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\setlength\paperwidth{8.2673in}\setlength\paperheight{11.6925in}\setlength\voffset{-1in}\setlength\hoffset{-1in}\setlength\topmargin{0.1965in}\setlength\headheight{12pt}\setlength\headsep{0cm}\setlength\footskip{12pt+0.1965in}\setlength\textheight{11.6925in-0.1965in-0.7874in-0cm-12pt-0.1965in-12pt}\setlength\oddsidemargin{0.3937in}\setlength\textwidth{8.2673in-0.3937in-0.3937in} nico@208: \renewcommand\thepage{\arabic{page}} nico@208: \setlength{\skip\footins}{0.0398in}\renewcommand\footnoterule{\vspace*{-0.0071in}\noindent\textcolor{black}{\rule{0.25\columnwidth}{0.0071in}}\vspace*{0.0398in}} nico@208: } nico@208: \makeatother nico@208: \pagestyle{Standard} nico@208: \setlength\tabcolsep{1mm} nico@208: \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.3} nico@208: \begin{document} nico@208: {\centering\sffamily nico@208: CanFestival3. Version 3.0\newline nico@208: The CANOpen stack manual nico@208: \par} nico@208: nico@208: \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} nico@208: \renewcommand\contentsname{Table of contents} nico@208: \tableofcontents nico@208: \section{Introduction} nico@208: This document describe the CANOpen layer.CanFestival is an OpenSource nico@208: (LGPL) CANOpen framework. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{The CanFestival project} nico@208: This project, initiated by Edouard TISSERANT in 2001, as grown thanks to nico@208: Francis DUPIN and other contributors. nico@208: nico@208: Today, CanFestival focuses on providing an ANSI{}-C platform independent nico@208: CANOpen stack that can be implemented as master or slave nodes on PCs, nico@208: Real{}-time IPCs, and Microcontrollers. nico@208: nico@208: CanFestival is a project supported by Lolitech. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{What is CANopen} nico@208: CANopen is a CAN based high level protocol. It defines some protocols to nico@208: : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLi nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Configure a CAN network. nico@208: \item Transmit data to a specific node or in broadcast. nico@208: \item Administrate the network. For example detecting a not responding nico@208: node. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: The documentation can be found in the Can in automation website : nico@208: nico@208: \href{}{http://www.can{}} nico@208: nico@208: The most important document about CANopen is the normative CiA Draft nico@208: Standard 301, version 4.02. You can now download with no cost the nico@208: specification in Can in automation website. nico@208: nico@208: To continue reading this document, let us assume that you have read some nico@208: papers introducing CANopen. nico@208: nico@208: \section{CanFestival Features} nico@208: \subsection{Tools } nico@208: The CANopen library is coming with some tools : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Object Dictionary editor GUI. WxPython Model{}-View{}-Controler nico@208: based GUI, that help a lot in generating object dictionary source code nico@208: for each node. nico@208: \item A configure script, that let you chose compile time options such nico@208: as target CPU/HOST, CAN and TIMER drivers.\newline nico@208: This script have not been generated with autoconf, it have been made nico@208: keeping micro{}-controller target in mind. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsection{Standard conformance} nico@208: \paragraph{Multi{}-Platform} nico@208: \liststyleLiii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Library source code is C{}-ANSI. nico@208: \item Driver and examples coding conventions merely depend on target nico@208: specific contributor/compiler. nico@208: \item Unix compatible interfaces and examples should compile and run on nico@208: any Unix system (tested on GNU/Linux and GNU/FreeBSD). nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \paragraph{CanOpen conformance} nico@208: {\bfseries\upshape nico@208: DS{}-301} nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLiv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Should conform to DS301. V.4.02 13 february 2002. nico@208: \item Master and Slave functionality implemented. nico@208: \item Sending SYNC implemented. nico@208: \item 1 SDO server per node. (update: more than one possible. To be more nico@208: tested) nico@208: \item Unlimited SDO client. nico@208: \item SDO transmission mode : normal, expedited download and upload. nico@208: \item Unlimited PDO receive. nico@208: \item Unlimited PDO transmit. nico@208: \item Object Data type implemented : 8, 16, 32 bits values, and fixed nico@208: length strings. nico@208: \item Slave state full implemented. nico@208: \item NMT to change slave{\textquotesingle}s state implemented. nico@208: \item PDO transmission mode : on request, every reception of 0 to n nico@208: SYNC, on event. nico@208: \item NMT Heartbeat implemented : A node can be either heartbeat nico@208: producer or receiver. nico@208: \item NMT NodeGuard implemented : Not fully implemented. nico@208: \item TIME (time Stamp) : Not implemented. nico@208: \item EMCY (emergency objects) : Not implemented. nico@208: \item PDO Mapping bit per bit implemented. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: {\bfseries\upshape nico@208: DS{}-302} nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLiv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Concise \ DFC : implemented. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \section{How to start} nico@208: \subsection{Host requirements} nico@208: What you need on your development workstation. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Object Dictionary Editor GUI} nico@208: \liststyleLv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Python, with nico@208: \item wxPyhon modules installed (at least version 2.6.3). nico@208: \item Gnosis xml tools. (Optional can also be installed locally to the nico@208: project automatically will the help of a Makefile. Please see nico@208: \hyperlink{a91UsingDictionaryEditorGUIoutline}{9.1) Using Dictionary nico@208: Editor GUI} ) nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsubsection[\ Linux and Unix{}-likes]{\ Linux and Unix{}-likes} nico@208: \liststyleLv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Linux, FreeBSD, Cygwin or any Unix environment with GNU toolchain. nico@208: \item The GNU C compiler (gcc) or any other ANSI{}-C compiler for your nico@208: target platform. nico@208: \item Xpdf, and the official 301\_v04000201.pdf file in order to get GUI nico@208: context sensitive help. Download the ds301 at nico@208: \href{}{http://www.can{}}. nico@208: \item GNU Make nico@208: \item Bash and sed nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsubsection{Windows (for native win32 target)} nico@208: \liststyleLv nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Visual Studio Express 2005 or worst. nico@208: \item Microsoft platform SDK (requires Genuine Advantage) nico@208: \item Cygwin (for configuration only) nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsection{How to get CanFestival} nico@208: Please always use CVS, this is the best way to get the most reactive nico@208: support from the developer community : nico@208: nico@208: cvs {} nico@208: login\newline nico@208: (type return, without entering a password) nico@208: nico@208: Then, enter : \newline nico@208: cvs {}-z3 {} co nico@208: {}-P CanFestival{}-3 nico@208: nico@208: \section{Understanding Canfestival} nico@208: \subsection{CanFestival Project tree layout} nico@208: Simplified directory structure. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./src ANSI{}-C source of CANOpen stack} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: \ /include Exportables Header files} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./drivers Interfaces to specific platforms/HW} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/unix Linux and Cygwin OS interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/win32 Native Win32 OS interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/timers\_xeno Xenomai timers/threads (Linux only)} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/timers\_unix Posix timers/threads (Linux, Cygwin)} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/can\_peak\_linux PeakSystem CAN library interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/can\_peak\_win32 PeakSystem PCAN{}-Light interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/can\_uvccm\_win32 Acacetus{\textquotesingle}s RS232 nico@208: ``CAN{}-uVCCM'' interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/can\_virtual Fake CAN network (Linux, Cygwin)} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./drivers/hcs12 HCS12 full target interface} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./examples Examples} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/TestMasterSlave 2 nodes, NMT SYNC SDO PDO, win32+unix} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/TestMasterMicroMod 1 node, control Peak I/O Module, unix} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/gene\_SYNC\_HCS12 Just send periodic SYNC on HCS12} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/win32test Ask some DS301 infos to a node (\textbf{win32)}} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./objdictgen Object Dictionary editor GUI} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./objdictgen/config Pre{}-defined OD profiles} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./objdictgen/examples Some examples/test OD} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily\bfseries nico@208: ./doc Project and CanOpen doc} nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Implement CanFestival in your application} nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@208: \includegraphics[width=20cm]{Pictures/10000201000003F9000002CF880931E7.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{CanFestival CAN interfaces} nico@208: Because most CAN controllers and drivers implement FIFOs, CanFestival nico@208: consider sending message as a non bloking operation. nico@208: nico@208: In order to prevent reentrent calls to the stack, messages reception is nico@208: implemented differently on {\textmu}C and OS.: nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLvi nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item {\textmu}C must provide interuption masking for timer and can nico@208: receive IT\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=16cm]{Pictures/10000201000003CA0000016604E6A5EF.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \item OS must provide a receive thread, a timer thread and a mutex. CAN nico@208: reception is a bloking operation.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=16cm]{Pictures/10000201000003F9000002CF8B0CDAEA.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsection{CanFestival events scheduling} nico@208: A CanOpen node must be able to take delayed actions. nico@208: nico@208: As exemples, periodic sync emission, heartbeat production or SDO timeout nico@208: need to set some alarms that will be called later and do the job. nico@208: nico@208: {\textmu}C generaly do not have enough free timers to handle all the nico@208: CanOpen needs directly. Moreover, CanFestival internal data may be nico@208: corrupt by reentrant calls. nico@208: nico@208: CanFestival implement a micro{}-scheduler (timer.c). It uses only one nico@208: timer to mimic many timers. It manage an alarm table, and call alarms nico@208: at desired time. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=13cm]{Pictures/100000000000022C000000DEDAD2140C.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: Scheduler can handle short clock value ranges limitation found on some nico@208: {\textmu}C. As an example, value range for a 16bit clock counter with nico@208: 4{\textmu}s tick is crossed within 0.26 seconds... Long alarms must be nico@208: segmented. nico@208: nico@208: Chronogram illustrate a long alarm (A) and a short periodic alarm (B), nico@208: with a A value {\textgreater} clock range {\textgreater} B value. nico@208: Values t0...t8 are successive setTimer call parameter values. t1 nico@208: illustrates an intermediate call to TimeDispatch, caused by a delay nico@208: longer than clock range. Because of long alarm segmentation, at the end nico@208: of t1, TimeDispatch call will not trig any alarm callback. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=18cm]{Pictures/1000000000000396000000FFC42573DA.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \section{Linux Target} nico@208: Linux target is default configure target. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Linux Compilation and installation} nico@208: Call ./configure {--}help to see all available compile time options. nico@208: nico@208: After invoking ./configure with your platform specific switches, just nico@208: type make. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./configure [options]} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: \textstyleTeletype{make install}} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Standard Linux node} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-timers=unix} nico@208: nico@208: To do a CANopen node running on PC{}-Linux, you need : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLvii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item A working linux distribution nico@208: \item One or more Peak system PC CAN interface and the last Peak Linux nico@208: driver installed. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsubsection{Real{}-Time Linux node} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-timers=xeno} nico@208: nico@208: To do a CANopen node running on PC{}-Linux, you need : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLviii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item A working Linux distribution patched with XENOMAI 2.1 or greater. nico@208: \item One or more Peak system PC CAN interface and the last Peak Real nico@208: Time Linux driver installed. