
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00004 #This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
00005 #
00006 #Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT, Francis DUPIN and Laurent BESSARD
00007 #
00008 #See COPYING file for copyrights details.
00009 #
00010 #This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00011 #modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00012 #License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00013 #version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00014 #
00015 #This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00016 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00018 #Lesser General Public License for more details.
00019 #
00020 #You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00021 #License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00022 #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00025 import node
00026 from node import nosub, var, array, rec, plurivar, pluriarray, plurirec
00027 from sets import *
00028 from types import *
00029 from time import *
00030 import os,re
00032 # Regular expression for finding index section names
00033 index_model = re.compile('([0-9A-F]{1,4})')
00034 # Regular expression for finding subindex section names
00035 subindex_model = re.compile('([0-9A-F]{1,4})SUB([0-9A-F]{1,2})')
00037 # Regular expression for finding NodeXPresent keynames
00038 nodepresent_model = re.compile('NODE([0-9]{1,3})PRESENT')
00039 # Regular expression for finding NodeXName keynames
00040 nodename_model = re.compile('NODE([0-9]{1,3})NAME')
00041 # Regular expression for finding NodeXDCFName keynames
00042 nodedcfname_model = re.compile('NODE([0-9]{1,3})DCFNAME')
00044 # Dictionary for quickly translate boolean into integer value
00045 BOOL_TRANSLATE = {True : "1", False : "0"}
00047 # Dictionary for quickly translate eds access value into canfestival access value
00048 ACCESS_TRANSLATE = {"ro" : "ro", "wo" : "wo", "rw" : "rw", "rwr" : "rw", "rww" : "rw", "const" : "ro"}
00050 # Function for verifying data values
00051 is_integer = lambda x: type(x) in (IntType, LongType)
00052 is_string = lambda x: type(x) in (StringType, UnicodeType)
00053 is_boolean = lambda x: x in (0, 1)
00055 # Define checking of value for each attribute
00056 ENTRY_ATTRIBUTES = {"SUBNUMBER" : is_integer, "PARAMETERNAME" : is_string, 
00057                     "OBJECTTYPE" : lambda x: x in (7, 8, 9), "DATATYPE" : is_integer, 
00058                     "LOWLIMIT" : is_integer, "HIGHLIMIT" : is_integer,
00059                     "ACCESSTYPE" : lambda x: x in ["ro","wo", "rw", "rwr", "rww", "const"],
00060                     "DEFAULTVALUE" : lambda x: True, "PDOMAPPING" : is_boolean,
00061                     "OBJFLAGS" : is_integer}
00063 # Define entry parameters by entry ObjectType number
00064 ENTRY_TYPES = {7 : {"name" : " VAR",
00065                     "require" : ["PARAMETERNAME", "OBJECTTYPE", "DATATYPE", "ACCESSTYPE", "PDOMAPPING"],
00066                     "optional" : ["LOWLIMIT", "HIGHLIMIT", "DEFAULTVALUE", "OBJFLAGS"]},
00067                8 : {"name" : "n ARRAY",
00068                     "require" : ["SUBNUMBER", "PARAMETERNAME", "OBJECTTYPE"],
00069                     "optional" : ["OBJFLAGS"]},
00070                9 : {"name" : " RECORD",
00071                     "require" : ["SUBNUMBER", "PARAMETERNAME", "OBJECTTYPE"],
00072                     "optional" : ["OBJFLAGS"]}}
00075 # Function that search into Node Mappings the informations about an index or a subindex
00076 # and return the default value
00077 def GetDefaultValue(index, subIndex = None):
00078     infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(index)
00079     if infos["struct"] & node.OD_MultipleSubindexes:
00080         # First case entry is a record
00081         if infos["struct"] & node.OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
00082             subentry_infos = Node.GetSubentryInfos(index, 1)
00083         # Second case entry is an array
00084         else:
00085             subentry_infos = Node.GetSubentryInfos(index, subIndex)
00086         # If a default value is defined for this subindex, returns it
00087         if "default" in subentry_infos:
00088             return subentry_infos["default"]
00089         # If not, returns the default value for the subindex type
00090         else:
00091             return Node.GetTypeDefaultValue(subentry_infos["type"])
00092     # Third case entry is a var
00093     else:
00094         subentry_infos = Node.GetSubentryInfos(index, 0)
00095         # If a default value is defined for this subindex, returns it
00096         if "default" in subentry_infos:
00097             return subentry_infos["default"]
00098         # If not, returns the default value for the subindex type
00099         else:
00100             return Node.GetTypeDefaultValue(subentry_infos["type"])
00101     return None
00104 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00105 #                               Parse file
