re-indented pdo.c
Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:03:25 +0100 (2008-03-20)
changeset 425 4bc4706528ae
parent 424 5bbb2817a820
child 426 8011552b1319
re-indented pdo.c
--- a/src/pdo.c	Thu Mar 20 14:22:11 2008 +0100
+++ b/src/pdo.c	Thu Mar 20 15:03:25 2008 +0100
@@ -46,56 +46,69 @@
 ** @return
-UNS8 buildPDO(CO_Data* d, UNS8 numPdo, Message *pdo)
-	const indextable* TPDO_com = d->objdict + d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS + numPdo; 
-	const indextable* TPDO_map = d->objdict + d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP + numPdo;
-	UNS8 prp_j = 0x00;
-	UNS8 offset = 0x00;
-	const UNS8* pMappingCount = (UNS8*) TPDO_map->pSubindex[0].pObject;
-	pdo->cob_id = *(UNS16*)TPDO_com->pSubindex[1].pObject & UNS16_LE(0x7FF);
-	pdo->rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
-	MSG_WAR(0x3009, "  PDO CobId is : ", *(UNS32*)TPDO_com->pSubindex[1].pObject);
-	MSG_WAR(0x300D, "  Number of objects mapped : ",*pMappingCount );
-	do{
-		UNS8 dataType; /* Unused */
-		UNS8 tmp[]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; /* temporary space to hold bits */
-		/* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an mapping entry  */
-		UNS32* pMappingParameter = (UNS32*) TPDO_map->pSubindex[prp_j + 1].pObject;
-		UNS16 index = (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
-		UNS8 Size = (UNS8)(*pMappingParameter & (UNS32)0x000000FF); /* Size in bits */
-		/* get variable only if Size != 0 and Size is lower than remaining bits in the PDO */
-		if(Size && ((offset + Size) <= 64)) {
-			UNS8 ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3); /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 => 2, ... */
-			UNS8 subIndex = (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF);
-			MSG_WAR(0x300F, "  got mapping parameter : ", *pMappingParameter);
-			MSG_WAR(0x3050, "    at index : ", TPDO_map->index);
-			MSG_WAR(0x3051, "    sub-index : ", prp_j + 1);
-			if( getODentry(d, index, subIndex, tmp, &ByteSize, &dataType, 0 ) != OD_SUCCESSFUL ){
-				MSG_ERR(0x1013, " Couldn't find mapped variable at index-subindex-size : ", (UNS16)(*pMappingParameter));
-				return 0xFF;
-			}
-			/* copy bit per bit in little endian*/
-			CopyBits(Size, ((UNS8*)tmp), 0 , 0, (UNS8*)&pdo->data[offset>>3], offset%8, 0);
-			offset += Size ;
-		}
-		prp_j++;
-	}while( prp_j < *pMappingCount );
-	pdo->len = 1 + ((offset - 1) >> 3);
-	MSG_WAR(0x3015, "  End scan mapped variable", 0);
-	return 0;
+buildPDO (CO_Data * d, UNS8 numPdo, Message * pdo)
+  const indextable *TPDO_com = d->objdict + d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS + numPdo;
+  const indextable *TPDO_map =
+    d->objdict + d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP + numPdo;
+  UNS8 prp_j = 0x00;
+  UNS8 offset = 0x00;
+  const UNS8 *pMappingCount = (UNS8 *) TPDO_map->pSubindex[0].pObject;
+  pdo->cob_id = *(UNS16 *) TPDO_com->pSubindex[1].pObject & UNS16_LE (0x7FF);
+  pdo->rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
+  MSG_WAR (0x3009, "  PDO CobId is : ",
+           *(UNS32 *) TPDO_com->pSubindex[1].pObject);
+  MSG_WAR (0x300D, "  Number of objects mapped : ", *pMappingCount);
+  do
+    {
+      UNS8 dataType;            /* Unused */
+      UNS8 tmp[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };  /* temporary space to hold bits */
+      /* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an mapping entry  */
+      UNS32 *pMappingParameter =
+        (UNS32 *) TPDO_map->pSubindex[prp_j + 1].pObject;
+      UNS16 index = (UNS16) ((*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
+      UNS8 Size = (UNS8) (*pMappingParameter & (UNS32) 0x000000FF);     /* Size in bits */
+      /* get variable only if Size != 0 and Size is lower than remaining bits in the PDO */
+      if (Size && ((offset + Size) <= 64))
+        {
+          UNS8 ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3);        /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 => 2, ... */
+          UNS8 subIndex =
+            (UNS8) (((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8) 8) & (UNS32) 0x000000FF);
+          MSG_WAR (0x300F, "  got mapping parameter : ", *pMappingParameter);
+          MSG_WAR (0x3050, "    at index : ", TPDO_map->index);
+          MSG_WAR (0x3051, "    sub-index : ", prp_j + 1);
+          if (getODentry (d, index, subIndex, tmp, &ByteSize, &dataType, 0) !=
+              OD_SUCCESSFUL)
+            {
+              MSG_ERR (0x1013,
+                       " Couldn't find mapped variable at index-subindex-size : ",
+                       (UNS16) (*pMappingParameter));
+              return 0xFF;
+            }
+          /* copy bit per bit in little endian */
+          CopyBits (Size, ((UNS8 *) tmp), 0, 0,
+                    (UNS8 *) & pdo->data[offset >> 3], offset % 8, 0);
+          offset += Size;
+        }
+      prp_j++;
+    }
+  while (prp_j < *pMappingCount);
+  pdo->len = 1 + ((offset - 1) >> 3);
+  MSG_WAR (0x3015, "  End scan mapped variable", 0);
+  return 0;
@@ -106,35 +119,38 @@
 ** @return
-UNS8 sendPDOrequest( CO_Data* d, UNS16 RPDOIndex )
-  UNS16 * pwCobId;
+sendPDOrequest (CO_Data * d, UNS16 RPDOIndex)
+  UNS16 *pwCobId;
   UNS16 offset = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
   UNS16 lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;
   /* Sending the request only if the cobid have been found on the PDO
      receive */
   /* part dictionary */
-  MSG_WAR(0x3930, "sendPDOrequest RPDO Index : ",RPDOIndex);
-  if (offset && RPDOIndex >= 0x1400){
-    offset += RPDOIndex - 0x1400;  
-    if (offset <= lastIndex) {
-      /* get the CobId*/
-      pwCobId = (UNS16*) d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject;
-      MSG_WAR(0x3930, "sendPDOrequest cobId is : ",*pwCobId);
-      {
-          Message pdo;
-          pdo.cob_id = *pwCobId;
-          pdo.rtr = REQUEST;
-          pdo.len = 0;      
-          return canSend(d->canHandle,&pdo);
-      }
+  MSG_WAR (0x3930, "sendPDOrequest RPDO Index : ", RPDOIndex);
+  if (offset && RPDOIndex >= 0x1400)
+    {
+      offset += RPDOIndex - 0x1400;
+      if (offset <= lastIndex)
+        {
+          /* get the CobId */
+          pwCobId = (UNS16 *) d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject;
+          MSG_WAR (0x3930, "sendPDOrequest cobId is : ", *pwCobId);
+          {
+            Message pdo;
+            pdo.cob_id = *pwCobId;
+            pdo.rtr = REQUEST;
+            pdo.len = 0;
+            return canSend (d->canHandle, &pdo);
+          }
+        }
-  }
-  MSG_ERR(0x1931, "sendPDOrequest : RPDO Index not found : ", RPDOIndex);
