# HG changeset patch
# User nico
# Date 1181054498 -7200
# Node ID 05d95c45b388db7d38e17c066585d590431a7161
# Parent  b6572d0336c3c32490ec1ed14f790246c8e16f53
Manual convertion -> latex -> pdf

diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 Makefile.in
--- a/Makefile.in	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/Makefile.in	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@
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+	cd doc/manual/en && \
+	pdflatex manual.tex && \
+	pdflatex manual.tex && \
+	rm manual.aux manual.log manual.out manual.toc && \
+	xpdf manual.pdf
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 PROJECT_NAME = CanFestival
+OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = ./doc/doxygen
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 # configuration options related to the input files
-INPUT = /home/epimerde/documents/tc11/CanFestival-3/src 
+INPUT = ./src
 FILE_PATTERNS = *.c *.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.c++ *.d *.java *.ii *.ixx *.ipp *.i++ *.inl *.h *.hh *.hxx *.hpp *.h++ *.idl *.odl *.cs *.php *.php3 *.inc *.m *.mm *.dox *.py *.C *.CC *.C++ *.II *.I++ *.H *.HH *.H++ *.CS *.PHP *.PHP3 *.M *.MM *.PY
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@
 # configuration options related to source browsing
 # configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@
 # Configuration options related to the dot tool   
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+\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, filecolor=blue, pagecolor=blue, urlcolor=blue}
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+%%%%\%%%%%%%% titre, auteurs, date, etc...%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\title{\Huge Documentation}
+\author{Edouard TISSERANT}
+% Text styles
+% Outline numbering
+\renewcommand\thesection{\arabic{section} -}
+% List styles
+% Pages styles (master pages)
+CanFestival3. Version 3.0\newline
+The CANOpen stack manual
+\renewcommand\contentsname{Table of contents}
+This document describe the CANOpen layer.CanFestival is an OpenSource
+(LGPL) CANOpen framework.
+\subsection{The CanFestival project}
+This project, initiated by Edouard TISSERANT in 2001, as grown thanks to
+Francis DUPIN and other contributors.
+Today, CanFestival focuses on providing an ANSI{}-C platform independent
+CANOpen stack that can be implemented as master or slave nodes on PCs,
+Real{}-time IPCs, and Microcontrollers.
+CanFestival is a project supported by Lolitech.
+\subsection{What is CANopen}
+CANopen is a CAN based high level protocol. It defines some protocols to
+\item Configure a CAN network.
+\item Transmit data to a specific node or in broadcast.
+\item Administrate the network. For example detecting a not responding
+The documentation can be found in the Can in automation website :
+The most important document about CANopen is the normative CiA Draft
+Standard 301, version 4.02. You can now download with no cost the
+specification in Can in automation website.
+To continue reading this document, let us assume that you have read some
+papers introducing CANopen.
+\section{CanFestival Features}
+\subsection{Tools }
+The CANopen library is coming with some tools :
+\item Object Dictionary editor GUI. WxPython Model{}-View{}-Controler
+based GUI, that help a lot in generating object dictionary source code
+for each node.
+\item A configure script, that let you chose compile time options such
+as target CPU/HOST, CAN and TIMER drivers.\newline
+This script have not been generated with autoconf, it have been made
+keeping micro{}-controller target in mind.
+\subsection{Standard conformance}
+\item Library source code is C{}-ANSI.
+\item Driver and examples coding conventions merely depend on target
+specific contributor/compiler.
+\item Unix compatible interfaces and examples should compile and run on
+any Unix system (tested on GNU/Linux and GNU/FreeBSD).
+\paragraph{CanOpen conformance}
+\item Should conform to DS301. V.4.02 13 february 2002.
+\item Master and Slave functionality implemented.
+\item Sending SYNC implemented.
+\item 1 SDO server per node. (update: more than one possible. To be more
+\item Unlimited SDO client.
+\item SDO transmission mode : normal, expedited download and upload.
+\item Unlimited PDO receive.
+\item Unlimited PDO transmit.
+\item Object Data type implemented : 8, 16, 32 bits values, and fixed
+length strings.
+\item Slave state full implemented.
+\item NMT to change slave{\textquotesingle}s state implemented.
+\item PDO transmission mode : on request, every reception of 0 to n
+SYNC, on event.
+\item NMT Heartbeat implemented : A node can be either heartbeat
+producer or receiver.
+\item NMT NodeGuard implemented : Not fully implemented.
+\item TIME (time Stamp) : Not implemented.
+\item EMCY (emergency objects) : Not implemented.
+\item PDO Mapping bit per bit implemented.
+\item Concise \ DFC : implemented.
+\section{How to start}
+\subsection{Host requirements}
+What you need on your development workstation.
+\subsubsection{Object Dictionary Editor GUI}
+\item Python, with 
+\item wxPyhon modules installed (at least version 2.6.3). 
+\item Gnosis xml tools. (Optional can also be installed locally to the
+project automatically will the help of a Makefile. Please see
+\hyperlink{a91UsingDictionaryEditorGUIoutline}{9.1) Using Dictionary
+Editor GUI} )
+\subsubsection[\ Linux and Unix{}-likes]{\ Linux and Unix{}-likes}
+\item Linux, FreeBSD, Cygwin or any Unix environment with GNU toolchain.
+\item The GNU C compiler (gcc) or any other ANSI{}-C compiler for your
+target platform.
+\item Xpdf, and the official 301\_v04000201.pdf file in order to get GUI
+context sensitive help. Download the ds301 at
+\item GNU Make
+\item Bash and sed
+\subsubsection{Windows (for native win32 target)}
+\item Visual Studio Express 2005 or worst.
+\item Microsoft platform SDK (requires Genuine Advantage)
+\item Cygwin (for configuration only)
+\subsection{How to get CanFestival}
+Please always use CVS, this is the best way to get the most reactive
+support from the developer community :
+cvs {}-d:pserver:anonymous@lolitech.dyndns.org:/canfestival
+(type return, without entering a password) 
+Then, enter : \newline
+cvs {}-z3 {}-d:pserver:anonymous@lolitech.dyndns.org:/canfestival co
+{}-P CanFestival{}-3
+\section{Understanding Canfestival}
+\subsection{CanFestival Project tree layout}
+Simplified directory structure.
+./src ANSI{}-C source of CANOpen stack}
+\ /include Exportables Header files}
+./drivers Interfaces to specific platforms/HW}
+./drivers/unix Linux and Cygwin OS interface}
+./drivers/win32 Native Win32 OS interface}
+./drivers/timers\_xeno Xenomai timers/threads (Linux only)}
+./drivers/timers\_unix Posix timers/threads (Linux, Cygwin)}
+./drivers/can\_peak\_linux PeakSystem CAN library interface}
+./drivers/can\_peak\_win32 PeakSystem PCAN{}-Light interface}
+./drivers/can\_uvccm\_win32 Acacetus{\textquotesingle}s RS232
+``CAN{}-uVCCM'' interface}
+./drivers/can\_virtual Fake CAN network (Linux, Cygwin)}
+./drivers/hcs12 HCS12 full target interface}
+./examples Examples}
+./examples/TestMasterSlave 2 nodes, NMT SYNC SDO PDO, win32+unix}
+./examples/TestMasterMicroMod 1 node, control Peak I/O Module, unix}
+./examples/gene\_SYNC\_HCS12 Just send periodic SYNC on HCS12}
+./examples/win32test Ask some DS301 infos to a node (\textbf{win32)}}
+./objdictgen Object Dictionary editor GUI}
+./objdictgen/config Pre{}-defined OD profiles}
+./objdictgen/examples Some examples/test OD}
+./doc Project and CanOpen doc}
+\subsection{Implement CanFestival in your application}
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=20cm]{Pictures/10000201000003F9000002CF880931E7.png}
+\subsection{CanFestival CAN interfaces}
+Because most CAN controllers and drivers implement FIFOs, CanFestival
+consider sending message as a non bloking operation.
+In order to prevent reentrent calls to the stack, messages reception is
+implemented differently on {\textmu}C and OS.:
+\item {\textmu}C must provide interuption masking for timer and can
+receive IT\newline
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=20cm]{Pictures/10000201000003CA0000016604E6A5EF.png}
+\item OS must provide a receive thread, a timer thread and a mutex. CAN
+reception is a bloking operation.\newline
+   \includegraphics[width=20cm]{Pictures/10000201000003F9000002CF8B0CDAEA.png}
+\subsection{CanFestival events scheduling}
+A CanOpen node must be able to take delayed actions.
+As exemples, periodic sync emission, heartbeat production or SDO timeout
+need to set some alarms that will be called later and do the job.
+{\textmu}C generaly do not have enough free timers to handle all the
+CanOpen needs directly. Moreover, CanFestival internal data may be
+corrupt by reentrant calls. 
+CanFestival implement a micro{}-scheduler (timer.c). It uses only one
+timer to mimic many timers. It manage an alarm table, and call alarms
+at desired time.
+   \includegraphics[width=20cm]{Pictures/100000000000022C000000DEDAD2140C.png}
+Scheduler can handle short clock value ranges limitation found on some
+{\textmu}C. As an example, value range for a 16bit clock counter with
+4{\textmu}s tick is crossed within 0.26 seconds... Long alarms must be
+Chronogram illustrate a long alarm (A) and a short periodic alarm (B),
+with a A value {\textgreater} clock range {\textgreater} B value.
+Values t0...t8 are successive setTimer call parameter values. t1
+illustrates an intermediate call to TimeDispatch, caused by a delay
+longer than clock range. Because of long alarm segmentation, at the end
+of t1, TimeDispatch call will not trig any alarm callback.
+   \includegraphics[width=20cm]{Pictures/1000000000000396000000FFC42573DA.png}
+\section{Linux Target}
+Linux target is default configure target.
+\subsection{Linux Compilation and installation}
+Call ./configure {--}help to see all available compile time options.
+After invoking ./configure with your platform specific switches, just
+type make.
+./configure [options]}
+\textstyleTeletype{make install}}
+\subsubsection{Standard Linux node}
+Configure switch:
+ {}-{}-timers=unix}
+To do a CANopen node running on PC{}-Linux, you need :
+\item A working linux distribution
+\item One or more Peak system PC CAN interface and the last Peak Linux
+driver installed.
+\subsubsection{Real{}-Time Linux node}
+Configure switch:
+ {}-{}-timers=xeno}
+To do a CANopen node running on PC{}-Linux, you need :
+\item A working Linux distribution patched with XENOMAI 2.1 or greater.
+\item One or more Peak system PC CAN interface and the last Peak Real
+Time Linux driver installed.
+\subsubsection{CAN devices}
+Curently supported CAN devices and corresponding configure switch:
+\paragraph{Peak systems}
+Configure switch:
+PeakSystems CAN interface is automatically chosen as default CAN
+interface if libpcan is present in the system.
+Please download driver at
+and follow instructions in order to install driver on your system.
+\paragraph{Socket{}-Can (http://socketcan.berlios.de)}
+Configure switch:
+Configure switch:
+\paragraph{Virtual CAN interfaces (for test/debug)}
+Configure switch:
+Virtual CAN interface use Unix pipes to emulate a virtual CAN network.
+Each message issued from a node is repeat to all other nodes. Currently
+only works with nodes running in the same process, and does not support
+work with Xenomai.
+\subsection{Testing your CanFestival installation}
+Sample provided in /example/TestMasterSlave is installed into your
+system during installation.
+Default can driver library is libcanfestival\_can\_virtual.so., which
+will simply pass CAN messages through Unix pipes between Master and
+You may also want to specify different can interface and define some CAN
+ports. An other example using Peak{\textquotesingle}s dual PCMCIA
+(configure and install with {--}can=peak) :
+TestMasterSlave {}-l libcanfestival\_can\_peak.so {}-s 40 {}-m 41}
+\section{Windows Targets}
+CanFestival can be compiled and run on Windows platform. It is possible
+to use both Cygwin and win32 native runtime environment.
+\subsection{Object Dictionary Editor GUI installation.}
+Please refer to
+\hyperlink{a821UsingDictionaryEditorGUIoutline}{8.2.1)Using Dictionary
+Editor GUI}
+Cygwin have to be installed with those packages :
+\item gcc
+\item unzip
+\item wget
+\item make
+Currently, the only supported CAN devices are PeakSystems ones, with
+PcanLight driver and library. 
+Please download driver at
+\ and follow instructions in order to install driver on your system.
+Install Cygwin as required, and the driver for your Peak CAN device.
+Open a Cygwin terminal, and follow those instructions:
+\subsubsection{Cygwin configuration and compilation}
+\paragraph{A single node with PcanLight and Peak CAN{}-USB adapter}
+Download the PCAN{}-Light Zip file for your HW ( URL from download page
+wget http://www.peak{}-system.com/files/usb.zip}
+Extract its content into your cygwin home (it will create a ``Disk''
+unzip usb.zip}
+Configure CanFestival3 providing path to the desired PcanLight
+cd CanFestival{}-3}
+export PCAN\_INCLUDE=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Api/}
+export PCAN\_HEADER=Pcan\_usb.h}
+export PCAN\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash}
+./configure {}-{--}can=peak\_win32}
+In order to test, you have to use another CanFestival node, connect with
+a CAN cable.
+cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_usb.dll .}
+./examples/TestMasterSlave/TestMasterSlave {\textbackslash}}
+  {}-l drivers/can\_peak\_win32/cygcan\_peak\_win32.dll
+  {}-S 500K {}-M none}
+Then, on the other node :
+./TestMasterSlave {}-l my\_driver.so {}-S none {}-M 500K}
+Now messages are beeing exchanged between master and slave node.
+\paragraph{Two nodes with PcanLight and Peak dual PCMCIA{}-CAN adapter}
+Download the PCAN{}-Light Zip file for your HW ( URL from download page
+wget http://www.peak{}-system.com/files/pccard.zip}
+Extract its content into your cygwin home (it will create a ``Disk''
+unzip pccard.zip}
+The configure CanFestival3 providing path to the desired PcanLight
+export PCAN\_INCLUDE=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Api/\newline
+export PCAN\_HEADER=Pcan\_pcc.h\newline
+export PCAN\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash}
+export PCAN2\_HEADER=Pcan\_2pcc.\newline
+export PCAN2\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash}
+In order to test, just connect together both CAN ports of the PCMCIA
+card. Don{\textquotesingle}t forget 120ohms terminator.
+cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_pcc.dll .}
+cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_2pcc.dll .}
+./examples/TestMasterSlave/TestMasterSlave {\textbackslash}}
+  {}-l drivers/can\_peak\_win32/cygcan\_peak\_win32.dll}
+Messages are then exchanged between master and slave node, both inside
+TestMasterSlave{\textquotesingle}s process.
+\subsection{Visual Studio C++}
+Minimal Cygwin installation is required at configuration time in order
+to create specific header files (config.h and cancfg.h). Once this
+files created, cygwin is not necessary any more.
+Project and solution files have been created and tested with Visual
+Studio Express 2005. Be sure to have installed Microsoft Platform SDK,
+as recommended at the end of Visual Studio installation.
+\subsubsection{Configuration with cygwin}
+Follow instructions given at
+configuration and compilation}, but do neither call make nor do tests,
+just do configuration steps. This will create headers files accordingly
+to your configuration parameters, and the desired CAN hardware.
+\subsubsection{Compilation with Visual Studio}
+You can either load independents ``*.vcproj'' project files along your
+own projects in your own solution or load the provided
+``CanFestival{}-3.vc8.sln'' solution files directly.
+Build CanFestival{}-3 project first.
+\paragraph{PcanLight and the can\_peak\_win32 project.}
+Chosen Pcan\_xxx.lib and eventually Pcan\_2xxx.lib files must be added
+to can\_peak\_win32 \ \ project before build of the DLL.
+Copy eventually needed dlls (ie : Pcan\_Nxxx.lib) into Release or Debug
+directory, and run the test program:
+TestMasterSlave.exe {}-l can\_peak\_win32.dll}
+\section{Motorola HCS12}
+The examples have been tested on a MC9S12DG255 mounted on a
+Elektronikladen HCS12 T{}-board.
+Beware that there are a few differences in the MSCAN module of the
+68HC12 and HCS12 microcontroller. For a HC12, you must adapt the driver
+that we provide for \ the HCS12.
+For the difference MSCAN HC12/HCS12, see the Motorola application note
+Configure switch:
+ {}-{}-target=hcs12}
+To do a CANopen node running on a microncontroller Motorola MC9S12DP256,
+you need :
+\item The compiler GNU gcc for HC11, HC12, HCS12 : m6811{}-elf. \newline
+Download the \textbf{release 3.1} at :
+\ \href{http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/m68hc11_pkg_rpm.php}{http://m68hc11.serveftp.org/m68hc11\_pkg\_rpm.php}
+\item A board with this chip. We are using the T{}-board from
+\item At least about 40 kBytes of program memory.
+\item A tool to flash the memory. (We are using the hight cost
+Lauterbach debugger).
+\subsection{Running a HCS12 node}
+\subsubsection{Compiling Canfestival:}
+./configure {--}target=hcs12}
+\subsubsection{Compiling and building an example}
+Enter in the folder of an HCS12 example, 
+make all}
+\subsubsection{Flashing the memory :}
+Use your prefered loader ! If you are using a debugger Lauterbach, you
+can load the bash file : trace32\_flash\_programmer.cmm. It loads
+directly the elf file.
+\subsubsection{Connecting to a serial RS232 console :}
+Connect the portS(TxD0) of the HCS12 to a console configured at 19200
+bauds 8N1, via a Max232 chip to adapt the electricals levels. On Linux,
+you can use minicom. Connecting to a console is usefull to read the
+messages, but not required.
+\subsubsection{Connecting to the CAN network :}
+Connect the port CAN0 (pin PM0, PM1) to the network via a CAN
+controller. On our board, the CAN controler is a PCA82C250 chip.
+\subsubsection{starting the node :}
+Press the reset of your HCS12 board.
+\section{Example and test program:}
+The ``examples'' directory contains some test program you can use as
+example for your own developments.
