{VCI_50KB}},
-               {"100K",{VCI_100KB}},
-               {"125K",{VCI_125KB}},
-               {"250K",{VCI_250KB}},
-               {"500K",{VCI_500KB}},
-               {"800K",{VCI_800KB}},
-               {"1M",{VCI_1000KB}}
-               };
-   static const long br_lut_size = sizeof (br_lut)/sizeof(IXXAT_look_up_table);
-   int index;
-   for (index = 0; index < br_lut_size; ++index)
-       {
-       if (::strcmp(br_lut[index].baud_rate,baud_rate)==0)
-          break;
-       }
-   if (index == br_lut_size)
-   {
-      MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT::open: The given baudrate %S is invalid.", baud_rate);
-      return false;
-   }
-   // close existing board   
-   close();
-   // init IXXAT board
-   long res = VCI2_PrepareBoard(   0,                         // board type, unused in VCI2
-                                   board_number,              // unique board index, see XAT_EnumHwEntry() and XAT_GetConfig()
-                                   NULL,                      // pointer to buffer for additional info 
-                                   0,                         // length of additional info buffer
-                                   message_handler,           // pointer to msg-callbackhandler
-                                   receive_queuedata_handler, // pointer to receive-callbackhandler
-                                   exception_handler);        // pointer to exception-callbackhandler
-   if (res < 0)
-   {
-      MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT::open: VCI2_PrepareBoard failed with code '%d'.", res);
-      return false;
-   }
-   m_BoardHdl = (UINT16)res;
-   VCI_ResetBoard(m_BoardHdl);
-   // init CAN parameters
-   // initialize CAN-Controller
-   res = VCI_InitCan(m_BoardHdl, CAN_NUM, br_lut[index].bt.bt0,br_lut[index].bt.bt1, VCI_11B);
-   //  definition of Acceptance-Mask (define to receive all IDs)
-   res = VCI_SetAccMask(m_BoardHdl, CAN_NUM, 0x0UL, 0x0UL);
-   // definition of Transmit Queue
-   res = VCI_ConfigQueue(m_BoardHdl, CAN_NUM, VCI_TX_QUE, 100 , 0, 0, 0,  &m_TxQueHdl);
-   //  definition of Receive Queue (interrupt mode)
-   res = VCI_ConfigQueue(m_BoardHdl, CAN_NUM, VCI_RX_QUE, 500, 1, 0, 100,  &m_RxQueHdl);
-   //  assign the all IDs to the Receive Queue
-   res = VCI_AssignRxQueObj(m_BoardHdl, m_RxQueHdl ,VCI_ACCEPT, 0, 0);
-   //  And now start the CAN
-   res = VCI_StartCan(m_BoardHdl, CAN_NUM);
-   //Start CAN Bus-Off watchdog
-   m_watchdogTimerId = SetTimer(NULL, NULL, IXXAT::CAN_BUS_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL_MSEC, IXXAT::canBusWatchdog);
-   m_driverClosed = false;
-   return true;
-   }
-bool IXXAT::close()
-   {
-	m_driverClosed = true;
-   if (m_BoardHdl == 0xFFFF)
-      return true;
-   VCI_ResetBoard(m_BoardHdl);   
-   VCI_CancelBoard(m_BoardHdl);
-   m_BoardHdl = 
-   m_TxQueHdl = 
-   m_RxQueHdl = 0xFFFF;
-   return true;
-   }
-void IXXAT::receive_queuedata(UINT16 que_hdl, UINT16 count, VCI_CAN_OBJ *p_obj)
-   {
-   for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
-       m_RX_Que.append(p_obj[i]); // can packet
-   }
-void VCI_CALLBACKATTR IXXAT::receive_queuedata_handler(UINT16 que_hdl, UINT16 count, VCI_CAN_OBJ *p_obj)
-  {
-   if (m_callbackPtr != NULL)
-      m_callbackPtr->receive_queuedata(que_hdl, count, p_obj);
-  }
-void VCI_CALLBACKATTR IXXAT::message_handler(char *msg_str)
-  {
-  MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT Message: [%S]", msg_str);
-  }
-void VCI_CALLBACKATTR IXXAT::exception_handler(VCI_FUNC_NUM func_num, INT32 err_code, UINT16 ext_err, char* err_str)