+  MSG_ERR (0x1931, "sendPDOrequest : RPDO Index not found : ", RPDOIndex);
   return 0xFF;
@@ -147,201 +163,254 @@
 ** @return
-UNS8 proceedPDO(CO_Data* d, Message *m)
-  UNS8   numPdo;
-  UNS8   numMap;  /* Number of the mapped varable */
-  UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;    /* count of mapped objects... */
+proceedPDO (CO_Data * d, Message * m)
+  UNS8 numPdo;
+  UNS8 numMap;                  /* Number of the mapped varable */
+  UNS8 *pMappingCount = NULL;   /* count of mapped objects... */
   /* pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo... */
   /*  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;   */
   /* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an
      mapping entry */
-  UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
-  UNS8  *    pTransmissionType = NULL; /* pointer to the transmission
-                                         type */
-  UNS16 *    pwCobId = NULL;
-  UNS8       Size;
-  UNS8       offset;
-  UNS8       status;
-  UNS32      objDict;
-  UNS16      offsetObjdict;
-  UNS16      lastIndex;
+  UNS32 *pMappingParameter = NULL;
+  UNS8 *pTransmissionType = NULL;       /* pointer to the transmission
+                                           type */
+  UNS16 *pwCobId = NULL;
+  UNS8 Size;
+  UNS8 offset;
+  UNS8 status;
+  UNS32 objDict;
+  UNS16 offsetObjdict;
+  UNS16 lastIndex;
   status = state2;
-  MSG_WAR(0x3935, "proceedPDO, cobID : ", ((*m).cob_id & UNS16_LE(0x7ff)));
+  MSG_WAR (0x3935, "proceedPDO, cobID : ", ((*m).cob_id & UNS16_LE (0x7ff)));
   offset = 0x00;
   numPdo = 0;
   numMap = 0;
-  if((*m).rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST ) { /* The PDO received is not a
-                                     request. */
-    offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
-    lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;
-    /* study of all the PDO stored in the dictionary */
-    if(offsetObjdict)
-      while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {
-        switch( status ) {
-        case state2:
-          /* get CobId of the dictionary correspondant to the received
-             PDO */
-          pwCobId = (UNS16*) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject;
-          /* check the CobId coherance */
-          /*pwCobId is the cobId read in the dictionary at the state 3
-            */
-          if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id ){
-            /* The cobId is recognized */
-            status = state4;
-            MSG_WAR(0x3936, "cobId found at index ", 0x1400 + numPdo);
-            break;
-          }
-          else {
-            /* cobId received does not match with those write in the
-              dictionnary */
-            numPdo++;
-            offsetObjdict++;
-            status = state2;
-            break;
-          }
-            case state4:/* Get Mapped Objects Number */
-               /* The cobId of the message received has been found in the
-                 dictionnary. */
-               offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
-             lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
-             pMappingCount = (UNS8*) (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
-             numMap = 0;
-             while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
-               UNS8 tmp[]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
-               UNS8 ByteSize;
-               pMappingParameter = (UNS32*) (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
-               if (pMappingParameter == NULL) {
-                 MSG_ERR(0x1937, "Couldn't get mapping parameter : ", numMap + 1);
-                 return 0xFF;
-               }
-               /* Get the addresse of the mapped variable. */
-               /* detail of *pMappingParameter : */
-               /* The 16 hight bits contains the index, the medium 8 bits
-                 contains the subindex, */
-               /* and the lower 8 bits contains the size of the mapped
-                 variable. */
-               Size = (UNS8)(*pMappingParameter & (UNS32)0x000000FF);
-					/* set variable only if Size != 0 and Size is lower than remaining bits in the PDO */
-               if(Size && ((offset + Size) <= (m->len << 3))) {
-                 /* copy bit per bit in little endian */
-                 CopyBits(Size, (UNS8*)&m->data[offset>>3], offset%8, 0, ((UNS8*)tmp), 0, 0);
-                 ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3); /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 =>
-                                                     2, ... */
-                 objDict = setODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
-                                      (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF),
-                                   tmp, &ByteSize, 0 );
-                 if(objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
-                   MSG_ERR(0x1938, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);
-                   MSG_WAR(0x2939, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
-                   MSG_WAR(0x2940, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
-                   return 0xFF;
-                 }
-                 MSG_WAR(0x3942, "Variable updated with value received by PDO cobid : ", m->cob_id);
-                 MSG_WAR(0x3943, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
-                 MSG_WAR(0x3944, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
-                 /* MSG_WAR(0x3945, "                data : ",*((UNS32*)pMappedAppObject)); */
-                 offset += Size;
-					}
-               numMap++;
-             } /* end loop while on mapped variables */
-             offset=0x00;
-             numMap = 0;
-             return 0;
-        }/* end switch status*/
-      }/* end while*/
-  }/* end if Donnees */
-  else if ((*m).rtr == REQUEST ){
-    MSG_WAR(0x3946, "Receive a PDO request cobId : ", m->cob_id);
-    status = state1;
-    offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
-    lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
-    if(offsetObjdict) while( offsetObjdict  <= lastIndex ){
-      /* study of all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */
-      switch( status ){
-      case state1:/* check the CobId */
-        /* get CobId of the dictionary which match to the received PDO
-         */
-        pwCobId = (UNS16*) (d->objdict + offsetObjdict)->pSubindex[1].pObject;
-        if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id ) {
