# HG changeset patch
# User edouard
# Date 1289598566 -3600
# Node ID 96919642e99c8c59df071b6d3cd5bdba2dae20b7
# Parent  b9274b595650763ed8fdfaa71c0184ee5b4e9651
Moced CosateQ's doc at the right place, and fix PDO INHIBIT bit check error again.

diff -r b9274b595650 -r 96919642e99c copcican_comedi_howto.txt
--- a/copcican_comedi_howto.txt	Fri Nov 12 22:24:06 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-HOW TO configure CanFestival for a CO-PCICAN card for COMEDI in the kernel (optionally with Xenomai):
-- install the CO-PCICAN card
-- install and load COMEDI and the corresponding driver co_pcican.ko
-  (COMEDI sources are expected in /usr/src/comedi)
-- optionally: install the Xenomai package
-  (Xenomai sources are expected in /usr/xenomai)
-- unpack the package to your target (if not already done)
-- perform package configuration:
-  sh ./configure --can=copcican_comedi --timers=kernel --kerneldir='/lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build'
-  optionally: use --timers=kernel_xeno for the realtime Xenomai timer functions
-- patch the sed "s:-I:-I$(src)/:g" statement to
-    's:-I../..:-I/canopeninstalldir:g' in drivers/unix/Makefile
-    's:-I..:-I/canopeninstalldir:g'    in src/Makefile
-  The original statement did not run on my computer !
-- build the CanFestival Unix library:
-  cd drivers/unix
-  make
-- build the CanFestival library:
-  cd src
-  make
-  make install
-- build the CO-PCICAN driver interface:
-  cd drivers/can_copcican_comedi
-  make
-  make install
-- build the example application (not for Xenomai):
-  cd examples/test_copcican_comedi
-  make
-  make install
-Run test_copcican_comedi with the insert.sh script to see it works...
-For Xenomai please use the example /usr/src/scale-rt-canopendemo of the SCALE-RT distribution.
-Copyright (C) 2010 Cosateq GmbH & Co.KG
-              http://www.cosateq.com/
-              http://www.scale-rt.com/
diff -r b9274b595650 -r 96919642e99c copcican_linux_howto.txt
--- a/copcican_linux_howto.txt	Fri Nov 12 22:24:06 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-HOW TO configure CanFestival for a CO-PCICAN card for linux:
-- install the CO-PCICAN card
-- install and load the user space driver co_pcicanext.ko
-- unpack the package to your target (if not already done)
-- create empty file:
-  touch /usr/local/lib/libcanfestival_can_copcican_linux.so
-- perform package configuration:
-  sh ./configure --can=copcican_linux
-- build the CanFestival library:
-  cd src
-  make
-  make install
-- build the CanFestival Unix library:
-  cd drivers/unix
-  make
-  make install
-  copy library into build directory back:
-  cp /usr/local/lib/libcanfestival_unix.a drivers/unix
-- build the CO-PCICAN driver interface:
-  cd drivers/can_copcican_linux
-  make
-  make install
-- build the example application:
-  cd examples/test_copcican_linux
-  make
-Run test_copcican_linux to see it works...
-Copyright (C) 2010 Cosateq GmbH & Co.KG
-              http://www.cosateq.com/
-              http://www.scale-rt.com/
diff -r b9274b595650 -r 96919642e99c doc/copcican_comedi_howto.txt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/copcican_comedi_howto.txt	Fri Nov 12 22:49:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+HOW TO configure CanFestival for a CO-PCICAN card for COMEDI in the kernel (optionally with Xenomai):
+- install the CO-PCICAN card
+- install and load COMEDI and the corresponding driver co_pcican.ko
+  (COMEDI sources are expected in /usr/src/comedi)
+- optionally: install the Xenomai package
+  (Xenomai sources are expected in /usr/xenomai)
+- unpack the package to your target (if not already done)
+- perform package configuration:
+  sh ./configure --can=copcican_comedi --timers=kernel --kerneldir='/lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build'
+  optionally: use --timers=kernel_xeno for the realtime Xenomai timer functions
+- patch the sed "s:-I:-I$(src)/:g" statement to
+    's:-I../..:-I/canopeninstalldir:g' in drivers/unix/Makefile
+    's:-I..:-I/canopeninstalldir:g'    in src/Makefile
+  The original statement did not run on my computer !
+- build the CanFestival Unix library:
+  cd drivers/unix
+  make
+- build the CanFestival library:
+  cd src
+  make
+  make install
+- build the CO-PCICAN driver interface:
+  cd drivers/can_copcican_comedi
+  make
+  make install
+- build the example application (not for Xenomai):
+  cd examples/test_copcican_comedi
+  make
+  make install
+Run test_copcican_comedi with the insert.sh script to see it works...
+For Xenomai please use the example /usr/src/scale-rt-canopendemo of the SCALE-RT distribution.
+Copyright (C) 2010 Cosateq GmbH & Co.KG
+              http://www.cosateq.com/
+              http://www.scale-rt.com/
diff -r b9274b595650 -r 96919642e99c doc/copcican_linux_howto.txt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/copcican_linux_howto.txt	Fri Nov 12 22:49:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+HOW TO configure CanFestival for a CO-PCICAN card for linux:
+- install the CO-PCICAN card
+- install and load the user space driver co_pcicanext.ko
+- unpack the package to your target (if not already done)
+- create empty file:
+  touch /usr/local/lib/libcanfestival_can_copcican_linux.so
+- perform package configuration:
+  sh ./configure --can=copcican_linux
+- build the CanFestival library:
+  cd src
+  make
+  make install
+- build the CanFestival Unix library:
+  cd drivers/unix
+  make
+  make install
+  copy library into build directory back:
+  cp /usr/local/lib/libcanfestival_unix.a drivers/unix
+- build the CO-PCICAN driver interface:
+  cd drivers/can_copcican_linux
+  make
+  make install
+- build the example application:
+  cd examples/test_copcican_linux
+  make
+Run test_copcican_linux to see it works...
+Copyright (C) 2010 Cosateq GmbH & Co.KG
+              http://www.cosateq.com/
+              http://www.scale-rt.com/
diff -r b9274b595650 -r 96919642e99c src/pdo.c
--- a/src/pdo.c	Fri Nov 12 22:24:06 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/pdo.c	Fri Nov 12 22:49:26 2010 +0100
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
   UNS16 offsetObjdict;
   Message pdo;
   if (!d->CurrentCommunicationState.csPDO ||
-      !(d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter & PDO_INHIBITED))
+      (d->PDO_status[pdoNum].transmit_type_parameter & PDO_INHIBITED))
       return 0;