
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002   This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen
00003   Stack.
00005   Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT and Francis DUPIN
00007   See COPYING file for copyrights details.
00009   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00011   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00014   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017   Lesser General Public License for more details.
00019   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00020   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00021   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
00022   USA
00023 */
00024 #include "pdo.h"
00025 #include "objacces.h"
00026 #include "canfestival.h"
00037 UNS8 sendPDO(CO_Data* d, s_PDO pdo, UNS8 req)
00038 {
00039   UNS8 i;
00040   if( d->nodeState == Operational ) {
00041     Message m;
00043     /* Message copy for sending */
00044     m.cob_id.w = pdo.cobId & 0x7FF; /* Because the cobId is 11 bytes
00045                                       length */
00046     if ( req == NOT_A_REQUEST ) {
00047       UNS8 i;
00048       m.rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
00049       m.len = pdo.len;
00050       /* memcpy(&m.data, &pdo.data, m.len); */
00051       /* This Memcpy depends on packing structure. Avoid */
00052       for (i = 0 ; i < pdo.len ; i++)
00053         m.data[i] = pdo.data[i];
00054     }
00055     else {
00056       m.rtr = REQUEST;
00057       m.len = 0;
00058     }
00060     MSG_WAR(0x3901, "sendPDO cobId :", m.cob_id.w);
00061     MSG_WAR(0x3902,  "     Nb octets  : ",  m.len);
00062     for (i = 0 ; i < m.len ; i++) {
00063       MSG_WAR(0x3903,"           data : ", m.data[i]);
00064     }
00066     return canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
00067   } /* end if */
00068   return 0xFF;
00069 }
00079 UNS8 PDOmGR(CO_Data* d, UNS32 cobId)
00080 {
00081   UNS8 res;
00082   UNS8 i;
00083   s_PDO pdo;
00085   MSG_WAR(0x3905, "PDOmGR",0);
00087   /* if PDO is waiting for transmission,
00088     preparation of the message to send */
00089   pdo.cobId = cobId;
00090   pdo.len =  d->process_var.count;
00091   /* memcpy(&(pdo.data), &(process_var.data), pdo.len); */
00092      /* Ce memcpy devrait tre portable */
00093     for ( i = 0 ; i < pdo.len ; i++) 
00094       pdo.data[i] = d->process_var.data[i];
00096     res = sendPDO(d, pdo, NOT_A_REQUEST);
00098     return res;
00099 }
00101 #if 0
00102 /*********************************************************************/
00103 /* TODO : implement bit mapping                                                  */
00104 /*********************************************************************/
00106 UNS8 buildPDO(CO_Data* d, UNS16 index)
00107 { /* DO NOT USE MSG_ERR because the macro may send a PDO -> infinite loop if it fails. */       
00108   UNS16 ind;
00109   UNS8      subInd;
00111   UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;      /* count of mapped objects... */
00112   /* pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo */
00113 /*  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;  */
00114   /* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an mapping entry  */ 
00116   UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
00118   UNS8      Size;
00119   UNS8      dataType;
00120   UNS8      offset;
00121   UNS16     offsetObjdict;
00122   UNS16     offsetObjdictPrm;
00123   UNS32     objDict;
00125   subInd=(UNS8)0x00;
00126   offset = 0x00;
00127   ind = index - 0x1800;
00129   MSG_WAR(0x3910,"Prepare PDO to send index :", index);
00131   /* only operational state allows PDO transmission */
00132   if( d->nodeState != Operational ) {
00133     MSG_WAR(0x2911, "Unable to send the PDO (node not in OPERATIONAL mode). Node : ", index);
00134     return 0xFF;
00135   }
00136   offsetObjdictPrm = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
00137   offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
00139   if (offsetObjdictPrm && offsetObjdict)
00140     {
00141       /* get mapped objects number to transmit with this PDO */
00142       pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + ind)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
00143       MSG_WAR(0x3912, "Nb maped objects : ",* pMappingCount);
00144       MSG_WAR(0x3913, "        at index : ", 0x1A00 + ind);