-          status = state4;
-          break;
-        }
-        else {
-          numPdo++;
-          offsetObjdict++;
-        }
-        status = state1;
-        break;
-      case state4:/* check transmission type */
-        pTransmissionType = (UNS8*) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
-        /* If PDO is to be sampled and send on RTR, do it*/
-        if ( (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR)) {
-          status = state5;
-          break;
-        /* RTR_SYNC mean data is prepared at SYNC, and transmitted on RTR */
-        }else if ((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC )) {
-    	  if(d->PDO_status[numPdo].transmit_type_parameter & PDO_RTR_SYNC_READY){
-            /*Data ready, just send*/
-    	    canSend(d->canHandle,&d->PDO_status[numPdo].last_message);
-            return 0;
-    	  }else{
-            /* if SYNC did never occur, force emission with current data */
-            /* DS301 do not tell what to do in such a case...*/
-            MSG_ERR(0x1947, "Not ready RTR_SYNC TPDO send current data : ", m->cob_id);
-            status = state5;
-    	  }
-          break;
-        }else if(
-             (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_PROFILE) ||
-             (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_SPECIFIC) ) {
-	  /* Zap all timers and inhibit flag */
-	  d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer = DelAlarm(d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer);
-	  d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer = DelAlarm(d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer);
-  	  d->PDO_status[numPdo].transmit_type_parameter &= ~PDO_INHIBITED;
-  	  /* Call  PDOEventTimerAlarm for this TPDO, this will trigger emission et reset timers */
-          PDOEventTimerAlarm(d, numPdo);
-          return 0;
-        }else {
-          /* The requested PDO is not to send on request. So, does
-            nothing. */
-          MSG_WAR(0x2947, "PDO is not to send on request : ", m->cob_id);
-          return 0xFF;
-        }
-      case state5:/* build and send requested PDO */
-      {
-      	Message pdo;
-    	if( buildPDO(d, numPdo, &pdo))
-    	{
-          MSG_ERR(0x1948, " Couldn't build TPDO n°", numPdo);
-          return 0xFF;
-    	}
-    	canSend(d->canHandle,&pdo);
-        return 0;
-      }
-      }/* end switch status */
-    }/* end while */
-  }/* end if Requete */
+  if ((*m).rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST)
+    {                           /* The PDO received is not a
+                                   request. */
+      offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
+      lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;
+      /* study of all the PDO stored in the dictionary */
+      if (offsetObjdict)
+        while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
+          {
+            switch (status)
+              {
+              case state2:
+                /* get CobId of the dictionary correspondant to the received
+                   PDO */
+                pwCobId =
+                  (UNS16 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject;
+                /* check the CobId coherance */
+                /*pwCobId is the cobId read in the dictionary at the state 3
+                 */
+                if (*pwCobId == (*m).cob_id)
+                  {
+                    /* The cobId is recognized */
+                    status = state4;
+                    MSG_WAR (0x3936, "cobId found at index ",
+                             0x1400 + numPdo);
+                    break;
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    /* cobId received does not match with those write in the
+                       dictionnary */
+                    numPdo++;
+                    offsetObjdict++;
+                    status = state2;
+                    break;
+                  }
+              case state4:     /* Get Mapped Objects Number */
+                /* The cobId of the message received has been found in the
+                   dictionnary. */
+                offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
+                lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
+                pMappingCount =
+                  (UNS8 *) (d->objdict + offsetObjdict +
+                            numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
+                numMap = 0;
+                while (numMap < *pMappingCount)
+                  {
+                    UNS8 tmp[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+                    UNS8 ByteSize;
+                    pMappingParameter =
+                      (UNS32 *) (d->objdict + offsetObjdict +
+                                 numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
+                    if (pMappingParameter == NULL)
+                      {
+                        MSG_ERR (0x1937, "Couldn't get mapping parameter : ",
+                                 numMap + 1);
+                        return 0xFF;
+                      }
+                    /* Get the addresse of the mapped variable. */
+                    /* detail of *pMappingParameter : */
+                    /* The 16 hight bits contains the index, the medium 8 bits
+                       contains the subindex, */
+                    /* and the lower 8 bits contains the size of the mapped
+                       variable. */
+                    Size = (UNS8) (*pMappingParameter & (UNS32) 0x000000FF);
+                    /* set variable only if Size != 0 and Size is lower than remaining bits in the PDO */
+                    if (Size && ((offset + Size) <= (m->len << 3)))
+                      {
+                        /* copy bit per bit in little endian */
+                        CopyBits (Size, (UNS8 *) & m->data[offset >> 3],
+                                  offset % 8, 0, ((UNS8 *) tmp), 0, 0);
+                        ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3);       /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 =>
+                                                                   2, ... */
+                        objDict =
+                          setODentry (d, (UNS16) ((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
+                                      (UNS8) (((*pMappingParameter) >> 8) &
+                                              0xFF), tmp, &ByteSize, 0);
+                        if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL)
+                          {