+* \ TestMasterSlave
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ A simple example for PC. It does implement 2 CanOpen \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ nodes in the same process. A master and a slave. Both \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ communicate together, exchanging periodically NMT, SYNC, \ *}
+* \ SDO and PDO. Master configure heartbeat producer time \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ at 1000 ms for slave node{}-id 0x02 by concise DCF.
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ Usage:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ ./TestMasterSlave \ [OPTIONS]
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ OPTIONS:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-l : Can library
+\ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ Slave:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-s : bus name [{\textquotedbl}0{\textquotedbl}]
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-S : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K,none(disable) \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ Master:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-m : bus name [{\textquotedbl}1{\textquotedbl}]
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-M : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K,none(disable) \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+Notes for Concise DCF :}
+ In this example, Master configure \ heartbeat producer time at 1000 ms
+for slave node{}-id 0x02 by concise DCF according DS{}-302 profile. }
+ }
+ Index 0x1F22 , sub{}-index 0x00 of the master OD, correspond to the
+number of entries. This equal to the maximum possible nodeId (127).
+Each sub{}-index points to the Node{}-ID of the device, to which the
+configuration belongs. }
+ To add more parameters configurations to the slave, the value at
+sub{}-index 0x02 must be a binary stream (little{}-endian) following
+this structure :}
+    }
+[ nb of entries / index parameter 1 / sub{}-index parameter 1 \ / size
+data parameter 1 \ / data parameter 1 / index parameter n / ...]}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ (UNS32) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (UNS16)  (UNS8)  
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (UNS32)   \ \ \ (DOMAIN)}
+ }
+ So the binary value stream to configure heartbeat producer time must be
+: }
+    0100000017100002000000e803}
+The slave node is configured just before the Master entering in
+Pre\_operational state.}
+\subsection{gene\_SYNC\_HCS12 :}
+This is a simple CanOpen node that only send cyclic SYNC message. It
+demonstrate implementation on HCS12 based board.
+\subsection{TestMasterMicroMod }
+* \ TestMasterMicroMod
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ A simple example for PC.
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ A CanOpen master that control a MicroMod module:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- setup module TPDO 1 transmit type
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- setup module RPDO 1 transmit type
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- setup module hearbeatbeat period
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- disable others TPDOs
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- set state to operational
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- send periodic SYNC
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- send periodic RPDO 1 to Micromod (digital output) \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- listen Micromod{\textquotesingle}s TPDO 1 (digital input)
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ {}- Mapping RPDO 1 bit per bit (digital input)
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ Usage:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ ./TestMasterMicroMod \ [OPTIONS]
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ OPTIONS:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-l : Can library
+\ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ Slave:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-i : Slave Node id format [0x01 , 0x7F]
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ Master:
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-m : bus name [{\textquotedbl}1{\textquotedbl}]
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+* \ \ \ \ {}-M : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *}
+\section{Developing a new node}
+Using provided examples as a base for your new node is generally a good
+idea. You can also use the provided *.od files as a base for your node
+object dictionary.
+Creating a new CanOpen node implies to define the Object Dictionary of
+this node. For that, developer have to provide a C file. This C file
+contains the definition of all dictionary entries, and some kind of
+index table that helps the stack to access some entries directly.
+\subsection{Using Dictionary Editor GUI}
+The Object Dictionary Editor is a WxPython based GUI that is used to
+create the C file needed to create a new CanOpen node. 
+\subsubsection{Installation and usage on Linux}
+You first have to download and install Gnosis XML modules. This is
+automated by a Makefile rule.
+cd objdictgen}
+Now start the editor.
+python objdictedit.py [od files...]}
+\subsubsection{Installation and usage on Windows}
+Install Python (at least version 2.4) and wxPython (at least version
+Cygwin users can install Gnosis XML utils the same as Linux use. Just
+call make.
+cd objdictgen}
+Others will have to download and intall Gnosis XML by hand :
+Gnosis Utils:}
+Get latest version.}
+Download CanFestival archive and uncompress it. Use windows file
+explorer to go into CanFestival3{\textbackslash}objdicgten, and
+double{}-click on objdictedit.py.
+The Object Dictionary editor GUI is a python application that use the
+Model{}-View{}-Controller design pattern. It depends on WxPython to
+display view on any supported platform.
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000201000001FC000001E5D65E8766.png}
+\subsubsection{Main view}
+Top list let you choose dictionary section, bottom left list is the
+selected index in that dictionary, and bottom right list are edited
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=5cm]{Pictures/10000201000001FC000001E5D65E8766.png}
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=5cm]{Pictures/10000000000000B6000000DF1EDD1E73.png}
+  \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=5cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AC000000C9C3F53FA6.png}
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=5cm]{Pictures/100000000000006D000000A31EC8CB54.png}
+  \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=5cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AA0000006014F74635.png}
+\subsubsection{New node}
+Edit your node name, ID and type. Choose your inherited specific
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000201000001CB0000015F4FC09B68.png}
+\subsubsection{Node info}
+Edit your node name, ID and type.
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=10cm]{Pictures/10000201000001010000011DA724D25C.png}
+\subsubsection{Profile editor}
+Chose the used profile to edit.\newline
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AB000000C88F594413.png}
+Pick up optional chosen profile entries.\newline
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=10cm]{Pictures/10000201000002DE000001D82D89C224.png}
+\subsubsection{User types}
+Use User Types to implement value boundaries, and string lentgth\newline
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000201000001C40000010766961D7F.png}
+\subsubsection{Mapped variable}
+Add your own specific dictionary entries and associated mapped
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=10cm]{Pictures/10000201000001C4000000DD129D4661.png}
+\subsubsection{Integrated help}
+Using F1 key, you can get context sensitive help.\newline
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000201000002F30000020B23ED7F67.png}
+In order to do that, official 301\_v04000201.pdf file must be placed
+into doc/ directory, and xpdf must be present on your system.
+F2 key open HTML CanFestival help.\newline
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000201000003440000025ACC3FD2F1.png}
+\subsection{Generating the object Dictionary}
+Once object dictionary has been edited and saved, you have to generate
+object dictionary C code for your CanFestival node.
+\subsubsection{With GUI}
+Menu entry ``File/Build Dictionary''.
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000201000000B7000000C66AF89CD5.png}
+Choose C file to create or overwrite. Header file will be also created
+with the same prefix as C file.
+\subsubsection{With command line}
+Usage of objdictgen.py :\newline
+python objdictgen.py XMLFilePath CfilePath}
+\subsubsection{Does the code compiles on Windows ?}
+Yes, with both Cygwin and Visual Studio C++.
+Because CANopen layer is coded with C, put a compilation option /TC or
+/TP if you plan to mix C++ files. See the MSDN documentation about
+\subsubsection{How to fit the library to an other microcontr\^oler ?}
+First, be sure that you have at least 40K bytes of program memory, and
+about 2k of RAM. 
+You have to create target specific interface to HW resources. Take model
+on bundled interfaces provided in drivers/ and create your own
+interface. You also have to update Makefile.in files for target
+specific cflags and options. Chose {--}targer= configure switch to
+compile your specific interface.
+You are welcome to contribute{}-back your own interfaces ! Other
+Canfestival users will use it and provide feedback, tests and
+\subsubsection{Is CanFestival3 conform to DS301 v.4.02 ?}
+Thanks to Philippe Foureys (IUT of Valence), a slave node have been
+tested with the National Instrument CanOpen Conformance Test. It passed
+the test with success.
+Some very small unconformity have been found in very unusual situations,
+for example in the SDO code response to wrong messages.
+\subsubsection{How to use a Peaksystem CAN board ?}
+Just install peak driver and then compile and install Canfestival. Peak
+driver is detected at compile time.
+\subsubsection{How to use an unsupported CAN board ?}
+You have to install the specific driver on your system, with necessary
+libs and headers. 
+Use can\_peak.c/h or can\_virtual.c/h as an example, and adapt it to
+your driver API.
+Execute configure script and choose {}-{}-can=mydriver
+\item Code was compiled MS VisualStudio 2003.NET and VisualStudio
+2005.NET for WindowsXP \ with ANSI and UNICODE configurations and for
+WindowsCE 5.0. 
+\item Some preliminary testing was done, but not enough to be used in
+mission critical projects.
+Additional Features:
+\item Non{}-integral integers support implementation UNS24, UNS40, UNS48
+\item When enable debug output with DEBUG\_WAR\_CONSOLE\_ON or
+DEBUG\_ERR\_CONSOLE\_ON, you can navigate in CanFestival source code by
+double clicking at diagnostic lines in VisualStudio.NET 200X Debug
+Output Window.
+Custom size integral types such as INTEGER24, UNS40, INTEGER56 etc. have
+been defined as 64 bits integers. You will need to replace sizeof(TYPE)
+operators to sizeof\_TYPE definitions in generated code, i.e. replace
+sizeof(UNS40) with sizeof\_UNS40.
+\subsubsection{Which board are you using ?}
+A T{}-board from elektronikladen with a MC9S12DP256 or MC9S12DG256.
+\subsubsection{Does the code compile with an other compiler than GNU gcc
+It is known to work with Metrowerks CodeWarrior. Here are some tips from
+Philippe Foureys. :
+\paragraph{Interrupt functions}
+\subparagraph{Code for GCC:}
+ // prototype\newline
+ void \_\_attribute\_\_((interrupt))timer3Hdl(void):\newline
+ // function\newline
+ void \_\_attribute\_\_((interrupt))timer3Hdl(void)\{...\}}
+\subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior}
+ // protoype\newline
+ void interrupt timer3Hdl(void);\newline
+ // function\newline
+ pragma CODE\_SEG\_\_NEAR\_SEG\_NON\_BANKED\newline
+ void interrupt timer3Hdl(void)\newline
+ \{...\}\newline
+ pragma CODE\_SEG\_DEFAULT}
+\paragraph{Interrupt lock, unlock}
+\subparagraph{Code for GCC}
+ void unlock (void)\newline
+ \{\newline
+  \ \_\_asm\_\_
+ \}\newline
+ void lock (void)\newline
+ \{\newline
+  \ unsigned short mask;\newline
+  \ \_\_asm\_\_
+ \}}
+\subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior}
+void unlock (void)\newline
+ \{\newline
+  \ \_\_asm({\textquotedbl}cli{\textquotedbl});\newline
+ \}\newline
+ void lock (void)\newline
+ \{\newline
+  \ unsigned short mask;\newline
+  \ \_\_asm\newline
+  \{\newline
+  \ tpa:tsei:{\textquotedbl}=d{\textquotedbl}(mask);\newline
+  \}\newline
+ \}}
+\paragraph{Initialize function}
+\subparagraph{Code for GCC}
+void initCanHCS12 (void)\newline
+ \{ \ \newline
+  \ //Init the HCS12 microcontroler for CanOpen \newline
+  \ initHCS12();\newline
+  \ \ // Init the HCS12 \ CAN driver\newline
+  \ const canBusInit bi0 = \{\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no low power \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no time stamp
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 1, \ \ \ /* enable MSCAN
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* clock source : oscillator (In fact, it is not used)
+\ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no loop back
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no listen only
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no low pass filter for wk up */\newline
+  \ CAN\_Baudrates[CAN\_BAUDRATE\_250K],\newline
+  \ \ \ \{\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, \ \ \ /* Filter on 16 bits.\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ See Motorola Block Guide V02.14 fig
+4{}-3 */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 hight accept all msg
+\ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 low accept all msg
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 hight filter all of \ msg
+\ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 low filter all of \ msg
+\ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 hight filter most of \ msg
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 low filter most of \ msg
+\ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 hight filter most of \ msg
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 low filter most of \ msg
+\ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \}\newline
+  \ \};}
+\subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior}
+void initCanHCS12 (void)\newline
+ \{ \ \newline
+  \ //Init the HCS12 microcontroler for CanOpen \newline
+  \ initHCS12();\newline
+  \ \ // Init the HCS12 \ CAN driver\newline
+  \ const canBusInit bi0 = \{\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no low power \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no time stamp
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 1, \ \ \ /* enable MSCAN
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* clock source : oscillator (In fact, it is not used)
+\ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no loop back
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no listen only
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no low pass filter for wk up */\newline
+  \ \ \ \{\newline
+  \ \ \ \ 1, /* clksrc */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ 3, /* brp \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ 0, /* sjw \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ 0, /* samp \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ 1, /* tseg2 \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ 12,/* tseg1 \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \},\newline
+  \ \ \ \{\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, \ \ \ /* Filter on 16 bits.\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ See Motorola Block Guide V02.14 fig
+4{}-3 */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 hight accept all msg
+\ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 low accept all msg
+\ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 hight filter all of \ msg
+\ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 low filter all of \ msg
+\ \ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 hight filter most of \ msg
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 low filter most of \ msg
+\ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 hight filter most of \ msg
+  \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 low filter most of \ msg
+\ \ */\newline
+  \ \ \ \}\newline
+  \ \};}
+\subsubsection{Who to use warnings and errors messages ?}
+\paragraph{Warnings messages}
+Printing long message on console }
+\textbf{Printing short message on console.} (number and value only) 
+\textbf{Sending number and value in a PDO}., only if the node is a
+slave, in operational state. 
+\paragraph{Errors messages}
+Printing long message on console}
+\textbf{Printing short message on console.} (number and value only) 
+\textbf{Sending number and value in a PDO}., only if the node is a
+slave, in operational state. 
+\subsubsection{Does the code works in banked memory ?}
+No. Today it seems that the port of gcc is bogged for using the banked
+memory. So, unfortunately, we are limited to 48 Kbytes of memory code.
+\subsubsection{What GCC version are you using ?}
+We are using the stable RPM release 2.2 :
+\item GNU Gcc 3.0.4. Build 20030501
+\item Newlib 1.10.0 Build 20030421
+\item GNU Binutils 2.12.1 Build 20030427
+\section{Documentation resources}
+\paragraph{CIA : Can in Automation}
+Many documentation on CANopen.
+\paragraph{Resources and training in CANopen}
+\paragraph{Elektronikladen HCS12 T{}-board}
+\paragraph{Gnu gcc compiler for HC12}
+\paragraph{Motorola documentation on HC12}
+\paragraph{Lauterbach debugger for HC12}
+\paragraph{Python language}
+\clearpage\section{About the project}
+\subsection{Contributors }
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/1000020100000258000000832C6FFAB4.png}
+Unit\'e mixte de recherche INRETS{}-LCPC
+sur les Interractions V\'ehicule{}-Infrastructure{}-Conducteur
+14, route de la mini\`ere
+78000 Versailles
+Tel : +33 1 40 43 29 01
+\textbf{Contributors :} Francis DUPIN
+   Camille BOSSARD
+   Laurent ROMIEUX
+ \begin{center}
+   \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/100002010000013A0000004A96B0C1FF.png}
+204, rue du Haut du Pin
+88470 Saint{}-Michel sur Meurthe
+Tel : +33 3 29 52 95 67
+Contributors : \textmd{Edouard TISSERANT (Original author)}}
+   Laurent BESSARD}
+Many thanks to the other contributors for their great work:
+\textmd{   }Raphael ZULLIGER
+\textmd{   }David DUMINY (st\'e A6R)
+\textmd{   }Zakaria BELAMRI
+\subsection{Getting support}
+Send your feedback and bug reports to
+For commercial support, \ training and specific integration and
+developments, please ask LOLITECH (see contributors).
+You are free to contribute your specific interfaces back to the project.
+This way, you can hope to get support from CanFestival users community.
+Please send your patch to
+Feel free to create some new predefined DS{}-4xx profiles (*.prf) in
+objdictgen/config, as much as possible respectful to the official
+All the project is licensed with LGPL. This mean you can link
+CanFestival with any code without being obliged to publish it.
+\#This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen
+Stack. \newline
+\# \newline
+\#Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT, Francis DUPIN and Laurent BESSARD
+\# \newline
+\#See COPYING file for copyrights details. \newline
+\# \newline
+\#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \newline
+\#modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public \newline
+\#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \newline
+\#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+\# \newline
+\#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+\#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+\#Lesser General Public License for more details. \newline
+\# \newline
+\#You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+\#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+\#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+\ 02111{}-1307 \ USA }
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/dcf.c
--- a/src/dcf.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/dcf.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
 ** @file   dcf.c
 ** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
 ** @date   Mon Jun  4 17:06:12 2007
-** @brief
@@ -37,18 +37,30 @@
 #include "sysdep.h"
+** @param d fuck fuck fuck
+** @param nodeId
+** @param index
+** @param subIndex
+** @param count
+** @param dataType
+** @param data
+** @param Callback
+** @param endianize
 extern UNS8 _writeNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index,
                                UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 count, UNS8 dataType, void *data, SDOCallback_t Callback, UNS8 endianize);
 const indextable *ptrTable;
 ** @param d
 ** @param nodeId
 static void CheckSDOAndContinue(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId)
   UNS32 abortCode;
@@ -63,14 +75,14 @@
 ** @param d
 ** @param nodeId
 ** @return
 UNS32 decompo_dcf(CO_Data* d,UNS8 nodeId)
   UNS32 errorCode;
@@ -86,7 +98,7 @@
       return errorCode;
-  /*Loop on all Nodes supported in DCF subindexes*/
+  /** Loop on all Nodes supported in DCF subindexes*/
   while (nodeId < ptrTable->bSubCount){
     UNS32 nb_targets;
@@ -103,27 +115,27 @@
       nb_targets = UNS32_LE(*((UNS32*)dcf));
-    // condition on consise DCF string for NodeID, if big enough
+    /** condition on consise DCF string for NodeID, if big enough */
     if((UNS8*)d->dcf_cursor + 7 < (UNS8*)dcfend && d->dcf_count_targets < nb_targets)
-        // pointer to the DCF string for NodeID
+        /** pointer to the DCF string for NodeID */
         target_Index = UNS16_LE(*((UNS16*)(d->dcf_cursor))); d->dcf_cursor += 2;
         target_Subindex = *((UNS8*)(((UNS8*)d->dcf_cursor)++));
         target_Size = UNS32_LE(*((UNS32*)(d->dcf_cursor))); d->dcf_cursor += 4;
-        /*printf("Master : ConfigureSlaveNode %2.2x (Concise
+        /* printf("Master : ConfigureSlaveNode %2.2x (Concise
-        res = _writeNetworkDict(d, /*CO_Data* d*/
-                                nodeId, /*UNS8 nodeId*/
-                                target_Index, /*UNS16 index*/
-                                target_Subindex, /*UNS8 subindex*/
-                                target_Size, /*UNS8 count*/
-                                0, /*UNS8 dataType*/
-                                d->dcf_cursor,/*void *data*/
-                                CheckSDOAndContinue,/*SDOCallback_t
+        res = _writeNetworkDict(d, /** CO_Data* d*/
+                                nodeId, /** UNS8 nodeId*/
+                                target_Index, /** UNS16 index*/
+                                target_Subindex, /** UNS8 subindex*/
+                                target_Size, /** UNS8 count*/
+                                0, /** UNS8 dataType*/
+                                d->dcf_cursor,/** void *data*/
+                                CheckSDOAndContinue,/** SDOCallback_t
-                                0); /* no endianize*/
-        /*Push d->dcf_cursor to the end of data*/
+                                0); /** no endianize*/
+        /** Push d->dcf_cursor to the end of data*/
         d->dcf_cursor += target_Size;
@@ -133,7 +145,7 @@
     d->dcf_cursor = NULL;
-  /* Switch Master to preOperational state */
+  /**  Switch Master to preOperational state */
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/lifegrd.c
--- a/src/lifegrd.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/lifegrd.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-** @file   filegrd.c
+** @file   lifegrd.c
 ** @author Edouard TISSERANT
 ** @date   Mon Jun  4 17:19:24 2007
@@ -36,31 +36,12 @@
 #include "lifegrd.h"
 #include "canfestival.h"
-/*! Prototypes for internals functions
-** @param d
-** @param id
 void ConsumerHearbeatAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
-** @param d
-** @param id
 void ProducerHearbeatAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
-** @param d
-** @param unsused_indextable
-** @param unsused_bSubindex
-** @return
 UNS32 OnHearbeatProducerUpdate(CO_Data* d, const indextable * unsused_indextable, UNS8 unsused_bSubindex);
@@ -77,8 +58,8 @@
   return networkNodeState;
-/*! The Consumer Timer Callback
+** The Consumer Timer Callback
 ** @param d
 ** @param id
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/nmtMaster.c
--- a/src/nmtMaster.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/nmtMaster.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -1,71 +1,103 @@
-This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
+  This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen
+  Stack.
-Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+  Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
-See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+  See COPYING file for copyrights details.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
+  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
+  USA
+** @file   nmtMaster.c
+** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+** @date   Tue Jun  5 08:47:18 2007
+** @brief
 #include "nmtMaster.h"
 #include "canfestival.h"
+** @param d
+** @param Node_ID
+** @param cs
+** @return
 UNS8 masterSendNMTstateChange(CO_Data* d, UNS8 Node_ID, UNS8 cs)
   Message m;
   MSG_WAR(0x3501, "Send_NMT cs : ", cs);
   MSG_WAR(0x3502, "    to node : ", Node_ID);
-  /* message configuration */
+  /*! message configuration */
   m.cob_id.w = 0x0000; /*(NMT) << 7*/
   m.rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
   m.len = 2;
   m.data[0] = cs;
   m.data[1] = Node_ID;
   return canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
+** @param d
+** @param nodeId
+** @return
 UNS8 masterSendNMTnodeguard(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId)
   Message m;
   MSG_WAR(0x3503, "Send_NODE_GUARD to node : ", nodeId);
   /* message configuration */
   m.cob_id.w = nodeId | (NODE_GUARD << 7);
   m.rtr = REQUEST;
   m.len = 1;
   return canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
+** @param d
+** @param nodeId
 void masterRequestNodeState(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId)
-  /* FIXME: should warn for bad toggle bit. */
+  /*! FIXME: should warn for bad toggle bit. */
-  /* NMTable configuration to indicate that the master is waiting
-   * for a Node_Guard frame from the slave whose node_id is ID */
-  d->NMTable[nodeId] = Unknown_state; /* A state that does not exist */
+  /*! NMTable configuration to indicate that the master is waiting
+    for a Node_Guard frame from the slave whose node_id is ID
+  */
+  d->NMTable[nodeId] = Unknown_state; /*! A state that does not exist
+                                       */
-  if (nodeId == 0) { /* NMT broadcast */
+  if (nodeId == 0) { /*! NMT broadcast */
     UNS8 i = 0;
     for (i = 0 ; i < NMT_MAX_NODE_ID ; i++) {
       d->NMTable[i] = Unknown_state;
@@ -74,11 +106,3 @@
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/nmtSlave.c
--- a/src/nmtSlave.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/nmtSlave.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -1,90 +1,111 @@
-This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
+  This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen
+  Stack.
-Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+  Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
-See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+  See COPYING file for copyrights details.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
+  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
+  USA
+** @file   nmtSlave.c
+** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+** @date   Tue Jun  5 08:50:53 2007
+** @brief
 #include "nmtSlave.h"
 #include "states.h"
 #include "canfestival.h"
-/* put the slave in the state wanted by the master */	
+** put the slave in the state wanted by the master
+** @param d
+** @param m
 void proceedNMTstateChange(CO_Data* d, Message *m)
   if( d->nodeState == Pre_operational ||
       d->nodeState == Operational ||
       d->nodeState == Stopped ) {
     MSG_WAR(0x3400, "NMT received. for node :  ", (*m).data[1]);
-    /* Check if this NMT-message is for this node */
-    /* byte 1 = 0 : all the nodes are concerned (broadcast) */
+    /*! Check if this NMT-message is for this node */
+    /*! byte 1 = 0 : all the nodes are concerned (broadcast) */
     if( ( (*m).data[1] == 0 ) || ( (*m).data[1] == *d->bDeviceNodeId ) ){
-      switch( (*m).data[0]){ /* command specifier (cs) */			
+      switch( (*m).data[0]){ /*! command specifier (cs) */
       case NMT_Start_Node:
         if ( (d->nodeState == Pre_operational) || (d->nodeState == Stopped) )
-        break; 
+        break;
       case NMT_Stop_Node:
         if ( d->nodeState == Pre_operational ||
-	     d->nodeState == Operational )
+             d->nodeState == Operational )
       case NMT_Enter_PreOperational:
-        if ( d->nodeState == Operational || 
-	     d->nodeState == Stopped )
-	  setState(d,Pre_operational);
+        if ( d->nodeState == Operational ||
+             d->nodeState == Stopped )
+          setState(d,Pre_operational);
       case NMT_Reset_Node:
-          setState(d,Initialisation);
+        setState(d,Initialisation);
       case NMT_Reset_Comunication:
-          setState(d,Initialisation);
+        setState(d,Initialisation);
-      }/* end switch */
-    }/* end if( ( (*m).data[1] == 0 ) || ( (*m).data[1] == bDeviceNodeId ) ) */
+      }/*! end switch */
+    }/*! end if( ( (*m).data[1] == 0 ) || ( (*m).data[1] ==
+        bDeviceNodeId ) ) */
+** @param d
+** @return
 UNS8 slaveSendBootUp(CO_Data* d)
   Message m;
   MSG_WAR(0x3407, "Send a Boot-Up msg ", 0);
-  /* message configuration */
+  /*! message configuration */
   m.cob_id.w = NODE_GUARD << 7 | *d->bDeviceNodeId;
   m.rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
   m.len = 1;
   m.data[0] = 0x00;
   return canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/objacces.c
--- a/src/objacces.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/objacces.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -1,24 +1,38 @@
-This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
-Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
-See COPYING file for copyrights details.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+  This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen
+  Stack.
+  Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+  See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
+  USA
+** @file   objacces.c
+** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+** @date   Tue Jun  5 08:55:23 2007
+** @brief
 /* #define DEBUG_WAR_CONSOLE_ON */
 /* #define DEBUG_ERR_CONSOLE_ON */
@@ -27,53 +41,77 @@
 #include "objacces.h"
-UNS8 accessDictionaryError(UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, 
-			     UNS8 sizeDataDict, UNS8 sizeDataGiven, UNS32 code)
+** @param index
+** @param subIndex
+** @param sizeDataDict
+** @param sizeDataGiven
+** @param code
+** @return
+UNS8 accessDictionaryError(UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex,
+                           UNS8 sizeDataDict, UNS8 sizeDataGiven, UNS32 code)
   MSG_WAR(0x2B09,"Dictionary index : ", index);
   MSG_WAR(0X2B10,"           subindex : ", subIndex);
   switch (code) {
-    case  OD_NO_SUCH_OBJECT: 
-      MSG_WAR(0x2B11,"Index not found ", index);
-      break;
-      MSG_WAR(0x2B12,"SubIndex not found ", subIndex);
-      break;   
-      MSG_WAR(0x2B13,"Write not allowed, data is read only ", index);
-      break;         
-    case OD_LENGTH_DATA_INVALID :    
-      MSG_WAR(0x2B14,"Conflict size data. Should be (bytes)  : ", sizeDataDict);
-      MSG_WAR(0x2B15,"But you have given the size  : ", sizeDataGiven);
-      break;
-    case OD_NOT_MAPPABLE :
-      MSG_WAR(0x2B16,"Not mappable data in a PDO at index    : ", index);
-      break;
-    case OD_VALUE_TOO_LOW :
-      MSG_WAR(0x2B17,"Value range error : value too low. SDOabort : ", code);
-      break;
-    case OD_VALUE_TOO_HIGH :
-      MSG_WAR(0x2B18,"Value range error : value too high. SDOabort : ", code);
-      break;
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B11,"Index not found ", index);
+    break;
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B12,"SubIndex not found ", subIndex);
+    break;
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B13,"Write not allowed, data is read only ", index);
+    break;
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B14,"Conflict size data. Should be (bytes)  : ", sizeDataDict);
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B15,"But you have given the size  : ", sizeDataGiven);
+    break;
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B16,"Not mappable data in a PDO at index    : ", index);
+    break;
+  case OD_VALUE_TOO_LOW :
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B17,"Value range error : value too low. SDOabort : ", code);
+    break;
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B18,"Value range error : value too high. SDOabort : ", code);
+    break;
   default :
     MSG_WAR(0x2B20, "Unknown error code : ", code);
-  return 0; 
-UNS32 _getODentry( CO_Data* d, 
-                  UNS16 wIndex,
-		  UNS8 bSubindex,
-		  void * pDestData,
-		  UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
-		  UNS8 * pDataType,
-		  UNS8 checkAccess,
-		  UNS8 endianize)
-{ /* DO NOT USE MSG_ERR because the macro may send a PDO -> infinite loop if it fails. */
+  return 0;
+** @param d
+** @param wIndex
+** @param bSubindex
+** @param pDestData
+** @param pExpectedSize
+** @param pDataType
+** @param checkAccess
+** @param endianize
+** @return
+UNS32 _getODentry( CO_Data* d,
+                   UNS16 wIndex,
+                   UNS8 bSubindex,
+                   void * pDestData,
+                   UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
+                   UNS8 * pDataType,
+                   UNS8 checkAccess,
+                   UNS8 endianize)
+{ /*! DO NOT USE MSG_ERR because the macro may send a PDO -> infinite
+    loop if it fails. */
   UNS32 errorCode;
   UNS8 szData;
   const indextable *ptrTable;
@@ -88,103 +126,144 @@
     accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, 0, 0, OD_NO_SUCH_SUBINDEX);
     return OD_NO_SUCH_SUBINDEX;
   if (checkAccess && !(ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bAccessType & WO)) {
-  	MSG_WAR(0x2B30, "Access Type : ", ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bAccessType);
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B30, "Access Type : ", ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bAccessType);
     accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, 0, 0, OD_WRITE_NOT_ALLOWED);
     return OD_READ_NOT_ALLOWED;
   *pDataType = ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bDataType;
-   szData = ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size;
-   if(	*pExpectedSize == 0 ||
-  	*pExpectedSize == szData ||
-  	(*pDataType == visible_string && *pExpectedSize < szData)) {/* We allow to fetch a shorter string than expected */
+  szData = ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size;
+  if(*pExpectedSize == 0 ||
+     *pExpectedSize == szData ||
+     (*pDataType == visible_string && *pExpectedSize < szData)) {
+    /*! We
+      allow to fetch a shorter string than expected */
-     if(endianize && *pDataType > boolean && *pDataType < visible_string) {
-       /* data must be transmited with low byte first */
-       UNS8 i, j = 0;
-       MSG_WAR(boolean, "data type ", *pDataType);
-       MSG_WAR(visible_string, "data type ", *pDataType);
-       for ( i = szData ; i > 0 ; i--) {
-         MSG_WAR(i," ", j);
-	 ((UNS8*)pDestData)[j++] = 
-	   ((UNS8*)ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject)[i-1];
-       }
-     }
-     else /* It it is a visible string no endianisation to perform */
-       memcpy(pDestData, ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject,szData);
+    if(endianize && *pDataType > boolean && *pDataType < visible_string) {
+      /*! data must be transmited with low byte first */
+      UNS8 i, j = 0;
+      MSG_WAR(boolean, "data type ", *pDataType);
+      MSG_WAR(visible_string, "data type ", *pDataType);
+      for ( i = szData ; i > 0 ; i--) {
+        MSG_WAR(i," ", j);
+        ((UNS8*)pDestData)[j++] =
+          ((UNS8*)ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject)[i-1];
+      }
+    }
+    else /*! It it is a visible string no endianisation to perform */
+      memcpy(pDestData, ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject,szData);
 #  else
-     memcpy(pDestData, ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject,szData);
+    memcpy(pDestData, ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject,szData);
 #  endif
-     *pExpectedSize = szData;
+    *pExpectedSize = szData;
 #if 0
-     /* Me laisser ça, please ! (FD) */
-     {
-       UNS8 i;
-       for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
-	 MSG_WAR(*pExpectedSize, "dic data= ",
-		 *(UNS8 *)(ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject + i));
-       }
-     }
+    /*! Me laisser a, please ! (FD) */
+    {
+      UNS8 i;
+      for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
+        MSG_WAR(*pExpectedSize, "dic data= ",
+                *(UNS8 *)(ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject + i));
+      }
+    }
-     return OD_SUCCESSFUL;
-   }
-   else { /* Error ! */
-     *pExpectedSize = szData;
-     accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, szData, 
-			   *pExpectedSize, OD_LENGTH_DATA_INVALID);
-   }
-UNS32 getODentry( CO_Data* d, 
+    return OD_SUCCESSFUL;
+  }
+  else { /*! Error ! */
+    *pExpectedSize = szData;
+    accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, szData,
+                          *pExpectedSize, OD_LENGTH_DATA_INVALID);
+  }
+** @param d
+** @param wIndex
+** @param bSubindex
+** @param pDestData
+** @param pExpectedSize
+** @param pDataType
+** @param checkAccess
+** @return
+UNS32 getODentry( CO_Data* d,
                   UNS16 wIndex,
-		  UNS8 bSubindex,
-		  void * pDestData,
-		  UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
-		  UNS8 * pDataType,
-		  UNS8 checkAccess)
-	return _getODentry( d, 
-                  wIndex,
-		  bSubindex,
-		  pDestData,
-		  pExpectedSize,
-		  pDataType,
-		  checkAccess,
-		  1);//endianize
-UNS32 readLocalDict( CO_Data* d, 
-                  UNS16 wIndex,
-		  UNS8 bSubindex,
-		  void * pDestData,
-		  UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
-		  UNS8 * pDataType,
-		  UNS8 checkAccess)
-		return _getODentry( d, 
-                  wIndex,
-		  bSubindex,
-		  pDestData,
-		  pExpectedSize,
-		  pDataType,
-		  checkAccess,
-		  0);//do not endianize
-UNS32 _setODentry( CO_Data* d, 
-                  UNS16 wIndex,
-		  UNS8 bSubindex, 
-		  void * pSourceData, 
-		  UNS8 * pExpectedSize, 
-		  UNS8 checkAccess,
-		  UNS8 endianize)
+                  UNS8 bSubindex,
+                  void * pDestData,
+                  UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
+                  UNS8 * pDataType,
+                  UNS8 checkAccess)
+  return _getODentry( d,
+                      wIndex,
+                      bSubindex,
+                      pDestData,
+                      pExpectedSize,
+                      pDataType,
+                      checkAccess,
+                      1);//endianize
+** @param d
+** @param wIndex
+** @param bSubindex
+** @param pDestData
+** @param pExpectedSize
+** @param pDataType
+** @param checkAccess
+** @return
+UNS32 readLocalDict( CO_Data* d,
+                     UNS16 wIndex,
+                     UNS8 bSubindex,
+                     void * pDestData,
+                     UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
+                     UNS8 * pDataType,
+                     UNS8 checkAccess)
+  return _getODentry( d,
+                      wIndex,
+                      bSubindex,
+                      pDestData,
+                      pExpectedSize,
+                      pDataType,
+                      checkAccess,
+                      0);//do not endianize
+** @param d
+** @param wIndex
+** @param bSubindex
+** @param pSourceData
+** @param pExpectedSize
+** @param checkAccess
+** @param endianize
+** @return
+UNS32 _setODentry( CO_Data* d,
+                   UNS16 wIndex,
+                   UNS8 bSubindex,
+                   void * pSourceData,
+                   UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
+                   UNS8 checkAccess,
+                   UNS8 endianize)
   UNS8 szData;
   UNS8 dataType;
@@ -197,112 +276,161 @@
     return errorCode;
   if( ptrTable->bSubCount <= bSubindex ) {
-    /* Subindex not found */
+    /*! Subindex not found */
     accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, 0, *pExpectedSize, OD_NO_SUCH_SUBINDEX);
     return OD_NO_SUCH_SUBINDEX;
   if (checkAccess && (ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bAccessType == RO)) {
-  	MSG_WAR(0x2B25, "Access Type : ", ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bAccessType);
+    MSG_WAR(0x2B25, "Access Type : ", ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bAccessType);
     accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, 0, *pExpectedSize, OD_WRITE_NOT_ALLOWED);
-   dataType = ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bDataType;
-   szData = ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size;
+  dataType = ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bDataType;
+  szData = ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size;
   if( *pExpectedSize == 0 ||
-  	*pExpectedSize == szData ||
-  	(dataType == visible_string && *pExpectedSize < szData)) /* We allow to store a shorter string than entry size */
-  {
-      #ifdef CANOPEN_BIG_ENDIAN
-	      if(endianize && dataType > boolean && dataType < visible_string)
-	      {
-			/* we invert the data source directly. This let us do range testing without */
-			/* additional temp variable */
-		 	UNS8 i;
-	  		for ( i = 0 ; i < ( ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size >> 1)  ; i++) 
-	  		{
-	    		UNS8 tmp =((UNS8 *)pSourceData) [(ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size - 1) - i];
-	    		((UNS8 *)pSourceData) [(ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size - 1) - i] = ((UNS8 *)pSourceData)[i];
-	    		((UNS8 *)pSourceData)[i] = tmp;
-	    	}
-		}  
-      #endif
+      *pExpectedSize == szData ||
+      (dataType == visible_string && *pExpectedSize < szData)) /* We
+                                                                  allow to store a shorter string than entry size */
+    {
+      if(endianize && dataType > boolean && dataType < visible_string)