00145       while (subInd < *pMappingCount) { /* Loop on mapped variables */
00146         /* get mapping parameters */
00147         pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + ind)->pSubindex[subInd + 1].pObject;
00148         MSG_WAR(0x3914, "Get the mapping      at index : ", (UNS16)0x1A00 + ind);
00149         MSG_WAR(0x3915, "                     subIndex : ", subInd + 1);
00150         MSG_WAR(0x3916, "                     value    : ", *(UNS32 *)pMappingParameter);
00151         /* Get the mapped variable */
00152         Size = ((UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3));
00153         objDict = getODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
00154                              (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF),
00155                              (void *)&d->process_var.data[offset], &Size, &dataType, 0 );
00157         if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
00158           MSG_WAR(0x2919, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", subInd + 1);
00159           MSG_WAR(0x2920, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
00160           MSG_WAR(0x2921, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
00161           return 0xFF;
00162         }
00164         offset += Size;
00165         d->process_var.count = offset;
00166         subInd++;
00167       }/* end Loop on mapped variables  */
00168     }
00169   return 0;
00170 }
00171 #endif
00181 UNS8 sendPDOrequest( CO_Data* d, UNS32 cobId )
00182 {
00183   UNS32 * pwCobId;
00184   UNS16          offset;
00185   UNS16          lastIndex;
00186   UNS8           err;
00188   MSG_WAR(0x3930, "sendPDOrequest ",0);
00189   /* Sending the request only if the cobid have been found on the PDO
00190      receive */
00191   /* part dictionary */
00192   offset = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
00193   lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;
00194   if (offset)
00195     while (offset <= lastIndex) {
00196       /* get the CobId*/
00197       pwCobId = d->objdict[offset].pSubindex[1].pObject;
00199       if ( *pwCobId  == cobId ) {
00200         s_PDO pdo;
00201         pdo.cobId = *pwCobId;
00202         pdo.len = 0;
00203         err  = sendPDO(d, pdo, REQUEST);
00204         return err;
00205       }
00206       offset++;
00207     }
00208   MSG_WAR(0x1931, "sendPDOrequest : COBID not found : ", cobId);
00209   return 0xFF;
00210 }
00221 UNS8 proceedPDO(CO_Data* d, Message *m)
00222 {
00223   UNS8   numPdo;
00224   UNS8   numMap;  /* Number of the mapped varable */
00225   UNS8 i;
00226   UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;    /* count of mapped objects... */
00227   /* pointer to the var which is mapped to a pdo... */
00228   /*  void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;   */
00229   /* pointer fo the var which holds the mapping parameter of an
00230      mapping entry */
00231   UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
00232   UNS8  *    pTransmissionType = NULL; /* pointer to the transmission
00233                                          type */
00234   UNS32 *    pwCobId = NULL;
00235   UNS8       Size;
00236   UNS8       dataType;
00237   UNS8       offset;
00238   UNS8       status;
00239   UNS32      objDict;
00240   UNS16      offsetObjdict;
00241   UNS16      lastIndex;
00242   status = state1;
00244   MSG_WAR(0x3935, "proceedPDO, cobID : ", ((*m).cob_id.w & 0x7ff));
00245   offset = 0x00;
00246   numPdo = 0;
00247   numMap = 0;
00248   if((*m).rtr == NOT_A_REQUEST ) { /* The PDO received is not a
00249                                      request. */
00250     offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV;
00251     lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV;
00253     /* study of all the PDO stored in the dictionary */
00254     if(offsetObjdict)
00255       while (offsetObjdict <= lastIndex) {
00257         switch( status ) {
00259         case state1:/* data are stored in process_var array */
00260           /* memcpy(&(process_var.data), &m->data, (*m).len); */
00261           /* Ce memcpy devrait etre portable */
00262           for ( i = 0 ; i < m->len ; i++)
00263             d->process_var.data[i] = m->data[i];
00264           d->process_var.count = (*m).len;
00266           status = state2;
00267           break;