+                            MSG_ERR (0x1938,
+                                     "error accessing to the mapped var : ",
+                                     numMap + 1);
+                            MSG_WAR (0x2939, "         Mapped at index : ",
+                                     (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
+                            MSG_WAR (0x2940, "                subindex : ",
+                                     ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8) & 0xFF);
+                            return 0xFF;
+                          }
+                        MSG_WAR (0x3942,
+                                 "Variable updated with value received by PDO cobid : ",
+                                 m->cob_id);
+                        MSG_WAR (0x3943, "         Mapped at index : ",
+                                 (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
+                        MSG_WAR (0x3944, "                subindex : ",
+                                 ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8) & 0xFF);
+                        /* MSG_WAR(0x3945, "                data : ",*((UNS32*)pMappedAppObject)); */
+                        offset += Size;
+                      }
+                    numMap++;
+                  }             /* end loop while on mapped variables */
+                offset = 0x00;
+                numMap = 0;
+                return 0;
+              }                 /* end switch status */
+          }                     /* end while */
+    }                           /* end if Donnees */
+  else if ((*m).rtr == REQUEST)
+    {
+      MSG_WAR (0x3946, "Receive a PDO request cobId : ", m->cob_id);
+      status = state1;
+      offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
+      lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
+      if (offsetObjdict)
+        while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
+          {
+            /* study of all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */
+            switch (status)
+              {
+              case state1:     /* check the CobId */
+                /* get CobId of the dictionary which match to the received PDO
+                 */
+                pwCobId =
+                  (UNS16 *) (d->objdict +
+                             offsetObjdict)->pSubindex[1].pObject;
+                if (*pwCobId == (*m).cob_id)
+                  {
+                    status = state4;
+                    break;
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    numPdo++;
+                    offsetObjdict++;
+                  }
+                status = state1;
+                break;
+              case state4:     /* check transmission type */
+                pTransmissionType =
+                  (UNS8 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
+                /* If PDO is to be sampled and send on RTR, do it */
+                if ((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR))
+                  {
+                    status = state5;
+                    break;
+                    /* RTR_SYNC mean data is prepared at SYNC, and transmitted on RTR */
+                  }
+                else if ((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC))
+                  {
+                    if (d->PDO_status[numPdo].
+                        transmit_type_parameter & PDO_RTR_SYNC_READY)
+                      {
+                        /*Data ready, just send */
+                        canSend (d->canHandle,
+                                 &d->PDO_status[numPdo].last_message);
+                        return 0;
+                      }
+                    else
+                      {
+                        /* if SYNC did never occur, force emission with current data */
+                        /* DS301 do not tell what to do in such a case... */
+                        MSG_ERR (0x1947,
+                                 "Not ready RTR_SYNC TPDO send current data : ",
+                                 m->cob_id);
+                        status = state5;
+                      }
+                    break;
+                  }
+                else if ((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_PROFILE) ||
+                         (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_SPECIFIC))
+                  {
+                    /* Zap all timers and inhibit flag */
+                    d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer =
+                      DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer);
+                    d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer =
+                      DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer);
+                    d->PDO_status[numPdo].transmit_type_parameter &=
+                      ~PDO_INHIBITED;
+                    /* Call  PDOEventTimerAlarm for this TPDO, this will trigger emission et reset timers */
+                    PDOEventTimerAlarm (d, numPdo);
+                    return 0;
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    /* The requested PDO is not to send on request. So, does
+                       nothing. */
+                    MSG_WAR (0x2947, "PDO is not to send on request : ",
+                             m->cob_id);
+                    return 0xFF;
+                  }
+              case state5:     /* build and send requested PDO */
+                {
+                  Message pdo;
+                  if (buildPDO (d, numPdo, &pdo))
+                    {
+                      MSG_ERR (0x1948, " Couldn't build TPDO n°", numPdo);
+                      return 0xFF;
+                    }
+                  canSend (d->canHandle, &pdo);
+                  return 0;
+                }
+              }                 /* end switch status */
+          }                     /* end while */
+    }                           /* end if Requete */
   return 0;
@@ -357,55 +426,62 @@
 ** @param DestBitIndex
 ** @param DestBigEndian
-void CopyBits(UNS8 NbBits, UNS8* SrcByteIndex, UNS8 SrcBitIndex, UNS8 SrcBigEndian, UNS8* DestByteIndex, UNS8 DestBitIndex, UNS8 DestBigEndian)
-  /* This loop copy as many bits that it can each time, crossing*/
-  /* successively bytes*/
+CopyBits (UNS8 NbBits, UNS8 * SrcByteIndex, UNS8 SrcBitIndex,
+          UNS8 SrcBigEndian, UNS8 * DestByteIndex, UNS8 DestBitIndex,
+          UNS8 DestBigEndian)
+  /* This loop copy as many bits that it can each time, crossing */
+  /* successively bytes */
   // boundaries from LSB to MSB.