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsubsection{CAN devices} nico@208: Curently supported CAN devices and corresponding configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Peak systems} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-can=peak\_linux} nico@208: nico@208: PeakSystems CAN interface is automatically chosen as default CAN nico@208: interface if libpcan is present in the system. nico@208: nico@208: Please download driver at nico@208: \href{}{http://www.peak{}} nico@208: and follow instructions in order to install driver on your system. nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Socket{}-Can (} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-can=socket} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{LinCan} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-can=lincan} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Virtual CAN interfaces (for test/debug)} nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-can=virtual} nico@208: nico@208: Virtual CAN interface use Unix pipes to emulate a virtual CAN network. nico@208: Each message issued from a node is repeat to all other nodes. Currently nico@208: only works with nodes running in the same process, and does not support nico@208: work with Xenomai. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Testing your CanFestival installation} nico@208: Sample provided in /example/TestMasterSlave is installed into your nico@208: system during installation. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: TestMasterSlave} nico@208: nico@208: Default can driver library is libcanfestival\_can\, which nico@208: will simply pass CAN messages through Unix pipes between Master and nico@208: Slave. nico@208: nico@208: You may also want to specify different can interface and define some CAN nico@208: ports. An other example using Peak{\textquotesingle}s dual PCMCIA nico@208: (configure and install with {--}can=peak) : nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: TestMasterSlave {}-l libcanfestival\_can\ {}-s 40 {}-m 41} nico@208: nico@208: \section{Windows Targets} nico@208: CanFestival can be compiled and run on Windows platform. It is possible nico@208: to use both Cygwin and win32 native runtime environment. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Object Dictionary Editor GUI installation.} nico@208: Please refer to nico@208: \hyperlink{a821UsingDictionaryEditorGUIoutline}{8.2.1)Using Dictionary nico@208: Editor GUI} nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{CYGWIN} nico@208: \subsubsection{Requirements} nico@208: Cygwin have to be installed with those packages : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLix nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item gcc nico@208: \item unzip nico@208: \item wget nico@208: \item make nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: Currently, the only supported CAN devices are PeakSystems ones, with nico@208: PcanLight driver and library. nico@208: nico@208: Please download driver at nico@208: \href{}{http://www.peak{}\_gb.html} nico@208: \ and follow instructions in order to install driver on your system. nico@208: nico@208: Install Cygwin as required, and the driver for your Peak CAN device. nico@208: nico@208: Open a Cygwin terminal, and follow those instructions: nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Cygwin configuration and compilation} nico@208: \paragraph{A single node with PcanLight and Peak CAN{}-USB adapter} nico@208: Download the PCAN{}-Light Zip file for your HW ( URL from download page nico@208: ): nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: wget http://www.peak{}} nico@208: nico@208: Extract its content into your cygwin home (it will create a ``Disk'' nico@208: directory): nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: unzip} nico@208: nico@208: Configure CanFestival3 providing path to the desired PcanLight nico@208: implementation: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cd CanFestival{}-3} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: export PCAN\_INCLUDE=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Api/} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: export PCAN\_HEADER=Pcan\_usb.h} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: export PCAN\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash} nico@208: C++/Pcan\_usb.lib} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./configure {}-{--}can=peak\_win32} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make} nico@208: nico@208: In order to test, you have to use another CanFestival node, connect with nico@208: a CAN cable. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_usb.dll .} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/TestMasterSlave/TestMasterSlave {\textbackslash}} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-l drivers/can\_peak\_win32/cygcan\_peak\_win32.dll nico@208: {\textbackslash}} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-S 500K {}-M none} nico@208: nico@208: Then, on the other node : nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./TestMasterSlave {}-l my\ {}-S none {}-M 500K} nico@208: nico@208: Now messages are beeing exchanged between master and slave node. nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Two nodes with PcanLight and Peak dual PCMCIA{}-CAN adapter} nico@208: Download the PCAN{}-Light Zip file for your HW ( URL from download page nico@208: ): nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: wget http://www.peak{}} nico@208: nico@208: Extract its content into your cygwin home (it will create a ``Disk'' nico@208: directory): nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: unzip} nico@208: nico@208: The configure CanFestival3 providing path to the desired PcanLight nico@208: implementation: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: export PCAN\_INCLUDE=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Api/\newline nico@208: export PCAN\_HEADER=Pcan\_pcc.h\newline nico@208: export PCAN\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash} nico@208: C++/Pcan\_pcc.lib\newline nico@208: export PCAN2\_HEADER=Pcan\_2pcc.\newline nico@208: export PCAN2\_LIB=\~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Lib/Visual{\textbackslash} nico@208: C++/Pcan\_2pcc.lib} nico@208: nico@208: In order to test, just connect together both CAN ports of the PCMCIA nico@208: card. Don{\textquotesingle}t forget 120ohms terminator. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_pcc.dll .} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cp \~{}/Disk/PCAN{}-Light/Pcan\_2pcc.dll .} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./examples/TestMasterSlave/TestMasterSlave {\textbackslash}} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-l drivers/can\_peak\_win32/cygcan\_peak\_win32.dll} nico@208: nico@208: Messages are then exchanged between master and slave node, both inside nico@208: TestMasterSlave{\textquotesingle}s process. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Visual Studio C++} nico@208: \subsubsection{Requirements} nico@208: Minimal Cygwin installation is required at configuration time in order nico@208: to create specific header files (config.h and cancfg.h). Once this nico@208: files created, cygwin is not necessary any more. nico@208: nico@208: Project and solution files have been created and tested with Visual nico@208: Studio Express 2005. Be sure to have installed Microsoft Platform SDK, nico@208: as recommended at the end of Visual Studio installation. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Configuration with cygwin} nico@208: Follow instructions given at nico@208: \hyperlink{a422Cygwinconfigurationandcompilationoutline}{4.2.2)Cygwin nico@208: configuration and compilation}, but do neither call make nor do tests, nico@208: just do configuration steps. This will create headers files accordingly nico@208: to your configuration parameters, and the desired CAN hardware. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Compilation with Visual Studio} nico@208: You can either load independents ``*.vcproj'' project files along your nico@208: own projects in your own solution or load the provided nico@208: ``CanFestival{}-3.vc8.sln'' solution files directly. nico@208: nico@208: Build CanFestival{}-3 project first. nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{PcanLight and the can\_peak\_win32 project.} nico@208: Chosen Pcan\_xxx.lib and eventually Pcan\_2xxx.lib files must be added nico@208: to can\_peak\_win32 \ \ project before build of the DLL. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Testing} nico@208: Copy eventually needed dlls (ie : Pcan\_Nxxx.lib) into Release or Debug nico@208: directory, and run the test program: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: TestMasterSlave.exe {}-l can\_peak\_win32.dll} nico@208: nico@208: \section{Motorola HCS12} nico@208: The examples have been tested on a MC9S12DG255 mounted on a nico@208: Elektronikladen HCS12 T{}-board. nico@208: nico@208: Beware that there are a few differences in the MSCAN module of the nico@208: 68HC12 and HCS12 microcontroller. For a HC12, you must adapt the driver nico@208: that we provide for \ the HCS12. nico@208: nico@208: For the difference MSCAN HC12/HCS12, see the Motorola application note nico@208: AN2011/D. nico@208: nico@208: Configure switch: nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: {}-{}-target=hcs12} nico@208: nico@208: To do a CANopen node running on a microncontroller Motorola MC9S12DP256, nico@208: you need : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLx nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item The compiler GNU gcc for HC11, HC12, HCS12 : m6811{}-elf. \newline nico@208: Download the \textbf{release 3.1} at : nico@208: \ \href{}{\_pkg\_rpm.php} nico@208: nico@208: \item A board with this chip. We are using the T{}-board from nico@208: Electronikladden. nico@208: \item At least about 40 kBytes of program memory. nico@208: \item A tool to flash the memory. (We are using the hight cost nico@208: Lauterbach debugger). nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \subsection{Running a HCS12 node} nico@208: \subsubsection{Compiling Canfestival:} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: ./configure {--}target=hcs12} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Compiling and building an example} nico@208: Enter in the folder of an HCS12 example, nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make all} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Flashing the memory :} nico@208: Use your prefered loader ! If you are using a debugger Lauterbach, you nico@208: can load the bash file : trace32\_flash\_programmer.cmm. It loads nico@208: directly the elf file. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Connecting to a serial RS232 console :} nico@208: Connect the portS(TxD0) of the HCS12 to a console configured at 19200 nico@208: bauds 8N1, via a Max232 chip to adapt the electricals levels. On Linux, nico@208: you can use minicom. Connecting to a console is usefull to read the nico@208: messages, but not required. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Connecting to the CAN network :} nico@208: Connect the port CAN0 (pin PM0, PM1) to the network via a CAN nico@208: controller. On our board, the CAN controler is a PCA82C250 chip. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{starting the node :} nico@208: Press the reset of your HCS12 board. nico@208: nico@208: \section{Example and test program:} nico@208: The ``examples'' directory contains some test program you can use as nico@208: example for your own developments. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{TestMasterSlave} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: **************************************************************} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ TestMasterSlave nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ A simple example for PC. It does implement 2 CanOpen \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ nodes in the same process. A master and a slave. Both \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ communicate together, exchanging periodically NMT, SYNC, \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ SDO and PDO. Master configure heartbeat producer time \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ at 1000 ms for slave node{}-id 0x02 by concise DCF. nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ Usage: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ ./TestMasterSlave \ [OPTIONS] nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ OPTIONS: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-l : Can library nico@208: [{\textquotedbl}libcanfestival\_can\{\textquotedbl}] nico@208: \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ Slave: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-s : bus name [{\textquotedbl}0{\textquotedbl}] nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-S : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K,none(disable) \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ Master: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-m : bus name [{\textquotedbl}1{\textquotedbl}] nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-M : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K,none(disable) \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: **************************************************************} nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: Notes for Concise DCF :} nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: In this example, Master configure \ heartbeat producer time at 1000 ms nico@208: for slave node{}-id 0x02 by concise DCF according DS{}-302 profile. } nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: } nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: Index 0x1F22 , sub{}-index 0x00 of the master OD, correspond to the nico@208: number of entries. This equal to the maximum possible nodeId (127). nico@208: Each sub{}-index points to the Node{}-ID of the device, to which the nico@208: configuration belongs. } nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: To add more parameters configurations to the slave, the value at nico@208: sub{}-index 0x02 must be a binary stream (little{}-endian) following nico@208: this structure :} nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: } nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: [ nb of entries / index parameter 1 / sub{}-index parameter 1 \ / size nico@208: data parameter 1 \ / data parameter 1 / index parameter n / ...]} nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ (UNS32) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (UNS16) (UNS8) nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (UNS32) \ \ \ (DOMAIN)} nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: } nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: So the binary value stream to configure heartbeat producer time must be nico@208: : } nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: 0100000017100002000000e803} nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: {\sffamily nico@208: The slave node is configured just before the Master entering in nico@208: Pre\_operational state.} nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{gene\_SYNC\_HCS12 :} nico@208: This is a simple CanOpen node that only send cyclic SYNC message. It nico@208: demonstrate implementation on HCS12 based board. nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{TestMasterMicroMod } nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: **************************************************************} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ TestMasterMicroMod nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ A simple example for PC. nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ A CanOpen master that control a MicroMod module: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- setup module TPDO 1 transmit type nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- setup module RPDO 1 transmit type nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- setup module hearbeatbeat period nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- disable others TPDOs nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- set state to operational nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- send periodic SYNC nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- send periodic RPDO 1 to Micromod (digital output) \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- listen Micromod{\textquotesingle}s TPDO 1 (digital input) nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ {}- Mapping RPDO 1 bit per bit (digital input) nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ Usage: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ ./TestMasterMicroMod \ [OPTIONS] nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ OPTIONS: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-l : Can library nico@208: [{\textquotedbl}libcanfestival\_can\{\textquotedbl}] nico@208: \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ Slave: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-i : Slave Node id format [0x01 , 0x7F] nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ Master: nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-m : bus name [{\textquotedbl}1{\textquotedbl}] nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * \ \ \ \ {}-M : 1M,500K,250K,125K,100K,50K,20K,10K nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: * nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: **************************************************************} nico@208: nico@208: \section{Developing a new node} nico@208: Using provided examples as a base for your new node is generally a good nico@208: idea. You can also use the provided *.od files as a base for your node nico@208: object dictionary. nico@208: nico@208: Creating a new CanOpen node implies to define the Object Dictionary of nico@208: this node. For that, developer have to provide a C file. This C file nico@208: contains the definition of all dictionary entries, and some kind of nico@208: index table that helps the stack to access some entries directly. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Using Dictionary Editor GUI} nico@208: The Object Dictionary Editor is a WxPython based GUI that is used to nico@208: create the C file needed to create a new CanOpen node. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Installation and usage on Linux} nico@208: You first have to download and install Gnosis XML modules. This is nico@208: automated by a Makefile rule. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cd objdictgen} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make} nico@208: nico@208: Now start the editor. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: python [od files...]} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Installation and usage on Windows} nico@208: Install Python (at least version 2.4) and wxPython (at least version nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: Cygwin users can install Gnosis XML utils the same as Linux use. Just nico@208: call make. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: cd objdictgen} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: make} nico@208: nico@208: Others will have to download and intall Gnosis XML by hand : nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: Gnosis Utils:} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208:} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208:\_Utils.More/Gnosis\_Utils{}-1.2.1.win32{}-py24.exe} nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: Get latest version.} nico@208: nico@208: Download CanFestival archive and uncompress it. Use windows file nico@208: explorer to go into CanFestival3{\textbackslash}objdicgten, and nico@208: double{}-click on nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{About} nico@208: The Object Dictionary editor GUI is a python application that use the nico@208: Model{}-View{}-Controller design pattern. It depends on WxPython to nico@208: display view on any supported platform. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=7cm]{Pictures/10000201000001FC000001E5D65E8766.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Main view} nico@208: Top list let you choose dictionary section, bottom left list is the nico@208: selected index in that dictionary, and bottom right list are edited nico@208: sub{}-indexes. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=14cm]{Pictures/10000201000003E7000001C7B0296577.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pictures/10000000000000B6000000DF1EDD1E73.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AC000000C9C3F53FA6.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pictures/100000000000006D000000A31EC8CB54.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=3cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AA0000006014F74635.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{New node} nico@208: Edit your node name, ID and type. Choose your inherited specific nico@208: profile. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=11cm]{Pictures/10000201000001CB0000015F4FC09B68.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Node info} nico@208: Edit your node name, ID and type. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=7cm]{Pictures/10000201000001010000011DA724D25C.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Profile editor} nico@208: Chose the used profile to edit.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=4cm]{Pictures/10000000000000AB000000C88F594413.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: Pick up optional chosen profile entries.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=11cm]{Pictures/10000201000002DE000001D82D89C224.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{User types} nico@208: Use User Types to implement value boundaries, and string lentgth\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=11cm]{Pictures/10000201000001C40000010766961D7F.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Mapped variable} nico@208: Add your own specific dictionary entries and associated mapped nico@208: variables.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=11cm]{Pictures/10000201000001C4000000DD129D4661.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Integrated help} nico@208: Using F1 key, you can get context sensitive help.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@208: \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000201000002F30000020B23ED7F67.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: In order to do that, official 301\_v04000201.pdf file must be placed nico@208: into doc/ directory, and xpdf must be present on your system. nico@208: nico@208: F2 key open HTML CanFestival help.\newline nico@208: \begin{center} nico@208: \includegraphics[width=15cm]{Pictures/10000201000003440000025ACC3FD2F1.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Generating the object Dictionary} nico@208: Once object dictionary has been edited and saved, you have to generate nico@208: object dictionary C code for your CanFestival node. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{With GUI} nico@208: Menu entry ``File/Build Dictionary''. nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=4cm]{Pictures/10000201000000B7000000C66AF89CD5.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: Choose C file to create or overwrite. Header file will be also created nico@208: with the same prefix as C file. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{With command line} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: Usage of :\newline nico@208: python XMLFilePath CfilePath} nico@208: nico@208: \section{FAQ} nico@208: \subsection{General} nico@208: \subsubsection{Does the code compiles on Windows ?} nico@208: Yes, with both Cygwin and Visual Studio C++. nico@208: nico@208: Because CANopen layer is coded with C, put a compilation option /TC or nico@208: /TP if you plan to mix C++ files. See the MSDN documentation about nico@208: that. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{How to fit the library to an other microcontr\^oler ?} nico@208: First, be sure that you have at least 40K bytes of program memory, and nico@208: about 2k of RAM. nico@208: nico@208: You have to create target specific interface to HW resources. Take model nico@208: on bundled interfaces provided in drivers/ and create your own nico@208: interface. You also have to update files for target nico@208: specific cflags and options. Chose {--}targer= configure switch to nico@208: compile your specific interface. nico@208: nico@208: You are welcome to contribute{}-back your own interfaces ! Other nico@208: Canfestival users will use it and provide feedback, tests and nico@208: enhancements. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Is CanFestival3 conform to DS301 v.4.02 ?} nico@208: Thanks to Philippe Foureys (IUT of Valence), a slave node have been nico@208: tested with the National Instrument CanOpen Conformance Test. It passed nico@208: the test with success. nico@208: nico@208: Some very small unconformity have been found in very unusual situations, nico@208: for example in the SDO code response to wrong messages. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{LINUX} nico@208: \subsubsection{How to use a Peaksystem CAN board ?} nico@208: Just install peak driver and then compile and install Canfestival. Peak nico@208: driver is detected at compile time. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{How to use an unsupported CAN board ?} nico@208: You have to install the specific driver on your system, with necessary nico@208: libs and headers. nico@208: nico@208: Use can\_peak.c/h or can\_virtual.c/h as an example, and adapt it to nico@208: your driver API. nico@208: nico@208: Execute configure script and choose {}-{}-can=mydriver nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Win32} nico@208: Compatibility: nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLxi nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Code was compiled MS VisualStudio 2003.NET and VisualStudio nico@208: 2005.NET for WindowsXP \ with ANSI and UNICODE configurations and for nico@208: WindowsCE 5.0. nico@208: \item Some preliminary testing was done, but not enough to be used in nico@208: mission critical projects. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: Additional Features: nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLxii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item Non{}-integral integers support implementation UNS24, UNS40, UNS48 nico@208: etc. nico@208: \item When enable debug output with DEBUG\_WAR\_CONSOLE\_ON or nico@208: DEBUG\_ERR\_CONSOLE\_ON, you can navigate in CanFestival source code by nico@208: double clicking at diagnostic lines in VisualStudio.NET 200X Debug nico@208: Output Window. nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: Custom size integral types such as INTEGER24, UNS40, INTEGER56 etc. have nico@208: been defined as 64 bits integers. You will need to replace sizeof(TYPE) nico@208: operators to sizeof\_TYPE definitions in generated code, i.e. replace nico@208: sizeof(UNS40) with sizeof\_UNS40. nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{HCS12} nico@208: \subsubsection{Which board are you using ?} nico@208: A T{}-board from elektronikladen with a MC9S12DP256 or MC9S12DG256. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Does the code compile with an other compiler than GNU gcc nico@208: ?} nico@208: It is known to work with Metrowerks CodeWarrior. Here are some tips from nico@208: Philippe Foureys. : nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Interrupt functions} nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for GCC:} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: // prototype\newline nico@208: void \_\_attribute\_\_((interrupt))timer3Hdl(void):\newline nico@208: // function\newline nico@208: void \_\_attribute\_\_((interrupt))timer3Hdl(void)\{...