+        {
+          /*! we invert the data source directly. This let us do range
+            testing without */
+          /*! additional temp variable */
+          UNS8 i;
+          for ( i = 0 ; i < ( ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size >> 1)  ; i++)
+            {
+              UNS8 tmp =((UNS8 *)pSourceData) [(ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size - 1) - i];
+              ((UNS8 *)pSourceData) [(ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].size - 1) - i] = ((UNS8 *)pSourceData)[i];
+              ((UNS8 *)pSourceData)[i] = tmp;
+            }
+        }
       errorCode = (*d->valueRangeTest)(dataType, pSourceData);
       if (errorCode) {
-	accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, szData, *pExpectedSize, errorCode);
-	return errorCode;
+        accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, szData, *pExpectedSize, errorCode);
+        return errorCode;
       memcpy(ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].pObject,pSourceData, *pExpectedSize);
       *pExpectedSize = szData;
-      /* Callbacks */
+      /*! Callbacks */
       if(Callback && Callback[bSubindex]){
-      	 (*Callback[bSubindex])(d, ptrTable, bSubindex);
+        (*Callback[bSubindex])(d, ptrTable, bSubindex);
-      /* TODO : Store dans NVRAM */     
+      /*! TODO : Store dans NVRAM */
       if (ptrTable->pSubindex[bSubindex].bAccessType & TO_BE_SAVE){
-      	(*d->storeODSubIndex)(wIndex, bSubindex);
+        (*d->storeODSubIndex)(wIndex, bSubindex);
       return OD_SUCCESSFUL;
-  }else{
+    }else{
       *pExpectedSize = szData;
       accessDictionaryError(wIndex, bSubindex, szData, *pExpectedSize, OD_LENGTH_DATA_INVALID);
-  }
-UNS32 setODentry( CO_Data* d, 
+    }
+** @param d
+** @param wIndex
+** @param bSubindex
+** @param pSourceData
+** @param pExpectedSize
+** @param checkAccess
+** @return
+UNS32 setODentry( CO_Data* d,
                   UNS16 wIndex,
-		  UNS8 bSubindex, 
-		  void * pSourceData, 
-		  UNS8 * pExpectedSize, 
-		  UNS8 checkAccess)
-	return _setODentry( d, 
-                  wIndex,
-		  bSubindex, 
-		  pSourceData, 
-		  pExpectedSize, 
-		  checkAccess,
-		  1);//endianize
-UNS32 writeLocalDict( CO_Data* d, 
-                  UNS16 wIndex,
-		  UNS8 bSubindex, 
-		  void * pSourceData, 
-		  UNS8 * pExpectedSize, 
-		  UNS8 checkAccess)
-	return _setODentry( d, 
-                  wIndex,
-		  bSubindex, 
-		  pSourceData, 
-		  pExpectedSize, 
-		  checkAccess,
-		  0);//do not endianize
+                  UNS8 bSubindex,
+                  void * pSourceData,
+                  UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
+                  UNS8 checkAccess)
+  return _setODentry( d,
+                      wIndex,
+                      bSubindex,
+                      pSourceData,
+                      pExpectedSize,
+                      checkAccess,
+                      1);//endianize
+** @param d
+** @param wIndex
+** @param bSubindex
+** @param pSourceData
+** @param pExpectedSize
+** @param checkAccess
+** @return
+UNS32 writeLocalDict( CO_Data* d,
+                      UNS16 wIndex,
+                      UNS8 bSubindex,
+                      void * pSourceData,
+                      UNS8 * pExpectedSize,
+                      UNS8 checkAccess)
+  return _setODentry( d,
+                      wIndex,
+                      bSubindex,
+                      pSourceData,
+                      pExpectedSize,
+                      checkAccess,
+                      0);//do not endianize
+** @param d
+** @param wIndex
+** @param errorCode
+** @param Callback
+** @return
 const indextable * scanIndexOD (CO_Data* d, UNS16 wIndex, UNS32 *errorCode, ODCallback_t **Callback)
   return (*d->scanIndexOD)(wIndex, errorCode, Callback);
+** @param d
+** @param wIndex
+** @param bSubindex
+** @param Callback
+** @return
 UNS32 RegisterSetODentryCallBack(CO_Data* d, UNS16 wIndex, UNS8 bSubindex, ODCallback_t Callback)
-	UNS32 errorCode;
-	ODCallback_t *CallbackList;
-	scanIndexOD (d, wIndex, &errorCode, &CallbackList);
-	if(errorCode == OD_SUCCESSFUL && CallbackList) 
-		CallbackList[bSubindex] = Callback;
-	return errorCode;
+  UNS32 errorCode;
+  ODCallback_t *CallbackList;
+  scanIndexOD (d, wIndex, &errorCode, &CallbackList);
+  if(errorCode == OD_SUCCESSFUL && CallbackList)
+    CallbackList[bSubindex] = Callback;
+  return errorCode;
+** @param wIndex
+** @param bSubindex
 void _storeODSubIndex (UNS16 wIndex, UNS8 bSubindex){}
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/pdo.c
--- a/src/pdo.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/pdo.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -1,45 +1,56 @@
-This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
-Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
-See COPYING file for copyrights details.
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+  This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen
+  Stack.
+  Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+  See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
+  USA
 #include "pdo.h"
 #include "objacces.h"
 #include "canfestival.h"
+** @file   pdo.c
+** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+** @date   Tue Jun  5 09:32:32 2007
+** @brief
 UNS8 sendPDO(CO_Data* d, s_PDO pdo, UNS8 req)
   UNS8 i;
   if( d->nodeState == Operational ) {
     Message m;
-    /* Message copy for sending */
-    m.cob_id.w = pdo.cobId & 0x7FF; /* Because the cobId is 11 bytes length */
+    /*! Message copy for sending */
+    m.cob_id.w = pdo.cobId & 0x7FF; /*! Because the cobId is 11 bytes
+                                      length */
     if ( req == NOT_A_REQUEST ) {
       UNS8 i;
       m.rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
       m.len = pdo.len;
-      /* memcpy(&m.data, &pdo.data, m.len); */
-      /* This Memcpy depends on packing structure. Avoid */
+      /*! memcpy(&m.data, &pdo.data, m.len); */
+      /*! This Memcpy depends on packing structure. Avoid */
       for (i = 0 ; i < pdo.len ; i++)
-	m.data[i] = pdo.data[i];
+        m.data[i] = pdo.data[i];
     else {
       m.rtr = REQUEST;
@@ -51,27 +62,34 @@
     for (i = 0 ; i < m.len ; i++) {
       MSG_WAR(0x3903,"           data : ", m.data[i]);
     return canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
-  } /* end if */
+  } /*! end if */
   return 0xFF;
-UNS8 PDOmGR(CO_Data* d, UNS32 cobId) /* PDO Manager */
+** PDO Manager
+** @param d
+** @param cobId
+** @return
+UNS8 PDOmGR(CO_Data* d, UNS32 cobId)
   UNS8 res;
   UNS8 i;
   s_PDO pdo;
   MSG_WAR(0x3905, "PDOmGR",0);
-  /* if PDO is waiting for transmission,
-     preparation of the message to send */
-    pdo.cobId = cobId;
-    pdo.len =  d->process_var.count;
-    /* memcpy(&(pdo.data), &(process_var.data), pdo.len); */
-    /* Ce memcpy devrait être portable */
+  /*! if PDO is waiting for transmission,
+    preparation of the message to send */
+  pdo.cobId = cobId;
+  pdo.len =  d->process_var.count;
+  /*! memcpy(&(pdo.data), &(process_var.data), pdo.len); */
+     /* Ce memcpy devrait tre portable */
     for ( i = 0 ; i < pdo.len ; i++) 
       pdo.data[i] = d->process_var.data[i];
@@ -94,7 +112,8 @@
   /* pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo */
 /*  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;  */
   /* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an mapping entry  */ 
-  UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;  
+  UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
   UNS8      Size;
   UNS8      dataType;
@@ -106,95 +125,112 @@
   offset = 0x00;
   ind = index - 0x1800;
   MSG_WAR(0x3910,"Prepare PDO to send index :", index);
-  /* only operational state allows PDO transmission */
+  /*! only operational state allows PDO transmission */
   if( d->nodeState != Operational ) {
     MSG_WAR(0x2911, "Unable to send the PDO (node not in OPERATIONAL mode). Node : ", index);
     return 0xFF;
   offsetObjdictPrm = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
   offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
   if (offsetObjdictPrm && offsetObjdict)
-  {
-	  /* get mapped objects number to transmit with this PDO */
-	  pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + ind)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
-	  MSG_WAR(0x3912, "Nb maped objects : ",* pMappingCount);
-	  MSG_WAR(0x3913, "        at index : ", 0x1A00 + ind);
-	  while (subInd < *pMappingCount) { /* Loop on mapped variables */
-	    /* get mapping parameters */
-	    pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + ind)->pSubindex[subInd + 1].pObject;
-	    MSG_WAR(0x3914, "Get the mapping      at index : ", (UNS16)0x1A00 + ind);
-	    MSG_WAR(0x3915, "                     subIndex : ", subInd + 1);
-	    MSG_WAR(0x3916, "                     value    : ", *(UNS32 *)pMappingParameter);
-	    /* Get the mapped variable */
-	    Size = ((UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3));
-	  	objDict = getODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
-				    (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF),
-				    (void *)&d->process_var.data[offset], &Size, &dataType, 0 );  
-	     if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
-	        MSG_WAR(0x2919, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", subInd + 1);  
-		MSG_WAR(0x2920, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
-		MSG_WAR(0x2921, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
-		return 0xFF;
-	     } 
-	      offset += Size;
-	      d->process_var.count = offset;
-	      subInd++;					
-	}/* end Loop on mapped variables  */
-  }
+    {
+      /*! get mapped objects number to transmit with this PDO */
+      pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + ind)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
+      MSG_WAR(0x3912, "Nb maped objects : ",* pMappingCount);
+      MSG_WAR(0x3913, "        at index : ", 0x1A00 + ind);
+      while (subInd < *pMappingCount) { /*! Loop on mapped variables */
+        /*! get mapping parameters */
+        pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + ind)->pSubindex[subInd + 1].pObject;
+        MSG_WAR(0x3914, "Get the mapping      at index : ", (UNS16)0x1A00 + ind);
+        MSG_WAR(0x3915, "                     subIndex : ", subInd + 1);
+        MSG_WAR(0x3916, "                     value    : ", *(UNS32 *)pMappingParameter);
+        /*! Get the mapped variable */
+        Size = ((UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3));
+        objDict = getODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
+                             (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF),
+                             (void *)&d->process_var.data[offset], &Size, &dataType, 0 );
+        if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
+          MSG_WAR(0x2919, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", subInd + 1);
+          MSG_WAR(0x2920, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
+          MSG_WAR(0x2921, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
+          return 0xFF;
+        }
+        offset += Size;
+        d->process_var.count = offset;
+        subInd++;
+      }/*! end Loop on mapped variables  */
+    }
   return 0;
+** @param d
+** @param cobId
+** @return
 UNS8 sendPDOrequest( CO_Data* d, UNS32 cobId )
-  UNS32 *	 pwCobId;	
+  UNS32 * pwCobId;
   UNS16          offset;
   UNS16          lastIndex;
   UNS8           err;
-  MSG_WAR(0x3930, "sendPDOrequest ",0);  
-  /* Sending the request only if the cobid have been found on the PDO receive */
-  /* part dictionary */
+  MSG_WAR(0x3930, "sendPDOrequest ",0);
+  /*! Sending the request only if the cobid have been found on the PDO
+     receive */
+  /*! part dictionary */
   offset = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
   lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;
   if (offset)
-	  while (offset <= lastIndex) {
-	    /*get the CobId*/
-	    pwCobId = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject;
-	    if ( *pwCobId  == cobId ) {
-	      s_PDO pdo;
-	      pdo.cobId = *pwCobId;
-	      pdo.len = 0;
-	      err  = sendPDO(d, pdo, REQUEST);	
-	      return err;
-	    }
-	    offset++;
-	  }
-  MSG_WAR(0x1931, "sendPDOrequest : COBID not found : ", cobId); 
+    while (offset <= lastIndex) {
+      /*! get the CobId*/
+      pwCobId = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject;
+      if ( *pwCobId  == cobId ) {
+        s_PDO pdo;
+        pdo.cobId = *pwCobId;
+        pdo.len = 0;
+        err  = sendPDO(d, pdo, REQUEST);
+        return err;
+      }
+      offset++;
+    }
+  MSG_WAR(0x1931, "sendPDOrequest : COBID not found : ", cobId);
   return 0xFF;
+** @param d
+** @param m
+** @return
 UNS8 proceedPDO(CO_Data* d, Message *m)
   UNS8   numPdo;
-  UNS8   numMap;  /* Number of the mapped varable */                      
+  UNS8   numMap;  /*! Number of the mapped varable */
   UNS8 i;
-  UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;    /* count of mapped objects... */
-  /* pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo... */
-/*  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;   */
-  /* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an mapping entry */
-  UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;  
-  UNS8  *    pTransmissionType = NULL; /* pointer to the transmission type */
+  UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;    /*! count of mapped objects... */
+  /*! pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo... */
+  /*!  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;   */
+  /*! pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an
+     mapping entry */
+  UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
+  UNS8  *    pTransmissionType = NULL; /*! pointer to the transmission
+                                         type */
   UNS32 *    pwCobId = NULL;
   UNS8       Size;
   UNS8       dataType;
@@ -204,239 +240,270 @@
   UNS16      offsetObjdict;
   UNS16      lastIndex;
   status = state1;
-  MSG_WAR(0x3935, "proceedPDO, cobID : ", ((*m).cob_id.w & 0x7ff)); 
+  MSG_WAR(0x3935, "proceedPDO, cobID : ", ((*m).cob_id.w & 0x7ff));
   offset = 0x00;
   numPdo = 0;
   numMap = 0;
-  if((*m).rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST ) { /* The PDO received is not a request. */
+  if((*m).rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST ) { /*! The PDO received is not a
+                                     request. */
     offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
     lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;
-    /* study of all the PDO stored in the dictionary */   
+    /*! study of all the PDO stored in the dictionary */
-	    while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {
-	      switch( status ) {
-	        case state1:	/* data are stored in process_var array */
-		  /* memcpy(&(process_var.data), &m->data, (*m).len); */
-		  /* Ce memcpy devrait être portable. */
-		  for ( i = 0 ; i < m->len ; i++) 
-		    d->process_var.data[i] = m->data[i];
-		  d->process_var.count = (*m).len;
-		  status = state2; 
-		  break;
-		case state2:
-		  /* get CobId of the dictionary correspondant to the received PDO */
-	          pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject; 
-		  /* check the CobId coherance */
-		  /*pwCobId is the cobId read in the dictionary at the state 3 */
-		  if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ){
-		    /* The cobId is recognized */
-		    status = state4;
-		    MSG_WAR(0x3936, "cobId found at index ", 0x1400 + numPdo);
-		    break;
-		  }
-		  else {
-		    /* cobId received does not match with those write in the dictionnary */
-		    numPdo++;
-		    offsetObjdict++;
-		    status = state2;
-		    break;
-		  }
-		case state4:	/* get mapped objects number */
-		  /* The cobId of the message received has been found in the dictionnary. */
-		  offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
-		  lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
-		  pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;	  
-		  numMap = 0;
-		  while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
-			UNS8 tmp[]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
-		  	UNS8 ByteSize;
-		    pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
-		    if (pMappingParameter == NULL) {
-		      MSG_ERR(0x1937, "Couldn't get mapping parameter : ", numMap + 1); 
-		      return 0xFF;
-		    }
-			/* Get the addresse of the mapped variable. */
-		    /* detail of *pMappingParameter : */
-	            /* The 16 hight bits contains the index, the medium 8 bits contains the subindex, */
-		    /* and the lower 8 bits contains the size of the mapped variable. */
-		    Size = (UNS8)(*pMappingParameter);
-			/* copy bit per bit in little endian */
-			CopyBits(Size, (UNS8*)&d->process_var.data[offset>>3], offset%8, 0, ((UNS8*)tmp), 0, 0);
-		  	ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3); /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 => 2, ... */
-		    objDict = setODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
-				            (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF),
-					    	tmp, &ByteSize, 0 );
-		    if(objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
-		      MSG_ERR(0x1938, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);  
-		      MSG_WAR(0x2939, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
-		      MSG_WAR(0x2940, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
-		      return 0xFF;
-		    }
-		    MSG_WAR(0x3942, "Variable updated with value received by PDO cobid : ", m->cob_id.w);  
-		    MSG_WAR(0x3943, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
-		    MSG_WAR(0x3944, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
-		    /* MSG_WAR(0x3945, "                data : ",*((UNS32 *)pMappedAppObject)); */
-		    offset += Size;
-		    numMap++;
-		  } /* end loop while on mapped variables */
-		  offset=0x00;		
-		  numMap = 0;
-		  return 0;