00106 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00109 # List of section names that are not index and subindex and that we can meet in
00110 # an EDS file
00115 # Function that extract sections from a file and returns a dictionary of the informations
00116 def ExtractSections(file):
00117     return [(blocktuple[0],                # EntryName : Assignements dict
00118              blocktuple[-1].splitlines())  # all the lines
00119              for blocktuple in [           # Split the eds files into
00120              block.split("]")              # (EntryName,Assignements) tuple
00121              for block in                  # for each blocks staring with '['
00122              file.split("[")]
00123              if blocktuple[0].isalnum()]   # if EntryName exists
00126 # Function that parse an CPJ file and returns a dictionary of the informations
00127 def ParseCPJFile(filepath):
00128     networks = []
00129     # Read file text
00130     cpj_file = open(filepath,'r').read()
00131     sections = ExtractSections(cpj_file)
00132     # Parse assignments for each section
00133     for section_name, assignments in sections:
00135         # Verify that section name is TOPOLOGY 
00136         if section_name.upper() in "TOPOLOGY":
00138             # Reset values for topology
00139             topology = {"Name" : "", "Nodes" : {}}
00141             for assignment in assignments:
00142                 # Escape any comment
00143                 if assignment.startswith(";"):
00144                     pass
00145                 # Verify that line is a valid assignment
00146                 elif assignment.find('=') > 0:
00147                     # Split assignment into the two values keyname and value
00148                     # Verify that there is only one '=' character in the line
00149                     try:
00150                         keyname, value = assignment.split("=")
00151                     except:
00152                         raise SyntaxError, "\"%s\" is not a valid EDS line"%assignment.strip()
00154                     # keyname must be immediately followed by the "=" sign, so we
00155                     # verify that there is no whitespace into keyname
00156                     if keyname.isalnum():
00157                         # value can be preceded and followed by whitespaces, so we escape them
00158                         value = value.strip()
00160                         # First case, value starts with "0x", then it's an hexadecimal value
00161                         if value.startswith("0x"):
00162                             try:
00163                                 computed_value = int(value, 16)
00164                             except:
00165                                 raise SyntaxError, "\"%s\" is not a valid value for attribute \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00166                         elif value.isdigit():
00167                             # Second case, value is a number and starts with "0", then it's an octal value
00168                             if value.startswith("0"):
00169                                 computed_value = int(value, 8)
00170                             # Third case, value is a number and don't start with "0", then it's a decimal value
00171                             else:
00172                                 computed_value = int(value)
00173                         # In any other case, we keep string value
00174                         else:
00175                             computed_value = value
00177                         # Search if the section name match any cpj expression
00178                         nodepresent_result = nodepresent_model.match(keyname.upper())
00179                         nodename_result = nodename_model.match(keyname.upper())
00180                         nodedcfname_result = nodedcfname_model.match(keyname.upper())
00182                         if keyname.upper() == "NETNAME":
00183                             if not is_string(computed_value):
00184                                 raise SyntaxError, "Invalid value \"%s\" for keyname \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00185                             topology["Name"] = computed_value
00186                         elif keyname.upper() == "NODES":
00187                             if not is_integer(computed_value):
00188                                 raise SyntaxError, "Invalid value \"%s\" for keyname \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00189                             topology["Number"] = computed_value
00190                         elif keyname.upper() == "EDSBASENAME":
00191                             if not is_string(computed_value):
00192                                 raise SyntaxError, "Invalid value \"%s\" for keyname \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00193                             topology["Path"] = computed_value
00194                         elif nodepresent_result:
00195                             if not is_boolean(computed_value):
00196                                 raise SyntaxError, "Invalid value \"%s\" for keyname \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00197                             nodeid = int(nodepresent_result.groups()[0])