00269         case state2:
00270           /* get CobId of the dictionary correspondant to the received
00271              PDO */
00272           pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[1].pObject;
00273           /* check the CobId coherance */
00274           /*pwCobId is the cobId read in the dictionary at the state 3
00275             */
00276           if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ){
00277             /* The cobId is recognized */
00278             status = state4;
00279             MSG_WAR(0x3936, "cobId found at index ", 0x1400 + numPdo);
00280             break;
00281           }
00282           else {
00283             /* cobId received does not match with those write in the
00284               dictionnary */
00285             numPdo++;
00286             offsetObjdict++;
00287             status = state2;
00288             break;
00289           }
00291             case state4:/* Get Mapped Objects Number */
00292                /* The cobId of the message received has been found in the
00293                  dictionnary. */
00294                offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
00295              lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_RCV_MAP;
00296              pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
00297              numMap = 0;
00298              while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
00299                UNS8 tmp[]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
00300                UNS8 ByteSize;
00301                pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
00302                if (pMappingParameter == NULL) {
00303                  MSG_ERR(0x1937, "Couldn't get mapping parameter : ", numMap + 1);
00304                  return 0xFF;
00305                }
00306                /* Get the addresse of the mapped variable. */
00307                /* detail of *pMappingParameter : */
00308                /* The 16 hight bits contains the index, the medium 8 bits
00309                  contains the subindex, */
00310                /* and the lower 8 bits contains the size of the mapped
00311                  variable. */
00313                Size = (UNS8)(*pMappingParameter);
00315                /* copy bit per bit in little endian */
00316                CopyBits(Size, (UNS8*)&d->process_var.data[offset>>3], offset%8, 0, ((UNS8*)tmp), 0, 0);
00318                ByteSize = 1 + ((Size - 1) >> 3); /*1->8 => 1 ; 9->16 =>
00319                                                    2, ... */
00321                objDict = setODentry(d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
00322                                     (UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF),
00323                                  tmp, &ByteSize, 0 );
00325                if(objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
00326                  MSG_ERR(0x1938, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);
00327                  MSG_WAR(0x2939, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
00328                  MSG_WAR(0x2940, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
00329                  return 0xFF;
00330                }
00332                MSG_WAR(0x3942, "Variable updated with value received by PDO cobid : ", m->cob_id.w);
00333                MSG_WAR(0x3943, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
00334                MSG_WAR(0x3944, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
00335                /* MSG_WAR(0x3945, "                data : ",*((UNS32*)pMappedAppObject)); */
00336                offset += Size;
00337                numMap++;
00338              } /* end loop while on mapped variables */
00340              offset=0x00;
00341              numMap = 0;
00342              return 0;
00344         }/* end switch status*/
00345       }/* end while*/
00346   }/* end if Donnees */
00347   else if ((*m).rtr == REQUEST ){
00348     MSG_WAR(0x3946, "Receive a PDO request cobId : ", m->cob_id.w);
00349     status = state1;
00350     offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
00351     lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS;
00352     if(offsetObjdict) while( offsetObjdict  <= lastIndex ){
00353       /* study of all PDO stored in the objects dictionary */
00355       switch( status ){