-	      }/* end switch status	*/	 
-	    }/* end while	*/
-  }/* end if Donnees */
-  else if ((*m).rtr == REQUEST ){  
-      MSG_WAR(0x3946, "Receive a PDO request cobId : ", m->cob_id.w);
-      status = state1;
-      offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
-      lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
-      if(offsetObjdict) while( offsetObjdict  <= lastIndex ){ 
-	/* study of all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */
-	switch( status ){
-	case state1:	/* check the CobId */
-			/* get CobId of the dictionary which match to the received PDO */
-	  pwCobId = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict)->pSubindex[1].pObject;	  
-	  if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ) {
-	    status = state4;
-	    break;
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    numPdo++;
-	    offsetObjdict++;
-	  }
-	  status = state1;
-	  break;
-	case state4:	/* check transmission type (after request?) */
-	  pTransmissionType = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
-	  if ( (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR) || (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC ) || (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT) ) {
-	    status = state5;
-	    break;
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    /* The requested PDO is not to send on request. So, does nothing. */
-	    MSG_WAR(0x2947, "PDO is not to send on request : ", m->cob_id.w);
-	    return 0xFF;
-	  }
-	case state5:	/* get mapped objects number */
-	  offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
-	  lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
-	  pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
-	  numMap = 0;
-	  while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
-	    pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
-	    /* Get the mapped variable */
-	    Size = ((UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3)); 
-	    objDict = getODentry( d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)16), 
-				     (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & 0xFF),
-				     (void *)&d->process_var.data[offset], &Size, &dataType, 0 );
-	    if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
-	      MSG_ERR(0x1948, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);  
-	      MSG_WAR(0x2949, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
-	      MSG_WAR(0x2950, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
-	      return 0xFF;
-	    }
-	    offset += (UNS8) (((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3);
-	    d->process_var.count = offset;
-	    numMap++;
-	  } /* end while */
-	  PDOmGR( d, *pwCobId ); /* Transmit the PDO */
-	  return 0;
-	}/* end switch status */
-      }/* end while	 */			
-    }/* end if Requete */
+      while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {
+        switch( status ) {
+        case state1:/*! data are stored in process_var array */
+          /*! memcpy(&(process_var.data), &m->data, (*m).len); */
+          /*! Ce memcpy devrait etre portable */
+          for ( i = 0 ; i < m->len ; i++)
+            d->process_var.data[i] = m->data[i];
+          d->process_var.count = (*m).len;
+          status = state2;
+          break;
+        case state2:
+          /*! get CobId of the dictionary correspondant to the received
+             PDO */
+          pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject;
+          /*! check the CobId coherance */
+          /*!pwCobId is the cobId read in the dictionary at the state 3
+            */
+          if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ){
+            /*! The cobId is recognized */
+            status = state4;
+            MSG_WAR(0x3936, "cobId found at index ", 0x1400 + numPdo);
+            break;
+          }
+          else {
+            /*! cobId received does not match with those write in the
+              dictionnary */
+            numPdo++;
+            offsetObjdict++;
+            status = state2;
+            break;
+          }
+            case state4:/*! Get Mapped Objects Number */
+               /*! The cobId of the message received has been found in the
+                 dictionnary. */
+               offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
+             lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
+             pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
+             numMap = 0;
+             while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
+               UNS8 tmp[]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+               UNS8 ByteSize;
+               pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
+               if (pMappingParameter == NULL) {
+                 MSG_ERR(0x1937, "Couldn't get mapping parameter : ", numMap + 1);
+                 return 0xFF;
+               }
+               /*! Get the addresse of the mapped variable. */
+               /*! detail of *pMappingParameter : */
+               /*! The 16 hight bits contains the index, the medium 8 bits
+                 contains the subindex, */
+               /*! and the lower 8 bits contains the size of the mapped
+                 variable. */
+               Size = (UNS8)(*pMappingParameter);
+               /*! copy bit per bit in little endian */
+               CopyBits(Size, (UNS8*)&d->process_var.data[offset>>3], offset%8, 0, ((UNS8*)tmp), 0, 0);
+               ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3); /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 =>
+                                                   2, ... */
+               objDict = setODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
+                                    (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF),
+                                 tmp, &ByteSize, 0 );
+               if(objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
+                 MSG_ERR(0x1938, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);
+                 MSG_WAR(0x2939, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
+                 MSG_WAR(0x2940, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
+                 return 0xFF;
+               }
+               MSG_WAR(0x3942, "Variable updated with value received by PDO cobid : ", m->cob_id.w);
+               MSG_WAR(0x3943, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
+               MSG_WAR(0x3944, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
+               /*! MSG_WAR(0x3945, "                data : ",*((UNS32*)pMappedAppObject)); */
+               offset += Size;
+               numMap++;
+             } /*! end loop while on mapped variables */
+             offset=0x00;
+             numMap = 0;
+             return 0;
+        }/*! end switch status*/
+      }/*! end while*/
+  }/*! end if Donnees */
+  else if ((*m).rtr == REQUEST ){
+    MSG_WAR(0x3946, "Receive a PDO request cobId : ", m->cob_id.w);
+    status = state1;
+    offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
+    lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
+    if(offsetObjdict) while( offsetObjdict  <= lastIndex ){
+      /*! study of all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */
+      switch( status ){
+      case state1:/*! check the CobId */
+        /*! get CobId of the dictionary which match to the received PDO
+         */
+        pwCobId = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict)->pSubindex[1].pObject;
+        if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ) {
+          status = state4;
+          break;
+        }
+        else {
+          numPdo++;
+          offsetObjdict++;
+        }
+        status = state1;
+        break;
+      case state4:/*! check transmission type (after request?) */
+        pTransmissionType = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
+        if ( (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR) || (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC ) || (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT) ) {
+          status = state5;
+          break;
+        }
+        else {
+          /*! The requested PDO is not to send on request. So, does
+            nothing. */
+          MSG_WAR(0x2947, "PDO is not to send on request : ", m->cob_id.w);
+          return 0xFF;
+        }
+      case state5:/*! get mapped objects number */
+        offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
+        lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
+        pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
+        numMap = 0;
+        while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
+          pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
+          /*! Get the mapped variable */
+          Size = ((UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3));
+          objDict = getODentry( d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)16),
+                                (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & 0xFF),
+                                (void *)&d->process_var.data[offset], &Size, &dataType, 0 );
+          if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
+            MSG_ERR(0x1948, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);
+            MSG_WAR(0x2949, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
+            MSG_WAR(0x2950, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
+            return 0xFF;
+          }
+          offset += (UNS8) (((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3);
+          d->process_var.count = offset;
+          numMap++;
+        } /*! end while */
+        PDOmGR( d, *pwCobId ); /*! Transmit the PDO */
+        return 0;
+      }/*! end switch status */
+    }/*! end while */
+  }/*! end if Requete */
   return 0;
+** @param NbBits
+** @param SrcByteIndex
+** @param SrcBitIndex
+** @param SrcBigEndian
+** @param DestByteIndex
+** @param DestBitIndex
+** @param DestBigEndian
 void CopyBits(UNS8 NbBits, UNS8* SrcByteIndex, UNS8 SrcBitIndex, UNS8 SrcBigEndian, UNS8* DestByteIndex, UNS8 DestBitIndex, UNS8 DestBigEndian)
-	//This loop copy as many bits that it can each time, crossing successively bytes
-	// boundaries from LSB to MSB.
-	while(NbBits > 0)
-	{
-		// Bit missalignement between src and dest
-		INTEGER8 Vect = DestBitIndex - SrcBitIndex;
-		// We can now get src and align it to dest
-		UNS8 Aligned = Vect>0 ? *SrcByteIndex << Vect : *SrcByteIndex >> -Vect;
-		// Compute the nb of bit we will be able to copy
-		UNS8 BoudaryLimit = (Vect>0 ? 8 - DestBitIndex :  8 - SrcBitIndex );
-		UNS8 BitsToCopy = BoudaryLimit > NbBits ? NbBits : BoudaryLimit;
-		// Create a mask that will serve in:
-		UNS8 Mask = ((0xff << (DestBitIndex + BitsToCopy)) | (0xff >> (8 - DestBitIndex)));
-		// - Filtering src
-		UNS8 Filtered = Aligned & ~Mask;
-		// - and erase bits where we write, preserve where we don't
-		*DestByteIndex &= Mask;
-		// Then write.
-		*DestByteIndex |= Filtered ;
-		//Compute next time cursors for src
-		if((SrcBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)	// cross boundary ?
-		{
-			SrcBitIndex = 0;							// First bit
-			SrcByteIndex += (SrcBigEndian ? -1 : 1);	// Next byte
-		}
-		//Compute next time cursors for dest
-		if((DestBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)
-		{
-			DestBitIndex = 0;							// First bit
-			DestByteIndex += (DestBigEndian ? -1 : 1);// Next byte
-		}
-		//And decrement counter.
-		NbBits -= BitsToCopy;
-	}
+  /*! This loop copy as many bits that it can each time, crossing*/
+  /*! successively bytes*/
+  // boundaries from LSB to MSB.
+  while(NbBits > 0)
+    {
+      /*! Bit missalignement between src and dest*/
+      INTEGER8 Vect = DestBitIndex - SrcBitIndex;
+      /*! We can now get src and align it to dest*/
+      UNS8 Aligned = Vect>0 ? *SrcByteIndex << Vect : *SrcByteIndex >> -Vect;
+      /*! Compute the nb of bit we will be able to copy*/
+      UNS8 BoudaryLimit = (Vect>0 ? 8 - DestBitIndex :  8 - SrcBitIndex );
+      UNS8 BitsToCopy = BoudaryLimit > NbBits ? NbBits : BoudaryLimit;
+      /*! Create a mask that will serve in:*/
+      UNS8 Mask = ((0xff << (DestBitIndex + BitsToCopy)) | (0xff >> (8 - DestBitIndex)));
+      /*! - Filtering src*/
+      UNS8 Filtered = Aligned & ~Mask;
+      /*! - and erase bits where we write, preserve where we don't*/
+      *DestByteIndex &= Mask;
+      /*! Then write.*/
+      *DestByteIndex |= Filtered ;
+      /*!Compute next time cursors for src*/
+      if((SrcBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)/*! cross boundary ?*/
+        {
+          SrcBitIndex = 0;/*! First bit*/
+          SrcByteIndex += (SrcBigEndian ? -1 : 1);/*! Next byte*/
+        }
+      /*!Compute next time cursors for dest*/
+      if((DestBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)
+        {
+          DestBitIndex = 0;/*! First bit*/
+          DestByteIndex += (DestBigEndian ? -1 : 1);/*! Next byte*/
+        }
+      /*!And decrement counter.*/
+      NbBits -= BitsToCopy;
+    }
 #if 0
-/* TODO : reimplement this using CallBacks                           */
+/* TODO : reimplement this using CallBacks
+ */
+** @param d
+** @param variable
+** @return
 UNS8 sendPDOevent( CO_Data* d, void * variable )
-{ /* DO NOT USE MSG_ERR because the macro may send a PDO -> infinite loop if it fails.	*/
+{ /*! DO NOT USE MSG_ERR because the macro may send a PDO -> infinite
+    loop if it fails.*/
   UNS32           objDict = 0;
   UNS8            ind, sub_ind;
-  UNS8            status; 
+  UNS8            status;
   UNS8            offset;
   UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;
   UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
   void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;
-  UNS8 *     pTransmissionType = NULL; /* pointer to the transmission type */
+  UNS8 *     pTransmissionType = NULL; /*! pointer to the transmission
+                                         type */
   UNS32 *    pwCobId = NULL;
   UNS8 *     pSize;
   UNS8       size;
@@ -446,68 +513,72 @@
   UNS16      lastIndex;
   UNS8       numMap;
   ind     = 0x00;
-  sub_ind = 1; 
+  sub_ind = 1;
   offset  = 0x00;
   pSize   = &size;
   status  = state1;
-  /* look for the index and subindex where the variable is mapped */
-  /* Then, send the pdo which contains the variable. */
+  /*! look for the index and subindex where the variable is mapped */
+  /*! Then, send the pdo which contains the variable. */
   MSG_WAR (0x3960, "sendPDOevent", 0);
   offsetObjdictPrm = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
   offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
   lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
-  if (offsetObjdictPrm && offsetObjdict) 
-	  /* Loop on PDO Transmit */
-	  while(offsetObjdict <= lastIndex){
-	    /* Check the transmission mode */
-	    pTransmissionType = d->objdict[offsetObjdictPrm].pSubindex[2].pObject;
-	    if (*pTransmissionType != TRANS_EVENT) {
-	      ind++;
-	      offsetObjdict++;  
-	      offsetObjdictPrm++;
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	    pMappingCount = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[0].pObject; 
-	    numMap = 1; /* mapped variable */
-	    while (numMap <= *pMappingCount) {
-	      pMappingParameter = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[numMap].pObject;
-	      /* Get the variable */
-	      objDict = getODentry( d,
-	                            (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16), 
-				    (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF),
-				    (void * *)&pMappedAppObject, pSize, &dataType, 0 );
-	      if( objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL ) {  
-		MSG_WAR(0x2961, "Error in dict. at index : ", 
-			(*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)16);
-		MSG_WAR(0x2962, "               subindex : ", 
-			((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF);
-		return 0xFF;
-	      }
-	      if (pMappedAppObject == variable) { // Variable found !
-		MSG_WAR(0x3963, "Variable to send found at index : ", 
-			(*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
-		MSG_WAR(0x3964, "                       subIndex : ", 
-			((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF);
-		buildPDO(d, 0x1800 + ind);
-		/* Get the cobId */
-		pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdictPrm].pSubindex[1].pObject;
-		PDOmGR( d, *pwCobId ); /* Send the PDO */
-		return 0;	    
-	      }
-	      numMap++;
-	    } /* End loop on mapped variable */
-	    ind++;	
-	    offsetObjdict++;  
-	    offsetObjdictPrm++;
-	  } /* End loop while on PDO */
+  if (offsetObjdictPrm && offsetObjdict)
+    /*! Loop on PDO Transmit */
+    while(offsetObjdict <= lastIndex){
+      /*! Check the transmission mode */
+      pTransmissionType = d->objdict[offsetObjdictPrm].pSubindex[2].pObject;
+      if (*pTransmissionType != TRANS_EVENT) {
+        ind++;
+        offsetObjdict++;
+        offsetObjdictPrm++;
+        continue;
+      }
+      pMappingCount = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[0].pObject;
+      numMap = 1; /*! mapped variable */
+      while (numMap <= *pMappingCount) {
+        pMappingParameter = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[numMap].pObject;
+        /*! Get the variable */
+        objDict = getODentry( d,
+                              (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
+                              (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF),
+                              (void * *)&pMappedAppObject, pSize, &dataType, 0 );
+        if( objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL ) {
+          MSG_WAR(0x2961, "Error in dict. at index : ",
+                  (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)16);
+          MSG_WAR(0x2962, "               subindex : ",
+                  ((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF);
+          return 0xFF;
+        }
+        if (pMappedAppObject == variable) { // Variable found !
