Motorola HCS12

The examples have been tested on a MC9S12DG255 mounted on a Elektronikladen HCS12 T-board.

Beware that there are a few differences in the MSCAN module of the 68HC12 and HCS12 microcontroller. For a HC12, you must adapt the driver that we provide for HCS12.

For the difference MSCAN HC12/HCS12, see the Motorola application note AN2011/D.

Configure switch:


To do a CANopen node running on a microncontroller Motorola MC9S12DP256, you need :

  1. The compiler GNU gcc for HC11, HC12, HCS12 : m6811-elf.
    Download the release 3.1 at :

  2. A board with this chip. We are using the T-board from Electronikladden.
  3. At least about 40 kBytes of program memory.
  4. A tool to flash the memory. (We are using the hight cost Lauterbach debugger).


epimerde 2007-06-05