-  {
-  static const char* Num2Function[] =
-    {
-    "VCI_Init",
-    "VCI_Searchboard",
-    "VCI_Prepareboard",
-    "VCI_Cancel_board",
-    "VCI_Testboard",
-    "VCI_ReadBoardInfo",
-    "VCI_ReadBoardStatus",
-    "VCI_Resetboard",
-    "VCI_ReadCANInfo",
-    "VCI_ReadCANStatus",
-    "VCI_InitCAN",
-    "VCI_SetAccMask",
-    "VCI_ResetCAN",
-    "VCI_StartCAN",
-    "VCI_ResetTimeStamps",
-    "VCI_ConfigQueue",
-    "VCI_AssignRxQueObj",
-    "VCI_ConfigBuffer",
-    "VCI_ReconfigBuffer",
-    "VCI_ConfigTimer",
-    "VCI_ReadQueStatus",
-    "VCI_ReadQueObj",
-    "VCI_ReadBufStatus",
-    "VCI_ReadBufData",
-    "VCI_TransmitObj",
-    "VCI_RequestObj",
-    "VCI_UpdateBufObj",
-    "VCI_CciReqData"
-    };
-  MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT Exception: %S (%i / %u) [%S]", Num2Function[func_num], err_code, ext_err, err_str);
-  }
-  void IXXAT::watchdog()
-  {
-    VCI_CAN_STS sts;
-    long res = VCI_ReadCanStatus(m_BoardHdl, CAN_NUM, &sts);
-    if (res < 0)
-    {
-      MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT canBusWatchdog: ERROR: Reading the can state failed!");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      {
-        if (sts.sts & STS_CAN_BUS_OFF)
-        {
-          MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT canBusWatchdog: CAN bus off detected!");
-        }
-        if (sts.sts & STS_CAN_DATA_OVERRUN)
-        {
-          MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT canBusWatchdog: CAN data overrun detected!");
-        }
-        if (sts.sts & STS_REMOTE_QUEUE_OVERRUN)
-        {
-          MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT canBusWatchdog: Remote queue overrun detected!");
-        }
-        res = VCI_ResetCan(m_BoardHdl, CAN_NUM);
-        if (res <= 0)
-        {
-          MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT canBusWatchdog: ERROR: Resetting the can module failed with code '%d'!", res);
-        }
-        res = VCI_StartCan(m_BoardHdl, CAN_NUM);
-        if (res <= 0)
-        {
-          MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT canBusWatchdog: ERROR: Restaring the can module failed with code '%d'!", res);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (SetTimer(NULL, m_watchdogTimerId, IXXAT::CAN_BUS_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL_MSEC, IXXAT::canBusWatchdog) == 0)
-    {
-      MSG_ERR_DRV("IXXAT canBusWatchdog: ERROR: Creation of the watchdog timer failed!");
-    }
-  }
-void CALLBACK IXXAT::canBusWatchdog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime)
-   if (m_callbackPtr != NULL)
-      m_callbackPtr->watchdog();
-extern "C"
-   UNS8 __stdcall canReceive_driver(CAN_HANDLE inst, Message *m)
-   {
-	 if (IXXAT::isDriverClosed()) return 0;
-     return reinterpret_cast<IXXAT*>(inst)->receive(m) ? 0 : 1;
-   }
-extern "C"
-   UNS8 __stdcall canSend_driver(CAN_HANDLE inst, Message const *m)
-   {
-	 if (IXXAT::isDriverClosed()) return 0;
-     return reinterpret_cast<IXXAT*>(inst)->send(m) ? 0 : 1;
-   }
-extern "C"
-   CAN_HANDLE __stdcall canOpen_driver(s_BOARD *board)
-   {
-   try
-      {
-      return new IXXAT(board);
-      }
-   catch (IXXAT::error&)
-      {
-      return 0;
-      }
-   }
-extern "C"
-   int __stdcall canClose_driver(CAN_HANDLE inst)
-   {
-   delete reinterpret_cast<IXXAT*>(inst);
-   return 1;
-   }
-extern "C"
-   UNS8 __stdcall canChangeBaudRate_driver( CAN_HANDLE fd, char* baud)
-	{
-	//printf("canChangeBaudRate not yet supported by this driver\n");
-	return 0;
-	}