00357       case state1:/* check the CobId */
00358         /* get CobId of the dictionary which match to the received PDO
00359          */
00360         pwCobId = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict)->pSubindex[1].pObject;
00361         if ( *pwCobId == (*m).cob_id.w ) {
00362           status = state4;
00363           break;
00364         }
00365         else {
00366           numPdo++;
00367           offsetObjdict++;
00368         }
00369         status = state1;
00370         break;
00373       case state4:/* check transmission type (after request?) */
00374         pTransmissionType = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[2].pObject;
00375         if ( (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR) || (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_RTR_SYNC ) || (*pTransmissionType == TRANS_EVENT) ) {
00376           status = state5;
00377           break;
00378         }
00379         else {
00380           /* The requested PDO is not to send on request. So, does
00381             nothing. */
00382           MSG_WAR(0x2947, "PDO is not to send on request : ", m->cob_id.w);
00383           return 0xFF;
00384         }
00386       case state5:/* get mapped objects number */
00387         offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
00388         lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
00389         pMappingCount = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[0].pObject;
00390         numMap = 0;
00391         while (numMap < *pMappingCount) {
00392           pMappingParameter = (d->objdict + offsetObjdict + numPdo)->pSubindex[numMap + 1].pObject;
00393           /* Get the mapped variable */
00394           Size = ((UNS8)(((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3));
00395           objDict = getODentry( d, (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)16),
00396                                 (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & 0xFF),
00397                                 (void *)&d->process_var.data[offset], &Size, &dataType, 0 );
00398           if (objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL) {
00399             MSG_ERR(0x1948, "error accessing to the mapped var : ", numMap + 1);
00400             MSG_WAR(0x2949, "         Mapped at index : ", (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
00401             MSG_WAR(0x2950, "                subindex : ", ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0xFF);
00402             return 0xFF;
00403           }
00404           offset += (UNS8) (((*pMappingParameter) & 0xFF) >> 3);
00405           d->process_var.count = offset;
00406           numMap++;
00408         } /* end while */
00409         PDOmGR( d, *pwCobId ); /* Transmit the PDO */
00410         return 0;
00412       }/* end switch status */
00413     }/* end while */
00414   }/* end if Requete */
00416   return 0;
00417 }
00430 void CopyBits(UNS8 NbBits, UNS8* SrcByteIndex, UNS8 SrcBitIndex, UNS8 SrcBigEndian, UNS8* DestByteIndex, UNS8 DestBitIndex, UNS8 DestBigEndian)
00431 {
00432   /* This loop copy as many bits that it can each time, crossing*/
00433   /* successively bytes*/
00434   // boundaries from LSB to MSB.
00435   while(NbBits > 0)
00436     {
00437       /* Bit missalignement between src and dest*/
00438       INTEGER8 Vect = DestBitIndex - SrcBitIndex;
00440       /* We can now get src and align it to dest*/
00441       UNS8 Aligned = Vect>0 ? *SrcByteIndex << Vect : *SrcByteIndex >> -Vect;
00443       /* Compute the nb of bit we will be able to copy*/
00444       UNS8 BoudaryLimit = (Vect>0 ? 8 - DestBitIndex :  8 - SrcBitIndex );
00445       UNS8 BitsToCopy = BoudaryLimit > NbBits ? NbBits : BoudaryLimit;
00447       /* Create a mask that will serve in:*/
00448       UNS8 Mask = ((0xff << (DestBitIndex + BitsToCopy)) | (0xff >> (8 - DestBitIndex)));
00450       /* - Filtering src*/
00451       UNS8 Filtered = Aligned & ~Mask;
00453       /* - and erase bits where we write, preserve where we don't*/
00454       *DestByteIndex &= Mask;
00456       /* Then write.*/
00457       *DestByteIndex |= Filtered ;
00459       /*Compute next time cursors for src*/
00460       if((SrcBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)/* cross boundary ?*/
00461         {
00462           SrcBitIndex = 0;/* First bit*/