+          MSG_WAR(0x3963, "Variable to send found at index : ",
+                  (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
+          MSG_WAR(0x3964, "                       subIndex : ",
+                  ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF);
+          buildPDO(d, 0x1800 + ind);
+          /*! Get the cobId */
+          pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdictPrm].pSubindex[1].pObject;
+          PDOmGR( d, *pwCobId ); /*! Send the PDO */
+          return 0;
+        }
+        numMap++;
+      } /*! End loop on mapped variable */
+      ind++;
+      offsetObjdict++;
+      offsetObjdictPrm++;
+    } /*! End loop while on PDO */
   MSG_WAR(0x2965, "Variable not found in a PDO to send on event", 0);
   return 0xFF;
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/sdo.c
--- a/src/sdo.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/sdo.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@
 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+** @file   sdo.c
+** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+** @date   Tue Jun  5 09:32:32 2007
+** @brief
 /* #define DEBUG_WAR_CONSOLE_ON */
 /* #define DEBUG_ERR_CONSOLE_ON */
@@ -38,11 +47,36 @@
 /*Internals prototypes*/
-/** Called by writeNetworkDict */
+** Called by writeNetworkDict
+** @param d
+** @param nodeId
+** @param index
+** @param subIndex
+** @param count
+** @param dataType
+** @param data
+** @param Callback
+** @param endianize
+** @return
 INLINE UNS8 _writeNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, 
 		       UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 count, UNS8 dataType, void *data, SDOCallback_t Callback, UNS8 endianize);
-/** Called by readNetworkDict */
+** Called by readNetworkDict
+** @param d
+** @param nodeId
+** @param index
+** @param subIndex
+** @param dataType
+** @param Callback
+** @return
 INLINE UNS8 _readNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, 
 	UNS8 dataType, SDOCallback_t Callback);
@@ -84,12 +118,14 @@
 /** Returns the subIndex from the byte 3 of the SDO   
 #define getSDOsubIndex(byte3) (byte3)
+** @param d                                                                                                                
+** @param id                                                                                                               
 void SDOTimeoutAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
     MSG_ERR(0x1A01, "SDO timeout. SDO response not received.", 0);
@@ -125,19 +161,28 @@
 MSG_WAR(0x3A07, "restartSDO_TIMER for line : ", line);\
 if(d->transfers[id].timer != TIMER_NONE) { StopSDO_TIMER(id) StartSDO_TIMER(id) }
-/** Reset all sdo buffers
- */
+** Reset all sdo buffers                                                                                             
+** @param d                                                                                        
 void resetSDO (CO_Data* d)
   UNS8 j;
-  /* transfer structure initialization */
+  /** transfer structure initialization */
     for (j = 0 ; j < SDO_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TRANSFERTS ; j++) 
       resetSDOline(d, j);
+** @param d                                                                                   
+** @param line                                                                                
+** @return                                                                                    
 UNS32 SDOlineToObjdict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line)
   UNS8      size;
@@ -153,7 +198,14 @@
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param line                                                                                     
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS32 objdictToSDOline (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line)
   UNS8  size = 0;
@@ -174,7 +226,7 @@
   d->transfers[line].count = size;
   d->transfers[line].offset = 0;
 #if 0
-   /*Me laisser ça, please ! (FD)*/
+   /*Me laisser a, please ! (FD)*/
     UNS8 i;
     for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
@@ -185,7 +237,16 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param line                                                                                     
+** @param nbBytes                                                                                  
+** @param data                                                                                     
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 lineToSDO (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 nbBytes, UNS8* data) {
   UNS8 i;
   UNS8 offset;
@@ -205,8 +266,16 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param line                                                                                     
+** @param nbBytes                                                                                  
+** @param data                                                                                     
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 SDOtoLine (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 nbBytes, UNS8* data)
   UNS8 i;
@@ -223,7 +292,18 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param whoami                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param abortCode                                                                                
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 failedSDO (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS8 whoami, UNS16 index, 
 		UNS8 subIndex, UNS32 abortCode)
@@ -249,7 +329,12 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param line                                                                                     
 void resetSDOline ( CO_Data* d, UNS8 line )
   UNS8 i; 
@@ -259,7 +344,18 @@
     d->transfers[line].data[i] = 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param line                                                                                     
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param state                                                                                    
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 initSDOline (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 state)
   MSG_WAR(0x3A25, "init SDO line nb : ", line); 
@@ -280,7 +376,15 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param whoami                                                                                   
+** @param line                                                                                     
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 getSDOfreeLine ( CO_Data* d, UNS8 whoami, UNS8 *line )
@@ -297,7 +401,16 @@
   return 0xFF;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param whoami                                                                                   
+** @param line                                                                                     
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 getSDOlineOnUse (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS8 whoami, UNS8 *line)
@@ -314,7 +427,15 @@
   return 0xFF;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param whoami                                                                                   
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 closeSDOtransfer (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS8 whoami)
   UNS8 err;
@@ -328,7 +449,15 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param line                                                                                     
+** @param nbBytes                                                                                  
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 getSDOlineRestBytes (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 * nbBytes)
   if (d->transfers[line].count == 0) /* if received initiate SDO protocol with e=0 and s=0 */
@@ -338,7 +467,15 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param line                                                                                     
+** @param nbBytes                                                                                  
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 setSDOlineRestBytes (CO_Data* d, UNS8 line, UNS8 nbBytes)
   if (nbBytes > SDO_MAX_LENGTH_TRANSFERT) {
@@ -349,8 +486,15 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param whoami                                                                                     
+** @param sdo                                                                                  
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 sendSDO (CO_Data* d, UNS8 whoami, s_SDO sdo)
   UNS16 offset;
@@ -367,8 +511,8 @@
     return 0xFF;
-  /*get the server->client cobid*/
-  if ( whoami == SDO_SERVER )	{/*case server. Easy because today only one server SDO is authorized in CanFestival*/
+  /**get the server->client cobid*/
+  if ( whoami == SDO_SERVER )	{/**case server. Easy because today only one server SDO is authorized in CanFestival*/
     offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_SVR;
     if (offset == 0) {
       MSG_ERR(0x1A42, "SendSDO : No SDO server found", 0); 
@@ -377,8 +521,8 @@
     pwCobId = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[2].pObject;
     MSG_WAR(0x3A41, "I am server. cobId : ", *pwCobId); 
-  else {			/*case client*/
-    /* Get the client->server cobid.*/
+  else {			/**case client*/
+    /** Get the client->server cobid.*/
     UNS16 sdoNum = 0;
     offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_CLT;
     lastIndex = d->lastIndex->SDO_CLT;
@@ -386,7 +530,7 @@
       MSG_ERR(0x1A42, "SendSDO : No SDO client index found", 0); 
       return 0xFF;
-    /* First, have to find at the index where is defined the communication with the server node */
+    /** First, have to find at the index where is defined the communication with the server node */
     while (offset <= lastIndex){
       MSG_WAR(0x3A43,"Reading index : ", 0x1280 + sdoNum);
       if (d->objdict[offset].bSubCount <= 3) {
@@ -406,13 +550,13 @@
       MSG_WAR (0x2A45, "No SDO client corresponds to the mesage to send to node ", sdo.nodeId);
       return 0xFF;
-    /* Second, read the cobid client->server */
+    /** Second, read the cobid client->server */
     pwCobId = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject;
-  /* message copy for sending */
+  /** message copy for sending */
   m.cob_id.w = *pwCobId;
   m.rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST; 
-  /* the length of SDO must be 8 */
+  /** the length of SDO must be 8 */
   m.len = 8;
   for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
     m.data[i] =  sdo.body.data[i];
@@ -420,7 +564,17 @@
   return canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param whoami                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param abortCode                                                                                
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 sendSDOabort (CO_Data* d, UNS8 whoami, UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, UNS32 abortCode)
   s_SDO sdo;
@@ -443,18 +597,25 @@
   return ret;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param m                                                                                        
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 proceedSDO (CO_Data* d, Message *m)
   UNS8 err;
   UNS8 line;
-  UNS8 nbBytes; /* received or to be transmited. */
-  UNS8 nodeId = 0;  /* The node from which the SDO is received */
-  UNS32 nodeId_32; /* node id in 32 bits, for temporary use */
+  UNS8 nbBytes; /** received or to be transmited. */
+  UNS8 nodeId = 0;  /** The node from which the SDO is received */
+  UNS32 nodeId_32; /** node id in 32 bits, for temporary use */
   UNS32 *pNodeId = NULL;
-  UNS32 errorCode; /* while reading or writing in the local object dictionary.*/
-  s_SDO sdo;    /* SDO to transmit */
+  UNS8 whoami = SDO_UNKNOWN;  /** SDO_SERVER or SDO_CLIENT.*/
+  UNS32 errorCode; /** while reading or writing in the local object dictionary.*/
+  s_SDO sdo;    /** SDO to transmit */
   UNS16 index;
   UNS8 subIndex;
   UNS32 abortCode;
@@ -465,8 +626,8 @@
   MSG_WAR(0x3A60, "proceedSDO ", 0);
   whoami = SDO_UNKNOWN;
-  /* Looking for the cobId in the object dictionary. */
-  /* Am-I a server ? */
+  /** Looking for the cobId in the object dictionary. */
+  /** Am-I a server ? */
   offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_SVR;
   lastIndex = d->lastIndex->SDO_SVR;
   j = 0;
@@ -479,16 +640,16 @@
       if ( *pCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ) {
 	whoami = SDO_SERVER;
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A62, "proceedSDO. I am server. index : ", 0x1200 + j);
-	/* In case of server, the node id of the client may be unknown. So we put the index minus offset */
-	/* 0x1200 where the cobid received is defined. */
+	/** In case of server, the node id of the client may be unknown. So we put the index minus offset */
+	/** 0x1200 where the cobid received is defined. */
 	nodeId = j;
-  } /* end while */
+  } /** end while */
   if (whoami == SDO_UNKNOWN) {
-    /* Am-I client ? */
+    /** Am-I client ? */
     offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_CLT;
     lastIndex = d->lastIndex->SDO_CLT;
     j = 0;
@@ -497,10 +658,10 @@
 	 MSG_ERR(0x1A63, "Subindex 3  not found at index ", 0x1280 + j);
 	 return 0xFF;
-       /* a) Looking for the cobid received. */
+       /** a) Looking for the cobid received. */
        pCobId = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[2].pObject;
        if (*pCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ) {
-	 /* b) cobid found, so reading the node id of the server. */
+	 /** b) cobid found, so reading the node id of the server. */
 	 pNodeId = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[3].pObject;
 	 whoami = SDO_CLIENT;
 	 nodeId_32 = *pNodeId;
@@ -514,10 +675,10 @@
     } /* end while */
   if (whoami == SDO_UNKNOWN) {
-    return 0xFF;/* This SDO was not for us ! */
-  }
-  /* Test if the size of the SDO is ok */
+    return 0xFF;/** This SDO was not for us ! */
+  }
+  /** Test if the size of the SDO is ok */
   if ( (*m).len != 8) {
     MSG_ERR(0x1A67, "Error size SDO. CobId  : ", (*m).cob_id.w);
     failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
@@ -531,16 +692,16 @@
     MSG_WAR(0x3A69, "I am SERVER. Received SDO cobId : ", (*m).cob_id.w);
-  /* Testing the command specifier */
-  /* Allowed : cs = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. (=  all except those for block tranfert). */
-  /* cs = other : Not allowed -> abort. */
+  /** Testing the command specifier */
+  /** Allowed : cs = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. (=  all except those for block tranfert). */
+  /** cs = other : Not allowed -> abort. */
   switch (getSDOcs(m->data[0])) {
   case 0:
-    /* I am SERVER */
+    /** I am SERVER */
     if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
-      /* Receiving a download segment data. */
-      /* A SDO transfert should have been yet initiated. */
+      /** Receiving a download segment data. */
+      /** A SDO transfert should have been yet initiated. */
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line ); 
       if (!err)
 	err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
@@ -550,52 +711,52 @@
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Reset the wathdog */
+      /** Reset the wathdog */
       MSG_WAR(0x3A71, "Received SDO download segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId); 
       index = d->transfers[line].index;
       subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
-      /* Toggle test. */
+      /** Toggle test. */
       if (d->transfers[line].toggle != getSDOt(m->data[0])) {
 	MSG_ERR(0x1A72, "SDO error : Toggle error : ", getSDOt(m->data[0])); 
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_TOGGLE_NOT_ALTERNED);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Nb of data to be downloaded */
+      /** Nb of data to be downloaded */
       nbBytes = 7 - getSDOn3(m->data[0]);
-      /* Store the data in the transfert structure. */
+      /** Store the data in the transfert structure. */
       err = SDOtoLine(d, line, nbBytes, (*m).data + 1);
       if (err) {
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Sending the SDO response, CS = 1 */
-      sdo.nodeId = *d->bDeviceNodeId; /* The node id of the server, (here it is the sender). */
+      /** Sending the SDO response, CS = 1 */
+      sdo.nodeId = *d->bDeviceNodeId; /** The node id of the server, (here it is the sender). */
       sdo.body.data[0] = (1 << 5) | (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
       for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
 	sdo.body.data[i] = 0;
       MSG_WAR(0x3A73, "SDO. Send response to download request defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId); 
       sendSDO(d, whoami, sdo);
-      /* Inverting the toggle for the next segment. */
+      /** Inverting the toggle for the next segment. */
       d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
-      /* If it was the last segment, */
+      /** If it was the last segment, */
       if (getSDOc(m->data[0])) {
-	/* Transfering line data to object dictionary. */
-	/* The code does not use the "d" of initiate frame. So it is safe if e=s=0 */
+	/** Transfering line data to object dictionary. */
+	/** The code does not use the "d" of initiate frame. So it is safe if e=s=0 */
 	errorCode = SDOlineToObjdict(d, line);
 	if (errorCode) {
 	  MSG_ERR(0x1A54, "SDO error : Unable to copy the data in the object dictionary", 0); 
 	  failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, errorCode);
 	  return 0xFF;	  
-	/* Release of the line */
+	/** Release of the line */
 	resetSDOline(d, line);
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A74, "SDO. End of download defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId); 
     } /* end if SERVER */
     else { /* if CLIENT */
-      /* I am CLIENT */
-      /* It is a request for a previous upload segment. We should find a line opened for this.*/
+      /** I am CLIENT */
+      /** It is a request for a previous upload segment. We should find a line opened for this.*/
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line);
       if (!err)
 	err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
@@ -604,38 +765,38 @@
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Reset the wathdog */
+      /** Reset the wathdog */
       index = d->transfers[line].index;
       subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
-      /* test of the toggle; */
+      /** test of the toggle; */
       if (d->transfers[line].toggle != getSDOt(m->data[0])) {
 	MSG_ERR(0x1A76, "SDO error : Received segment response Toggle error. from nodeId", nodeId); 
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_TOGGLE_NOT_ALTERNED);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* nb of data to be uploaded */
+      /** nb of data to be uploaded */
       nbBytes = 7 - getSDOn3(m->data[0]);
-      /* Storing the data in the line structure. */
+      /** Storing the data in the line structure. */
       err = SDOtoLine(d, line, nbBytes, (*m).data + 1);
       if (err) {
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Inverting the toggle for the next segment. */
+      /** Inverting the toggle for the next segment. */
       d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
-      /* If it was the last segment,*/
+      /** If it was the last segment,*/
       if ( getSDOc(m->data[0])) {
-	/* Put in state finished */
-	/* The code is safe for the case e=s=0 in initiate frame. */
+	/** Put in state finished */
+	/** The code is safe for the case e=s=0 in initiate frame. */
 	d->transfers[line].state = SDO_FINISHED;
 	if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A77, "SDO. End of upload from node : ", nodeId);
-      else { /* more segments to receive */
-	     /* Sending the request for the next segment. */
+      else { /** more segments to receive */
+	     /** Sending the request for the next segment. */
 	sdo.nodeId = nodeId;
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (3 << 5) | (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
 	for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
@@ -647,8 +808,8 @@
   case 1:
-    /* I am SERVER */
-    /* Receive of an initiate download */
+    /** I am SERVER */
+    /** Receive of an initiate download */
     if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
       index = getSDOindex(m->data[1],m->data[2]);
       subIndex = getSDOsubIndex(m->data[3]);
@@ -657,15 +818,15 @@
       MSG_WAR(0x3A80, "Writing at index : ", index);
       MSG_WAR(0x3A80, "Writing at subIndex : ", subIndex);
-      /* Search if a SDO transfert have been yet initiated */
+      /** Search if a SDO transfert have been yet initiated */
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line );
       if (! err) {
 	MSG_ERR(0x1A81, "SDO error : Transmission yet started.", 0); 
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* No line on use. Great ! */
-      /* Try to open a new line. */
+      /** No line on use. Great ! */
+      /** Try to open a new line. */
       err = getSDOfreeLine( d, whoami, &line );
       if (err) {
 	MSG_ERR(0x1A82, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted.", 0);
@@ -674,10 +835,10 @@
       initSDOline(d, line, nodeId, index, subIndex, SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);      
-      if (getSDOe(m->data[0])) { /* If SDO expedited */
-	/* nb of data to be downloaded */
+      if (getSDOe(m->data[0])) { /** If SDO expedited */
+	/** nb of data to be downloaded */
 	nbBytes = 4 - getSDOn2(m->data[0]);
-	/* Storing the data in the line structure. */
+	/** Storing the data in the line structure. */
 	d->transfers[line].count = nbBytes;
 	err = SDOtoLine(d, line, nbBytes, (*m).data + 4);
@@ -686,23 +847,23 @@
 	  return 0xFF;
-	/* SDO expedited -> transfert finished. Data can be stored in the dictionary. */
-	/* The line will be reseted when it is downloading in the dictionary. */
+	/** SDO expedited -> transfert finished. Data can be stored in the dictionary. */
+	/**The line will be reseted when it is downloading in the dictionary. */
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A83, "SDO Initiate Download is an expedited transfert. Finished.: ", nodeId);