\}} nico@208: nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: // protoype\newline nico@208: void interrupt timer3Hdl(void);\newline nico@208: // function\newline nico@208: pragma CODE\_SEG\_\_NEAR\_SEG\_NON\_BANKED\newline nico@208: void interrupt timer3Hdl(void)\newline nico@208: \{...\}\newline nico@208: pragma CODE\_SEG\_DEFAULT} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Interrupt lock, unlock} nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for GCC} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: void unlock (void)\newline nico@208: \{\newline nico@208: \ \_\_asm\_\_ nico@208: \_\_volatile\_\_({\textquotedbl}cli{\textquotedbl});\newline nico@208: \}\newline nico@208: void lock (void)\newline nico@208: \{\newline nico@208: \ unsigned short mask;\newline nico@208: \ \_\_asm\_\_ nico@208: \_\_volatile\_\_({\textquotedbl}tpa{\textbackslash}n{\textbackslash}tsei{\textquotedbl}:{\textquotedbl}=d{\textquotedbl}(mask));\newline nico@208: \}} nico@208: nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: void unlock (void)\newline nico@208: \{\newline nico@208: \ \_\_asm({\textquotedbl}cli{\textquotedbl});\newline nico@208: \}\newline nico@208: void lock (void)\newline nico@208: \{\newline nico@208: \ unsigned short mask;\newline nico@208: \ \_\_asm\newline nico@208: \{\newline nico@208: \ tpa:tsei:{\textquotedbl}=d{\textquotedbl}(mask);\newline nico@208: \}\newline nico@208: \}} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Initialize function} nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for GCC} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: void initCanHCS12 (void)\newline nico@208: \{ \ \newline nico@208: \ //Init the HCS12 microcontroler for CanOpen \newline nico@208: \ initHCS12();\newline nico@208: \ \ // Init the HCS12 \ CAN driver\newline nico@208: \ const canBusInit bi0 = \{\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no low power \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */ nico@208: \newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no time stamp nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 1, \ \ \ /* enable MSCAN nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* clock source : oscillator (In fact, it is not used) nico@208: \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no loop back nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no listen only nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no low pass filter for wk up */\newline nico@208: \ CAN\_Baudrates[CAN\_BAUDRATE\_250K],\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \{\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, \ \ \ /* Filter on 16 bits.\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ See Motorola Block Guide V02.14 fig nico@208: 4{}-3 */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 hight accept all msg nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 low accept all msg nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 hight filter all of \ msg nico@208: \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 low filter all of \ msg nico@208: \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 hight filter most of \ msg nico@208: */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 low filter most of \ msg nico@208: \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 hight filter most of \ msg nico@208: */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 low filter most of \ msg nico@208: \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \}\newline nico@208: \ \};} nico@208: nico@208: \subparagraph{Code for CodeWarrior} nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: void initCanHCS12 (void)\newline nico@208: \{ \ \newline nico@208: \ //Init the HCS12 microcontroler for CanOpen \newline nico@208: \ initHCS12();\newline nico@208: \ \ // Init the HCS12 \ CAN driver\newline nico@208: \ const canBusInit bi0 = \{\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no low power \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */ nico@208: \newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no time stamp nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 1, \ \ \ /* enable MSCAN nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* clock source : oscillator (In fact, it is not used) nico@208: \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no loop back nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no listen only nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ 0, \ \ \ /* no low pass filter for wk up */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \{\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ 1, /* clksrc */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ 3, /* brp \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ 0, /* sjw \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ 0, /* samp \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ 1, /* tseg2 \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ 12,/* tseg1 \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \},\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \{\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, \ \ \ /* Filter on 16 bits.\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ See Motorola Block Guide V02.14 fig nico@208: 4{}-3 */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 hight accept all msg nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 0 low accept all msg nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 hight filter all of \ msg nico@208: \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 1 low filter all of \ msg nico@208: \ \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 hight filter most of \ msg nico@208: */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 2 low filter most of \ msg nico@208: \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 hight filter most of \ msg nico@208: */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \ \ 0x00, 0xFF, /* filter 3 low filter most of \ msg nico@208: \ \ */\newline nico@208: \ \ \ \}\newline nico@208: \ \};} nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Who to use warnings and errors messages ?} nico@208: \paragraph{Warnings messages} nico@208: \begin{longtable}[c]{|p{0.8476598in}|p{0.7761598in}|p{1.0268599in}|p{-0.026640158in}|p{1.0386599in}|p{1.2247599in}|p{1.1761599in}|} nico@208: \hline nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: DEBUG\_WAR\_CONSOLE \_ON} nico@208: & nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: DEBUG \_CAN} nico@208: & nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: PrintMsg{}-WarTo{}-Console} nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: Printing long message on console } nico@208: & nico@208: \textbf{Printing short message on console.