00463           SrcByteIndex += (SrcBigEndian ? -1 : 1);/* Next byte*/
00464         }
00467       /*Compute next time cursors for dest*/
00468       if((DestBitIndex += BitsToCopy)>7)
00469         {
00470           DestBitIndex = 0;/* First bit*/
00471           DestByteIndex += (DestBigEndian ? -1 : 1);/* Next byte*/
00472         }
00474       /*And decrement counter.*/
00475       NbBits -= BitsToCopy;
00476     }
00478 }
00480 #if 0
00482 /*********************************************************************/
00483 /* TODO : reimplement this using CallBacks
00484  */
00485 /*********************************************************************/
00495 UNS8 sendPDOevent( CO_Data* d, void * variable )
00496 { /* DO NOT USE MSG_ERR because the macro may send a PDO -> infinite
00497     loop if it fails.*/
00498   UNS32           objDict = 0;
00499   UNS8            ind, sub_ind;
00500   UNS8            status;
00501   UNS8            offset;
00502   UNS8 *     pMappingCount = NULL;
00503   UNS32 *    pMappingParameter = NULL;
00504   void *     pMappedAppObject = NULL;
00505   UNS8 *     pTransmissionType = NULL; /* pointer to the transmission
00506                                          type */
00507   UNS32 *    pwCobId = NULL;
00508   UNS8 *     pSize;
00509   UNS8       size;
00510   UNS8       dataType;
00511   UNS16      offsetObjdict;
00512   UNS16      offsetObjdictPrm;
00513   UNS16      lastIndex;
00514   UNS8       numMap;
00515   ind     = 0x00;
00516   sub_ind = 1;
00517   offset  = 0x00;
00518   pSize   = &size;
00519   status  = state1;
00522   /* look for the index and subindex where the variable is mapped */
00523   /* Then, send the pdo which contains the variable. */
00525   MSG_WAR (0x3960, "sendPDOevent", 0);
00526   offsetObjdictPrm = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS;
00528   offsetObjdict = d->firstIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
00529   lastIndex = d->lastIndex->PDO_TRS_MAP;
00531   if (offsetObjdictPrm && offsetObjdict)
00532     /* Loop on PDO Transmit */
00533     while(offsetObjdict <= lastIndex){
00534       /* Check the transmission mode */
00535       pTransmissionType = d->objdict[offsetObjdictPrm].pSubindex[2].pObject;
00536       if (*pTransmissionType != TRANS_EVENT) {
00537         ind++;
00538         offsetObjdict++;
00539         offsetObjdictPrm++;
00540         continue;
00541       }
00542       pMappingCount = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[0].pObject;
00543       numMap = 1; /* mapped variable */
00544       while (numMap <= *pMappingCount) {
00545         pMappingParameter = d->objdict[offsetObjdict].pSubindex[numMap].pObject;
00546         /* Get the variable */
00547         objDict = getODentry( d,
00548                               (UNS16)((*pMappingParameter) >> 16),
00549                               (UNS8)(( (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF),
00550                               (void * *)&pMappedAppObject, pSize, &dataType, 0 );
00551         if( objDict != OD_SUCCESSFUL ) {
00552           MSG_WAR(0x2961, "Error in dict. at index : ",
00553                   (*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)16);
00555           MSG_WAR(0x2962, "               subindex : ",
00556                   ((*pMappingParameter) >> (UNS8)8 ) & (UNS32)0x000000FF);
00557           return 0xFF;
00558         }
00559         if (pMappedAppObject == variable) { // Variable found !
00560           MSG_WAR(0x3963, "Variable to send found at index : ",
00561                   (*pMappingParameter) >> 16);
00562           MSG_WAR(0x3964, "                       subIndex : ",
00563                   ((*pMappingParameter) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FF);
00564           buildPDO(d, 0x1800 + ind);
00565           /* Get the cobId */
00566           pwCobId = d->objdict[offsetObjdictPrm].pSubindex[1].pObject;
00567           PDOmGR( d, *pwCobId ); /* Send the PDO */
00568           return 0;
00569         }
00570         numMap++;
00571       } /* End loop on mapped variable */
00572       ind++;
00573       offsetObjdict++;
00574       offsetObjdictPrm++;
00575     } /* End loop while on PDO */
00577   MSG_WAR(0x2965, "Variable not found in a PDO to send on event", 0);
00578   return 0xFF;
00580 }
00581 #endif

Generated on Fri Jun 8 08:51:39 2007 for CanFestival by  doxygen 1.5.1