00198                             if nodeid not in topology["Nodes"].keys():
00199                                 topology["Nodes"][nodeid] = {}
00200                             topology["Nodes"][nodeid]["Present"] = computed_value
00201                         elif nodename_result:
00202                             if not is_string(value):
00203                                 raise SyntaxError, "Invalid value \"%s\" for keyname \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00204                             nodeid = int(nodename_result.groups()[0])
00205                             if nodeid not in topology["Nodes"].keys():
00206                                 topology["Nodes"][nodeid] = {}
00207                             topology["Nodes"][nodeid]["Name"] = computed_value
00208                         elif nodedcfname_result:
00209                             if not is_string(computed_value):
00210                                 raise SyntaxError, "Invalid value \"%s\" for keyname \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00211                             nodeid = int(nodedcfname_result.groups()[0])
00212                             if nodeid not in topology["Nodes"].keys():
00213                                 topology["Nodes"][nodeid] = {}
00214                             topology["Nodes"][nodeid]["DCFName"] = computed_value
00215                         else:
00216                             raise SyntaxError, "Keyname \"%s\" not recognised for section \"[%s]\""%(keyname, section_name)
00218                 # All lines that are not empty and are neither a comment neither not a valid assignment
00219                 elif assignment.strip() != "":
00220                     raise SyntaxError, "\"%s\" is not a valid CPJ line"%assignment.strip()
00222             if "Number" not in topology.keys():
00223                 raise SyntaxError, "\"Nodes\" keyname in \"[%s]\" section is missing"%section_name
00225             if topology["Number"] != len(topology["Nodes"]):
00226                 raise SyntaxError, "\"Nodes\" value not corresponding to number of nodes defined"
00228             for nodeid, node in topology["Nodes"].items():
00229                 if "Present" not in node.keys():
00230                     raise SyntaxError, "\"Node%dPresent\" keyname in \"[%s]\" section is missing"%(nodeid, section_name)
00232             networks.append(topology)
00234         # In other case, there is a syntax problem into CPJ file
00235         else:
00236             raise SyntaxError, "Section \"[%s]\" is unrecognized"%section_name
00238     return networks
00240 # Function that parse an EDS file and returns a dictionary of the informations
00241 def ParseEDSFile(filepath):
00242     eds_dict = {}
00243     # Read file text
00244     eds_file = open(filepath,'r').read()
00245     sections = ExtractSections(eds_file)
00247     # Parse assignments for each section
00248     for section_name, assignments in sections:
00249         # Reset values of entry
00250         values = {}
00252         # Search if the section name match an index or subindex expression
00253         index_result = index_model.match(section_name.upper())
00254         subindex_result = subindex_model.match(section_name.upper())
00256         # Compilation of the EDS information dictionary
00258         is_entry = False
00259         # First case, section name is in SECTION_KEYNAMES 
00260         if section_name.upper() in SECTION_KEYNAMES:
00261             # Verify that entry is not already defined
00262             if section_name.upper() not in eds_dict:
00263                 eds_dict[section_name.upper()] = values
00264             else:
00265                 raise SyntaxError, "\"[%s]\" section is defined two times"%section_name
00266         # Second case, section name is a subindex name 
00267         elif subindex_result:
00268             # Extract index and subindex number
00269             index, subindex = [int(value, 16) for value in subindex_result.groups()]
00270             # If index hasn't been referenced before, we add an entry into the dictionary
00271             # that will be updated later
00272             if index not in eds_dict:
00273                 eds_dict[index] = {"subindexes" : {}}
00274             if subindex not in eds_dict[index]["subindexes"]:
00275                 eds_dict[index]["subindexes"][subindex] = values
00276             else:
00277                 raise SyntaxError, "\"[%s]\" section is defined two times"%section_name
00278             is_entry = True
00279         # Third case, section name is an index name 
00280         elif index_result:
00281             # Extract index number
00282             index = int(index_result.groups()[0], 16)
00283             # If index hasn't been referenced before, we add an entry into the dictionary
00284             if index not in eds_dict:
00285                 eds_dict[index] = values
00286                 eds_dict[index]["subindexes"] = {}
