Generator of Canopen SYNC message (cobid = 0x80) --------------------------------------------- 27 Janv 2005. Revised 13 Dec 2006 Status of the code : ==================== Tested with - CanFestival 3 rc2 (cvs version) - gcc port for HC12 release 3.1 - Microcontroler MC9S12DP256 on board T-board ( To build the example -------------------- a) Compile CanFestival for hcs12 : Go to the root of CanFestival and enter ./configure --target=hcs12 make clean all b) Build the example cd examples/gene_SYNC_HCS12 make clean all What does the node ? ==================== Just reset it, it should send the SYNC (cobId 0x80) every 10 ms Informations availables if you connect the serial port 0 to a terminal configured at 38400 8N1 The node default values : nodeId = 0x03 CAN rate = 250 kbps Please read appli.c, these values can be modified by switch. If you put the node in operational state, the CAN messages received are filtered : Only the NMT and Nodeguard can be received. The parameters of the filter are mapped in the object dictionary, so that the filter can be configured by SDO before entering in operational state. See the object dictionary index 2015 to 2023. To have the values applied, always download at 0x2023 index 0 the value 1 before entering in operational. Read the file objdict.c to see the capabilities of the node. To change the period of SYNC, In pre-operational mode, send the SDO message cobid | .... (all in hexa): 0x603 | 23 06 10 00 40 42 0F 00 to have a SYNC generated every 1 second. The change is instantaneous. (Assume that the nodeId is 3).