-	/* Transfering line data to object dictionary. */
+	/** Transfering line data to object dictionary. */
 	errorCode = SDOlineToObjdict(d, line);
 	if (errorCode) {
 	  MSG_ERR(0x1A84, "SDO error : Unable to copy the data in the object dictionary", 0); 
 	  failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, errorCode);
 	  return 0xFF;
-	/* Release of the line. */
+	/** Release of the line. */
 	resetSDOline(d, line);
-      else {/* So, if it is not an expedited transfert */
+      else {/** So, if it is not an expedited transfert */
 	if (getSDOs(m->data[0])) {
-	  /* TODO : if e and s = 0, not reading m->data[4] but put nbBytes = 0 */
-	  nbBytes = m->data[4]; /* Transfert limited to 255 bytes. */
+	  /** TODO : if e and s = 0, not reading m->data[4] but put nbBytes = 0 */
+	  nbBytes = m->data[4]; /** Transfert limited to 255 bytes. */
 	  err = setSDOlineRestBytes(d, nodeId, nbBytes);
 	  if (err) {
 	    failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
@@ -710,8 +871,8 @@
-      /*Sending a SDO, cs=3*/
-      sdo.nodeId = *d->bDeviceNodeId; /* The node id of the server, (here it is the sender).*/
+      /**Sending a SDO, cs=3*/
+      sdo.nodeId = *d->bDeviceNodeId; /** The node id of the server, (here it is the sender).*/
       sdo.body.data[0] = 3 << 5;
       sdo.body.data[1] = index & 0xFF;        /* LSB */
       sdo.body.data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
@@ -721,8 +882,8 @@
       sendSDO(d, whoami, sdo);
     } /* end if I am SERVER */
     else {
-      /* I am CLIENT */
-      /* It is a response for a previous download segment. We should find a line opened for this. */
+      /** I am CLIENT */
+      /** It is a response for a previous download segment. We should find a line opened for this. */
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line);
       if (!err)
 	err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
@@ -731,18 +892,18 @@
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Reset the wathdog */
+      /** Reset the wathdog */
       index = d->transfers[line].index;
       subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
-      /* test of the toggle; */
+      /** test of the toggle; */
       if (d->transfers[line].toggle != getSDOt(m->data[0])) {
 	MSG_ERR(0x1A86, "SDO error : Received segment response Toggle error. from nodeId", nodeId); 
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_TOGGLE_NOT_ALTERNED);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* End transmission or downloading next segment. We need to know if it will be the last one. */
+      /** End transmission or downloading next segment. We need to know if it will be the last one. */
       getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);
       if (nbBytes == 0) {
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A87, "SDO End download. segment response received. OK. from nodeId", nodeId); 
@@ -751,10 +912,10 @@
 	if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
 	return 0x00;
-      /* At least one transfer to send.	*/
+      /** At least one transfer to send.	*/
       if (nbBytes > 7) {
-	/* several segments to download.*/
-	/* code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0) */
+	/** several segments to download.*/
+	/** code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0) */
 	d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
 	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /* The server node Id; */
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
@@ -765,8 +926,8 @@
       else {
-	/* Last segment. */
-	/* code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1)*/
+	/** Last segment. */
+	/** code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1)*/
 	d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
 	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /* The server node Id; */
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4) | ((7 - nbBytes) << 1) | 1;
@@ -780,12 +941,12 @@
       MSG_WAR(0x3A88, "SDO sending download segment to nodeId", nodeId); 
       sendSDO(d, whoami, sdo); 
-    } /* end if I am a CLIENT */			  
+    } /** end if I am a CLIENT */			  
   case 2:
-    /* I am SERVER */
-    /* Receive of an initiate upload.*/
+    /** I am SERVER */
+    /** Receive of an initiate upload.*/
     if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
       index = getSDOindex(m->data[1],m->data[2]);
       subIndex = getSDOsubIndex(m->data[3]);
@@ -793,7 +954,7 @@
       MSG_WAR(0x3A90, "Reading at index : ", index);
       MSG_WAR(0x3A91, "Reading at subIndex : ", subIndex);
-      /* Search if a SDO transfert have been yet initiated*/
+      /** Search if a SDO transfert have been yet initiated*/
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line );
       if (! err) {
 	    MSG_ERR(0x1A92, "SDO error : Transmission yet started at line : ", line); 
@@ -801,8 +962,8 @@
 	    failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
 	    return 0xFF;
-      /* No line on use. Great !*/
-      /* Try to open a new line.*/
+      /** No line on use. Great !*/
+      /** Try to open a new line.*/
       err = getSDOfreeLine( d, whoami, &line );
       if (err) {
 	MSG_ERR(0x1A71, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted.", 0);
@@ -810,7 +971,7 @@
 	return 0xFF;
       initSDOline(d, line, nodeId, index, subIndex, SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
-      /* Transfer data from dictionary to the line structure. */
+      /** Transfer data from dictionary to the line structure. */
       errorCode = objdictToSDOline(d, line);
       if (errorCode) {
@@ -819,26 +980,26 @@
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, errorCode);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Preparing the response.*/
-      getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);	/* Nb bytes to transfer ? */
-      sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /* The server node Id; */
+      /** Preparing the response.*/
+      getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);	/** Nb bytes to transfer ? */
+      sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /** The server node Id; */
       if (nbBytes > 4) {
-	/* normal transfert. (segmented). */
-	/* code to send the initiate upload response. (cs = 2) */
+	/** normal transfert. (segmented). */
+	/** code to send the initiate upload response. (cs = 2) */
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (2 << 5) | 1;
 	sdo.body.data[1] = index & 0xFF;        /* LSB */
 	sdo.body.data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
 	sdo.body.data[3] = subIndex;
         sdo.body.data[4] = nbBytes; /* Limitation of canfestival2 : Max tranfert is 256 bytes.*/
-	/* It takes too much memory to upgrate to 2^32 because the size of data is also coded */
-	/* in the object dictionary, at every index and subindex. */
+	/** It takes too much memory to upgrate to 2^32 because the size of data is also coded */
+	/** in the object dictionary, at every index and subindex. */
 	for (i = 5 ; i < 8 ; i++)
 	  sdo.body.data[i] = 0;
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A95, "SDO. Sending normal upload initiate response defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId); 
 	sendSDO(d, whoami, sdo); 
       else {
-	/* Expedited upload. (cs = 2 ; e = 1) */
+	/** Expedited upload. (cs = 2 ; e = 1) */
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (2 << 5) | ((4 - nbBytes) << 2) | 3;  
 	sdo.body.data[1] = index & 0xFF;        /* LSB */
 	sdo.body.data[2] = (index >> 8) & 0xFF; /* MSB */
@@ -853,14 +1014,14 @@
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A96, "SDO. Sending expedited upload initiate response defined at index 0x1200 + ", 
 	sendSDO(d, whoami, sdo); 
-	/* Release the line.*/
+	/** Release the line.*/
 	resetSDOline(d, line);
-    } /* end if I am SERVER*/
+    } /** end if I am SERVER*/
     else {
-      /* I am CLIENT */
-      /* It is the response for the previous initiate upload request.*/
-      /* We should find a line opened for this. */
+      /** I am CLIENT */
+      /** It is the response for the previous initiate upload request.*/
+      /** We should find a line opened for this. */
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line);
       if (!err)
 	err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
@@ -869,21 +1030,21 @@
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Reset the wathdog */
+      /** Reset the wathdog */
       index = d->transfers[line].index;
       subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
       if (getSDOe(m->data[0])) { /* If SDO expedited */
-	/* nb of data to be uploaded */
+	/** nb of data to be uploaded */
 	  nbBytes = 4 - getSDOn2(m->data[0]);
-	/* Storing the data in the line structure. */
+	/** Storing the data in the line structure. */
 	err = SDOtoLine(d, line, nbBytes, (*m).data + 4);
 	if (err) {
 	  failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
 	  return 0xFF;
-	/* SDO expedited -> transfert finished. data are available via  getReadResultNetworkDict(). */
+	/** SDO expedited -> transfert finished. data are available via  getReadResultNetworkDict(). */
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A98, "SDO expedited upload finished. Response received from node : ", nodeId);
 	d->transfers[line].count = nbBytes;
@@ -891,17 +1052,17 @@
 	if(d->transfers[line].Callback) (*d->transfers[line].Callback)(d,nodeId);
 	return 0;
-      else { /* So, if it is not an expedited transfert */
-	/* Storing the nb of data to receive. */
+      else { /** So, if it is not an expedited transfert */
+	/** Storing the nb of data to receive. */
 	if (getSDOs(m->data[0])) {
-	  nbBytes = m->data[4]; /* Remember the limitation to 255 bytes to transfert */
+	  nbBytes = m->data[4]; /** Remember the limitation to 255 bytes to transfert */
 	  err = setSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, nbBytes);
 	  if (err) {
 	    failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
 	    return 0xFF;
-	/* Requesting next segment. (cs = 3) */
+	/** Requesting next segment. (cs = 3) */
 	sdo.nodeId = nodeId;
 	sdo.body.data[0] = 3 << 5;
 	for (i = 1 ; i < 8 ; i++)
@@ -909,14 +1070,14 @@
 	MSG_WAR(0x3A99, "SDO. Sending upload segment request to node : ", nodeId); 
 	sendSDO(d, whoami, sdo);  
-    } /* End if CLIENT */
+    } /** End if CLIENT */
   case 3:
-    /* I am SERVER */
+    /** I am SERVER */
     if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
-      /* Receiving a upload segment. */
-      /* A SDO transfert should have been yet initiated. */
+      /** Receiving a upload segment. */
+      /** A SDO transfert should have been yet initiated. */
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line ); 
       if (!err)
 	err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
@@ -926,22 +1087,22 @@
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Reset the wathdog */
+      /** Reset the wathdog */
       MSG_WAR(0x3AA1, "Received SDO upload segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId); 
       index = d->transfers[line].index;
       subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
-      /* Toggle test.*/
+      /** Toggle test.*/
       if (d->transfers[line].toggle != getSDOt(m->data[0])) {
 	MSG_ERR(0x1AA2, "SDO error : Toggle error : ", getSDOt(m->data[0])); 
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_TOGGLE_NOT_ALTERNED);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Uploading next segment. We need to know if it will be the last one. */
+      /** Uploading next segment. We need to know if it will be the last one. */
       getSDOlineRestBytes(d, line, &nbBytes);	  	  
       if (nbBytes > 7) {
-	/* The segment to transfer is not the last one.*/
-	/* code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0) */
+	/** The segment to transfer is not the last one.*/
+	/** code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0) */
 	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /* The server node Id; */
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
 	err = lineToSDO(d, line, 7, sdo.body.data + 1);	 
@@ -949,15 +1110,15 @@
 	  failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, index, subIndex, SDOABT_GENERAL_ERROR);
 	  return 0xFF;
-	/* Inverting the toggle for the next tranfert. */
+	/** Inverting the toggle for the next tranfert. */
 	d->transfers[line].toggle = ! d->transfers[line].toggle & 1;
 	MSG_WAR(0x3AA3, "SDO. Sending upload segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId); 
 	sendSDO(d, whoami, sdo); 
       else {
-	/* Last segment. */
-	/* code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1) */	    
-	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /* The server node Id; */
+	/** Last segment. */
+	/** code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1) */	    
+	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /** The server node Id; */
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4) | ((7 - nbBytes) << 1) | 1;
 	err = lineToSDO(d, line, nbBytes, sdo.body.data + 1);	 
 	if (err) {
@@ -968,14 +1129,14 @@
 	  sdo.body.data[i] = 0;
 	MSG_WAR(0x3AA4, "SDO. Sending last upload segment defined at index 0x1200 + ", nodeId);      
 	sendSDO(d, whoami, sdo);
-	/* Release the line */
+	/** Release the line */
 	resetSDOline(d, line);
     } /* end if SERVER*/
     else {
-      /* I am CLIENT */
-      /* It is the response for the previous initiate download request. */
-      /* We should find a line opened for this. */
+      /** I am CLIENT */
+      /** It is the response for the previous initiate download request. */
+      /** We should find a line opened for this. */
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line);
       if (!err)
 	err = d->transfers[line].state != SDO_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS;
@@ -984,7 +1145,7 @@
 	failedSDO(d, nodeId, whoami, 0, 0, SDOABT_LOCAL_CTRL_ERROR);
 	return 0xFF;
-      /* Reset the watchdog */
+      /** Reset the watchdog */
       index = d->transfers[line].index;
       subIndex = d->transfers[line].subIndex;
@@ -998,9 +1159,9 @@
 	return 0x00;
       if (nbBytes > 7) {
-	/* more than one request to send */
-	/* code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0)	*/    
-	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /* The server node Id; */
+	/** more than one request to send */
+	/** code to send the next segment. (cs = 0; c = 0)	*/    
+	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /** The server node Id; */
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4);
 	err = lineToSDO(d, line, 7, sdo.body.data + 1);	 
 	if (err) {
@@ -1009,9 +1170,9 @@
       else {
-	/* Last segment.*/
-	/* code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1)	*/   
-	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /* The server node Id; */
+	/** Last segment.*/
+	/** code to send the last segment. (cs = 0; c = 1)	*/   
+	sdo.nodeId = nodeId; /** The server node Id; */
 	sdo.body.data[0] = (d->transfers[line].toggle << 4) | ((7 - nbBytes) << 1) | 1;
 	err = lineToSDO(d, line, nbBytes, sdo.body.data + 1);	 
 	if (err) {
@@ -1032,8 +1193,8 @@
       ((UNS32)m->data[5] << 8) |
       ((UNS32)m->data[6] << 16) |
       ((UNS32)m->data[7] << 24);
-    /* Received SDO abort. */
-    /* Looking for the line concerned. */
+    /** Received SDO abort. */
+    /** Looking for the line concerned. */
     if (whoami == SDO_SERVER) {
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line );
       if (!err) {
@@ -1042,13 +1203,13 @@
 	MSG_WAR(0x3AA9, "SD0. Received SDO abort. No line found. Code : ", abortCode);
-      /* Tips : The end user has no way to know that the server node has received an abort SDO. */
-      /* Its is ok, I think.*/
+      /** Tips : The end user has no way to know that the server node has received an abort SDO. */
+      /** Its is ok, I think.*/
-    else { /* If I am CLIENT */
+    else { /** If I am CLIENT */
       err = getSDOlineOnUse( d, nodeId, whoami, &line );
       if (!err) {
-	/* The line *must* be released by the core program. */
+	/** The line *must* be released by the core program. */
 	d->transfers[line].state = SDO_ABORTED_RCV;
 	d->transfers[line].abortCode = abortCode;
@@ -1060,7 +1221,7 @@
-    /* Error : Unknown cs */
+    /** Error : Unknown cs */
     MSG_ERR(0x1AB2, "SDO. Received unknown command specifier : ", getSDOcs(m->data[0]));
     return 0xFF;
@@ -1068,7 +1229,21 @@
   return 0;     
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param count                                                                                    
+** @param dataType                                                                                 
+** @param data                                                                                     
+** @param Callback                                                                                 
+** @param endianize                                                                                
+** @return                                                                                         
 INLINE UNS8 _writeNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, 
 		       UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 count, UNS8 dataType, void *data, SDOCallback_t Callback, UNS8 endianize)
@@ -1087,19 +1262,19 @@
   MSG_WAR(0x3AC2, "                                   subIndex : ", subIndex);
   MSG_WAR(0x3AC3, "                                   nb bytes : ", count);
-  /* Verify that there is no SDO communication yet. */
+  /** Verify that there is no SDO communication yet. */
   err = getSDOlineOnUse(d, nodeId, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
   if (!err) {
     MSG_ERR(0x1AC4, "SDO error : Communication yet established. with node : ", nodeId); 
     return 0xFF;
-  /* Taking the line ... */
+  /** Taking the line ... */
   err = getSDOfreeLine( d, SDO_CLIENT, &line );
   if (err) {
     MSG_ERR(0x1AC5, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted for node : ", nodeId); 
     return (0xFF);
-  /* Check which SDO to use to communicate with the node */
+  /** Check which SDO to use to communicate with the node */
   offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_CLT;
   lastIndex = d->lastIndex->SDO_CLT;
   if (offset == 0) {
@@ -1112,7 +1287,7 @@
 	 MSG_ERR(0x1AC8, "Subindex 3  not found at index ", 0x1280 + i);
 	 return 0xFF;
-     /* looking for the nodeId server */
+     /** looking for the nodeId server */
      pNodeIdServer = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[3].pObject;
      nodeIdServer = *pNodeIdServer;
      MSG_WAR(0x1AD2, "index : ", 0x1280 + i);
@@ -1134,7 +1309,7 @@
   d->transfers[line].count = count;
   d->transfers[line].dataType = dataType;
-  /* Copy data to transfers structure. */
+  /** Copy data to transfers structure. */
   for (j = 0 ; j < count ; j++) {
     if (dataType == 0 && endianize)
@@ -1145,17 +1320,17 @@
     d->transfers[line].data[j] = ((char *)data)[j];
 #  endif
-  /* Send the SDO to the server. Initiate download, cs=1. */
+  /** Send the SDO to the server. Initiate download, cs=1. */
   sdo.nodeId = nodeId;
-  if (count <= 4) { /* Expedited transfert */
+  if (count <= 4) { /** Expedited transfert */
     sdo.body.data[0] = (1 << 5) | ((4 - count) << 2) | 3;
     for (i = 4 ; i < 8 ; i++)
       sdo.body.data[i] = d->transfers[line].data[i - 4];
     d->transfers[line].offset = count;
-  else { /* Normal transfert */
+  else { /** Normal transfert */
     sdo.body.data[0] = (1 << 5) | 1;
-    sdo.body.data[4] = count; /* nb of byte to transmit. Max = 255. (canfestival2 limitation). */
+    sdo.body.data[4] = count; /** nb of byte to transmit. Max = 255. (canfestival2 limitation). */
     for (i = 5 ; i < 8 ; i++)
       sdo.body.data[i] = 0;
@@ -1168,7 +1343,7 @@
   err = sendSDO(d, SDO_CLIENT, sdo);
   if (err) {
     MSG_ERR(0x1AD1, "SDO. Error while sending SDO to node : ", nodeId);
-    /* release the line */
+    /** release the line */
     resetSDOline(d, line);
     return 0xFF;
@@ -1177,24 +1352,57 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param count                                                                                    
+** @param dataType                                                                                 
+** @param data                                                                                     
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 writeNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, 
 		       UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 count, UNS8 dataType, void *data)
 	return _writeNetworkDict (d, nodeId, index, subIndex, count, dataType, data, NULL, 1);
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param count                                                                                    
+** @param dataType                                                                                 
+** @param data                                                                                     
+** @param Callback                                                                                 
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 writeNetworkDictCallBack (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, 
 		       UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 count, UNS8 dataType, void *data, SDOCallback_t Callback)
 	return _writeNetworkDict (d, nodeId, index, subIndex, count, dataType, data, Callback, 1);	
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param dataType                                                                                 
+** @param Callback                                                                                 
+** @return                                                                                         
 INLINE UNS8 _readNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 dataType, SDOCallback_t Callback)
   UNS8 err;
@@ -1211,13 +1419,13 @@
   MSG_WAR(0x3AD7, "                                  subIndex : ", subIndex);
-  /* Verify that there is no SDO communication yet. */
+  /** Verify that there is no SDO communication yet. */
   err = getSDOlineOnUse(d, nodeId, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
   if (!err) {
     MSG_ERR(0x1AD8, "SDO error : Communication yet established. with node : ", nodeId); 
     return 0xFF;
-  /* Taking the line ... */
+  /** Taking the line ... */
   err = getSDOfreeLine( d, SDO_CLIENT, &line );