00287             elif eds_dict[index].keys() == ["subindexes"]:
00288                 values["subindexes"] = eds_dict[index]["subindexes"]
00289                 eds_dict[index] = values
00290             else:
00291                 raise SyntaxError, "\"[%s]\" section is defined two times"%section_name
00292             is_entry = True
00293         # In any other case, there is a syntax problem into EDS file
00294         else:
00295             raise SyntaxError, "Section \"[%s]\" is unrecognized"%section_name
00297         for assignment in assignments:
00298             # Escape any comment
00299             if assignment.startswith(";"):
00300                 pass
00301             # Verify that line is a valid assignment
00302             elif assignment.find('=') > 0:
00303                 # Split assignment into the two values keyname and value
00304                 # Verify that there is only one '=' character in the line
00305                 try:
00306                     keyname, value = assignment.split("=")
00307                 except:
00308                     raise SyntaxError, "\"%s\" is not a valid EDS line"%assignment.strip()
00309                 # keyname must be immediately followed by the "=" sign, so we
00310                 # verify that there is no whitespace into keyname
00311                 if keyname.isalnum():
00312                     # value can be preceded and followed by whitespaces, so we escape them
00313                     value = value.strip()
00314                     # First case, value starts with "$NODEID", then it's a formula
00315                     if value.startswith("$NODEID"):
00316                         try:
00317                             test = int(value.replace("$NODEID+", ""), 16)
00318                             computed_value = value.replace("$NODEID", "self.ID")
00319                         except:
00320                             raise SyntaxError, "\"%s\" is not a valid formula for attribute \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00321                     # Second case, value starts with "0x", then it's an hexadecimal value
00322                     elif value.startswith("0x"):
00323                         try:
00324                             computed_value = int(value, 16)
00325                         except:
00326                             raise SyntaxError, "\"%s\" is not a valid value for attribute \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00327                     elif value.isdigit():
00328                         # Third case, value is a number and starts with "0", then it's an octal value
00329                         if value.startswith("0"):
00330                             computed_value = int(value, 8)
00331                         # Forth case, value is a number and don't start with "0", then it's a decimal value
00332                         else:
00333                             computed_value = int(value)
00334                     # In any other case, we keep string value
00335                     else:
00336                         computed_value = value
00338                     # Add value to values dictionary
00339                     if computed_value != "":
00340                         # If entry is an index or a subindex
00341                         if is_entry:
00342                             # Verify that keyname is a possible attribute
00343                             if keyname.upper() not in ENTRY_ATTRIBUTES:
00344                                 raise SyntaxError, "Keyname \"%s\" not recognised for section \"[%s]\""%(keyname, section_name)
00345                             # Verify that value is valid
00346                             elif not ENTRY_ATTRIBUTES[keyname.upper()](computed_value):
00347                                 raise SyntaxError, "Invalid value \"%s\" for keyname \"%s\" of section \"[%s]\""%(value, keyname, section_name)
00348                             else:
00349                                 values[keyname.upper()] = computed_value
00350                         else:
00351                             values[keyname.upper()] = computed_value
00352             # All lines that are not empty and are neither a comment neither not a valid assignment
00353             elif assignment.strip() != "":
00354                 raise SyntaxError, "\"%s\" is not a valid EDS line"%assignment.strip()
00356         # If entry is an index or a subindex
00357         if is_entry:
00358             # Verify that entry has an ObjectType
00359             if "OBJECTTYPE" in values.keys():
00360                 # Extract entry ObjectType
00361                 objecttype = values["OBJECTTYPE"]
00362                 # Extract parameters defined
00363                 keys = Set(values.keys())
00364                 keys.discard("subindexes")
00365                 # Extract possible parameters and parameters required
00366                 possible = Set(ENTRY_TYPES[objecttype]["require"] + ENTRY_TYPES[objecttype]["optional"])
00367                 required = Set(ENTRY_TYPES[objecttype]["require"])