} (number and value only) nico@208: & nico@208: \textbf{Sending number and value in a PDO}., only if the node is a nico@208: slave, in operational state. nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: \endhead nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: 1 nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: 0 nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: UNDEF nico@208: & nico@208: 1 nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: UNDEF nico@208: & nico@208: 0 nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: UNDEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: \end{longtable} nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Errors messages} nico@208: \begin{longtable}[c]{|p{0.8476598in}|p{0.7351598in}|p{0.6511598in}|p{0.7865598in}|p{-0.026640158in}|p{0.8087598in}|p{0.9955599in}|p{1.1858599in}|} nico@208: \hline nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: DEBUG\_ERR\_CONSOLE \_ON} nico@208: & nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: DEBUG \_CAN} nico@208: & nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: PDO \_ERROR } nico@208: & nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: PrintMsg{}-ErrTo{}-Console} nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: Printing long message on console} nico@208: & nico@208: \textbf{Printing short message on console.} (number and value only) nico@208: & nico@208: \textbf{Sending number and value in a PDO}., only if the node is a nico@208: slave, in operational state. nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: \endhead nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: 1 nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: 0 nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: UNDEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: 1 nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: UNDEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: 0 nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: UNDEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: DEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: yes nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: UNDEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: UNDEF nico@208: & nico@208: X nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: & nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: \\\hline nico@208: \end{longtable} nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{Does the code works in banked memory ?} nico@208: No. Today it seems that the port of gcc is bogged for using the banked nico@208: memory. So, unfortunately, we are limited to 48 Kbytes of memory code. nico@208: nico@208: \subsubsection{What GCC version are you using ?} nico@208: We are using the stable RPM release 2.2 : nico@208: nico@208: \liststyleLxiii nico@208: \begin{enumerate} nico@208: \item GNU Gcc 3.0.4. Build 20030501 nico@208: \item Newlib 1.10.0 Build 20030421 nico@208: \item GNU Binutils 2.12.1 Build 20030427 nico@208: \end{enumerate} nico@208: \section{Documentation resources} nico@208: \paragraph{CIA : Can in Automation} nico@208: Many documentation on CANopen. nico@208: nico@208: \href{}{http://www.can{}} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Resources and training in CANopen} nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Elektronikladen HCS12 T{}-board} nico@208: \href{}{\_hcs12tb.html} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Gnu gcc compiler for HC12} nico@208: \href{}{\_port.php} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Motorola documentation on HC12} nico@208: \href{}{\_summary.jsp?code=MC9S12DP256} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Lauterbach debugger for HC12} nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: nico@208: \paragraph{Python language} nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: nico@208: \clearpage\section{About the project} nico@208: \subsection{Contributors } nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=10cm]{Pictures/1000020100000258000000832C6FFAB4.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: Unit\'e mixte de recherche INRETS{}-LCPC nico@208: nico@208: sur les Interractions V\'ehicule{}-Infrastructure{}-Conducteur nico@208: nico@208: 14, route de la mini\`ere nico@208: nico@208: 78000 Versailles nico@208: nico@208: FRANCE nico@208: nico@208: Tel : +33 1 40 43 29 01 nico@208: nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: nico@208: \textbf{Contributors :} Francis DUPIN nico@208: nico@208: Camille BOSSARD nico@208: nico@208: Laurent ROMIEUX nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: \begin{center} nico@211: \includegraphics[width=10cm]{Pictures/100002010000013A0000004A96B0C1FF.png} nico@208: \end{center} nico@208: nico@208: LOLITECH nico@208: nico@208: 204, rue du Haut du Pin nico@208: nico@208: 88470 Saint{}-Michel sur Meurthe nico@208: nico@208: FRANCE nico@208: nico@208: Tel : +33 3 29 52 95 67 nico@208: nico@208: \href{}{} nico@208: nico@208: {\bfseries nico@208: Contributors : \textmd{Edouard TISSERANT (Original author)}} nico@208: nico@208: {\mdseries nico@208: Laurent BESSARD} nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: nico@208: Many thanks to the other contributors for their great work: nico@208: nico@208: \textmd{ }Raphael ZULLIGER nico@208: nico@208: \textmd{ }David DUMINY (st\'e A6R) nico@208: nico@208: \textmd{ }Zakaria BELAMRI nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Getting support} nico@208: Send your feedback and bug reports to nico@208: \href{}{canfestival{}}. nico@208: nico@208: For commercial support, \ training and specific integration and nico@208: developments, please ask LOLITECH (see contributors). nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{Contributing} nico@208: You are free to contribute your specific interfaces back to the project. nico@208: This way, you can hope to get support from CanFestival users community. nico@208: nico@208: Please send your patch to nico@208: \href{}{canfestival{}}. nico@208: nico@208: Feel free to create some new predefined DS{}-4xx profiles (*.prf) in nico@208: objdictgen/config, as much as possible respectful to the official nico@208: specifications. nico@208: nico@208: \subsection{License} nico@208: All the project is licensed with LGPL. This mean you can link nico@208: CanFestival with any code without being obliged to publish it. nico@208: nico@208: {\ttfamily nico@208: \#This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen nico@208: Stack. \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#Copyright (C): Edouard TISSERANT, Francis DUPIN and Laurent BESSARD nico@208: \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#See COPYING file for copyrights details. \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \newline nico@208: \#modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public \newline nico@208: \#License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \newline nico@208: \#version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. nico@208: \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. \ See the GNU nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#Lesser General Public License for more details. \newline nico@208: \# \newline nico@208: \#You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software nico@208: \newline nico@208: \#Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA nico@208: \ 02111{}-1307 \ USA } nico@208: nico@208: nico@208: \bigskip nico@208: \end{document}