-  while(NbBits > 0)
+  while (NbBits > 0)
-      /* Bit missalignement between src and dest*/
+      /* Bit missalignement between src and dest */
       INTEGER8 Vect = DestBitIndex - SrcBitIndex;
-      /* We can now get src and align it to dest*/
-      UNS8 Aligned = Vect>0 ? *SrcByteIndex << Vect : *SrcByteIndex >> -Vect;
-      /* Compute the nb of bit we will be able to copy*/
-      UNS8 BoudaryLimit = (Vect>0 ? 8 - DestBitIndex :  8 - SrcBitIndex );
+      /* We can now get src and align it to dest */
+      UNS8 Aligned =
+        Vect > 0 ? *SrcByteIndex << Vect : *SrcByteIndex >> -Vect;
+      /* Compute the nb of bit we will be able to copy */
+      UNS8 BoudaryLimit = (Vect > 0 ? 8 - DestBitIndex : 8 - SrcBitIndex);
       UNS8 BitsToCopy = BoudaryLimit > NbBits ? NbBits : BoudaryLimit;
-      /* Create a mask that will serve in:*/
-      UNS8 Mask = ((0xff << (DestBitIndex + BitsToCopy)) | (0xff >> (8 - DestBitIndex)));
-      /* - Filtering src*/
+      /* Create a mask that will serve in: */
+      UNS8 Mask =
+        ((0xff << (DestBitIndex + BitsToCopy)) |
+         (0xff >> (8 - DestBitIndex)));
+      /* - Filtering src */
       UNS8 Filtered = Aligned & ~Mask;
-      /* - and erase bits where we write, preserve where we don't*/
+      /* - and erase bits where we write, preserve where we don't */
       *DestByteIndex &= Mask;
-      /* Then write.*/
-      *DestByteIndex |= Filtered ;
-      /*Compute next time cursors for src*/
-      if((SrcBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)/* cross boundary ?*/
+      /* Then write. */
+      *DestByteIndex |= Filtered;
+      /*Compute next time cursors for src */
+      if ((SrcBitIndex += BitsToCopy) > 7)      /* cross boundary ? */
-          SrcBitIndex = 0;/* First bit*/
-          SrcByteIndex += (SrcBigEndian ? -1 : 1);/* Next byte*/
+          SrcBitIndex = 0;      /* First bit */
+          SrcByteIndex += (SrcBigEndian ? -1 : 1);      /* Next byte */
-      /*Compute next time cursors for dest*/
-      if((DestBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)
+      /*Compute next time cursors for dest */
+      if ((DestBitIndex += BitsToCopy) > 7)
-          DestBitIndex = 0;/* First bit*/
-          DestByteIndex += (DestBigEndian ? -1 : 1);/* Next byte*/
+          DestBitIndex = 0;     /* First bit */
+          DestByteIndex += (DestBigEndian ? -1 : 1);    /* Next byte */
-      /*And decrement counter.*/
+      /*And decrement counter. */
       NbBits -= BitsToCopy;
@@ -414,29 +490,32 @@
 ** @return
-UNS8 sendPDOevent( CO_Data* d)
+sendPDOevent (CO_Data * d)
   /* Calls _sendPDOevent specifying it is not a sync event */
-  return _sendPDOevent(d, 0);
-void PDOEventTimerAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 pdoNum)
-	/* This is needed to avoid deletion of re-attribuated timer */
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer = TIMER_NONE;
-	/* force emission of PDO by artificially changing last emitted*/
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.cob_id = 0;
-	_sendPDOevent( d, 0 ); /* not a Sync Event*/	
-void PDOInhibitTimerAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 pdoNum)
-	/* This is needed to avoid deletion of re-attribuated timer */
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer = TIMER_NONE;
-	/* Remove inhibit flag */
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter &= ~PDO_INHIBITED;
-	_sendPDOevent( d, 0 ); /* not a Sync Event*/
+  return _sendPDOevent (d, 0);
+PDOEventTimerAlarm (CO_Data * d, UNS32 pdoNum)
+  /* This is needed to avoid deletion of re-attribuated timer */
+  d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer = TIMER_NONE;
+  /* force emission of PDO by artificially changing last emitted */
+  d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.cob_id = 0;
+  _sendPDOevent (d, 0);         /* not a Sync Event */
+PDOInhibitTimerAlarm (CO_Data * d, UNS32 pdoNum)
+  /* This is needed to avoid deletion of re-attribuated timer */
+  d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer = TIMER_NONE;
+  /* Remove inhibit flag */
+  d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter &= ~PDO_INHIBITED;
+  _sendPDOevent (d, 0);         /* not a Sync Event */
@@ -448,147 +527,193 @@
 ** @return
-UNS8 _sendPDOevent( CO_Data* d, UNS8 isSyncEvent )
-  UNS8 	pdoNum = 0x00;       /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
-  UNS8* pTransmissionType = NULL;  
+_sendPDOevent (CO_Data * d, UNS8 isSyncEvent)
+  UNS8 pdoNum = 0x00;           /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
+  UNS8 *pTransmissionType = NULL;
   UNS8 status = state3;
   UNS16 offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
   UNS16 offsetObjdictMap = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
-  UNS16 lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;  
-  /* study all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */	
-  if(offsetObjdict){
-   Message pdo = Message_Initializer;
-   while( offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {  
-    switch( status ) {
-    case state3:
-      if (/*d->objdict[offsetObjdict].bSubCount < 5 || not necessary with objdictedit (always 5)*/
-          /* check if TPDO is not valid */ 
-          *(UNS32*)d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject & 0x80000000) {
-	  MSG_WAR(0x3960, "Not a valid PDO ", 0x1800 + pdoNum);
-	  /*Go next TPDO*/
-	  status = state11;
-	  break;
-	}
-      /* get the PDO transmission type */
-      pTransmissionType = (UNS8*) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;    
-      MSG_WAR(0x3962, "Reading PDO at index : ", 0x1800 + pdoNum);
-      /* check if transmission type is SYNCRONOUS */