00368                 # Verify that parameters defined contains all the parameters required
00369                 if not keys.issuperset(required):
00370                     missing = required.difference(keys)._data.keys()
00371                     if len(missing) > 1:
00372                         attributes = "Attributes %s are"%", ".join(["\"%s\""%attribute for attribute in missing])
00373                     else:
00374                         attributes = "Attribute \"%s\" is"%missing[0]
00375                     raise SyntaxError, "Error on section \"[%s]\":\n%s required for a%s entry"%(section_name, attributes, ENTRY_TYPES[objecttype]["name"])
00376                 # Verify that parameters defined are all in the possible parameters
00377                 if not keys.issubset(possible):
00378                     unsupported = keys.difference(possible)._data.keys()
00379                     if len(unsupported) > 1:
00380                         attributes = "Attributes %s are"%", ".join(["\"%s\""%attribute for attribute in unsupported])
00381                     else:
00382                         attributes = "Attribute \"%s\" is"%unsupported[0]
00383                     raise SyntaxError, "Error on section \"[%s]\":\n%s unsupported for a%s entry"%(section_name, attributes, ENTRY_TYPES[objecttype]["name"])
00384             else:
00385                 raise SyntaxError, "Error on section \"[%s]\":\nAttribute OBJECTTYPE is required"%section_name
00387     return eds_dict
00390 # Function that write an EDS file after generate it's content
00391 def WriteFile(filepath, content):
00392     # Open file in write mode
00393     cfile = open(filepath,"w")
00394     # Write content
00395     cfile.write(content)
00396     # Close file
00397     cfile.close()
00400 # Function that generate the EDS file content for the current node in the manager
00401 def GenerateFileContent(filepath):
00402     # Dictionary of each index contents
00403     indexContents = {}
00405     # Extract local time
00406     current_time = localtime()
00407     # Extract node informations
00408     nodename, nodeid, nodetype, description = Manager.GetCurrentNodeInfos()
00410     # Compiling lists of indexes defined
00411     entries = [idx for name, idx in Manager.GetCurrentValidIndexes(0, 0xFFFF)]
00413     # Generate FileInfo section
00414     fileContent = "[FileInfo]\n"
00415     fileContent += "CreatedBy=CANFestival\n"
00416     fileContent += "Description=%s\n"%description
00417     fileContent += "CreationTime=%s"%strftime("%I:%M", current_time)
00418     # %p option of strftime seems not working, then generate AM/PM by hands
00419     if strftime("%I", current_time) == strftime("%H", current_time):
00420         fileContent += "AM\n"
00421     else:
00422         fileContent += "PM\n"
00423     fileContent += "CreationDate=%s\n"%strftime("%m-%d-%Y", current_time)
00424     fileContent += "FileName=%s\n"%os.path.split(filepath)[-1]
00425     fileContent += "FileVersion=1\n"
00426     fileContent += "FileRevision=1\n"
00427     fileContent += "EDSVersion=3.0\n"
00429     # Generate DeviceInfo section
00430     fileContent += "\n[DeviceInfo]\n"
00431     fileContent += "VendorName=CANFestival\n"
00432     # Use information typed by user in Identity entry
00433     fileContent += "VendorNumber=0x%8.8X\n"%Manager.GetCurrentEntry(0x1018, 1)
00434     fileContent += "ProductName=%s\n"%nodename
00435     fileContent += "ProductNumber=0x%8.8X\n"%Manager.GetCurrentEntry(0x1018, 2)
00436     fileContent += "RevisionNumber=0x%8.8X\n"%Manager.GetCurrentEntry(0x1018, 3)
00437     # CANFestival support all baudrates as soon as driver choosen support them
00438     fileContent += "BaudRate_10=1\n"
00439     fileContent += "BaudRate_20=1\n"
00440     fileContent += "BaudRate_50=1\n"
00441     fileContent += "BaudRate_125=1\n"
00442     fileContent += "BaudRate_250=1\n"
00443     fileContent += "BaudRate_500=1\n"
00444     fileContent += "BaudRate_800=1\n"
00445     fileContent += "BaudRate_1000=1\n"
00446     # Select BootUp type from the informations given by user
00447     fileContent += "SimpleBootUpMaster=%s\n"%BOOL_TRANSLATE[nodetype == "master"]
00448     fileContent += "SimpleBootUpSlave=%s\n"%BOOL_TRANSLATE[nodetype == "slave"]
00449     # CANFestival characteristics
00450     fileContent += "Granularity=8\n"
00451     fileContent += "DynamicChannelsSupported=0\n"
00452     fileContent += "CompactPDO=0\n"
00453     fileContent += "GroupMessaging=0\n"
00454     # Calculate receive and tranmit PDO numbers with the entry available
00455     fileContent += "NrOfRXPDO=%d\n"%len([idx for idx in entries if 0x1400 <= idx <= 0x15FF])
00456     fileContent += "NrOfTXPDO=%d\n"%len([idx for idx in entries if 0x1800 <= idx <= 0x19FF])
00457     # LSS not supported as soon as DS-302 was not fully implemented
00458     fileContent += "LSS_Supported=0\n"
00460     # Generate Dummy Usage section
00461     fileContent += "\n[DummyUsage]\n"
00462     fileContent += "Dummy0001=0\n"
00463     fileContent += "Dummy0002=1\n"
00464     fileContent += "Dummy0003=1\n"
00465     fileContent += "Dummy0004=1\n"
