

  1. Code was compiled MS VisualStudio 2003.NET and VisualStudio 2005.NET for WindowsXP ANSI and UNICODE configurations and for WindowsCE 5.0.
  2. Some preliminary testing was done, but not enough to be used in mission critical projects.
Additional Features:

  1. Non-integral integers support implementation UNS24, UNS40, UNS48 etc.
  2. When enable debug output with DEBUG_WAR_CONSOLE_ON or DEBUG_ERR_CONSOLE_ON, you can navigate in CanFestival source code by double clicking at diagnostic lines in VisualStudio.NET 200X Debug Output Window.
Custom size integral types such as INTEGER24, UNS40, INTEGER56 etc. have been defined as 64 bits integers. You will need to replace sizeof(TYPE) operators to sizeof_TYPE definitions in generated code, i.e. replace sizeof(UNS40) with sizeof_UNS40.

epimerde 2007-06-05