-      /* The message is transmited every n SYNC with n=TransmissionType */      
-      if( isSyncEvent && 
-      	  (*pTransmissionType >= TRANS_SYNC_MIN) &&
-      	  (*pTransmissionType <= TRANS_SYNC_MAX) &&
-          (++d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter == *pTransmissionType) ) {
-        /*Reset count of SYNC*/	
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter = 0;
-	MSG_WAR(0x3964, "  PDO is on SYNCHRO. Trans type : ", *pTransmissionType);
- {
- Message msg_init = Message_Initializer;
- pdo = msg_init;
- }	
-        if(buildPDO(d, pdoNum, &pdo))
+  UNS16 lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
+  /* study all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */
+  if (offsetObjdict)
+    {
+      Message pdo = Message_Initializer;
+      while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
-            MSG_ERR(0x1906, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ", pdoNum);
-	    status = state11;
-	    break;
-        }
-	status = state5;
-      /* If transmission RTR, with data sampled on SYNC */
-      }else if( isSyncEvent && 
-      	  (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC)) {
-          if(buildPDO(d, pdoNum, &d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message))
-          {
-             MSG_ERR(0x1966, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ", pdoNum);
-             d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter &= ~PDO_RTR_SYNC_READY; 
-          }else{
-             d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter |= PDO_RTR_SYNC_READY; 
-          }
-	  status = state11;
-	  break;
-      /* If transmission on Event and not inhibited, check for changes */
-      }else if((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_PROFILE ||
-               *pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_SPECIFIC )&&
-              !(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter & PDO_INHIBITED)) {
-	MSG_WAR(0x3968, "  PDO is on EVENT. Trans type : ", *pTransmissionType);
- {
- Message msg_init = Message_Initializer;
- pdo = msg_init;
- }	
-        if(buildPDO(d, pdoNum, &pdo))
-        {
-            MSG_ERR(0x3907, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ", pdoNum);
-	    status = state11;
-	    break;
-        }
-	/*Compare new and old PDO*/
-	if(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.cob_id == pdo.cob_id &&
-	   d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.len == pdo.len &&
+          switch (status)
+            {
+            case state3:
+              if (              /*d->objdict[offsetObjdict].bSubCount < 5 || not necessary with objdictedit (always 5) */
+                   /* check if TPDO is not valid */
+                   *(UNS32 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].
+                   pObject & 0x80000000)
+                {
+                  MSG_WAR (0x3960, "Not a valid PDO ", 0x1800 + pdoNum);
+                  /*Go next TPDO */
+                  status = state11;
+                  break;
+                }
+              /* get the PDO transmission type */
+              pTransmissionType =
+                (UNS8 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
+              MSG_WAR (0x3962, "Reading PDO at index : ", 0x1800 + pdoNum);
+              /* check if transmission type is SYNCRONOUS */
+              /* The message is transmited every n SYNC with n=TransmissionType */
+              if (isSyncEvent &&
+                  (*pTransmissionType >= TRANS_SYNC_MIN) &&
+                  (*pTransmissionType <= TRANS_SYNC_MAX) &&
+                  (++d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter ==
+                   *pTransmissionType))
+                {
+                  /*Reset count of SYNC */
+                  d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter = 0;
+                  MSG_WAR (0x3964, "  PDO is on SYNCHRO. Trans type : ",
+                           *pTransmissionType);
+                  {
+                    Message msg_init = Message_Initializer;
+                    pdo = msg_init;
+                  }
+                  if (buildPDO (d, pdoNum, &pdo))
+                    {
+                      MSG_ERR (0x1906, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ",
+                               pdoNum);
+                      status = state11;
+                      break;
+                    }
+                  status = state5;
+                  /* If transmission RTR, with data sampled on SYNC */
+                }
+              else if (isSyncEvent && (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC))
+                {
+                  if (buildPDO
+                      (d, pdoNum, &d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message))
+                    {
+                      MSG_ERR (0x1966, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ",
+                               pdoNum);
+                      d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter &=
+                        ~PDO_RTR_SYNC_READY;
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter |=
+                        PDO_RTR_SYNC_READY;
+                    }
+                  status = state11;
+                  break;
+                  /* If transmission on Event and not inhibited, check for changes */
+                }
+              else if ((*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_PROFILE ||
+                        *pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT_SPECIFIC) &&
+                       !(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].