00466     fileContent += "Dummy0005=1\n"
00467     fileContent += "Dummy0006=1\n"
00468     fileContent += "Dummy0007=1\n"
00470     # Generate Comments section
00471     fileContent += "\n[Comments]\n"
00472     fileContent += "Lines=0\n"
00474     # List of entry by type (Mandatory, Optional or Manufacturer
00475     mandatories = []
00476     optionals = []
00477     manufacturers = []
00479     # For each entry, we generate the entry section or sections if there is subindexes
00480     for entry in entries:
00481         # Extract infos and values for the entry
00482         entry_infos = Manager.GetEntryInfos(entry)
00483         values = Manager.GetCurrentEntry(entry)
00484         # Define section name
00485         text = "\n[%X]\n"%entry
00486         # If there is only one value, it's a VAR entry
00487         if type(values) != ListType:
00488             # Extract the informations of the first subindex
00489             subentry_infos = Manager.GetSubentryInfos(entry, 0)
00490             # Generate EDS informations for the entry
00491             text += "ParameterName=%s\n"%subentry_infos["name"]
00492             text += "ObjectType=0x7\n"
00493             text += "DataType=0x%4.4X\n"%subentry_infos["type"]
00494             text += "AccessType=%s\n"%subentry_infos["access"]
00495             text += "DefaultValue=%s\n"%values
00496             text += "PDOMapping=%s\n"%BOOL_TRANSLATE[subentry_infos["pdo"]]
00497         else:
00498             # Generate EDS informations for the entry
00499             text += "ParameterName=%s\n"%entry_infos["name"]
00500             if entry_infos["struct"] & node.OD_IdenticalSubindexes:
00501                 text += "ObjectType=0x9\n"
00502             else:
00503                 text += "ObjectType=0x8\n"
00505             # Generate EDS informations for subindexes of the entry in a separate text
00506             subtext = ""
00507             # Reset number of subindex defined 
00508             nb_subentry = 0
00509             for subentry, value in enumerate(values):
00510                 # Extract the informations of each subindex
00511                 subentry_infos = Manager.GetSubentryInfos(entry, subentry)
00512                 # If entry is not for the compatibility, generate informations for subindex
00513                 if subentry_infos["name"] != "Compatibility Entry":
00514                     subtext += "\n[%Xsub%X]\n"%(entry, subentry)
00515                     subtext += "ParameterName=%s\n"%subentry_infos["name"]
00516                     subtext += "ObjectType=0x7\n"
00517                     subtext += "DataType=0x%4.4X\n"%subentry_infos["type"]
00518                     subtext += "AccessType=%s\n"%subentry_infos["access"]
00519                     subtext += "DefaultValue=%s\n"%value
00520                     subtext += "PDOMapping=%s\n"%BOOL_TRANSLATE[subentry_infos["pdo"]]
00521                     # Increment number of subindex defined 
00522                     nb_subentry += 1
00523             # Write number of subindex defined for the entry
00524             text += "SubNumber=%d\n"%nb_subentry
00525             # Write subindex definitions
00526             text += subtext
00528         # Then we add the entry in the right list
00530         # First case, entry is between 0x2000 and 0x5FFF, then it's a manufacturer entry
00531         if 0x2000 <= entry <= 0x5FFF:
00532             manufacturers.append(entry)
00533         # Second case, entry is required, then it's a mandatory entry
00534         elif entry_infos["need"]:
00535             mandatories.append(entry)
00536         # In any other case, it's an optional entry
00537         else:
00538             optionals.append(entry)
00539         # Save text of the entry in the dictiionary of contents
00540         indexContents[entry] = text
00542     # Before generate File Content we sort the entry list
00543     manufacturers.sort()
00544     mandatories.sort()
00545     optionals.sort()
00547     # Generate Definition of mandatory objects
00548     fileContent += "\n[MandatoryObjects]\n"
00549     fileContent += "SupportedObjects=%d\n"%len(mandatories)
00550     for idx, entry in enumerate(mandatories):
00551         fileContent += "%d=0x%4.4X\n"%(idx, entry)
00552     # Write mandatory entries
00553     for entry in mandatories:
00554         fileContent += indexContents[entry]
00556     # Generate Definition of optional objects
00557     fileContent += "\n[OptionalObjects]\n"
00558     fileContent += "SupportedObjects=%d\n"%len(optionals)
00559     for idx, entry in enumerate(optionals):
00560         fileContent += "%d=0x%4.4X\n"%(idx, entry)
00561     # Write optional entries
00562     for entry in optionals:
00563         fileContent += indexContents[entry]
00565     # Generate Definition of manufacturer objects
00566     fileContent += "\n[ManufacturerObjects]\n"
00567     fileContent += "SupportedObjects=%d\n"%len(manufacturers)
00568     for idx, entry in enumerate(manufacturers):
00569         fileContent += "%d=0x%4.4X\n"%(idx, entry)
00570     # Write manufacturer entries