   if (err) {
     MSG_ERR(0x1AD9, "SDO error : No line free, too many SDO in progress. Aborted for node : ", nodeId); 
@@ -1226,7 +1434,7 @@
     MSG_WAR(0x3AE0, "Transmission on line : ", line);
-  /* Check which SDO to use to communicate with the node */
+  /** Check which SDO to use to communicate with the node */
   offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_CLT;
   lastIndex = d->lastIndex->SDO_CLT;
   if (offset == 0) {
@@ -1239,7 +1447,7 @@
 	 MSG_ERR(0x1AE2, "Subindex 3  not found at index ", 0x1280 + i);
 	 return 0xFF;
-     /* looking for the nodeId server */
+     /** looking for the nodeId server */
      pNodeIdServer = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[3].pObject;
      nodeIdServer = *pNodeIdServer;
@@ -1258,7 +1466,7 @@
   initSDOline(d, line, nodeId, index, subIndex, SDO_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS);
   getSDOlineOnUse(d, nodeId, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
   sdo.nodeId = nodeId;
-  /* Send the SDO to the server. Initiate upload, cs=2. */
+  /** Send the SDO to the server. Initiate upload, cs=2. */
   d->transfers[line].dataType = dataType;				
   sdo.body.data[0] = (2 << 5);	
   sdo.body.data[1] = index & 0xFF;        /* LSB */
@@ -1277,21 +1485,50 @@
   return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param dataType                                                                                 
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 readNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 dataType)
 	return _readNetworkDict (d, nodeId, index, subIndex, dataType, NULL);
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param index                                                                                    
+** @param subIndex                                                                                 
+** @param dataType                                                                                 
+** @param Callback                                                                                 
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 readNetworkDictCallback (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS16 index, UNS8 subIndex, UNS8 dataType, SDOCallback_t Callback)
 	return _readNetworkDict (d, nodeId, index, subIndex, dataType, Callback);
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param data                                                                                     
+** @param size                                                                                     
+** @param abortCode                                                                                
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 getReadResultNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, void* data, UNS8 *size, 
 			       UNS32 * abortCode)
@@ -1300,7 +1537,7 @@
   UNS8 line;
   * size = 0;
-  /* Looking for the line tranfert. */
+  /** Looking for the line tranfert. */
   err = getSDOlineOnUse(d, nodeId, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
   if (err) {
     MSG_ERR(0x1AF0, "SDO error : No line found for communication with node : ", nodeId); 
@@ -1309,13 +1546,13 @@
   if (d->transfers[line].state != SDO_FINISHED)
     return d->transfers[line].state;
-  /* Transfert is finished. Put the value in the data. */
+  /** Transfert is finished. Put the value in the data. */
   * size = (UNS8)d->transfers[line].count;
   for  ( i = 0 ; i < *size ; i++) {
     if (d->transfers[line].dataType != visible_string)
       ( (char *) data)[*size - 1 - i] = d->transfers[line].data[i];
-    else /* String of bytes. */
+    else /** String of bytes. */
       ( (char *) data)[i] = d->transfers[line].data[i];
 # else 
     ( (char *) data)[i] = d->transfers[line].data[i];
@@ -1324,15 +1561,22 @@
   return SDO_FINISHED;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
+** @param abortCode                                                                                
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 getWriteResultNetworkDict (CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId, UNS32 * abortCode)
   UNS8 line = 0;
   UNS8 err;
   * abortCode = 0;
-  /* Looking for the line tranfert. */
+  /** Looking for the line tranfert. */
   err = getSDOlineOnUse(d, nodeId, SDO_CLIENT, &line);
   if (err) {
     MSG_ERR(0x1AF1, "SDO error : No line found for communication with node : ", nodeId); 
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/states.c
--- a/src/states.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/states.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -19,23 +19,49 @@
 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+** @file   states.c
+** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+** @date   Tue Jun  5 09:32:32 2007
+** @brief
 #include "states.h"
 #include "def.h"
 #include "dcf.h"
 #include "nmtSlave.h"
-/* Prototypes for internals functions */
+/** Prototypes for internals functions */
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param newCommunicationState                                                                    
 void switchCommunicationState(CO_Data* d, 
 	s_state_communication *newCommunicationState);
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @return                                                                                         
 e_nodeState getState(CO_Data* d)
   return d->nodeState;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param m                                                                                        
 void canDispatch(CO_Data* d, Message *m)
 	 switch(m->cob_id.w >> 7)
@@ -44,7 +70,7 @@
-		/* case TIME_STAMP: */
+		/** case TIME_STAMP: */
 		case PDO1tx:
 		case PDO1rx:
 		case PDO2tx:
@@ -84,8 +110,13 @@
 #define None
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param newCommunicationState                                                                    
 void switchCommunicationState(CO_Data* d, s_state_communication *newCommunicationState)
 	StartOrStop(csSDO,	None,		resetSDO(d))
@@ -96,7 +127,14 @@
 	StartOrStop(csBoot_Up,	None,	slaveSendBootUp(d))
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param newState                                                                                 
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 setState(CO_Data* d, e_nodeState newState)
 	UNS16 wIndex = 0x1F22;
@@ -108,11 +146,11 @@
 			case Initialisation:
 				s_state_communication newCommunicationState = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-				/* This will force a second loop for the state switch */
+				/** This will force a second loop for the state switch */
 				d->nodeState = Initialisation;
 				newState = Pre_operational;
 				switchCommunicationState(d, &newCommunicationState);
-				/* call user app related state func. */
+				/** call user app related state func. */
@@ -170,37 +208,50 @@
 				return 0xFF;
-		}/* end switch case */
+		}/** end switch case */
 	return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 getNodeId(CO_Data* d)
   return *d->bDeviceNodeId;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param nodeId                                                                                   
 void setNodeId(CO_Data* d, UNS8 nodeId)
   UNS16 offset = d->firstIndex->SDO_SVR;
-      /* cob_id_client = 0x600 + nodeId; */
+      /** cob_id_client = 0x600 + nodeId; */
       *(UNS32*)d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject = 0x600 + nodeId;
-      /* cob_id_server = 0x580 + nodeId; */
+      /** cob_id_server = 0x580 + nodeId; */
       *(UNS32*)d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[2].pObject = 0x580 + nodeId;
-      /* node Id client. As we do not know the value, we put the node Id Server */
-      /* *(UNS8*)d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[3].pObject = nodeId; */
+      /** node Id client. As we do not know the value, we put the node Id Server */
+      /** *(UNS8*)d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[3].pObject = nodeId; */
-  /* ** Initialize the server(s) SDO parameters */
-  /* Remember that only one SDO server is allowed, defined at index 0x1200 */
-  /* ** Initialize the client(s) SDO parameters  */
-  /* Nothing to initialize (no default values required by the DS 401) */
-  /* ** Initialize the receive PDO communication parameters. Only for 0x1400 to 0x1403 */
+  /** 
+   	Initialize the server(s) SDO parameters
+  	Remember that only one SDO server is allowed, defined at index 0x1200	
+  	Initialize the client(s) SDO parameters 	
+  	Nothing to initialize (no default values required by the DS 401)	
+  	Initialize the receive PDO communication parameters. Only for 0x1400 to 0x1403 
+  */
     UNS8 i = 0;
     UNS16 offset = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
@@ -227,7 +278,7 @@
       offset ++;
-  /* bDeviceNodeId is defined in the object dictionary. */
+  /** bDeviceNodeId is defined in the object dictionary. */
   *d->bDeviceNodeId = nodeId;
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/sync.c
--- a/src/sync.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/sync.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -20,33 +20,63 @@
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+** @file   sync.c
+** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+** @date   Tue Jun  5 09:32:32 2007
+** @brief
 #include "data.h"
 #include "sync.h"
 #include "canfestival.h"
 /* Prototypes for internals functions */
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param id                                                                                       
 void SyncAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
 UNS32 OnCOB_ID_SyncUpdate(CO_Data* d, const indextable * unsused_indextable, 
 	UNS8 unsused_bSubindex);
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param id                                                                                       
 void SyncAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
 	sendSYNC(d, *d->COB_ID_Sync & 0x1FFFFFFF) ;
-/* This is called when Index 0x1005 is updated.*/
+** This is called when Index 0x1005 is updated.                                                                                                
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param unsused_indextable                                                                       
+** @param unsused_bSubindex                                                                        
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS32 OnCOB_ID_SyncUpdate(CO_Data* d, const indextable * unsused_indextable, UNS8 unsused_bSubindex)
 	return 0;
+** @param d                                                                                        
 void startSYNC(CO_Data* d)
 	RegisterSetODentryCallBack(d, 0x1005, 0, &OnCOB_ID_SyncUpdate);
@@ -67,13 +97,24 @@
+** @param d                                                                                        
 void stopSYNC(CO_Data* d)
 	d->syncTimer = DelAlarm(d->syncTimer);
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param cob_id                                                                                   
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 sendSYNC(CO_Data* d, UNS32 cob_id)
   Message m;
@@ -89,7 +130,14 @@
   return resultat ;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param m                                                                                        
+** @return                                                                                         
 UNS8 proceedSYNC(CO_Data* d, Message *m)
@@ -97,11 +145,11 @@
   const UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;      /* count of mapped objects...*/
-  /* pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo */
+  /** pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo */
   /* void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL; */
-  /* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an mapping entry  */
+  /** pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an mapping entry  */
   UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;  
-  /* pointer to the transmissiontype...*/
+  /** pointer to the transmissiontype...*/
   UNS8 *     pTransmissionType = NULL;  
   UNS32 *    pwCobId = NULL;	
@@ -125,12 +173,12 @@
-  /* only operational state allows PDO transmission */
+  /** only operational state allows PDO transmission */
   if( d->nodeState != Operational ) 
     return 0;
-  /* So, the node is in operational state */
-  /* study all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */	
+  /** So, the node is in operational state */
+  /** study all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */	
   offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
   lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
@@ -139,7 +187,7 @@
   if(offsetObjdict) while( offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {  
     switch( status ) {
-    case state3:    /* get the PDO transmission type */
+    case state3:    /** get the PDO transmission type */
       if (d->objdict[offsetObjdict].bSubCount <= 2) {
 	  MSG_ERR(0x1004, "Subindex 2  not found at index ", 0x1800 + pdoNum);
 	  return 0xFF;
@@ -148,8 +196,8 @@
       MSG_WAR(0x3005, "Reading PDO at index : ", 0x1800 + pdoNum);
       status = state4; 
-    case state4:	/* check if transmission type is after (this) SYNC */
-                        /* The message may not be transmited every SYNC but every n SYNC */      
+    case state4:	/** check if transmission type is after (this) SYNC */
+                        /** The message may not be transmited every SYNC but every n SYNC */      
       if( (*pTransmissionType >= TRANS_SYNC_MIN) && (*pTransmissionType <= TRANS_SYNC_MAX) &&
           (++d->count_sync[pdoNum] == *pTransmissionType) ) {	
 	d->count_sync[pdoNum] = 0;
@@ -166,23 +214,23 @@
 	status = state11;
-    case state5:	/* get PDO CobId */
+    case state5:	/** get PDO CobId */
         pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject;     
 	MSG_WAR(0x3009, "  PDO CobId is : ", *pwCobId);
 	status = state7;
-    case state7:  /* get mapped objects number to transmit with this PDO */
+    case state7:  /** get mapped objects number to transmit with this PDO */
       pMappingCount = d->objdict[offsetObjdictMap].pSubindex[0].pObject;
 	MSG_WAR(0x300D, "  Number of objects mapped : ",*pMappingCount );
 	status = state8;
-    case state8:	/* get mapping parameters */
+    case state8:	/** get mapping parameters */
       pMappingParameter = d->objdict[offsetObjdictMap].pSubindex[prp_j + 1].pObject;
 	MSG_WAR(0x300F, "  got mapping parameter : ", *pMappingParameter);
 	MSG_WAR(0x3050, "    at index : ", 0x1A00 + pdoNum);
 	MSG_WAR(0x3051, "    sub-index : ", prp_j + 1);
 	status = state9;
-    case state9:	/* get data to transmit */ 
+    case state9:	/** get data to transmit */ 
 	  UNS8 ByteSize;
 	  UNS8 tmp[]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
@@ -191,7 +239,7 @@
 	  Size = (UNS8)(*pMappingParameter); /* Size in bits */
 	  ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3); /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 => 2, ... */
 	  objDict = getODentry(d, index, subIndex, tmp, &ByteSize, &dataType, 0 );
-	  /* copy bit per bit in little endian*/
+	  /** copy bit per bit in little endian*/
 	  CopyBits(Size, ((UNS8*)tmp), 0 , 0, (UNS8*)&d->process_var.data[offset>>3], offset%8, 0);
         if( objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL ){
@@ -205,7 +253,7 @@
 	status = state10;	 
-    case state10:	/* loop to get all the data to transmit */
+    case state10:	/** loop to get all the data to transmit */
       if( prp_j < *pMappingCount ){
 	MSG_WAR(0x3014, "  next variable mapped : ", prp_j);
 	status = state8;
diff -r b6572d0336c3 -r 05d95c45b388 src/timer.c
--- a/src/timer.c	Mon Jun 04 17:59:50 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/timer.c	Tue Jun 05 16:41:38 2007 +0200
@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@
 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+** @file   timer.c
+** @author Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
+** @date   Tue Jun  5 09:32:32 2007
+** @brief
 /* #define DEBUG_WAR_CONSOLE_ON */
 /* #define DEBUG_ERR_CONSOLE_ON */
@@ -34,21 +43,31 @@
 #define min_val(a,b) ((a<b)?a:b)
-/* ---------  Use this to declare a new alarm --------- */
+** -------  Use this to declare a new alarm ------                                                                                                
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param id                                                                                       
+** @param callback                                                                                 
+** @param value                                                                                    
+** @param period                                                                                   
+** @return                                                                                         
 TIMER_HANDLE SetAlarm(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id, TimerCallback_t callback, TIMEVAL value, TIMEVAL period)
 	/*printf("SetAlarm(UNS32 id=%d, TimerCallback_t callback=%x, TIMEVAL value=%d, TIMEVAL period=%d)\n", id, callback, value, period); */
-	/* in order to decide new timer setting we have to run over all timer rows */
+	/** in order to decide new timer setting we have to run over all timer rows */
 	for(i=0; i <= last_timer_raw + 1 && i < MAX_NB_TIMER; i++)
 		s_timer_entry *row = (timers+i);
-		if (callback && 	/* if something to store */
-		   row->state == TIMER_FREE) /* and empty row */
-		{	/* just store */
+		if (callback && 	/** if something to store */
+		   row->state == TIMER_FREE) /** and empty row */
+		{	/** just store */
 			row->callback = callback;
 			row->d = d;
 			row->id = id;
@@ -60,33 +79,39 @@
-	if (row_number != TIMER_NONE) /* if successfull **/
+	if (row_number != TIMER_NONE) /** if successfull **/
 		TIMEVAL real_timer_value;
 		TIMEVAL elapsed_time;
 		if (row_number == last_timer_raw + 1) last_timer_raw++;
-		/* set next wakeup alarm if new entry is sooner than others, or if it is alone */
+		/** set next wakeup alarm if new entry is sooner than others, or if it is alone */
 		real_timer_value = min_val(value, TIMEVAL_MAX);
 		elapsed_time = getElapsedTime();
-		/*printf("elapsed_time=%d real_timer_value=%d total_sleep_time=%d\n", elapsed_time, real_timer_value, total_sleep_time); */
+		/**printf("elapsed_time=%d real_timer_value=%d total_sleep_time=%d\n", elapsed_time, real_timer_value, total_sleep_time); */
 		if (total_sleep_time > elapsed_time && total_sleep_time - elapsed_time > real_timer_value)
 			total_sleep_time = elapsed_time + real_timer_value;
-		/*printf("SetAlarm() return %d\n", row_number); */
+		/**printf("SetAlarm() return %d\n", row_number); */
 		return row_number;
 	return TIMER_NONE;
-/* ---------  Use this to remove an alarm --------- */
+**  -----  Use this to remove an alarm ----                                                                                             
+** @param handle                                                                                   
+** @return                                                                                         
-	/* Quick and dirty. system timer will continue to be trigged, but no action will be preformed. */
+	/** Quick and dirty. system timer will continue to be trigged, but no action will be preformed. */
 	MSG_WAR(0x3320, "DelAlarm. handle = ", handle);
 	if(handle != TIMER_NONE)
@@ -99,14 +124,16 @@
 	return TIMER_NONE;
-/* ---------  TimeDispatch is called on each timer expiration --------- */
+** ------  TimeDispatch is called on each timer expiration ----                                                                                                
 void TimeDispatch()
-	TIMEVAL next_wakeup = TIMEVAL_MAX; /* used to compute when should normaly occur next wakeup */
-	/* First run : change timer state depending on time */
-	/* Get time since timer signal */
+	TIMEVAL next_wakeup = TIMEVAL_MAX; /** used to compute when should normaly occur next wakeup */
+	/** First run : change timer state depending on time */
+	/** Get time since timer signal */
 	TIMEVAL overrun = getElapsedTime();
 	TIMEVAL real_total_sleep_time = total_sleep_time + overrun;
@@ -116,51 +143,51 @@
 		s_timer_entry *row = (timers+i);
-		if (row->state & TIMER_ARMED) /* if row is active */
+		if (row->state & TIMER_ARMED) /** if row is active */
-			if (row->val <= real_total_sleep_time) /* to be trigged */
+			if (row->val <= real_total_sleep_time) /** to be trigged */
 				/*printf("row->val(%d) <= (%d)real_total_sleep_time\n", row->val, real_total_sleep_time); */
-				if (!row->interval) /* if simply outdated */
+				if (!row->interval) /** if simply outdated */
-					row->state = TIMER_TRIG; /* ask for trig */
+					row->state = TIMER_TRIG; /** ask for trig */
-				else /* or period have expired */
+				else /** or period have expired */
-					/* set val as interval, with overrun correction */
+					/** set val as interval, with overrun correction */
 					row->val = row->interval - (overrun % row->interval);
 					row->state = TIMER_TRIG_PERIOD; /* ask for trig, periodic */
-					/* Check if this new timer value is the soonest */
+					/** Check if this new timer value is the soonest */
 					next_wakeup = min_val(row->val,next_wakeup);
-				/* Each armed timer value in decremented. */
+				/** Each armed timer value in decremented. */
 				row->val -= real_total_sleep_time;
-				/* Check if this new timer value is the soonest */
+				/** Check if this new timer value is the soonest */
 				next_wakeup = min_val(row->val,next_wakeup);
-	/* Remember how much time we should sleep. */
+	/** Remember how much time we should sleep. */
 	total_sleep_time = next_wakeup;
-	/* Set timer to soonest occurence */
+	/** Set timer to soonest occurence */
-	/* Then trig them or not. */
+	/** Then trig them or not. */
 	for(i=0; i<=last_timer_raw; i++)
 		s_timer_entry *row = (timers+i);
 		if (row->state & TIMER_TRIG)
-			row->state &= ~TIMER_TRIG; /* reset trig state (will be free if not periodic) */
+			row->state &= ~TIMER_TRIG; /** reset trig state (will be free if not periodic) */
-				(*row->callback)(row->d, row->id); /* trig ! */
+				(*row->callback)(row->d, row->id); /** trig ! */