+                         transmit_type_parameter & PDO_INHIBITED))
+                {
+                  MSG_WAR (0x3968, "  PDO is on EVENT. Trans type : ",
+                           *pTransmissionType);
+                  {
+                    Message msg_init = Message_Initializer;
+                    pdo = msg_init;
+                  }
+                  if (buildPDO (d, pdoNum, &pdo))
+                    {
+                      MSG_ERR (0x3907, " Couldn't build TPDO number : ",
+                               pdoNum);
+                      status = state11;
+                      break;
+                    }
+                  /*Compare new and old PDO */
+                  if (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.cob_id == pdo.cob_id
+                      && d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.len == pdo.len &&
 #ifdef UNS64
-	   *(UNS64*)(&d->PDO_status[pdoNum][0]) == *(UNS64*)(&[0])){
-#else /* don't ALLOW_64BIT_OPS*/
-       *(UNS32*)(&d->PDO_status[pdoNum][0]) == *(UNS32*)(&[0]) &&
-       *(UNS32*)(&d->PDO_status[pdoNum][4]) == *(UNS32*)(&[4])){
-	   	/* No changes -> go to next pdo*/
-		status = state11;
-	}else{
-		UNS16 EventTimerDuration;
-        UNS16 InhibitTimerDuration;
-		MSG_WAR(0x306A, "Changes TPDO number : ", pdoNum);
-		/* Changes detected -> transmit message */
-        EventTimerDuration = *(UNS16*)d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[5].pObject;
-        InhibitTimerDuration = *(UNS16*)d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[3].pObject;
-		status = state5;
-		/* Start both event_timer and inhibit_timer*/
-        if(EventTimerDuration){
-           DelAlarm(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer);
-           d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer = SetAlarm(d, pdoNum, &PDOEventTimerAlarm, MS_TO_TIMEVAL(EventTimerDuration), 0);
-        }
-        if(InhibitTimerDuration){
-		   DelAlarm(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer);
-		   d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer = SetAlarm(d, pdoNum, &PDOInhibitTimerAlarm, US_TO_TIMEVAL(InhibitTimerDuration * 100), 0);
-           /* and inhibit TPDO */
-           d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter |= PDO_INHIBITED;
-        }
-	}
-      }else{
-	MSG_WAR(0x306C, "  PDO is not on EVENT or synchro or not at this SYNC. Trans type : ", *pTransmissionType);
-	status = state11;
-      }      
-        break;
-    case state5: /*Send the pdo*/
-	/*store_as_last_message*/
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message = pdo;	
-	MSG_WAR(0x396D, "sendPDO cobId :", pdo.cob_id);
-	MSG_WAR(0x396E,  "     Nb octets  : ",  pdo.len);
-    	canSend(d->canHandle,&pdo);
-	status = state11;
-	break;     
-    case state11: /*Go to next TPDO*/     
-	pdoNum++;
-	offsetObjdict++;
-	offsetObjdictMap++;
-	MSG_WAR(0x3970, "next pdo index : ", pdoNum);
-	status = state3;
-	break;
-    default:
-      MSG_ERR(0x1972,"Unknown state has been reached : %d",status);
-      return 0xFF;
-    }/* end switch case */
-  }/* end while */
-  }
+                      *(UNS64 *) (&d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.
+                                  data[0]) == *(UNS64 *) (&[0])
+#else /* don't ALLOW_64BIT_OPS */
+                      *(UNS32 *) (&d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.
+                                  data[0]) == *(UNS32 *) (&[0])
+                      && *(UNS32 *) (&d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.
+                                     data[4]) == *(UNS32 *) (&[4])
+                    )
+                    {
+                      /* No changes -> go to next pdo */
+                      status = state11;
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      UNS16 EventTimerDuration;
+                      UNS16 InhibitTimerDuration;
+                      MSG_WAR (0x306A, "Changes TPDO number : ", pdoNum);
+                      /* Changes detected -> transmit message */
+                      EventTimerDuration =
+                        *(UNS16 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[5].
+                        pObject;
+                      InhibitTimerDuration =
+                        *(UNS16 *) d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[3].