00571     for entry in manufacturers:
00572         fileContent += indexContents[entry]
00574     # Return File Content
00575     return fileContent
00578 # Function that generates EDS file from current node edited
00579 def GenerateEDSFile(filepath, manager):
00580     global Manager
00581     Manager = manager
00582     try:
00583         # Generate file content
00584         content = GenerateFileContent(filepath)
00585         # Write file
00586         WriteFile(filepath, content)
00587         return None
00588     except ValueError, message:
00589         return "Unable to generate EDS file\n%s"%message
00591 # Function that generate the CPJ file content for the nodelist
00592 def GenerateCPJContent(nodelist):
00593     nodes = nodelist.SlaveNodes.keys()
00594     nodes.sort()
00596     fileContent = "[TOPOLOGY]\n"
00597     fileContent += "NetName=%s\n"%nodelist.GetNetworkName()
00598     fileContent += "Nodes=0x%2.2X\n"%len(nodes)
00600     for nodeid in nodes:
00601         fileContent += "Node%dPresent=0x01\n"%nodeid
00602         fileContent += "Node%dName=%s\n"%(nodeid, nodelist.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Name"])
00603         fileContent += "Node%dDCFName=%s\n"%(nodeid, nodelist.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["EDS"])
00605     fileContent += "EDSBaseName=eds\n"
00606     return fileContent
00608 # Function that generates Node from an EDS file
00609 def GenerateNode(filepath, cwd, nodeID = 0):
00610     global Node
00611     # Create a new node
00612     Node = node.Node(id = nodeID)
00613     try:
00614         # Parse file and extract dictionary of EDS entry
00615         eds_dict = ParseEDSFile(filepath)
00616         # Extract Profile Number from Device Type entry
00617         ProfileNb = eds_dict[0x1000]["DEFAULTVALUE"] & 0x0000ffff
00618         # If profile is not DS-301 or DS-302
00619         if ProfileNb not in [301, 302]:
00620             # Compile Profile name and path to .prf file
00621             ProfileName = "DS-%d"%ProfileNb
00622             ProfilePath = os.path.join(cwd, "config/%s.prf"%ProfileName)
00623             # Verify that profile is available
00624             if os.path.isfile(ProfilePath):
00625                 try:
00626                     # Load Profile
00627                     execfile(ProfilePath)
00628                     Node.SetProfileName(ProfileName)
00629                     Node.SetProfile(Mapping)
00630                     Node.SetSpecificMenu(AddMenuEntries)
00631                 except:
00632                     pass
00633         # Read all entries in the EDS dictionary 
00634         for entry, values in eds_dict.items():
00635             # All sections with a name in keynames are escaped
00636             if entry in SECTION_KEYNAMES:
00637                 pass
00638             else:
00639                 # Extract informations for the entry
00640                 entry_infos = Node.GetEntryInfos(entry)
00642                 # If no informations are available, then we write them
00643                 if not entry_infos:
00644                     # First case, entry is a VAR
00645                     if values["OBJECTTYPE"] == 7:
00646                         # Add mapping for entry
00647                         Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, name = values["PARAMETERNAME"], struct = 1)
00648                         # Add mapping for first subindex
00649                         Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, 0, values = {"name" : values["PARAMETERNAME"], 
00650                                                                  "type" : values["DATATYPE"], 
00651                                                                  "access" : ACCESS_TRANSLATE[values["ACCESSTYPE"]], 
00652                                                                  "pdo" : values["PDOMAPPING"] == 1})
00653                     # Second case, entry is an ARRAY
00654                     elif values["OBJECTTYPE"] == 8:
00655                         # Extract maximum subindex number defined
00656                         try:
00657                             max_subindex = values["subindexes"][0]["DEFAULTVALUE"]
00658                         except:
00659                             raise SyntaxError, "Error on entry 0x%4.4X:\nSubindex 0 must be defined for an ARRAY entry"%entry
00660                         # Add mapping for entry
00661                         Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, name = values["PARAMETERNAME"], struct = 3)
00662                         # Add mapping for first subindex
00663                         Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, 0, values = {"name" : "Number of Entries", "type" : 0x05, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
00664                         # Add mapping for other subindexes
00665                         for subindex in xrange(1, int(max_subindex) + 1):
00666                             # if subindex is defined
00667                             if subindex in values["subindexes"]:
00668                                 Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, subindex, values = {"name" : values["subindexes"][subindex]["PARAMETERNAME"], 
00669                                                                                 "type" : values["subindexes"][subindex]["DATATYPE"], 
00670                                                                                 "access" : ACCESS_TRANSLATE[values["subindexes"][subindex]["ACCESSTYPE"]], 
00671                                                                                 "pdo" : values["subindexes"][subindex]["PDOMAPPING"] == 1})
00672                             # if not, we add a mapping for compatibility 
00673                             else:
00674                                 Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, subindex, values = {"name" : "Compatibility Entry", "type" : 0x05, "access" : "rw", "pdo" : False})
00675                     # Third case, entry is an RECORD
00676                     elif values["OBJECTTYPE"] == 9:
00677                         # Verify that the first subindex is defined
00678                         if 0 not in values["subindexes"]:
00679                             raise SyntaxError, "Error on entry 0x%4.4X:\nSubindex 0 must be defined for a RECORD entry"%entry
00680                         # Add mapping for entry
00681                         Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, name = values["PARAMETERNAME"], struct = 7)
00682                         # Add mapping for first subindex
00683                         Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, 0, values = {"name" : "Number of Entries", "type" : 0x05, "access" : "ro", "pdo" : False})
00684                         # Verify that second subindex is defined
00685                         if 1 in values:
00686                             Node.AddMappingEntry(entry, 1, values = {"name" : values["PARAMETERNAME"] + " %d[(sub)]", 
00687                                                                      "type" : values["subindexes"][1]["DATATYPE"], 
00688                                                                      "access" : ACCESS_TRANSLATE[values["subindexes"][1]["ACCESSTYPE"]], 
00689                                                                      "pdo" : values["subindexes"][1]["PDOMAPPING"] == 1})
00690                         else:
00691                             raise SyntaxError, "Error on entry 0x%4.4X:\nA RECORD entry must have at least 2 subindexes"%entry
00693                 # Define entry for the new node
00695                 # First case, entry is a VAR
00696                 if values["OBJECTTYPE"] == 7:
00697                     # Take default value if it is defined
00698                     if "DEFAULTVALUE" in values:
00699                         value = values["DEFAULTVALUE"]
00700                     # Find default value for value type of the entry
00701                     else:
00702                         value = GetDefaultValue(entry)
00703                     Node.AddEntry(entry, 0, value)
00704                 # Second case, entry is an ARRAY or a RECORD
00705                 elif values["OBJECTTYPE"] in (8, 9):
00706                     # Verify that "Subnumber" attribute is defined and has a valid value
00707                     if "SUBNUMBER" in values and values["SUBNUMBER"] > 0:
00708                         # Extract maximum subindex number defined
00709                         try:
00710                             max_subindex = values["subindexes"][0]["DEFAULTVALUE"]
00711                         except:
00712                             raise SyntaxError, "Error on entry 0x%4.4X:\nSubindex 0 must be defined for an ARRAY or a RECORD entry"%entry
00713                         # Define value for all subindexes except the first 
00714                         for subindex in xrange(1, int(max_subindex) + 1):
00715                             # Take default value if it is defined and entry is defined
00716                             if subindex in values["subindexes"] and "DEFAULTVALUE" in values["subindexes"][subindex]:
00717                                 value = values["subindexes"][subindex]["DEFAULTVALUE"]
00718                             # Find default value for value type of the subindex
00719                             else:
00720                                 value = GetDefaultValue(entry, subindex)
00721                             Node.AddEntry(entry, subindex, value)
00722                     else:
00723                         raise SyntaxError, "Array or Record entry 0x%4.4X must have a \"SubNumber\" attribute"%entry
00724         return Node
00725     except SyntaxError, message:
00726         return "Unable to import EDS file\n%s"%message
00728 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00729 #                             Main Function
00730 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00732 if __name__ == '__main__':
00733     print ParseEDSFile("examples/PEAK MicroMod.eds")

Generated on Mon Jun 4 16:29:06 2007 for CanFestival by  doxygen 1.5.1