+                        pObject;
+                      status = state5;
+                      /* Start both event_timer and inhibit_timer */
+                      if (EventTimerDuration)
+                        {
+                          DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer);
+                          d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer =
+                            SetAlarm (d, pdoNum, &PDOEventTimerAlarm,
+                                      MS_TO_TIMEVAL (EventTimerDuration), 0);
+                        }
+                      if (InhibitTimerDuration)
+                        {
+                          DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer);
+                          d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer =
+                            SetAlarm (d, pdoNum, &PDOInhibitTimerAlarm,
+                                      US_TO_TIMEVAL (InhibitTimerDuration *
+                                                     100), 0);
+                          /* and inhibit TPDO */
+                          d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter |=
+                            PDO_INHIBITED;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  MSG_WAR (0x306C,
+                           "  PDO is not on EVENT or synchro or not at this SYNC. Trans type : ",
+                           *pTransmissionType);
+                  status = state11;
+                }
+              break;
+            case state5:       /*Send the pdo */
+              /*store_as_last_message */
+              d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message = pdo;
+              MSG_WAR (0x396D, "sendPDO cobId :", pdo.cob_id);
+              MSG_WAR (0x396E, "     Nb octets  : ", pdo.len);
+              canSend (d->canHandle, &pdo);
+              status = state11;
+              break;
+            case state11:      /*Go to next TPDO */
+              pdoNum++;
+              offsetObjdict++;
+              offsetObjdictMap++;
+              MSG_WAR (0x3970, "next pdo index : ", pdoNum);
+              status = state3;
+              break;
+            default:
+              MSG_ERR (0x1972, "Unknown state has been reached : %d", status);
+              return 0xFF;
+            }                   /* end switch case */
+        }                       /* end while */
+    }
   return 0;
@@ -601,78 +726,92 @@
 ** @return always 0
-UNS32 TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback(CO_Data* d, const indextable * OD_entry, UNS8 bSubindex)
+TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback (CO_Data * d,
+                                       const indextable * OD_entry,
+                                       UNS8 bSubindex)
   /* If PDO are actives */
-  if(d->CurrentCommunicationState.csPDO) switch(bSubindex)
-  {
-  	case 2: /* Changed transmition type */
-  	case 3: /* Changed inhibit time */
-  	case 5: /* Changed event time */
-  	{
-          const indextable* TPDO_com = d->objdict + d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS; 
-          UNS8 numPdo = OD_entry - TPDO_com;       /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
+  if (d->CurrentCommunicationState.csPDO)
+    switch (bSubindex)
+      {
+      case 2:                  /* Changed transmition type */
+      case 3:                  /* Changed inhibit time */
+      case 5:                  /* Changed event time */
+        {
+          const indextable *TPDO_com = d->objdict + d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
+          UNS8 numPdo = OD_entry - TPDO_com;    /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
           /* Zap all timers and inhibit flag */
-          d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer = DelAlarm(d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer);
-          d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer = DelAlarm(d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer);
+          d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer =
+            DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[numPdo].event_timer);
+          d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer =
+            DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[numPdo].inhibit_timer);
           d->PDO_status[numPdo].transmit_type_parameter = 0;
           /* Call  PDOEventTimerAlarm for this TPDO, this will trigger emission et reset timers */
-          PDOEventTimerAlarm(d, numPdo);
+          PDOEventTimerAlarm (d, numPdo);
           return 0;
-  	}
-  	default: /* other subindex are ignored*/
-  	break;
-  }
+        }
+      default:                 /* other subindex are ignored */
+        break;
+      }
   return 0;
-void PDOInit(CO_Data* d)
+PDOInit (CO_Data * d)
   /* For each TPDO mapping parameters */
-  UNS16	pdoIndex = 0x1800; /* OD index of TDPO */
+  UNS16 pdoIndex = 0x1800;      /* OD index of TDPO */
   UNS16 offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
   UNS16 lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
-  if(offsetObjdict) while( offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {
-    /* Assign callbacks to sensible TPDO mapping subindexes */
-    UNS32 errorCode;
-    ODCallback_t *CallbackList;
-    /* Find callback list */
-    scanIndexOD (d, pdoIndex, &errorCode, &CallbackList);
-    if(errorCode == OD_SUCCESSFUL && CallbackList)
-    {
-      /*Assign callbacks to corresponding subindex*/
-      /* Transmission type */
-      CallbackList[2] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
-      /* Inhibit time */
-      CallbackList[3] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
-      /* Event timer */
-      CallbackList[5] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
-    }
-    pdoIndex++;
-    offsetObjdict++;
-  }  
+  if (offsetObjdict)
+    while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
+      {
+        /* Assign callbacks to sensible TPDO mapping subindexes */
+        UNS32 errorCode;
+        ODCallback_t *CallbackList;
+        /* Find callback list */
+        scanIndexOD (d, pdoIndex, &errorCode, &CallbackList);
+        if (errorCode == OD_SUCCESSFUL && CallbackList)
+          {
+            /*Assign callbacks to corresponding subindex */
+            /* Transmission type */
+            CallbackList[2] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
+            /* Inhibit time */
+            CallbackList[3] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
+            /* Event timer */
+            CallbackList[5] = &TPDO_Communication_Parameter_Callback;
+          }
+        pdoIndex++;
+        offsetObjdict++;
+      }
   /* Trigger a non-sync event */
-  _sendPDOevent( d, 0 );
-void PDOStop(CO_Data* d)
+  _sendPDOevent (d, 0);
+PDOStop (CO_Data * d)
   /* For each TPDO mapping parameters */
-  UNS8 	pdoNum = 0x00;       /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
+  UNS8 pdoNum = 0x00;           /* number of the actual processed pdo-nr. */
   UNS16 offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
   UNS16 lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
-  if(offsetObjdict) while( offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {
-  	/* Delete TPDO timers */
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer = DelAlarm(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer);
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer = DelAlarm(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer);
-	/* Reset transmit type parameter */
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter = 0;
-	d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.cob_id = 0;
-	pdoNum++;
-	offsetObjdict++;
-  }  
+  if (offsetObjdict)
+    while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex)
+      {
+        /* Delete TPDO timers */
+        d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer =
+          DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].event_timer);
+        d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer =
+          DelAlarm (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].inhibit_timer);
+        /* Reset transmit type parameter */
+        d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter = 0;
+        d->PDO_status[pdoNum].last_message.cob_id = 0;
+        pdoNum++;
+        offsetObjdict++;
+      }